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Last active January 19, 2017 20:00
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changes in livecam module for windows support
// Original File:
// Revised, because it was not working on widows, so I just wanted the author to know wethet it was me or something else is broken.
* @class GstLaunch
* @brief Class that encapsulates "gst-launch" executable.
function GstLaunch() {
const gst_launch_executable = 'gst-launch-1.0';
const gst_launch_versionarg = '--version';
const SpawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;
const Spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const Assert = require('assert');
const Path = require('path');
const OS = require('os');
const FS = require('fs');
* @fn getPath
* @brief Returns path to gst-launch or undefined on error
var getPath = function() {
var detected_path = undefined;
if (OS.platform() == 'win32') {
// On Windows, GStreamer MSI installer defines the following
// environment variables.
const detected_path_x64 = process.env.GSTREAMER_1_0_ROOT_X86_64;
const detected_path_x32 = process.env.GSTREAMER_1_0_ROOT_X86;
if (detected_path_x64 || detected_path_x32) {
// If both variables are present, favor the architecture
// of GStreamer which is the same as Node.js runtime.
if (detected_path_x64 && detected_path_x32) {
if (process.arch == 'x64')
detected_path = detected_path_x64;
else if (process.arch == 'x32')
detected_path = detected_path_x32;
} else {
detected_path = detected_path_x64 || detected_path_x32;
if (detected_path) {
detected_path = Path.join(
(gst_launch_executable + '.exe'));
try { FS.accessSync(detected_path, FS.F_OK); }
catch (e) { detected_path = undefined; }
else {
// Look for GStreamer on PATH
var path_dirs = process.env.PATH.split(';');
for (var index = 0; index < path_dirs.length; ++index) {
try {
var base = Path.normalize(path_dirs[index]);
var bin = Path.join(
(gst_launch_executable + '.exe'));
FS.accessSync(bin, FS.F_OK);
detected_path = bin;
} catch (e) { /* no-op */ }
else if (OS.platform() == 'linux') {
// Look for GStreamer on PATH
var path_dirs = process.env.PATH.split(':');
for (var index = 0; index < path_dirs.length; ++index) {
try {
var base = Path.normalize(path_dirs[index]);
var bin = Path.join(
FS.accessSync(bin, FS.F_OK);
detected_path = bin;
} catch (e) { /* no-op */ }
return detected_path;
* @fn getVersion
* @brief Returns version string of GStreamer on this machine by
* invoking the gst-launch executable or 'undefined' on failure.
var getVersion = function() {
var version_str = '1.11.1';
return version_str;
* @fn isAvailable
* @brief Answers true if gst-launch executable is available
var isAvailable = function() {
return getVersion()!= undefined;
* @fn spawnPipeline
* @brief Spawns a GStreamer pipeline using gst-launch
* @return A Node <child-process> of the launched pipeline
* @see To construct a correct pipeline arg, consult the link below:
* @usage spawnPipeline('videotestsrc ! autovideosink')
var spawnPipeline = function(pipeline) {
Assert.ok(typeof(pipeline), 'string');
Assert.ok(isAvailable(), "gst-launch is not available.");
var gst_launch_path = getPath();
Assert.ok(typeof(gst_launch_path), 'string');
return Spawn(gst_launch_path, pipeline.split(' '));
return {
'getPath' : getPath,
'getVersion' : getVersion,
'isAvailable' : isAvailable,
'spawnPipeline' : spawnPipeline
* @class GstLiveCamServer
* @brief Encapsulates a GStreamer pipeline to broadcast default webcam.
function GstLiveCamServer(config) {
const Assert = require('assert');
const OS = require('os');
Assert.ok(OS.platform() == 'win32' || OS.platform() == 'linux',
"livecam module supports Windows and Linux for broadcasting.");
config = config || {};
Assert.ok(typeof(config), 'object');
const fake = config.fake || false;
const width = config.width || 0;
const height = config.height || 0;
const framerate = config.framerate || 0;
const grayscale = config.grayscale || false;
Assert.ok(typeof(fake), 'boolean');
Assert.ok(typeof(width), 'number');
Assert.ok(typeof(height), 'number');
Assert.ok(typeof(framerate), 'number');
Assert.ok(typeof(grayscale), 'boolean');
var gst_multipart_boundary = '--videoboundary';
var gst_video_src = '';
if (!fake) {
if (OS.platform() == 'win32')
gst_video_src = 'ksvideosrc ! decodebin';
else if (OS.platform() == 'linux')
gst_video_src = 'v4l2src ! decodebin';
gst_video_src = 'videotestsrc';
else {
gst_video_src = 'videotestsrc';
if (width > 0 || height > 0) {
gst_video_src += ' ! videoscale ! video/x-raw,width=' + parseInt(width) + ',height=' + parseInt(height);
if (framerate > 0) {
gst_video_src += ' ! videorate ! video/x-raw,framerate=' + parseInt(framerate) + '/1';
if (grayscale) {
gst_video_src += ' ! videobalance saturation=0.0 ! videoconvert';
* @fn start
* @brief Starts a GStreamer pipeline that broadcasts the default
* webcam over the given TCP address and port.
