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Last active December 23, 2015 16:18
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Save PtrMan/6660803 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
STRIPS solver in D using generic to speed it up a bit
import std.stdio;
struct EnqueueDequeuePolicy;
mixin template QueueStrategy(Type, PolicyQueueStrategy : EnqueueDequeuePolicy)
public final void enqueue(Type Element, out bool Success)
this.storageEnqueue(Element, Success);
public final Type dequeue(out bool Success)
return this.storageDequeue(Success);
final public bool isEmpty()
return this.storageIsEmpty();
final public bool isNotEmpty()
return !this.isEmpty();
import std.algorithm : remove;
struct DynamicArrayStoreStrategy;
mixin template ListStoreStrategy(Type, PolicyListStoreStrategy : DynamicArrayStoreStrategy, bool IteratorEnabled)
protected final void storageEnqueue(Type Element, out bool Success)
Success = true;
Data ~= Element;
protected final Type storageDequeue(out bool Success)
Type Result;
Success = false;
if( this.Data.length == 0 )
return Type.init;
Result = this.Data[0];
this.Data = remove(this.Data, 0);
Success = true;
return Result;
protected final void deleteAll()
this.Data.length = 0;
final protected bool storageIsEmpty()
return this.Data.length == 0;
private Type[] Data;
private alias typeof(this) OuterThisType;
static if(IteratorEnabled)
final public Test0 getIterator()
return Test0(this);
private struct Test0
public this(OuterThisType Storage)
this.Storage = Storage;
public final @property bool empty() const
return this.CurrentIndex >= this.Storage.Data.length;
public final @property ref Type front()
return this.Storage.Data[this.CurrentIndex];
public final void popFront()
private OuterThisType Storage;
private size_t CurrentIndex = 0;
struct FlushableStrategy;
struct UnflushableStrategy;
mixin template FlushStrategy(PolicyFlushStrategy : FlushableStrategy)
public final void flush()
mixin template AccessStrategy(PolicyAccessStrategy : )
final public @property bool empty() const
return this.Storage.isEmpty();
template Queue(Type, PolicyQueueStrategy, PolicyListStoreStrategy, bool IteratorEnabled, PolicyFlushStrategy)
class Queue
mixin ListStoreStrategy!(Type, PolicyListStoreStrategy, IteratorEnabled) Storage;
mixin QueueStrategy!(Type, PolicyQueueStrategy);
mixin FlushStrategy!(PolicyFlushStrategy);
class PredicateWithBitfieldIndex
this(string Predicate, uint BitfieldIndex)
this.Predicate = Predicate;
this.BitfieldIndex = BitfieldIndex;
public string Predicate;
public uint BitfieldIndex;
template StripsState(uint PredicateBitfieldSize, uint NumbersCount)
struct StripsState
public bool[PredicateBitfieldSize] PredicateBitfield;
public int[NumbersCount] Numbers;
template StripsTreeNode(uint PredicateBitfieldSize, uint NumbersCount)
class StripsTreeNode
public uint DoneActionIndex;
public StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) Parent;
public StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) StateAfterAction;
public bool NoPossibleActions = false;
public uint Depth;
public int[] Variables; // the variables for the action
public StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount)[] Childrens;
public this(StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) Parent, uint Depth)
this.Parent = Parent;
this.Depth = Depth;
/** \brief all classes which inherit from this interface implement a Action for the STRIPS solver
template StripsAction(uint PredicateBitfieldSize, uint NumbersCount)
interface StripsAction
/** \brief returns true if all Post conditions of this action do apply
* \param PostState is the state after the action would be applied
* \return ...
public bool doesPostConditionsMatch(StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) PostState);
/** \brief returns if the action needs/calculates variables
* \return ...
public bool hasVariable();
/** \brief returns the possible variables for this poststate
* call to this is only valid if this.hasVariable() returns true
* \param PostState ...
* \param PossibleVariables
public void getVariablesForPostCondition(StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) PostState, ref int[] PossibleVariables);
/** \brief does do the action (in reverse) on the PostState with a variable
* Success is false if the action doesn't have a variable
* \param PostState is the state after the action would be applied
* \param Success ...
