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Example of how to parse a custom shortcode ([DATETIME_ID]) added to the EE_Datetime_Shortcodes library.
* This filter allows you to hook in to the shortcode parser, check for a shortcode added above and return a value for it using the data passed to the parser.
* $parsed are the current values being parsed.
* $shortcode is the current shortcode passed to the parser.
* $data is the current data available, this can be different types of objects depending on the parser.
* $extra_data is a collaction of various data available within the messages system.
function ee_register_new_custom_messages_shortcodes_parser( $parsed, $shortcode, $data, $extra_data, EE_Shortcodes $lib ) {
//Check for the datetime shortcodes library as that's one of the libraries we added a custom shortcode to above.
//also check that $data is the expected object (in this case an EE_Datetime as its for the EE_Datetime_Shortcodes library)
if ( $lib instanceof EE_Datetime_Shortcodes && $data instanceof EE_Datetime ) {
//Then check if we are parsing one of our custom shortcodes above.
if ( $shortcode === '[DATETIME_ID]' ) {
//Do whatever you need to do here and return the value for that specific datetime.
//In this example it simply returns the ID of the related EE_Datetime.
return $data->ID();
//If not within the correct section, or parsing the correct shortcode,
//Return the currently parsed content.
return $parsed;
add_filter( 'FHEE__EE_Shortcodes__parser_after', 'ee_register_new_custom_messages_shortcodes_parser', 10, 5 );
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