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Last active April 18, 2019 21:42
Example of how to remove a ticket from the ticket selector is the current use already has a registration on that ticket linked to their contact.
add_filter( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__do_ticket_entire_row', 'tw_remove_ticket_with_previous_registration', 10, 2 );
function tw_remove_ticket_with_previous_registration( $ticket_row_html, EE_Ticket $ticket ) {
// pull the ticket capability set on the ticket.
//$cap_required = $ticket->get_extra_meta('ee_ticket_cap_required', true);
//if (empty($cap_required)) {
// no cap required so user has access by default
//return $ticket_row_html;
// Check the user is logged in
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( ! $user instanceof WP_User ) {
return $ticket_row_html;
// is there an attached EE_Attendee?
$att_id = get_user_option( 'EE_Attendee_ID', $user->ID );
if ( empty( $att_id ) ) {
return $ticket_row_html; //bail, no attached attendee_id.
// grab contact
$contact = EEM_Attendee::instance()->get_one_by_ID( $att_id );
// if no contact then bail
if ( ! $contact instanceof EE_Attendee ) {
return $ticket_row_html;
// does the user have a registration for this ticket?
$registration = $contact->get_first_related(
//'EVT_ID' => $post->ID,
'REG_deleted' => false,
'TKT_ID' => $ticket->ID()
'order_by' => array('REG_date' => 'DESC')
// if they already have a registration on this ticket, remove the ticket from the ticket selector.
if( $registration instanceof EE_Registration ) {
return '';
return $ticket_row_html;
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