* \return the state after applying the reversed action (the pre condition) with the variable
public StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) doActionReverseWithVariable(StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) PostState, int Variable, out bool Success);
/** \brief does do the action (in reverse) on the PostState
* Success is false if the action does have a variable
* \param PostState is the state after the action would be applied
* \param Success ...
* \return the state after applying the reversed action (the pre condition)
public StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) doActionReverseWithoutVariable(StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) PostState, out bool Success);
/** \brief ...
* \return ...
public string getName();
class Action1 : StripsAction!(2)
// allready documentated
public bool doesPostConditionsMatch(StripsState!(2) PostState)
return !PostState.PredicateBitfield[0] && PostState.PredicateBitfield[1];
// allready documentated
public StripsState!(2) doActionReverse(StripsState!(2) PostState)
StripsState!(2) Result;
Result.PredicateBitfield[0] = true;
Result.PredicateBitfield[1] = false;
return Result;
// Bitfield meaning:
// 0 : have bananas
// 1 : level high
// Numbers meaning:
// 0 : BananasAt
// 1 : Location (At)
// 2 : BoxAt
class ActionTakeBananas : StripsAction!(2, 3)
public bool doesPostConditionsMatch(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState)
bool Result;
Result = true;
Result = Result && PostState.PredicateBitfield[0]; // have bananas
Result = Result && (PostState.Numbers[0] == PostState.Numbers[1]); // bananasAt == At
Result = Result && PostState.PredicateBitfield[1]; // level is high
return Result;
public bool hasVariable()
return true;
public void getVariablesForPostCondition(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, ref int[] PossibleVariables)
PossibleVariables = [PostState.Numbers[0]];
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, int Variable, out bool Success)
int Location;
StripsState!(2, 3) Result;
Success = true;
// TODO< copy operation >
Result = PostState;
Location = Variable;
Result.PredicateBitfield[0] = false; // don't have the bananas before
Result.PredicateBitfield[1] = true; // level before is high
Result.Numbers[0] = Location;
Result.Numbers[1] = Location;
return Result;
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithoutVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, out bool Success)
Success = false;
return PostState;
public string getName()
return "TakeBananas";
class ActionMoveBox : StripsAction!(2, 3)
public bool doesPostConditionsMatch(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState)
// BoxAt(Y) != At(Y) and level is low
return (PostState.Numbers[1] == PostState.Numbers[2]) && !PostState.PredicateBitfield[1];
public bool hasVariable()
return true;
public void getVariablesForPostCondition(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, ref int[] PossibleVariables)
// all possible variables are the positions except the old position
foreach( i; 0..4 )
if( i != PostState.Numbers[1] )
PossibleVariables ~= i;
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, int Variable, out bool Success)
StripsState!(2, 3) Result;
int Location;
Success = true;
Location = Variable;
// TODO< copy operation >
Result = PostState;
Result.Numbers[1] = Location;
Result.Numbers[2] = Location;
Result.PredicateBitfield[1] = false; // level=low
return Result;
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithoutVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, out bool Success)
Success = false;
return PostState;
public string getName()
return "MoveBox";
class ActionClimbDown : StripsAction!(2, 3)
public bool doesPostConditionsMatch(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState)
// return true if level is low and at == boxAt
return !PostState.PredicateBitfield[1] && PostState.Numbers[1] == PostState.Numbers[2];
public bool hasVariable()
return true;
public void getVariablesForPostCondition(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, ref int[] PossibleVariables)
PossibleVariables = [PostState.Numbers[2]];
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, int Variable, out bool Success)
StripsState!(2, 3) Result;
int Location;
Success = true;
Location = Variable;
// TODO< copy operation >
Result = PostState;
// can be optimized away
Result.Numbers[1] = Location;
Result.Numbers[2] = Location;
Result.PredicateBitfield[1] = true;
return Result;
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithoutVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, out bool Success)
