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Created May 20, 2018 15:18
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javascript invoc code mark as a trojan by avast helloi upgrad to reviv adserv from openx a few day ago and sinc then some of our visitor have report that avast detect the javascript invoc code as a trojanurl trj what can i do to solv thi issuethank you for your helpzoli
domain befor pars it watwg specifi domain pars as let host be the result of run utf decod on the percent decod of input let domain be the result of split host on ani domain label separ return the result of run domain to ascii on thi behaviour doe not seem consist across browser at the moment well just follow the spec here
provid a way for user to enter their name onc theyr sign in pass thi informatino on to the user in the basic stat api
client featur request it would be nice to be abl specifi a client identityp file so the server can also authent the client
break the browser hashchang event here is the relev code clojuredef histori histori fn e log jsconsol rout histori truewith requir thi callback doe not fire but when i comment it out all work swimminglyi have no idea whi it would conflict with the hashchang event ani idea
account secur use encrypt hash salt andor other techniqu to improv the secur of account inform such as password on both the client side and the server side
jsonapi includ id of relat document in link hash parent includ id of contact link to entiti use the link hash includ id of entiti link to contact use the link hash includ id of notif rule link to contact use the link hash
properli coerc type from string in the decod
markdown not pars in blogindex if you go here the blog content ha markdown format eg capistrano thi content is not display properli through redcloth
implement scrypt featur request scrypt is a key derivi function often use in the light of java of scrypt can be found ar bouncycastl
support loglog to allow inject of minilog as dropin replac of browser and node consol i love minilog and id like to use it for an opensourc project im work on but i would like to make it option the default use the browser consol and node stdio consol object for both these object provid a log that minilog doesnt providenod browser miniloglog log nana na debuginfo info infowarn warn warnerror error errori know that loglog isnt pretti but i think minilog should offer thi method in order to be a dropin replac of the consol log could simpli proxi to debugif that make sens to you i can work on a patch
app sign for io thi issu is to track the sign of on the io platform appl sign process requir an io develop account which cost a year thi could be delay until were closer to releas a product on io
app sign for android thi issu is to track the sign of on the android platformit look like the step for app sign are here
convert sha hash checksum to sha sha is insecur although thi probabl doe not matter given the context itd be a good idea to go to sha howev there is no builtin python lib for sha so well stick with sha for now confirm
number return string hash code
backup checksum add an option featur to enabl the checksum option when perform the backup rsync thi will perform a verif of file as they are be transfer howev thi featur is expens requir twice as much bandwidth it is also somewhat supersed by the verifypi util which will perform thi sort of valid anyway but if you have bandwidth to spare thi could be a good option to have
store current train tab in url hash on the train detail tab store the current select tab in the url hash then when refresh switch to the relev tab
cannot speciti how to decod json in i want to use some of the newer featur in simplejson that are not yet avail in the standard librari json modul i am abl to the json render with simpl json via a option but i am not abl to configur how the occur in know i can at variou place overrid and replac the jsonbodi to use simplejson but i should not have to do that all of my json is in a particular format and so i would like to defin my own function that also among other thing valid the json to that format that get call when the json from the request is about to be pars in addit to use the newer featur in simplejson
keyboard shortcut for split vertic is act as split horizont and viceversa from
set bearer token header for mvc web api applic i have an unsecur mvc web api applic it access resourc use a combin of mvc control and ajax call to the web api endpoint eventu i would like to move all resourc access into a separ resourc server howev for the time be i would like to get the applic into product as a proof of concept for a line of busi applic secur use the oauth frameworki have configur user in and ad the applic to use a code flow client base on the sampl provid with the as code i am abl to retriev an access token in the applic add it to the request header for web api endpoint call secur with the scope attributemi question is how can i util thi same flow to secur the mvc control i imagin it would entail set up an owin middlewar compon which will set the header for each request base on a cooki which contain the token am i on the right path or should i go in a differ direct with
googl login redirect when a user log in with googl he is redirect to the main page of your site it should redirect the user to the page he wa at when he click on login with googl
grunt task use swig to gener the api section of the siterequir
chat can be protect with a password if user enter a room and no one in it they can give the room a password the password reset when the room is empti againw store a hash of their password on our server
add to inject the annot receiv android receiv can be regist with code like thi java receiv privat void intentfilt filter new intentfilt filter but if the receiv ha been annot like thi javaclass extend moduleutil moduleutil there is no annot to inject the annot receiverwhat i propos is a new annot that would work pretti much like java receiv
geni oauth passport strategi would you guy be will to implement a geni strategi for for the oauth passport servic is a veri popular method of for nodej app
implement rout rout is not like the other it appar use a custom sign signatur version see comment at the end of issu for more info current look into thi
as a user i can reset my password
make an option to encrypt select text and probabl leav the iv cipher text on the if it not the whole current input text or edit
automat decrypt of all prefix encrypt text on the current tab
login urldecod broke password like xyz on is possibl to remov it or it is there for better secur
gecbc cmdrun throw typeerror i instal salt from develop today cmdrun throw thi encount execut cmdrun int object is not iter see debug log for more info possibl a miss argument issu cwd stdin runa shell pythonshel env cleanenv templat rstrip umask quiet timeout defaultsnon none none binbash true fals none true none info fals none true base
ebay and paypal uk domain hack by syrian electron armi
disabl user creat but unviewd password not list disabl a user doe not add the password they creat but didnt view to user is now disabl here is a list of password that they have view that have not sinc been chang you probabl want to add them all to the chang queue
mark session cooki as secur to prevent snif attack against http redirect
user unabl to creat ungroup credenti should a user be abl to creat a credenti without share it with ani current group
crosslevel achiev thi can be done by make the achiev list global ie attach to
event deleg requir im not capabl of do thi myself but id count thi as an issu that should be fix for thi pluginthi plugin fail to show up on element that enter the dom later on eg html append via jqueri even though the append html ha the class that initi the popup it simpli redirect to the imag instead of pop it upim assum that use jqueri deleg is requir here but i think you know how to solv thi im just bring thi to your attent
laravel cooki are encrypt in laravel all cooki are encrypt by the stack middlewar we obvious dont want to disabl thi for all cooki so there should be a way to creat just one unencrypt cookieil investig
googl insecurli impliment creat from issu twofactor hello recent instal the latest version of teampass the googl is still not implement secur our test give us the follow result if an attack ha valid they can gener a qr code at ani time from the login page thi mean the attack with valid credenti can download the qr secret on their own devic and then access the teampass instanc thi circumv the veri reason for have a user share secret we think the best way to fix thi is to move the qr code from the login page to the user manag page and onli can gener the qr code for the user to add to their devic if the attack doe not have valid credenti they can still brute forc the login screen by enter invalid credenti and click get identifi with googl as mani time as they want the account be target never get lock out as it would usual if the attack wa hit enter thi mean that onc the attack success gener a qr code they know they have found valid are veri thank for your time to implement factor and thi featur can make thi softwar even better for user can the factor auth scheme be adjust in a quick releas patchthank again
can regist without a password
set should be save to the cooki but not to the base string
make signatur progress bar x thicker bigger both per trust feedback when we get a chanc realiz thi is design
remov when refactor to singl id filenam tag todomd todo remov when refactor to singl id if customerdata arrayeq review review the logic for load the product collect for thi block arrayin if
refactor thi asap terribl code hack togeth to make it work filenam tag todomd todo refactor thi asap terribl code hack togeth to make it work as key valu rec recsav catch except e protect function
add a collect limit thorugh filenam tag todomd eecbbcabbbd todo add a collect limit thorugh todo remov when refactor to singl id if customerdata arrayeq review review the logic for load the product collect for thi block arrayin
error build openssl within rubi on cento make enter directori leav directori leav directori in function warn is deprec declar at in function warn assign make pointer from integ without a error undeclar first use in thi error each undeclar identifi is report onli error for each function it appear inmak osslpkeyeco error make error make buildext error osslpkeyecc in function warn assign make pointer from integ without a error undeclar first use in thi error each undeclar identifi is report onli error for each function it appear inmak osslpkeyeco error make error make buildext error end output of tar zxf declar in execut instal rubi do cwd command eoh tar zxf rubyfilenam cd configur make make instal eoh environ cflag lusrlib iusrinclud ldflag lusrlib iusrinclud notif end compil resourc declar in rubi do action run retri retrydelay command tar zxf rubyptargzcd instal backup cwd varchefcach environ iusrinclud iusrinclud return cookbooknam omnibu recipenam rubi notif code block endt info fork chef instanc to converget fatal chef run process exit exit code chef never success complet ani error should be visibl in theoutput abov pleas fix your recip so that they properli complet
facebook login hello i want to implement facebook login in thi cm so is it possibl to implement thi task and if possibl how can i achiev
pleas add support for indirectori password polici modern ldap directori server can implement password polici some of which can return extend error code when a user these error code address condit such as lockout too mani fail password expir and password reset requir thi behavior is describ in the draft rfc which ha becom a de facto standard in the ldap commun ad option support for password polici would be a great help to folk use ldap servic for
unknown artlicht gradenul unknown artlicht gradenullat unknown artlicht gradenullat
plist contain a hash valu object type unsupport by xcodeproj report what did you do ran pod updat what did you expect to happen it to updat my pod what happen instead an error shown below stack cocoapod rubi rubi p revis rubygem host mac os x b xcode arubi lib dir master fcfadeaeee podfil rubyplatform io pod afnetwork pod redditkit pod gpuimag plist contain a hash valu object type unsupport by block in block in usrbinpodin ive search for similar issu and seen no fix or thing that have work for me
inconsist valu sort befor hash i have found sort depend on the languag use for valid a licens ie cc stl php etci think that could be easili attribut to the differ support function avail on each of those languagesi wonder whi sort befor hash is realli necessari it doe not make the system more secur and it make thing veri complic from a portabl point of viewwhi the hash is not calcul from the first keyvalu pair in the licens til the last one and we avoid all thi portabl
make rest login function get hash instead of plain password then use it in app jak zrobisz patryku przepisz na mnie taska
generar password para lo usuario creado al momento de crear usuario crear el password enviarlo por mail
incorporar spring secur plug in al proyecto se debe permitir registrars login logout recordarm restringir acceso
ldap doe not throw migrat from doe not throw when zero entri wa found in that case it return except which is unabl to distinguish with password mismatch error
ldap doe not throw yf migrat from doe not throw when zero entri wa found in that case it return except which is unabl to distinguish with password mismatch error
ldap doe not throw migrat from doe not throw when zero entri wa found in that case it return except which is unabl to distinguish with password mismatch error
add option input support in barback for exampl could provid method that return there no way to check for option input as barback fail fast at ani attempt to getinput for nonexist asset id
proxi password store in plain text while look at the os x set plist file i realis that qbittorr is store the combin for the proxi set in plain textwhil that should not be a problem for the usernam i find it alarm that the password is store instead of use a hash
blue hack apc dont give extra time in ai malfunct mode titl is self explanatori
ssh with onli usernam is not possibl
facebook login not work when the fb app if instal
question secur and xss on input is there a good way to prevent xss on follow hit thi page with will creat prompt popup on the page do someth like doe noth as i presum former doe someth too and it convert code into html againissu mainli exist in ff ani advic editdid a bit more dig look like privat function nullcatch data from request and put it into form someth like code bellow should fix the issu use valu store in former to popul the current field privat function null get valu from post popul and manual set valu post popul thisform popul assign a prioriti to each if isnullpost return epost if return popul return fallback thisvalu
includ hack issu in project need open atx is use the label on their
frdict in baseencod octet stream helloi would like to use mespeak in french so i have creat a new filejson but where or how can i find the frdict in baseencod octet streamthank move toward my frenchnam myfrlanguag frlanguag enrlanguag en gender malephonem frdictrul option reducet stresslength stressamp replac i ireplac i ireplac text
fix npm self sign cert bullshit
doe a test login work
chang current of checksum to object the current of checksum limit an anonym user to updat onli the last doodl they creat by use a key valu store in we can keep checksum inform for all doodl creat within that session
how disabl the anti spam for and how disabl the anti spam for and
creat hashtabl that you can use in the kernel hashtab is userspac stuff cant use ituthash we could probabl use if we defin uthashmalloc as kmalloc but i want to implemet it ourselv so we can use the slab alloc we get bonu point for that broski
support for html entit encodedecod it should support to decod html entiti properli rubyp testnbsp gt
no i need to download new build from build server which requir at the moment we cant do that with thi modul
support for secur imag id like to use thi to secur store imag on s for a privat site what im think is that when view the site the imag url would includ the access token the access token obvious would have a limit lifespanwhat do you think of thi approach
creat simpl user login form
cryptotl fail or hang go test short cryptotl testrun testcpuperl e pass on my macbook pro typic five or so of the test failonc in a while rare the test complet hang instead
spring is not inject adotempl into for the rc adotempl is not get inject i get the follow except when execut the depend express through object properti adotemplatei have resolv thi by explicitli defin the adotempl spring object in my context filebut when i wa use an earlier version of i wa not set the there ani chang done in the new spring version which requir the adotempl to be set
possibl secur breach at florida radiolog consult
refactor approach to load json from csv file so that ampersand and singlequot charact are respect refactor approach to load json from csv file so that ampersand and singlequot charact are respect sinc bced the singlequot and ampersand charact have been replac with doublequot and comma behavior block our abil to upgrad from easytest to x becaus we have a number of csv data file that use the ampersand charact url queri with paramet product name
question how do you handl the certif be extract from the profil hii wa wonder what your thought were on user get their hand on the profil and extract the certif from it they could then conceptu instal the certif on their devic without ani of the restrict and the applic would incorrectli permit use becaus it would appear as though the restrict are in placethank in advanc
cannot login to mongo univers i am get follow when i tri to login use d video mongodb uni user name mongodb uni password error at requestpost as at at eventsj at request at eventsj at at eventsj at at nodej
maincoffe nologin wed apr gmt cst info skip loginw apr gmt cst debug load plugin helpw apr gmt cst debug load plugin debugw apr gmt cst debug load plugin apiserverw apr gmt cst info api server start at port wed apr gmt cst info fetch buddi listw apr gmt cst info fetch group listw apr gmt cst info fetch discuss group listw apr gmt cst info updat discuss group listeventsj throw er unhandl error event error listen eaddrinus at netj at serverlisten netj at listen netj at serverlisten netj at at at at at new dispatch at new qqbot at at gettoken at run at object at object at modulej
saltminion main process termin with statu after run for some hour the salt minion process ha die thi appear in dmesg output init saltminion main process termin with statu salt version is saltminion precis run on ubuntu no output in no error or warn on the master logi have restart the minion with log set to debug
hack of boxeetv expos password data messag for user
bee encod should have val in delta out thi can replac wrap inout which i dont think anyon use for more flexibl option in the context of preset scn so thi will be for next minor version releas
creat a more intuit interfac for assign layer to a map some type of hint of how to do it would be nice
let me login with googl
add login learn about ad auth password hash with a nonc backend databas tabl requirednot login to view make session so login remain activ and can be use to track activ
luxuri agenc investig secur breach createth group
modifi signatur field is there anyway to modifi text field from a formtast form chang the background color color of the guidelin or ad a border for exampl
carousel setup is inject tabl element helloso i start work on the carousel today and thank so much for point me to the present for explan of the avail method if i author the follow into slideseach do slide iter pcodetyp preserv slidecod redesign slideavatar ppostedat about slidehour hour ago p reflect the bare bone of what wa in v and then i strip the class and javascript so that i could start creat some of that from scratch here is the thing though the result look someth like thisscreen shot at output htmlcss ha a whole bunch of tabl element and style in spelunk through the app file i think it is relat to pull the differ code languag color but i have no clue how to work around it and i dont want to mess anyth up with the languag highlight elsewher can you point me in the right direct or if i need to wait until you return to pair with you i can direct my effort elsewher in the frontend just let me know
after login redirect to incorrect url when log in it doe not redirect to the prequiz as desir we should add a auto redirect to the applic
delet password
script mindlessli click after an entiti thi video the event happen twice im forc to stop the script and restart it
app should log out on failur due to account have chang password if the user chang their password while the app is loggedin or stayloggedin return to loggedin state then the app should notic that the credenti it ha are bad and log out with some kind of inform
set author on book sign to charact name modul a player sign a book the book author should be set to the charact name rather than the player name
usersav not found im have thi problem requir model db isera useruserread err user usertest test consolelog is the same if user is a then ye els no usersav user err user consolelog updat argumentsbut sh web is the same no web typeerror object fals ha no method save web at web at web at web at web at seraph web at web at object web at as ontimeout wrong
encod imag in tweet with
clean up page to make it a bit more readabl
cant access nest hash within jtask openstruct i wa playong around with jtask befor and i realis that nest hash dont work with the openstruct output jtask return take a look name adam locat citi melbourn countri australia true last locat citi melbourn countri last locationc no method error
use return everywher instead of old function signatur return
network call to get credenti not work
how to reset password dure develop is there ani way to reset user password from outsid the app im work on a version of is combin with mr and the ui from aspnet ident i cannot login as it appear the admin password i wrote down doe not match my dev databas im leari of delet and recreat as im not sure the databas will recreat
inlin style tag content is get encod i have the follow style tag in a page that im pars w htmlphp you can see the css is get broken by the parser becaus it encod charact in the css into html entiti gt for exampleani idea how i can work around thisthank
exampl out of date with new err stream id signatur the exampl doesnt show the new error paramet
option authent control with accesstoken we have a client applic that use the password grant to get an accesstoken that it use to control the user accountther is also a consum that the resourc owner connect to that we need to use the web server flow with we present a web view in the client that the hit the endpoint on the resourc serveri would like to avoid a doubl login sinc the user ha alreadi log in with usernam password is there a way to use the accesstoken the client applic alreadi ha to bypass the login step when hit the author url i have tri ad it to the param in the url but thi doe not work as the control isnt look for it
campo de login fica melhor como um modal bitbucket origin report by viniciu origin creat at t
unscrub hash comma singl quot doubl quot from card data write a sql script to undo chang done in for test purpos
crash when use a password error persist undefin method activ for uri authent sign sendrequest put publicsend dispatch dispatch block in block in task block in initi block in createthi appear to be fix by but that commit came after the current releas would you mind push out a or releas soon
scrub hash comma singl quot doubl quot from data write sql script to replac hash comma singl quot and doubl quot from import card data
prevent inject javascript into href attribut on a tag prevent stuff like blah
select node not consist when hash collid if a key hash to the same valu for two node the first encount will be select as the node for the keysinc the iter order is depend on insert order into the node the select node may not necessarili be consist as differ client may suppli the list of node to in differ order
rustdoc search xss exploit the input for doc search isnt sanit allow for arbitrari html
tela login implementar a tela de login e sua lgica
at i wa tri the exampl django code with the twitter api and got thi unicod error is thi someth i did wrong and how can i fix itscreen in advanc
jenkin add abil to check if pull request author ha sign a cla
extra byte sometim ad on decod frombas we found that sometim we were get an extra byte back from frombas the follow chang to fix itc byte byteindex mod mod if mod onli pad with more bit if it didnt come out at an exact byte boundari byte byteindex mod mod
support for separ login name from display name thi would be help for site that do not want to publicli display a user usernam or usernam portion of their email instead they prefer to have a privat usernam or email for log in and a separ public name for display and friendli url backgrounda few exampl of thi style includ facebook you login with a privat email but have a page name which is use to build a friendli url eg steam commun for them it a privat usernam and public display name which is use in a friendli url but the same idea i believ thi is most desir for site that have profil display hardwon virtual asset like a larg game librari steam or ownership of popular page facebook in those case display the login name becom an actual secur concern proposalfor thi featur i would like a way to explicitli tell zinnia how to get the author profil url and display text to use whenev it want to link to the author profil page specif examplehow i person prefer to add thi public name with django is by ad a uniqu profilenam field and slug field to my custom user model the profil name is use for display on a profil page and when link the slug is use to build the friendli url to the user profil pageher is how i am current hack zinnia to support thi for author link and display i havent prepar someth like thi as a pull request becaus it probabl too hard code for zinnia
add frontend tree travers
convert legaci cell is not work placebreak protect whitelist is not work get convert okay but cell doe nother i give you my jail sql dump in jail are not abl to destroy or place block that are defin in protect whitelist tri to put name andor id as well but without sure if broken block whitelist could be affect by cell defin that whi i put thi into one issu
encod decod we should encod the data befor send it and decod it in the other side of the webrtc doesnt support yet binari data through and im use now data url to send the datahowev there is may be a better solut than that
edit lose hash rev my product project path is differ than my dev one therefor i have to edit the asset path in the compass the built css file look like of if i use default stylesfont the output is do i lose the hash when i edit
locationhash will not alway trigger activ state on the current select mirror result in the lack of a gray background on initi display no npmj is not select either
test that redund doesnt lead to duplic result in queri given the follow dql queri sqlselect articl from blogarticl articleinn join with blogarticl and user and trueif a user ha redund to a resourc becaus he ha sever role will entiti be return twice or more if so is select distinct necessari thi need a test
unabl to finish audit becaus crash fresh instal on win bit i have gb of gc overhead limit sourceaft the crash ive seen those line on errorlog
doe network use http doe thi mechan not use tl at what layer doe the oper add the header
client crash when login hi peopl not with all charact but client crash when you access to world when it happen one time then happen all the time no t possibl to access with charact need some one sumoon to anoth place
cannot instal fontforg fork when i run for python noconfigur error packag requir python were not metno packag python adjust the environ variabl if youinstal softwar in a nonstandard you may set the environ variabl pythonlib to avoid the need to call pkgconfigse the pkgconfig man page for more detail
add login screen
rememb me for login doe not work summarywhen a user log in with their credenti and then select the rememb me option and then after log in they sign out the credenti are not rememb for the next login to reproduc bug input credenti to log in check rememb me box login to site logout of site credenti for next log in are not rememb suggestionit seem as though thi may not have been implement if it ha been implement verifi that the cooki contain the credenti is properli creat and is not be delet upon log out of the site severitylow minor
firmwar hang after a while when snif ble with high traffic when i start snif ble data in follow mode the ubertooth will start show advertis packet go by as it fif i then start a ble devic that spew out a moder high volum of packet an ibeacon transmit advertis the ubertooth will output the packet it captur for a few second and then hang it typic take to second for the ubertooth to hang at thi traffic level if i paus the ibeacon after a few second befor the ubertooth hang the ubertooth will not hang while the traffic volum is low if i then restart the ibeacon transmitt and run it for a few second the ubertooth will hangonc the ubertooth hang it usb led stay on and it stop respond to ani usb command includ the reset command if i end the process ctrlc and tri to rerun the util it will not captur ani data in ani subsequ run i had also written a python librari for the ubertooth use pyusb and creat a script with similar to the util the python script experi the same issu the ubertooth onli start work again after it is unplug and repluggedi have not yet tri to debug the issu at the firmwar levelim run ubertooth r and libbtbb r on mac os x with an ubertooth one run the r firmwar i have not yet test thi on linuxi am use a th gener ipod touch with appl airloc exampl app as the ibeacon transmitt
html inject get access to the dom for the page and insert html content
set up univers analyt and server side track for new sit and new sitter
last login doesnt show up befor a page reload
protect against save profil tamper
spring secur rememb me bug exist bug in spring secur where rememb me is not work is caus issu with test and some api have file bug and sent issu
account screen login
databaseyml password is hardcod replac it with a regist variablese
modifi the decodehint in receiv is not possibl at one point it wa possibl to modifi the decod hint i believ by call on a receiv object and modifi the result map that doesnt work ani longer and is caus some issu with test that could be in a cleaner state name the serializ roundtrip testsi think thi broke when wa made static but the usag pattern initi made thi a like regressioni think the right solut is to provid a receiv constructor that accept a set of decod hint and default to what the static method is now return if no map is provid the static method should probabl be made an instanc method and return a copi of the decod hint for that instanc if it is need at all after thi chang
is not threadsaf it is possibl that two shutdown in parallel will both pass the swap of thevari and as such both will queue their task for shutdownnow becaus of the queue drain one of the task will be cancel but stillit is not an intend consequ
design page for http statu code etc depend on
