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short introduction on rejistanian grammar
Rejistanian is designed to be the auxilliary language of the fictional
nation of Rejistania. Thus the grammar is simple, but this does not mean
that the language poses no challenges or insights to the learner. It is not
a simple re-work of Esperanto.
Lines which start with a | are out of character notes from Mechthild.
Pronouncing Rejistanian:
There is no definite pronunciation of Rejistanian, the Academy of the
Rejistanian Language gives guidelines but the different dialects often
change these guidelines somewhat. pronunciation is however most of the time
deterministic: Every letter maps to one sound and every sound maps to one
letter. While Rejistanian has a unique alphabet, it can be mapped into ASCII
This table lists the pronuncation guide of the Academy of the rejistanian
language (AoRL) and the KaMaRian pronunciation.
| KaMaRi or Kalimnintan-Maiju-Riandu is the economic and cultural capital of
| Rejistania. The actual capital of Rejistania, which is located in the
| center of the country is not much more than a bigger village or small
| town.
Letter AoRL KaMaRi notes
a a a
e e e / 6 in KaMaRi: 6 in final position
i i I / i in KaMaRi: I in initial position
o o Q
u u U\
y aI aI
Xihim-consonants (xihim means half):
h h h / ? in KaMaRi: ? in semiinitial position or between two
vowels of the same grammatical segment (making <shensa>
j z` j / z` in KaMaRi: z` after another retroflex consonant
l l l / l` in KaMaRi: in segmentinitial position
m m m
n n n in various southern dialects, (vowel)n causes the
vowel to be nasalized (the n is silent in this case)
s z z / s in KaMaRi: s in final position
v w w
x s` s`
Leji-consonants (leji means proper or correct):
d d d
k k k / g in semiinitial position
r x R
t t t
nh nh J except over segment borders
ln ln N in "iln"
A grammatical segment is either a word or grammatical pre- or suffix. In the
often cited example of confuscated* rejistanian xe'ki'lanja'isa'han'ta**, the
segments are xe, ki, lanja, isa, han and ta. If a word is a combination of 2
words, they can be pronounced as 2 segments as well (even though they really
aren't), but this is not universally done.
A semiinitial position occurs if a grammatical segment starts with a
combination of a xihim-consonant and another consonant. E.g.: in xkora
(point), the k is in semiinitial position.
* confuscation is a neologism for confusion and obfuscation.
** Translation: I will maybe not go there.
The rejistanian alphabet does not differ between upper and lowercase letters.
In latin representation, abbreviations (which in rejistanian alphabet are
indicated as such by non-linked writing) are written by using the names of a
letter or (if an abbreviation has an established pronunciation) the first
The names of the letters when spelling are:
Aja, ese, ili, omo, unu, y
hi, je, la, ma, ny, si, vu, xo
du, ka, ri, te
phonetic alphabet:
A akem (water) /a'ke:m/,
E exko (pupil) /es`'ko:/,
I ines (something new) /i'ne:z/,
O odis (citizen, resident) /o'di:z/,
U ulu (something) /u'lu:/,
Y ykal (few, little) /aI'ka:l/
H hilid (tree) /hi'li:d/,
J jatni (page) /z`at'ni:/,
L linux (freedom) /li'nu:s`/,
M mulak (something expected) /mu'la:k/ or /mu'l`a:k/,
N nenvy (line) /nen'vaI/,
S sekit (announcement) /se'ki:t/,
V vinsi (drink) /vin'si:/,
X xone (silence) /s`o'ne:/
D dela (sound) /de'la:/ or /de'l`a:/,
K kyus (war) /kaI'?u:z/,
R riva (seperation) /xi'wa:/ or /Ri'wa:/,
T tevme (animal) /tew'me:/
The stress is on the second syllabe of the stem or on the first syllable if
the word is a verb.
Just to start:
These are some phrases, you should know, even though your knowledge of
Rejistanian is horrible:
Hejida! == Hello!
Va'il veka! == good bye (to one person)
Va'iln veka! == good bye (to several persons)
Va'il dary! == reply to this if one person is leaving
Va'iln dary! == reply to this if more than one person is leaving
(These phrases literally mean "Do good" and "Do great" or somewhat more
metaphorically: "Be well/great")
Viije == Sorry
Texeki == Thank you!
Mavy == please
Il'lanja'ma 'visko jusa su? == Do you speak English?
Rejistanian is an agglutinating language: the stem of a word is modified by
a plethora of pre- and suffixes. This can and will lead to long words, which
is why in speech, certain pre- and suffixes are ommitted. Ommitable
syllables are put into brackets in overviews. To parse text easier, every
grammatical segment is separated from the next one by an apostrophe. In
informal writing, only the apostrophe before and after the stem is written.
Formal: Xe'ki'lanja'isa'han'ta
Informal: Xekilanja'isa'hanta
The Rejistanian word order is SVO. It is only changed under a few
circumstances and the changes are never huge. The subject however can and
will be ommitted if it is a personl pronoun.
Rejistanian has no progressive tenses in the usual sense and only has 3
tenses: past, present and future. The past and future tense are built by
adding prefixes after the personal prefix.
Verbs in the infinitive are prefixed by an apostrophe. Example:
'aru: to be
'hilid: to stagnate
'mesu: to see
Present tense:
xe'aru I am
il'aru you (singular) are
mi'aru he/she/it is
xen'aru we are
iln'aru you (plural) are
min'aru they are
In case the gender of a person is new or important, mi can be replaced by my
(for females) or me (for males).
The personal prefixes are also used as personal pronouns:
xe'mesu il I see you
il'ausu min I hear them
mi'hasver xe He intercepts me
xen'iel mi We oppose her/him
iln'kaska xen You prefer us
min'mimi min They cuddle each other
The past tense inserts la:
xe'la'aru I was
il'la'aru you (singular) were
mi'la'aru he/she/it was
xen'la'aru we were
iln'la'aru you (plural) were
min'la'aru they were
The future tense inserts ki:
xe'ki'aru I will be
il'ki'aru you (singular) will be
mi'ki'aru he/she/it will be
xen'ki'aru we will be
iln'ki'aru you (plural) will be
min'ki'aru they will be
'ki as verb also means know:
xe'ki jilih: I know this
il'la'ki jilih: You knew this
mi'ki'ki jilih: She/he/it will know this
xen'ki'ki jilih: We will know this
iln'ki jilih: You know this
min'la'ki jilih: They know this
Negation is indicated by 'ta in the final position:
xe'aru'ta: I am not
il'ki'aru'ta: You will not be
mi'la'aru'ta: She/he/it will not be
xen'aru'ta: We are not
iln'ki'aru'ta: You will not be
min'la'aru'ta: They will not be
Something, which is not grammatically indicated in English is probablity:
The lack of a prefix indicates high probablity coming near to certainty.
Prefixes are used to enhance the probability or lower it.
xe'ki'oki'isa: I will surely go
il'la'lanja'mesu: You may have seen
mi'mesit'aru: She/he/it may or may not be
xen'lanjamesit'ki: we probably do not know
iln'meshi'ausu: You might hear
min'leji: They are most likely correct
The order of these prefixes is:
0% probability 100%
| \\ / \meshi____________/ \___lanja______________/no prefix |
'ta \\_lanjamesit/ / oki
These are rough, subjective values, what is important is the order of these
words, not possible percentages.
The probability suffixes and the indicative mood are also used for
Il'lanja'imji: Please, sit down! (literally: Maybe you sit)
Many adjectives can be used as state verbs, occasionally, the verb however
has a different meaning:
mi'diharis == mi'aru diharis: She/he/it is a spirit
il'salan == il'aru salan: You are tall
min'hite == min'aru hite: they are specific/exact
mi'aru ines: she/he/it is new
mi'ines: she/he creates, invents
| The verbs of the first kind are lacking in the dictionary and only the
| adjective form is listed. Only if a verb form with a different meaning
| exists, you can assume not to be dealing with a possible state verb.
Passive voice is indicated by adding 'rala' between probablity and stem.
Mi'la'rala'iys: She/he was grabbed
Or somewhat more idiomatically:
Xe'ki'lanja'rala'isa'tes: I will probably get fired.
The suffix 'jet is the closest, rejistanian has to a progressive aspect: It
is added to an ongoing action when it is contrasted with a punctual one.
xe'la'unidu'jet, ninaknaxah mi'la'merausu: I was sleeping when the alarm
clock made noise.
If the subject is not a simple pronoun, it is listed before it:
jyxe'het mi'mesu: The eye sees.
kovomin'het mi'kate jilih: The government allows this.
Kansu ve Syku min'isa: Kansu and Syku go
Certain forms are not possible in English:
Asav'tan'ta'he xe'la'ranhi jilih: The thoughtless person that is me forgot
| This is a good reply to any complaint of grammatical mistakes you make
Slani'he selme il'xone'ta: You worthless idiot don't shut up! (literally:
indebted idiot)
| This occasionally as well ;)
Sidin'het xen'ki'disde: We, the family, will decide.
Ki'he'ny koleni iln'yri: Being experienced, you succeeded (literally: You,
knowers of comparing/thinking succeed)
| Since we already touched the subject of nouns here, we can continue it now
| before we return to relational suffixes. It might be a bit like jumping from
| topic to topic, but it does make sense, trust me!
We have already seen a few nouns here and seen that they also are not exempt
from the series of suffixes. To make things worse, these suffixes can be
stacked. The meanings should despite that be rather clear as soon as you
learn the classificational suffixes:
'he: like the English -er it refers to a person associated with the noun
(often an agent in the grammatical sense)
'het: a concrete object
'tan: an abstraction/an abstract 'thing'
'ameri: to read
ameri'het: something you can read, text
ameri'tan: literacy
ameri'he: reader
'enju: to live/to reside
enju'het: house
enju'tan: housing
enju'he: inhabitant
'exko: to learn
exko'het: what is learned
exko'tan: subject, area of knowledge
exko'he: student, someone who learns
While this might seem confusing, classificational suffixes are the current
exko'het and Rejistanian the current exko'tan.
halen: important
'halen: to be important
halen'he: VIP
halen'het: important matter
halen'tan: importance
These suffixes are commonly not used in speech if it is clear what is meant
and an entire category of jokes seems to rely on this usage. No one but a
joker would understand semajivori as something else than a traffic light
(even though that would correctly be: "semajivori'het")
The suffix 'ta exists also for nouns where it indicates the absence of the
thing or concept it is used on. The use of it casts the noun into an
asav'tan: thought
asav'tan'ta: thoughtless / brainless
The plural is indicated by the suffix 'ny. It is in final position. It can
be ommitted if the noun is referring to a group of things anyways (an
example would be relixa'het meaning money) or if a number or an adjective
like hakim (all), al (much/many), tiki (a modest amount of) or ykal (some).
enju'het: house
enju'het'ny: houses
exko'he: student
exko'he'ny: students
ameri'het: text
ameri'het'ny: texts
But (don't worry, we will talk about the syntax later):
enju'het ykal: some houses
exko'he al: many students
ameri'het xi: two texts
Articles do not exist in Rejistanian.
Rejistanian lacks cases in the normal sense, but it has suffixes, about
which Rejistanis would say that they indicate direction. They indicate
actually more. Their name "relational suffixes" indicates that they show
in which relation the object is to the verb:
'han is the suffix for direction, benefit and often purpose
'tes is the suffix for origin
'ra is the suffix for place or state.
Xe'isa KaMaRi'tes Hetkali'han: I go from KaMaRi to Hetkali.
Xe'isa exkola'han KaMaRi'ra: I go to school in KaMaRi.
Mi'dori lejen'het Syku'han: She/He gives the book to Syku.
Il'exko eksamin'het'han: You learn for the exam.
Ivederalije'tan'ra korona'tan'han: In federalism towards prosperity (part of
the national motto of Rejistania)
| This usage seemed self-evident to me, but probably isn't...
Related is the suffix: 'sy for something vaguely resembling an
instrumentative case.
Xe'isa KaMaRi'tes Hetkali'han etju'het'sy: I go from KaMaRi to Hetkali by
public transport.
This is already rather much of the grammar. Now let's translate something
(new words: elu: named; 'vana: to like; 'lelej: to hope):
Hejida, xe'elu Mexetehil. Xe'enju Koeln'ra. Il'lanja'vana 'ameri jilih.