Success = false;
return PostState;
public string getName()
return "ClimbDown";
class ActionClimbUp : StripsAction!(2, 3)
public bool doesPostConditionsMatch(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState)
// return true if level is high and at == boxAt
return PostState.PredicateBitfield[1] && PostState.Numbers[1] == PostState.Numbers[2];
public bool hasVariable()
return true;
public void getVariablesForPostCondition(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, ref int[] PossibleVariables)
PossibleVariables = [PostState.Numbers[2]];
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, int Variable, out bool Success)
StripsState!(2, 3) Result;
int Location;
Success = true;
Location = Variable;
// TODO< copy operation >
Result = PostState;
// can be optimized away
Result.Numbers[1] = Location;
Result.Numbers[2] = Location;
Result.PredicateBitfield[1] = false;
return Result;
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithoutVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, out bool Success)
Success = false;
return PostState;
public string getName()
return "ClimbUp";
class ActionMove : StripsAction!(2, 3)
public bool doesPostConditionsMatch(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState)
// return true if the level is low
return !PostState.PredicateBitfield[1];
public bool hasVariable()
return true;
public void getVariablesForPostCondition(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, ref int[] PossibleVariables)
foreach( PossiblePosition; 0..4 )
int Distance = PossiblePosition - PostState.Numbers[1];
if( Distance < 0 )
Distance *= -1;
if( Distance != 0 )
PossibleVariables ~= PossiblePosition;
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, int Variable, out bool Success)
StripsState!(2, 3) Result;
Success = true;
Result = PostState;
Result.Numbers[1] = Variable;
return Result;
public StripsState!(2, 3) doActionReverseWithoutVariable(StripsState!(2, 3) PostState, out bool Success)
Success = false;
return PostState;
public string getName()
return "Move";
interface InitialChecker(size_t PredicateBitfieldSize, size_t NumbersCount)
public bool isSimilarToInitialState(StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) State, StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) InitialState);
class MyInitialChecker : InitialChecker!(2, 3)
public bool isSimilarToInitialState(StripsState!(2, 3) State, StripsState!(2, 3) InitialState)
bool Result;
Result = true;
Result = Result && (State.Numbers[0] == InitialState.Numbers[0]);
Result = Result && (State.Numbers[1] == InitialState.Numbers[1]);
Result = Result && (State.Numbers[2] == InitialState.Numbers[2]);
Result = Result && (State.PredicateBitfield[0] == InitialState.PredicateBitfield[0]);
Result = Result && (State.PredicateBitfield[1] == InitialState.PredicateBitfield[1]);
return Result;
class DoneAction
this(uint ActionNumber, int[] ActionVariables)
this.ActionNumber = ActionNumber;
this.ActionVariables = ActionVariables;
public uint ActionNumber;
public int[] ActionVariables;
import std.algorithm : reverse;
import std.stdio : writeln;
* the state of the world is composed out of
* - predicates
* are implemented as a bitfield because it speeds up the algorithm extremly
template StripsSolver(size_t PredicateBitfieldSize, size_t NumbersCount)
class StripsSolver
public enum EnumResult
FAULTYACTION, // a action is malformed
// call example ["Level(high)", "Level(low)"]
// this is not used at runtime!
static final public PredicateWithBitfieldIndex[] compiling_ConvertPredicatesToBifieldIndices(string []Predicates)
PredicateWithBitfieldIndex[] Result;
uint BitfieldIndex;
BitfieldIndex = 0;
foreach( CurrentPredicate; Predicates )
Result ~= new PredicateWithBitfieldIndex(CurrentPredicate, BitfieldIndex);
return Result;
public this()
this.TopmostSolverNodes = new TopmostQueueType();
final public void configure(uint MaxDepth, InitialChecker!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) OfInitialChecker)
assert(MaxDepth > 0);
assert(OfInitialChecker !is null);
this.MaxDepth = MaxDepth;
this.OfInitialChecker = OfInitialChecker;
/** \brief ...
final public void debugTree()
foreach( CurrentChild; this.SolverTree.Childrens )
this.debugTreeRecursive(CurrentChild, 0);
* method
final private void debugTreeRecursive(StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) Node, uint Depth)
string Space;
foreach( i; 0..Depth )
Space ~= " ";
writeln(Space, "Action:", this.Actions[Node.DoneActionIndex].getName());
writeln(Space, "Variables:", Node.Variables);
foreach( CurrentChild; Node.Childrens )
this.debugTreeRecursive(CurrentChild, Depth + 1);
/** \brief ...
