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Last active September 22, 2022 18:35
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  • Save Prof9/77cb2a94c3546798bb6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Prof9/77cb2a94c3546798bb6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
LiveBot: node.js script that notifies you when someone starts streaming specific games on Twitch or Hitbox.
var http = require("http");
var https = require("https");
// Stream objects are passed around in the code below. These are the properties:
// stream.platform = "Twitch" or "Hitbox"
// = name of the streamer
// = name of game (set in updateGame() call)
// stream.desc = stream status/description
// stream.url = url of stream
// stream.viewers = current amount of viewers
// The streams that are currently active.
var currentStreams = [];
// The streams that became inactive in the previous frame.
// Workaround for Twitch API reporting a stream going live when it goes down.
var purgedStreams = [];
function getUrl(url, onend, onerror) {
// Choose the appropriate protocol.
var protocol;
if ((/^http:\/\//).test(url)) {
protocol = http;
} else if ((/^https:\/\//).test(url)) {
protocol = https;
} else {
// Make the request.
//console.log("GET " + url);
var chunks = [];
var request = protocol.get(url, function(response) {
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
response.on("data", function(chunk) {
response.on("end", function() {
} else {
}).on("error", function(e) {
console.log("HTTP error: " + e.message);
function updateStreams(platform, gamename, streams, clean) {
if (typeof clean === "undefined") clean = false;
if (clean === true) {
// Delete all current streams that are not active anymore.
for (var i = 0; i < currentStreams.length; i++) {
// Check if stream is no longer in active streams of same platform and game.
if (currentStreams[i].platform == platform &&
currentStreams[i].game == gamename &&
findStream(streams, currentStreams[i]) < 0) {
// Remove the stream from the active streams.
purgedStreams.push(currentStreams.splice(i--, 1));
// Add all new active streams.
for (var i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) {
var stream = streams[i];
// Check if stream is currently not in active streams.
var streamIndex = findStream(currentStreams, stream);
if (streamIndex < 0) {
// Add it to the active streams.
// Report the stream as active if it's not in the purged streams.
if (findStream(purgedStreams, stream) < 0) {
} else {
// Update the stream.
currentStreams[streamIndex] = stream;
// Clear all purged streams.
for (var i = 0; i < purgedStreams.length; i++) {
// Remove purged stream if it has the same game.
if (purgedStreams[i].game == gamename) {
purgedStreams.splice(i--, 1);
if (clean === true) {
//console.log(currentStreams.length + " streams active.");
function findStream(array, stream) {
// Find the first index of the stream in the array using streamEquals().
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (streamEquals(array[i], stream)) {
return i;
return -1;
function streamEquals(stream1, stream2) {
return stream1.url == stream2.url && == &&
stream1.desc == stream2.desc;
function getStreams(platform, gamename, gameid, ondata, onend, onerror, maxtries,
interval, page, pagesize, tries) {
// Set default parameters.
if (typeof maxtries === "undefined") maxtries = 2;
if (typeof page === "undefined") page = 0;
if (typeof interval === "undefined") interval = 3000;
if (typeof tries === "undefined") tries = maxtries;
if (typeof pagesize === "undefined") pagesize = 25;
// Form request URL.
var url;
if (platform == "Twitch") { url = ""; }
if (platform == "Hitbox") { url = ""; }
url += "?game=" + encodeURIComponent(gameid);
url += "&limit=" + pagesize;
url += "&offset=" + page * pagesize;
if (platform == "Hitbox") { url += "&fast=" + true; }
// Make the API request.
getUrl(url, function(data) {
// Check Hitbox empty return value.
if (platform == "Hitbox" && data == "no_media_found") {
// Pass received streams.
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (platform == "Twitch") ondata(extractTwitchStreams(data, gamename));
if (platform == "Hitbox") ondata(extractHitboxStreams(data, gamename));
// Determine whether there are more pages to get.
var more = false;
if (platform == "Twitch") more = page * pagesize < data._total;
if (platform == "Hitbox") more = data.livestream.length == pagesize;
if (more) {
// Get next page, if necessary.
getStreams(platform, gamename, gameid, ondata, onend, onerror,
maxtries, interval, page, pagesize, maxtries);
} else {
// Signify end of data.
}, function() {
// Form error message.
var status = "Error returned from " + platform + " API: page="
+ page + ", gamename=" + gamename + ".";
if (--tries > 0) {
// Retry, if there are tries left.
status += " Retrying in " + interval + "ms (" + tries + " left)...";
setTimeout(function() {
getStreams(platform, gamename, gameid, ondata, onend, onerror,
maxtries, interval, page, pagesize, maxtries);
}, interval);
} else {
// Abort.
status += " Request aborted.";
function extractTwitchStreams(data, gamename) {
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.streams.length; i++) {
var stream = data.streams[i];
platform: "Twitch",
game: gamename,
viewers: stream.viewers
return results;
function extractHitboxStreams(data, gamename) {
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.livestream.length; i++) {
var stream = data.livestream[i];
platform: "Hitbox",
name: stream.media_display_name,
game: gamename,
url: "" + stream.media_name,
desc: stream.media_status,
viewers: stream.media_views
return results;
function updateGame(platform, gamename, gameid) {
if (typeof gameid === "undefined") gameid = gamename;
var results = [];
getStreams(platform, gamename, gameid, function(data) {
// Got some streams; add them to the rest.
results = results.concat(data);
}, function() {
// Call successful; clean up inactive streams.
updateStreams(platform, gamename, results, true);
}, function() {
// Call (partially) failed; do not clean up inactive streams.
updateStreams(platform, gamename, results, false);
function reportStream(stream) {
// Modify this method to do whatever you want to do when a stream goes live.
console.log( + " is now playing " + + "! \""
+ stream.desc + "\" - " + stream.url);
function initQueue(queue) {
return setInterval(function() {
var game =;
updateGame(queue.platform,, ||;;
// Put the length for one cycle (in ms) here.
}, 30000 /;
// Initialize Twitch queue.
platform: "Twitch",
games: [
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network" },
{ name: "Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star" },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 2" },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 3" },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 4" },
{ name: "Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation" },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 5" },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS" },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 6" },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge" },
{ name: "Mega Man Network Transmission" },
{ name: "Rockman EXE WS" },
{ name: "Mega Man Star Force" },
{ name: "Mega Man Star Force 2" },
{ name: "Mega Man Star Force 3" },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network Chrono X" }
// Initialize Hitbox queue.
platform: "Hitbox",
games: [
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network", id: 7705 },
{ name: "Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star", id: 21710 },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 2", id: 5312 },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 3", id: 11480 },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 4", id: 4021 },
{ name: "Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation", id: 10393 },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 5", id: 10999 },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS", id: 8916 },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Network 6", id: 7535 },
{ name: "Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge", id: 15975 },
{ name: "Mega Man Star Force", id: 2567 },
{ name: "Mega Man Star Force 2", id: 16953 },
{ name: "Mega Man Star Force 3", id: 17652 }
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Can you make it so it just checks for if a person starts twitch streaming so i can hook it up with my discord bot to show if the person started streaming

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