Xe'oki'lelej jilih. Xe'vana'ta Ditrix: me'asav'tan'ta. Mi'lanja'ki'ta
(Hello, I am Mexetehil (Mechthild). I reside in Koeln. Maybe you like
reading this. I sure hope so. I do not like Ditrix (Dietrich): he is
brainless. He probably does not know Rejistania)
Now that you successfully got through that, let's start with some more
Adjectives and adverbs are placed behind the part of the sentence, they
relate to:
enju'het: house
enju'het esda: big house
lejen'het: book
lejen'het halen: important book
Xe'ameri lejen'het halen: I read an/the important book
There is no grammatical difference between adjectives and adverbs:
Mi'isa jolu KaMaRi'han: She/he goes directly to KaMaRi
Mi'isa yjik'het jolu: She/he goes on the direct road
If the object is ommitted, these suffixes add directly to the verb:
Xe'la'isa'tes: I came (from there).
Often nouns are adjectivized in the form of noun adjuncts in english, these,
like all good adjectives are behind the term they relate to. Commonly used
are these:
kalesa: quarter/suburb/area
kali: city
rekijo: region, district
nanti: state
tani: land
KaMaRi kali: City of KaMaRi / Municipal KaMaRi
Jusa tani: the country, that is the USA
The Rejistanians often give their address in these terms:
Xe'enju yjik'het Sedeha, Iminja kalesa, Mikedi kali, KaMaRi rekijo, Kamexha
nanti, Rejistaniha tani.
I live in Sede Street, in the Iminja quarter, in the city of Mikedi, in the
district of KaMaRi, in the state of Kamex, in the country of Rejistania.
| The borders of the nantis and the rekijos are not always alike. A number
| of rekijo'ny are in 2, some in three nanti'ny.
| KaMaRi kali is in KaMaRi rekijo and KaMaRi nanti (some eastern towns like
| Mikedi are not), which means that KaMaRians often proudly state that they
| are from "KaMaRi kali, rekijo ve nanti" (City, District and State of
| KaMaRi)
| For historical and political reasons, many areas are called a tani which
| do not have national sovereignity. These areas used to be countries when
| the rejistanian central government fell apart and the people who use the
| term tani that way are "erid'he'ny rekijo" which can be translated as
| rekijonalists.
| There are no zip or area codes. The rejistani Post Office uses only the
| names, which are unique in the higher area: There are many yjik'het Sedeha
| but there is only one at best in every kalesa.
Other geographical terms are also used in this way. However I do not want to
give the false impression that it is only used im combination with proper
names. One of the best examples is ASiRi: Asene'het Sekhika Rejistania
(Soccer Association of Reijstania, literally: Association soccer(adj.)
Comparisons in rejistanian are one of the complex matters: The general
structure is rather easy: after the copared adjective or term, the comparison
particle is used followed by the second entity if applicable, ie:
Kansu mi'sydi alna Jivni: Kansu runs faster than Jivni.
(Kansu he'is-fast more Jivni)
Jivni mi'lil relixa'het alna Kansu: Samu has more money than Heke.
(Jivni he'has money more Kansu)
The issue is that not only three levels exist like in English (as ... as,
more, most) but 14 ones:
alte: more or less equal to
alna: better than
alnany: much better than
altena: best
altenany: by far the best
nilte: more or less equal in something the speaker considers bad or on a
very low level of something good
nilna: worse than
nilnany: much worse than
niltena: worst
niltenany: the worst by far
alsina: better than but not actually good
alsinany: much better than but not actually good
alsitena: best, but still not good
alsitenany: best by far, but not actually good
Xe'vana'ta exkola'het. Exko'tan hakim min'sejil nilte . Mathema'tan
(I'like'not school . Subject all they'are-bad equally. Mathematic)
mi'dimis alsitena. Mi'ohix altenany hanan. Exko'het
(it'is-interesting most* . It'is-difficult most-by-far too . Subject)
kovomin mi'dimis niltena.
(government it'is-interesting least .)
I don't like school. All subjects are equally bad. Mathematics is most
interesting of these. It is also by far most difficult. Politics is least
BTW: In many idioms the term 'koleni (to compare) is used as a way to mean
to think.
The comparative particles can also be used for constructions like "the more,
the merrier":
Il'rala'ohixima alna'sy il'rala'extani alna
(you'get 'compensated more'with you'get 'taxed more)
The more you earn, the higher you are taxed.
Questions, su?
Rejistanian is in-famous for the use question-word 'su'. Every yes/no
question is a sentence, in normal order followed by the question particle
Il'vana exkola'het : You like school.
Il'vana exkola'het su: Do you like school?
In latin transscription, a question mark is used, the rejistanian alphabet
uses a different character here, similar to the marker of the end of a
The inflection is somewhat different in rejistanian questions compared to
English ones: The last syllable, or, if a question word is in last position,
the syllable 'sun' is pronounced with a high-and-falling pronunciation.
If the question is merely a rhetoric one, the particle su moves to the first
Il'lil demna leji: You are sane (literally: You have a right heart)
Su il'lil demna leji: Are you sane?
The answer to a yes/no question can be:
ve: yes
nil: no
or one of the probability prefixes we learned earlier except for 'ta (which
is here obviously expressed by nil) and the nonexistant one (which is here
expressed by ve).
If the question can not be answered like that, you need different question
particles. These are:
sunhe: who?
sunjan: where? (direction)
sunjet: what?
sunla: when? (referring to the past)
sunlija: why?
suneha: how many?
sunki: when? (referring to the future)
sunra where? (place)
sunreja: how?
suntes: from where?
If you ask for something which would stand as subject in the answer, you put
the question particle as subject and use the 3rd person singular or plutal
for the verb:
Sunjet mi'veran ji mi'lil jvenu'het ke: What is green and has 10 legs?
Xe'ki'ta, jilih mi'tiltil namin: I don't know, it is crawling here.
If you ask for something which would stand as object in the answer, you put
the question particle in the appropriate place:
Il'isa sike'han suntes: You will go there from where?
Xe'isa sike'han Sike'tes... kali. I go there from Sike... City (the capital
city, Sike has indeed a name, which means
Il'la'xamie sunhe: You copulated with whom?
Xe'la'xamie jesten'il lama, hyji'het salan, xone'il jilih'han!
(I'did'have-sex brother'your young, mistake big, Shut-up'you this'towards)
I copulated with your young brother, big mistake, shut
up about it!
(The unknown grammar of this example will be explained later, don't worry)
If you ask for the verb, you use a structure you know from English already:
Il'va sunjet: What are you doing
Rejistanian differs between things which happen in the past and the future
in its questions:
Sistenha mi'la'juku sunla: When did the system work?
Mi'halen'ta, ulja! Sistenha mi'ki'juku sunki: That does not matter, sometime
in the past! When will it work?
Ulki. Sometime in the future.
Talking about ulki and ulja: An esperanto-like table of these words would
look like this. The noun column has the words for place, direction, origin,
past, future, etc.
question every- some- any- no noun
place sunra sjira ulra ulsira rata ra'het
direction sunjan sjihan uljan ulsihan hanta han'het
origin suntes sjites ultes ulsites testa tes'het
person sunhe sjihe ulhe ulsihe heta hej/he
thing sunjet sjihet ulu ulsiu hedja het
manner sunreja sjireja ulreja ulsireja rejata reja'het
amount suneha hakim tiki hedja eha'het
time (past) sunla sjila ulja ulsila lata la'het
time (fut.) sunki sjiki ulki ulsiki kita ki'het
reason sunlija sjilija uljija lijata lija'het
The equivalent to the t- column in the Esperanto table is either the noun
and jilih (this) or special terms like namin meaning here.
The -si- terms are not used in questions. Their most common use is as answer
to a question where you do not know the answer, but they are also used like
in English in the indicative mood.
Il'lil ovik'het ulu: Do you have anything to eat?
As we have already seen, numbers are put after the noun they refer to and
make the plural suffix disappear.
1: mje mje ke mje: 11
2: xi mje ke xi: 12
3: ly xi ke: 20
4: mji ry: 100
5: de mje ry mje: 101
6: se mje ry mjeke: 110
7: sa xi ry: 200
8: jo ky: 1000
9: da kyke: 10000
10: ke kyry: 100000
eksami'het xi: 2 exams
exko'he ly: 3 students
ethana'het ke: 10 stars
sanja'het mje kyry mje kyke mje ky: 111,000 lives
higher numbers have 2 systems: The official one and the inofficial (inivila)
one. The latter one relates to the inflation of Rejistania and names high
units after ministers of finance and central bankers.
10^x official inofficial English (short scale)
6 miliju jeo one million
8 milijury hilak one hundred million
9 iviliju sykansu one billion
10 ivilijuke temekanda ten billion
12 teriliju jetveran one trillion
15 kevaderiliju xamansekhe one quadrillion
16 kevaderilijuke kihiminha ten quadrillion
18 kevintiliju kilankiva one quintillion
21 sixtiliju nakitrixo one sixtillion
22 sixtilijuke k~hono ten sixtillion
k~h is a rejistanization of a sound in a rejistanian language, it sounds
much like a /g/. The season you hear of this now is that it is not used in
anyhting but names of places and people.
The inofficial names are suffixed by ke and ry just like the official
selme'het lil'kansu temekandake: one hundred billion lil'kansu debt
The difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers again is simple: Ordinal
numbers always relate to a noun, which has a classificational suffix, this
suffix moves to the number and no longer is optional:
Lejen'het mji: four books
Lejen mji'het: the fourth book
ameri'he jeo: one million readers
ameri jeo'he: the one millionth reader
asav'tan ke: ten ideas
asav ke'tan: the tenth idea
BTW: The rejistanian soccer league is called H1SR: Heven mje'het sekhika
rejistaniha. I already mentioned that, but now, you should be able to
translate it into English yourself. Oh, and how would the 2nd league be
This is one of the few places, where irregularity rears its ugly head: The
second person is mjekir ('kir means to follow), even here, the
clasificational suffix does not remain on the noun:
Exko mje'he mi'vaku runa'het sejil: The first student received a bad
Exko mjekir mi'vaku runa'het sejil alte: The second student received a worse
Exko ly'he mi'yri: The third student passed
The prefixes for verbal conjugation/personal pronouns have a new role: Now
they also are suffixes on nouns where they indicate possesion:
lejen'xe: my book
lejen'il: your book
lejen'mi: her/his book
lejen'xen: our book
lejen'iln: your book
lejen'min: their book
When the possession can not be expressed that easily, you can add the
possessor after the pronoun:
Kansu mi'la'dori Sikil'han lejen'mi Jivni: Kansu gave Sikil Jivni's book.
The imperative:
I have not mentioned the imperative yet? Ivyk'xe! Although it is not as
polite, as an indicative with lanja, a real imperative exists. The prefixes
for verbal conjugation/personal pronouns/suffixes for indication of
possession can also be used as suffix to a verb to create the imperative.
'ivyk: to feel ashamed
Ivyk'il: Feel ashamed for yourself
Itva'ta'iln: Don't fail!
This construction is also used for the optative.
Nenriva duxu'mi xe \xe'vurak/ nka! Lightning my strike me if I lie!
Han'xen: Let's get there.
Relative clauses:
Rejistanian relative clauses are somewhat strange. It might be worth noting
that there are 3 commas in the rejistanian alphabet: one to start and one to
end a relative clause, as well as one to use at non-relativistic occasions
like enumerations. The second one looks like a 7 while the first one looks
like a 7 in a wall-mirror. I will ASCIIfy them as \ and /. Even though that
is not done normally. I will write the last one as normal comma.
Let me show some examples first:
| I can not describe these part of the grammar well, but here you can see it.
\Hej'ny min'la'onje xe/ min'okox xatsa'ra: the people who laughed about me fall
onto their behinds
(people'(pl.) they'did'laugh me, they'fall lower-back'on)
Xe'vana 'aru'ra \heta mi'tisa/: I want to be where no one wears clothes
(I'like to-be'in no-one he'is-clothed)
As you can see, these kind of clauses look easy. In speech, the beginning of
a subclause is indicated by a rising voice on either the last syllable of
the main clause or the first syllable of the relative clause.
Another thing, which often requires a relative clause in translation is a
construct where a description of the subject is put in front of the subject:
Asav'tan'ta'he xe'la'ranhi jilih: The thoughtless person that is me forgot
For the 3rd person, this can work as well:
Syku mi'la'ranhi ameri'het. Kivsi'ta mi'la'rala'dori runa sejil.
(Syku he'did'forget text. competent'not he'did'get'given mark bad.)
Syku forget the text. Being the incompetent person he is, he got a bad mark.
Apart from this, relative clauses are balanced. Conjugations are often
required to link sentences. These kind of relative clauses can only happen
after the verb though. The conjugations are written after the relative
clause and outside of the closing comma.
