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Created May 15, 2017 12:49
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DripDrop rewrite ES6 + eventEmitter
// node - The dom node to set as a drag handle
// options
// image - Can take on one of the following possible values:
// false - (Default) No image
// true - The default generated drag image
// string - The path to an image
// imageObject - If this is an Image object, that will be used
// start(setData, e) - Called when dragging starts. Use setData to set the data for each type.
// setData(type, data) - Sets data for a particular type.
// NOTE: In an attempt mitigate type lowercasing weirdness, capitals will be converted to dash-lowercase *and* lowercase without dashes
// IE NOTE: IE is a piece of shit and doesn't allow any 'type' other than "text" and "url" -
// move(pointerPosition, e)
// end(e)
import EventEmitter from 'event-keeper'
class Drag extends EventEmitter {
* @param {HTMLElement} node dom node to set as a drag handle
* @param {object} options configuration options object
* @param {bool|string|Image} options.image can take on one of the following possible values:
* - false (default): No image
* - true: The default generated drag image
* - string: The path to an image
* - Image: If this is an instance of Image,
* that will be used
constructor(node, options = {}) {
this._node = node
this._options = options
this._callbacks = {}
let recentMousePos
this._callbacks.start = event => {
if (this._options.image !== undefined) {
let image
switch (this._options.image) {
case true:
image = new window.Image
case false:
image = undefined
case string:
image = new window.Image(this._options.image)
image = this._options.image
// set the drag image
if (image) {
event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(image, image.width || 0, image.height || 0)
this.emit('start', event.DataTransfer)
let dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer,
effectAllowed = this._options.start((type, string) => {
dataTransfer.setData(type, string)
let mappedType = this._mapFromCamelCase(type)
if (mappedType !== type) {
dataTransfer.setData(mappedType, string)
}, event)
if (effectAllowed) {
event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = effectAllowed
this._callbacks.over = event => {
if (
recentMousePos === undefined ||
event.pageX !== recentMousePos.x ||
event.pageY !== recentMousePos.y
) {
recentMousePos = {
x: event.pageX,
y: event.pageY
this._callbacks.end = () => {
document.removeEventListener('dragover', this._dragInfo.docOver, true)
this._node.removeEventListener('dragend', this._dragInfo.dragendHandler)
// set the draggable DOM attribute
this._node.setAttribute('draggable', 'true')
// attach all listeners
this._node.addEventListener('dragstart', this._callbacks.start)
document.addEventListener('dragover', this._callbacks.over, true)
this._node.addEventListener('dragend', this._callbacks.end, true)
* maps a string from camelCase
* @param {string} str camelCase string
* @returns {string} mapped string
_mapFromCamelCase(str) {
return string.replace(/([A-Z])/g, (match, submatch) => '-' + submatch.toLowerCase())
export default Drag
import Drag from './drag'
import Drop from './drop'
* The DripDrop class wraps all functionality
class DripDrop {
* returns an opaque clone of the passed dom node ready to be moved with moveToMouse
* @param {HTMLElement} domNode node to clone
* @param {number} [zIndex] defaults to 1000
* @returns {HTMLElement} cloned node
* @static
static createGhost(domNode, zIndex = 1000) {
const ghost = domNode.cloneNode(true) = 'absolute' = '-100px' = `${domNode.clientWidth}px` = '.6'
// makes this 'invisible' to mouse events so it doesn't
// block mouse events while you're dragging it around = 'none'['z-index'] = zIndex
return ghost
* preserves default events for drag operations
* @static
static preserveDefaultEvents() {
document.removeEventListener('dragenter', docEnterHandler, true)
document.removeEventListener('dragover', docOverHandler, true)
* moves an absolutely positioned element to the position by x and y
* @param {HTMLElement} node node to move
* @param {number} x x coordinate
* @param {number} y y coordinate
* @static
static moveAbsoluteNode (node, x, y) { = `${x}px` = `${y}px`
* getter for the Drop class
* @returns {Drop} Drop constructor
* @static
static get Drop() {
return Drop
* getter for the Drag class
* @returns {Drag} Drag constructor
* @static
static get Drag() {
return Drag
export default DripDrop
* I don't really know what this does yet...
