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public List<Cell> runBFS2D(Vec2D startCoords) {
List<Cell> positiveMatches = new ArrayList();
final String queryProperty = getProperty(startCoords);
Cell firstCell = new Cell(startCoords);
for (int i = 0; i < positiveMatches.size(); i++) {
Cell thisCell = positiveMatches.get(i);
"pools": [
"name": "default",
"rolls": 20,
"entries": [
"type": "item",
"name": "minecraft:diamond",
"functions": [
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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package hashmap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import devobjects.Location;
import java.util.HashSet;
private static String[] explodeString(String input, char[] delimiters) { //this HAS to be an array, I think. I have no idea how one would pass an unknown number of arguments INTO a method call
if (input.length() <= 0) {
return new String[0]; //because we are not interested in empty Strings between two delimiters, are we?
} else if (delimiters.length <= 0) {
return new String[]{input};
int delimPointer = -1;
List<Character> nextDelims = new ArrayList();
for (char d : delimiters) {
Set<BlockPos> findBlockPossesInSphericalCone(Player player, int coneAngle, int reach) {
Vec3D playerHeadPosition = player.getHeadPosition();
Vec3D originPosition = playerHeadPosition.transform( -0.5, -0.5, -0.5); //shift position to check for middlepoints of blocks.
Vec3D lookVector = player.getLookVector; //I assume this will return a Vector with three factors <= 1.0
Vec3D targetPosition = originPosition.transform(lookVector * reach);
int coneX = lookVector.X;
int coneY = lookVector.Y;
int coneZ = lookVector.Z;
//only three-sided pyramidic cone?
boolean isPosInCone(BlockPos pos, Vec3D topPoint, Vec3D coneVector, int slopeAngle) {
int coneX = coneVector.X;
int coneY = coneVector.Y;
int coneZ = coneVector.Z;
//XY and ZY planes
int coneDiagXZ = squareRoot(square(coneX) + square(coneZ));
//lookYaw within 0 - 360
//lookPitch within 0 - 180
//coneReach within 0 - 360
getBlockPossesWithinCone(BlockPos origPos, float lookYaw, float lookPitch, int coneReach, int coneLength) {
//todo check preconditions
double deviation = ( (double) coneReach ) / 2
float minYaw = (lookYaw - deviation + 360.0 ) % 360;
float maxYaw = (lookYaw + deviation ) % 360;
import discord
import logging
import asyncio
import os
import platform
nowPlayingFilePath = r"filepath"
#logging stuff
Robijnvogel / DimDoors Contributors Old Schematics
Created May 4, 2017 11:15
DimDoors Contributors Old Schematics
Basically what I'd need you to do is:
1. Start Minecraft with DimDoors (leave console open)
2. Open up a world (creative mode)
3. Use the command, "/dimpocket <group> <name>" to force generation of a pocket. [Tab] will give you auto-complete options for the command.
4. Check your console to see if the dungeon registers its rifts correctly.
Correct (example):
[11:19:10] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [DimDoors] Name of new pocket schematic is ComplexHall_SK-LostGarden_Open_40 (class com.zixiken.dimdoors.shared.PocketTemplate )
[11:19:10] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 687 (Test 041) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@4d987e06)
[11:19:10] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [RTG-INFO] World Seed: -3351434674196496459
[11:19:10] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [DimDoors] Re-loading tile-entity at blockPos: BlockPos{x=268, y=2, z=-106} (class com.zixiken.dimdoors.shared.PocketTemplate )
Robijnvogel / Changelog.txt
Created April 24, 2017 15:04
DimDoors Changelog 1.10.2 a1
Features currently in:
-Personal DimDoor: Will teleport a player to the entrance door of their own personal pocket and back. (unpairable)
-Iron DimDoor: Will create a Public Pocket and "pair" with its entrance door. After this, it will teleport the player to its paired door.
-Golden DimDoor: Will pair itself to a pairable unpaired DimDoor or Rift
-Chaos Door: Will teleport a player to a random non-personal Door or Rift. (unpairable)
-Warp Door: If paired, will act like an Iron DimDoor would. Otherwise, when in a Dungeon Pocket, will teleport the player to the Overworld. Otherwise, will do nothing.
-Transient Door: Will create a Dungeon Pocket and "pair" with its entrance door. After this, it will teleport the player to its paired door AND change into a Rift.
-Rift: When breaking a paired door in survival, a Rift will appear in its place. This rift can not be entered by passing through it. Any DimDoor can be placed on this Rift with the link staying intact.
-Rift Connection Tool: A Tool that can force-pair or