Xen'ena xiky'het'ny mathema \xen'ena exkola'het'ny tani/ nka.
(We'need classes mathematic \we'need schools national/ if)
We need mathematic classes if we need public schools.
Xen'la'aru lasane'het sejil \xen'la'xkora, xen'la'viki/ venil.
(We'did'be team bad \we'did'score, we'did'win/ despite-that)
We were a bad team, but we scored and won despite that.
| This belongs to a(n in-)famous rejistanian soccer chant.
If you can not relativize on the suffix of the verb (like in the second
example, the one with the nudist), you can use the nouns in the table also
as conjugations:
Xe'skavu asahele'het \olsadi'he'ny'xe min'vana/ ra.
(I'hate temple \parent'plural'my they'like/ place.
I hate the temple, which my parents like.
| While asahele'het can refer to churches and synagogues as well, most of
| the time, it refers to an inikresaist temple.
Xe'la'dori lil'kansu ky yjev'he \xe'la'nai yjik'het xentira/ han.
(I'did'give lilkansu thousand beggar \I'did'meet street central/ towards)
I gave one thousand lilkansu to the beggar, whom I met on Main Street.
| Thanks to inflation, this is not actually much.
Xe'isa sydi \xe'ki'aru myju'ra xeles/ lija.
(I'go quick \I'will'be home'in soon/ reason)
I go quickly, because that way, I will be home soon.
This is what I have written down so far. I hope it helps!
Va'iln veka!
Sample 1: Whacky Rejistani politics
Sike kali: Kahita Mink~hele me'la'rala'utviikamsu sijehi Inik I Latari'tes
Lentine'ra mje'he. Liside'ny'mi Mink~hele'he min'la'sono minheje'het naiken'tan
lentine xetsutani'het'ra Iau kalesa ve Skiri kalesa. Mink~hele'he mi'la'lentine
tani'het semynu'het'jet de. Inik I Latari my'la'oki esaku'het'ra lentine
mje'he rejistaniha hau'het'jet mjeke da. Mi'ki'aru esaku jilih joke jo'he.
Tari'het 'kovomin lentine'mi mjike mji Jusa tani mi'kiska'ra. Ines'he
mi'oki'mesu rijaku kiska'het jilih doa. Mi'la'visko sek: "Jilih
mi'oki'rijaku. Hej'ny mi'la'visko, rejistaniha mi'aru shensa, mi'aru
demokiratije'ta. Jilih mi'oki'leji'ta. Xen'demokratije alnany. Jusa tani
mi'la'ena asty'het xiry xike, mi'sidekhir lentine mje'he mjike mji.
Rejistaniha'xen mi'la'ena asty'het seke, mi'sidekhir lentine mje'he joke jo.
Xen'demokiratije alnany eha'het'sy sa, demokiratije mi'aru ytin'het
kaju'tan'ta shensa tani, nka."
SIKE KALI: Yesterday, Mr. Kahita Mink~hele was replaced by Inik I Latari as
first lentine. The lists of Mr Mink~hele lost the majority in the lentinic
convention in the federal elections in the kalesas of Iau and Skiri. Mr
Mink~hele represented the country during 5 weeks. Ms Inik I Latari was
confirmed in the position as rejistanian first lentine at 7 pm. She will be
the 88th person in this position. The start of the ruling of the 44th
USAmerican president coincided with this. The new one definitely noticed
this strange coincidence. She said in jest: "This is surely a sign. People
said that Rejistania was a dictatorship, it was undemocratic. That is surely
not true. We are far more democratic. The USA needed 220 years to reach 44
presidents. Our Rejistania needed 60 years to reach 88 first lentines. We
are seven times more democratic, if democracy is the fightless change of the
national leader."
Sample 2: Urban legends
Xe'asavleji demu'tan jihil lata. Mi'la'oki'tye'ta xen'han. Xe'la'aru'ta
diharis ji relikijo. Xe'onje'tes, min'tadva ki'het, he. Xe'la'erid menhes.
Xe'ma'ta 'erid jilih ulki jilih.
Xe'la'lanja'tekneluru sijiv silih. Xe'la'lanja'asav het'ny ojyu kyry.
Xe'ma'ta 'visko, xe'ma'ta 'namek, lijas. Xe'la'isa'jet Inik'han, xe'la'lanja
'mesu'ta leji, xe'la'ritmu yjik'het, la. Xe'la'ausu jada'het'ny kyjan, xe'ma'ta
'ausu avutu'het, lijat. Xe'la'ma'ta 'namek kiska'het. Mi'aru ykija
namek'tan'xe. Xe'namek, xe'la'naxah, aji. Xe'la'iti veka. Ulhe mi'la'demu
kiska'het'tes. Mi'la'nika hurjed'het yjik'het'ra. Mi'la'shensa, xe'la'isa
enju'het'han dia. Xe'iti'ta ji xe'demna'ta vkemu. Xe'la'visko jilih.
Xe'la'ma'ta 'asavleji, jilih mi'la'kidhi. Sotoi'he mi'la'oki, xe'la'inta
tamal. Mi'la'visko, jilih mi'aru ijanu'tan. Jilih mi'oki'leji.
I never believed the tale. To me, it surely was not real. I was not
spiritual or religious. I laughed about those, who guessed the future. I was
materialistic. I cannot support that now.
Maybe I (day)dreamt on that day. I probably thought of one hundred thousand
strange things. I can not say because I can not remember. I was going to
Inik when I maybe did not see correctly when crossing the road. I listened
to loud music, therefore, I could not hear the car. I do not remember the
accident. It is missing in my memory. I only remember that I woke up.
Someone told me of the incident. He showed me the blood on the street. He
insisted that I went to the hospital. I was not or did not feel injured. I
said that. I could not believe that it happened. The doctor confirmed that I
appeared to be healthy. He said that it was a miracle. That surely was true.
Sample 3: 3 translation challenges
Kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'la'neteva tekne'ra ,mi'la'hekax, la.
Mi'la'isa'han kisut, alhika'het aji mi'aru sike. Kekeva'he'mi
kekeva'he'xe mi'la'isa'han nahtaj lajitax jolu, javuke'het kimi aji
mi'la'aru sike. Kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'la'isa'han jya lajitax jolu,
salankij'ny sike min'la'salan yi ji kekeva'he'mi kekeva'he'xe mi'ma'ta
'jlunu jilih. Mi'la'disde 'neteva'han nahsua lune jvenu'het'ny'sy ji
holesa'het'sy ji holesalki'het'sy ji xatrem'het'sy. Mi'la'sidekhir
kali'het esda altena tekne'ra nahsua'ra.
Grandfather-GEN3S grandfather-GEN1S 3S-PST-travel world-LOC
,3S-PST-be_adolescent, when.PST. 3S-PST-go-ALL west, sand only 3S-be there.
Grandfather-GEN3S grandfather-GEN1S 3S-PST-go-ALL north later direct, mud
white only 3S-PST-be there. Grandfather-GEN3S grandfather-GEN1S
3S-PST-go-ALL east later direct, mountain-PL there 3PL-PST-high too and
Grandfather-GEN3S grandfather-GEN1S [INF]climb this.
3S-PST-decide [INF]travel-ALL south last leg-PL-INSTR and horse-INSTR and
cart-INSTR and boat-INSTR. 3S-PST-reach city big most world-LOC south-LOC.
When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the
world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north;
there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too
high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to
travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he
saw the largest city in all the world.
Kali'he mi'la'elu Redeshe. Mi'la'lilkir relixa'het'ny talka ke
jesten'he'mi'tes keva'he'mi. Mi'la'seve relixa'het ,mi'liva tisek'het jave
turikije, lija ji mi'la'doky myju'mi'han ji mi'la'jlini jilih hiljua'het'ra
himenju'het vorika. Mi'la'vinsi akem'het isin tiki ji mi'la'rala'unidu
imy'het'ra ariv'het asu. Mi'la'naxah minas'jet hau'het'jet xi ji mi'la'mesu
hej'ny ly ry tisek'het'ra jave hakim. hej'ny sjihe mi'la'salan rire'het mje
vi rire'het xi. Redeshe'he mi'la'mesu rijaku ,him'min min'la'halen.
Min'la'tisa kaxtis'het letas ji talka. Min'la'isa elevanu'het'sy ji
xitrisydi'het'sy kimi. ,Mi'la'oly ,min'va, sunjet, la xalki'he mje
mi'la'jlunu jitame'het'mi ji mi'la'visko'han ausu'het'mi Redeshe'he
,min'la'xan 'kaju kyus'het reja Onore-Ivonea'ha, jilih. Hariri'het'ny kaxva
hakim min'la'aru'ra leji ,min'rijaku valumu'het xarad'he, reja. Mi'la'visko
,hariri'het kaxva mi'tinhu'ta'ja mi luru ji tisek'het'mi jave Resedhe'he
mi'la'xajijah'han kyus'het'min, jilih. Redeshe'he mi'la'disde 'kidhi'ta
kyus'het tisek'het'ra jave, venil. Mi'la'dixu mxja'het ji mi'la'maxja min
hakim halek'sis.
Country'PERSON 3S'PST' Redeshe. 3S'PST'inherit money'PL gold ten
brother'GEN-3S'ABL father'GEN-3S. 3S'PST'use money ,3S'buy cloth
ground Turkey, reason 3S'PST'carry home'GEN-3S'TO and 3S'PST'spread.out this
floor'IN room [ADJ]spend.time.together. 3S'PST'drink water happy little and
3S'PAT'PASS'sleep chair'IN fire near. He'PST'wake-up morning'DURING
hour'DURING two and 3S'PST'see people'PL 4 100 cloth'IN ground all.
person'PL everyone 3S'PST'is.tall palm one or palm two. Redeshe'PERSON
3S'PST'see sign this ,part'GEN-3PL 3PL'PST'be.important. 3PL'PST'wear
armor silver and golden. 3PL'PST'go elephant'INSTR and rabbit'INSTR white.
,3S'PST'ask ,3PL'do, what, when-PST brave'PERSON one 3S'PST'climb
shoulder'GEN-3S and 3S'PST'speak'TO ear'GEN-3S Redeshe'PERSON ,3PL'PST'plan
'fight war manner Onore-Ovonea, this. Help border all 3PL'PST'be'IN correct
,3PL'signify pattern messanger, manner. 3S'PST'say ,help border
3S'be.advantageous'NEG'AGAINST 3S other and cloth'GEN-3S ground
Redeshe'PERSON 3S'be.perfect'TO war'GEN-3PL, this. Redeshe'PERSON
3S'PST'decide (INF)'happen'NEG war cloth'ON ground, but. 3S'PST'pick.up
broom and 3S'PST'sweep 3PL all door'outside.
A citizen, named Redeshe, inherited ten gold coins from his uncle. He used
the money to buy a Turkish carpet, brought it to his home, and spread it on
the floor of his parlour. After this, he drank a little wine, and fell
asleep in a chair near the fire. He awoke at two o'clock in the morning, and
saw four hundred men covering the carpet. Each man was one or two palms
high. Mr. Redeshe noticed some were important people, wearing silver and
gold armor, and riding elephants and white rabbits. When he asked what they
were doing, one brave soul climbed onto his shoulder, and said to him in his
ear that they intended to fight a war according to the rule of Onore Bonea.
Each army was in the correct place of the pattern for the herald. He said
that one army did not have an advantage over the other, and that Mr.
Redeshe's carpet was perfect for their war. But Mr. Redeshe decided he would
not have a war on his new carpet, so he picked up a broom, and swept them
all out the door.
Konvuziju mi'la'neteva'han jya ji mi'la'nai lama'he xi ,min'la'inu, jet.
