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Last active June 5, 2020 15:20
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Modified version of "class-wc-boxpack.php" version "3.2.18". See:
* WooCommerce Box Packer
* @version 2.0.1
* @author WooThemes / Mike Jolley
class WC_Boxpack {
private $boxes;
private $items;
private $packages;
private $cannot_pack;
* __construct function.
* @access public
* @return void
public function __construct() {
include_once( 'class-wc-boxpack-box.php' );
include_once( 'class-wc-boxpack-item.php' );
* clear_items function.
* @access public
* @return void
public function clear_items() {
$this->items = array();
* clear_boxes function.
* @access public
* @return void
public function clear_boxes() {
$this->boxes = array();
* add_item function.
* @access public
* @return void
public function add_item( $length, $width, $height, $weight, $value = '', $meta = array() ) {
$this->items[] = new WC_Boxpack_Item( $length, $width, $height, $weight, $value, $meta );
* add_box function.
* @access public
* @param mixed $length
* @param mixed $width
* @param mixed $height
* @param mixed $weight
* @return void
public function add_box( $length, $width, $height, $weight = 0 ) {
$new_box = new WC_Boxpack_Box( $length, $width, $height, $weight );
$this->boxes[] = $new_box;
return $new_box;
* add_package function.
* @access public
* @param mixed $length
* @param mixed $width
* @param mixed $height
* @param mixed $weight
* @param mixed $value
* @return void
public function add_package( $length, $width, $height, $weight = 0, $value = 0 ) {
$package = new stdClass();
$package->id = '';
$package->weight = $length;
$package->length = $width;
$package->width = $height;
$package->height = $weight;
$package->value = $value;
$package->unpacked = true;
$this->packages[] = $package;
* get_packages function.
* @access public
* @return void
public function get_packages() {
return $this->packages ? $this->packages : array();
* pack function.
* @access public
* @return void
public function pack() {
try {
// We need items
if ( sizeof( $this->items ) == 0 ) {
throw new Exception( 'No items to pack!' );
// Clear packages
$this->packages = array();
// Order the boxes by volume
$this->boxes = $this->order_boxes( $this->boxes );
if ( ! $this->boxes ) {
$this->cannot_pack = $this->items;
$this->items = array();
// Keep looping until packed
while ( sizeof( $this->items ) > 0 ) {
$this->items = $this->order_items( $this->items );
$possible_packages = array();
$best_package = '';
// Attempt to pack all items in each box
foreach ( $this->boxes as $box ) {
$possible_packages[] = $box->pack( $this->items );
// Find the best success rate
$best_percent = 0;
foreach ( $possible_packages as $package ) {
if ( $package->percent > $best_percent ) {
$best_percent = $package->percent;
if ( $best_percent == 0 ) {
$this->cannot_pack = $this->items;
$this->items = array();
} else {
// Get smallest box with best_percent
$possible_packages = array_reverse( $possible_packages );
foreach ( $possible_packages as $package ) {
if ( $package->percent == $best_percent ) {
$best_package = $package;
break; // Done packing
// Update items array
$this->items = $best_package->unpacked;
// Store package
$this->packages[] = $best_package;
// Items we cannot pack (by now) get packaged individually
if ( $this->cannot_pack ) {
foreach ( $this->cannot_pack as $item ) {
$package = new stdClass();
$package->id = '';
$package->weight = $item->get_weight();
$package->length = $item->get_length();
$package->width = $item->get_width();
$package->height = $item->get_height();
$package->value = $item->get_value();
$package->unpacked = true;
$this->packages[] = $package;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
// Display a packing error for admins
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
echo 'Packing error: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
* Order boxes by weight and volume
* $param array $sort
* @return array
private function order_boxes( $sort ) {
if ( ! empty( $sort ) ) {
uasort( $sort, array( $this, 'box_sorting' ) );
return $sort;
* Order items by weight and volume
* $param array $sort
* @return array
private function order_items( $sort ) {
if ( ! empty( $sort ) ) {
uasort( $sort, array( $this, 'item_sorting' ) );
return $sort;
* order_by_volume function.
* @access private
* @return void
private function order_by_volume( $sort ) {
if ( ! empty( $sort ) ) {
uasort( $sort, array( $this, 'volume_based_sorting' ) );
return $sort;
* item_sorting function.
* @access public
* @param mixed $a
* @param mixed $b
* @return void
public function item_sorting( $a, $b ) {
if ( $a->get_volume() == $b->get_volume() ) {
if ( $a->get_weight() == $b->get_weight() ) {
return 0;
return ( $a->get_weight() < $b->get_weight() ) ? 1 : -1;
return ( $a->get_volume() < $b->get_volume() ) ? 1 : -1;
* box_sorting function.
* @access public
* @param mixed $a
* @param mixed $b
* @return void
public function box_sorting( $a, $b ) {
if ( $a->get_volume() == $b->get_volume() ) {
if ( $a->get_max_weight() == $b->get_max_weight() ) {
return 0;
return ( $a->get_max_weight() < $b->get_max_weight() ) ? 1 : -1;
return ( $a->get_volume() < $b->get_volume() ) ? 1 : -1;
* volume_based_sorting function.
* @access public
* @param mixed $a
* @param mixed $b
* @return void
public function volume_based_sorting( $a, $b ) {
if ( $a->get_volume() == $b->get_volume() ) {
return 0;
return ( $a->get_volume() < $b->get_volume() ) ? 1 : -1;
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