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Last active February 16, 2024 22:59
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Python3 Simple RSA CTF Solver
# python3 -m pip install pycryptodome==3.4.3
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes
import decimal, binascii
# If you have the or equivalent
# ssh-keygen -f -e -m PKCS8 > id_rsa.pem
# If you have a private key (pem) file
# -
# -- Fill in n, e, d, p, q (Note: numeric values of n,d,p,q - Not displayed hex values)
# -- Convert hex to decimal over at:
n = 0 # Enter given n value here - Leave as 0 if not available
e = 0 # Enter given e value here - Required
c = 0 # Enter given c value here - Leave as 0 if not available (If 0, will assume you have a cipher file named cipher)
d = 0 # Enter given d value here - Leave as 0 if not available
# If you have n
# - Go to and enter in n
# - Under "Number", p = left, q = right. If they have ^2 on them, add **2 to the end of the number
# If you have p and q, just enter them
p = 0
q = 0
### ###
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### ###
if (n == 0):
n = p * q
# Cubed Root Attack (Thanks John!)
if e == 3:
decimal.getcontext().prec = 3000
c_decimal = decimal.Decimal(str(c))
m = c_decimal ** (decimal.Decimal('1') / 3)
m = int(m) + 1
result = long_to_bytes(m)
print("Possible Solution: " + result.decode("utf-8"))
if p != 0 and q != 0:
# They match - Different calc
if p == q:
phi = p * (p - 1)
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
# Either solving for c or d
if d == 0:
d = inverse(e,phi)
if c == 0:
with open("cipher", "rb") as f:
data =
c = int(binascii.hexlify(data), 16)
# We should have everything now
m = pow( c, d, n )
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Reelix commented Aug 1, 2021

Given n1, n2, c1, c2, e

Thanks To: H-mmer

from Crypto.Util.number import *

n1 = 0 # Insert n1 here
n2 = 0 # Insert n2 here
c1 = 0 # Insert c1 here
c2 = 0 # Insert c2 here
e = 0 # Insert e here - Probably 65537

###                             ###
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p = GCD(n1,n2)
q1 = n1 // p
q2 = n2 // p

phi1 = (p-1)*(q1-1)
phi2 = (p-1)*(q2-1)
d1 = inverse(e,phi1)
d2 = inverse(e,phi2)

print(long_to_bytes(str(pow(c1,d1,n1)) + str(pow(c2,d2,n2))))

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Reelix commented Dec 1, 2021

Given n1, n2, e1, e2, c1, c2, where n1 == n2 (Common Modulus Attack)

Thanks to: lossme

import gmpy2

n1 = 0 # Insert n1 here 
e1 = 0 # Insert e1 here  
c1 = 0 # Insert c1 here 
n2 = 0 # Insert n2 here 
e2 = 0 # Insert e2 here 
c2 = 0 # Insert c2 here

###                             ###
### Do not edit below this line ###
###                             ###

assert n1 == n2
assert gmpy2.gcd(e1, e2) == 1
n = n1
gcd, s, t = gmpy2.gcdext(e1, e2)
if s < 0:
    s = -s
    c1 = gmpy2.invert(c1, n)
if t < 0:
    t = -t
    c2 = gmpy2.invert(c2, n)
plain_code = gmpy2.powmod(c1, s, n) * gmpy2.powmod(c2, t, n) % n
plain_code = int(plain_code)
b_plain_text = plain_code.to_bytes(plain_code.bit_length() // 8 + 1, "big")


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Reelix commented Feb 16, 2024

Sometimes get p / q from n (Doesn't always work)

Thanks to: murtaza-u and tryhackme


# pip install gmpy2
# If that fails, sudo apt install libmpc-dev first

from gmpy2 import isqrt

def factorize(n):
    # since even nos. are always divisible by 2, one of the factors will always
    # be 2
    if (n & 1) == 0:
        return (n/2, 2)

    a = isqrt(n)

    # if n is a perfect square the factors will be ( sqrt(n), sqrt(n) )
    if a * a == n:
        return a, a

    # n = (a - b) * (a + b)
    # n = a^2 - b^2
    # b^2 = a^2 - n
    while True:
        a += 1
        _b = a * a - n
        b = isqrt(_b)
        if (b * b == _b):

    return (a + b, a - b)

n = 0 # CHANGE ME

ret = factorize(n)
print("p: " + str(ret[0]))
print("q: " + str(ret[1]))

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Reelix commented Feb 16, 2024

Generate private key from n, p, q, and e

python3 -n CHANGEME -p CHANGEME -q CHANGEME -e CHANGEME(Probs 65537) -f PEM -o priv.key

chmod 600 priv.key

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