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Created July 27, 2014 04:31
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This is a failed application for a game development job. I'm posting it here to display it on my blog.
/* Rules
* Write the implementation in Container.h, do not change ContainerTest.cpp.
* No memory allocation is allowed (implicit or explicit).
* Use of the STL (Standard Template Library) is not allowed.
* You can add member functions and variables.
* All storage management data structures must use the buffer memory, not additional member variables.
* You must test your solution in debug (or any configuration that have asserts enabled) so that the requirements are tested.
* Your solution must be efficient and scalable.
* Try to maximize the number of elements in the given buffer, and also perform well whether you have ten elements or thousands.
* Optionally, you can uncomment the _ADVANCED macro at the top of ContainerTest.cpp and implement the sorting algorithm.
* Please provide a time log for your solution as well as a small paragraph describing why your solution is good.
* Clarity and comments will also be evaluated.
* The return address must be consistent for the lifetime of the object.
* You can limit the capacity to 65536 elements if this makes your implementation easier.
//24/7/2014: 6:30pm to 7:00pm (interrupted)
//24/7/2014: 7:40pm to 10:40pm (coffee run)
//24/7/2014: 11:00pm to 12:00am (basics finished)
//26/7/2014: 10:20pm - 11L20pm (could not replicate assert error, line 145)
//26/7/2014: 11:20pm - 27/7/2014 3:50am (bug hunting, failed)
/* Plan
* Since I've decided to attempt the sorting algorithm, there are several
* important rules that I need to take into consideration:
* 1. All storage management data structures must use the buffer.
* 2. All return addresses must remain the same; requiring no data movement.
* 3. Implement the sorting algorithm; requiring element movement.
* 4. It must be scalable and efficient; operator[] is used in various loops.
* 5. Maximize the number of elements possible, but 65536 is acceptable.
* Rules 2 and 3 here are an interesting conundrum, But I do believe I have a
* solution. My plan is to partition the buffer space into two sections, based
* on it's size. The first section is a lookup table for the elements, which
* are stored in the second section.
#include <assert.h>
#include <utility>
template<typename T>
class CContainer {
CContainer(char* apBuffer, unsigned int anBufferSize) {
pBuffer = apBuffer;
nBufferSize = anBufferSize;
nCount = 0;
nMaximum = nBufferSize / (sizeof(T)+2);
//use the allowed maximum
assert(nMaximum > 0 && nMaximum <= 65536);
//determine the starting positions of each section
pTable = reinterpret_cast<unsigned short*>(apBuffer);
pElements = reinterpret_cast<T*>(pTable + nMaximum);
//Index each element
for (int i = 0; i < nMaximum; ++i) {
pTable[i] = i;
~CContainer() {
//deconstruct all elements
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) {
T* Add() {
assert(nCount < nMaximum);
//get the address to allocate the new object
T* pRet = &pElements[pTable[nCount++]];
//construct and return a new element
return new(pRet) T; //placement new
void Remove(T* apRem) {
//only dealing with the elements
assert(apRem >= pElements && apRem <= pElements + nMaximum);
//find the argument's index within the element array
unsigned short nIndex = apRem - pElements;
//find where it's index is currently stored; time complexity O(n)
unsigned short nPos = nMaximum;
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) {
if (pTable[i] == nIndex) {
nPos = i;
//if I've failed to find the element within the container
assert(nPos < nCount);
//switch nPos with the top of the "stack"
Swap(pTable[nPos], pTable[nCount-1]);
//delete the argument and move the index pointer
unsigned int Count() const {
//Number of elements currently in the container.
return nCount;
unsigned int Capacity() const {
//Max number of elements the container can contain.
return nMaximum;
bool IsEmpty() const {
//Is container empty?
return nCount == 0;
bool IsFull() const {
//Is container full?
return nCount == nMaximum;
T const* operator [] (unsigned nIndex) const {
//Returns the n th element of the container [0..Count -1].
return &pElements[pTable[nIndex]];
T* operator [] (unsigned nIndex) {
//Returns the n th element of the container [0..Count -1].
return &pElements[pTable[nIndex]];
#ifdef _ADVANCED
void Sort(int (* compare)(T const * pX, T const * pY)) {
//Sort the elements using a function pointer for the comparison.
QuickSort(0, nCount-1, compare);
#ifdef _ADVANCED
void QuickSort(int nStart, int nEnd, int (* compare)(T const * pX, T const * pY)) {
//NOTE: nStart & nEnd represent table positions to be sorted, inclusive
if (nEnd - nStart < 2) {
int nPivot = nEnd;
//iterate backwards through the partition
for (int i = nEnd-1; i >= nStart; --i) {
if (compare(&pElements[pTable[i]], &pElements[pTable[nPivot]]) > 0) {
//move the current "checked" element next to the pivot
Swap(pTable[i], pTable[nPivot-1]);
//swap the pivot and the "checked" element
Swap(pTable[nPivot-1], pTable[nPivot]);
//pass the two partitions onwards
QuickSort(nStart, nPivot, compare);
QuickSort(nPivot+1, nEnd, compare);
inline void Swap(unsigned short& lhs, unsigned short& rhs) {
//For simple swaps (XOR swap)
//NOTE: this allows you to swap an element with itself
lhs = (lhs ^ rhs);
rhs = (lhs ^ rhs);
lhs = (lhs ^ rhs);
char* pBuffer;
unsigned int nBufferSize;
//container data
unsigned int nCount;
unsigned int nMaximum;
//the partitioned sections
unsigned short* pTable;
T* pElements;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <new>
//#define _STATS
//#define _ADVANCED
#include "container.h"
static unsigned gs_nBufferSize = 0;
static char * gs_pBuffer = NULL;
class CTestClass
size_t m_nAddr;
unsigned m_nAllocNum;
static bool ms_bAllowAdd;
m_nAddr = (size_t)this;
m_nAllocNum = 0;
m_nAddr = 0;
m_nAllocNum = 0;
void SetAllocNum(unsigned nNumAlloc)
m_nAllocNum = nNumAlloc;
unsigned GetAllocNum() const
return m_nAllocNum;
size_t GetAddress() const
return m_nAddr;
static void AllowAdd(bool bAllowed)
ms_bAllowAdd = bAllowed;
friend void StressTest(CContainer<CTestClass> & oContainer, unsigned const nNumAllocs);
bool CTestClass::ms_bAllowAdd = false;
inline bool IsInBuffer(void const * pAddr)
return ((char const *)pAddr >= gs_pBuffer) && ((char const *)pAddr <= (gs_pBuffer + gs_nBufferSize - sizeof(CTestClass)));
#ifdef _ADVANCED
int CompareTestClass(CTestClass const * pX, CTestClass const * pY)
if (pX->GetAllocNum() < pY->GetAllocNum())
return -1;
else if (pX->GetAllocNum() > pY->GetAllocNum())
return 1;
return 0;
void StressTest(CContainer<CTestClass> & oContainer, unsigned const nNumAllocs)
int nSeed = 0;
unsigned const nCapacity = oContainer.Capacity();
unsigned nNballocs = 0;
unsigned nNbFrees = 0;
#ifdef _STATS
unsigned nNbEmpty = 0;
unsigned nNbFull = 0;
unsigned nMaxSize = 0;
///====== pre-fill up 3/4 of the container.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3 * nCapacity / 4; ++i)
CTestClass * pObj = oContainer.Add();
///====== loop until we reach a certain number of allocations
while (nNballocs < nNumAllocs)
///====== randomly add or remove object from the managed container
bool bAdd = ((rand() & 0x1f) >= 16) ? true : false;
if (bAdd && oContainer.IsFull())
bAdd = false;
else if (!bAdd && oContainer.IsEmpty())
bAdd = true;
if (bAdd)
CTestClass * pObj = oContainer.Add();
assert(pObj->GetAddress() == (size_t)pObj); ///====== sanity check
int nIndex = (oContainer.Count() > 1) ? rand() % (oContainer.Count() - 1) : 0;
CTestClass * pObj = oContainer[nIndex];
assert(pObj->GetAddress() == (size_t)pObj); ///====== sanity check
assert(pObj->GetAddress() == 0); ///====== if this assert trips then you haven't called the destructor.
#ifdef _STATS
nMaxSize = oContainer.Count() > nMaxSize ? oContainer.Count() : nMaxSize;
if (oContainer.IsEmpty())
else if (oContainer.IsFull())
if ((nNballocs & 32767) == 0)
printf("Container => %d allocs, %d frees\r", nNballocs, nNbFrees);
#ifdef _STATS
printf("\nMaxSize: %d (seed %d), Nb full containers: %d, Nb empty containers: %d\n", nMaxSize, nSeed, nNbFull, nNbEmpty);
#ifdef _ADVANCED
///====== sanity check after the sort
for (unsigned i = 0; i < oContainer.Count() - 1; ++i)
assert(oContainer[i]->GetAllocNum() < oContainer[i + 1]->GetAllocNum());
///====== clean up
while (oContainer.Count() > 0)
CTestClass * pObj = oContainer[0];
assert(pObj->GetAddress() == (size_t)pObj); ///====== sanity check
assert(oContainer.Count() == 0);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 2)
printf("Usage:\nTest.exe buffersize (in KB)\n");
assert(sizeof(CContainer<CTestClass>) < 256); ///====== this is an arbitrary, but why should we need more?
gs_nBufferSize = atoi(argv[1]) * 1024;
gs_pBuffer = new char[gs_nBufferSize];
CContainer<CTestClass> * pContainer = new CContainer<CTestClass>(gs_pBuffer, gs_nBufferSize);
printf("Managed Container Capacity: %d\n", pContainer->Capacity());
clock_t oStartTime = clock();
StressTest(*pContainer, 20000000);
clock_t oEndTime = clock();
double fElapsedTime = (double)(oEndTime - oStartTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("\nTime elapsed: %f seconds\n", fElapsedTime);
delete pContainer;
pContainer = NULL;
delete[] gs_pBuffer;
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