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const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const ethers = require('ethers');
const _ABI = require('../dyco.json');
const _PROVIDER = ethers.getDefaultProvider('homestead');
const _DYCO_CONTRACT = "0x1d3A8D49cf9E4120766c10087e50525BcE08218A"
const UserStats = require('../model/stats');
const Totals = require('../model/totals');
# need to extract email addresses from an sql dump in a hurry? try this one liner:
grep -o '[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*@[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*' dump.sql | sort | uniq -i
# One liner to fetch all URLs in scope of all public programs (wildcard domains excluded) needs jq:
curl -s|jq -r '.[].targets.in_scope[] | select(.asset_type|contains("URL")) | .asset_identifier' |grep -v "*" | sort
REPTILEHAUS / sysctl.conf
Created March 4, 2019 19:46 — forked from techgaun/sysctl.conf
Sysctl configuration for high performance
# Increase size of file handles and inode cache
fs.file-max = 2097152
# Do less swapping
vm.swappiness = 10
vm.dirty_ratio = 60
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 2
package main
* This is just a Go implementation of
* Useful if you're trying to generate shellcode for reflective DLL
* injection in Go, otherwise probably not much use :)
* The project, shellcode, most comments within this project
* are all from the original project by @SilentBreakSec's Nick Landers (@monoxgas)
Last active February 6, 2019 20:49
A selection of commands to encode, decode and convert
## Use PHP to Encode and Decode Hex, Binary, Base64 and Json - you can also cat the info from a file to most of these commands
# i.e cat file-with-data.txt | php -r "echo implode(unpack('H*', file_get_contents('php://stdin')));"
# Encode string to hex
echo -n "reptilehaus" | php -r "echo implode(unpack('H*', file_get_contents('php://stdin')));"
echo -n "reptilehaus" | php -r "echo bin2hex(file_get_contents('php://stdin'));"
# Decode hex to string
Created July 30, 2018 07:48 — forked from ryancdotorg/
Python script to output Bitfi key material compatible with `brainflayer -x -t priv`.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script accepts salt,passphrases pairs on STDIN seperated by a tab.
# Specify the coin symbol and indexes to generate via command line args.
# Appears to work fine with Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum, probably works
# with many other coins as well.
# Don't participate in Bitfi's pay-to-play Bounty - it's a sham.
package main
import (
var path = "/Users/novalagung/Documents/temp/test.txt"
// This file is an automatically generated Go binding. Do not modify as any
// change will likely be lost upon the next re-generation!
package main
import (
Created March 15, 2018 09:58 — forked from bas-vk/chat.js
whisper chat demo
var chat = {
username: "<not set>",
topic: "0xfeedbabe",
key: "",
identity: "",
pollInterval: null,
filter: null,
setUsername: function(name) {
this.username = name;