an end user need somewher to login ie provid their guid we need somewher for the end user to be abl to provid their id token and see their datafor the moment an endpoint like thi loginguid is probabl enough in the futur we should look in to suggest where we gener a one time url so as to avoid leak the guid
protect against brute forc attack for imap server see
protect against brute forc attack for webmail see
protect against brute forc attack for smtp server repeat fail attempt should trigger an increas cooldown period befor the next attempt can be made cooldown period should be tie to the entiti attempt to authent rather than the account theyr tri to access
prompt user when sign up if usernam taken
fail i tri to send whatsapp to a list of number store in a txt through a function in python and after sever success shipment it appear an error that said yowsup fail archivo openlistatxt rlista listar in lista minimo while minimo what check keepal password print hola print listar print typelistar print minimo thi error whi is that
tmsslread should not take a buffer length should return a fix buffer pointer origin post on the privat beta
spam map descript screen shot at map relat comment such ascom prematur ejacul gp kaysnd prematur ejacul ginseng cheap viagra next day deliveri prematur ejacul hypnosi download gznkyj cheap viagra new zealand zuflij cheap viagra onlin usa prematur ejacul prevent tip prematur ejacul percentag prematur ejacul homeopathi treatment prematur ejacul patient co uk iicy prematur ejacul inform ezvp cheap viagra levitra ciali lqhqt prematur ejacul in teenag cheap viagra melbourn p prematur ejacul medicin in india jclu cheap natur viagra zel prematur ejacul in men over prematur ejacul lloyd pharmaci
higher secur by not use oper use the oper in rolldic is not secur sinc not all of the bucket have the same probabl of be hitinstead we should convert the number to a fraction in the rang and then multipli
log off button for user who are not sign in not implement probabl chang to sign in buttona of now crash about half the time
perform an audit we have some work to do on thi is realli a placehold issu until we have done the audit and can file issu
password text field and age dropdown have render issu in rtl local found in commit json version commit ln db tospp eaaaf step to reproduc set your browser local to hebrew he or someth equal rtl base go to actual note that the tooltip is px too low and look a bit off toggl the password field caus the text to go behind the show button thi onli seem to be an issu w the text version of the password field note that the now right align text in the field overlap the custom select arrow expect resultsth opposit of those thingsit appear that item in actual result are due to the recent dirrtl chang in i can still repro when forc the direct to be ltr so that isnt sole due to dir
tool to test signatur gener appcast sparkl ha shell script to gener signatur which is a bit too littl what miss tool to gener appcast give it app itll zip it or ziptar and itll gener an appcast for it which includ correct signatur file size version from infoplist etc tool to verifi appcast and signatur give it an appcast and itll use sparkl own method to download and verifi all updat in the appcast
can not overrid login templat im tri to overrid the templat to use it insid a content block on basehtmltwig for that i creat a structur as imag show under appresourc i access i see the default login form i mean without style imag and so on what im do wrong what i miss from doc
allow credenti realm to be deriv from netdevic object if we could defin a way for devic to have specifi realm by some sort of pattern perhap either by way of a attribut or by some configur callabl or pattern within idea wa propos on the triggerus mail list by greg
inexacterror in hash test on bit bisect identifi thi wa introduc at on bit window i getjulia the abov commit it is now an inexacterror thi is more correct than the old behavior sinc typemaxint but and line should now be tweak for bitwould chang integ on those two line to int still captur the point of thi test tri to do that give me error type typeassert expect int got int though not sure where from is there a better backtrac from that on bit linux
login rais ssl error i get as far as enter the token and hit next a progress box appear follow swiftli by thi error messageerrno sslc errorbx certif lib
would be great to be abl to login and see a list of older document be abl to reopen them etc etc
decod support to inspect stuff on disk
allow user to invit attende to appoint
creat model to allow user to creat appoint
onli clear the password output clear just the password output when enter is press rather than clear the whole termin scrollback
close the login widget doesnt fulfil promis how should we handl the case when the user close the login dialog without success log in i expect the promis to be reject as a login fail the onli way i could find to detect when the dialog is close is to listen for the close event
access onli user can access the applic x user onli see the header footer and login option x after user are rout to the home screen
creat good initi ldap structur
har file gener in use netsniffj hii am current run a version of protractor along with webdriverj and phantomj there is an exampl js script includ with phantomj call netsniffj which is a har file gener i have been pull my hair out tri to get thi work from within my test is there a way i can call netsniffj from within my test it can be call from commandlin like
propos valid rule to check if user password is correct everi project that ha user ha also a user profil page where user can edit hi set often such profil page is forc protect with user password disregard rememb me sinc someon can open my browser go to set page and chang whatev he wantsi think current password valid valid can be ad to laravel core it can be defin like thi php mean password is taken from user tabl user is search by field id equal to function attribut valu paramet user if return true els return fals i can send pr to add a rule to class if thi suggest is fine
remov rspamd becaus we switch to spamassassin remov all inform and packag from rspamd becaus it isnt requir anymor
we lost the workflow scheme assign to ani structur after modifi their inod step to the push publish environ in both server sender and receiveradd a new workflow scheme with the same name in both server assign thi workflow to ani structur in the sender sidego to the check integr featur and fix the workflow conflict after that go to the structur properti again and verifi the workflow scheme field sc on master mssql ff
attempt to prevent secur warn when use http when visit a page that display extern imag such as badg a secur warn is display to the user via a yellow triangl on the ssl badg see for an exampleth badg for thi page are at and can definit be rewritten to http on the backendthi will not coverhandl all case so possibl one solut is to attempt to rewrit the header to http and display a insecur imag instead or some other solut
use on public site and check by ssltest use on my public test site and check by
jdk focu travers bug thi is a veri well known bug it caus all kind of hell with lgm on kde includ except when renam resourc it for some reason is the result of the plugin insert button to the toolbar and the underli issu is a bug in the jdk focu travers compar i did test rearrang the insert order and what not as well my assumpt is it screw up an intern layout or some are three solut use a custom compar which is preferenti to maintain with the new jdk start switch to javafx i am abl to reproduc thi issu on window if i do not set the default look and feel decor
saltcloud make ephemer volum avail to nonspot instanc thi is in ec with the set set in the variabl
call netsniff from hi pleas forgiv my lack of knowledg here but i have recent been set up an instal of protractor along with webdriv and phantom to run ee jasmin test i have been look for a way to save a har for my fail testskeep thi short could anybodi point me in the direct regard call netsniff from within my test i have manag it from command line no problem just wonder if there is a simpl call i could make through webdriv to call thi function in
error import email address day timeout when i tri to import email address from the file i get an error blue ribbon on top inform me about that point out an email address that is fail it could be a timeout issu or is it mayb a alreadi exist issu that is not handl perfectli by the import routin i just wonder sinc day ip import work fine
featur request packag at current call from client result in error where meteor packag ha been while invok method error did not check all argument dure call to while invok method error did not check all argument dure call to quick addit of matchani or someth more robust could address thi
setup a let encrypt ssl certif x setup let encrypt on penguin setup a cronjob to renew the licens everi day remov refer to gtaluginfo
creat a mechan to leav out privaci violat tabl from the daemon certain tabl like browser histori browser cooki etc can be seen as have a huge potenti to violat user privaci if an org were to schedul queri to persist queri those tabl if certain vtabl are onli to be use in the event of forens compromis we shouldnt build those tabl into the osqueryd daemon which would ensur that they couldnt be use in schedul queri
phone regist with signal not recogn by redphon as an encrypt call opportun not sure if thi is a bug with rp or signal but rp is prompt me to upgrad to secur call for other peopl who use rp so ill take a punt here and assum someth is go on with signalaft multipl call between a signal devic and a redphon devic and more than an hour elaps sinc the signal devic registr and first use my redphon devic doe not prompt me to upgrad to secur call when i call the number of the signal devic it just tri to do a tradit pstn call dial via the redphon interfac result in an encrypt call to the signal devic as expectedhow long after a phone number ha been regist with signal is it suppos to be discover as an upgrad opportun to redphon user
cant login onc you incorrectli enter your login credenti i fail log in and now i cannot seem to get the usernam and password prompt to attempt log in again
t base file in resourc librari if you import a directori into the resourc librari base file are resiz and alter rather than just thumb nail in the librari t should never overwrit the base file
browser cooki virtual tabl
consist snapshot prepend hash algorithm instead of valu to target filenam if the user write a repositori with consist snapshot then the repositori tool hard link the target filenam to the alia shafilenamei think thi is becaus the code iter over the ie hash algorithm such as sha instead of the valu ie hash valu of the dictionari of hash expectedth repositori tool should replac the hash algorithm with it valu
task accept a password should be abl hide it task accept a password through the command line exampl mix hexkey new u johndo p hunter the user should be abl to leav off the p flag and the user will be prompt for a password that will be hidden on input
add more secur for command paramet current command paramet are not filter against ani unwant input there ha to be some valid and input filter in order to avoid unwant command be execut on the target systemthi may includ filter semicolon pipe and other charact but may onli be done on a plugin level
add password reset through email depend on
add support for shiva honeypot
redirect to login after session timout
code violat view now that data is load in let display it in the summari view and the violat view
doubl check there no secur stuff hang out itd be bad to get see if websocket toler htaccess
ignor credenti never work ignor never work it will be ad when i run git add
php warn when creat shipment or receipt without inventori edit step to reproduc edit the current user role to have no inventori edit visit the ship tab and click creat shipment or visit the receiv tab and click creat receipty will receiv the php warn creat default object from empti valu
closeact are ambigu design the closeact deleg is defin to take a bool paramet thi is confus as it ha multipl differ mean in differ context chang thi to take an enum type that specifi what should be done when the dialog is close requir use as the paramet type thi would signal which button wa press the customclos event can handl each type of button press differ howev the user defin it add an addit valu to the enum someth like and closedfail to signal when the dialog is close and no button is press
investig the possibl of use consist hash for shard partit perhap thi could be the creation of a new which would make reshard much easier
add encrypt and as a user i want with eww to be secur encrypt and requir
ventana login part grafica del login
split into file and text varieti as the titl say thi is mostli done in but i feel like there might be problem with the intent structur left as it is now leav thi ticket here for pleas review if both activ work as intend no pun intend heheh
dpkinect dpkinect is not regist or ha expir hi i bought just a licens of dpkinect i tri to regist but he told me that is not registr or ha expir i run max tipp the word from the email and put into regist the reciv file where is the
just had two hacker edit their rank to founder and take over my server i have no inform other than two hacker just join my server and within minut had founder and began kick and demot my staff member edit player point and spam hl sound ha anyon heard ani report about thi here info on the two homeless and homosexua steam five guy burger and fri steam i had to use my remot consol to ban them
design for inject mold
improv form creation for nonc them either use caldera form or use the podsform class
ascii codec cant decod byte xc in posit ordin not in rang the follow seem to occur independ from page content if not a better feedback regard the errorn content would be helpfulth output of python yamdwepi meet version list of pagesqueri page page to revis of page revis of page revis of page program and librari revis of page program and markup revis of page revis of page task and program revis of page web most recent call last file yamdwepi line in main file yamdwepi line in main file line in writepag file line in line sortedlin keylambda r intrsplitt file line in line sortedlin keylambda r ascii codec cant decod byte xc in posit ordin not in rang
motd isnt rebuilt for first login the first time i log on to the sandbox it alway display a motd that wa gener when the server wa first boot ie it say it will be reset in just under hoursnot sure whi thi is or what need to be done to fix it
formulario de cambiar la password esta en ingl y el boton no tien estilo ver imagenscreen shot at
wabbitemu sha hash is incorrect brew cask instal wabbitemu download download note run brew updat may fix checksum errorserror sha retri an incomplet download remov the file abov
simplifi glide decod path for context see should creat a that match a the write data type t to cach the read data from cach to type tthe exist would then read type t to some resourc type rfinal the cacheencod would write resourc type r to cach and the cachedecod would read resourc type r from cachethes chang should make the encodedecod path clearer
fix sign with strip master key add test hiim tri to use openkeychain with the xmppclient and after tri for a coupl of hour and read all issu on the topic i found i couldnt get it to workwhen i tri to open the sign key not onli from but also when i tri to sign insid the openkeychain app i get prompt for the password but after enter it i onli get a messag privat key could not be extract as i wrote in the titl i dont want to use the master key for sign but a dedic sign key becaus my key is split the debian way ie one onli for certifi one for encrypt and one for sign the master key is correctli mark as not avail but somehow the app seem to tri to use it for sign purpos the same key is work in apg with kmailthi issu might be relat to and which all are mark as fix strang the issu persist for meif you need further inform ill be happi to provid what i can to clear thing upthank in advanc philipp
two factor mobil app
protect disk encrypt from evil maid attack
connect histori login and deliveri
instal option to auto gener self sign certif
auto gener opendkim secret sign key and add dn txt record
auto gener password for installsh and configconf
blowfish bcrypt patch for glibc sh doveadm pw lcrypt md mdcrypt sha sha sha sha smd ssha ssha ssha plain clear cleartext plaintrunc crammd scramsha hmacmd digestmd plainmd plainmd ldapmd lanman ntlm otp skey rpa shacrypt is miss i think we need to patch the glibc librari to add blowfish support for
redesign the forgot password system secur auditpeopl who lost their password without assign a recoveri email are fcked
log success login in
fix spamsend reput
are we throttl login attempt pleas make owncloud immun against attack the recent attack and breakin to icloud account are accord to some news base on a lack of ani so that million of dictionari attack appear to be possibl against icloud accountswhat is the situat with owncloud do we have such a throttl yetif the answer is not then take thi issu as an urgent request to appli a patch to make owncloud immun against attack
make signatur text more clearli not part of the post content im not sure what convent is miss exactli but i seem to confus the signatur with the bodi of the post more often on thi forum than other perhap we just need a clearboth abov the sig block or
add paramet to inject function shim to should take a string to execut after it done bind object in order to prepar a consist work environ of api for a client script
versand label in doppelt doppelt versand benennung von der class die zu umgehen knnte man die klammern fest in den ndern und dann einfach mit sprintf formatieren dann kann jeder da selbst in der langconfig einstellen versand s
featur store login credenti in keychain instead of save the usernam and password in the keychain which provid better secur than
fix design login error
requir is not whitelist as a global method thi get incorrectli caught under fc as an unknown attribut thi can come up when do a requir insid a lazi block in a resourc
sudo mode to confirm password chang is usual frown upon and ill leav it to whether or not it warrant the effort to fix it but you should alway prompt user for their password again befor let them chang it
new in tb are not synchron to googl there a bug in setvalu under the event type that caus gcontactsync to not set new in googl contact it show up with thi messag in the logwarn error in parentelem is not defin
decid how to handl bad checksum to make a smoother display we could extrapol time sinc the last signal we got thi reli upon to do correctlyw should also ignor signal with a bad checksum
display signatur and encrypt statu note leap provid the header but it onli tell if it is valid invalid or could not determin it also provid the public key exampl valid pubkeyeddcf for now we cant know yet if the signatur is expir revok or trust i think that it is possibl to verifi thi on our side but idk yet how hard it would be test with email and there is a bug report on leap for verifi signatur on cleartext signatur messag should be display accord to the tabl of status and messag we are do itbecaus pixel encrypt and decrypt silent it is import to show the user if the messag wa signedwhen do we know it is doneal inbound messag have signatur statu display accord to the tabl provid
someon fake spam someon fake spam repli by on mon sep via freedomop at septemb at pm
gitclon in gitsalt get gitclon work on gitsalt
tunnelblick is report digit signatur is invalid brew cask instal tunnelblick caveatsfor secur reason tunnelblick must be instal to applic and will request to be move at launch download symlink app to gener artifact artifact to tunnelblick instal to file mthen i run tunnelblick and immedi get the copi of tunnelblick ha been tamper with the digit signatur is check with the provid of thi copi of tunnelblick befor use itbrew cask is at the latest version scarili the sha seem to pass
throw an error when you tri to inject a relat but the resourc for it hasnt been defin
saltssh cant work in concurr mode saltssh use hardcod tmpsalt directori on both local and remot machin which should caus issu if remot machin is updat from sever locat or if sever saltssh session are start from one and the same machin
ldap use nodej i am run the samplej by modifiy the basic field to have info relat to my corpor detailsit give me a unauthor access errornow if gener a url and run it directli in browser it work fine sinc my corpor version of versionon use ldap and we have a singl signonhow can make the to workam i miss someth here
sign cooki would be more secur if the signatur includ the cooki name the onli sign the content of the cooki not the namethi mean that if i have the sign cooki local and userid someon can copi the valu of the cooki local and put it in userid and the server will accept
le password nest pa dan un databag en lieu et place dun databag le password est dfini via un attribut rootpw
login not center on screen resiz login prompt not center on screen resiz
error in oauth error hello everybodi i have thi problem in my code rjson bit restart r i get thi error error in oauth errorthi most like mean that you have incorrectli call can someon help me i reaali need thi problem solv please
padronizar nome de name index login etc parec que h de conven no nome de campo usernam de un userlogin ou userid de outro idem para mensagen etc proponho padronizar por lognam loginnam nome da conta nome completo nmero sequenci do objeto para base sqltime datahora segundo desd poca como long int ou formatada como melhor
is not correct with folder two level deep when run the script local with two folder level callback url come out thi should actual fix by chang line fromcontext
let modern the process of report occup code violat im work with emerson burch of the highland park neighborhood associ and offic haley gregori of cpd on her commun engag capston project for graduat from the polic academi weve notic a huge issu with report occup code violat to the citi current a process handl by phone mail and paper there rare ani with report and no due in part to the fact that track is done on paperth idea is simpl a simpl web interfac that allow chattanooga resid to report occup code violat cave in ceil board up window etc and an and track panel access by citi code enforc to view and respond to these report thi data could also mayb be anonym and fed into the open data portalit replic and address a problem that plagu the citi
could not use oauth in rstudio server call droplet for the first time in a fresh rstudio serveropen a browser window to connect to digitalocean to request fail as the url contain localhost doe not work a remot rstudio by hand localhost with the server ip did not work in my case neitherto set the dopat environ variabl i did not tri becaus i wa not sure how to set it as rstudio run via dockeri would say that a packag expect to have set environ variabl is a bit problemat in docker base rstudio there should be an other way to set the token
link to my public key is shown even if right is not grant user see the my public key link on their account page but receiv a forbidden error when click it access is grant after assign the proper right in the acl dont show link if right are miss
redirect to a page on login thi is go to be super use for when we start send out email with link also use to send the user back to the page they were on if their session expiredwhen we send a link in an email to task for exampl the link will be if the user ha an activ session thi will take them straight to that page no problem if they dont have a session they will be sent to the login page and we want to redirect them upon login to the assign pagealso if im on the task page if my session expir and i am sent to the login page it would be nice to be sent back to the task page upon log back in
keyerror oauthtoken when i tri to use your librari i get that error i may be use it incorrectli but i follow your import yhandlerpyi creat a yhandler objecti call get that key error
multipl provid hi first thank for thi great librari absolut easi to use as you mention i would like to offer two ex googl facebook if it possibl now i implement both but when the same user use anoth provid anoth user record will be creat is it possibl to lookup in the user tabl by a field ex email and set the userid to that if it exist one user to mani provid
x certif sign by unknown author check out the latest ks ran to set up in gce client is mac os x f kubecfggo got request error get x certif sign by unknown list podsf kubecfggo got request error get x certif sign by unknown wont fetch without k either openssl sclient showcert connect to get local issuer returndepth not returndepth to verifi the first chain client certif ca name sentssl handshak ha read byte and written bytesnew tlsvsslv cipher is public key is bitsecur is protocol tlsv cipher dhersaaessha sessionid snip sessionidctx masterkey snip keyarg none start time timeout sec verifi return code unabl to verifi the first someth chang here recent t
whitelist enumer issu go launcher ex hith whitelist select applic to allow just show one entri for go launcher ex languag pack even though the main app and the languag pack de is instal result in the main app get restrict they dont have the same uid but the same certif and name go launcher ex if i uninstal the languag pack the main app entri appear
jsonencod error when pivot event widget it wa suggest on the piwik forum that i open thi issu here as well get an error when i pivot the widget at the action event page i cant undo the pivot becaus the widget wont respond to ani mous click or delet thi widget sinc i didnt creat it in the first place ill have to revert the databas from a backup thi is on piwik php if you run into thi issu the onli way to get out of thi state is to revert the databas to a previou version or run thi sql queri delet from piwikopt where optionnam like the jsonencod invalid utf sequenc in argument in on line backtrac call at jsonencod call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at requireonc call at event namesev categori call at jsonencod call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at requireonc call at categori call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at requireonc call at load call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at requireonc call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at requireonc call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at call at requireonc call at pdfpdf
turn on forc ssl
add secur add a secur layer for dispatch
modifi so that it clear whether or not the process ha start or stop at the moment we onli seestart remotesyslog andstop remotesyslog
add form
contain the same file as sudoku installtxt seem useless the zip as well
test that post are creat upon login
star certif dont print correctli cert dont print correctli on new form
pleas blacklist meowi and flist i do not want anyon to be abl to creat a donat page on your servic for ani of my person and repositori of a servic i manag i do not wish to hold debat about the reason of thi actionpleas prevent donat from be accept for all current and futur repositori own or fork by the github account meowi and flist display a error messag in place of the current donat interfac remov all exist donat page for repositori under these account make it imposs to add new donat page for repositori under these you
optionss not initi for exampl simageal work but the follow code doesnt in import skiffin s skiffrigin droplet traceback most recent call last in droplet in allparam kwarg param kwarg return lambda r for d in rdroplet in getself url action param return r if link in r and page in rlink and next in rlinkspag and param and paramspag should recurs page through in r param kwarg return lambda r for d in rdroplet in initself option kwarg selfregion selfimag selfsiz selfkernel for networktyp network in size
valid not detect enum violat i wa tri to valid an instanc against the schema my instanc is id actor objecttyp blowup name project tin can api mbox mailtous verb id display enu creat object id definit name enu simpl statement descript enu a simpl experi api statement note that the lr doe not need to have ani prior inform about the actor learner the verb or the the tool report valid even though the is not a valid valu accord to the schema
tarsnap privat key is so while go through sovereign ive been notic mani signific secur flaw of which thi is but one will be document them here in the issuesto start the tarsnap privat key is root root oct must be fix an ansibl mode more to come
criar login aluno
state machin for convers logic work estim hrsto support realist and other more complex interact some kind of state machin structur need to be ad to the softwar to allow the robot to behav differ depend on past interact for instanc thi would allow the robot to answer multistag tell me about a roomcountess what room would you like to know about enter roomask stateus the robot labcountess the robot lab is enter stateus could you take me ok head to the robot lab
inject an injector
pleas includ a chan pass login hello could you add a chan pass login menuopt pleaseit would be easier to log in than have to either disabl the extens or navig to the log in page directli
messag statu not set for facebook and twitter in the linkedin verif script we do the follow to set the messag statu to statu fromemail emailw dont seem to do thi in facebook or twitter which mean messag dont ever get deliv
idea distinctli show if encrypt wa lostend a few time now i just did not realiz that a contact end the pgpotr encrypt as i just did not see that the littl lock icon wa gone it would be realli nice if there could be a dinstinct notif if an activ and encrypt chat wa end mayb by a popup similar to the verifi fingerprint messag that could be
chang to pghba net secur config in order to administ postgr from local postgr i open up the postgr server to it own ip as well as the api server ip with thi linehost ltproddb ltdbo mdthi let me connect via ssh to the server with a tunnel bind a local port to the server port and connect pgadmin to itssh i ltdbadminl then i just connect to localhost and it tunnel it to and with that config line up there it work i cant see ani addit secur listen to an addit address given we alreadi accept traffic from we should probabl bind thi config chang into ansibl too assum your ok with it fyi i tri to bind a remot tunnel port to and attach to that but it didnt work which is probabl a good thing in the end
storag encrypt we could add an encrypt such as the one describ in ngstore for angular someth like that mayb
strip newlin from aw credenti simpl tweak on the exampl for pick up credenti from within the the strip i wa get newlin on the result and thu caus to fail
repositori access is not respect plugin set when use redminepm as method the plugin work great when access is done via redmin html interfac howev when i set anonym access as no access anonym user can still access the repositori via git cloneth repositori access is control use redminepm modul and apach
getloginr test is broken the getloginr test broke dure a demo today bitbucket origin report by garrett origin creat at t
getloginr and ttynam should be posix compliant by default we can leav behind the binari interfac but new applic should get posix compat interfac not draft compat default bitbucket origin report by garrett origin creat at t
