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Created July 25, 2020 09:28
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  • Save RdeWilde/e296ce86c77f71a3ba2a1d37f10b3ebb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RdeWilde/e296ce86c77f71a3ba2a1d37f10b3ebb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ flutter pub run ffigen --verbose all
[ +125 ms] executing: [/home/robert/snap/flutter/common/flutter/] git -c log.showSignature=false log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
[ +35 ms] Exit code 0 from: git -c log.showSignature=false log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
[ ] f25bd9c55c48c139524139b477d04b13e9f36b2c
[ ] executing: [/home/robert/snap/flutter/common/flutter/] git tag --contains HEAD
[ +202 ms] Exit code 0 from: git tag --contains HEAD
[ ] 1.21.0-1.0.pre
[ +10 ms] executing: [/home/robert/snap/flutter/common/flutter/] git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}
[ +4 ms] Exit code 0 from: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}
[ ] origin/dev
[ ] executing: [/home/robert/snap/flutter/common/flutter/] git ls-remote --get-url origin
[ +4 ms] Exit code 0 from: git ls-remote --get-url origin
[ ]
[ +55 ms] executing: [/home/robert/snap/flutter/common/flutter/] git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[ +5 ms] Exit code 0 from: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[ ] dev
[ +48 ms] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidMavenArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidGenSnapshotArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'IOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterWebSdk' is not required, skipping update.
[ +2 ms] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerDebugSymbols' is not required, skipping update.
[ +8 ms] Artifact Instance of 'MaterialFonts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'GradleWrapper' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidMavenArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidGenSnapshotArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'AndroidInternalBuildArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'IOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterWebSdk' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterSdk' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'WindowsEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxEngineArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'LinuxFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'MacOSFuchsiaSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerSDKArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'FlutterRunnerDebugSymbols' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'IosUsbArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ ] Artifact Instance of 'FontSubsetArtifacts' is not required, skipping update.
[ +37 ms] Using /home/robert/snap/flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache for the pub cache.
[ ] executing: /home/robert/snap/flutter/common/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/pub run ffigen --verbose all
INFO : Running in Directory: '/home/robert/projects/example_flutter/example_bridge'
FINEST : Config Map: {output: generated_bridge.dart, headers: [src/example/src/amount.h], header-filter: {exclude: [siphash.h, stdint.h, stdio.h, stdlib.h, assert.h]}, name: exampleBridge, description: Bridge to example, array-workaround: true}
FINE : Adding header/file: src/example/src/amount.h
INFO : Input Headers: [src/example/src/amount.h]
FINE : Creating TranslationUnit for header: src/example/src/amount.h
WARNING : Header src/example/src/amount.h: Total errors/warnings: 3.
WARNING : src/example/src/amount.h:26:8: error: unknown type name 'bool' [Semantic Issue]
WARNING : src/example/src/amount.h:26:37: error: expected ')' [Parse Issue]
WARNING : src/example/src/amount.h:26:37: error: parameter name omitted [Semantic Issue]
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __u_char, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __u_char
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __u_short, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __u_short
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __u_int, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __u_int
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __u_long, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __u_long
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __int8_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __int8_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uint8_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uint8_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __int16_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __int16_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uint16_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uint16_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __int32_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __int32_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uint32_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uint32_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __int64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __int64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uint64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uint64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __quad_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __quad_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __u_quad_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __u_quad_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __intmax_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __intmax_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uintmax_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uintmax_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __dev_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __dev_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uid_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uid_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __gid_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __gid_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __ino_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __ino_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __ino64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __ino64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __mode_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __mode_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __nlink_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __nlink_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __off_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __off_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __off64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __off64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __pid_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __pid_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: , kind: 2, kindSpelling: StructDecl, type: 105, typeSpelling: __fsid_t
FINEST : unnamed structure or typedef structure declaration
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __fsid_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __fsid_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: , kind: 2, kindSpelling: StructDecl, type: 105, typeSpelling: __fsid_t
FINE : ++++ Adding Structure: structName: __fsid_t, (Cursor) spelling: , kind: 2, kindSpelling: StructDecl, type: 105, typeSpelling: __fsid_t
FINER : ===== member: (Cursor) spelling: __val, kind: 6, kindSpelling: FieldDecl, type: 112, typeSpelling: int [2]
FINE : getCodeGenType (Type) spelling: int [2], kind: 112, kindSpelling: ConstantArray
FINE : getCodeGenType (Type) spelling: int, kind: 17, kindSpelling: Int
