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Robin (Robert) Thomas RobertAKARobin

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RobertAKARobin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
w01d01 Homus Workus

Homework, W01D01

Create a function in your .bash_profile that will set up a working directory for a new GA student!

Things it should do:

  • Create a folder called GeneralAssembly
RobertAKARobin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Warmup, W01D02

Mission: Impossible!

We, the Impossible Missions Force, have become aware that Doctor Nefarious is planning on using his Nefarious Computer (a standard Macbook) to initiate a nuclear launch sequence that will destroy the entire world.

Our sources have told us that the nuclear launch sequence is run from a shell script, and have also given us a tree showing the contents of the Doctor's computer (the flash drive has been added to show where in the structure it will appear):

RobertAKARobin / gist:d0e74f6185b2ec87b484
Created March 20, 2015 23:26
Quiz Feedback MD/HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" id="theme" href="chrome-extension://febilkbfcbhebfnokafefeacimjdckgl/theme/Clearness.css"></head><body><h1 id="w01d05-quiz-clearing-things-up">W01D05 Quiz, Clearing things up</h1>
<h2 id="implicit-returns-vs-side-effects">Implicit returns vs side effects</h2>
<p>An implicit returned is what is returned by a method that <strong>does not</strong> have a <code>return</code> statement. Remember: <strong>everything</strong> in Ruby returns <em>something</em>, and a method will return the <strong>last thing</strong> that was retured <em>inside</em> the method, <em>unless</em> the method has a <code>return</code> statement.</p>
<p>A side effect is something that takes place <strong>outside</strong> of a method as a result of that method being executed, but is <strong>not</strong> explicitly returned by the method, nor necessarily implicitly returned.</p>
<h4 id="for-example-">For example:</h4>
<pre><code><span class="function"><span class="keyword">def</span> <span
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>What an elegant webpage.</h1>
RobertAKARobin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Customer service

cuss-tomer service

amazon verizon netflix


bottom line

RobertAKARobin / resume.html
Created June 30, 2015 21:20
I don't really care what you put in here.
<!DOCTYPE html>
RobertAKARobin /
Created September 2, 2015 12:17
Project 3: Group 11

Technical Requirements


  • Your API includes at least 2 models, one of which may be a user
  • Your models include at least one association
  • Your API has RESTful routes as appropriate

Meets expectations

Your d3code.js file seems to contain entirely HTML. Why is it named .js?

I'm not a stickler for following convention with file structure, since I'm all for people organizing their files in a way that makes sense to themselves. However, I have difficulty seeing the logic behind this structure. For instance: you have .html files in two completely separate folders. What was the rationale for organizing files as you did?

There are lots of "app_SOMETHING" files floating around. I'm unsure whether these are actually used in the app... Are they just data backups? If so, I would have liked to have seen them partitioned off in a "backups" folder.

Virtually all of the front-end Javascript is in one file that's over 700 lines long. During our meetings I could see group members physically struggling to scroll through and find stuff in the file. This is really the whole reason for splitting code into separate files in the first place: to keep from having to scroll and find so much.

RobertAKARobin /
Created September 3, 2015 20:01
Group12 Project 3 Feedback

Technical Requirements


  • Your API includes at least 2 models, one of which may be a user
  • Your models include at least one association
  • Your API has RESTful routes as appropriate

I'm intrigued by how you required your env.js and how you connected to your database. Nothing wrong with either of them, except perhaps that it adds some extra length to your app.js; just never seen it done that way before.

RobertAKARobin /
Last active December 2, 2015 18:54
How to start a MEN (not MEAN) app, step-by-step

One Developer's View

These are the steps you might take to complete this project. There's no right way to make an Express app -- nor any other app.

This walkthrough gets you up to the point of having an app that renders in the browser, makes database queries, and has AJAX -- but is still very bare-bones. The examples below use a "Movie" model, but that can be replaced with anything else.

We strongly recommend that you use the "drive/steer" pairing model on this: only one computer is open, with only one person working on it, while another person directs them and tells them what to type.

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