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Hey there I'm using Github

Rofie Sagara RofieSagara

Hey there I'm using Github
  • Ubersnap
  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 06:51 (UTC +07:00)
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RofieSagara /
Created March 4, 2024 10:39
Middle Backend Programmer - Job Test

Task Description: Your task is to create a Golang backend service with HTTP routes for image processing. The service should provide the following functionalities:

  1. Convert image files from PNG to JPEG.
  2. Resize images according to specified dimensions.
  3. Compress images to reduce file size while maintaining reasonable quality.


  1. Create a Golang project with necessary dependencies to implement the image processing functionalities.
RofieSagara / Sofware Developer
Last active February 24, 2024 07:00
Sofware Developer Challenge

Programming Test: Image Temperature Adjustment


Create a script or program that changes the temperature of a JPEG image by adjusting its color tones to simulate warmer or cooler temperatures.


The script or program should accept the following input parameters:

  • Input JPEG image file path
  • Output JPEG image file path
  • Temperature adjustment value (positive for warmer, negative for cooler)
RofieSagara /
Last active July 31, 2023 02:40
Ubersnap IOS Task

Task: Create a Simple Todo List iOS App with Local Database using SwiftUI

Description: As an iOS Developer with expertise in Swift and iOS app development, your task is to create a simple Todo List app with basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using a local database. The app will allow users to add, view, edit, and delete tasks locally on their iOS devices. This task will help assess your proficiency in Swift programming and your ability to implement fundamental database operations in iOS app development using SwiftUI/UIkit.


  1. Design the user interface using SwiftUI that includes screens for displaying the list of tasks and adding/editing tasks.
  2. Implement a local database using Core Data to store the list of tasks persistently on the device.
  3. Create a feature that allows users to add new tasks to the database, including a title, description, and due date.
  4. Implement the ability to view the list of tasks in a scrollable list with essential task details.
RofieSagara /
Last active August 4, 2023 12:32
Ubersnap Android Task

Task: Create a Simple Todo List App with Local Database

Description: As an Android Developer with expertise in Kotlin, Android Jetpack, and Jetpack Compose, your task is to create a simple Todo List app with basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using a local database. The app will allow users to add, view, edit, and delete tasks locally on their device. This task will help assess your proficiency in the specified technologies and your ability to implement fundamental database operations in Android app development.


  1. Design a user interface using Jetpack Compose that includes screens for displaying the list of tasks and adding/editing tasks.
  2. Implement a local database using Room, a part of Android Jetpack, to store the list of tasks persistently on the device.
  3. Create a feature that allows users to add new tasks to the database, including a title, description, and due date.
  4. Implement the ability to view the list of tasks in a scrollable list with essential t
RofieSagara /
Created July 12, 2023 03:58
Provide report for the camera


Recommend use the Ubuntu for easy install First install gphoto2 from this or you can use apt if with Ubuntu sudo apt install gphoto2, for the windows there is no recommend for that, or if you use Mac you can install from brew with brew install gphoto2


Plug you camera to the laptop and open the terminal write in terminal

  • First we need to make caputer for all output from terminal so we need write script output.txt, output.txt its file name
RofieSagara / GoogleButton.kt
Created November 10, 2022 08:25
Google login button Blue Android Compose
fun GoogleButton(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, text: String = "Sign in with Google", onClick: ()->Unit) {
modifier = modifier
.background(color = Color(0xFF4285F4))
.clickable { onClick.invoke() }
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically


Create backend that will read queue from rabbitmq on channel req.create.todo with body json that have only 1 field its {name: string}. Your backend will save the data and publish todo object as JSON string with field. {id: string, name: string, created: long} on channel todo.created. details response for id you can put random string like uuid, and the name should be same from req.create.todo, last for the created should be UTC time from current time and convert to millis and publish that message to queue on channel todo.created.

and do that for the delete with channel req.delete.todo with body json {id: string} the id that you give on the add task and backend publish on channel todo.deleted with data same type with todo.created.

the last its create the http GET for read all todo datas.

How we test it.

We will send message on queue with on channel req.create.todo 5 times, and send message on req.delete.todo 2 times. and than our server will read `todo.creat


Javascript website quick test

Please do the following test with your best performance. be sure to send an email before you start working on it.

Don't forget to send email to and CC to with Subject JS Quick Test before start doing test.

Create javascript website

Make a single page website that will display data from the REST API, you can use Javascript/Typescript frameworks or just use vanilla javascript.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rofiesagara on github.
  • I am rofiesagara ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAeICS8qsJTVuZAfkUpgzib2PktUFuQbruSH2FaT9mvYgo

To claim this, I am signing this object: