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Last active March 4, 2019 17:09
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  • Save Phil-Factor/7baf205d03353eb2871ec9cd8e27b13b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Phil-Factor/7baf205d03353eb2871ec9cd8e27b13b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell Script for the SQL Clone operation of rolling a clone back to its original state
<# fill these values with the name of the clone that you want to revert/reset; a clone
is best identified by its NetName (server) and database #>
$Reset = @{
'Database' = 'AdventureWorksOurs';
'Server' = 'MyServer'
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
# set "Option Explicit" to catch subtle errors
set-psdebug -strict
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
<# just to make it easier to understand, the various parameter values are structured in a
hierarechy. We iterate over the clones when making or updating them #>
$Errors = @()
#First we read in the configuration from a file (do it so we can use the ISE as well)
<# first, find out where we were executed from #>
{ $executablepath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) }
$executablepath = "$(If ($psISE)
{ Split-Path -Path $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath }
Else { $global:PSScriptRoot })"
$Data = &"$executablePath\CloneConfig.ps1"
<# we read in the data as a structure. #>
$NoSqlCompare = $True;
if ($ -ne $null)
#we define the SQLCompare alias to make calling it easier
Set-Alias SQLCompare $ -Scope Script
$NoSqlCompare = $false;
Write-Warning "We assume you don't want to do a comparison to ensure that any existing work is saved.";
$NoSqlCompare = $true
<#connect to clone #>
Connect-SQLClone -ServerUrl $data.Image.ServerURL `
-ErrorAction silentlyContinue `
-ErrorVariable +Errors
if ($Errors.count -eq 0)
$image = Get-SqlCloneImage -Name $data.Image.Name `
-ErrorAction silentlycontinue `
-ErrorVariable +Errors
if ($Errors.Count -gt 0)
{ Write-Warning "The image $data.Image.Name can't be found" }
<# now we need to find out the clone that we need to use to compare with the clone
that we want to revert to save any differences. #>
if ($Errors.count -eq 0)
$originalClone = @()
$data.clones | foreach {
if ($_.IsOriginal -eq $true)
{ $originalClone = $_ };
if ($_.database -eq $Reset.Database -and $_.NetName -eq $Reset.Server)
{ $ResetClone = $_ }
<# check that we have got everything correctly #>
if ($originalClone.IsOriginal -ne $true)
$errors += 'You have not defined which clone represents the original'
if ($ResetClone.database -ne $Reset.Database -or $ResetClone.NetName -ne $Reset.Server)
errors+= 'You have not defined which clone represents the one you wish to reset'
<# save any schema differences between the two #>
if ($Errors.count -eq 0)
# we need to get hol;d of the passwords for any connection that has a userid
# attached to it. We save these in a file within the user area, relying on NTFS security and
# encryption (gulp)
@($ResetClone, $OriginalClone) | foreach{
if ($_.username -ine '')
#create a connection object to manage credentials
$encryptedPasswordFile = "$env:USERPROFILE\$($_.username)-$($_.Netname).txt"
# test to see if we know about the password un a secure string stored in the user area
if (Test-Path -path $encryptedPasswordFile -PathType leaf)
#has already got this set for this login so fetch it
$encrypted = Get-Content $encryptedPasswordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString
$_.Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($_.username, $encrypted)
else #then we have to ask the user for it
#hasn't got this set for this login
$_.Credentials = get-credential -Credential $Username
$_.Credentials.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString |
Set-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\$SourceLogin-$SourceServerName.txt"
if ($resetClone.Nocheck -ne $true -and $NoSqlCompare -eq $false)
write-verbose "checking whether anything has changed on clone $($ResetClone.Netname) $($ResetClone.Database) compared with $($OriginalClone.Netname) $($OriginalClone.Database)"
<# make sure all the connections are servicable #>
#Now we have the connection information
#we need to make sure that the work directory is there and
# also that there isn't a script file there already.
if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container "$($data.WorkDirectory)"))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$($data.WorkDirectory)" `
-ErrorAction silentlycontinue -ErrorVariable +Errors;
if ($ResetClone.AfterCreateScripts -ne $null)
{write-warning "Your Clone $($ResetClone.Netname) $($ResetClone.Database) has one or more raw scripts to execute.
If they are database changes, these will show up in the comparison!"}
$OutputMigrationScript = "$($data.WorkDirectory)\$($ResetClone.Database)-$($OriginalClone.Database).sql"
# if there is already a script there, we rename it
if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $OutputMigrationScript)
rename-item -literalpath $OutputMigrationScript -NewName "PreviousScript$(Get-Date -format FileDateTime)" -Force `
-ErrorAction silentlycontinue -ErrorVariable +Errors;
<# We assemble all the commandline arguments required for SQL Compare#>
$AllArgs = @("/server1:$($OriginalClone.Netname)", # The source server
"/database1:$($OriginalClone.Database)", #The name of the source database on the source server
"/server2:$($ResetClone.Netname)", #the clone
"/database2:$($ResetClone.Database)", #The name of the database on the clone server
<# We add in extra parameters if necessary to deal with sql server authentication #>
if ($OriginalClone.username -ne '')
$AllArgs += "/password1:$($OriginalClone.Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password)"
$AllArgs += "/username1:$($OriginalClone.username)"
if ($ResetClone.username -ne '')
$AllArgs += "/password2:$($resetClone.Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password)"
$AllArgs += "/username2:$($ResetClone.username)"
<# now we can at last run SQL Compare to save the script changes just in case #>
SQLCompare @AllArgs > "$($data.WorkDirectory)\$($ResetClone.Database)-$($OriginalClone.Database).txt" #save the output
if ($?) { "The clones have now been compared (see $($data.WorkDirectory)\$($ResetClone.Database)-$($OriginalClone.Database).txt)" }
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 63) { 'Databases were identical' }
else { $errors += "we had a comparison error! (code $LASTEXITCODE)" }
if ($ResetClone.AfterCreateScripts -ne $null -and $Errors.count -eq 0)
$ConnectionString = "Data Source=$($ResetClone.Netname);Initial Catalog=$($ResetClone.Database)"
if ($ResetClone.username -eq '')
$ConnectionString += ';Integrated Security=SSPI;'
$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString)
$ConnectionString += ";uid=$($ResetClone.username);pwd=""$($Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password)"";"
$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString)
$sqlCommand = $sqlConnection.CreateCommand()
$ResetClone.AfterCreateScripts.GetEnumerator() | foreach {
$sqlCommand.CommandText = ([IO.File]::ReadAllText($_))
if ($Errors.count -eq 0)
write-verbose "Reverting/resetting the clone $($ResetClone.Netname) $($ResetClone.Database)"
$location = Get-SqlCloneSqlServerInstance | Where server -eq $ResetClone.Netname;
if ($location -eq $null)
{ $errors += "could not find sql server corresponding with $($ResetClone.Netname) " }
if ($Errors.count -eq 0)
Get-SqlClone -Name $ResetClone.Database.ToString() -Location $location `
-ErrorAction silentlyContinue `
-ErrorVariable +Errors |
Reset-SqlClone `
-ErrorAction silentlyContinue `
-ErrorVariable +Errors |
write-verbose "The clone $($ResetClone.Netname) $($ResetClone.Database) is now reset"
<# We collect all the soft errors and deal with them here.#>
if ($errors.Count -gt 0)
$errors | foreach {
Write-error $_; "$((Get-Date).ToString()): $($_) the rollback was aborted">>"$($Data.WorkDirectory)\Errors.log";
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