kssl should be remov it doesnt support tl and is current unmaintain as such it a bigger risk then a help it should be remov bitbucket origin report by garrett origin creat at t
nodetm should connect to tm backend over ssl and authent itself through ether sso or session cooki at the moment no is requir to the tm backend
should be implement to the tm backend such that ssl is use and password is not storedlog anywher at the moment thi happen in cleartext and password is log onto the screen of the run nodetm process
navig page should not be access without a login
home page should not be access without a login
aplicar nuevo theme a firewal admin aplicar el theme admin the metron aca van lo archivo el menu izquierdo seria dashboard usuario gener y usuario tienen como submenu listar crear no tien submenu statu y configuracin gener no estn definido todava
soxsshconfig check script shellbinksh greeben broke out to function from script greeben ad all new ssh check greeben ad pars for global zone mcgowan ad code for to fit with latest baselin mod vansciv ad check for and loglevel per audit requir typeset if iszon no a zname global then sshcommp e o zonecommgrep globalgrep sshdgrep v grephead awk print els sshcommp e o comm grep sshd grep v grep head fi sshcommp e o comm grep sshd grep v grep head sshcomm topdir case sshcomm in usrsbinsshd sshd sshd esac case in port ps ef grep sshd grep v grep devnul if then netstat an egrep devnul netstat an egrep grep listen devnul if then printf ts s sshd port pass els printf ts s sshd port fail echo set port in sshdconfig failflagy fixit fixsshconfig port conf checkresult fi els printf ts s sshd port fi prot egrep i protocol conf devnul if then printf ts s sshd protocol pass els printf ts s sshd protocol fail failflagy echo set protocol in sshdconfig fixit fixsshconfig prot conf checkresult fi root i conf head awk print tr az az case permitroot in if dmz y then egrep tiaacreforg devnul egrep all etchostsdeni devnul if then printf ts s root login sshd pass els printf ts s root login sshd fail failflagy echo set proper config in and etchostsdeni fi els printf ts s root login sshd pass fi no printf ts s root login sshd pass printf ts s root login sshd fail failflagy echo set in sshdconfig fixit fixsshconfig root conf checkresult esac rsaa egrep i ye conf devnul if then printf ts s sshd fail echo set no in sshdconfig failflagy fixit fixsshconfig rsaa conf checkresult els printf ts s sshd pass fi hbaa egrep i ye conf devnul if then printf ts s sshd fail failflagy echo set ye in sshdconfig fixit fixsshconfig hbaa conf checkresult els printf ts s sshd pass fi rho egrep i ignorerhost ye conf devnul if then printf ts s ignorerhost sshd pass els printf ts s ignorerhost sshd fail failflagy echo set ignorerhost ye in sshdconfig fixit fixsshconfig rho conf checkresult fi pass egrep i no conf devnul if then printf ts s sshd pass els printf ts s sshd fail failflagy echo set no in sshdconfig fixit fixsshconfig pass conf checkresult fi bann egrep i banner etcissu conf devnul if then printf ts s banner sshd pass els printf ts s banner sshd fail failflagy echo set banner etcissu in sshdconfig fixit fixsshconfig bann conf checkresult fi slog egrep i auth conf devnul if then printf ts s sshd pass els printf ts s sshd fail failflagy echo set auth or authpriv in sshdconfig echo as appropri for thi system fixit fixsshconfig slog conf checkresult fi loglvl egrep i loglevel info conf devnul if then printf ts s sshd loglevel pass els printf ts s sshd loglevel fail failflagy echo set loglevel info in sshdconfig fixit fixsshconfig loglvl conf checkresult fi echo unhandl function paramet pass to func echo allow paramet port prot root rsaa hbaa rho pass bann slog loglvl esac
soxguilogin check script shellbinksh greeben typeset egrep etcinittab devnul if then graphic login are disabl printf ts s graphic login pass els graphic login enabl is thi necessari printf ts s graphic login fail echo set initdefault to in etcinittab failflagy fixit fixguilogin checkresult fi fix script shellbinksh fixguilogin greeben typeset perl pi e etcinittab return
soxloginlog check scriptnon fix script shellbinksh fixloginlog greeben broke out to function from typeset touch chown rootsi chmod
check script shellbinksh greeben broke out to function from script greeben renam fix function and further divid typeset cat etcsecuretti egrep ttyppt devnul if then securetti ok printf ts s root securetti pass els printf ts s root securetti fail echo ttyp or pt entri found in etcsecuretti failflagy fixit securetti checkresult fi fix script shellbinksh greeben broke out to function from script greeben renam typeset echo too invas to fix manual add ttyp or pt entri to etcsecuretti return
support for field inject we plan to support field inject similar to as an altern to constructor inject it would look likeclass sometestcas testcard card no explicit would make test a bit shorter and ha a nice pariti with etc which are common in unit test
zlibbind is mark deprec on hackag be worth figur out someth for the futur thereof
sometim dont have access to a login page url becaus it cloak i put in my credenti i am taken to the indexphp pagebut i cant crawl the site becaus guess at the login page url they use php redirect to chop off the extens and file name i tri all the logic one ani thought without go to the develop who are about degre or separ away
nonlatin char in password on logon break applic step go to usernam user password pass accident switch keyboard must contain onli octet at line paramet from pagehom password xxxbxb usernam user
answer should be more secur right now player can do anyth with answer like chang answer they alreadi submit chang other peopl answer and answer after the answer ha been reveal
usernam should be more secur chang other peopl usernam isnt possibl without dev tool but it is possibl with them it a veri minor thing but it could caus problem eventu
user can chang her password on a set screen we can introduc a new link chang password that will open a new page with three field current password new password confirm password
let browser save password on sign in form via
login page spring secur hiim miss a login page in the exampl auth requir a callback url and i see no integr between the callback and spring security tri ad a custom login page but without success the header is alway
get crackn button still around after login the get crack button is still there after log in and it mislead me to think that is how to start
homebrew mpssh and dupesopenssh issu mpssh doesnt detect the ssh and scp client correctli instal mpssh onc should result in mpssh call instead of usrbinssh brew instal mpssh string binusrbinssh
android and chrome with pixi use assetload with crossorigin set to true cannot pass basic with delay load i came across the follow on android chrome browser load a page with basic the load start with a user click use the assetload the asset fail to load thi due to crossbrows origin is set to true standard mayb someon ran into thi as wellal asset and resourc come from the same domainfix i set crossorigin to standard fals the load act correctli within same domain
issu with api and code like new smc new i am get fail the header is not present or provid in an invalid formatveri similar code work great for have the same issu with
user can spam without enter ani text caus text flood the screen plu alter screen layout
shopifi gem instal with version fail through capistrano helloi am tri to instal the shopifi with threadsaf in aw use capistranomi gem filegem git branch shopifyapi command in capistrano which failsbundl exec gem instal file gemfil error messageerror while execut gem fac unresolv depend found dure sort request by seem to be a problem with the gem depend ascertain script as if i remov the threadsaf in gem file the capistrano deploy pass gemfilelock threadsaf and probabl fail in the if anyon els ha seen thi error and if there is a workaround for thisthank for your
viewmodel secur and csrf csrf encrypt and sign use class written by ridercz
turcrypt icon show in taskbar thi is with daa on mint im note that in keep with the roadmap most of the other truecrypt relat icon have gone but notic one lurk on my
expos devtool hook inject to other consum on react object current react look for global and call inject on it if it exist thi work fine if there one listen eg chrome react devtool themselvesid love it if react support arbitrari number of independ hook in react hot im reach into intern i need reactmount to get all mount but i wish i could do that without requir an intern i wish react expos the same modul that are avail to global hook via some kind of thi would be call for but avail on react object if i want to do it from a librari i dont mean product librari but debug aid librari such as react hot loader and potenti other
enabl no screenshot featur via the secur flag
for lossless audio input check the audio data md or similar hash flac alreadi comput and store the md of the wav audio data chunk which you can get with metaflac showmdsum fileflac thi could be store in the yaml file and then checkedfor lossless input file either wav or flac
add saml support support for saml and user manag for integr with product like
github login broken click the github login button on will give a
cannot login i have last version of yii basic and yiiuser but i cannot login use usernam that i had createdthat problem didnot appear in my other websit that use old version of yiiuser
error after deselect coauthor doubl click on a grant then deselect some coauthor and click submit then we have onli a blank screen arash say no data is be return
pleas use proper password hash the password hash use is sha which realli should never be use for hash fix thi
if password doesnt match password confirm make it flash a messag rather than throw an error
no signatur of method is applic for argument type hello im face the issu when run that sampl codepackag static falsedef def caselist case def id new addcaselist save the error is no signatur of method is applic for argument type valu id at at at at buildconfig inherit grail default depend inherit global exclud xercesimpl xmlapi xerc plugin runtim runtim jqueri runtim resourc uncom these or add new one to enabl addit resourc capabl runtim runtim runtim runtim excelexport build
acc to folder secur issu is there a way to hide or password the inform access to the folder i realiz that the folder is access from user account both in window and ubuntu but it to deter averag user from fish around
is there a way to do match like so rubyrequir withbodi toreturnbodi bput b bodyrspec ha thi matcher but it doesnt seem to work for webmock
add support for openpgp encrypt
should dynam format store trail salt that end in or t convert to hex we do have hex convers of certain salt with problemat charact alreadi eg for salt that would otherwis contain or may be salt that end in a trail space or horizont tab charact or salt contain or t should be convert into hex befor store in those hash will caus troubl if you tri to verifi the content of a pot fileconsid thi welcomethi is the result of crack the first osc format self test hashwhen you runcut d f johnpot hashescut d f johnpot passwordsand then eitherjohn hash potnewpot hash potnewpot formatoscy will not be abl to verifi that thi particular hash ha been crack correctlyth reason is that the loader will strip trail space when load the grep a n skip lead and trail whitespac loaderc skip lead and trail whitespac while p p t p ciphertext p p strlenp while p ciphertext p p t p p
decod broken for nest map valu nestedmap val except throw in function line i use thi file as a problem manifest for me when tri to persist map data the error is shown and data is not persist unless all map are convert to list first
cult rune locker exploit if you stand insid a close locker tome in hand and draw a cult rune the rune will not be visibl until the locker is open thi allow you to produc basic invis rune to surpris peopl with i discov thi mostli by accid so i havent test to see whether it say disappear if you close the locker again or if it is visibl on examin the locker tile
replac hash with skinhash or capehash similar to the variabl name hash isnt veri precis as we have imag hash for cape and skin so renam it to skinhash and capehash would be more precis
shouldnt order kv in hash the spec make student put key valu pair in a particular matter as it is a hash the key valu order shouldnt matter
featurehash warn the latest nightli yield warn rustnot in expans of deriv note expans site note in expans of bitflag note expans site note in expans of note expans site help add featurehash to the crate attribut to silenc thi warn deriv copi partialeq eq clone partialord ord hash
avg antiviru for mac error on a fresh if you instal avg antiviru for mac run knockknock will report the follow error error except knocknock threw errno no such file or directori most recent call last file knockknockpi line in knocknock result file knockknockpi line in scan file line in scan file line in init selfsiz file line in getsiz return errno no such file or directori
enforc password strength check i can have the password password and the system doesnt even blink thi is a problem in the st centuryeven better would be to implement two factor auth as well
hide or grey out audiocontext hash option where not avail ie doe not know about audiocontext and fail silent no result givensam for safari without quicktim workaround is to uncheck the option in the set should be done
d context hash yield differ result between ff and chrome use the sampl code provid in best d hash found differ depend on browser ff rr score tie with rr chrome rrr score ff hash score respect and ie rrr score both ff hash score safari rrr score both ff hash score chrome then proce to reduc the hash code to b while ff stall at bcheck whether thi is a consequ of have differ prefix context method in ffcheck whether the produc code in each case work in both browser
sslconnect return errno statesslv read server certif b certif verifi fail check full detail on airbrak block in block level in block in block in block level in block in block in
sslconnect return errno statesslv read server certif b certif verifi fail check full detail on airbrak block in block level in block in block in block level in block in block in
rend szabadsg megadsa problma janur vgn ill sanyi s n is emr userrel prbltunk sanyinak megadni rend szabadsgot janur re jan ra megtudta adni de jan re nem vgl is az adatbzisba beszrtam kzzel egi sort gondolom ez az elz napi zrol miatt van gye
debug messag spam to consol when run my applic i get thi messag on everi frame debug messag buffer detail info buffer object bound to usag hint is glstaticdraw will use video memori as the sourc for buffer object oper
plnpc thaumaturg rafir reforg npc od reforga znika od razu po wejciu do domku dziej si tak dlatego e w tym miejscu wchodzi jaka dziwna faza i wszystko dookoa znikagracz i npc gmi prbowali naprawi to zmieniajc faze ale dziaa tylko do rlgu lub dc
option for useobb true in oauthtoken hi hadleyim wonder if it is possibl to add an option to oauthtoken to match the useobb true option in oauthtoken at least that what i think i need the automat by listen for the user to finish in the browser is great when it work but i find myself run applic need oauth from insid a docker contain where i cannot get the port listen thing to work even when expos the port anyway it would be great to have the manual workaround in thi case where the after the user they manual past the code back into the termin instead of it happen with the callback at least i think that what i need in thi case tri from insid ani docker r contain should be enough to reproduc thi issu thank carl
cach decrypt ssh key although ssh agent dont work through mosh it could still be desir to cach the decrypt version of the ssh key so subsequ sshiniti mosh session dont requir provid a passphras perhap thi could be implement as a checkbox option default to uncheck on the main session window then when the user first provid the passphras it will be cach uncheck the option should immedi throw away the decrypt keyit may also be desir to provid a field indic how long to cach the key ala sshadd t
featur request add a way to save the ftp per project so that i dont have to retyp all my login detail everi time i want to transfer a file
fail to optim code that use rj plugin and violat strict mode i have a piec of code it rd parti that violat strict mode rule in strict mode code function can onli be declar at top level the code live insid of a coffeescript fileth code work in the browser but fail with rj becaus of thi line thi adapt assum that xj ha load it and set up some variabl thi adapt just allow limit requirej usag from within the requirej directori the gener node adapat is rj function use strict here var nodereq when my code is transpil and then eval in reqexec that happen insid of the strict mode function and fail
conemu thwart late inject run an app under dr via default late inject fail when run in conemu with hook enabl the target app crash veri earli due to coneemu iat hook in the parent inject process dd espafcac eccafcb afeafcb edafcb afecafcbc afcc afcc afcc afeafccc efdeafcd afcd afcd dc da afeaf u eccecc memori access error in u ecc vprot regions estat pagenoaccess x so loadlibrari and getprocaddr are use to get themxref in parent drrunex x e ed conemuhk defer u push ebpso the iat hook caus drinjeclib queri to think is yet that doesnt exist in the child at thi earli point sow crashif i switch drinjectlib to use dr alreadi link infil need for that instead of then injectionand run the child app all work fine
bcryptextjar not build with bundler but with gem direct i use jrubi on a linux maschin in conjunct with obenjdk to switch the rubi i use urui switch to jrubi and instal with bundler so the mri version of bcrypt wa i use gem instal bcrypt i delet all bryptfil from the gemdir then the javavers wa installso i do not know what is the of build mri or java version perhap bundler doe not work well here my auto now use jrubi tag as erhardrm gemfilelock erhardvim gem metadata from warn insecur world writabl dir in path mode instal bcrypt use systemu use macaddr use uuid use bundler your bundl is completeus bundl show gemnam to see where a bundl gem is verhardgem instal instal success instal bcryptjava gem mc erhard master branch vertan
test for sign up
move into thi repositori i dont think it realli need to be in it own separ repositori
integr facebook app is mostli social make sens to integr with facebook but im open to other integr as well googl mainli
modul locat we call it but at least so far it realli should be our doc current even link it under the asymmetr section should we aliasmov it
call deleg not work in glu script exampleclass def foo loginfo foo class def instal parentfoo thi fail
cant send encrypt messag after select encrypt key when click the encrypt lock in the compos dialog for a contact without a known public key after select find encrypt key then select the correct public key i get thi ambigu of the button seem to permit progress toward an encrypt messag thi is in firefox pn gentoo linux though ive also observ it with firefox on fedora revis seem similar to but isnt quit the same
password recoveri hellosorri for mayb miss of place but cant find where to ask elsehav on android q how to recov password jabber protocol use and where it savedthank in advanc for helpupdissu fix by make backup file and open histori in sqlite editor
implement novel clientsid encrypt scheme to power serverless password protect presum similar to a la
qsignatur should qsignatur or ani sampl mixup tool be run on the joint pipelin i see thi in the logsther is no qsignatur for thi speci grch
what happen when you forget the word and becom psychot lesmiser lesmi sing broadway hunter mcmillian hunter mcmillian what happen when you forget the word and becom psychot lesmiser lesmi sing hunter mcmillian march from twitter at pmvia iftttvia tumblr hunter mcmillian
allow user to login as anoth organ someth likedevon hubot log me in as meet organ password abchubot okay you can use your organ account now ondevon hubot forget my meet organ accounthubot okay ive forgotten your meet organ account
allow to configur use a mix static dynam scheme to back thi issu post a bounti on we accept bounti via
cant connect to jenkin http with selfsign certif ive set up a jenkin instanc over http with a selfsign certif and i cannot get to connect with the selfsign cert the except im get is from the request librari which doe seem to support ignor certif is there a way could have an option to tell request to ignor a simpl exampl of an app pythonimport sysfrom jenkin import jenkin sysargvj here the except i getpython most recent call last file line in urlopen bodybodi file line in makerequest file line in validateconn connconnect file line in connect file line in return file line in wrapsocket contextself file line in init file line in dohandshak ssl certif verifi fail sslcdure handl of the abov except anoth except most recent call last file line in send file line in urlopen rais ssl certif verifi fail sslcdure handl of the abov except anoth except most recent call last file jenkinssslpi line in file line in build file line in if not selfexist file line in exist selfinfo file line in info return errmsgerr file line in json re authselfauth kw file line in get return requestget url kwarg file line in request respons urlurl kwarg file line in request resp selfsendprep sendkwarg file line in send r kwarg file line in send rais sslerror ssl certif verifi fail sslc
wallet miss for ae crypto ive compil pico coin but when i tri creat a new wallet iesudo picocoin miss for ae cryptowallet fail to store i need to set the somewher
fatal ident fail for user alef check full detail on airbrak block in block in block level in block in block in block level in block in block in
bad signatur eof check github proof get a bad proof statu desc bad signatur eof state statu i got an email that my proof succeed so thi error appear invalidlet me know what output you want you can probabl reproduc if you do a github proof
test teamciti fail on password reset same browser
typeerror hashlibhash object ha no attribut getitem what step will reproduc the poc jsunpacknpi pocpdf vwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemlinux mint everyth els work great onli error on thi pdforigin issu report on by emergencon may at
is it broken thi function cant possibl work as of weird stuff goe on in iti will probabl just remov it doesnt realli make sens that we wouldcal a differ kind of esp while issu report on by moartreeon jun at
creep show thru wall when wallhack is off what step will reproduc the problem no stepsjust open client and connect mayb turn off wallhack if it onwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhen wallhack is off creep wont show eitherwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemlatest provid ani addit inform belowwhen wallhack is off you can still see buildabl creep and it can makesmal thing like trapper and acid tube look like granger issu report on by anonymouon apr at
cant disabl wallhack what step will reproduc the problem i tri disabl wallhack with thzwall doesnt work i also tri do vidrestart but noth chang wallhack cant be disabledwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi want to disabl wallhack but do thzwall seem to onli for some thing like egg but structur healthbar is stillvis through wallswhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemim use the latest qvm updat packag on window vistapleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by puaon apr at
decodej not found i tri to use jsunpack on ubuntu bit serverwhen i execut python jsunpacknpi d v have thi error return error error fatal error in decodej errno no such file or a lot for your issu report on by slarinon nov at
wrong crc hi am use cygwin on window xp for rune ziptool rev i tri to purifi datapk but wont work even if zipfilezip and zipfilezip are the same file with same crcthe output file allway have wrong crc eb instead of bbd dont know if that is an issu but anyway i cant use your tool and cantsolv my problem by myself thank youorigin issu report on by pthxon sep at
sensu yum repo checksum error hello im receiv the follow error when run the sensu cookbook vstderr errno metadata file doe not match checksum tri other mirror errno metadata file doe not match checksum tri other mirrorher is where the error are origin from dure the chef run resourc declar in execut do command yum q makecach disablerepo action noth onlyif end compil resourc declar in block in do action noth retri retrydelay default command yum q makecach disablerepo backup return cookbooknam sensu onlyif code block endand here as well resourc declar in repo sensu do descript sensu monitor repo yumunst yum url action add end if compil resourc declar in fromfil do action add updat true true retri retrydelay default cookbooknam sensu recipenam linux descript sensu monitor baseurl repositoryid sensu mode makecach true enabl true sslverifi true end basic anytim yum tri to run onc the sensu repo ha been ad i tri remov the sensu repo yum clean all and yum clean metadata command with no luck look like the file have bad checksumsor im do someth wrong which is highli possibl lolim run thi on an amazon linux ec instanc run the latest ami also test on an older version of amazon linux idea
devicingacom ldap encrypt set have no effect thi issu ha been migrat from redmin by schan on assigne nonestatu resolv close on target version rclast updat in redminehith ldap set is store in the file asencrypt ldapsth ldap connect driver in look for the set connect on line easiest fix seem to be to chang the line the set should be store asconnect by elippmann fix that ldap encrypt set have no effect i renam the direct for the encrypt set from connect to encrypt befor releas beta but i forgot to chang the connect class accordingli fix
paid member sign up but no payment receiv hi i am have a weird issu on my websit at we have monthli payment user list but onli are activ be charg i ran the chron job use our websit url becaus our smember chron is broken and doesnt run thi delet all of the individu who cancel their membership on our site but now were left with activ monthli user but most of those user are just not be charg to our paypal pleas help with thi issu becaus we are lose a lot of payment monthli thank you for all of your help in advanc
error creat certif follow the instruct on i use thi command ctrailerspem keyout ctrailerskey x day subj config i get a messag that ctrailerspem is not recogn as an intern or extern command oper program or batch file
except when fals and restor grid state when fals and is call the return an empti object instead of empti arrayif return but the expect an array becaus it call foreach method on which is not defin on the object thu function rowval
convers doesnt alway scroll to bottom on send when the last messag wa a edit n outgo media messag and new messag ist text onli and keyboard is open when send second text messag scroll down drove me nut for quit a while featur introduc in
tela de login
phpauthus and phpauthpw basicauth credenti be sent and store in raygun dashboard hey teamif the server superglob ha phpauthus andor phpauthpw variabl defin becaus a user ha log in use basic auth they get includ and pass through to the raygun should be strip out by default i think perhap with an option config flag to allow user to not filter these eg for case where you need to store that inform to replay request correctli although i dont think you should ever allow phpauthpw to be storedthi would probabl be fix by and could form part of a default blacklist of field
exec insecur option should be configur by env too
cannot decrypt data hi i believ thi is a newbi question i am new to both objectivec and pgp right now i am tri to just encrypt and decrypt data the encrypt goe with no problem howev when i tri to decrypt the data i get an error error code valid not found not foundi believ my code match the exampl given in the readi me but i will post it here pgp objectivepgp alloc init nsarray key pgp mainbundl resourcepath pgpkey keytoencrypt key encrypt data armor output ascii file nsarray path ye nsstring path nserror error nil nsdata pgp encrypt armoredy errorerror nslogpass encrypt call if error nslogsuccess error nil nsdata pgp errorerror if error nslogsuccess els nslogerror thank for he help and the libraryjosh
trigger save to the sdcard with intent open a secur hole what step will reproduc the problem write an app without the readlog permiss have the app send a start log intent to alogcat have the app send a save to the sdcard intent to alogcat have the app read the log from the sdcardwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth expect result if you dont have permiss to read log is that you shouldnt be abl to read the log instead it appear your abl to read the log by get alogcat to read them for you and then leav them where they can be read by anyonepleas provid ani addit inform belowthi is not the first bug of thi kind found see for similar secur solut i have an option to turn on and off those intent receiv in alogcat ii have a new permiss requir to send those intent better still requir the app send the intent to have the readlog permiss to send the intent that way you dont have to worri about deal with new permiss see iii an option that combin i and ii have an option in alogcat that allow you to specifi who can send the event anyon app with log view permiss or noon thi is more complex than ii or even i and ii togeth as it requir turn on and off the requir permiss with rather than just ad a line to manifest as option ii issu report on by willuton dec at
need to make gtest threadsaf on window we should support use test assert from multipl thread on issu report on by won sep at
error method authent doe not exist after compos updat good eveningi issu compos updat command today and now im get thi error when tri to authent a user json error authent doe not exist line
gmockgenpi doe not behav correctli for function that return unsign int what step will reproduc the problem run gmockgenpi on a class that ha a function that return an unsign int gmockgen will produc a mock function that return an intwhat is the expect output what do you see unsign intconst stdstring key what i saw intconst stdstring key what version of the product are you use on what oper core pleas provid ani addit inform had some addit insight about issu report on by jeungson aug at
attach extern phantom driver not trust what step will reproduc the problem my whole comput xpwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by michaelcon apr at
failur while instal modul it give me thi error failur fail while origin issu report on by kakhagioon nov at
pycrypto give bad magic number error what step will reproduc the problemth current pycrypto egg in the current releas of die withbad magic number error on load at least de de and ae what version of the product are you use on what oper version as abov phone is lgp run android origin issu report on by drboon sep at
http error unauthor python twitter the below code doe not work import android twittermsg test twittt from droiddroid oauth on issu report on by hemanthon aug at
import ssl error im use when i import the modul ssli get the error messag belowpython r feb gcc on linuxarmvl type help copyright credit or licens for more inform import ssl traceback most recent call last file line in file line in importerror no modul name ssl origin issu report on by yangjunyon feb at