* @return A Node <child-process> of the launched pipeline
var start = function(tcp_addr, tcp_port) {
Assert.ok(typeof(tcp_addr), 'string');
Assert.ok(typeof(tcp_port), 'number');
const cam_pipeline = gst_video_src + ' ! jpegenc ! multipartmux boundary="'
+ gst_multipart_boundary + '" ! tcpserversink host=' + tcp_addr + ' port=' + tcp_port;
var gst_launch = new GstLaunch();
if (gst_launch.isAvailable()) {
console.log('GstLaunch found: ' + gst_launch.getPath());
console.log('GStreamer version: ' + gst_launch.getVersion());
console.log('GStreamer pipeline: ' + cam_pipeline);
return gst_launch.spawnPipeline(cam_pipeline);
} else {
throw new Error('GstLaunch not found.');
return {
'start' : start
* @class SocketCamWrapper
* @brief A wrapper that re-broadcasts GStreamer's webcam TCP packets in
* Socket.IO events. This way browsers can fetch and understand webcam
* video frames.
* @credit
function SocketCamWrapper(
broadcast_tcp_port) {
const Net = require('net');
const Http = require('http');
const Dicer = require('dicer');
const Assert = require('assert');
const SocketIO = require('');
const gst_multipart_boundary = '--videoboundary';
* @fn wrap
* @brief wraps a TCP server previously started by GstLiveCamServer.
var wrap = function(gst_tcp_addr,
broadcast_tcp_port) {
Assert.ok(typeof(gst_tcp_addr), 'string');
Assert.ok(typeof(gst_tcp_port), 'number');
Assert.ok(typeof(broadcast_tcp_addr), 'string');
Assert.ok(typeof(broadcast_tcp_port), 'number');
var socket = Net.Socket();
socket.connect(gst_tcp_port, gst_tcp_addr, function() {
var io = SocketIO.listen(
.listen(broadcast_tcp_port, broadcast_tcp_addr));
var dicer = new Dicer({ boundary: gst_multipart_boundary });
dicer.on('part', function(part) {
var frameEncoded = '';
part.on('data', function(data) { frameEncoded += data; });
part.on('end', function() { io.sockets.emit('image', frameEncoded); });
dicer.on('finish', function() {
console.log('Dicer finished: ' + broadcast_tcp_addr + ':' + broadcast_tcp_port);
socket.on('close', function() {
console.log('Socket closed: ' + broadcast_tcp_addr + ':' + broadcast_tcp_port);
return {
'wrap' : wrap
* @class LiveCamUI
* @brief serves a minimal UI to view the webcam broadcast.