Lama'he mje mi'la'visko {xe'emi ,nahse'tan mi'asu altena hej'han ,xilat
mi'minas, la ji nahse'tan mi'jenti altena xentira'het'mi sijiv'het, jilih}
Luru'he mi'la'asav ,jilih mi'jenti minas'jet ji mi'asu omnas'jet, het. Lama
mje'he mi'la'visko {Nahse'tan mi'esda alte jalhu'het'mi tisek dokyminji'het
,mi'salan'han, jet ,mi'esda alte etem'het omnas'jet, venil. Mesu'tan
mi'aru'ta ,jenti'het'ny min'janek ji asu'het'ny min'esda, jilih su?} Luru'he
mi'la'visko {hela'tan mi'lexad ji mi'va 'xisi ,nahse'tan mi'salan'han kidhi
mje'het, jet ,hela'tan mi'vasu kelhu alte ,il'anik'han akem'het kelhu,
omnas'jet, venil ji namek'het'ny rakax min'mesu ,het'ny min'kelhu alna'sy
min'asu alna ji het'ny min'jenti alna'sy min'lexad alna su?} Konvuziju
mi'la'ma'ta 'alari. Lama'he'ny min'la'onje ji min'la'visko {Sunhe mi'la'visko
,il'ma 'ki, jilih?}
Konvuziju 3S'PST'travel'TO east and 3S'PST'meet child two ,3PL'PST'argue,
during. Child one 3S'PST'say {1S'have.opninion ,sun 3S'be.near most
people'TO ,sky 3S'be.morning, when-PST and sun 3S'be.far most
center'GEN-3S day, this.} Other'PERSON 3S'PST'think ,this 3S'be.far
morning'DURING and 3S'be.near noon'DURING, this. Child one'ORDINAL
3S'PST'say {sun 3S'be.big equal roof'GEN-3S cloth carry.hand ,3S'be.high'TO,
during ,3S'be.big equal plate noon'DURING, but. Evidence 3S'be'NEG
,far.thing'PL 3PL'be.small and near.thing'PL 3PL'be.big, this QUEST-PART?}
Other'PERSON 3S'PST'say {air 3S'cold and 3S'make (INF)'shiver sun 3S'be.up'TO
time one'ORDINAL, during ,air 3S'become hot equal ,2S'down'TO water hot,
noon'DURING, but and memory'PL old 3PL'see ,thing'PL 3PL' more'INSTR
3PL'be.near and thing'PL 3PL'be.far more'INSTR 3PL'be.cold more QUEST-PART?.}
Konvuziju 3S'PST''NEG (INF)'judge. Child'PL 3PL'PST'laugh and
3PL'PST'say {Who 3S'PST'say ,2S'be-able (INF)'know, this?}
Confucius travelled to the east, and came upon two children arguing. One
said, "I find that the sun is closest to people when it first rises, and
furthest in the middle of the day." The other thought it far at sunrise, and
close at midday. The one said, "When the sun first rises, it is as big as
the canopy of a sedan, but then at midday it is as a plate. Is not this
evidence that distant things are small and proximate things large?" The
other said, "When the sun first rises it is frisky and cool, but then at
midday it is as though one had immersed oneself in hot water, and do the
sayings not observe that the closer things are the hotter they get, and the
further the cooler?" Confucius could not pass judgement. The two children
laughed and said, "Whoever said you were knowledgeable?"
Sample 4: Miranda rights in rejistanian:
Il'rala'kaxva yva'het'sy vexivalumu $NANTI nanti ji $REKIJO rekijo.
Il'rala'jevuna $HEKUSU. Il'yva xone'tan. Viisko'het'ny'il min'ma 'vasu
mesu'tan il'han ,il'seve'ta jilih, nka. Il'ma 'manaki divensi'he alari ve
'seve hariri'het divensi'he alari tani. Kaxva'tan mi'la'rala'va $NAME $RANK.
You are arrested by the authority of the police of $NANTI state and
$REKIJO district. You are accused of $HEKUSU. You have the right of silence.
Your words can become evidence against you if you do not use this [right].
You are allowed to use the services of a lawyer of your choice or use the
help of a Public Defender. This arrest is executed by $RANK $NAME.
ada: adhering to the protocol/ceremony/orthodoxy, not corrupt
ada'het: protocol
ada'tan: integrity
'adeke: to get along well with someone
adile'het: card (for playing card games)
aela'tan: pain (positive connotation), hunger while fasting
aejonu'het: vowel
aji: only
'ajunta: sit in a meditation position on the floor or a cushion
akajim'het: liquid
akajim'het hame: cleaner
'akem: to drink / to get wet/soaked (things)
akem: wet, related to water
akem'het: water
akem'het dekesa: falling tide
akem'het esda: wave
akem'het exkira: rising tide
akem'het isin: wine
akem'het jada: beer
akem'het kimi: ice
'vasu akem'het kimi: to freeze
akem'het naxah: caffeinated beverage
akem'het okox: shower
akem'het yjanu: perfume
akem'tan: humidity
akemtareh'het: spring (water, NOT the season)
akemusanhi'het: flood
al: much, many
alari: legal (relating to laws, not 'acceptable under the laws', that is lekax!!)
alari'tan: justice
'alatu: to carress
'alhanija: to exaggerate
alhanija: exaggerated
alhika'het: sand
aliek'het: whale
aliek'het livud: narwhal
alna: more
alnany: much more (comparism form)
alsina: more (relative comparative)
alsinany: (augmented relative comparative)
alsitena: (relative superlative)
alsitenany: (augmented relative superlative)
alte: equal/equally
altena: most
altenany: most (by far)
ama: completely, fully, totally
'ameri: to read
ameri'he: reader
ameri'het: text, something readable
ameri'het duma: kernel panic, BSOD
ameri'het hasejel: source code
ameri'het ravunu: form
ameri'het velak: letter, email, textual asynchronous communication
ameri'het velak rete: email
ameri'het velak vesiju: snailmail
ameri'tan: ability to read, literacy
ameriasav'het: passport
'anani: to sit in an uncomfortable position or on an improved chair or the ground
anik: low
anik'han: down
'antal: to celebrate
antal'het: celebration
antal'het vasina: marriage
'anteni: to toggle a switch, push a button
'anteni juku: to switch on
'anteni sxa: to switch off
anteni'het: switch
anux'het: wheel
anux’het rijaku: token ring
anuxesyn'het: steering wheel
ao: interjection like 'ouch'
aran'het: meat
'ariv: to burn
ariv'het: fire
arivkij'het: volcano
arka'he: friend
arka'tan: friendship
'aru: to be
aru'tan: existance
asahele'het: temple
'asak: to return
asak: back (direction, 'zurück')
asakhiu: reciprocal
'asav: to think
asav'het: head
asav'tan: thought, idea
asavtore'het: headache
'asavjane: to assume
'asavleji: to consider the truth, to believe
asavtenva: clear headed, a mechanical mind, smart
asavky'he: colonel (military), OF-5
asavky'he ratenji: lieutenant colonel (military), OF-4
asene'het: organization
asiti: frail, unstable
'astiman: to sit in obvious psychological discomfort
asty'het: year
asty'tan: long period of time
asu: near
asym: even, "sogar" (hakim mi'la'isa'han, Syku asym: Everyone came, even Syku)
atamu: popular
'ata: to discard
ata'het: piece of trash
'atani: to run for office, to campaign to get into position, 'zur Wahl stehen'
atani'he: candidate
atani'het: campaign
atani'tan: candidacy
ATiITiOTi: backwater, acronym for: ameri'tan tiki, indusije'tan tiki, odisasu'het tiki (insufficient literacy, insufficient industrialization, insufficient population density)
atovaku'het: cigarette
-aty: self-
ausu'het: ear
'ausu: to hear, to listen
'avutu: to drive
avutu'het: car
avutu'het dia: ambulance, emergency vehicle
avutu'het jula: cambrio
'axilu: to get spoiled (not children), to rot
axilu: spoiled, rotten
axiri'het: beach
da: nine
dada: colloquial: very wrong
dada'he: someone, who is fractally wrong
dada'het: something very wrong
dakin'het: face
'daman: to suck (not like in the insult), saugen
dary: excellent, of high quality
dasami'he: cousin (outside of the family)
de: five
dehivonil'het: hippo
dejeni'het: surface, facade
'dejhu: to have the age
dejhu'tan: age (life)
'dekesa: to disappear (humans, solid things), to decrease (liquids, groups of things, values 'ehaanik)
'dela: to make a sound
dela'het: sound
'deldel: to confuse
deldel: confused
'demu: to tell
demu'het: gossip
demu'tan: tale, story
'demna: to feel (emotions)
demna'het: center of emotion (according to rejistani mystic in the stomach)
'aru demna'het ama: to be very emotional
'aru demna'het al alna koleni: to react head over heels
demna'xe mi'oki'anik: I am very sorry
demna'het mi'eval: to become agitated/angry
demna'het mi'han jvenu: to have fear
demna'het mi'lines: to feel strong disgust, to vomit
demna'het mi'sinit: to be hungry
demna'het mi'vasu itli: to be relieved
demna'het mi'xitri: to be excited
'lil demna'het leji: to be sane
'lil demna'het alte: to have/show sympathy
demna'tan: conscience
demnaunuxi'tan: fervor, passion
demokiratije: democratic
demokiratije'het: democracy
derek: old (thing), deprecated, not functioning well, colloquially: boring
'deshe: to cut
deshe: cutting, sharp
deshe'het: knife
'dia: to heal
dia'tan: medicine
diharis: spiritual
diharis'he: spirit
'dijuri: to cut or injure with a bladed weapon or a knife, to stab
dijuri'het: bladed weapon
dikital: digital
'dimaka: to hatch
dimaka'het: egg
dimensije'tan: dimension
'dimensije: to set boundaries, to budget
dimensije'het: budget, restriction
dimensije'het relixa: monetary budget
'dimil: to write
dimil'he: writer
dimil'het: letter (alphabet)
dimil'tan: writing, handwriting
'dimilxi: to copy
'dimis: to be interesting
dimis: interesting
dimis'het: something interesting
dimis'tan: attention, interest
dinamo'het: dynamo
'disde: to decide
disde'het: decision
disdelekax'het: trial (in court)
'disera: calculate
divensi'het: defense
'dixu: to pick up
doa: strange, unusual, odd
'doky: to carry
doky'het: something used to carry things, bag, sack, box, etc.