forc login itest uusernam ppassword just hang on bit linux i copi the precompil bit linux version of forc to a bit linux server forc help work so it run but forc login itest uusernam ppassword doesnt
after login the main page often doesnt refresh to show the user list of list need a manual refresh login work but the page doesnt refresh on it own to show the list of list the user ha to manual refresh the page or switch to a differ page and back to get the list of list to show up not repro but pretti common in both chrome ie
nonlogind input devic are not sometim reopen on tti switch thi onli seem to happen when not use non logind setupit is possibl to quit compositor with sysrq k howev
the api site isnt work cant login and get a sessionid when i go to the api site i tri to hit the facebook login button but i get a fb error dialog with thi messagegiven url is not allow by the applic one or more of the given url is not allow by the app set it must match the websit url or canva url or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the app the doozer login button to tri to get an activ session and use the rest of the api control doe noth i dont get a session id so i cant use ani of the api test
compil complain about a lack of call signatur in mocha test for angular i have a mocha test with the follow line to load the angular modul appus the compil is complain about that with the follow messag cannot invok an express whose type lack a call
github icon ha disappear from the login page
openkeychain crash while decrypt messag hii have a problem with openkeychain on my nexu i use k with openkeychain but when i tri to decrypt a messag openkeychain crash twice after enter the passwordit also crash twice if i copi some encrypt text and use the function decrypt from clipboard crash twice mean there are two popup say openkeychain stop workingalso i found that openkeychain may not recogn encrypt messag when i copi the the first paragraph of an encrypt email howev it work if i start copi from the first thi wont will workbeginim use openkeychain v from fdroidif i use apg to decrypt the same messag everyth workshow can i help you do you need more inform
station integr over in a coupl of round ive been in now one that just end and one yesterday the station integr report at the end of the game show the integr as over yesterday it wa today it wa the roundtyp today wa nuke op i dont rememb yesterday probabl traitor
make threadsaf should be pretti simpl just implement a seri of lock
messag limit to prevent spam need a way to limit how much text the bot will send to a specif channel so that it doe not get kick for flood
login on controlphp not accept what step will reproduc the problem tri to login t o controlphp as the correct user with the correct passwordwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadno idea what to expect but not just be ask to login againwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system no idea it controlphp which i download today ubuntu gener smp fri aug utc x x x provid ani addit inform belowi download the file and edit the usernam and password field o restart mysql and apach and refresh the web page origin issu report on by normaneon sep at
default usernam and password to access control page doe not work what step will reproduc the problem success instal the project up to tri to log on to the control page user admin and pw gpio do not let me in what is the expect output what do you see the control page but i get version of the product are you use on what oper systemjun download os raspian provid ani addit inform beloweveri other stage work finehop you can helpkind regardsstan wood newb to linux and rpiorigin issu report on by stangwon feb at
so spam like hell and mayb a fix pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f pm f
meta surgeri privaci shutter too privat they uhss at uhss at kind of cant reach the button to open them anymor
fix commentari in sparsedecod comment on readchunk in sparsedecod concern return valu is bogu and mislead fix that
imag size hash is not activ when imag is place in a quotat exampl of markup black icon blue that the content is within a quotat the small imag selector is ignor thi could just be the way markup is or the way ghost is
use checksum in file format checksum add a layer of secur but to handl them correctli is quit complic the data format is quit simpl so it is mayb not realli worth itso in shortpro check if data wa corrupt minim extra file size in concret byte extra that difficult to implement write data cost more time sinc checksum calcul take place the format is so simpl no extra secur need
text messag not deliv for certain phone number unsecur sm for one particular contact i attempt to send an unsecur sm and immedi the app display it with a red exclam mark say not deliv and tap for detail i can send unsecur sm to other contact just fine but thi one reliabl fail i plug my phone into adb and reproduc the issu while run logcat the wall of text below is what look to be the relev section from logcat i expung the phone execut queri select id bodi type threadid address subject dates datereceiv mtype msgbox statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st from select distinct dates as dates date as datereceiv id bodi read threadid type address subject null as mtype null as msgbox statu null as partcount null as ctl null as trid null as msize null as exp null as st null as sm as from sm where threadid union all select distinct date as dates datereceiv as datereceiv id bodi read threadid null as type address null as subject mtype msgbox null as statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st mm as from mm where threadid order by datereceiv desc limit dictionari info dictionari version date ha no instanc henc we cannot call receiv broadcast pkgandroid id tagnul score vibratenul soundnul defaultsx flagsx ime visibl chang visibl mreceiv receiv action nativ noti nativ noti post do not updat ongo noclear or low score vibratenul soundnul defaultsx flagsx fail to get contextu packag name jit resiz jittabl from to execut queri select id bodi type threadid address subject dates datereceiv mtype msgbox statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st from select distinct dates as dates date as datereceiv id bodi read threadid type address subject null as mtype null as msgbox statu null as partcount null as ctl null as trid null as msize null as exp null as st null as sm as from sm where threadid union all select distinct date as dates datereceiv as datereceiv id bodi read threadid null as type address null as subject mtype msgbox null as statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st mm as from mm where threadid order by datereceiv got local cc got local cc updat id to base type execut queri select id bodi type threadid address subject dates datereceiv mtype msgbox statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st from select distinct dates as dates date as datereceiv id bodi read threadid type address subject null as mtype null as msgbox statu null as partcount null as ctl null as trid null as msize null as exp null as st null as sm as from sm where threadid union all select distinct date as dates datereceiv as datereceiv id bodi read threadid null as type address null as subject mtype msgbox null as statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st mm as from mm where threadid order by datereceiv desc limit cdma phoneintfmgr siglevel onrec execut queri select id bodi type threadid address subject dates datereceiv mtype msgbox statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st from select distinct dates as dates date as datereceiv id bodi read threadid type address subject null as mtype null as msgbox statu null as partcount null as ctl null as trid null as msize null as exp null as st null as sm as from sm where threadid union all select distinct date as dates datereceiv as datereceiv id bodi read threadid null as type address null as subject mtype msgbox null as statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st mm as from mm where threadid order by datereceiv send messag dsmsld smsprioriti wsmssendjob at at at at at at at at at at at recipi wsmssendjob messag part dsmsld smsprioriti wsmssendjob at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caus by at at at at at updat id to base type execut queri select id bodi type threadid address subject dates datereceiv mtype msgbox statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st from select distinct dates as dates date as datereceiv id bodi read threadid type address subject null as mtype null as msgbox statu null as partcount null as ctl null as trid null as msize null as exp null as st null as sm as from sm where threadid union all select distinct date as dates datereceiv as datereceiv id bodi read threadid null as type address null as subject mtype msgbox null as statu partcount ctl trid msize exp st mm as from mm where threadid order by datereceiv desc limit phone lg g verizon android textsecur look through the code on thi there a note about what look like exactli thi error i check for github issu thi look roughli similar to differ file but it like the same one just refactor into a new place in that issu there wa someth to do with multipart messag but ive reproduc thi with messag that are as small as a singl letter let me know if you need more info
km serversid encrypt support the class ha a ssekmskeyid properti which make it seem like km should be support the comment for the properti also mention awskm as an option howev the enum onli ha an entri for ae is there a way with the current sdk to manual set the header to awskm for an upload request as a test i ad an entri for km to the enum and updat the method in awssmodelh that return ae when that enum is set to also return awskm when the new enum valu is set and i wa abl to success upload use km by set ssekmskeyid and use my new enum for so it seem like a pretti simpl chang to make is there a reason whi thi hasnt been ad yet should i submit a pull request with my chang
erro na verificao do login ver por que d null pointer
give a warn in password to inform user if cap lock is on im dumb enough to do it a custom could also be dumb enough too
openstruct break some hash on jrubi undefin method for
encrypt credenti would it be possibl to add encrypt for the credenti in the databas lobdata the credenti are store as plain text thank
injector are not inject injector are not inject inject an injector doe not throw an error howev the inject injector is freshli creat and therefor incorrectli issu report on by fuwon feb at
provid are not inject the injector cannot creat a bind for a exampl provid exampl creat call will throw a null pointer becaus a bind could not be issu report on by fuwon feb at
login page
gener content sign issu migrat from would be nice if there wa a way to sign an odt document with an ssl relatorio realli the place wher it should be done cedi think so becaus it is relatorio that gener the content schema for digit signatur could use issu report on by jul at
enhanc configur shortcut via http header instead of ldap search current as of b allow configur shortcut to bepres to user base on ldap search is to present shortcut base on valu within an http header wherea a header may be present such searchpwm could be configur to look for header xpwmshortcut in thisexampl and present shortcut base in the issu report on by jrivard on jan at
store password respons in binari instead of octet string thi is an enhanc request to store the valu to the password respons in binari instead of octet stringdo so will have the follow benefit enhanc the secur of password respons answersi saw that the password respons data format is store in clear thi might pose a secur risk ldap server do not need to extend schemasun directori server default user attribut do not have octet string by chang the password respons to be store as binari i can reus an exist unus ldap step will reproduc the problem configur password respons answer to be save in ldap save password respons answer take a look at the password respons valu save in ldapwhat is the expect output what do you see should be save in binari instead im abl to see and make out the format of the password responsewhat version of pwm are you usingwhat ldap directori and version are you usingsun directori server pleas past ani error log messag issu report on by anjon aug at
admin login how to modifi user password what step will reproduc the problemadmin login user inform input searchin the pagei ad reset password new to to modifi the password by string userid userid final string userdn chaiuser theuser error herewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadadmin login can modifi user version of pwm are you usingpwm what ldap directori and version are you usingsun directori serverpleas past ani error log messag belowpag errorpwm unabl to establish session password consol warn ttestadmin error set random password for user ldap error code insuffici write privileg to the userpassword attribut of entri localhost error ttestadmin pwm error dure page gener error set random password for user ldap error code insuffici write privileg to the userpassword attribut of entri issu report on by foobon jul at
for openldap password are store in cleartext with openldap directori password are store in cleartext no matter how the server is configur it is better to use ldap password modifi extend oper rfc and let the server take care of which passwordhash method to use instead of write it in what i have gather by look up the code thi is also the default behaviour for edirectori i think password modifi extend oper is support by which is use when connect to openldapcan you fix thi or at least tell me how to fix itwhat step will reproduc the a user or chang a user passwordus an ldap browser to see the cleartext passwordwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of pwm are you usingbuild directli from svn rwhat ldap directori and version are you pleas past ani error log messag below trace ebay open new ldap connect for ms trace utilhelp creat new chai provid use config of lockedfals set trace bind success as ms trace ad to provid instanc debug start up ldap chai timer thread ms check frequenc trace ad to provid instanc trace ebay begin password statu check process for trace ebay password for doe not appear to be expir debug ebay complet user password statu check for expiredfals warnfals ms debug utilhelp ebay wrote updat attribut for trace ebay skip replic check onli one ldap server url is configur trace ebay wait for minimum replic time of ms debug discard email send event no smtp server address configur from pwm notif agent to password chang notif trace no post chang password action error ldap error write user event log ldap error code modifydelet pwmeventlog no equal match rule trace ebay get request for issu report on by erdembaon jul at
ad user with user cannot chang password set what step will reproduc the problem configur an ad user with user cannot chang password go to pwm and attempt to chang password for thi userwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth user tri to chang hi password and it keep be reject with local error messag to error messag state that the user is not abl to chang password due to in ad should be display what version of pwm are you usingwhat ldap directori and version are you ad rpleas past ani error log messag belowerror set password for user cnxxx ldap error code atrerr dsidfb xxxx dsidfb problem data att a issu report on by sebon jul at
unknown error on admin login when tri to login as admin the follow error error if thi error occur repeatedli pleas contact your helpdesk errorunknown what step will reproduc the to is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of pwm are you usingwhat ldap directori and version are you pleas past ani error log messag below info success plaintext for ms warn unexpect except dure page gener null at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at issu report on by erdembaon jul at merg into
pwm v secur issu a secur issu wa recent discov with sever pwm releas specif v v and ani from v and laterth issu is resolv as of voper are strongli encourag to upgrad to the latest pwm releas v or laterthi issu wa report by daniel bligh much thank to dan for respons report thi issuemor detail on the issu will be disclos after daysorigin issu report on by jrivard on jul at
enhanc request overrid edir password polici option we would like to overrid a specif edir up password polici option forc user to configur challeng question andor hint upon we have a mix environ that ha user with the novel client and user with no client we would like to have user be abl to authent with the novel client and not be prompt to set their challeng answer howev if no respons have been set when a user log into pwm we would like to forc the user to answer the question the reason for thi request is to work around the issu that pwm can not read nma challeng respons answer written by the novel client without the use of the user app origin issu report on by dondon jun at
unabl to establish session password on recov password what step will reproduc the problem brows to enter usernam and respons enter recoveri code and press check codewhat is the expect output what do you see to be taken to chang password page instead i am see an error pwm unabl to establish session passwordwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system on tomcat run against the directori server i have both challeng respons and code activ set to true for password provid ani addit inform belowi believ that thi is do to an issu in where the uid attribut name is be doubl up in the search for the user see the follow line from the trace log info e user password ha been set to random valu for pwm to use for user trace e attempt usernam search for in context trace e search for usernam searchdn trace e no match found the uid appear to be doubl up in the the follow search string trace output is attach email domain and ip chang for issu report on by seaneveon jun at attach
polici chang messag code error what is the expect output what do you see chang messag is not correctli of should chang from final string to final string what version of the product are you use on what oper issu report on by andreadon may at
and what step will reproduc the problem set to fals set ani valu for or leav the default to is the expect output what do you see insteadth password polici summari screen on the password chang page display the properti text when it should not set to blank fix itwhat version of the product are you issu report on by andreadon may at
minor error what version of the product are you use on what oper systemth open too late the statement must be move befor the includ from line to line thi will fix the issueth code must chang from to origin issu report on by andreadon may at
unabl to establish session password what step will reproduc the problem set up user with proper pair to allow a password chang via activ user tri and chang user password via activ userwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi would expect to be abl to chang the password pwm throw the follow error unabl to establish session passwordwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempwm v b on rhel pleas provid ani addit inform below attach a sanit snippet of the catalinaout and the dstrace file that show the said event in the catalina log there is a trace event state that the password ha been retriev from the directori and there are no error on the dstrace ldap nma auth file not sure where to go from hereorigin issu report on by texion mar at attach
disallow space in the password what step will reproduc the space in the is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowcould you pleas help us in creat a password polici to disallow the space in their password while the user chang their password use pwm origin issu report on by sizeeacon mar at
password rewrit at login valid what step will reproduc the problem set a password with a danger charact like on an account tri to log in with thi accountwhat is the expect output what do you see succes loginseen login failurewhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemlatest svn provid ani addit inform belowwhil work on the guest registr i have creat an account with a randomli gener password use exist routin base on edirectori rule ad complex pwm password gener gener a password with in it tri to login to pwm with the new account fail the log show warn pwmvalid remov potenti malici string valu from input convert whi is the password visibl in the log at warn level whi is the password be modifi at login shouldnt the password gener check for these danger issu report on by mennopion mar at
success login then unabl to connect to ldap but ldap is reachabl and proxi user is abl to read account inform what step will reproduc the problem instal a fresh pwm r click ani function that requir log in with a valid work account and correct password an error messag occur say that login fail becaus the directori is is the expect output what do you see succes loginseen directori unavail if thi error occur repeatedli pleas contact your helpdeskan error ha occur pleas close your browser and tri again later if thi error occur repeatedli pleas contact your help deskwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemsvn revis on tomcat both on sle p and mac os x pleas provid ani addit inform belowlog show a succes login but immedi show a fail connect to the same ldap server trace post request for usernameppuk trace permit request of login page trace attempt usernam search for ppuk in context trace search for usernam searchdn trace open new ldap proxi connect trace pwmhelper creat new chai provid use config of lockedfals set trace bind success as ms trace ad to provid instanc trace usernam match found trace attempt use ldap bind trace open new ldap connect for null ms trace pwmhelper creat new chai provid use config of lockedfals set trace bind success as ms trace ad to provid instanc debug start up ldap chai timer thread ms check frequenc trace ad to provid instanc trace use activ univers password polici for user at cnexampl password debug discov assign password polici for at cnexampl password name given name surnam uniqueid cn displaynam debug merg password polici with pwm configur polici wachtwoord password geheim regexnomatch fullnam cn surnam sn cn uniqueid full name uniqueid displaynam given name regexmatch trace complet in ms debug pwmcrutil use nma cr polici for user challengeset identifi minrandom local en challeng undefin requir true admindefin fals minlength maxlength challeng what wa your childhood nicknam requir fals admindefin true minlength maxlength challeng where were you when you had your first kiss requir fals admindefin true minlength maxlength challeng who wa your childhood hero requir fals admindefin true minlength maxlength challeng what is the street number of the hous you grew up in requir fals admindefin true minlength maxlength challeng what wa the first concert you attend requir fals admindefin true minlength maxlength challeng what is the last name of your favorit high school teacher requir fals admindefin true minlength maxlength trace pwmcrutil complet in ms trace ppuk begin password statu check process for trace ppuk password for doe not appear to be expir debug ppuk complet user password statu check for expiredfals warnfals ms trace ppuk begin check to determin if respons need to be configur for user debug ppuk is not elig for due to queri match trace ppuk for complet in ms info ppuk success ssl for ms trace pwmhelper ppuk assign new guid to user warn unabl to reach ldap server ldap trace bind success as ms warn unabl to reach ldap server ldap trace bind success as ms warn unabl to reach ldap server ldap trace bind success as ms warn unabl to reach ldap server ldap trace bind success as ms fatal ppuk unabl to contact ldap directori unabl to reach ani configur server maximum retri exceed debug close user ldap connect debug exit ldap chai timer thread no connect requir monitor are in use debug session from hostnamesip dn chang in abov log dumpbtw it work fine in previou issu report on by mennopion mar at
injectj cannot be specifi on a perrend basi it look like there is special handl for the injectj paramet at where it doe not allow the default valu to be overridden look at i cant see whi that would be necessari can injectj be treat like the other paramet allow a default valu to be specifi andor overridden in the render call
requir befor new user registr allow onli regist user group to add new user what step will reproduc the problem enabl and configur new user registr new user registr is avail to anyonewhat is the expect output what do you see new user registr is avail to anyon wed like to add option to allow new user registr onli to certain regist userswhat version of the product are you use on what oper ani ospleas provid ani addit inform belowwel provid some new code well add option to for requir to authent boolean group dn that is allow to regist new user attribut use to regist the respons log in userwel add code to in order to check for group membership and set the attribut valu use the log in user credenti for ldap in stead of proxi userwel add new variabl to to defin the form changesam i forget issu report on by mennopion feb at
unknown blueprint author gener blueprint ember gener author blueprint author
updat the bot to be abl to not requir ssl connect triviabot triviapi save directori doesnt existlost connect failur instanc traceback failur with no frame connect wa close cleanli
creat s credenti for opennew editor who am i give these credenti to emailgithub and what s bucket doe she need access to
expect an error to be encod as a singl valu im not certain about thi task yet as ive onli done thi in fmqbo but i did like that structur better than what i use now where all data in error is toss in with the result of the logdata function
featur request rewrit subject with detect spam level when place the messag into filter folder
function signatur differ see output of doxygenjsdoc are from paramet in the function signatur that dont have doxygen axinstallisr ha for an unknown paramet fptr did you mean isrwarn adxlsetzeroy ha for an unknown paramet zerox did you mean zeroywarn adxlsetzeroz ha for an unknown paramet zerox did you mean zerozwarn ha for an unknown paramet gpio did you mean pinwarn ha for an unknown paramet gpio did you mean pinwarn ha for an unknown paramet gpio did you mean pinwarn ha for an unknown paramet one did you mean odrwarn ha for an unknown paramet one did you mean pmwarn htudhtud ha for an unknown paramet mode warn ha for an unknown paramet gray did you mean levelwarn jhdmjhdm ha for an unknown paramet address did you mean lcdaddress or jhdmjhdm ha for an unknown paramet address did you mean lcdaddress or maxmax ha for an unknown paramet bu did you mean csnwarn maxmax ha for an unknown paramet devaddr did you mean csnwarn lsmlsm ha for an unknown paramet ic did you mean bu or addrmag or addracc or lsmlsm ha for an unknown paramet addr did you mean bu or addrmag or addracc or lsmlsm ha for an unknown paramet addr did you mean bu or addrmag or addracc or amam ha for an unknown paramet mode warn ha for an unknown paramet fptr did you mean isrwarn ha for an unknown paramet itemp did you mean ftempwarn ha for an unknown paramet ipressur did you mean nrflsend ha for an unknown paramet valu did you mean valuewarn nrflgetdata ha for an unknown paramet load did you mean datawarn ha for an unknown paramet fptr did you mean isrwarn smsm ha for an unknown paramet di did you mean bu or devaddr or rst or smsm ha for an unknown paramet dcki did you mean bu or devaddr or rst or tsltsl ha for an unknown paramet integr did you mean ha for an unknown paramet index did you mean opcod
nat travers doe gittorrentd attempt ani trick to travers nat i tri to serv a repo behind a nat and i cant access it from the outsid at all
function signatur differ see spitransf in spihpp output of doxygenjsdoc toolwarn spitransf ha for an unknown paramet data did you mean txbufwarn ha for an unknown paramet data did you mean txbuf
error while implement ldapi hi thank a lot for provid thi script for the public communityi ran your code base on karpathi i gener follow hi readmemd file to gener the respect wordcloud thumbnail etc but i find that when i execut python ldapi f allpaperstxt k alpha beta i i got the follow output python ldapi f allpaperstxt k alpha beta i traceback most recent call last file ldapi line in main file ldapi line in main doc for doc in corpu file line in doctoid id file line in termtoid term file line in lemmat w file line in lemmat lemma po file line in getattr selfload file line in load except lookuperror rais e lookuperror resourc not found pleas use the nltk download to obtain the resourc nltkdownload search in and im wonder what is wrong could you help me out thank
remov pyopenssl requir from setuppi it a packag that ha depend that are difficult to instal and onli use if you want to use an altern way of creat a pem file use cli as describ shouldnt forc everyon to instal it if it not clear by look at the import error fromimport as cryptow could tryexcept and have a clearer messag such as pyopenssl packag is requiredi recent got a report from a user that couldnt instal azur packag on raspberri pi due to pyopenssl
ad encrypt ever thought about ad an encrypt layer to thisexampl at encrypt servic that use localstorag be an option usag
googl login integr what step will reproduc the problemi dont know how to get profil detailssuch as nameaddr etcwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi want ogin through googl accountwhat version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform issu report on by ansaon sep at attach
php librari creat scope base on servic name pleas provid ani addit inform scope use by php librari is base on api is not alway a valid issu report on by mateuon jul at
linuxubuntu cant login youteb account what step will reproduc the problemthi site secur certif is not trustedwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by redwolfon may at
googl analyt api hardcod usernam and password i want to hardcod the usernam and password into the app becaus the script im write is an cronjob script it run everi day at the morn and send an email which attach an pdf file with the analyt report detail we need how can i solv my problem with the api php issu report on by janboyon nov at
drive api error when set baseencod thumbnail what step will reproduc the problem do what your instruct say on thi page get a error smack head on deskwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadim expect to get a custom thumbnail on the file we are version of the product are you use on what oper system revis pleas provid ani addit inform belowif i just put garbag in for the imag data it pass but doe not work obvious it onli give an error when i pass a valid imag base issu report on by jon nov at
servic account fail unabl to sign data what step will reproduc the problem tri to use oauth for server to server applic by pass the servic account name and privat key in is the expect output what do you see insteadther is the follow error fatal error uncaught except with messag unabl to sign data in version of the product are you use on what oper linux gentoopleas provid ani addit inform belowmayb a pb of algorithm in line signatur shaif replac by it seem to pass but invalidgr access issu report on by jpageon sep at
i want to decod json respons of blogger blog result and blog post comment result use php gave my blog id with applic key i got result in json format alsobut i dont know how decod the json result use phporigin issu report on by rajeshdon aug at
