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Last active June 25, 2024 14:47
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  • Save Riemnand/8959509ea8aa1ad3c3d25ba85f74884e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Riemnand/8959509ea8aa1ad3c3d25ba85f74884e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Robo's istrolid script, which adds a convenient ruler for measuring distances on the battlefield.
A script that adds a ruler tool to the Istrolid.
Activation set on ~ (tilde, the top-left button under the esc key) button by default. It can be changed in settings.
You can make multiple points by activating the ruler and then clicking left mouse button. Pretty satisfying drawing process btw!
Made by RoboDrone @riemnand.
//ruler script:
(function() {
if (window.rulerScriptLoaded) {
return console.error("Error loading Robo's ruler script: another one is already loaded.")
} else {
window.rulerScriptLoaded = true
try {
var rulerScriptHotkey = window.rulerScriptHotkey || {
onkeydown: BattleMode.prototype.onkeydown
var rulerScriptMouseControls = window.rulerScriptMouseControls || {
onmousedown: BattleMode.prototype.onmousedown
var rulerScriptDraw = window.rulerScriptDraw || {
draw: Interpolator.prototype.draw
window.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.RulerKey = {
keys: [{
which: 192 // ` and ~
}, null]
function simpleContrastRGBA(rgba) {
var rgb = rgba.slice(0, -1),
max = Math.max(...rgb),
min = Math.min(...rgb),
maxIndex, minIndex, correctedRgb;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (rgb[i] === max) {
maxIndex = i
if (rgb[i] === min) {
minIndex = i
rgb[maxIndex] = min;
rgb[minIndex] = max;
brightnessMultiplier = 255 / (0.2126 * rgb[0] + 0.7152 * rgb[1] + 0.0722 * rgb[2]);
correctedRgb = => Math.min(num * brightnessMultiplier, 255));
return correctedRgb
function bgColor() {
var result = [],
spotAlphaValue = intp.theme.spotColor[3] / 255
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
result.push(Math.min(Math.max(intp.theme.fillColor[i] + intp.theme.spotColor[i] * spotAlphaValue, 1), 255))
return result
function drawLine(startPoint, endPoint) { // used R26's drawLine code from
var offset = v2.create,
rot, d, bias;
v2.sub(endPoint, startPoint, offset);
rot = v2.angle(offset);
d = v2.mag(offset) / 256;
v2.scale(offset, .5);
v2.add(offset, startPoint);
baseAtlas.drawSprite("img/newbg/fill.png", offset, [0.16, d], rot, simpleContrastRGBA(bgColor()));
function drawString(string, point) {
var bias = v2.create([40 * battleMode.zoom, 0]);
string.split('').forEach(symbol => {
baseAtlas.drawSprite("parts/decals/letter" + symbol.toUpperCase() + ".png", point, [-1 * battleMode.zoom, battleMode.zoom], Math.PI, simpleContrastRGBA(bgColor()));
v2.add(point, bias);
var startPoint = v2.create(),
endPoint = v2.create(),
pointsBetween = [],
active = false;
BattleMode.prototype.onkeydown = function(e) {
if (settings.key(e, "RulerKey")) {
v2.set(battleMode.mouse, startPoint);
active = !active;
pointsBetween = []
return, e);
BattleMode.prototype.onmousedown = function(e) {
if (e.which === 1) {
if (active) {
return, e)
window.battleMode = new BattleMode()
Interpolator.prototype.draw = function() {;
var distance = 0,
offset = relativeEndPoint = v2.create(),
bias, expectedDigits, points, previousPoint;
const log = (a, b) => {
return Math.log(b) / Math.log(a)
if (active) {
if (ui.mode === 'battle') {
v2.set(battleMode.mouse, endPoint);
points = [startPoint, ...pointsBetween, endPoint];
previousPoint = points[points.length - 2];
for (let i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
drawLine(points[i - 1], points[i]);
distance += v2.mag(v2.sub(points[i - 1], points[i], relativeEndPoint));
expectedDigits = Math.floor(log(10, distance)) + 1
v2.direction(endPoint, previousPoint, offset);
bias = (40 + Math.max((expectedDigits * 40) * -1 * (offset[0] + Math.abs(offset[1])), 0)) * battleMode.zoom
v2.scale(offset, bias);
v2.add(offset, endPoint);
drawString(Math.round(distance).toString() + "m", offset)
} else {
active = false
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error in Robo's ruler script:\n" + err)
active = false
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