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Created May 20, 2020 11:42
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  • Save RainWarrior/2c32848aad78910a3ca148b82c91f7c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"bonus_chest": false,
"dimensions": {
"minecraft:overworld": {
"generator": {
"biome_source": {
"seed": -1464245863,
"large_biomes": false,
"type": "minecraft:vanilla_layered"
"seed": -1464245863,
"settings": "minecraft:overworld",
"type": "minecraft:noise"
"type": "minecraft:overworld"
"minecraft:the_nether": {
"generator": {
"biome_source": {
"seed": -1464245863,
"preset": "minecraft:nether",
"type": "minecraft:multi_noise"
"seed": -1464245863,
"settings": "minecraft:nether",
"type": "minecraft:noise"
"type": "minecraft:the_nether"
"minecraft:the_end": {
"generator": {
"biome_source": {
"seed": -1464245863,
"type": "minecraft:the_end"
"seed": -1464245863,
"settings": "minecraft:end",
"type": "minecraft:noise"
"type": "minecraft:the_end"
"minecraft:use_teleport_command": {
"generator": {
"biome_source": {
"seed": 1516683359872193970,
"biomes": [
"parameters": {
"altitude": 0.0,
"weirdness": 0.0,
"offset": 0.0,
"temparature": 0.0,
"humidity": 0.0
"biome": "minecraft:plains"
"parameters": {
"altitude": 0.0,
"weirdness": 0.0,
"offset": 0.0,
"temparature": 0.0,
"humidity": -0.5
"biome": "minecraft:the_end"
"parameters": {
"altitude": 0.0,
"weirdness": 0.0,
"offset": 0.0,
"temparature": 0.5,
"humidity": 0.0
"biome": "minecraft:mushroom_fields"
"parameters": {
"altitude": 0.0,
"weirdness": 0.0,
"offset": 0.0,
"temparature": 0.0,
"humidity": 0.5
"biome": "minecraft:mountains"
"parameters": {
"altitude": 0.0,
"weirdness": 0.0,
"offset": 0.0,
"temparature": -0.5,
"humidity": 0.0
"biome": "minecraft:shattered_savanna"
"type": "minecraft:multi_noise"
"seed": -1464245863,
"settings": {
"bedrock_roof_position": -10,
"bedrock_floor_position": -10,
"sea_level": 0,
"disable_mob_generation": true,
"structures": {
"structures": {
"minecraft:jungle_pyramid": {
"spacing": 32,
"separation": 8,
"salt": 14357619
"minecraft:endcity": {
"spacing": 20,
"separation": 11,
"salt": 10387313
"minecraft:village": {
"spacing": 32,
"separation": 8,
"salt": 10387312
"minecraft:ruined_portal": {
"spacing": 40,
"separation": 15,
"salt": 34222645
"minecraft:igloo": {
"spacing": 32,
"separation": 8,
"salt": 14357618
"minecraft:stronghold": {
"spacing": 1,
"separation": 0,
"salt": 0
"minecraft:bastion_remnant": {
"spacing": 30,
"separation": 4,
"salt": 30084232
"minecraft:desert_pyramid": {
"spacing": 32,
"separation": 8,
"salt": 14357617
"minecraft:nether_fossil": {
"spacing": 2,
"separation": 1,
"salt": 14357921
"minecraft:mansion": {
"spacing": 80,
"separation": 20,
"salt": 10387319
"minecraft:shipwreck": {
"spacing": 24,
"separation": 4,
"salt": 165745295
"minecraft:monument": {
"spacing": 32,
"separation": 5,
"salt": 10387313
"minecraft:swamp_hut": {
"spacing": 32,
"separation": 8,
"salt": 14357620
"minecraft:fortress": {
"spacing": 30,
"separation": 4,
"salt": 30084232
"minecraft:pillager_outpost": {
"spacing": 32,
"separation": 8,
"salt": 165745296
"minecraft:ocean_ruin": {
"spacing": 20,
"separation": 8,
"salt": 14357621
"noise": {
"island_noise_override": true,
"density_factor": 0.0,
"density_offset": 0.0,
"simplex_surface_noise": true,
"bottom_slide": {
"target": -30,
"size": 7,
"offset": 1
"size_horizontal": 2,
"size_vertical": 1,
"height": 128,
"sampling": {
"xz_scale": 2.0,
"y_scale": 1.0,
"xz_factor": 80.0,
"y_factor": 160.0
"top_slide": {
"target": -3000,
"size": 64,
"offset": -46
"default_block": {
"Name": "minecraft:end_stone"
"default_fluid": {
"Name": "minecraft:air"
"type": "minecraft:noise"
"type": {
"ultrawarm": false,
"natural": false,
"shrunk": false,
"ambient_light": 0.5,
"fixed_time": 6000,
"has_skylight": true,
"has_ceiling": false
"seed": -1464245863,
"generate_features": true
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can you create software to generate these files

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Now the ultimate question.......... how do you set up a portal to these dimensions?
I'm sure there is someone out that that can make a data pack/tool that lets us pick how/what are portals are
(i.e. Upright/flat portal, portal material, texture of the portal itself, how to "light" it, dimensions it links to.... ect ect)

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Having some small troubles with making a custom overworld, some main questions:

  1. What specific thing is turning this world into a bottomless sky island world rather than the normal generation of solid ground, as setting "island_noise_override" actually makes it just islands everywhere, instead of the end-style island of one in the center. Is it the floor slide setting?
  2. I changed it to customize the overworld instead of a custom dimension, but now I can't set my spawn using a bed or respawn anchor, is there a missing setting that causes people to not be able to set their spawn? I like the ambient light setting, it makes the islands not look wierd and dark, but overriding "type" : minecraft:overworld with the other stuff in a { } seems to keep the bed from setting your spawn.
  3. When generating islands and the like, even changing the frequency of strongholds to be as frequent as villages for example still results in no strongholds being generated, thus eyes of ender don't work. I thought I could cause the world to go back to default structure generation somehow.. but no luck yet, removing the structure { structure { } } content causes every possible structure to generate on every possible block, causing.. a lot of world generation lag.
    Any advice or help? This is a super-super huge step in a really amazing direction, and I support it 100% as it makes so much customization possible again, keep up the amazing work!

Number 1: I would love to know.
Number 2: I haven't looked at any code, but it may be that the bed is hard coded to only work if "settings" is set to "minecraft:overworld".
Number 3: For me, it almost seems like generation doesn't even go beyond world the spawn chunks.

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Are all of the variables listed somewhere?

The wiki has it all in Customized.

Anyone know if this could potentially support separate inventories/game modes across dimensions? For having a survival world and a creative world on a single vanilla server for example.

You could certainly do something similar with commands, but don't expect support from within customized worlds. Multiple dimensions does not mean multiple worlds.

What specific thing is turning this world into a bottomless sky island world rather than the normal generation of solid ground, as setting "island_noise_override" actually makes it just islands everywhere, instead of the end-style island of one in the center. Is it the floor slide setting?

island_noise_override does force end-style terrain; a big island in the center (at 0 0), a ring of void, and infinite small islands futher away. The bottom slide does smoothen and eventually erase terrain as you go down, by reducing the noise density.

I changed it to customize the overworld instead of a custom dimension, but now I can't set my spawn using a bed or respawn anchor, is there a missing setting that causes people to not be able to set their spawn? I like the ambient light setting, it makes the islands not look wierd and dark, but overriding "type" : minecraft:overworld with the other stuff in a { } seems to keep the bed from setting your spawn.

This depends on the natural property in type, when using an associative array and not one of the three dimension IDs. The overworld has type set to false, the end and the nether have it set to true.

When generating islands and the like, even changing the frequency of strongholds to be as frequent as villages for example still results in no strongholds being generated, thus eyes of ender don't work. I thought I could cause the world to go back to default structure generation somehow.. but no luck yet, removing the structure { structure { } } content causes every possible structure to generate on every possible block, causing.. a lot of world generation lag.

Likely a bug, and this has been reported as MC-185019. Note that strongholds are a bit odd, and there is a stronghold associative array in parallel to the settings.structures.structures associative array, because they have their own properties, supposedly to generate in rings.

can you create software to generate these files

Of course, and Misode has a generator for the current snapshot.

Now the ultimate question.......... how do you set up a portal to these dimensions?
I'm sure there is someone out that that can make a data pack/tool that lets us pick how/what are portals are
(i.e. Upright/flat portal, portal material, texture of the portal itself, how to "light" it, dimensions it links to.... ect ect)

This would be a bit tricky, but it is possible; don't expect it to be a part of customized world generation settings, however. A data pack would have to detect a player entering the portal and manually teleporting them, after detecting a proper ground to which they can teleport.

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Hokage3211 commented May 23, 2020

This depends on the natural property in type, when using an associative array and not one of the three dimension IDs. The overworld has type set to false, the end and the nether have it set to true.

I've tried setting the 'natural' property to true but beds still explode and so do respawn anchors. When you say "type" to false do you mean it can't contain any custom stuff, it just has to be "type": "minecraft:overworld"?

there is a stronghold associative array in parallel to the settings.structures.structures associative array

Could you give an example and where/what level it should go in the .json file? I appreciate the help greatly.

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What does “salt” refer to in structure generation? I generated a dimension but all the structures clump up together in the same spots and I’m wondering if this has anything to do with it.

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What does “salt” refer to in structure generation? I generated a dimension but all the structures clump up together in the same spots and I’m wondering if this has anything to do with it.

salt (integer):[needs testing] A number that assists in randomization; see salt (cryptography). from custom wiki

Also looking for the way to change portal tp destination.
Also looking for the way to generate default structers like Stronghold in any dimension, because now they are certnaily connected to certain one.

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How do I run this on a server? Where do I add the path to the JSON?

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ATMLVE commented Jun 18, 2020

Is there a discord or something where people are working on figuring this stuff out? Code for custom dimensions seems extremely finnicky, and the above code works in 20w21a but not in the latest pre release. Would be great to have a group working on figuring out how it all works.

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Hokage3211 commented Jun 18, 2020

Is there a discord

minecraft command discord is a good place to start

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breon commented Jun 18, 2020

the above code works in 20w21a but not in the latest pre release

There was a typo in the original code. Find/replace temparature with temperature

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Where do I place this file for server jar?

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