how to get contact from googl for the sign in user what step will reproduc the problemwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadim use googl code it give output for user profil info i need user contact user friend version of the product are you use on what oper systemgoogl api php client window xppleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by brindhahon aug at
access our analyt data instead of redirect user to login screen hihow can i access my own analyt data via analyt api without login in each time ie hard code the usernam and password in a php script so when someon visit the page they can see our analyt data without login in to a googl accoutthank in issu report on by mmrstuon jul at
document that not all api support oauth servic request id like to use the oauth servic login to access analyt but the analyt api doesnt support thi howev there is zero in the php api that not all googl api support the servic loginther is a hack to get the analyt api work with oauth and it should be mention somewher either as exampl code in the sdk or on the wiki issu report on by markron jun at
get invalid credenti error messag hii want to use analyt and site verif class in my applic for both the modul i am use the same access token which i got dure oauth process but it is throw me error invalid helpthank in issu report on by chitrangon apr at
typo in password reset email the subject of the password reset email is plhdb reeset password the misspel should be fix
have to reauthor my site everi time okay i use the sampl code to dump my profil but everi time i have a differ page tri and loud my profil i have to reauthor it to use my googl account i figur thi would be a one time auth process my code is liter the same on each page page be indexphp or profilephp the domain is the same everi time so in summari if i load it take me to that connect me button and then we i go to i get sent to the connect me button again should that be happen authurl print connect me origin issu report on by tommyron oct at
paramet state can not be specifi on paramet state can not be specifi on file apioauthphp public function param array redirecturi clientid scope param implod param return param thi paramet is miss in thi issu report on by deutschmon sep at
apiauthnon doesnt set the develop key paramet on sign patch issu report on by afson jan at attach
cant cancel master password dialog repeat foreverbug open on mozilla hi all nightli build sinc are affect by thi basic noth i input can suppress the master dialog box from appear and onli disabl passifox will stop that describ in a bit more detail is it possibl some api chang ha broken passifox
amp enabl disabl notic that when you issu f xxxxxxxxxx c x a the tx amp is enabl howev if you re issu f xxxxxxxxxx c x without amp argument the amp is still on you need to use the a to switch it off
no openssl context avail error should document how to fix the warn that rais when call the indico api
firewal is too permiss it seem we are just block certain port and leav other open by default let think about do it the other way roundthi is a good candid
pull imag by their hash and verifi checksum docker cli support pull imag by their sha and the command line look like thisdock pull userimageth same format in dockerod make sad afaik thi is a docker hub api v featur
track issu for add some of ts method to string and vice versa rfc
doe sn support client certif from the client handshak side as the titl say simpli wonder if a client configur connect ha the capabl to handshak with a server use a client certif thank for ani info
idea new chemic weapon for gassmok form new drink chang to cuban pete hat new viru most of these recip are somewhat base upon variant of the real life recipesarin zb and vx should onli be use in ga form enzym ethanol weld fuel phosphoru plasmacaus major oxyloss damag toxin damag vomit stamina damag brute damag muscl damag brain damagezyklon bash carbon diethylamin cyanid fluorin u plasma catalyst heat to kcaus rapid cyanid poison damag oxyloss damag vx nerv and chlorin phosphoru trichlorid with moonshin to make methyl phosphon dichlorid which will be ad to ethanol and sulfur then heat to k for vx gascaus extrem blind oxyloss damag toxin damag vomit stamina damag confus motor control loss brute damag muscl damag brain idea that i alcoholflour sugar milk toilet drinkground ginger tea omnizin univers enzymemumbl ideascuban pete hat chang from ultra rare pete hatbomb protect protect user from gib by onli be obtain from outbomb cuban pete emag arcad restor virolog viru ocular restor plasma tier virusbodi produc oculin and inacusi heal eye and hear damagebodi produc synaptizin and alkyzin restor motor control and heal brain the final solut zyklon b neurotoxin drinkbottl read b garrison breweri contain ash over six million proof oy similar to neurotoxin butif the target ha holi or unholi water a chaplain or a cultist stun is x as longif the target is an alien or gray alien stun is x as longif the target is a changel or shadowl stun is x durationif the target is a lizard gib the targetg medic staff and secur telekinesi for the durat of the drinksaddam special lime juic sarinsmel like rotten citrusd damag knock you out oxyloss eye damag burn and brute damagepurpl drank vx spacacillin morphinealso call sizzurp and texan tea warn do not consum as a humanlizard can drink thi to heal clone damagehuman get stun and get motor loss
unknown opcod when use against cassandra x when tri to use against cassandra x connect close is the connect show the follow in respons to the usernam and opcod
odd crash on sanit input c hiafter use clipper to sanit our input we feed the follow point into polytri see attach there is one outer polylin and one holeand here is the stack tracexab in thisx p at if p point gdb bt xab in thisx p at xaccb in thisxa tcx at xacf in thisxa tcx at xabf in thisx at xfe in bound polytre at upscal the input to clipper by a factor of sinc clipper onli use integ downscal by and convert to float befor feed into polytri produc the same exact crashalso just for fun i edit polytri to use bit integ sign long long for x and y in the point struct i alter code everywher els in the same way except for angl calcul in the sweep code same crash happen with upscal or downscal pointsthank you for ani helporigin issu report on by on oct at
neighbor of neighbor can violat delaunay not fixabl by flip sinc flip onli involv immedi neighbor c version shape cut out of a terrain mesh lot of interior point on an mesh distort by a geograph project some visual glitch examin the there were some visual obviou violat of delaunay ad test logic to check neighbor of neighbor for point that violat delaunay sure enough such point do happen i see noth in polytri that guarante true delaunay valid onli immedi neighbor triangl are check consid triangl abc with neighbor triangl abd bce caf consid anoth point g which is part of a neighbor neighbor eg bdg at end of i ad check whether g is within abc circumcircl for all triangl and all gs exclud self got posit respons which is bad i have not reduc thi down to a simpl test case yet at thi time i am simpli report that polytri lack proper safeti check to guarante true delaunay valid issu report on by toolmakeon mar at
build a way to toggl decrypt
remov regular password login befor launch i get that we need the regular password login right now for test variou account bt were go to remov password login befor it final rightjust want to make surethank
take a pointer i notic the follow cborerror encod const float valuecborapi cborerror encod const doubl valuewhi would these take pointer to a floatdoubl rather than the floatdoubl themselv thi is fairli inconsist with the of
ampersand in the ad server url caus json pars problem for flowplay the follow config break flowplay json pars ad schedul zone posit prerol server type direct apiaddress origin issu report on by paulschon apr at
show how jw config can be inject without the need for an extern file illustr how jw config can be inject into the oa without the need for an extern config fileorigin issu report on by paulschon mar at
invalid templat code for process non linear codecod block the templat code for process in a non linear overlay look wrong public static var the same for the flash templat public static var these are the default templat that should onli work with valu respons see previou issu for more info when support wa issu report on by paulschon dec at
ampersand in openx target paramet break json parser the follow config break the json parser server type openx apiaddress target the is the issu report on by paulschon nov at
make secur except veri visibl improv the of the secur issu report on by paulschon sep at
ubuntu markdown space between hash and head miss
connect with googl requir extra click after author when i first click connect with googl on the app upload page i get a popup ask me to author when i accept the popup goe away but the connect with googl button doesnt chang i have to click the button again in order to caus it to actual connectonc ive connect onc it appear i can freeli toggl the button without issu there onli a problem on the first attempt when the popup appear
switch observ signatur to gener in gener out per we need to match observ spec defin at discuss with it been determin that the signatur should be gener in gener out and that gener should have an addit dispos method on ither the basic for purpos of thi issu the repo will be the offici version of the spec though it just not updat as of the time of thi issu creation typescript rough interfac could be more genericki i gener thi there will be three method of signal success to the consum then clean up signal an error to the consum then clean up just clean up whythi enabl the support of gener function as observ tri whiletru var valu yield next valu catcherr final clean up which would be roughli synonym with nextvalu throwerr dispos both will work the latter is prefer in most case but the prime gener pattern can prove use for thing like parser or other state machin that may built up valu to clean up as it process incom valu note prime is a function that pump one next valu at the gener to get it start sinc gener are initi lazili with the first next call to their return iteratorscc
cannot login after ad user i think im have the same issu with login via auth i am unabl to login after creat a new user i think thi is someth that we resolv in the past but i cannot think of the solut now
assign class member as interrupt function greygnom im in the process of ad ctsrt handshak to the object i had previous use pininterrupt with arduino with the new ide they have total chang hardwar serial the tx buffer is now a member of the class instead of a global buffer the complier will not allow it will allow the compil did not forc ctsclearirq to be a static member it use a uintt off the stack as the object pointer when i tri it but the instanc pointer thi wa not set to the correct valu i am at a loss on how to correctli access these intern buffer from a irqani addcan you make anoth that also accept a thi valu you would have to custom code the callback to push the thi valu on the stack befor the class member callback read through the other open issu it look like the variabl would enabl a workaround ad support to emul a object member callback would increas the complex of everi callback too much could you redefin the callback function with the pinnumb as a paramet in your code these all would be constant in the
make the forc secur checkout notic dismiss wordpress
on login move avatar to profil of user by default onli the user id and profil are pass down to the client therefor we shoudl move the link found in the servic avatar to so it can be use on the front end
object is not a member of packag i have clone the play exampl project and creat a custom token endpoint but it doe not compil i am gettingth error object is not a member of packag thi happen when compil the project in eclips as well as from the shell with sbt compileth strang thing is that in an other project where i wa use spray i wa abl to implementand success compil a custom endpointso seem to be relat somehow to play ani suggest scalapackag extend val new password overrid def fals overrid val handler map password
lambda in xamarinio return signatur error when payload im get an error when includ a payload to invok a lambda function it work when the payload is empti though it return the follow errorth request signatur we calcul doe not match the signatur you provid check your aw secret access key and sign method consult the servic for detail the canon string for thi request should have beensecret access key and other data are ok and as i said it work when includ an empti payload stringtri var lambdacli new xxxx var arg one valu two valu three return error var arg one return error var arg return error var arg and respond with the expect messag var ir new functionnam payload arg resp await var sr new var mystr srreadtoend code content mystrcatch except ex exmessagei tri with cognito credenti and same result also tri with payload andor in the object same with xamarinio and xamarin studio i includ the packag awssdk aw lambda from the offici nuget hope you can help me
limit login attempt one
mathmaxint mathmaxint etc use too mani byte when encod appendint encod mathmaxint into byte becaus the case condit iscas i ofcas i would encod mathmaxint in byte instead of same problem for the other case conditionsi would write appendint more or less like thi by replac by appendint append an int to the slicefunc appendintb byte i int byte if i switch case i return appendb wfixintuinti case i mathmaxint o n ensureb putminton inti return o case i mathmaxint o n ensureb putminton inti return o case i mathmaxint o n ensureb putminton inti return o default o n ensureb putminton i return o switch case i return appendb i mathminint o n ensureb putminton inti return ocas i mathminint o n ensureb putminton inti return ocas i mathminint o n ensureb putminton inti return odefault o n ensureb putminton i return osimilar correct for the function appenduint appendbyt appendstr etc
need iter for hash data structur what version of redi you are use in what kind of oper systemwhat is the problem you are data structur doe not have an iter for a larg number of record hval take too long time so wa wonder if there can be support to get record in a batch like zrang command for sort set or an iter to iter as mani record as you wantwhat step will reproduc the problemdo you have an info output pleas past it hereif it is a crash can you pleas past the stack trace that you can find inth log file or on standard output thi is realli use for uspleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by sonalon aug at
automat remov of the hash valu after the assign imagin that we have a list of site that are referenc hincrbi link googlecom integ hincrbi link facebookcom integ hgetal link googlecom facebookcom hincrbi link googlecom integ but we have remov the page with a link to googlecom and we need to have the actual list of we get usless list becous we dont have link to googlecom hgetal link googlecom facebookcom and after each hincrbi command we have step for delet obsolet data hget link googlecom check answer and then hdel link but if redi itself remov the zero valu it would be fine and it seem to me a veri issu report on by dimabochon aug at
all hash command unavail redi version on ubuntu version for some reason none of the command relat to hash are support by my redi instal ive reinstal to version and back to multipl time but noth appear to fix thiserror err unknown command hgetand for all of the hashrel commandsnot sure what the problem is but perhap a clean os instal would fix thisorigin issu report on by qcomon aug at
hget error on binari pack key and hash what version of redi you are use in what kind of oper system but on ubuntu xwhat is the problem you are respond with err wrong number of arg when pass binari pack key and hashwhat step will reproduc the problemqueri the databas with a specif data setpleas provid ani addit inform belowim pack bit hash key and then use a pack hash for the remain bit of the hash as redi say it binari readi i thought thi would work and it doe to reduc db size but it randomli fail for no reason attach are two tcpdump captur show the fail and success with two differ binari hashkey just ignor the issu report on by pon jul at attach
featur request should be abl to expir a field in a hash tabl what version of redi you are use in what kind of oper systemwhat is the problem you are is no way to expir a particular field in hash tablewhat step will reproduc the problemnado you have an info output pleas past it herenaif it is a crash can you pleas past the stack trace that you can find inth log file or on standard output thi is realli use for usnapleas provid ani addit inform belowi wa wonder if redi can provid a command to expir a field in a hash tabl i need to keep the item in the hash tabl with some ttl item should expir on their own and allow me to have a call back to know which item ha expir to take the necessari action on expir is it doabl doe hash tabl support key expir issu report on by sonalon jun at
hash miss in datatyp i wa wonder capac of a redi hash eg how mani field can a hash hold and how long a singl field could be and found that hash data type is not mention at all suggest to add a hash section there and add capac info for all data issu report on by xrfon jun at
featur request get random field from hash sinc hash is more memori effici we are use it veri frequent now it would be great to have some of the featur for a key in field too for exampl it will be nice if we can get a random field from a hash key return a random field in the hash store at keyorigin issu report on by caoxuon may at
featur request way to store integ valu in hash like intset i would like to see the hash could store valueszipmap is veri slow on larg data setsusu hash is use to store integ as a valu and as a an integ encod valu should be veri effici in memori consumpt and faster than issu report on by mousmon mar at
have cli command read password from environ what version of redi you are use in what kind of oper systemwhat is the problem you are command such as rediscli read the password as an argument rediscli a and thu the password show up in the process tabl to fix thi redi could read the password from an environ variabl such as instead as do postgresql mysql etcorigin issu report on by svenschon mar at
featur request incrto decrto for string hash and set im work on a rather complex in redi and have been think about a few simpl addit command that would simplifi our system and hope mani other alotwhen deal with highscor leaderboard and possibl a lot of other scenario we often want to chang the valu of a string a hashfield or a score sort set but onli if the exist valu is propos to implement the follow key the number store at key to valueif the exist number is more than than valueinteg repli the valu of key after the key the number store at key to valueif the exist number is less than than valueinteg repli the valu of key after the key field the number store at field in the hash store at key to valueif the exist number is less than than valueinteg repli the valu at field after the key field the number store at field in the hash store at key to valueif the exist number is greater than than valueinteg repli the valu at field after the key increment the score of a member in a sort set to scoreif the exist number is less than than scoreinteg repli the valu at field after the key decrement the score of a member in a sort set to scoreif the exist number is greater than than scoreinteg repli the valu at field after the updat the score of a member in a sort set now we alway need to fetch the exist score firstcompar the two and then option updat it inth meantim the score could have been anoth process possibl to a higher score whichresult in us overwrit the higher scorew meet the exact same challeng whenev we wantto do similar oper on number in key and hashesa well the command abov would realli clean up alotand make it imposs for us to overwrit valu thatshould not be overwritten and spare us the hazzl ofalway fetch a number right befor we updat the valuei can gladli write the doc descript exampl etcif youd consid implement thisand by the way redi is serious the most awesom pieceof technolog ive use in the last few year i love thatit is so clean lean and simpl and i truli think thatthes suggest command would not alter that concept at all best issu report on by habiton feb at
add command whitelist and blacklist relat passphras im not sure is it possibl to implement access level in redi without loos fast and scalabl never the less i thought about provid whitelist and blacklist command list per server mayb relat with differ will allow to creat writeonli or readonli redi issu report on by jankoprowski on jan at
featur request watch hash field use casei have a hash with new field be ad frequent but exist field be updat infrequ i would like to updat an exist field in a transact and fail the transact if anoth updat occur if i watchth hash key then my transact will fail frequent i would like to watchth field instead the onli workaround i can think of is to redundantli store the hash field in simpl key valu and watch these key but thi is wast of issu report on by boxeon jan at
patch compil redi with and pie for extra secur hellothi patch modifi the makefil to compil redi and depend with gcc flag for extra securitythi wa test on linuxamd linux gcc with no signific impact in perform on result with default redisconfon my linuxx kernel gccvanilla git ci q n ping request per second ping multi bulk request per second mset key multi bulk request per second set request per second get request per second incr request per second lpush request per second lpop request per second sadd request per second spop request per second lpush again in order to bench lrang request per second lrang first element request per second lrang first element request per second lrang first element request per second lrang first element request per secondwith patch appli q n ping request per second ping multi bulk request per second mset key multi bulk request per second set request per second get request per second incr request per second lpush request per second lpop request per second sadd request per second spop request per second lpush again in order to bench lrang request per second lrang first element request per second lrang first element request per second lrang first element request per second lrang first element request per secondpleas youorigin issu report on by miguelfilip on nov at
featur request expir individu field from hash set and list too can we have the abil to set expir on individu field from hash i envis command like hexpir or hsetex for price ibm likewis thi idea could be extend to setzset member and list element tooorigin issu report on by rockon nov at
set command will overrit a listsetshash key what step will reproduc the problem rediscli redi rpush foo bar redi set foo barwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhen use set command on a list node it should report error err oper against a key hold the wrong kind of valu in fact when use rpush command on a set key it will report thi errorwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemth version is pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by madaon sep at
set command overwrit complex data structur set hash what step will reproduc the problemredi sadd foo integ redi smember foo redi set foo barwhat is the expect outputerror err oper against a key hold the wrong kind of valuewhat do you see version of the product are you use on what oper on os x snow provid ani addit inform belowi find thi behaviour inconsist as call for exampl hashcommand on a key hold a string alway fail i wa expect to have to delet the key to switch it type to issu report on by ton aug at
rediscli error set db num when a specifi what step will reproduc the problem configur redi with these option requirepass password databas start redisserv attempt to use rediscli while specifi a databas number other than exampl rediscli n a password infowhat is the expect output what do you see instead output of info command should be shown instead you will see error set db num error set db numwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system redi on bit redhat el pleas provid ani addit inform below in rediscl tri to call selectdb befor it issu the auth issu report on by rockon aug at
hincrbi is clear out other hash element what step will reproduc the problem did a hset to creat a hash through redisrb did an hincrbi and it return success did a hgetal and the hash onli ha the incrbi valuewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadredi hgetal campaign unit cost enddat startdat showid createdat redi hincrbi campaign unit integ redi hgetal campaign unit should see unit cost enddat startdat showid createdat what version of the product are you use on what oper systemcommit antirez date tue apr snow leopard ospleas provid ani addit inform belowi have tri to reproduc by creat the hash in rediscli and haventbeen abl toi did creat the hash in redisrb use redismultii havent had a chanc to tri to tri the multi through rediscli yetalso the hdel seem to delet the whole hash as wellhrem is in the but doesnt issu report on by peterumon apr at
featur request hincr command for the hash field increment command for the field in hash type valu similar to the one provid for sort set and integ valu would be veri into redi code to check about it but is thi small featur good to have in issu report on by vinuthmon apr at
bad valu for hash option in info what step will reproduc the problem put in the file start redisserv with thi file do a info with rediscliwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth except output is i see problem with version of the product are you use on what oper on ubuntu server pleas provid ani addit inform belowthi bug is caus by these line these two line are respons in funcion in issu report on by on mar at
ani support for unsign integ is there ani support for unsign integ when work with incrfor bit server thi would potenti doubl the possibl int valu in a key to thanksjam issu report on by fasteston jan at
master doe not authent to slave befor replic what step will reproduc the problem creat a master slave redi node add to slave run master slave add valu to masterwhat is the expect output what do you see should replic to slave but it doesnt auth first so replic failswhat version of the product are you use on what oper system linuxpleas provid ani addit inform belowpatch for github version attachedadd a slaveauth paramet to the issu report on by anthonyon nov at attach
err just return on invalid password what step will reproduc the problem provid invalid auth passwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadal i got wa err i expect err invalid auth or err invalid passwhat version of the product are you use on what oper cento origin issu report on by fasteston oct at
html compressor issu with urlencod hidden variabl insid a form what step will reproduc the problemhav a url encod string in a hidden variabl insid a formwrap the abov code within a jsp insid the html tag like compresshtml enabledtru the jsp and you will notic the abov url encod hidden variabl is chang after the compress ie you will see space within the hidden valu rather than the html equival what is the expect output what do you see insteadurl encod string in a hidden variabl insid a form shouldnt chang after the html version of the product are you use on what oper system and the os is linuxpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by mathewaon may at
showhid login and signup dialog correctli
request librari name repositori url packag urlopt mit offici homepag say someth leav messag here note from cdnj are welcom to add a librari via send pull requestitl be faster then just open a request issueand pleas dont forget to read the guidelin for contribut thank
fox sport video not load but scriptsaf cannot see the need trust script what step will reproduc the problem go to you need to noscript can see these but scriptsaf doesnt detect them at all therefor the video cannot load even if you allow all block for issu report on by johnscon jul at
aww snap screen for ani search relat googl domain even after whitelist what step will reproduc the problem whitelist googlecom domain go to ani googl search relat domainwhat is the expect output what do you see the page should load as normal actual aww snap error screen what version of the product are you use on what oper systemv on window and ubuntu ltspleas provid ani addit inform belowwhen go to googlecom or use the chrome search bar search will either display the proper page then immedi go to the aww snap error page or will not load and instead go to the error page even when whitelist googlecom or googl the onli way for the search to work properli is to complet disabl issu report on by dboson mar at
temporari allow all block for session should exclud item just like it treat what step will reproduc the problem mark an item on current site as distrust andor deni an item for all site andor blacklist an item temporari allow all block for session what is the expect output what do you see insteadth item is allow in againwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemosx winpleas provid ani addit inform belowth suggest solut is to alway block blacklist origin issu report on by signon dec at
add option to whitelist ip rang featur add the option to whitelist not onli subdomain and whole ip address but also ip rang or ip network ie cidr span the ip address to origin issu report on by xyron nov at
perdomain blacklist overrid there are certain domain that id like to block of the time but which must occasion be reluctantli allow for certain page to function correctli one exampl is which prevent certain site eg shadertoycom from work correctli if it plugin like ghosteri seem to allow block site to be enabl on a perdomain basi while remain block everywher els would it be possibl to add a similar featur to step go to allow shadertoycom in scriptsaf page will not render correctli temporarili allow in scriptsaf page will hope render issu report on by cstraton sep at
cannot whitelist while use block unwant content option im on scriptsaf v and i want to whitelist the ip becaus a program i use act as a web relay and it open browser tab to that ip howev scriptsaf wont allow me to whitelist the ipdomain cannot be ad as it is a provid of unwant content see block unwant content andor antisoci modei the specif messag given i dont want to remov that mode in gener i just want to whitelist the one ipnow ye i can chang the address from to localhost and thing work fine but realli i shouldnt have to do that i should be abl to just whitelist the ip and have it workorigin issu report on by zefria on aug at
allow temp trust of blacklist site what step will reproduc the problem go to a site with script from blacklist site click allow all block for session reload pagewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadpag should load normal includ blacklist sitesscript instead page load as if noth ha chang thi is annoyingwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system on window x chrome provid ani addit inform belowim sure thi is intend behavior but it is not how it should work imo allow all block for session should as the name suggest allow all block for the current issu report on by abon may at
