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Last active June 25, 2024 14:41
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  • Save Riemnand/ddb24022401e6bc259f298e8e5f41a27 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Riemnand/ddb24022401e6bc259f298e8e5f41a27 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Robo's istrolid script that adds a hotkey to use the jump engine and operate blimps for easy.
Press Q* to make the selected ships jump towards your cursor.
Press shift + Q* to make the selected ships jump and move back.
Hold alt to make selected ships automatically jump and move back after firing all its turrets.
* --> This hotkey can be changed in the settings.
Made by RoboDrone @riemnand.
I made this script a long time ago. The code here is a very dirty mess.
But it works, and since the game is dead now, I'm too lazy to make it better.
In the case of a too bad internet connection, the script may work poorly,
since I did not teach it to take into account the delay of the Internet connection,
but used some static value for this, which was optimal for me personally.
//jump hotkey script:
(function() {
if (window.jumpHotkeyScriptLoaded) {
return console.error("Error loading Robo's jump hotkey script: another one is already loaded.")
} else {
window.jumpHotkeyScriptLoaded = true
try {
window.DEFAULT_SETTINGS.JumpKey = {
keys: [{
which: 81 //q
}, null]
var jumpScriptDelay = false;
var blimpJump = window.blimpJump || {
onkeydown: ControlsMode.prototype.onkeydown
var unHold = function() {
var hold = false;
commander.selection.forEach(unit => {
if (unit.holdPosition != undefined) {
if ((!unit.holdPosition && holdWorking) || (unit.holdPosition && !holdWorking)) {
hold = true;
if (hold) {
return network.send("holdPositionOrder");
function back(unit) {
if (unit._rot > 0) {
return unit._rot - Math.PI
} else {
return unit._rot + Math.PI
function findPoint(unit, pos = undefined, bias = 1, angle = undefined) {
if (angle === undefined) {
angle = back(unit) - (Math.PI / 2);
let unitJump = unit.jump;
if (unitJump === 0) {
unitJump = 200
var distance = (unitJump - 10) * bias;
if (pos === undefined) {
pos = unit.pos;
var velMultiplier = 3;
if (!sim.local) {
velMultiplier = 7
var pointX = pos[0] + unit.vel[0] * velMultiplier + distance * Math.cos(angle)
var pointY = pos[1] + unit.vel[1] * velMultiplier + distance * Math.sin(angle)
return [pointX, pointY]
function jump() {
var formation = [];
// unHold();
allyUnits().forEach(element => formation.push(findPoint(element)));
battleMode.moveOrder(formation, false);
function allyUnits() {
let selection = commander.selection;
let allyUnits = [];
selection.forEach(unit => {
if (unit.owner === commander.number) {
return allyUnits;
function findShooted(units = commander.selection) {
let reloading = []
units.forEach(unit => {
let weaponsReloading = 0;
unit.weapons.forEach(weapon => {
if (!weapon.working) {
if (weaponsReloading == unit.weapons.length) {
return reloading;
var ordered = {};
function giveOrder(units, func) {
let unitsTemp = [];
units.forEach(unit => {
if (ordered[] == undefined) {
units = unitsTemp;
if (units.length == 0 || typeof(func) != "function") {
let lastSelection = commander.selection;
units.forEach(unit => {
ordered[] = true;
setTimeout(function() {
delete ordered[];
}, 3000)
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200)
function jumpAndMoveBack() {
var formation = [];
let commanderUnits = allyUnits();
commanderUnits.forEach(element => formation.push(findPoint(element)));
battleMode.moveOrder(formation, false);
var formation2 = [];
for (let i = 0; i != commander.selection.length; i++) {
formation2.push(findPoint(commanderUnits[i], formation[i], 6))
setTimeout(function() {
battleMode.moveOrder(formation2, true);
}, 200)
function newAngleBetween(a, b) {
return Math.atan2(a[1] - b[1], a[0] - b[0]);
function jumpToCursor() {
var formation = [];
let commanderUnits = allyUnits();
commanderUnits.forEach(element => formation.push(findPoint(element, undefined, 1, newAngleBetween(v2.create(battleMode.mouse), element.pos))));
battleMode.moveOrder(formation, false);
var formation2 = [];
for (let i = 0; i != commander.selection.length; i++) {
formation2.push(findPoint(commanderUnits[i], formation[i], 4, newAngleBetween(v2.create(battleMode.mouse), commander.selection[i].pos)))
setTimeout(function() {
battleMode.moveOrder(formation2, true);
}, 200)
var timer;
var holdWorking = false;
var working = false;
var timerForWorking;
var timer2;
var managedBlimps = {};
ControlsMode.prototype.onkeydown = function(e) {
if (settings.key(e, "JumpKey") && !jumpScriptDelay) {
jumpScriptDelay = true;
setTimeout(function() {
return jumpScriptDelay = false;
}, 1000)
if (e.shiftKey) {
} else {
if (e.code == "KeyZ") {
holdWorking = true;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
holdWorking = false
}, 250);
if (e.altKey) {
commander.selection.forEach(unit => {
managedBlimps[] = unit
timer2 = setTimeout(function() {
managedBlimps = {};
}, 500);
return, e);
try {
ui_origin5555 = window.body;
} catch (e) {}
window.body = e => {
if (Object.keys(managedBlimps).length > 0) {
let shooted = findShooted(managedBlimps.values);
if (shooted.length > 0) {
giveOrder(shooted, jumpAndMoveBack)
return, e);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error in Robo's jump hotkey script:\n" + err)
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