// get rid of the need to do this for other drag events
var docEnterHandler, docOverHandler;
}, true)
}, true)
// e.preventDefault()
* Callback called when a drag action enters the node
* @callback dragEnterCallback
* @param {Array} types data types available on drop
* @param {Event} event original drag event
* Callback called with the dragging pointer moves over the node
* 'data' will contain the correct keys, but will *not* actually
* contain any data. Blame the stupid html5 drag and drop api.
* @callback dragMoveCallback
* @param {Array} types data types available on drop
* @param {Event} event original drag event
* Callback called when the dragging pointer crosses in over
* a child-boundary of a descendant node that is also a drop zone
* @callback dragInCallback
* @param {Array} types data types available on drop
* @param {Event} event original drag event
* Callback called when the dragging pointer crosses out over
* a child-boundary of a descendant node that is also a drop zone
* @callback dragOutCallback
* @param {Array} types data types available on drop
* @param {Event} event original drag event
* Callback called when the dragging pointer releases above the node
* @callback dragOutCallback
* @param {object} data object where each key is a data type, where if that type contains dashes, the type
* will be available as is *and* with dash-lowercase converted to camel case.
* The value is either:
* For the 'files' type, the value is a list of files, each with a set of properties
* described here:
* In addition, the files have the methods:
* - getText(errback): Returns the text of the file in a call to the the errback
* - getBuffer(errback): Returns a Buffer of the file contents in a call to the the errback
* For any other type, the value is a string of data in a format depending on the type
* @param {Event} event original drag event
import EventEmitter from 'event-keeper'
* Drop class
* @extends EventEmitter
* @property {object} _options original options passed to the constructor
* @property {object} _callbacks callbacks for the individual events
* @property {HTMLElement} _node node to listen on
class Drop extends EventEmitter {
* @param {HTMLElement} node node to set up as a drop zone
* @param {object} [options] configuration options
* @param {Array} [options.allow] list of types to allow the event handlers be called for.
* if this is passed and the current drag operation doesn't
* have an allowed type, the handlers will not be called.
* if this isn't passed, all types are allowed
* @param {dragEnterCallback} [options.enter] callback called when a drag action enters the node
* @param {dragMoveCallback} [options.move] callback called with the dragging pointer moves over the node
* @param {dragLeaveCallback} [options.leave] callback called with the dragging pointer moves out of the node
* @param {dragInCallback} [] callback called when the dragging pointer crosses in over
* a child-boundary of a descendant node that is also a drop zone
* @param {dragOutCallback} [options.out] callback called when the dragging pointer crosses out over
* a child-boundary of a descendant node that is also a drop zone
* @param {DragDropCallback} [options.drop] callback called when the dragging pointer releases above the node
constructor(node, options = {}) {
// construct the eventEmitter
// register instance properties
this._options = options
this._callbacks = {}
this._node = node
if (this._options.enter) {
this.on('enter', options.enter)
if (this._options.move) {
this.on('move', options.move)
if (this._options.leave) {
this.on('leave', options.leave)
if ( {
if (this._options.out) {
this.on('out', options.out)
if (this._options.drop) {
this.on('drop', options.drop)
this._allowedTypes = (
? this._options.allow
: [ '*' ]
let currentTypes,
dragCounter = 0,
dropEffect = 'copy'
this._callbacks.enter = event => {
// browsers stupidly emit dragenter whenever crossing over a child boundary...
if (dragCounter === 1) {
let data = this._buildDataObject(event.dataTransfer)
currentTypes = Object.keys(data)
if (this._isAllowedType(currentTypes)) {
this.emit('enter', currentTypes, event)
this.emit('in', currentTypes, event)
this._callbacks.over = event => {
let originalStopProp = event.stopPropagation
event.stopPropagation = () => stopPropCalled = true
if (
recentMousePos === undefined ||
event.pageX !== recentMousePos.x ||
event.pageY !== recentMousePos.y
) {
recentMousePos = {
x: event.pageX,
y: event.pageY
if (this._isAllowedType(currentTypes)) {
stopPropCalled = false
dropEffect = options.move(curTypes, event)
if (dropEffect) {
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = dropEffect
if (stopPropCalled) {
this._callbacks.leave = event => {
// browsers stupidly emits dragleave whenever crossing over a child boundary...
