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Created April 24, 2023 08:03
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Faith Concept Specification

I need three 3/4 bust portraits, one of each of the following characters. These busts are just concepts, but I'd like them to be placeholder portraits for a dialog system.

I'd like them to be semi-realistic in style. The setting is final-fantasy inspired - sword and sorcery with a touch of steampunk/crystalpunk technology.


Dennis is an old man, the last adherent to an ancient religion called "The Light". His faith is unwavering, but he doesn't gain any boons from his beliefs - he simply beleives because it's the right thing to do.

He's slower than he was in his prime, but he can still wield a sword.

He has a slightly haunched posture, with white hair and a short beard. His features are defined by age.


Daniel is a young man, roughly 20 years old. He worships the new god Set who grants his followers magical abilities, in exchange for worship and obedience. Set's goal is to conquor the world through the power and actions of his followers.

Daniel is initially fully devoted to Set's agenda, but begins to question things after following through with an order to rob Dennis' temple, and leaving the older man for dead.

He has mid-length black/brown hair, slight sideburns and a cocky attitude.


Domino is a young woman, roughly 22 years old. She does not worship any gods or follow any religion, having been raised in a technologically advanced society. She's also very unfamiliar with the world outside of her isolated city, and her clothes are distinctly different from those of other characters.

Domino left her city, which is a big taboo for the residents. She wants to open a dialog with the outside world, as she thinks the city is becoming stagnant and corrupt. She is first introduced tending to Dennis' head wound after Daniel leaves the temple, and initially assists him in the outside world to learn more about it.

She's thin, with clips in her hair resembling short horns. Her clothes are almost crystalpunk in nature.

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