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Created September 2, 2020 15:41
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/GSN/Context.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Burnable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Pausable.sol";
import "./Lockable.sol";
import "./VCoinRoles.sol";
* @dev {VOCIN ERC20} token, including:
* - ability for holders to burn (destroy) their tokens
* - a minter role that allows for token minting (creation)
* - a pauser role that allows to stop all token transfers
* The account that deploys the contract will be granted the minter and pauser
* roles, as well as the default admin role, which will let it grant both minter
* and pauser roles to other accounts.
contract VCoin is Context, Ownable, ERC20Burnable, ERC20Pausable, Lockable, VCoinRoles {
* @dev sets up imvu contract address with the initial mint.
* Grants DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE to the imvu contract address.
* Grants `MINTER_ROLE`,`PAUSER_ROLE`,`LOCKER_ROLE` to the imvu contract address.
* Account that deploys the contract is no longer the owner of the contract.
* See {ERC20-constructor}.
constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol, uint256 initialmint, address imvuContractAddress) ERC20(name, symbol) {
//Roles are assigned in the constructor of AccessControl.sol
//Adjust initialmint value against default 18 decimals
initialmint = initialmint * (10 ** 18);
//Setup initial mint to IMVU
_mint(imvuContractAddress, initialmint);
//transfer contract ownership to IMVU
//grant roles to IMVU
//Burn is implemented thru Burnable base contract
* @dev Creates `amount` new tokens for `to`.
* See {ERC20-_mint}.
* Requirements:
* - the caller must have the `MINTER_ROLE`.
function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public whenNotLocked onlyMinter {
super._mint(to, amount);
* @dev Pauses all token transfers.
* See {ERC20Pausable} and {Pausable-_pause}.
* Requirements:
* - the caller must have the `PAUSER_ROLE`.
function pause() public onlyPauser {
* @dev Unpauses all token transfers.
* See {ERC20Pausable} and {Pausable-_unpause}.
* Requirements:
* - the caller must have the `PAUSER_ROLE`.
function unpause() public onlyPauser {
* @dev Locks all operations on this contract including minting/transfers. Lock is permanent
* See {ERC20Lockable}.
* Requirements:
* - the caller must have the `ADMIN_ROLE`.
function lock() public onlyLocker {
* @dev Overriding the TokenTransfer hook. This hook is called before Transfer, Mint & Burn.
* This hook will act as a gatekeeper to check if the token transfers are paused or locked.
* Admins can mint/burn/pause/lock
function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override(ERC20, ERC20Pausable) {
// //check for lock condition
// require(!locked(), "VCoin: token transfer while locked.");
//Pause condition is checked inside Pausable implementation
super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);
* @dev we need to prevent approvals during token pause and lock
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public override whenNotPaused returns (bool) {
super.approve(spender, amount);
* @dev we need to prevent allowances during token pause and lock
function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public override whenNotPaused returns (bool) {
super.increaseAllowance(spender, addedValue);
* @dev we need to prevent allowances during token pause and lock
function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public override whenNotPaused returns (bool) {
super.increaseAllowance(spender, subtractedValue);
* @dev we need to prevent allowances during token pause and lock
function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public override whenNotPaused {
super.burnFrom(account, amount);
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