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Austin Anderson ProtractorNinja

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##ClemsonCompSci Rules and Regulations

##ClemsonCompSci is a channel on the freenode network made for and by undergraduate computer science students at Clemson University. Its purpose is to both develop the student computing community and provide an easily accessible place to ask for help with assignments. In order to uphold this definition, our channel operators (identified by a @ sign prefixing their name) will strictly enforce the rules listed below. This list is not complete and is subject to change.

The channel is currently operating on a mute system. When you connect to ##ClemsonCompSci, you will be manually granted a voice flag (+v) by an operator or privileged user. Acting out will result in the removal of that voice and, therefore, the loss of your ability to communicate within the channel. New to IRC? Click here.

Violation of any one of these rules will result in (unless stated otherwise) a warning, either expressed verbally or through

ProtractorNinja /
Last active December 17, 2015 12:18
A plugin for BracketHighlighter for Sublime Text 2 that escapes from a bracketed block. Based on the bracketselect plugin.
import bh_plugin
import sublime
DEFAULT_TAGS = ["cfml", "html", "angle"]
class BlockEscape(bh_plugin.BracketPluginCommand):
def run(self, edit, name, tags=DEFAULT_TAGS):
current_left, current_right = self.selection[0].begin(), self.selection[0].end()
left, right = self.left, self.right

Clemson ACM LAN Party Quick Naming Reference

Name History

Revenge of the LAN (Spring 2013)

  1. Level 1: Segmentation Fault
  2. Level 2: Electric Boogaloo
  3. Level 3: The Movie: The Game
ProtractorNinja / Hive and Shark Instructions
Created November 16, 2014 05:09
Notes on Hive and Shark
# Notes on Hive and Shark
## Usage Instructions
1. Unpack .tar to home directory (not ready yet)
2. `qsub hive-and-shark.pbs`
3. `ssh <job root node`
4. `cd ~/hive-and-shark`
5. `source ./` or `source ./`
- Make sure to use `source`: don't just execute the script. `source` will add environment variables to your session.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am protractorninja on github.
  • I am angerson ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is B817 8C47 E7B8 4A84 FF43 2320 FFAF 19F4 C711 AA86

To claim this, I am signing this object: