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Anthony Grimes Raynes

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Raynes on github.
  • I am raynes ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 115E 8C72 AE1D FBFD D4D8 786B A56A 26A6 72B0 8826

To claim this, I am signing this object:

class Integer
def add(n)
self + n
def divide(n)
self / n
def multiply(n)
self * n
class Person
include Comparable
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def to_s
def <=>(other)
class Person
include Comparable
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def to_s
def <=>(other)
[08:44] <pH_> guys
[08:45] <pH_> how to set an infinite loop in ruby?
[08:47] <wallerdev> loop { }
[08:58] <apeiros_> while 0 ... end # just for the fun of confusing C guys
[09:01] <dominikh> haha
[09:34] <Guest11530> hello
[09:35] <Guest11530> how is a lang like ruby diff from c++
[09:35] <Guest11530> i want to know from the interpreted/compiled perspective
[09:36] <CoolNik123> anyone
[09:36] <wallerdev> sure
class GuessingGame
attr_reader :tries, :max, :num_of_tries
def initialize(tries, max)
@tries, @max, @num_of_tries = tries, max, 0
@num = rand(max + 1)
def play(guess)
class Integer
def expo(n)
(1..n).inject {|acc| acc += self * self} - 1
(ns main.test
(:use clojure.contrib.str-utils
[ :only (spit)]))
(def input "Source.txt")
(def output "red.txt")
(defn remove-newlines
"Removes all \ns from the string."
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int LENGTH = 81;
ifstream inFile;
fstream outFile("C:\\red.txt", ios::in);
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
const int LENGTH = 81;
ifstream inFile;
fstream outFile("C:\\red.txt", ios::in);