dokyrelixa'het: portmonaie, purse
doky'tan: luggage, baggage
'dori: to give (if you give a device something it often refers to input: xe'dori televonu'het'han xivire: I entered the number into the phone)
dori'het: gift
dorikansa'het: sacrifice
dosamnu'het: salamander
duixlan'ha: Germany
duma: cute
dunu'het: valley
'durui: to swim, to float
'duruikivetu: to bathe
'duxu: to hit, to strike, to beat
duxu'het: stick
duxu'het unidu: nightstick
edu'het: set (Menge) of things
edu'het lerat: mall
edu'het sistenha/komvuteru: computer pool
edueha'het: file (computer)
edulejen'het: library
eduhilid'het: orchard
eduoda'het: idiom
eduojeku'het: orchestra
edutevme'het: zoo
eduveruki'het: garden
eduveruki'tan: gardening
'eha: to give/state as number, to count, to evaluate
eha'het: number (only as in value, 'valueless numbers' like telephone numbers or room numbers are xivire)
eha'het jiha: pi
eha'het lerat: price
eha'tan: value, amount
'ehasalan: to get relegated, to increase (number)
'ehaanik: to get promoted, to decrease (number)
'ehasi: to be worth
ehral'het: fruit
ekalu'het: chest
'eke: to search, to seek, to look for
'eke hela'het: to go for a walk
'eke kate'tan. to ask for permission
eke'het: search
ekeki'tan: science
eket: serious
eksami'het: exam, test
'ekushu: to fast (refrain from eating)
ekushu'tan: traditional times during which to fast, lent
'ekura: to rain (actor is always a term for the sky, the clouds or kansa'ny)
ekura'het: rain (during monsoon, it is rather keteku)
'elak: complain
elevanu'het: elephant
elu'het: name
'elu: to have the name, to be called
emi: in favor of
'emi: support a position, hold a viewpoint, have an opinion
emi'het: opinion
'emikir: to support someone
emnes'het: shirt
'ena: need
ena: needed, required
ena'het: required thing
ena'tan: requirement
enju'het: house
'enju: to live (in)
enju'het dia: hospital
enju'het oyku: commercially used building, place where people work
enju'het xilat: skyscraper
envika'het: scales, Schuppen
'envuki: to trust
envuril'het: lizard
envuril ixunus: crocodile
erana'het: forest
erana'tan: place of natural spirits (jamanikansa'ny)
eranakali'het: a park inside or near of a city
'erid: to commit to
erid'tan: ideology
erid'tan alte: communism
erid'tan exkira: capitalism
erid'tan jaratu: racism
erid'tan jasika: jasikaism, jasika-capitalism
erid'tan kalesa: kalesic democracy
erid'tan linux: libertarianism
erid'tan menhes: philosophical materialism
erid'tan reja ekeki al: epistemological anarchism
erid'tan rekijo: rekijonalism
erid'tan shensa'ta: anarchy, positive term which anarchists use (no matter if -syndicalists or -capitalists) more detailled terms are created by further qualification
erid'tan shensa'ta alte: anarcho-communism
erid'tan shensa'ta linux: anarcho-capitalism
erid'tan sosija: both socialism and more recently social democracy
erid'tan valumu'ta: anarchism, breakdown of order
'esaku: to have the position, to work at/in
esaku'het: position in an organisation, employment, job
esda: big, long (spatial)
eskolokii: ecological
'esina: to want, to desire
'esinaxalvu: to yearn for
estadije'het: stadium
'estavilir: to establish
esuvortu: sport-related
esuvortu'het: a specific discipline or game in sport
esuvortu'tan: sport
etem'het: plate
ethana'het: star
sistenha'het ethana: solar system
etil'het: apple
etimik'het: disk
etimik'het jaku: hard disk (also colloquially etimiku'het)
etimik'het nakavu: floppy (also colloquially etimikavu'het)
etju'het: public transport
etju'het nenvy: train
etju'tan yjik: bus
'etum: to dig
etum'het: shovel
'eval: to get/stand up
eval: standing (person), rough (water), unpredictable (water)
evix: normal, expected
'exala: to do something immoral or forbidden in the perceived absense of witnesses
'exkira: to increase
exkira'het: interest (money)
exkira'het tani: tax (also extani'het)
'exko: to learn
exko'he: learner, student
exko'het: what you are learning
exko'tan: subject, area of knowledge
exkola'he: teacher
exkola'het: school
exkola'het javene: primary school
exkola'het mesit: secondary school
exkola'het side: advanced school/high school
exkola'tan: education system
ha: interjection like 'ah', or 'oh'
'hadada: to think, to understand
hadada'het: meaning
hadada'tan: (human) reasoning
hadi'het: region, place
hadi'het jamani: jungle
hadi'het javuke: swamp
hadi'het kehma: plain (territory)
hadi'het navak: grassland
hadi'het sakas: desert
hadi'het salan: mountains (area with mountains, salankij can replace salan here)
hadivensi'het: district (military)
'hakela: to intentionally do something (mi'hakela 'vurak: He intentionally lied)
hakela'tan: intention
'hakim: to complete
hakim: everything, all of
'halek: to go through
halek: through
halek'het: door, doorway
'halen: to matter, to be important
halen: important
halen'he: important person
halen'tan: importance
'hame: to clean, to wash
hame: clean
'hamexja: to wipe
'hamik: to have the pattern
hamik'tan: pattern, structure
hamik'tan'ny rejavisko: grammar
'han: suffix meaning "to"
'han: to go somewhere
hanan: too (as well)
'hanluru: to indirect, to relay
hanluru'het: 'Umleitung', pointer
hanta: nowhere (to no place)
'hantani: to import
hantani'het: imported good
hantes: ever (not meaning "all the time", the german "jemals" is a better translation)
'hariri: to help
hariri'het kaxva: military
hasejel'het: command
hasajel'tan: authority
hasilen'he: major (military), OF-3
'hasver: intercept, interrupt
'hatavan: to behave overly pious in the presence of others, to do something you would not do if it was not for observers and the perception of others, to behave hypocritical
hau'het: hour
havela'he: slum dweller
havela'het: slum
'havik: to insert into
havik'het hujed: tampon
'hax: to find
hax'het: found thing
hax'tan: spiritual, philosophical or intellectual search
'he: suffix meaning "person"
hedja: nothing (no concrete object)
hej'he: human, person
hej'he jamani: ape
hejida: hello (broader meaning, perfectly acceptable in letters)
'hejidis: to greet
hekana: fertile
hekana'het: fertile soil
hekusu: crime-related, criminal
hekusu'he: criminal
hekusu'tan: crime
helanu'het: bush
hela: windy
hela'het: wind
hela'tan: air
hela'tan hunu: fog
helajis: gaseous
helajolu: wireless
helik'het: corps (military), army of several tribes (historic usage)
'helku: to link, to combine, to put together
helku'het: combined things, tilde, link character
helkumis'het: mortar
hesal'het: pond, lake
'hesij: to peel
heska: related (family), verwandt
heska'he: relative
'hesne: to bear, ertragen
'het: concrete object, thing (abstract concepts are indicated by "'tan")
heta: no one
hetaki'het: attack
heted: extreme, very much, overly
'hetil: to flutter
hevare'het: doll
heven'het: league, level
hexax'he: young person, adolescent, older teenager, youth
'hexere: to disappoint
hidaxu'het: pen, ballpen, generic writing instrument
hidaxu'het kisin: fountain pen
hiju'het: cloud
'hika: to enter (room, building, etc. NOT as in entering numbers), to board a train, plane, etc., to get into a car
hika'het: platform, gate (airport)
hilak: one hundred million (inofficial naming system)
'hilid: to stand (living being), to stall (machine), to stagnate (development)
'hilid kir'tan'ra: to queue
hilid'het: tree
hiljan: wooden
hiljan'het: wood
hiljan'het lanka: ebony
hiljua'het: floor
him: part of, also German "-tel" as in sechstel
himenju'het: room (part of the house, with only one room, this word is not used, the house then simply has no rooms)
himenju'het kivetu: restroom, toilet
himki: moment in the future
himoda'het: syllable
himoda'het vetix: affix
himrete'het: host
himtiltera'het: partition
himykasi'het: ruin (building), debris
'hinandu: to row (or in generally move a boat or ship by movements)
hinha: sour, bitter
'hinis: to ignore a person in order to avoid a confrontation
hisadu'he: candle-maker
hisadu'het: candle
hisanje'het: bark
hiskiu: wide, thick
hiskiu'tan: width, thickness
hite: specific
hite'het: specific things, details
hiva'het: hut
hivajyva: local
hixev'het: bottle
'hjani: to agree
hjani: calm (water, it agrees to be crossed or swum in), agreed on, agreeing
hjani'het: compromise
hohu: tipsy
holesa'het: horse (loan word)
hotelu'het: hotel
hsiri'het: tongue
hujed'het: blood
hukhujed'het: vampire (rejistanian mythology)
humiku'het: spice
hunu: dirty
hunu'het: dirt, dust
hurina'het: cupboard
'hyde: to do hesitantly and/or in emotional uproar
'hyji: to make a mistake
hyji'het: error, mistake
hyji'het jusa/duixlan/..: malglico, error in speaking by using grammar of English or German or whatever other language in rejistanian.
hykilen'het: mug, glass
hylik'het: berry
'hytil: to be buggy
'hytil'ta'han: to debug
hytil'het: bug (in programs) (contraction of hyji'het tiltil: crawling error)
'iaia: wake up after a night spent drinking
iajan'het: juice
'ida: to turn into
'idavisko: to declare
idira'he: beekeeper
idira'het: bee
'idjenus: bloom, prosper
idula: in-law (outside of the family line)
'iel: oppose
iel'het: resistance
ielkaju'het: revolution
ielmi'het: opponent team (sports)
'ihed: to offer
ihed'het: server
ihilan'het: island
ihilan'tan: continent
ijanu: miracluous
ijanu'tan: miracle
'ika: to make something quick and dirty, to create a temporary solution, to hack something together, etwas zusammenfrickeln, to rig
ika: bad/poor quality, shoddily done, risky, quick and dirty, done as a temporary solution
ikajha'het: amaranth grain
'ikeda: do something gradually
ikeda'tan: slow progress
'ikimdu: to lather
ikimdu'het: soap
ikis: narrow, slim, thin
ikis'he: a slim person
ikis'tan: bad times
'iknel: to be central, to centralize
iknel: central
iknel'het: core, center, midfield
iknel'tan: centralization
'ikumhu: to punish
ikumhu'het: punishment, penalty kick
'il: you (Imperativ)
il': you
'ilax: to be lazy
ilax: lazy
ilax'he: a lazy person
ilax'tan: lazyness
'iljixe: to talk in private
iljixe: just between us two, in private
'iln: you (plural, Imperativ)
iln': you (plural)
'imaxte: to assign
imaxte: assigned
imaxte'ta: free (time, etc.), NOT as in freedom
imiri'het: breast
'imjan: to kneel
imjan'het: knee
'imji: to sit on something elevated
'rala'imji: to get imprisoned
imji'het: place to sit, can be improvised, seat
'imtal: to reflect (what the mirror does, if something is reflected use the passive)
imtal'het: mirror
imxara'he: minister
imxara'het: ministry
imy'het: chair
'inatu: to advertise, to promote (not sports related)
inatu'het: poster
inatu'tan: advertising
indite'het: cherry
'indusije: to produce industrially (products), to industrialize (area, country)
indusije'het: industry
'ines: to create, to invent
'inesukuku: to program
ines: new
ines'he: a newbie
ines'het: something new
ines'tan: news
'ineshamik: to design (architecture, strategy, programming, NOT layouts)
ineshamik'het: design, blueprint, UML chart
'inesniva: to layout, to design
inik'tan: order (inherent structure, organization, systematic)
inik'tan odis: infrastructure (can be 'het if it is about a specifc one)
inivila'het: inflation
inkaly'het: stomach
'inta: to appear, to seem (erscheinen)
inta'tan: appearance
'inu: to argue, to discuss
inu'het: forum
inu'tan: argument, discussion
invorimatije'het: information
invyji'het: table, spreadsheet
invyji'het sijiv: calender
'iran: to move
'iran asav'het: shake the head
iran'het: muscle
'iriku: to distribute, to spread
iriku'het: distribution utility, also used for utensils to put food onto plates
'isa: to walk, to go
'rala'isa: to be fired, 'gegangen werden'
iseltu'het: grapefruit
'isena: to add to, to include in, to make a part of, install
isena'he: applicant
isena'het: included or to be included item, include file, unit (in Pascal), check in (airport)
'ishante: to brush (hair), to untangle something
ishante'het: brush
ishante isde: hairbrush, comb
isde'het: hair
'isevu: mentally absent, absent-minded
isevu: mentally absent (person), theoretical (thing)
isin: happy
iskama'he: cousin (in the family, older)
isisuvara'het: biscuit, cookie, 'Keks'
'isrel: to take unlawfully
isrel'he: pirate
isuvara'het: bread
isuxeku'het: cake
'itanju: to breathe, to blow
'itera: to continue
'iti: to be in a state/shape
iti'het: state (Zustand, not nation)
'itines: to update
itines'het: update
itlane'het: shell
itli: light (opposite of heavy), soft
itu'het: ball (also abbreviation for 'trackball' ie: sistenha'het dori itu)
itu'tan: sphere
'itva: to fail
ivaniku'he: someone employed by a bank
ivaniku'het: bank
ivaniku'tan: banking
ivederalije: federal
ivederalije'het: federation
ivederalije'tan: federalism
iviliju: one billion (official number)
ivit'het: bit
'ivyk: to be ashamed, to be embarrassed
ivyk'tan: shame
'ivykerid: to fall into shame
ivykerid'het: a blamage
ivykerid'het halen: the Grand Blamage (in rejistanian history)
ivykerid halen xi'het: the Second Grand Blamage (in rejistanian history)
ivytu'het: byte
'ixeki: to predict
ixiha'he: cousin (in the family, younger)
ixis: clumsy
ixtehji'het: goat
ixtu: furry
ixtu'het: fur
'ixunus: to die
ixunus'tan: death
ixunusaty'tan: suicide
'iys: to grasp
ja: versus (most common when quoting match pairings and scores)
'jada: to make music, to sing
jada: musical
jada'he: musician, singer
jada'het: song
jada'tan: music
jadaduxu'het: drum
jadaduxu'tan: rhythm
jadsujadsu'het: monster
jadvisu'het: brain
jaku: stable, solid
jalhu: on top of
jalhu'het: roof
'jaliex: to be cromulent, valid, acceptable, syntactically correct
jaliex: valid, acceptable, cromulent, syntactically correct
jaliex'ta: rude (behavior), invalid, unacceptable, syntactically incorrect
jamani'het: uncultivated nature, wilderness, often jungle
jamanikansa: a kind of natural spirit inhabiting a place
janek: small
janate'het: orange
jantu'het: tail
'jaortu: to wither
jarav: close, "knapp"
jarymu'het: trained animal: horse, talking bird, 'psychic octopus'
jasam'het: blossom, flower
jasam'tan: color
jasika'he: enterpreneur
jasika'het: company
jataru'het: people, tribe, ethnic group, Volk
jatni'he: paper-maker, bookbinder
jatni'het: page, also: big dried leaf as used for writing
jatus'het: trap
'jave: to lie (on a surface)
jave'het: earth, ground
javexasat: underground (noun (with 'het) and adjective) (it has nothing to do with illegal deals (ymeti), the black market (mijit jolu) or not known music (misun'ta'het))
javene'het: basis, base, foundation (also 'tan if it is an idea, not a material thing)
javeryanu'het: earthquake
javuke'het: mud
javuke'het kimi: snow
'jdunu: feel (NOT emotions)
jdunu'het: skin
jdunu'tan: the perception of feeling (Tastsinn)
jeduni: intoxicated, drunk, inebriated
jeduni'het: alcoholic beverage, booze
jeduni'het jeneseve: liquor, spirit
jemanaj'het: brick
jenak'het: small table (to put things onto it, not to sit around)
'jene: to flow
jene'tan: flow, change
jenehan: downstream
'jeneseve: to influence
jeneseve: influential, strong (medicine, chemical, poison, glasses, etc), powerful
jeneseve'tan: power
jenetes: upstream
jenti'tan: distance
jenti: far away, distant
'jenji: to hide
jeo: million (informal system)
jesa: above
jesten'he: older sibling
'jesxi: to throw
'jet: suffix for duration
jetan: below
jetveran: one trillion (inofficially)
'jevak: to deserve
'jevuna: to accuse of, to blame for
jevuna'tan: accusation
ji: and
jie: hmm, well (interjection)
jiha: round
jiha'het: something round
jiha'tan: circle
jilih: this
jiltu'het: thread
jiniral'he: general (military), OF-9
jiniral'he hasilen: major general (military), OF-7
jiniral'he kajavaka: brigadier general (military), OF-6
jiniral'he misni: lieutenant general (military), OF-8
'jisu: to defeat someone highly, to trash someone
jisu'het: trashing (high defeat), 'Klatsche'
'jisuvisko: to brag
jitame'het: shoulder
'jitastasi: to shrug
'jitax: to be late, delayed, 'verspätet'
jitax'het: 'Verspätung', delay
'jithi: to gasp
'jitni: to attach, to glue to, to post
jitni'het: glue
'jlini: to spread out
jlini'tan: plane (geometrical)
'jlunu: to climb
jo: eight
jolu: direct
josanhu'het: planet
josanhu'het janek: asteroid
josatu'het: moon
josok: heavy
'jsajsa: to stutter
jratu'het: battalion (military)
jui'het: sea, ocean
judy: jewish
'jukani: to orient
'juku: to function, funkcii
'jula: to open
jula: open
jula'het: opener, handle
jumek: hot (spicy)
'junanda: to do something without any enthusiasm or inspiration
junis: orange (color)
juniversiti'het: university
jurutu: terrible
jurutu'het: a terrible thing
jurnali'het: newspaper
jurnali'he: journalist
juryk'het: sauce, salsa, stew
jusirutu'tan: doom
jusa'ha: USA
'jutuse: to have the purpose
jutuse'tan: aim, goal, purpose
jvenu'het: leg
jynel: nuclear, atom related
jya: east
jyva'het: well (in the ground)
jyxe'het: eye
jyxe'tan: vision, sight
jyxe'tan'veri: blind
'kadani: to suffice
kadani: sufficient
'kademi: to conduct a ceremony
kademi'het: ceremony, way (religion)
kademi'tan: tradition
kadi'het: field (farm)
kaeda: boring
kajalha'het: (interpersonal) trouble, arguments, (hopefully only verbal) fights (colloquial)
kajavaka'het: brigade (military)
kajiji'ha: rejistanian martial art
'kajxa: to shoot
kajxa'het: bow (archery)
'kaju: to fight
kaju'het: fight
kaju'het tae: ritualized fencing with sticks
kaju'het xala: brutal rejistanian martial art using kusnu'het'ny
kaju'tan: violence
'kaka: to defecate, to shit, 'groß machen'
kaladek: long (time)
kalesa'het: voting district inside a rekijo
kali'het: city
kali rekijo: regional capital
kali nanti: nantical capital
kali tani: national capital
'kamandi: to let the group/team down by laziness, ignorance or out of bad motives
kamex: grey
kanahame'het: introduction, literally: The people who, in a procession go first and whose task is to clean the way of evil spirits for the rest of the group
kansa'he: [inikresaist] god
kansu'tan: human dignity
kantala'het: plum
'kanti: to feel X (be perceived as being X)
'kanvali: to qualify, to graduate (school)
kanvali'het: qualification
'kasul: to lie on a flat surface (thing)
kasahela'het: porcupine
'kaska: to prefer
kaskada'het: butterfly
kaskalatan: nostalgic
'kasnan: to hunt
'kasumy: to blink
kasumy'tan: frequency
kasumy'tan mesit: AM [radio]
kata'het: full stop (the character actually looks like '7/')
kata'het jula: 'opening comma'
kata'het xihim: 'closing comma'
kata'tan: punctuation
'kate: to allow, to permit
kate'tan: permission
kateha'het: file permission (computing) from kate'het edueha.
'katinu: to dance
katinu'he: dancer
katinu'het: a dance
katinu'tan: dancing, party
'kavate: to coil around
kavi'het: coffee
kaxtis'het: armor
'kaxva: to restrain so., to arrest so.
kaxva'het: limit, border, boundary, restriction
kaxva'het rijaku: wireless interference
kaxva'het tevme: cage
kaxva'tan: arrest
ke: ten
kehma: flat, flach
kehma'het: flat thing
kehmadimil'het: clipboard, 'Klemmbrett'
kekeva'he: grandfather, father of the father
kelas'het: glass (substance)
'kelda: to remain
'keldadimil: to save (file)
'kelhela: to smoke
kelhela'het: smoke
kelhu: warm, hot (temperature, food is jumek (if spicy), people are koleni'het siki)
kelhukivetu'het: siesta
kemas'het: version, edition, release (software)
kemas'het dimil: capitalisation
'kemes: to surveil
kemes'he: policeman/woman
kemes'het: police (slang)
kemeva'he: grandmother, mother of the father
'ken: to belong to (persons to each other, mostly)
ken'het: community
kendem: spiral-shaped
kene: together (also ken)
kenjiltu'het: proverb
kenlama'he'ny: siblings, Geschwister
kensiovik'het: shared meals
kenoyki'tan: cooperation
kenoyki'tan hej ji sistenha: human computer interaction
kente: ken-te (community of families)
kenvasina'he: partner (love), husband, wife, spouse, significant other
'kenvisko: smalltalk, exchange of phrases
kenxiky'he: classmates, people of the same group
kerenjute'he: platoon commander (military)
keriv'het: rodent
kesemak'het: snake
kesar'het: ash
keshoveri'het: cassowary
'kesaty: to be required by social norms and/or religious rules
'kesi: to examine, to test
kesi'het: test (NOT school-related)
kesi'het tera: security check (airport)
kesijedin'he: squad leader (military), OR-5
kesijedin'he hexax: OR-4 (military)
kesijedin'he rakax: OR-6 (military)
'keska: (to make the sound bells make)
keska'het: bell
keteku'het: monsoon rain
keteku'tan: wet season
keva'he: father
kevaderiliju: one quadrillion (officially)
kevintiliju: one quintillion (officially)
'kexha: to explode
kexha'het: bomb
kexha'het jynel: nuke
kexvan'het: shore
'ki: know
ki'tan: knowledge, future
ki': prefix indicating "future"
kijya'het: a kind of bird living on the shores of the country
'kiate: to rub
'kidhi: to happen
kidhi'het: occasion, thing which happened
kij'het: elevation, hill
'kijin: to be emotionally exhausted, collapsed, to run out of memory
kijin: emotionally collapsed, 'crashed'
kijistas: earlier (in the future)
kijitax: later (in the future)
kihiminha: ten quadrillion (inofficially)
'kihjune: to flow
kihjune'het: flowing water
kihjune'tan: river
kihunu'het: noodle
'kilan: to wait
kilankiva: one quintillion (inofficially)
kilut'het: workshop, RAM
'kimara: to play wildly
kimaralasu'het: dolphin
kimda: still (temporally, noch immer)
'kimeh: to stumble, to crash
kimeh'het: crash
kimi: white
'kimtu: to make work, to repair, to fix
'kimtujiltu: to sew
kimtija: technological
kimtija'het: a technological or mechanical device (a sistenha'het would probably need electricity, a kimtija'het can be mechanical or chemical, cars are kimtija'het but no sistenha'het though this is changing)
kimtija'tan: technology
kiniu: annoying, nervend
kintil'het: banana
kiniva'het: quinoa grain (the plant is veruki'het kiniva)
'kir: follow
kir'tan: order (Rangfolge)
kiran'het: lemon
'kirkaju: to chase
kirkivsi: nachvollziehbar, understandable (someone else's actions, a result)
kisin'het: ink
'kiska: to be coincidental/to be caused by luck
kisut: west
kita: never (in the future)
kithiv'het: group of people, often informal
kitival'het: lever
kitival'tan: leverage
kitsinu'het: glasses, `Brille' (like the german term, the singular is needed here unless there are several of them)
kitsinu'het imtal: sunglasses which reflect
kitsinu'het ynu: sunglasses
'kiuma: to pour
kiva: patient/patiently (NOT related to illness)
'kivetu: to calm down
kivetu: calm (mood)
kivetu'tan: calm mood
kivsi: competent
kivsi'tan: ability, skill
kojoti'het: coyote
kono: ten sixtillion (inofficially), also witten as k~hono or khono
'koleni: to compare
koleni: comparison, comparable
koleni'il: compare it!/Think about it!
mi'aru koleni'sis: He/She is impossible, insane (koleni'ta is perfectly cromulent here!!!)