unauthor request report error but with success respons text what step will reproduc the problem simpl websit with window domain is trust load the webpag with the site open an iisreset wa done on the server to forc the to expir take an action on the page that will caus data to be request from the server via ajax what is the expect output what do you see the resourc to be load and the done handler of the ajax call to be executedth fail handler is execut with a statu of error howev the responsetext properti is the correct data use fiddler i can see that there are request for the resourc x to negoti and a with the data but the jqxhr that i see in code ha the statu of the first request ie a error and the responsetext of the final success callwhat version of the product are you use on what oper ii chrome mpleas provid ani addit inform belowi would expect that if a domain is trust then the request to it shouldnt be interf with at all despit the incorrect handl of the snippet below the statu properti is yet the responsetext properti is the result of the respons i shouldnt need to mention that disabl the extens resolv the issu thi make scriptsaf of reduc valu in an intranet environ where windown with a low lifetim would be use eg the environ i write applic jqxhr textstatu errorthrown get the error messag var errormessag null if jqxhrstatu var errorstr issu report on by davidion jun at
trust site control from untrust or unmanag site pleas offer trust site control from untrust or unmanag site for exampl when i trust facebook webpag i can brows facebook normal via howev when i visit anoth site which will link to facebook i dont want to see anyth link to facebook from thi unknown site the current design of thi extens cannot control thi situat which should be commonli issu report on by wongon nov at
smooth gestur plugin wont work if site is not what step will reproduc the smooth gesturesgoto a page not cant usewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi saw javascript wa block on thi page in the url barwhat version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform issu report on by birdon dec at
need univers block a site dure brows mani site i alway see a site appear in the middl of the block list would you pleas offer a function to univers block a site rather show it in middl of the block resourc listorigin issu report on by wongon dec at
add option to alllow or trust all http site i would like an option that would allow or trust all secur issu report on by on nov at
block trust content need to be disabl to view content what step will reproduc the problem go to set it as a trust domain in scriptno scriptsaf see that the content is still block but visibl when scriptno is disabledwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth ncbi abstract onc it is ad as a trust domain but it is still blockedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemnewest version ofth plugin for chrome on winpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by mdsklaron aug at
chrome extens gener webpag are treat like ani other websit but cant be whitelist or have blocklist edit what step will reproduc the problem instal tweetdeck launch app attempt to loginwhat is the expect output what do you see insteady are log in as expect without appear to block the twitter login connect probabl under antisoci but the ui doesnt allow you to chang what is be block and it not be a normal webpag you cannot whitelist it in the set pagewhat version of the product are you use on what oper chrome canari version canari aurapleas provid ani addit inform belowissu defiantli is scriptsaf as disabl it on anoth tab then refresh the page allow me to login issu report on by dmcon aug at
block neutron drive even when all script are whitelist what step will reproduc the problem have file in googl drive and tri to open them in neutron drive a chrome web app file wont open whitelist all of the script of neutron drive in scriptno file still wont open disabl scriptno the file will openwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadtwo month ago i could open file in neutron drive while scriptno wa activ now i cant i think thi ha to do with their latest upgrad neutron drive still load but now it cant open ani file if i take a look use inspect element i can see that scriptno is prevent the load of the script file that domain is clearli whitelist and all the other file from it load just not that onewhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemgoogl chrome version mac snow provid ani addit inform issu report on by devinaeton sep at
sync whitelist site seem errat i have multipl instal of chrome and add whitelist site to all of them as im go along all are set to sync in the it appear that the site i add to whitelist on one pc will make it over to anoth one but more often that doe not happen unless i manual choos to upload from one pc at which point they seem to be download when i open the browser on anoth machinei have check in the and chrome say it is sync all of the set properli and bookmark alway sync properli between my installsit would be use to know how the sync is suppos to work so i can get a better idea of what might be go on issu report on by markason aug at
unabl to remov entri from whitelist what step will reproduc the problem open option in scriptsaf on maco mtn lion with chrome version attempt to remov entri from whitelist by click x link is not present but is for trust domainbefor i delet a realli long entri in the whitelist i wa abl to scroll to the side of the list and get to the x to delet after that entri wa delet no scroll is possibl and the link is not present it look like the hidden scroll section in chrome for mac is cover up the x linkorigin issu report on by davidglon apr at attach screen shot at shot at pmpng
preload whitelist or blacklist thi is a question about scriptsaf capabl can you export a whitelist and then preload a new user with those same whitelist set if so how i would assum that the answer would appli to whitelist and blacklist where doe scritpsaf store the option set what version of the product are you use on what oper system scriptsav v on googl chrome v on window pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by jscottbron mar at
synchron still wipe out the whitelist what step will reproduc the problem have scriptsaf instal on multipl machin with site in the whitelist trust sever domain switch machin whitelist on both machin becom emptywhat is the expect output what do you see insteadid expect to see a whitelist combin the site i whitelist i see an empti whitelist what version of the product are you use on what oper window pleas provid ani addit inform belowther seem to be differ result when i trust a domain in some case the whitelist entri is domaincom in other case the entri is trust issu report on by ronaldon jan at
cant download from sourceforg with the last coupl of version of scriptsaf what step will reproduc the problem whitelist domain and the mirror domain be use for download attempt a sourceforg download eg is the expect output what do you see should countdown to zero and then start the download what happen is that it count down to zero then cycl back to the start of the countdown and just repeat than until the web page is closedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemtri with on both linux mint and window problem wa also there with the problem wasnt happen a few day ago with scriptno provid ani addit inform belowif i disabl scriptsaf then the problem doesnt happen and the download is issu report on by njhon dec at
new sync featur blew out entir whitelist what step will reproduc the problem click sync to googl account on main comput click sync from googl account on secondari comput wait for is the expect output what do you see insteadi expect the list of domain to remain intact at least on the main comput it did not i am not pleasedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system on window provid ani addit inform belownot happi and lost a ton of site in that listorigin issu report on by skyeyeon dec at
facebook whitelist entri and entir blacklist disappear what step will reproduc the problem allow new version of scriptsaf to syncwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadther should be entri in the blacklist what it do instead there some weird with facebook domain url they seem to pop in and outwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system last updat pleas provid ani addit inform belowim go to tri to repopul the blacklist issu report on by pudnikaton dec at
button no longer display as green when all page content are trust what step will reproduc the problem visit page with all content trust look at icon in top barwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadicon remain as red content block icon rather than previou version green trust iconwhat version of the product are you use on what oper vorigin issu report on by invdron dec at
cant login to when enabl even when you trust the domain what step will reproduc the problem all explain in titlewhat is the expect output what do you see be abl to login but can notwhat version of the product are you use on what oper chrome scriptno v mac os x mountain lion pleas provid ani addit inform belowy can not login even when you disabl the scriptno from the scriptno menu onli abl to login when you complet disabl the extens from extens pageorigin issu report on by nomeon nov at
youtub not work even if trust what step will reproduc the problem open youtub with video open set youtub to refresh the page yt video still not workingwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadblack window with video not playingwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system lubuntu pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by poslipoon jul at
reload a page after whitelist doesnt work as expect what step will reproduc the problem whitelist someth in a scriptno popup without close the popup hit the reload button in the browserwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadpag should reload instead scriptno reload the page and you end up hit the stop button so the page doe not reloadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemlatest scriptno on chrome dev on xppleas provid ani addit inform should delay slightli befor reload the page which would prevent thi condit from issu report on by megazzt on jun at
forum login reject when tri to login to a trust forum and with scriptno enabl in chrome on a mac it accept but then the login is reject after navig to a new page as if the cooki is onli store for pageeven if scriptno is disabl still the same problemif i disabl the extens in chrome all work findso with scriptno disabl it still seem to be do some work origin issu report on by scheduleon jul at
cant whitelist from a popup what step will reproduc the problem get a page that open a popup like a disqu login thing open the popup which should open or redirect to a domain not whitelist and not list in the parent scriptno popupwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi should be abl to whitelist from a popup just like from a normal windowwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemlatest scriptno on window xp chrome devpleas provid ani addit inform belowa possibl resolut is to make the browser action a page action instead so it work in popup i like thi idea best sinc the button action is alreadi close relat to the current page so it fit with the concept of a page possibl resolut is to implement common action in the browser context menu so common action can be taken from issu report on by megazzt on jun at
whitelist doe not overrid unwant content and antisoci blacklist what step will reproduc the problem turn on block unwant content and antisoci mode unwant content mode doesnt make a differ attempt to put a domain on the whitelist that is on the unwant or antisoci list i use which is on antisoci and possibl unwant get a messag say domain cannot be ad as it is a provid of unwant content see block unwant content andor antisoci modei attempt a workaround but it didnt work turn off block unwant content and antisoci mode success add the domain to the whitelist turn antisoci back on reload the page and notic that the script are still block as antisoci see section below for whi thi behavior though technic expect shouldnt be turn antisoci off and turn block unwant content back on reload the page and notic that the script are still block but i can now click allow or trust for them click allow or trust for each reload the page notic that the script domain are still in the block section and allowtrust had no effectwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi expect the whitelist to overrid the predefin blacklist i have no control over which domain are on the unwant and antisoci blacklist so overrid them use the userdefin whitelist would be the onli way to allow certain domain while leav the rest block instead the predefin blacklist seem to overrid the userdefin whitelist i also expect that when i click allow or trust for domain in the block section of the popup step they would be they were notwhat version of the product are you use on what oper vchrome mwindow sppleas provid ani addit inform belowth antisoci mode checkbox ha a note that say alway remov social even if whitelist i think the whitelist should overrid antisoci mode not vice versa i wouldnt put domain on the whitelist if i didnt want to allow themorigin issu report on by ianonoton jun at
need autosav whiteblack list what step will reproduc the problem after updat to scriptno v start use onli chrome v begin bag on everi start chrome show error messag and messag that extens scripno reload i uninstal extens and instal again now lost all white list it includ abov domainswhat version of the product are you use on what oper system vpleas provid ani addit inform below need export thi list and autosav mayb thi list is kept somewher in the folder chrome after reinstal the extens and can be issu report on by blagopolon feb at merg into
block whitelist content what step will reproduc the problem best visit jamedad a search and rate site for local doctor in germani enabl scriptno trust everyth enter anyth no autofil suggest disabl scriptno reload full site enter anyth there you have autofillwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadse abovewhat version of the product are you use on what oper system chrome m window x propleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by carstenon feb at
add import whitelist from noscript for firefox add import whitelist from noscript for issu report on by blagopolon dec at
is there a whitelist mode how do i block all url except approv urlsorigin issu report on by hellfiron nov at
trust with wildcard doesnt work for lower domain level what step will reproduc the problemgo to scriptno to the whitelist section and enter a domain with a wildcard that ha more than one dot eg tauacil and press whitelistgo to a page under a subdomain for the domain insert befor eg is the expect output what do you see are block for thi domain they should be allowedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper window bitpleas provid ani addit inform belowus the trust button for a page under the domain i gave as an exampl like wwwcstauacil will add acil to the whitelist ani page host under ani acaedm domain in il will be allowedit would be nice suppos the said issu is fix if the trust button will let you select differ level of trust eg let you select between cstauacil tauacil and acilorigin issu report on by galon nov at
userag spoof is not work again what step will reproduc the problem enabl user agent spoof visit you are current use chromewhat is the expect output what do you see me as linux and safari which is what i want it to seewhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemchrom dev win bitpleas provid ani addit inform belowit seem thi site is use some other method to tell what browser im issu report on by colintreon nov at
userag spoof is not work what step will reproduc the problem set userag spoof to a browser and os firefox a and linux bit test go to is the expect output what do you see insteady expect thi websit not to recogn your browser and to instead assum it the spoof versionwhat version of the product are you use on what oper experiment vwindow dev bitchrom dev devmpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by colintreon nov at
problem with allow resp blacklist should have prioriti over whitelist step to reproduc it v exp load wwwblickch with allow wwwblickch ablickchb distrust wwwblickchc allow we have the follow blickch of are allow and execut thi is no good becaus must have prioriti over easi solut when we make a all relat should be issu report on by swisson oct at
unabl to trust domain what step will reproduc the problem instal scriptno go to a webpag open the scriptno interfac and click trustwhat is the expect output what do you see the button to go grey and cross out like the other and for the domain script to be allow to runindead the button stay unchang and the domain script are still blockedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemchrom scriptno window bit sppleas provid ani addit inform belowi wasnt alway affect by thi problem it use to work just finethi featur is in fact how most of my white list wa even builti tri reinstal the extens and it didnt helpi didnt pay to much attent to when it start howev it may have someth to do with me instal chrome for all user the altern instal that instal chrome for the system instead of per issu report on by levonepon oct at merg into
show as block but is trust what step will reproduc the problem trust a site visit itwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadshow as trustedit show as block though it seem to act like trust anywaywhat version of the product are you use on what oper xpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by zappe on sep at
option to sort via domain what version of the product are you use on what oper vhere is an exampl of a would like an option to sort it via domain not subdomain the list abov would end up to issu report on by erenon sep at
as a user i can login via oauth as a user i can login via oauth twitter or that can be use to tweet my gamifi stat
rm fail becaus symlink doesnt get xattr as it shouldnt but we use lgetxattr
how to emit base encod binari there should be a way to emit base encod issu report on by jbeon oct at
unsign integ arent pars correctli with mingw what step will reproduc the problem emit an unsign int scalar a cast to int is necessari pars said scalar an except is thrownmingw i trace into the code at conversionh sever problem i notic andfix pleas consid the follow as a patch check the stringstream for fail caus convert to return fals withmingw but not vs if you use the result of the extract you get aresult for what you realli care about anyway we dont care if ha troubl now we onli care if the data wa extract i got tire of cast unsign int on emiss and hope that thingswould work on pars i got rid of the macro and put in a that should includ all of the unsign integr type along with bit type which i also need replac macro such in conversionh thi is your gener convert it will do all integr type etc it should work with bit integ too templat inlin bool convertconst stdstring input t output stream stream input streamunsetf stdiosdec the stream will now convert outdecim hex and even octal integ return stream output dont use fail it doesnt do whatyou think it doe you realli onli care about theresult of thi extract templat inlin bool convertconst stdstring input stdstring output output input return true the non templat function that get forward too bool convertbool const stdstring input bool output bool convertnul const stdstring input null output forward thi on to the non templat function that doe some booleanmag templat inlin bool convertconst stdstring input bool output return output templat inlin bool convertconst stdstring input null output return output just renam the two free funcsbool stdstring input bool bbool convertnul const stdstring input null output let me know if you have ani question im happi to helporigin issu report on by timfion nov at
v in onlin exampl fail to load sourc editor show opp fail to load js file and no game is load incorrect gener of url to url
chrome throw error about vendorj integr fail to find a valid digest in the integr attribut for resourc with comput sha i notic the canari issu current open ask that anoth issu be open for anyth els ive done the testemj workaround but thi vendorj issu just popd up today ember instal thi addon w the follow config js var app new emberapp sri crossorigin anonym also im run embercli and ember if ive configur thi wrong incorrect dont have a clue pleas help me so i can help other
unhash type list
author by
add for sign app would be great for those of us who are write recip that use your as a parentrecip if you were to add to your download recip where applic id be happi to help if your open to it
curl ssl error hey nate ive been tear my hair out with thi error in short im run back to back request against discog api it doesnt happen everi time hell sometim it could go hour with a singl error look at other resolut ive ad on curl option for not verifi peer cert host cert forc use tsl pass userag and forc respons to ipv noth work run some test in cli i wa abl to duplic by run two curl request and while it didnt happen everi time eventu one would stop dead in it track i look over the method for request and unless im miss it is there ani function that could tell me when the curl request ha complet like an isdon
screensav enabl password not work the function to enabl the screensav password when arriv at a locat doesnt seem to be work im on maco and it seem to have start after i upgrad
convers list summari for call messag is no subject
use an html file with mml for convers result in space between mml tag get convert to ampersand nbsp semicolon when submit an html file that contain multipl equat use mml the space between text and mml tag get convert to the html code for a space ampersand nbsp semicolon thi is seen in the speak text ie the descript thi doe not happen if it is a singl equat and occur onli in case of a html filepleas let me know if you need ani further inform or if thi need to be assign to for exampl would get convert in descript to ampersand nbsp semicolon ampersand nbsp semicolon
suggest use a merkl skip list to quickli calcul roll consensu hash and support quick queri the goal here is to calcul consensu hash from all previou consensu hash in ologt n instead of ot where t is the number of block and thu consensu hash sinc the begin of time and n is the number of name oper in the current blocksav consensu hash at all point in time is valuabl so that one can easili valid all of the oper that were seen at time t thi is realli nice for lightweight node support plu weve alreadi establish from previou discuss that save all name oper at everi point in time is valuabl for verifi a databas one get from a peer for how we can calcul the consensu hashesi defin a merkl skip list as a roll merkl root calcul where at time t the merkl tree is built from the data ad at time t plu a sublinear set of all previou merkl root then the newli calcul merkl root is save for futur an exampl if we defin the first seen blockstor block as t then the consensu hash for t to t can be save and the hash at t could be calcul by combin all of the name oper at time t with the consensu hash at time t t and there is a full tabl of all the merkl tree calcul at everi step through t block merkl tree content block op block op hash from block block op hash from block block op hash from block block op hash from block block op hash from block block op hash from block block op hash from block block op hash from block block op hash from block note that the merkl root for ani given block valid all merkl root from the begin of time but onli requir ologt n calcul as mention abov we can assum that t will grow into the hundr of thousand while n will like remain in the hundr or thousand given limit on block sizealso note that if we have a trust consensu hash for block and ask an untrust node for the proof that a given oper in block we onli need to be serv the block op from block and we dont need to see all previou block opsim not sure what to call thi data structur but ill call it a merkl skip list for now other thought on thi are welcom
decodeint return null for pl with dot when deal with multipl sampl bcftool merg fill in the genotyp pl field with constant to account for sampl where the variant is not presentwhen the method decodeint pars a pl field that ha dot it return null for exampl decodeint return nullinstead it should returnor some other valu instead of such that the minpl remain unchangedth follow version of decodeint fix the problem java privat static final int string string list split int valu new intsplits for int i i valueslength i tri valuesi catch final e valuesi return valu
after encrypt cryptoj return script then encrypt text what step will reproduc the problemi have use below code for gener of encrypt text in pdfvar key var iv var messag fieldvar padmsg var encrypt key iv iv pad mode issu with abov code is it work properli with adob readersom version and acrobat wherea with adob reader dc and some other reader version it not work as expect it veri inconsist thi is return object object i have tri other way to solv problem but it creat same issuewhat is the expect output what do you see instead expect output is encrypt text wherea with return object object in adob reader dc and some other reader version also it veri inconsist what version of the product are you use on what oper system latest version window ospleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by arjunamion jun at
decrypt of ciphertext not work for string what step will reproduc the problem see is the expect output what do you see insteadfail on nd decodingwhat version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform issu report on by randynwaon jan at
error unabl to get properti of undefin or null refer what step will reproduc the problemjust run the html filei am tri to encypt use is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by anithalaon nov at attach partner newhtml
ae decrypt from data oracl function encrypt what step will reproduc the problem thi oracl procedur to encrypt data use ae cbc adn pkc padfunct eval pin in varchar return raw is varchar alutf gkey raw plsinteg vin raw vencrypt raw begin vin pin dstcharset vencrypt vin typ key gkey return vencrypt end i cant to decrypt client side by use criptojsvar key abcddcbavar keyh is not bit so i tri thi onea followvar salt var keybit salt keysiz tostr utfvar encrypt and pkc are default var decrypt keyh keybit iv is the expect output what do you see insteadi expect prova as string but anyth appearswhat version of the product are you use on what oper v browser chrome version m on win bitpleas provid ani addit inform belowthi is the oracl decrypt function that work fine decrypt function dvalpin in raw return varchar is varchar alutf gkey raw plsinteg vdecrypt raw varchar begin vdecrypt pin typ key gkey vdecrypt srccharset return issu report on by dinoboloon oct at
broken hash with sigbyt byte what step will reproduc the var hex datatostr hex var unhex datasigbyt expect actual sigbytestest var pbkdfresult abcdefg hasher iter keysiz pbkdfresult sigbytestest var pbkdfresult abcdefg hasher iter keysiz pbkdfresult is the expect output what do you see sha expect actual sha expect actual what version of the product are you use on what oper systemchrom on window pleas provid ani addit inform type of hash test sha sha sha and md return wrong hash if sigbyt of the input is smaller than the byte in the dataorigin issu report on by qistoph on nov at
most of the hash wont work regard file encod what step will reproduc the problem creat a text file contain aa convert it to check the hash return and compar with a checksum is the expect output what do you see insteadth cryptoj lib forc convers to utf on the input it will return wrong hashwhat version of the product are you use on what oper pleas provid ani addit inform belowhow to fix it simpli dont use utf encod on the input becaus you realli dont need it you would need utf encod if you want to show the content but you realli dont need to utf encod the file to get a hash of it or you will get a veri wrong hashi attach a screenshot show how to fix it for shaj file howev you will have the same issu in almost all if not all the other hash i got the same issu with shafor sha q to efor sha l to keasi to realiz if you look at my that is a tempfix you may need the utf somewher els in the file for we issu report on by contacton aug at attach
not abl to decrypt the encrypt data on server side which wa encrypt use cryproj on client side i want to encrypt some data on client side and decrypt it on the server side but it is give error on the server side say that incorrect are my code snippet var key randomkey var hash var hashedkey var iv var messag thi is the plain text to encrypt var encrypt hashedkey iv iv mode var how i am encrypt at client side and send iv hashedkey and to server sidew are decrypt thi encrypt data at server side use java we are use by pass iv key and encrypt messag to the dofin method but we are get error messag as given final block not pad decrypt hashedkeyiv byte decryptedmsg am i do issu report on by tiwariaon aug at
cryptoj decrypt implement hi i code decrypt in rubi and javascript use cryptojsit appear the result doesnt match in both methodsher the in rubycryptkey aesfinalput the server use thi key for encrypt in javascript with cryptojsvar cryptkey iv data cipherparam datavar decrypt cryptkey iv iv mode pad you can see onli the first charact match and i dont know whythank you in advanc for help meorigin issu report on by spacewon jul at
ae encrypt string to be convert to base string and then to byte array in javascript hii am new to javascript i am encrypt a form use ae in javascript and when i tri to convert the encrypt string to base string i get null string from base string i need to convert to byte array which is the type for my help me on thi follow is the code i tri so farvar randomkeyvar currentmodel is the model from output null issu report on by sasirekhon may at
use pad option on aesdecrypt result in endless load what step will reproduc the problem just use key iv iv pad what is the expect output what do you see specifi pad at decrypt is useless but throw an error or just ignor the unnecessari option would be better than endless loadingwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemtest on mac os x with xampp apach web server and chrome use cryptoj aesj and issu report on by johanneson may at
ae cipher broken binari data hi im use cryptoj for migrat a nodej applic to web applicationi need cipher binari data without encod and the result of the deciph isnt the same that the origin oneexampl code ciphersync function key var data new buffer var data new bufferhola mndoutf consoleloggo to ecnrypt algorithm key var enc var bdata var bkey switch algorithm case ae enc consolelogok ae break enctostr return new base deciphersync function key var enc var bdata var bkey with key switch algorithm case ae enc break enctostr return asbufferenc if i forc to cipher hola mundo or hol mundo a utf text the cipher work well the result of the consol login is to ciphergo to ecnrypt ae fcdcbaef keydca cryptojsjsok ae cryptojsjssi to with keydcdata fcdccbaef work ok but if i send a binari chunk the new buffer to ciphergo to ecnrypt ae bfe keyedda cryptojsjsok ae cryptojsjssi to with keyedddata cbcbe result start and end with the same origin byte but replac bf by cbcb origin issu report on by tioson apr at
