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Forked from dbc-challenges/jquery_example.html
Last active January 2, 2016 16:19
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Intro to jQuery for Phase 0

#Reflection JQuery is awesome, check the comments for more info on the methods we used. I was looking forward to playing with it with my fellow Banana Slugs, now I can't wait the next time we play with it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>DOM manipulation with jQuery</title>
<!-- Add a link to jQuery CDN here script here -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery_example.js"></script>
img {
<h1> Hello. Welcome to the jQuery DOM Manipulation Challenge! </h1>
<div class="mascot">
<h1> My DBC Mascot </h1>
<img src="dbc_logo.jpg">
//Link this script and the jQuery library to the jquery_example.html file and analyze what this code does.
$('body').css({'background-color': 'pink'})
//Add code here to select elements of the DOM
var bodyElement = $('body')
var imgInMascot = $('.mascot img')
var firstH1 = $('h1').first()
var mascotClass = $('.mascot')
// Add code here to modify the css and html of DOM elements
// Method : .attr(x,y); x = the name of the attribute, y = its value
// ex : I want to add a class to the tag "body", with the value "body"
// $('body').attr('class','body')
imgInMascot.attr('alt', 'our mascot image') //modify HTML tag, adding an alt attribute with the value 'our mascot image' to the image in the Mascot class
firstH1.attr('id', 'pageheader') // modify HTML tag, add id of 'pageheader' to the first h1 tag
//We are now going to add a span at the end of the first h1 in the mascot class
//<span class="pull-right">'14 Bslugs</span>
// Method : .children() -> It can take an argument. If so, it will only select the children that match the argument
// ex : $('body').children() => Selects every child of the body tag
// ex : $('body').children('ul') => Selects every unordered list that is a direct child of the body tag
// Method : .html('code') => Changes the code of the selected tag to 'code'
// ex : $('body').html('I removed everything, mothafuckaaaaaaa~') => Removes everything in the body tag, and replace it with that line
// If we dont put an argument, the .html() function just returns the html code inside the selected tag.
// Method : .append('code') => Adds the "code" at the end of this tag's HTML code
// ex : $('body').append('This is the end of the page') -> Will add a line at the end of the body tag saying it is the end of the page.
// Method : .addClass('class') => Adds a class to the selected tag
.append("<span class='pull-right'>'14 Banana Slugs</span>")
firstH1.html('Who dares pass, I, ninja-Gandalf!!<br> and "I" am the only one that shall pass, you fools!')
//RELEASE 3: Event Listener
// Add the code for the event listener here
// Method : .on(event, code) -> on this event (mouseover, click, things like that), execute the code.
// the code will be in the form of a new function.
// ex: $('img').on('mouseover', function(e){
// e.preventDefault()
// $(this).attr('src', 'YOUR IMAGE URL')
// })
// cohort logo url :
// Method: .mouseenter(code) => When the mouse enters the selected tag, the code will be executed. code is a function
// ex: $( "#outer" ).mouseenter(function() {
// $( "#log" ).append( "<div>Handler for .mouseenter() called.</div>" );
// });
// Method: .mouseleave(code) => Mouseenter counterpart
.mouseenter( function(e) {
$(this).attr('src', '')
.mouseleave( function(e) {
$(this).attr('src', 'dbc_logo.jpg')
event = click
$('body').on(event, function(){})
$('body').on('click', function(){})
//RELEASE 4 : Experiment on your own
.on('click', function(event) {
$(this).append('<span class="click">you clicked here</span>')
}) // end of the document.ready function: do not remove or write DOM manipulation below this.
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