* \param Actions all actions which the solver can apply
final public void setActions(StripsAction!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) []Actions)
this.Actions = Actions;
final public void setGoalState(StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) GoalState)
this.GoalState = GoalState;
this.GoalStateValid = true;
final public void setInitalState(StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) InitialState)
this.InitialState = InitialState;
this.InitialStateValid = true;
final public void restart(out bool Success)
bool CalleeSuccess;
Success = false;
if( !this.InitialStateValid )
this.FoundSolution = false;
this.SolutionActionSequence.length = 0;
this.SolverTree = new TreeNodeType(null, 0);
this.TopmostSolverNodes.enqueue(this.SolverTree, CalleeSuccess);
if( !CalleeSuccess )
// TODO< generic equal operation >
this.SolverTree.StateAfterAction = this.GoalState;
this.SolverTree.Depth = 0;
Success = true;
/** \brief returns the sequence of the actions for the solution
* does assert if no solution was found and this is non the less called
* \return ...
final public DoneAction[] getSolution()
return this.SolutionActionSequence;
// TODO< remember the taken actions and the PredicateBitfield in a tree >
final public void think(out bool Success, out EnumResult Result, uint Iterations = uint.max)
Success = false;
assert( this.SolverTree !is null );
if( !this.InitialStateValid )
if( !this.GoalStateValid )
foreach( CurrentIteration; 0..Iterations )
if( Result == EnumResult.SOLUTIONFOUND )
else if( Result == EnumResult.SEARCHING )
Success = true;
/** \brief ...
final private void doOneIteration(out EnumResult Result)
bool CalleeSuccess;
if( this.doesntExistAnySolution() )
Result = EnumResult.NOSOLUTIONFOUND;
if( this.isDepthOfAllPossibleSolutionsGreaterThan(this.MaxDepth) )
Result = EnumResult.NOSOLUTIONFOUND;
// get the next topmost Node we have to check
StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) CurrentNode;
CurrentNode = this.TopmostSolverNodes.dequeue(CalleeSuccess);
if( !CalleeSuccess )
Result = EnumResult.INTERNALERROR;
// search for all possible actions, apply them and store the childs into the tree
// and append it to the TopmostSolverNodes
bool WasAnyActionApplied;
WasAnyActionApplied = false;
// TODO< if this is a memory block move this outside as a member >
// NOTE< this is outside because it will be maybe much more faster if this is a not GC'ed array >
// containts all possible variables for the matching of the post condition
int[] PossibleVariables;
foreach( ActionIndex; 0..this.Actions.length )
StripsAction!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) CurrentAction;
CurrentAction = this.Actions[ActionIndex];
if( CurrentAction.doesPostConditionsMatch(CurrentNode.StateAfterAction) )
StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) StateAfterAction;
StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) NodeForPreAction;
bool IsSimilarToInitialState;
if( CurrentAction.hasVariable() )
PossibleVariables.length = 0;
// saves data into PossibleVariables
CurrentAction.getVariablesForPostCondition(CurrentNode.StateAfterAction, PossibleVariables);
WasAnyActionApplied = true;
if( CurrentAction.hasVariable() )
foreach( CurrentVariable; PossibleVariables )
CalleeSuccess = false;
StateAfterAction = CurrentAction.doActionReverseWithVariable(CurrentNode.StateAfterAction, CurrentVariable, CalleeSuccess);
if( !CalleeSuccess )
Result = EnumResult.FAULTYACTION;
NodeForPreAction = new StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount)(CurrentNode, CurrentNode.Depth + 1);
NodeForPreAction.DoneActionIndex = ActionIndex;
// TODO< equal operation >
NodeForPreAction.StateAfterAction = StateAfterAction;
NodeForPreAction.Variables = [CurrentVariable];
// add to tree
CurrentNode.Childrens ~= NodeForPreAction;
IsSimilarToInitialState = this.OfInitialChecker.isSimilarToInitialState(StateAfterAction, this.InitialState);
if( IsSimilarToInitialState )
Result = EnumResult.SOLUTIONFOUND;
this.TopmostSolverNodes.enqueue(NodeForPreAction, CalleeSuccess);
if( !CalleeSuccess )
Result = EnumResult.OUTOFMEMORY;
StateAfterAction = CurrentAction.doActionReverseWithoutVariable(CurrentNode.StateAfterAction, CalleeSuccess);
if( !CalleeSuccess )
Result = EnumResult.FAULTYACTION;
NodeForPreAction = new StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount)(CurrentNode, CurrentNode.Depth + 1);
NodeForPreAction.DoneActionIndex = ActionIndex;
// TODO< equal operation >
NodeForPreAction.StateAfterAction = StateAfterAction;
// add to tree
CurrentNode.Childrens ~= NodeForPreAction;
IsSimilarToInitialState = this.OfInitialChecker.isSimilarToInitialState(StateAfterAction, this.InitialState);
if( IsSimilarToInitialState )
Result = EnumResult.SOLUTIONFOUND;
this.TopmostSolverNodes.enqueue(NodeForPreAction, CalleeSuccess);
if( !CalleeSuccess )
Result = EnumResult.OUTOFMEMORY;
if( !WasAnyActionApplied )
//writeln("no action was applied");
CurrentNode.NoPossibleActions = true;
Result = EnumResult.SEARCHING;
/** \brief checks if no possible solution exists
* \return ...