ae file encryptiong hiim chunk a larg file into mb chunk each chunk convert to it base i then encrypt each chunk passwordthi take a around sec to complet im use html compliant browsersi there anyway in reduc the time to encrypt thanksp is there a link to ani detail issu report on by jasatt mar at
publickey cryptographi not a problem but i would like to see publickey cryptographi in thi project such as rsa ecc and ibe so a featur suggest origin issu report on by ruddon mar at
ae or ani cipher give bad result if cbc bit mode is use when iv is defin with byte when bit block mode is use with cbc that mean wkeywiv is of size byte bit mode se exampl below ye they are wordarray the blocksiz is incorrect and the algorithm give bad result is but is standard valu incorrect thi give incorrect result exampl ciphertext wtarget salt wkey iv wiv blocksiz pad give incorrect result test with firefox suggest line in ciphercorej or appropi need to chang see below processblock function word offset shortcut var cipher thisciph var blocksiz rememb thi block to use with next block var thisblock offset blocksiz decrypt and xor offset word offset blocksiz thi block becom the previou block thisblock origin issu report on by amingholon mar at
checksum of file how i can encrypt a file jpg pdf with crypto jsi need encript with md for check the integr of a fileorigin issu report on by hicon feb at
troubl decrypt a tripled hex string with an iv i have a java server creat a hex string use cfb and no pad the first byte of the return string are the iv the rest is the encrypt messag i have monthsold actionscript product code that success decrypt these messag see code below i am tri to port thi decrypt code to a nodej server and havent had ani luck thu fari cant chang the javasid encrypt so im stuck with get decrypt to work somehow with the paramet outlin abov what step will reproduc the problem thi problem isnt directli reproduc but im just tri to figur out what code to write with cryptoj to do the same thing that work in actionscript ive tri sever differ way to write the js code and i get garbl messag everi time ive look for guidanc in your exampl thirdparti blog entri and your unit test there is a lot of talk about how to encrypt with a custom iv but i cant find exampl of decrypt with a known ivwhat is the expect output what do you see instead i expect to be abl to decrypt my messag given an iv an encrypt messag and a share secret keywhat version of the product are you use on what oper system npm tell me i am run cryptoj current develop and test on window on a nodej serverpleas provid ani addit inform belowher is the actionscript code that work use ascrypto privat function var modecfbmod new cfbmodenew modeiv var return here is just the latest of mani mani attempt in javascript coffeescript actual but you get the idea decryptfrom encrypt sharedsecret iv ciphertext thi is just someth i tri given a similar issu you answer about ae with iv outdat solut as it wa from new sharedsecret mode pad also tri ad the iv to the option hash ive tri sever combin of convert the iv ciphertext and share secret key from hex to word arrays also tri write a formatt a few differ way but i cant get that to work stringifi cipherparam pars hexstr iv ciphertext realiz im not use stringifi for decrypt i will be encrypt from thi app as well but im just tri to decrypt an exist messag from java firstso can you give me some cryptoj decrypt code that should be the equival of my work actionscript codewhat id realli love to see is a coupl more test ad to your tripled test suit one that encrypt without creat a custom iv and return an iv ciphertext string and one that decrypt that result given onli that iv ciphertext string and the share issu report on by edtramon feb at
decrypt requir base pass a wordarray as the ciphertext quietli fail gener i get a sigbyt result but sometim i get result it is requir to reencod the wordarray as base which i presum decrypt will then decod back to a issu report on by robnapieron jan at
allow hexadecim input type into the hash function there a number of scenario where i need to be abl to input hexadecim input into the hash algorithm and receiv a hexadecim output howev it current onli accept input as scenario hmackey msg with the key or msg be in hex or base hashkey nonc messag the nonc or key is like random bit so everyth would need to be in the same input formatar you abl to enabl hex as an input option there is anoth librari which allow similar hex and base input to the hash jssha but thi librari onli support the sha algorithm i would prefer keccak over nsa design issu report on by johnfmon jan at
give frong hash on iphon what step will reproduc the is the expect output what do you see insteadth shame sha valu return in chrome and check for in the test and by other hash engineswhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemiphon gs run io pleas provid ani addit inform belowit also doesnt run on ie fail on an undefin issu report on by lapoluchini on dec at attach
is lack depth for aesencrypt what step will reproduc the problem secret is the expect output what do you see insteadth output is random in the sens that the doe not specifi how or what output is gener the key deriv method is miss it could be either or pbkdf and in both case it is unspecifi where the salt goeswhat version of the product are you use on what oper origin issu report on by maartenon dec at
error decrypt an ae encrypt text i have the follow function decryptbodi functionbodi var key decrypt key var return the error is the follow of cours bodi is a string with a valuei except while invok method decryptbodi typeerror cannot call method pars of undefinedi at at at at at at at at at at issu report on by santineon nov at
sha hash bug what step will reproduc the problem is the expect output what do you see version of the product are you use on what oper chrome on os x origin issu report on by ron oct at
cryptoj sha hash do not match cnet sha hash what step will reproduc the problem creat a new web applic use prefer visual studio past the code from the attach file as need into file complil and run the applic to view defaultaspx web formstr to hash bravojohnki the expect output what do you see got version of the product are you use on what oper system pleas provid ani addit inform belowth hash will be creat on server side initi and will be use as need though the hash gener on server side shall match the hash gener by issu report on by sushilson oct at
bug in ciphercorej there is a bug in ciphercorej that caus decrypt to fail in all serial case as far as i can tellse line var plaintext be var plaintext is no such properti issu report on by dkenton sep at
cryptoj give undefin error after load by a loader what step will reproduc the problemcor and base min js load run crypoj give undefin errorwhat is the expect output what do you see outputwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowload script by and file to head by after load run cryptoj to decod give undefin errori there anyobject valu chang after load to a javascript file or how to fix the issu report on by johnon sep at
can onli hash string and not integ what step will reproduc the problemvar number var string actual hash result what is the expect output what do you see insteadhash is undefin but result produc a hash result actual what version of the product are you use on what oper firefox arch linux x kernel arch pleas provid ani addit inform belowif thi is not a bug pleas make it clearer in the that pass a straight number to a hash function will return issu report on by benjaminon sep at
base encod of hash ident to hex encod what step will reproduc the problem i use the hmacshaj rollup gener a hash use i use hashtostr to convert to variou output format and saw that base is the same as hexwhat is the expect output what do you see c version of the product are you use on what oper systemim run in ff on os xpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by davidkaon aug at
ae decrypt not work below is my javascript codevar key base encod key gener via aesrandomkey rubyvar data actual data some datavar decrypt ciphertext output is some datai m use latest ae buildthi key and data decrypt in php but for some reason not work in javascript consol is their someth wrong that i m do hereorigin issu report on by poojarion aug at
not abl to decrypt the openssl encrypt password use cryptoj what step will reproduc the use opensslecho n hello world openssl enc a nosalt aescbc p k iv pass passabc e use cryptoj var encrypt decrypt abc format is the expect output what do you see insteadth expect output should be hello world but i see empti valu insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemi tri both and in it is show the malform utf errorpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by chintanion jun at
password base ae encrypt ignor salt paramet what step will reproduc the problemin tri to understand cryptoj i want to mimic the openssl command line below echo n messag openssl enc ae k password s fthi is my basic password salt what is the expect output what do you see insteadi saw the salt paramet be ignor and need to updat line of ciphercorej to add the salt paramet on the call to execut deriv key and other param var cipherivs cfgsaltth execut function doe a if salt check so if cfgsalt is undefin that wont be a problemwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemus on mac use both firefox and chrome pleas provid ani addit inform belowher is a work qunit test with the relat openssl command line i wa test test data function echo n messag openssl enc ae k password s f xxd p col openssl enc ae k password s f p saltf iv echo n messag openssl enc ae k iv xxd p eebedcfcccfa var testvector plaintext messag iv key ciphertext var enc iv mode same ciphertext var enc password salt var iv equaliv testvectoriv decrypt match known iv var key equalkey decrypt match known key var ciphertext decrypt match known test dataorigin issu report on by kevinhaon mar at
pbkdf with other hash algorithm what step will reproduc the problem creat a new html page with the pbkdf exampl script from the add the necessari script from the rollup folder pbkdfj all hmacj add hasher cryptojssha or ani other sha algorithm in the cfgparamet of the pbkdf function the script will stop execut at the first forloop in the comput functionwhat is the expect outputa key comput by the password base key deriv function with the sha do you see also no error wa thrown by the debuggerwhat version of the product are you use on what oper v on window with firefox and ie pleas provid ani addit inform belowi am awar that the is not document in version x although it wa avail in version x when look at the sourc code the hasher paramet still seem to be present in version xorigin issu report on by hoeewon mar at
ae decrypt on iphon irregular produc error malform utf data i took a ca k size encrypt file and decrypt it these way in firefox and lower safari it work well but on mobil safari and webapp on differ iphon i get the except but if i put it in mani trycatch block sometim it work on a tri and often on c tri eg like thi exampl thi isnt nice but so it actual work and not break my all my testcas i made use of the same encrypt stringi made use of cryptoj v on io devic ipad not test and expect to get json string but mostli get malform utf data except a not so nice workaround wa to put mani tri block until i tri is successful origin issu report on by bernhardon feb at
doesnt decrypt back first encrypt teststr string var teststr var encrypt teststr key iv iv mode pad mfsrzphpkk decrypt back encrypt string decrypt encrypt key iv iv mode pad differ result oppos to ani ideasnot both key and iv are initialis as per var key var iv mani issu report on by evgon feb at
rabbit stream cipher failur for the rabbit stream cipher from version to the output of version decrypt messag from the exampl is d instead of messag as the preced version produc test on firefox and chromium ubuntuscript crypt secret plain secret passphras crypt secret plain secret passphras issu report on by evanpmon feb at
aesctr progress cipher doe not work the result is ok if you use but is not correct if you use with the same test case is should return doe return first are byte aa ad and we should expect the first process to return the complet issu report on by vitteaymon feb at
progress hash of sha yield differ result on same data chrome onli what step will reproduc the problem test with count salt dab salt lqaaaq apassword testervar prehash hash prehashvar roundhash do hash prehash hash while countalert hashtostr what is the expect output what do you see insteadth valu show in the alert window differ everi time thi codeblock is rerunit doe not differ when a breakpoint is hit at least onc insid the loop browser bugthi happen with chrome not on firefoxth php base version show the result produc with a breakpoint is hashsha hashsha saltprehash truedo hash hashsha hashprehash true while countecho version of the product are you use on what oper test not work with chrome test work with firefox origin issu report on by arneclon feb at
progress hash result of sha doe not support tostr what step will reproduc the problemvar previou yield a hexstringvar hash previou hashupd test yield objectwhat is the expect output what do you see yield object fieldsi expect regular word valu like the one creat dure the calcul of the hashwhat version of the product are you use on what oper test with chrome origin issu report on by arneclon feb at
rabbit cipher incompat with estream test vector the endian in bit chunk of either the iv or the key is wrong i cannot be sure which becaus i am not sure exactli how you intend to workse the attach html file with includ script gener from the publish test vector avail at url version of the product are you use on what oper v run in firefox under linuxi dont know exactli what you should do about it sinc fix it could break exist project use your code but you should at least document thi somewher and possibl provid a second compat version of issu report on by ronkaminon nov at attach
hmac function ignor sigbyt of key what step will reproduc the problem creat a wordarray call key with word but onli sigbyt clone thi and creat a key sigbyt but clamp use both key to gener an hmac of a fix wordarray hmac will be is the expect output what do you see insteadi expect the hmac digest to be equal the key are suppos to be the same despit differ in the intern wordarray version of the product are you use on what oper system mac chromepleas provid ani addit inform belowi believ the problem is in hmacj around line in the init function there no clamp here but line later in the function use the key word array directli and overrid the key sigbyt with issu report on by russelleon nov at
add scrypt to the option can you add scrypt to the option scrypt is a key deriv function which is design to be far more secur against hardwar bruteforc attack than pbkdf or bcryptthi will be a veri good addit for password hash becaus of gpu bruteforc techniqu the default hash arent that secur anymorefor detail you can look at youll find thi interest issu report on by michieleon nov at
problem with decrypt ae hi im tri to encrypt a social secur number with a pin code and i want to decrypt it agian with the pin code i do my encrypt like thisvar salt var key salt keysiz iter var iv salt keysiz iter var a key iv iv i tri diffent approach to decrypt without ani luck how do i decrypt it agian version of the product are you use on what oper origin issu report on by mikkelseon oct at
the json format cipher output is not string what step will reproduc the problem in the given exampl var encrypt secret passphras format var decrypt secret passphras format messageth return encrypt is alway an object though stringifi function is right seem encrypt in secret passphras format could be either json string or object it work and get string outputwhat is the expect output what do you see with format option should return the format i want for exampl json stringwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemth script in the given provid ani addit inform belowi test the exampl in latest issu report on by kisson oct at
not decod code use php what step will reproduc the problem encod a string var encrypt encrypt next on the php side encrypt passphras decrypt passphras encrypt decrypt mwhat is the expect output what do you see instead decrypt what version of the product are you use on what oper bit php cryptoj also experi with ivvar iv iv from jsdecrypt passphras encrypt ivbut the result wa not issu report on by ivanson oct at
ae encod byte what i want to do is to encod byte array same way java cipher doe mayb thi is alreadi possibl by i cant find a way to do thi ive tri pass but it give me wrong result or mayb i do not understand is what ive trieda aaw those two be issu report on by koszikoton sep at
base encodedecod failur what step will reproduc the problem simpl test script for base is the expect output what do you see insteadus text from wikipedia base page text doe not matchpleas provid ani addit inform string base var var strwikitext man is not onli by hi reason but by thi singular passion from other anim which is a lust of the mind that by a persever of delight in the continu and gener of knowledg exce the short vehem of ani carnal pleasur var strwikib var str ccfcfc var word var hex nextlin word nextlin hex var word nextlin var utf utf var str axlbox var hash var word use thi for the ae key nextlin str nextlin hash nextlin word nextlin var encrypt word var decrypt word encrypt nextlin nextlin decrypt var wordt var word var base nextlin nextlin word nextlin base nextlin test thi crypto lib against known valu as provid by var carnal pleasur var for x var x tempstr output nextlin end for xorigin issu report on by lorezon aug at
cryptojss pbkdf output differ from nodej what step will reproduc the of the problem can be found in thi question is the expect output what do you see pbkdf output should match that of nodej version of the product are you use on what oper v on window xorigin issu report on by daon jun at
cryptoj is not compat with openssl base encod when decrypt with aescbc if you encrypt data with the follow openssl command line openssl enc aescbc e in footxt out footxtenc pass passsecret passphras baseand attempt to decrypt the content of footxtenc with secret result is empti the reason appear to be becaus of the newlin charact in the baseencod output of openssl if you remov the newlin such that the entir base encod is on a singl line then work fineth suggest that cryptojsa is compat with openssl im use version mar of opensslwhat step will reproduc the problem encrypt a messag with the abov openssl command line that is long enough to caus openssl to break the baseencod into two or more line i use the messag thi is a test of the emerg broadcast system use secret passphras to comput the plaintext note that the result valu is empti and not the origin text remov the newlin from the baseencod output of openssl repeat step note that the plaintext is as expectedim use cryptoj v browser is firefox oper system is mac os x origin issu report on by eon may at
ae encrypt fail for long string let say longstr is a mb string i am get the follow secret maximum call stack size work properli up to about kb issu report on by thomason may at
sha hash are differ on blackberri what step will reproduc the problem the hash on blackberri mobil is differ than on chrome and ff for what i know you can test it there if you have a blackberri around is the expect output what do you see insteadfor exampl if i hash exampl i get bbaafebdbaa where i expect what version of the product are you use on what oper systemtri on version see the jsfiddl and vpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by maximeagon may at
not obviou how mani bit ae encrypt use from read the quickstart guid it is not obviou that it is use ae also it is not appar that you can pass an array of byte as the key it look like you have to pass a string contain a issu report on by cannon mar at
error encrypt decrypt ctr ae what step will reproduc the problem encrypt var ciphertext secret passphras mode new decrypt var plaintext secret passphras mode new outoput error malform uri sequenc areturn aesj line what is the expect output do you see instead outoput error malform uri sequenc areturn aesj line what version of the product are you use bug fix in version on what oper systemus agent mozilla window nt rv gecko provid ani addit inform dic error encrypt decrypt ctr bug fix in version issu report on by micheleron mar at
support for comput hash i have an applic where i want to comput hash of data eg shaa shaab shaabc etci dont want thi to be an on algorithm so i wa wonder if the api could support a lowerlevel object with an api like var sha new cryptosha shaappenda var digesta shadigest shaappendb var digestb shadigest etcit seem like the algorithm allow thi and that thi would be easi to implement what do you issu report on by jhaberon jan at
request support rsa sign and valid thi is a featur request not an issueit would be great if thi librari also support rsa sign and valid similar to what wa done by kenji urushima issu report on by sion jan at merg into
patch use if avail sinc some time webkit implement a function call that gener secur random valu use the oper system entropi pool thi featur is just now in the process of be integr into gecko attach patch check if and if avail use it while fall back to mathrandom otherwis i test it on both chromium which ha and firefox which current doesnt and it seem to work fine with the right code path be usedorigin issu report on by denisaon jan at attach
public key cryptographi it would be great if cryptoj implement some public key cryptographi such as rsa or someth in the ecc space although there are some javascript rsa float around in the net their qualiti is doubt and if you want to use it in conjunct with the symmetr cipher and hash function of cryptoj which would not be unusu i believ you run into problem becaus of inconsist issu report on by denisaon jan at
invalid sha hash what step will reproduc the problem do thi is the expect output what do you see insteadth hash should be test in version of the product are you use on what oper systemi am use cryptoj version i tri the fix in issu but it doesnt work same outputpleas provid ani addit inform belowth other hash is one use python issu report on by aykevanlon jan at
assum that byte are unsign what step will reproduc the problemrun is the expect output what do you see output xff the produc output xffffff what version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform belowto fix thi problem the follow line insid bytesi bcan be replac withwordsb bytesi xff borigin issu report on by cagdasgon nov at
invalid sha file hash what step will reproduc the problem download file calcul sha checksum in firefoxwhat is the expect output what do you see version of the product are you use on what oper window xhow to fixsha linea t ttoa t t origin issu report on by ion nov at
support caller provid iv in ae i need with nodej crypto so i had to hack aesj to pass iv in at the same time iv had to be packag separ and not part of the encrypt resultmi modifi version of aesj is attach for your reviewnot that optionsiv is assum to be an array in my issu report on by superon mar at attach
cbc pad break our code we are tri to decrypt exist ae crypto that use the cbc mode the problem is that the upper layer alway make sure that the plain text is of correct length and thu no pad mechan is need from the encrypt librari cryptoj howev assum in cbc mode that the data ha been pad in a specif wayw are tri to write a librari that is compat with a piec of exist softwar so we cannot chang that softwar to add a cryptoj compat pad also the other way around while encrypt the data the pad ad by cryptoj cbc code might break the origin applic while it tri to decrypt item creat by cryptojsw were abl to work around thi by make our own copi of the cbc mode and comment out the pad relat code howev we are hope the librari would gain an option for disabl the issu report on by toniruoon jun at
indic a password field ha a valu when use a password field eg on the ii apppool featur there is no indic if a password field ha been popul or not
fail when use in conjunct with openldapauth recip when use both recip in same machin i get error begin output of packag stdout stderr use of valu in join or string at line line fail to open whiptail output the abov error give up end output of packag
could not read an encod object cannot unmarsh bool into go valu of type string get an error while creat f myrcyamlth yaml file ha a boolean environ variablespec contain env name myenv valu trueand i get the errorerror could not read an encod object from myrcyml unabl to load myrcyml json cannot unmarsh bool into go valu of type the valu to true make it work but i dont want it as a string i want it set as a boolean
command txencod reject multisig stealth output thi is just a case of never been implement small amount left to do
xbuild kubernet builder on gke dont support privileg pod kubernet builder on gke googl contain engin dont support privileg podsthi mean our build run as user root they can do lot of thing root normal can but they cant run some of the linux exec testsif we dont run as root the buildlet ha a bunch of misc problem so it easier for us to run as root for now and skip some teststhi bug exist to explain the situat and track cl which skip test on kubernet environ inkubernet when gke fix thing so user can run privileg pod we can remov the skipsw wont be lose ani test coverag overal though becaus well keep some linux builder still run as vm as root onli the trybot will use kubernet with that test skip for nowcc evandbrown
allow constant to be inject thi is a propos to allow php constant to be use in syring a method argument is an enumer valu it is often the case that a php constant will be use to repres the valu so that if that valu need to chang for some reason no code other than the constant definit is requir to if such an argument is use in a servic construct or method call the raw valu must be specifi thi mean there is more than one place where the valu of the constant is present remov a lot of the use of the constantw could defin anoth charact perhap but other idea are welcom to repres constant that are to be inject into a servic use of php class constant syntax would be accept and i would envisag that paramet could be use within thi to allow for the namespac test class argument
doe not write user credenti properli after chang their password the function attempt to write back all user and their password to the usersntxt file but the problem is that onli one user is written back most of the time thi one user is the user who password wa chang but sometim it isnt the problem most like lie within either the way the file is handl in term of open and truncat or within how the usernam and password are store within the vector either way advanc debug is necessari to figur thi out
add api for assign tag to imag
unauthor to dismiss layer
new user hackery pleas fill the follow out name hackery homepag url logo
metaphor mayb it could do with a redesignth current one doesnt scream system that
use instead of randomli gener key or use key gener use may simplifi the and might get rid of have multipl key compl if the input transact is use to seed the
encrypt log is there a way to encrypt the irc log so that the oper of an instanc of convo cant easili read them
on logout cooki isnt delet soon enough must redirect and cant display a messag to ensur the cooki is delet on logout
return error im use nodeneoj and i when i test use localhost i pass it work but when im tri to use graphenedb the url look like thi it return error but when i take all the paramet after the and past on the browser it take me to the neoj db
work perfectli on flash cc compil but not on actual devic i am tri to use facebook connect and friend list in my flash gamein flash cc compil output panel app connect to facebook and fetch profil pic and name etc but when i use on actual devic by instal apk file after enter facebook user id and password and press login it show warn pleas treat the url abov as you would your password and do not share it with anyon i am use fileorigin issu report on by flashwizon jul at attach
desktop login popup what step will reproduc the problem i am use on cs it work fine when i compil on flash environ but when i click on directli and want to login then facebook login popup not display pleas help i want to creat a desktop app where user login with facebookwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhen user click on swfex facebook popup will appearwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemflash cs provid ani addit inform issu report on by vijaynaon oct at
login dialog not work after new facebook login and graph api what step will reproduc the problem the approv process for permiss for app that exist befor april th work upgrad to new facebook login and graph api the login dialog box stop show up for new user can someon help mewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadaft put login and password in the login dialog box appear expect the box to the user author the send of photo but onli appear to facebook page with the log user what version of the product are you use on what oper systemadob air window provid ani addit inform issu report on by valenon may at
someth wrong with facebook it give secur warn pleas treat the url abov as you would your password and do not share it with anyon issu when login with issu report on by santhoshon oct at
safeti warn thi is the url im your password and do not share with anyon i am make an applic in flash profession cs and even develop a few day ago wa work properli but for day i are leav thi messag to start the applic and log on to facebook safeti warn thi is the url im your password and do not share with anyon i tri to delet the applic and render it back but i alway take thi messageim work with window ani ideaorigin issu report on by manuelseon oct at
nativ login on android mobil when call a form get show to the userth user is suppos to input her facebook usernam and passwordthi is a bit clumsi is there a way to show a nativ form login so that user is not suppos to enter usernam and passwordi see that most of app work like thi second issu report on by antonellon jul at
cannot logout and login throw an error what step will reproduc the problem login as a user logout doe not work and the previou user seem to leav cooki which are not delet even after tri all of the solut suggest in thi site when tri to login again a blank screen appear with auth error and noth can be done further on except clear the cooki in mobil devic or on ie in the desktopwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhen use all cooki should be delet and the next login should start from scratchwhat version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform issu report on by kobon jul at
