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This article gives information about mathematical details which come up when one tries to build a realistic space simulation game with realistic physics. Focus here is on physics of various kinds, not graphics or networking because these topics are well treated at other places.

Example code is given in C#, because the language is high level and easy to understand and fast enoguh for copy and paste.

How to compute the thrust of multiple thrusters to fullfill the goal to accelerate in a direction or increase the rotational velocity?

This is a problem of mathematical optimization, which is related to operational research. One good method is to use optimization in the form of , more specifically the simplex algorithm .

training data to finetune a LMt

purpose of the LMt:

  • input is typically a goal and the LM has to figure out commands on how to realize the goal (just like AutoGPT).

source of the data:

  • some of the data was generated with StarCoder with specific prompts

collection of minimal Nim programs to accomplish simple tasks

keywords: Nim keywords: code snippets

just a collection of entertaining video game clips

various Space Creator Pro - Unreal engine 5 Star Citizen - The Future of Gaming: StarEngine (4K) Star Citizen Everspace 2 - Homeworld 3 - Elite Dangerous - Exploring the "World of Death"

explain to me why smart people can stick to irrational beliefs and opinions
There are a few reasons why smart people might stick to irrational beliefs and opinions. One reason is that intelligence does not necessarily equate to critical thinking skills or a willingness to question one's beliefs. A person may be intelligent in certain areas, but lack the ability or inclination to think critically about their beliefs. Another reason is that even highly intelligent people can be influenced by cognitive biases, which are mental shortcuts that can lead us to make flawed judgments and decisions. These biases can affect people of all levels of intelligence, and can lead smart people to hold onto irrational beliefs. Additionally, people's beliefs and opinions are often influenced by their personal experiences and backgrounds, which can make it difficult for them to see things from a different perspective, even if the evidence contradicts their beliefs.

This is a collection of various books and articles about the math of ML models.

Keywords: Mathematics
Keywords: Math
Keywords: machine learning
Keywords: ML

Reinforcement learning

Q:what is a XULLUUU?
Q:what is an elephant?
A:an elephant is a mammel. CONFIDENT
Q:can birds fly into space? Why?
A:no, because air doesn't exist in space. CONFIDENT
Q:can ants fly?