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Last active July 16, 2022 23:41
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Liste d'acronymes utilisés dans la programmation

Acronyme Définition
Les principes SOLID :
• SRP Single Responsibility Principle
• OCP Open/Closed principle
• LSP Liskov Substitution Principle (un acronyme féministe, du nom de la mathématicienne Barbara Liskov !)
• ISP Interface Segregation Principle (tu vois que ça fait conflit avec "ISP - Internet Service Provider", LAULE)
• DIP Dependency Inversion Principle
Les principes STUPID (corollaire de SOLID) Singleton; Tight coupling, Untestability, Premature optimization, Indescriptive naming, Duplication
Les principes ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
Les systèmes de CRUD Create/Read/Update/Delete
Les principes GRASP General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
DDD Domain-Driven design
BDD Behavior-Driven design
TDD Test-Driven Design
HDD Hype-Driven Design (c'est une parodie)
ADR Action/Domain/Responder
CQRS Command Query Responsibility Segregation
CQS Command Query Separation
DAO Data-Access Object
DAO (Web3) Decentralized autonomous organizations
DI Dependency Injection
DIC Dependency Injection Container
DRY Don't Repeat Yourself
DTO Data-Transfer Object
ESI Edge-side includes
GoF Gang of Four
I/O Input/Output
IoC Inversion of Control
ISP Internet Service Provider
KISS Keep It Simple Stupid
MVC Modèle/Vue/Contrôleur
MVP Model-View-Presenter
MVP (gestion de projet) Minimum valuable product
POO / OOP programmation orientée objet / object-oriented-programming
PWA Progressive Web Application
REST REpresentation State Transfer
SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
SoC Separation of Concerns
SODD StackOverflow-Driven Development (parodie)
SPA Single-Page Application
SSE Server-Sent Events
SSI Server-side Includes
WET Write Everything Twice
YAGNI You Ain't Gonna Need It
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klnjmm commented Feb 16, 2021

You can add WET juste under DRY : Write Everything Twice

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Nyco commented Feb 17, 2021

SODD ? StackOverflow-Driven Deveopment (parodie)

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@klnjmm , @Nyco : added 😁

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