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Created September 6, 2016 10:38
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Added some comments to the function so its easier to follow whats going on.
<?php //Do not add the opening PHP tag if you already have one
function my_print_tickets_left_after_selector($atts) {
global $wpdb;
//Set $EVT_ID to the id set within the shortcode
$EVT_ID = $atts['evt_id'];
$x = '';
//Setup $x to start UL.
$x .= '<ul style="margin-left:0;">';
//SQL Query to pull in DTT_name, DTT_reg_limit and DTT_sold values for the event id give.
$sql = "SELECT DTT_name, DTT_reg_limit, DTT_sold ";
$sql .= "FROM {$wpdb->prefix}esp_datetime ";
$sql .= "WHERE {$wpdb->prefix}esp_datetime.EVT_ID = %d";
//Run the query to pull the above details.
$datetimes = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $EVT_ID ));
//Loop over $datetimes, for each element use $datetime within the loop.
foreach($datetimes as $datetime){
//If DTT_Name is set, use that value, if not use 'this event'.
$name = !empty($datetime->DTT_name) ? ($datetime->DTT_name) : 'this event';
//Set $limit to the DTT_reg_limit value.
$limit = $datetime->DTT_reg_limit;
//Set $sold to the DTT_sold value.
$sold = $datetime->DTT_sold;
//Remainder places = $limit - $sold
//So this is remaining spaces on the Datetime.
$remainderp = $limit - $sold;
//Set $remain to with 'bucketloads of' or the value within $remainderp depending if the $limit value it -1.
//In otherwords, if there is no limit set on the datetime, set $remain to be 'bucketloads of', otherwise $remain should be the remaining spaces.
$remain = $limit == -1 ? 'bucketloads of' : $remainderp;
//Is $limit equals $sold then the datetime has no remaining spaces, its sold out.
//So if that's the case we don't want to output anyting to do with remaining spaces, just say its sold out...
if ( $limit == $sold ) :
$x .= $name . ' is <b>sold out</b>';
//If its NOT sold out, output the detais below:
else :
//_nx($single, $plural, $number, $context, $domain)
//$single is the output when $number == 1.
//$plural is the output when $number > 1.
//$number (in this case spaces remaining).
//$context, used for translation and allows you to set when the translate.
//$domain, used in translation to say which text domain to use for the translation.
$x .= sprintf( _nx(
'%1$sThere is one space left for %3$s</li>',
'%1$sThere are %2$s spaces left for %3$s</li>',
$remain, 'event ticket info', 'event_espresso' ),
'<li style="list-style-type:none;">', $remain, '<span>' . $name . '</span>'
//Close the UL.
$x .= '</ul>';
//Return he output to the page.
return $x;
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