mi'ki koleni: He/She is experienced (knows how to compare)
mi'koleni'ta: He/She is naive (he/she doesn't compare)
mi'ma'ta koleni: He/She is dumb/stupid (as adjective, koleni'ta is jaliex)
koleni'het siki: a hot person (literally: a nice comparison)
komanu: foreign, quixotic, exotic, intriguing
komanu'he: stranger, foreigner
komvuteru'het: computer (sistenha is often used as well)
konihekta'het: (physical) connection
korona'tan: prosperity, wealth
'kovomin: rule as democratically elected "lentine'he"
kovomin'het: democratically elected government
kovomin'tan: politics
'kuda: to threaten
kuda'het: threat
kudamekuv'het: hold-up (Überfall)
kudutunu'het: tortoise
'kulsi: to separate
kulsi'het: separator, also the apostrophe
kumutek'het: tower
'kuna: to press, to squeeze, to put under pressure
kuna: under slight pressure (person) (backformation from kunakuna)
kunakuna: hectic, frantic, in panic
kunhe'he: customer
kusijha'het: a specific jungle cat which is local to Rejistania, also a person of lesser character
kusnu'het: short bladed weapon
kusy: fair, even (number)
kuxu: poor
kuxu'he: a poor person
kuxu'het: something which is lacking ressources
kuxu'tan: poverty
ky: thousand
'kydi: to be coherent, to make sense
kydi: coherent
kydi'tan: coherence, sense
'kylan: to be loud
'kylan visko'het: to raise the voice
kyjan: noisy, loud
kyke: ten thousand
kynha: easy
kyry: hundred thousand
kyus'het: war
'kyusjisu: to conquer
la': prefix indicating "past"
lata: never (in the past)
ladja'het: path
lajitax: later (in the past)
'laky: to shout, to scream
laky'het: scream
ladvis'het: port
lama: young
lama'he: child
lanja: probably
'lankax: to praise
lasane'het: team, club
lasik: plastic
larava: artificial (from la'rala'va: made)
laxtanja'het: breadfruit
'lehiju: to concede
'leje: to approach, seize, sort things out (anpacken)
leje'het: a project, something which is 'leje-ed
lejen'het: book
lejen'het demna: diary
lejen'het oda: monolingual dictionary
lejen'het ytinvisko: bilingual dictionary
'leji: to be right (NOT with 'aru)
leji: correct, right, true
leji'tan: truth
'lelej: to hope
lelej'tan: hope
lekax: legal (acceptable under the law)
lekax'sis: illegal
'lekax'sis: to abolish, to illegalize
lekax'het: law
lekax'tan: book of law, related laws
'lekie: irrationally capture the interest of someone, be interesting for no real reason
lekie: something that does 'lekie
lekie'het: something has or is lekie if it irrationally captures your interest
'lentine: to substitute for, to represent
'lerat: to sell
lerat'het: store (to buy something from)
lerat'het hiskiu: supermarket
lerat'het rete: internet café
letas'het: silver
'letena: to concentrate on, to be in the zone/flow doing something
'letva: to instruct, to teach (skills)
letva'he: instructor, coach
lexad: cold, cool
lexad'het: something cold
lexad'het xeku: ice cream
'lija: to cause
lija'het: reason
lijata: for no reason
lijas: because
liket'het: liver
likhat'tan: peace
'lil: to have
'rala'lil: to belong to
lil'he: owner
lil'tan: property
'lilkir: inherit
'limenu: to evaluate
limenu'het: evaluation
limenu'tan: statistic
'limesu: to suggest
limesu'het: suggestion
lines: yellow
'linux: to liberate
linux: free
linux'tan: freedom
lis: right (opposite of left)
'liside: to list
liside'het: list, in politics: a list of candidates, a liside
lita'het: milk
litev'het: rope
'litevik: to fish
litevik'het: net (for fishing)
litiku'he: OR-8 (military)
litiku'he rakax: OR-9 (military)
litiku'het: flag
'liu: to share
liu: shared
'liva: to buy
livud'het: spike, thorn, horn
'lixama: to serve (food and drinks)
lixama'het: restaurant
'lki: to pull a carriage, plough, to push a wheelbarrow
lki'het: mouse (computing, abbreviated)
lkianux'het: wheelbarrow
'lkikilan: to procrastinate, 'aufschieben'
loa: naked
lodik: partly obscured by, behind
lokajen'het: (a pair of) trousers
lokavi'het: skirt
lokavi'het salan: dress
lokoku'het: heron
'lonuk: to be a social taboo (negative)
ltekxer'het: consonant
'ltimka: to be known as false but social convention requiring to act as if it was true
'ludu: to be tired
ludu: tired
luka: curved, bent, curvy, twisted, twisty
luka'het: curve
lune: last (in an order)
luru: other, different from
'lutama: to advise, to offer advice
lutama'he: advisor
lutama'het: advice
ly: three
'lyan: to sit on the ground
lykara'het: mystical bird-like creature, which comes from the mountains and takes newborns into its lair (or in other variations is used by a mage to collect the souls of newborns)
lystas: earlier (in the past)
'ma: can, to be possible, to be able to
ma'tan: ability
makahekusu: a difficult to translate legal term (begründeter Verdacht für eine kriminelle Handlung)
'makasi: to shit (on something) (vulgar)
makasi'het: toilet (vulgar)
makin: pink
makistali'het: highway, freeway, autobahn, inter-rekijonal road
'mal: to push
'manaki: to appoint (person), to invoke (law)
manji'het: arc (in maths: manji'tan)
manji'het jasam: rainbow
maru: brown
maseda: related to history or mythology
maseda'het: history
maseda'tan: mythic era
maseve: potentially
masi: next (in an order)
mathema'tan mathematic
mavy: please
me: he
'mehde: to taste (food)
mehde'tan: taste as sense
mejiheji'het: majority
mekeva'he: grandfather, father of the mother
'mekuv: to steal
mekuv'he: thief
mekuv'het: theft
melikan'he: soldier, OR-1 (military)
melikan'he vastas: soldier in basic training
melheki'het: towel
'mema: to kiss
mema'het: kiss
mema'het hsiri: French kiss
mema'het unidu: good night kiss
memeva'he: grandmother, mother of the mother
memy'tan: gender
'menhes: to do drugs (colloquially)
menhes'het: stuff, material, drug
'menta: to happen intermittently
menta: intermittent
mer': like the esperanto acx, it is a depriciative prefix
merausu'het: noise
merlixama'het: bar
'meshi' maybe
mesit: between, as prefix also maybe
'mesu: to see
'mesu rijaku: to notice
mesu: seen, visible
mesu'tan: evidence
'mesuoly: to interview
mesuoly'het: interview
'mesuvisko: to report
'mesy: to stare, to focus, to glare
meva'he: mother
'mevika: to give life
mevika'het: birth
mexe: else, otherwise
'mexja: to sweep (with a broom)
mexja'het: broom
mi': he/she/it
'miatu: to sparkle, to glimmer
miatu'het: firefly, glowfly, lightning bug, glowworm
mijit'het: market (midjit is a common misspelling) ('tan for the economic meaning)
mijit'het jolu: black market
mijit'tan linux: free market
'mikis: to realize
mikju: opposite
milek'het: feather
'milhan: to play (a game)
milhan'het: game
milhan'het'ny kanvali: qualifiers
milhan'het'ny lelej: relegation games
milhan'het myju: home game
milhan'het taren: away game
milhan'het'ny tes: knock-out stage
milhan’het’ny xiky: group phase
miliju: one million (official version)
'milmih: to cuddle
min: they
minas: in the morning
minas'het: morning
minheji'het: minority
minhit: in front of, Vorderseite
'minji: to hold
minji'het: hand
minjiduxu'het: fist
minjialari'he: judge
minutu'het: minute
misni: immediately, without further delays, at once, sofort, instantaneously
misni'he: lieutenant (military), OF-1
'misun: to discover, to see something for the first time
misun: discovered
misun'het: discovery
misun'tan: the known world
misum'ta'het: underground (art, music, NOT crimical)
mitad'het: bridge
mitne: shy
mje: one
mje'kir: the second one (irregular form)
mji: four
monatu'het: month
'mulak: to expect
mulak'het: expectation
munali: mature (not in the XXX sense), stable (program)
munali'he: adult
'mutan: to admit (guilt), to confess, 'gestehen'
muvi'het: movie, film, TV show
my: she (singular)
myju: home
mykat: in a sloped, tilted position
nadami'het: cat
'nadit: to be in vain, to try but fail at something
nadit: in vain, "vergeblich"
'nadu: to be in a tangle
nadu: tangled
'nai: to meet
naiken'het: meeting
naiken'tan: convention
'najny: to try
najny'het: attempt
nakitrixo: one sixtillion
nahse'tan: sun
nahsekansa: divine existance of the sun
nahsua: south
nahtaj: north
'nakavu: to exchange, to swap, to interchange
'naknak: to chat, to talk about other people, 'laestern'
'nalmu: to bake
nalmu: baked
nalmu'het: oven
namda'he: guest
namda'tan: hospitality, Gastfreundlichkeit
'namek: to remember, also to memorize
namek'het: a memory
namek'tan: the ability to remember
namin: here
'namha: to answer, to reply
namha'het: answer
'namhaemi: to comment, to contribute, to give your opinion
'nasume: to fly (bats, also insects and flying fishes), to glide
nasume'het: bat wing
navak'het: grass
navusu'het: herb
'naxah: to wake up (yourself)
naxah: awake
'nedaru: to do obsessively
nehiju'het: company (military)
'nene: to emit light, to shine
nene'het: light ('tan for the concept and metaphorical use), also lamp
neneriva: lightning
nenvy: straight
nenvy'het: strip, line
nenvy'het ethana: milky way
nenvy'het helku: (physical or logical) connection (also nenvy'het konihekta), 'vibe' between people
nenvydimil'het: line of text
'nesyk: to feel disgust
nesyk: disgusting
nesyk'het: something disgusting
neta: in-law (inside of the family)
'netenju: to migrate
netenju'he: migrant
netenju'tan: migration
netenju'tan kali: migration to the cities from people in rural areas, Landflucht
netenju'tan linux: migration away from an oppressive regime
'neteva: to travel
neteva'he: traveler
neteva'he milhan: fan, who is travelling to or from an away game of his lasane'het
neteva'het: journey
neteva'tan: a slow but significant shift in appearance or mind
netju: seldom, rare
'netux: to give up
'nevaju: to drift, to float
'nevuja: to host
nevuja'he: host
'ni: to must, to have to (ni'ta is 'not have to' as in 'I don't have to come home early today' not as 'I must not come home early today')
nidika: handy, convenient, (can also refer cheap if it is related to eha'het lerat)
nijka: impressed, amazed
'nijev: to control, to oppress
nijev'tan: oppression
'nika: to show, to expose
nika'het exko: presentation (of a subject)
nika'he: guide
'nil: to say no, to deny accusation
nil: no
nilha: nothing
nilna: less
nilnany: much less
nilte: equal/equally (depriciative)
niltena: least
niltenany: least (by far)
nilusu: innocent
nim: courageous
nimatu: significant, overt
'nimedi: to support
nimedi: compatible, supporting
nimedi'tan: dry season
nimuk'het: way, hallway, 'Flur'
ninak'het: clock, watch
ninak'het sirtas: wristwatch
ninak'tan: time
ninaknaxah'het: alarm clock
ninis: salty, salted
ninis'het: salt
ninjevi'he: person outside the typical gender roles
ninkax'het: plough
'nintav: to sell
niram: made of metal
niram'het: metal
niramja'het: coin
'nirusu: to be advantageous for, to be good for, to help
nisne'het: difference
nisne'tan: difference in abstract or spiritual respect
'nisne: to differ
nisuk'het: pause, interruption
nisuk'het etju: station
nitam: secret
nitel: lilac, violet
nitika'het: drug (recreational and medical)
'nitura: recognize
'niva: to draw (a picture)
'niva asav'tan'sy: to imagine
niva'het: a picture
niva'tan: a mental image
nivila: pious
njatu: guilty
njatu'tan: guilt
'njinji: to touch
njinji: related to the finger, tangible
njinji'het: finger
njinji'tan: tangibility
nka: if
'nuvan: to feel sad
nuvan: sad
'ny: suffix indicating "plural"
nymatu'he: inikresaist or excelite priest
'nytxu: to spit
'nyxtujeduni: to vomit after drinking
'nyxtunesyk: to vomit out of disgust
'nyxtuvkemi: to vomit (due to illness)
'oasua: to bark
oasua'het: dog
'oda: to formulate
oda'het: word
oda'het aru: noun
oda'het hite'han: specifier, adverb, adjective
oda'het va: verb
oda'het va hakela: auxilliary verb
oda'tan: sentence
odaveka: witty, "beredt"
odis'he: member of the population, inhabitant, citizen
oejelu: beautiful, also used if things sound, smell, taste or feel good
'ohix to have difficulties to, have issues to (person)
ohix: difficult, hard
ohix'het: problem
ohix'tan: difficulty
'ohixima: to compensate
'ojeku: to play a musical instrument
ojeku'het: musical instrument
ojeku'tan: instrumental music
ojyu: crazy
'okatu: to compete
okatu'he: competitor
okatu'tan: competition, Wettbewerb (concept)
'oki': sure
'oki: to confirm
'okox: to fall, collapse
'okoxsama: to drip
okrina'het: (large) rock, Fels
oleni'het: poem
oleni'tan: poetry
'olikex: to digest
olikex'het: intestine
olsadi'he: parent
'oly: to ask
oly'het: question
omnas: noon
omeh: blue
'ona: to pull
onil: around
'onje: to laugh
onje'he: someone who laughs
onje'tan: laughter
'onjis: to smile
oseka: with fake friendliness
'ovik: to eat
ovik'het: food
'oyki: to work
oyki'he: worker
oyki'he rala'va: robot
oyki'het: work, assignment, task
oyki'het mexja: detention, cleaning duty