function LiveCamUI() {
const Http = require('http');
const Assert = require('assert');
const template = (function(){/*
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>livecam UI</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<style type="text/css">html,body,.feed,.feed img{width:100%;height:100%;}</style>
<div class="feed"><img id="video" src="" /></div>
var webcam_addr = "@WEBCAM_ADDR@";
var webcam_port = "@WEBCAM_PORT@";
var webcam_host = $(".feed img");
var socket = io.connect('http://' + webcam_addr + ':' + webcam_port);
socket.on('image', function (data) {
webcam_host.attr("src", "data:image/jpeg;base64," + data );
var server = undefined;
var serve = function(ui_addr, ui_port, webcam_addr, webcam_port) {
Assert.ok(typeof(ui_addr), 'object');
Assert.ok(typeof(ui_port), 'number');
Assert.ok(typeof(webcam_addr), 'object');
Assert.ok(typeof(webcam_port), 'number');
server = Http.createServer(function(request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});
.replace('@WEBCAM_ADDR@', webcam_addr)
.replace('@WEBCAM_PORT@', webcam_port));
server.listen(ui_port, ui_addr);
console.log('Open http://' + ui_addr + ':' + ui_port + '/ in your browser!');
var close = function() {
if (server) {
server = undefined;
return {
'serve' : serve,
'close' : close
* @class LiveCam
* @brief starts a livecam server at given config params
* @note config can have the following options:
* config.gst_tcp_addr --> where GStreamer TCP socket host is
* [optional] [default:]
* config.gst_tcp_port --> where GStreamer TCP socket port is
* [optional] [default: 10000]
* config.ui_addr --> where minimal UI host is
* [optional] [default:]
* config.ui_port --> where minimal UI port is
* [optional] [default: 11000]
* config.broadcast_addr --> where Socket IO host is (browser-visible)
* [optional] [default:]
* config.broadcast_port --> where Socket IO port is (browser-visible)
* [optional] [default: 12000]
* config.start --> event emitted when streaming is started
* [optional] [default: null]
function LiveCam(config) {
const Assert = require('assert');
config = config || {};
Assert.ok(typeof(config), 'object');
const gst_tcp_addr = config.gst_addr || "";
const gst_tcp_port = config.gst_port || 10000;
const ui_addr = config.ui_addr || "";
const ui_port = config.ui_port || 11000;
const broadcast_addr = config.broadcast_addr || "";
const broadcast_port = config.broadcast_port || 12000;
const start = config.start;
const webcam = || {};
if (start) Assert.ok(typeof(start), 'function');
if (broadcast_port) Assert.ok(typeof(broadcast_port), 'number');
if (broadcast_addr) Assert.ok(typeof(broadcast_addr), 'string');
if (ui_port) Assert.ok(typeof(ui_port), 'number');
if (ui_addr) Assert.ok(typeof(ui_addr), 'string');
if (gst_tcp_port) Assert.ok(typeof(gst_tcp_port), 'number');
if (gst_tcp_addr) Assert.ok(typeof(gst_tcp_addr), 'string');
if (webcam) Assert.ok(typeof(webcam), 'object');
if (!(new GstLaunch()).isAvailable())
console.log("Unable to locate gst-launch executable.");
console.log("Look at");
console.log("You are most likely missing the GStreamer runtime.");
throw new Error('Unable to broadcast.');
console.log("LiveCam parameters:", {
'broadcast_addr' : broadcast_addr,
'broadcast_port' : broadcast_port,
'ui_addr' : ui_addr,
'ui_port' : ui_port,
'gst_tcp_addr' : gst_tcp_addr,
'gst_tcp_port' : gst_tcp_port
var broadcast = function() {
var gst_cam_ui = new LiveCamUI();
var gst_cam_wrap = new SocketCamWrapper();
var gst_cam_server = new GstLiveCamServer(webcam);
var gst_cam_process = gst_cam_server.start(gst_tcp_addr, gst_tcp_port);
gst_cam_process.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
// This catches GStreamer when pipeline goes into PLAYING state
if(data.toString().includes('Setting pipeline to PLAYING') > 0) {
gst_cam_wrap.wrap(gst_tcp_addr, gst_tcp_port, broadcast_addr, broadcast_port);
gst_cam_ui.serve(ui_addr, ui_port, broadcast_addr, broadcast_port);
if (start) start();
gst_cam_process.stderr.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data.toString()); gst_cam_ui.close(); });
gst_cam_process.on('error', function(err) { console.log("Webcam server error: " + err); gst_cam_ui.close(); });
gst_cam_process.on('exit', function(code) { console.log("Webcam server exited: " + code); gst_cam_ui.close(); });
return {
'broadcast' : broadcast
module.exports = LiveCam;
var ip = '';
const LiveCam = require('livecam');
const webcam_server = new LiveCam
// address and port of the webcam UI
'ui_addr' : ip,
'ui_port' : 11000,
// address and port of the webcam Socket.IO server
// this server broadcasts GStreamer's video frames
// for consumption in browser side.
'broadcast_addr' : ip,
'broadcast_port' : 12000,
// address and port of GStreamer's tcp sink
'gst_tcp_addr' : ip,
'gst_tcp_port' : 10000,
// callback function called when server starts
'start' : function() {
console.log('WebCam server started!');
// webcam object holds configuration of webcam frames
'webcam' : {
// should frames be converted to grayscale (default : false)
'grayscale' : false,
// should width of the frame be resized (default : 0)
// provide 0 to match webcam input
'width' : 0,
// should height of the frame be resized (default : 0)
// provide 0 to match webcam input
'height' : 0,
// should a fake source be used instead of an actual webcam
// suitable for debugging and development (default : false)
'fake' : false,
// framerate of the feed (default : 0)
// provide 0 to match webcam input
'framerate' : 25
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