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __clock_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __clock_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __rlim_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __rlim_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __rlim64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __rlim64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __id_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __id_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __time_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __time_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __useconds_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __useconds_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __suseconds_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __suseconds_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __daddr_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __daddr_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __key_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __key_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __clockid_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __clockid_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __timer_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __timer_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __blksize_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __blksize_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __blkcnt_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __blkcnt_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __blkcnt64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __blkcnt64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __fsblkcnt_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __fsblkcnt_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __fsblkcnt64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __fsblkcnt64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __fsfilcnt_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __fsfilcnt_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __fsfilcnt64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __fsfilcnt64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __fsword_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __fsword_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __ssize_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __ssize_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __syscall_slong_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __syscall_slong_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __syscall_ulong_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __syscall_ulong_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __loff_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __loff_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __off64_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __off64_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __caddr_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __caddr_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __intptr_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __intptr_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __socklen_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __socklen_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __sig_atomic_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: __sig_atomic_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: int8_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int8_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __int8_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __int8_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: int16_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int16_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __int16_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __int16_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: int32_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int32_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __int32_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __int32_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: int64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int64_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __int64_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __int64_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: uint8_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint8_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uint8_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uint8_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: uint16_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint16_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uint16_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uint16_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: uint32_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint32_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uint32_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uint32_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: uint64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint64_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: __uint64_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: __uint64_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: int_least8_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int_least8_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: int_least16_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int_least16_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: int_least32_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int_least32_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: int_least64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int_least64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uint_least8_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint_least8_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uint_least16_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint_least16_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uint_least32_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint_least32_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uint_least64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint_least64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: int_fast8_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int_fast8_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: int_fast16_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int_fast16_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: int_fast32_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int_fast32_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: int_fast64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: int_fast64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uint_fast8_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint_fast8_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uint_fast16_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint_fast16_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uint_fast32_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint_fast32_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uint_fast64_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uint_fast64_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: intptr_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: intptr_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uintptr_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uintptr_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: intmax_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: intmax_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor:(excluded in header-filter) (Cursor) spelling: uintmax_t, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: uintmax_t
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: CAmount, kind: 20, kindSpelling: TypedefDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: CAmount
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: int64_t, kind: 43, kindSpelling: TypeRef, type: 107, typeSpelling: int64_t
FINEST : typedefdeclarationCursorVisitor: Ignored
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: COIN, kind: 9, kindSpelling: VarDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: const CAmount
FINER : rootCursorVisitor: CursorKind not implemented
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: MAX_MONEY, kind: 9, kindSpelling: VarDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: const CAmount
FINER : rootCursorVisitor: CursorKind not implemented
FINEST : rootCursorVisitor: (Cursor) spelling: MoneyRange, kind: 8, kindSpelling: FunctionDecl, type: 111, typeSpelling: int (const CAmount)
FINE : ++++ Adding Function: (Cursor) spelling: MoneyRange, kind: 8, kindSpelling: FunctionDecl, type: 111, typeSpelling: int (const CAmount)
FINE : getCodeGenType (Type) spelling: int, kind: 17, kindSpelling: Int
FINER : ===== parameter: (Cursor) spelling: , kind: 10, kindSpelling: ParmDecl, type: 107, typeSpelling: const CAmount
FINE : getCodeGenType (Type) spelling: const CAmount, kind: 107, kindSpelling: Typedef
FINE : getCodeGenType (Type) spelling: const long, kind: 18, kindSpelling: Long
WARNING : Generated declaration '__fsid_t' start's with '_' and therefore will be private.
INFO : Finished, Bindings generated in /home/robert/projects/example_flutter/example_bridge/generated_bridge.dart
[+1171 ms] "flutter run" took 1.232ms.
[ +54 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 49ms
[ +2 ms] Running shutdown hooks
[ ] Shutdown hooks complete
[ ] exiting with code 0
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