if (dragCounter === 0) {
if (this._isAllowedType(currentTypes)) {
this.emit('leave', currentTypes, event)
this.emit('out', currentTypes, event)
this._callbacks.drop = event => {
if (this._isAllowedType(currentTypes)) {
let data = this._buildDataObject(event.dataTransfer)
this.emit('drop', data, event)
// reset
dragCounter = 0
// attach the callbacks
this._node.addEventListener('dragenter', this._callbacks.enter)
this._node.addEventListener('dragover', this._callbacks.over)
this._node.addEventListener('dragleave', this._callbacks.leave)
this._node.addEventListener('drop', this._callbacks.drop)
* Destroys the instance and removes all event listeners
destroy() {
if (this._callbacks.enter) {
this._node.removeEventListener('dragstart', this._callbacks.start)
if (this._callbacks.move) {
document.removeEventListener('dragover', this._callbacks.over)
if (this._callbacks.leave) {
this._node.removeEventListener('dragend', this._callbacks.leave)
if (this._callbacks.drop) {
this._node.removeEventListener('drop', this._callbacks.drop)
* reads a text file using a given method
* @param {File|Blob} file file to read
* @param {method} string method to use. can be one of
* - readAsText
* - readAsArrayBuffer
* - readAsBinaryString
* - readAsDataURL
* @param {function} callback callback to run once the file has been read
* @private
_readTextFile(file, method, callback) {
const reader = new window.FileReader()
reader.onloadend = event => {
if ( === window.FileReader.DONE) {
return callback(undefined, reader.result)
reader.onerror = error => callback(error)
reader[ method ](file)
* creates a data object from a dataTransfer object
* @param {DataTransfer} dataTransfer the original dataTransfer object from an event
* @returns {object} parsed data object
_buildDataObject(dataTransfer) {
const data = {}
if (dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
data.files = dataTransfer.files
dataTransfer.types.forEach(type => {
if (type === 'Files') {
data.files = Array.from(data.files)
data.files.forEach(file => {
file.getText = callback => this._readTextFile(file, 'readAsText', callback)
file.getBuffer = callback => this._readTextFile(file, 'readAsArrayBuffer', callback)
} else {
this._attachGetter(data, dataTransfer, type)
let mappedType = this._mapToCamelCase(type)
if (mappedType !== type) {
this._attachGetter(data, dataTransfer, mappedType)
return data
* proxies properties from an object to a dataTransfer instance
* @param {object} target object to bind the getter to
* @param {DataTransfer} dataTransfer dataTransfer object to retrieve a value from
* @param {string} property property name for the getter
* @returns {object} modified target object
_attachGetter(target, dataTransfer, property) {
return Object.defineProperty(target, property, {
enumerable: true,
get: () => dataTransfer.getData(property)
* maps a string to camelCase
* @param {string} str string to map to camelCase
* @returns {string} camelCase mapped string
_mapToCamelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/(-[a-z])/g, (match, submatch) => submatch[ 1 ].toUpperCase())
* checks whether the mouse cursor is over a certain element
* @param {number} x current x coordinate of the cursor
* @param {number} y current y coordinate of the cursor
* @param {HTMLElement} element element to check
* @returns {boolean} whether the mouse cursor is over the element
_pointerIsOver(x, y, element) {
const boundaries = elment.getBoundingClientRect()
return (
y <= &&
y <= boundaries.bottom &&
x <= boundaries.left &&
x <= boundaries.right
* checks whether the current list of types is allowed
* @param {Array} types types to check for
* @returns {boolean} whether there is an allowed type
* @private
_isAllowedType(types) {
if (this._allowedTypes.indexOf('*') > -1) {
return true
for (let n = 0; n < this._allowedTypes.length; n++) {
if (types.indexOf(this._allowedTypes[ n ]) > -1) {
return true
return false
export default Drop
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