Tantra Labs | i2 Trading | Grapefruit | |
Liquidity (each side) | $30k | $50k | $30k |
Pairs | 6 | 6 | 4 |
Total liquidity (e/s) | $180k | $300k | $120k |
Spread | $30k Layered +/-3% | $10k/1.5%,$30k/2%,$50k/4% | $30k 2% (flexible) |
Uptime | 90% | 90% | 80% |
Fees | $0k/m | $35k/m | $28k/m |
Inventory | 30k DCR | 30k DCR | 12k DCR |
Interest (6 months) | $40.5k | $49k | $17k |
Trading fees | Treasury (max $10k/month) | Treasury (max $10k/month) | Included in price |
Max 6 month cost | $100.5k | $319k | $185k |
Max Monthly cost | $17k | $53k | $31k |
$ of liquidity per $ spent | $1.80 (at max trading fees) | $0.94 (at max trading fees) | $0.65 (includes fees) |
Based on DCR price of $30, BTC price of $10,000
Updated 29 Aug to remove Altonomy and Grapefruit tight, amend i2 to reflect improved offer.