final private bool doesntExistAnySolution()
return this.TopmostSolverNodes.isEmpty();
/** \brief checks if the maximal depth of each node is greater than the max depth
* \param MaxDepth ...
* \return ...
final private bool isDepthOfAllPossibleSolutionsGreaterThan(uint MaxDepth)
foreach( CurrentNode; this.TopmostSolverNodes.getIterator() )
if( CurrentNode.Depth < MaxDepth )
return false;
return true;
/** \brief sets the solution to the (reversed) action sequence to this node
* \param Node ...
final private void setSolution(TreeNodeType Node)
DoneAction[] ActionSequence;
ActionSequence = this.getReversedActionSequenceFromNode(Node);
this.FoundSolution = true;
this.SolutionActionSequence = ActionSequence;
final private DoneAction[] getReversedActionSequenceFromNode(TreeNodeType Node)
TreeNodeType IterationNode;
DoneAction[] ActionSequence;
IterationNode = Node;
uint VariablesCount;
assert(IterationNode !is null);
if( Node is this.SolverTree )
// NOTE< we need to rewrite the api that it returns the number of parameters >
VariablesCount = 0;
if( this.Actions[Node.DoneActionIndex].hasVariable() )
VariablesCount = 1;
ActionSequence ~= new DoneAction(Node.DoneActionIndex, Node.Variables);
Node = Node.Parent;
return ActionSequence;
// Type aliases
private alias StripsTreeNode!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) TreeNodeType;
private alias Queue!(TreeNodeType, EnqueueDequeuePolicy, DynamicArrayStoreStrategy, true, FlushableStrategy) TopmostQueueType;
private StripsAction!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount)[] Actions;
private StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) GoalState;
private bool GoalStateValid = false;
private StripsState!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) InitialState;
private bool InitialStateValid = false;
private TreeNodeType SolverTree;
private TopmostQueueType TopmostSolverNodes;
private uint MaxDepth;
private InitialChecker!(PredicateBitfieldSize, NumbersCount) OfInitialChecker;
private bool FoundSolution = false;
private DoneAction[] SolutionActionSequence;
int main() {
StripsSolver!(2, 3) OfSolver;
StripsState!(2, 3) GoalState;
StripsState!(2, 3) InitialState;
bool CalleeSuccess;
OfSolver = new StripsSolver!(2, 3)();
StripsAction!(2, 3)[] Actions;
Actions ~= new ActionMove();
Actions ~= new ActionClimbDown();
Actions ~= new ActionClimbUp();
Actions ~= new ActionMoveBox();
Actions ~= new ActionTakeBananas();
GoalState.PredicateBitfield = [true, false]; // wished final state
InitialState.PredicateBitfield = [false, false]; // state now
GoalState.Numbers = [2, 2, 2];
InitialState.Numbers = [2, 0, 1];
OfSolver.configure(9, new MyInitialChecker());
if( !CalleeSuccess )
return 0;
StripsSolver!(2, 3).EnumResult OfResult;
OfSolver.think(CalleeSuccess, OfResult);
if( OfResult == StripsSolver!(2, 3).EnumResult.SOLUTIONFOUND )
writeln("found solution");
DoneAction[] ActionSequence = OfSolver.getSolution();
foreach( Action; ActionSequence )
writeln("Action:", Actions[Action.ActionNumber].getName());
writeln("Variables:", Action.ActionVariables);
writeln("found no solution");
DoneAction[] SolutionSequence;
return 0;
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