oyki'tan: job, employment
'ra: suffix indicating "place"
ra: related to a place
ra'het: place
'rahohu: to do because it seems like a good idea in the current cognitivally impaired/drunk/high/tired state
'rajeni: to humiliate someone
raju: great
rakax: old (person), antique (positive conotation) (thing)
rakax'he: senior citizen, elderly person
rakax'tan: seniority, old age
'rala': prefix for the passive form
'ramis: to make a gesture
'ramis jyxe'het'sy: to roll your eyes
ramis'het: gesture
'ranhi: to forget
'rantu: to insult
'rantu kansa: to blaspheme
rasul: weak, having bad stamina
rasul'tan: (physical) weakness
rata: nowhere, no place
'ratenji: to assist
ravunu: regulated, formal
ravunu'tan: regulation
'raxhu: to be polite
raxhu: polite (the negation uses 'sis, not 'ta)
raxhu'tan: social convention, propriety
redy: red
'reja: suffix indicating "manner" (deprecated)
sydi'reja altena: as fast as possible
reja'tan: method, algorithm
rejata: in no way
rejadimil'het: alphabet
rejal: real (mathematical)
rejavisko'het: language
rejis: united
rekijo'het: region
'relekhati: to become promoted
relevijie'he: rebel
relikijo'tan: religion
'relixa: transfer/spend money
relixa'het: money
relixa'het kelda: change (money)
relixa'het nitam: corruption ('het becomes 'tan if talking about the general concept, not individual acts)
relixa'tan: currency
'reman: to delay
'reminka: to ejaculate
'renhi: to accompany, to be with, to be associated with
renhi: with (accompanied by NOT instrumental)
renjute'het: platoon (military)
resky: beyond
'resky: to be offside
rete: via network
rete'het: network
retele: via dial-up, modem, narrowband connection
reven: next to, touching
'rijaku: signify
rijaku'het: sign, signal ('tan if it relates to something spiritual)
'rijeva: to be born
rijeva'he: baby
rih: interjection of disgust
rimada'het: tea
rimin: (morally) good, opposite of evil
ritmu'het: crossing
'ritmu: to cross
rire'het: palm (hand)
'riva: to fork, to split
riva'het: split, 'Teilung'
riva'het halen: the Fragmentation (time ofter the Grand Blamage)
rivarenda: referendum, 'Volksabstimmung'
rokan'het: back (body), Rücken, also metaphorically for spine
rosxih'het: bullet
rovy'het: lion
rukux: evil
'rukuseve: to misuse, to exploit, to manipulate
runa: mark, grade
ry: one hundred
ryhim: per cent
ryhim'tan: percentage
'ryanu: to be angry
sa: seven
sakas: dry, thirsty
sakas'he: a thirsty person
sakas'tan: drought
salan: big, high
salan'han: up
salan'tan: height, size
salankij'het: mountain
sama: slow
sandat: rough (surface), very unpleasant (sound)
'sanja: to live, to experience (emotion)
sanja'het: life
sanjanitam: secretive, private (person)
'santu: to warn
santu'het: warning
sasaja'het: tar
'save: to take
save'het: fork (eating implement), spoon (for eating, not for putting food onto the plates)
saovi: alone, lonely
saoviluru: autistic
'savahne: to promise, to swear
savahne'het: promise
'savek: to be busy
savek: busy
sdara: steel
sdiditu'het: pomegranate
se: six
sedit: about, "ungefähr"
sejil: bad
'sek: to enjoy
sek'het: fun
'sekit: to announce
sekhika: soccer
sekundu'het: second
sekunju'het: string (music)
'sekvurak: to do a practical joke
sekymix'het: glove
sekymix'het kelhu: oven mitt
seluja'het: pot, 'Topf'
'selka: to do the fair share of work or more for the team/group
seli: turquoise
'selme: to be indebted
selme: indebted (sometimes used as curse)
selme'het: debt
'selmeokox: to get into insolvency, insolvieren, bankrott gehen
selmeokox'het: bankruptcy, insolvency
'semaru: to treat someone (in a specific way)
semaru'tan: the way you treat others, the behavior towards others
'semek: to cook
semek: cooked
semek'het: cooker, hearth
semek'tan: cuisine
semynu'het: week
'sen: suffix indicating "inside of"
'senal: to use a pretense of fairness to give yourself or a related person an advantage
'sene: to go out, to fade
senkim'het: table (furniture)
senkim'het vesiju: desk
'sevae: to be initiated into
sevae'he: a person introduced to restricted, often religious knowledge, in geekspeak a guru
sevae'tan: ceremony of passage, initiation
'seve: to use
seve'het: tool
sexina: court decision (Urteil)
'shensa: to rule, to govern
shensa'het: government
shensa'he: king
'shensavisko: to insist on
side: advanced
'sidekhir: to reach (place, state, archievement, etc)
'sidekhir runa: to receive a mark
'rala'sidekhir runa: to assign a mark
sidekhir'het: a reached place/state/archievement/etc
sidin'het: family
sijah: today
sijedin'het: squad (military)
sijei: tomorrow
sijei'ki: the day after tomorrow
sijiv'het: day
sijiv'het mevika: birthday
sijiv'het'ny redy: menstruation
sijon: yesterday
sijon'la: the day before yesterday
siki nice
'sikire: to develop, to improve (skill)
sikire'tan: development
sike: there
'sikeva: to do regularly, as a habit
sikeva'tan: habit
'sil: to cry
sil'he: someone who cries
sil'het: tear (this is never in plural)
sil'tan: crying
sima: previous (in an order)
simu'het: honor, standing
sinit: free of, empty, blank (page)
'sinu: to step, often metaphorically used as in: to trust an idea
sinu'het: foot
sinutera'het: shoe
'siriva: to pretend
sirtas'het: arm
'sirtastimki: to hug
'sis: suffix indicating "outside of"
'sisdimil: to print
sisdimil: printed
sisdimil'het: printer
sismesu'het: screen, monitor
sistenha'het: system, technological device
sistenha'het dori: input device
sistenha'het dori itu: trackball
sistenha'het dori lki: mouse (computer)
sistenha'het hame: washing machine
sistenha'het kihjune: dishwasher
sistenha'het nijev kemas: version control system
sistenha'het njinji'ta: software
sistenha'het seve: operating system
sistenha'tan: technology
'sitadi: to accept something without losing simu
sixtiliju: one sixtillion
sjihan: into every direction
sjihe: everyone
sjihet: everything
sjila: always/everytime in the past
sjilija: for every reason
sjiki: always/everytime in the future
sjira: everywhere
'skavu to hate
skavu'he: enemy
skavu'tan: hate
skede: hard (opposite of soft)
skeveru: square
'skima: make a gesture or sound to attract the attention of someone
'slani: to worsen, to suck
slani: &$§%"$%/(
sletin: rich
sletu: unequal, odd (number)
'soe: to consist of
'sokiso: to have sex (colloquial, vulgar)
sokotanri'het: fraud
'sono: to lose
sosija: social
sosija'tan: socialism
'sotoi: to cure
sotoi'he: doctor
sotoi'het: medicine
sotoi'tan: medical profession
'stasi: to ignore
su: intranslatable, like esperanto cxu
'suan: to protect, to guard
suan'he: guard, goalkeeper
sudisudi'het: duck
suene: 'treu', faithful
arka'he suene: a good friend
suivi: suipi (card game)
sukuna: formal, related to the upper social class, posh
sum: next to
sumenju'he: neighbor
sumik: in time, punctual, pünktlich, in schedule
sumik lystas: already
sunhe: who?
sunjan: where? (direction)
sunjet: what?
sunla: when? (referring to the past)
sunlija: why?
suneha: how many?
sunki: when? (referring to the future)
sunra where?
sunreja: how?
suntes: from where?
sutniku'het: lark
'sutuva: to behave, to react
sutuva'tan: behavior, behaviour
'suvas: to address someone, to speak to someone, to get someone's attention by words
'svantu: to vex, to annoy, ärgern
'svava: to squawk
svenha'het: gun (slang)
'sxa: to whisper
sxa: quiet
sxadaman'het: pacifier
'sy: with (instrumental)
'sydi: to haste, to run
sydi: fast, quick
sydi'het: something fast
sydi'tan: speed
'syjixa: to do something in spite of a different habit or tradition
sykansu: one billion (inofficial system)
'sykil: to be elegant, graceful
sykil: elegant
'ta: suffix indicating "not"
'tadva: to guess
tadva'het: a guess
tae: light (color, skintone)
tahai/tahy: interjection like "wow"
tahoj: master (very formal form of address)
takani: mature (in the XXX sense), erotic
takani'tan: attraction, carnal love, bodily desire
takhan'het: oil
takran'het: fat
taldis'he: elder (in a village), OR-7 (military)
talea'het: octopus
talka: golden
talka'het: gold
tamal: healthy
tamarashu'het: aardvark
tamyk'het: gun, pistol, weapon which shoots bullets of some form, Schusswaffe
'tan: suffix indicating "abstract object, concept"
tani: country
tanimesit: international
tanmi: honest
'tansa: to fly
tansa'het (bird) wing, plane
tansa'tan: flight
tansaha'het: bird
'tareh: to appear (come into existence)
taren: away from, distant
'tari: to start, to begin
tari: begin
tedena: cow
tekne: world
'tekneluru: dream (also daydream)
telan: diverse, different
telan'tan: diversity
televisije'het: television, TV
'televonu: to call (on the phone)
'televonu iti|vkemi oyki'tan'han: call in sick
televonu'he: caller and called person
televonu'het: telephone
televonu'het enju: telephone booth
televonu'het doky: cell phone
televonu'tan: phonecall
telui: surprising (kidhi, thing), surprised (person)
telui'het: surprising thing, surprise
telui'tan: (the emotion of) surprise
temen: important, urgent
temekanda: ten billion (inofficial number)
tenva: unambiguous, distinct, clear
jilih tenva: exactly that
tenva'ta: ambiguous, vague
'tera: to keep safe
'tera nitam'het: to keep/have a secret
tera: safe, secure
tera'tan: security, safety
teriliju: one trillion
tesla: before
'testani: to export
'tes: suffix for "from"
testa: from nowhere
tesha: always
'tesidil: to grimace in disgust
'tesixu: to be ugly
tesixu: ugly
tetyku'het: trench (in ground)
'tete: to pee
tetum'het: bone
tetum'tan: skeleton
tevme'het: animal, beast
tevme'het axilu: louse
tevme'het dadam: mammal
tevme'het durui: fish
tevme'het envika: reptile
tevme'het hetil: bat
tevme'het ovik-aran: carnivore
tevme'het ovikveriku: herbivore
tevme'het tisa: plush animal
tevme'het tansa: bird
texeki: thanks!
ti: short
tidaru'he: warrior, OR-3 (military)
tiki: few, 'wenig', little, insufficient (it is generally a bad thing)
tikira: substitute-
tilkane'het: mouse
tilkane'het salan: rat
tilkane'tan: murine rodent
'tilmiki: to scribble, to cache
tiltera'het: harddisk
'tiltil: crawl
tiltilik'het: worm
tiltilveruki'het: vine
tiltiltevme'het: insect
timki'het: body
'tinhu: to be advantageous, to optimize
tinhu: advantageous
tinhu'het: advantage
'tisa: to wear clothes/accessories
tisa'het: one item of 'clothes'
tisa'het hujed: menstrual pad
tisa'het sinu: sock
tisa'het usanhi: jacket, coat
tisa'tan: fashion (clothing)
tisamje'tan: uniform
tisek'het: cloth
tisek'het jave: carpet
tisek'het vurak: misconception, misinterpretation, misrepresentation
'tore: to be in pain, to be injured
tore'het: pain
tore'veri'het: painkiller
tuhul: careful
tuku: wrong, incorrect
tyaha'he: OR-1 (military)
tyaha'het: taiaha (new zealandish and rejistanian weapon)
tyan: evening
tye: real, actual
tye'tan: reality
tykal'het: tiger
'tysa: to chew
'tysakaju: to bite
tysa'het: tooth
tysa'het nijka: tusk
tysa'het elevanu: ivory
'udeka: to break, to rip apart, to destroy
'ukuku: to type
ukuku'he: computer user, programmer, computer geek, nerd
ukuku'het: keyboard
ukuku’het kimtija: typewriter
ulyka'het: stem
ulhe: someone
uljan: somewhere (direction)
ulja: sometime (referring to the past)
uljija: for some reason
uljija doa: for some odd reason
ulki: sometime (referring to the future)
ulku: rusty
ulku'het: rust
ulra: somewhere
ulreja: somehow
ulsihe: anyone
ulsihan: anywhere (direction)
ulsila: anytime (referring to the past)
ulsiki: anytime (referring to the future)
ulsira: anywhere (place)
ulsireja: anyhow
ulsites: from anywhere
ulsiu: anything
ultes: from somewhere
ulu: something
'umak: to kick
umak'tan: kicking
'umeta: to do for fun, to play X
umeta'het: toy
umis: made of stone
umis'het: stone, rock
umis'het eha: mineral
umis'het nene: jewel
'unidu: to sleep
unidu'het: place to sleep, bed
unidu'tan: sleep
unuxi: strong (physical strength)
unuxi'tan: strength
'usanhi: to cover
usanhi'het: cover (of something)
'ut: to stop
ut'het: end
'uta: to finish
uti'het: wall
utrivarenda'het: reverendum/popular action against a law
utviimkamsa'het: Misstrauensvotum, vote of no confidence
'uvuk: to betray, to break a promise, to misuse the trust of another person
'va: to do, to make
va'he: doer
va'het: deed
'vahid: to wish
vahid: wished
vahid'het: wish
vaines: created
vaines'tan: creationism
'vaixunus: to murder
vaixunus'he: murderer
vaixunus'het: murder (an instance of the crime)
vaixunus'tan: murder (the crime)
'vaka: to be diverse, of several kinds
vaka: various, diverse, of several kinds
'vakadi: accumulate
vakadi: accumulated
vakadi'tan: accumulation
vakadeha'het: directory, folder
'vaku: to receive, to get
vaku: received
vaku'he: receiver (of a message)
vaku'het: receiver (of a transmission)
valan: ready
valumu: related to order or procedure