login fail with error stream error what step will reproduc the problemlogin with facebook on a real mobil devic work fine on emul use the follow step push the facebook login button the facebook login popup appear user type usernam and password hit login buttonth login callback contain a fail object statingerror stream error url is the expect output what do you see insteadth login callback should return a success object instead it return a fail object with the follow eror what version of the product are you use on what oper systemim use issu is reproduc on my samsung galaxi siii android pleas provid ani addit inform belowher is my code which execut after call mstage function if success on a real mobil devic a fail object is return with the error describ abov work fine in emul a success object is return var success as save access token forward to success view if msuccessview null return failur origin issu report on by wayandroon mar at
userpassword login i need a custom userpassword login popup how can i do thatorigin issu report on by tucmagaon dec at
cancel the login proceedur error what step will reproduc the problem use to request applic cancel the process get a null object refer errorwhat is the expect outputthat a login failur might occur and pass a user canacel error string or suchwhat do you see insteadfault except error cannot access a properti or method of a null object version of the product are you usingon what oper air origin issu report on by garypaon nov at
facebookinit and problem what step will reproduc the problem facebook app is load for the first time first facebookinit is call and get respons as null then is call and again it return null respons sinc user is not allow the applic permiss yetth problem aris at functionin that function we have thi if initcallback null null initcallback null if null null null howev thi is kinda problemat sinc function is call again after the user allow the permiss and it depend on the user action sinc the user may allow the permiss in ani time as long as the facebook window is openth correct beheviour should be like thi if initcallback null null null initcallback null if null null null null origin issu report on by mon aug at
cannot login as other user what step will reproduc the problemopen airlogin as user then logoutclick login it log in the previou useroth user should login to the app as they will upload photo to their account also not in the previou issu report on by jul at
error thrown on with icecream sandwich android devic what step will reproduc the work perfectli on android gingerbread devic with icecream sandwich devic an error is step icecream sandwich call stage getwebview login window appear enter and press login error see belowwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadon deploy devic webview either display the text success it should close the window and send through the session or close the webview and throw an invis errorthrough the air android debugg it throw the error cannot access a properti or method of a null object refer at at version of the product are you use on what oper systemthi work fine on the flash builder android emul and gingerbread devic but when deploy on icecream sandwich devic the error issu report on by coolcookon jun at
chang languag in mobil login screen break api what step will reproduc the problem login by call chang your languag use the languag set loginwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth querystr param control what the api doe next should have been preserv when the user switch languag but they are not thi mean no session is return what version of the product are you use on what oper systemmobil provid ani addit inform belowa a work around i check for the null access token in my call back and forc anoth issu report on by doriansmon may at
call a stageview without a close button what step will reproduc the problem set the stage view var new new rectangl call stage userphoto the facebook login pagewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth login page should contain a cancel button to abort the operationbut the page onli contain a login button and no way to close the webviewwhat version of the product are you use on what oper window air provid ani addit inform issu report on by lorenzonon may at
handl close login popup event what step will reproduc the problem login popup come out user click on cancel or close the popupwhat is the expect output what do you see instead i expect that facebookapi handl thi event and return some fail instead the popup still reopen itself till the user log in fb or till i close my version of the product are you use on what oper graphapi pleas provid ani addit inform belowmi handl login function is privat function if result null some stuff els noth origin issu report on by marconoon mar at
init login ioerror flash builder sdk graphapi android startalway return ioerror look like there someth wrong with the author processwith android work fineani issu report on by xogaon feb at
wap login return no internet connect but login succeed what step will reproduc the problem is the expect output what do you see login no internet connect screen but login ha version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform issu report on by lgcadebon jan at
ie doesnt work what step will reproduc the problem attempt to login from flash in ie use the line popup appear take usernam and password and enter these and confirmwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadaft click confirm the popup screen goe to a blank page and the authlogin event is not fire the popup should close itself and fire the authlogin event as it doe in other browserswhat version of the product are you use on what oper ie with version origin issu report on by aimslonon jan at
add facebook default for becaus for log from mobil is use instead loginurl string it will be good to add loginmurl for mobil to be avail as a static const origin issu report on by dimitaron jan at
facebook login result empti what step will reproduc the problem call apim object get inform function success ifresult load inform fbfullnam resultnam fbfirstnam fblastnam fbemail resultemail fbuid fbsessionuid outputtext wenn nicht eingeloggt nicht akzeptiert els error helloi hope anyon can help mei have produc a lot of facebookapp with the facebook now the login for facebook is wrong i cant get ani inform result or an access tokenar they ani chang or a new version i cant find for my bad englishi still hope anyon can help mesincer issu report on by kron dec at
javascript login infinit loop what step will reproduc the problem use the javascript login for your flash applic infinit is the expect output what do you see insteadth game start an infinit loop of version of the product are you use on what oper flash api flashplay firefox window xp sppleas provid ani addit inform belowth solut wa to chang in the indexhtml from if show the swfto if show the swfhope thi to be the last time i have to do integr with the facebookapi origin issu report on by ion dec at
problem with bit number in json decod facebook use a lot of bit id the id were get from them late are larg enough that they break the precis afford by number sinc cast all number it read into a number we get the wrong valu backfor exampl facebook will send will get convert by readnumb into our fix wa to chang the last few line of readnumb to check if the convers to number wa valid and if not report the token as a string the chang is as follow if isfinit num isnan num if input stringnum invalid convers report as a string return input els return num els origin issu report on by oon dec at
call callback with result and fail null permiss dialog is also incorrect what step will reproduc the problem not yet author app callback callback if it is not log in result null scopeemail what is the expect output what do you see insteadth oauth dialog appear and onc you have confirm or cancel a call to callback with either result or fail paramet settedbut result fail are both null and the callback is call even befor the oauth dialog is complet shown but what is even wors the oauth dialog do not ask for the permiss that you have especifi so it is imposs for your applic to work version of the product are you use on what oper flash api flashplay firefox window xp sppleas provid ani addit inform belowth solut wa to do the login with javascript in the indexhtml there is an exampl in the exampl directori issu report on by ion nov at
initi then login superflu callback what step will reproduc the problem use api in lazi load manner do not be log into facebook current first time user tri to do facebook action eg post initi facebookinit callback will indic user not log in if user not log in start login is the expect output what do you see insteadwould expect the login callback to be invok onc when login popup receiv an immedi callback with no success or error object similar to login cancelwhat version of the product are you use on what oper pleas provid ani addit inform belowth issu is lie in facebookinit is call which set initcallback that call fbasinit the js call back invok the initcallback is set so it is call here is where the issu aris the code path for the initcallback check the auth respons and if no user attempt to login we tri to login which set that call fbaslogin the avm interrupt the async callback and we continu the code path in it check and invok if set which it is we incur a prematur login callback with the init auth simpli be remedi by move the check befor the initcallback check in chang the check to els if and ad to the initcallback logic could not think of a reason they would ever both be set i did not exhaust mani use case issu report on by reverendon nov at
click facebook cancel button on first login caus runtim error what step will reproduc the problem use on the first ever login by a user you are present with a web page in the stagewebview that ha a cancel button on the left and a log in button on the right see attach imag click the cancel button caus the follow rtetypeerror error cannot access a properti or method of a null object refer at at version of the product are you use origin issu report on by jamieon nov at attach
issu what step will reproduc the the callback of login the session have no sessionkeyi have an flex applic in version web and desktopair the applic connect to facebook xmpp chat for chat i use xiffon app for web i use graphapi for web version and i get a complet session on login here thing are work greaton the app on air i use the latest version of on fb and sdk i do the init an then the login on the callback from the login the result is with some parametr onli in the past the result wa the same with some paramet onli without sessionkey i need that sessionkey to handl the connect to xmpp facebook chat with til now the accesstoken in the result from login wa someth like and one of the piec wa sessionkey now the accesstoken in someth like and i can not know where in that string is the sessionkeymi code look like handleinit privat function init true privat var scopearray new userbirthday userloc readstream email public function scope in handlelogin i reciv an result on type thi session contain onli the accesstoken expired uid and userobject popul properlyth xmpplogin is not in the scope becaus later in handlelogin i call extend permiss with xmpplogintil some time ago thing work ok in thi am i do wrong am i miss my bad issu report on by adon nov at
doe not open dialog and facebookinit return nullnul what step will reproduc the problemfor the facebookinit issu i have my html file configur properli i import the facebook javascript file ad the fbroot div abov the other i embed my swfobject i even import fbml for the hell of it my swf and html are live on the domain i list with facebook in the directori i note as the web page call facebookinit it return null null no error for fail is thi becaus the javascript bridg alreadi initi the app and facebookinit is onli to detect login if so thi is howev the next problem is more pertinentfor the issu i have a null facebookinit return so i have tri thi in multipl manner either directli call when the is call from facebookinit or provid a user with a button that will call a handler that execut click the button run but onlogin is never calledwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi expect to see a popup to log in to facebook or approv the app what version of the product are you use on what oper systemus flash as api i am run flashplay but earlier today i test an older version of the as api from earli thi year on the same flashplay and i wa abl to get the popup and log in without a problem pleas provid ani addit inform belowthi fail on everi singl browser noth i do can make the login dialog pop up not have a button to call login instead of do it immedi after init not put it on a differ domain or on localhost or in a subdomain not chang the swf wmode shouldnt have an effect anyway issu report on by orton oct at
init fail login hang what step will reproduc the problem call callback after the user previou session ha time out the callback to ha successnul fail error messag error valid access token session ha expir at unix time the current unix time is type a subsequ attempt to call stage permiss will hang and not call the callbackwhat is the expect output what do you see doe not fail to initi on a bad cach access token or prompt the user for a login and call it callback at the veri least i would expect to call it callback with a failurewhat version of the product are you use on what oper system osx pleas provid ani addit inform belowth short form of the code have problem is below the logindialog come up with the error valid access token messag after press the login button on the dialog is call is never call thi wa an experi that turn out to have no effect fals initcallback function if success null login requir onlogin els continu with loggedin user function onloginvoid function etc origin issu report on by jasonmaon oct at
viewport for stagewebview not honor in what step will reproduc the problem creat a stagewebview set viewport pass it into is the expect output what do you see insteadi expect to see the viewport honor for the stagewebview thati pass in howev the viewport is set to full screenwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemflex air deploy on provid ani addit inform belowbi set the viewport onli if the webview is nullin fix the issu for meorigin code if webview thiswebview els thiswebview webview thisstageref new rectangl code if webview thiswebview new rectangl els thiswebview webview thisstageref issu report on by rajeshcon sep at
pink box contain thi page contain the follow error after login what step will reproduc the problemapp run on blackberri playbook no code chang sinc it previous error messag thi page contain the follow errorserror on line at column entityref expect below is a render of the page up to the first errorwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth login should succeed and the web view should version of the product are you use on what oper system latest on issu report on by danielbon sep at attach
doe not work if oauthtru what step will reproduc the problem use facebook with oauthtru call is the expect output what do you see insteadth request should be execut and callback call noth happen insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemfixin i refactor ad a privat function get ifoauth authrespons null session null return oauth els return null thi is use in sever place api callrestapi and for thi issu in batchrequest instead of if session i do if it issu report on by alexishon sep at
loginwindow typeerror error valu is not a function what step will reproduc the window will come up select allowcod crash typeerror error valu is not a function at is the expect output what do you see insteadit should grant the permiss and the call back function should kick inwhat version of the product are you use on what oper server pleas provid ani addit inform belowther seem to be a problem with the root loginwindow class is there a work around for thi problem is there ani other way i can use to request extend issu report on by vaibhavvon aug at
error no activ secur context what step will reproduc the problem go to sitelogin window appear on login clickent fb login infowhat is the expect output success flow through to callback flash updat after success loginwhat do you see insteadblank xdproxi window flash error error no activ secur context close window and refresh user appear log inwhat version of the product are you use on what oper pleas provid ani addit inform below when i refresh the page the display correct updat with success login thi onli happen in ie work find in all other browser i do not have ani secur facebook set issu report on by davidleon jun at
mobil login broken what step will reproduc the problem run the mobil connect exampl on success a blank page with success remain on error a a blank page with success remain if app id is wrong a blank page with a json error remainswhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth login success or error handler should be calledwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemus mobil swc flex provid ani addit inform belowi debug thi and the error lie in line and of these check for success url be the index of but the new url append to the success respons thi indexof code need to be updat sinc the login redirect url could possibl have the success url fragment andor the error fragment there is no simpl indefof oper that will solv thi you will need to read the queri param and check for the exist of both the success fragment the error descript and the error if thi wa in github i would just give you a pull request furthermor if you use an invalid app id no path of the current code are abl to catch it the page redirect to a json error and no locat chang event is fire by the stagewebview in thi case i had to actual set a timer to check on the web vieworigin issu report on by kristofeon may at
cannot login on xoom webview never dismiss work fine on my nexu one what step will reproduc the problemmust be on a motorola xoom setup a basic login function execut login function sign in appear enter credenti press login the web view goe white and ha the word success in top left corner and webview never dismiss if you go back into the app and press connect it doesnt promt for a relogin it just use the old name and the you get a white web view with the word success in the top left cornerwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadit should just log you in and the web view should dismisswhat version of the product are you use on what oper xoom android pleas provid ani addit inform belowth same exact code work fine on my nexu oneorigin issu report on by bryon may at
when log in a second time doesnt prompt for what step will reproduc the outloginwhat is the expect output what do you see to be prompt to usernam again but instead it just use the previou i suppliedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper of api on issu report on by danielbon may at
mobil login not work on flex mobil project i may just be use the login method incorrectli becaus take in a few more argument than the regular flex web facebook api need im use the prereleas flex with a flex mobil project and test on my nexu oneher what i came up with public var new thi is how im build the login stagewebview i also tri just and got same resultswhen the button i have link to the login function is press the screen goe white and if i look real close i see a success in the top left corner flash uickli as if it is open a webview and tring to open the facebook connect dialog then it goe back to my app but it not actual a success in the debugg it just goe strait to fail anyon have ani idea i made sure i wa log out of facebook in my phone browser to be sure i wasnt just real quick or anyth but it couldnt have been that anyway becaus it trigger a failand as for the rest im pretti confid i have it setup correctli becaus noth chang from the facebook web api to facebook mobil apifor exampl my init the same as the weborigin issu report on by bryon apr at
problem with what step will reproduc the problemaft execut is the expect output what do you see insteadon loginhandl sucessus is null it should contain all user version of the product are you use on what oper xppleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by juanwalon mar at
good flex rich internet applic facebook connect loginlogout what is the expect output what do you see insteadto creat a ria with flex that support facebook connectwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemflash builder cs window bitpleas provid ani addit inform belowi cant find ani good exampl to creat a ria in flex that support fb connect there are a lot of exampl for creat a flex desktop applic but the is differ isnt itorigin issu report on by covemaekon feb at
chrome block permiss popup on what step will reproduc the problem call from web app in chromewhat is the expect output what do you see should open a popup prompt the user to grant basic permiss instead chrome block it and u see a block popup icon at the end of the address barwhat version of the product are you use on what oper chrome pleas provid ani addit inform belowperhap a better solut would be to load the prompt into an ifram instead of launch a issu report on by bedroomon feb at attach
desktop air applic not allow user to login through facebook connect the air desktop applic is part of a travel instal on desktop comput the applic ha been work for month but recent ha had the follow problemswhat step will reproduc the problem user are ask to login via facebook connect use the facebook actionscript api for desktop thi secur error is thrownpleas log in to from a computery are log in from a locat youv never use befor for your protect pleas log in to from a comput to review your recent activ thi happen for about of user and i am guess it is becaus of their privaci set thi obvious interrupt the flow of the kiosk applic and user are not allow to upload their photoswhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth user be abl to log in to facebook the secur errorwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemth latest version of the desktop actionscript api on a mac with snow provid ani addit inform belowi understand thi is a privaci issu becaus it is not the user comput but is there ani way to verifi their account in the facebook connect windowani help would be greatli appreci as the instal is current live and the error keep on issu report on by nickhardon feb at
facebook login redirect back to login screen as of wednesday what step will reproduc the problem tri to log in to facebook in air use the latest desktop api enter befor the extend permiss screebn i get redirect to the login screenwhat is the expect output what do you see of the extend permiss screen im redirect to the login screen againwhat version of the product are you use on what oper desktop api in an air app on os xpleas provid ani addit inform belowaft trace the request url from the app i get the type my now i should be redirect to the extend permiss screen as you see it in the next param inst of that i get redirect to the login screen againth strang thing that thi app wa work fine on in issu report on by kmon jan at
as login logout login error what step will reproduc the problem init then login then logout login again with same paramet get error befor login window appearswhat is the expect output what do you see to be abl to login logout then chang user but cannot login for a second time everwhat version of the product are you use on what oper home premium bit version build adob flash builder code name burrito preview the blackberri playbook simul provid in provid ani addit inform belowwer tri get a basic actionscript exampl work that will allow a user to login to facebook or chang user from within an appi have it work thu far initi the app and a recogn if a session is activ display usernam and logout button or b recogn if no session activ display login button login work the first time app recogn session and display usernam and logout button logout button alway work so far take you back to login screenbut the second time you login ie you log in log out and log in again or even if a session wa alreadi activ it give me thi error befor the login window error one of the paramet is invalid at at at at at flash builder burrito call to login is ident both stage thi is the logout me know if you need ani more and issu report on by gavineon jan at
opera browser login problem graph api my app work in all browser ie ff chrome safari except operawhen i call facebook login popup it hang in xd proxyhav anyon solut about thi issu report on by roon dec at attach
not call facebook login popup what step will reproduc the problem in tutori when call is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemgraph api window pleas provid ani addit inform belowi test new api and cant get login popuphav ani one idea about thi issu or what i miss origin issu report on by roon dec at
logout doe not clear cooki what step will reproduc the problem login check in keep me log in logout login againwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi think the loginwindow should request email and password again but it doesnt becaus of the save cooki it alway use the same data we cannot login with anoth userorigin issu report on by tothon nov at
callback function bug what step will reproduc the problemadd callback argument to methodwait forev for the callback to be calledit wont be call at all noooooowhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth callback function get calledwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform at your sourc file fix line it to issu report on by nasson nov at
get extend permiss right with the first login what step will reproduc the problem tri to login with there is no way to login directli with there is no for the grant what is the expect output what do you see insteadi would love to see a login that would take paramet such as email or statusupload and ask for extend permiss instead of just the basic loginwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemi am use the latest version as of pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by mohummadon oct at
desktop and web api use differ paramet for permiss in login call desktop api requir a string permiss and web api requir an object with a string name userphoto ran into a slight headach while tri to convert someth i build with the desktop api into a web version it appear the api have slightli differ way they would like to see the perm string can we just pick one and keep it consist pleas my vote would be to adjust to receiv an object like the web issu report on by richmondon oct at
popup blocker for login what step will reproduc the problem run ani web page includ thi api off facebook request loginwhat is the expect output what do you see popup not popup blockerwhat version of the product are you use on what oper from bleed edg as of issu report on by dsirion oct at
click cancel on the air login window doe not close the window what step will reproduc the problem creat an air applic with a login button click login so that the login window pop up click cancelwhat is the expect outputth window should close with your be fire with a failurewhat do you see insteadth page redirect within the login window and then cannot be close without errorswhat version of the product are you provid ani addit inform belowy can fix thi by appli the attach issu report on by yourpalmon oct at attach
call the wrong handler what step will reproduc the problem assum that the user is not log in call inithandl call success login will call the inithandl instead of the is the expect output what do you see insteadi would expect the login to call the loginhandl but instead it fire the version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform issu report on by richmondon oct at
infinit redirect use facebook login api revis r what step will reproduc the problem issu reproduc on air version accord to the api doc login should be done with follow where is the some call back function with signatur execut thi code open a facebook login page type some usernam resultand infinit redirect is go expect resultmust be call your callback function with success or system window air version if need i can provid header of and issu report on by gevorgton oct at
air facebook login window is too small what step will reproduc the problem creat a new object and loginwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth login window should open up and resiz the window to the html content properlywhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemapi window pleas provid ani addit inform belowth login button and the bottom part of the login window are bare visibl you cannot see the label on the button you can onli see the veri top of the buttons had to modifi the loginwindow class manual but id rather not have to hack the origin code and use the swc issu report on by xaerodegon aug at
facebook cooki pars is broken as the xml format ha chang getcooki pars is broken the xml format ha chang origin issu report on by tomnewon jul at
access session signatur for air applic i am build a desktop applic use air which connect to my server as an import secur measur i need to make sure a valid fb user is connect to my server facebook suggest the follow method to verifi a to util thi featur i need to access session signatur i am abl to see the follow variabl onli in session would be great if signatur can be ad to session datathank you in issu report on by mansooron mar at
invalid signatur when call first time through what step will reproduc the problem creat new fbook is the expect output what do you see insteadwork ok if the user ha allow access but accord toth facebook api is callabl without a sessionkey when call it from the actionscript api without a sessionkey you get invalid signatur thi is true on all sessionless facebook call ive tri is there a workaround it would be nice to get sessionless info without forc the user to allow accesswhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemus flexbuild actionscript api on window vistapleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by danshultz on sep at
facebook login page doe not pop up what step will reproduc the problem download sampl from thi page tri and run it click the login buttonwhat is the expect output what do you see login page should popup and allow login but noth happenswhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemvista flashplay pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by andrewson sep at
incorrect signatur problem what step will reproduc the problem use fbasapiswc lib creat a new project by use exampl sourc and also with when launch the flex or the air app i got the incorrect signatur problem messag after log into facebookwhat is the expect output what do you see signatur problem messag call method direct receiv facebook repli make call incorrect version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform belowi got the same error messag with flex and air apporigin issu report on by tyrion feb at
pleas provid inlin support for httpclient hith facil is it lack oo support for and should be a way to set a few properti like clientid secretid usernam and password etc and onc the httpclient is initi with it should intern keep track of it state token expiri refresh token and all that
exampl use secur server i have tri thi with your demo server and it work great thank youfrom look at usermainc and userconfigh it appear that it might be possibl to use thi with a secur server perhap ssl do you have an exampl of thi or ani tip on how i might chang the to do thi
cryptic error when user doesnt have permiss to move someon
fals posit for examplehtml and wxpythonhtml file detect ratio fortinet chang the meta charset tag to a selfclos tag get rid of the fals issu report on by czarekton oct at
creat cooki dure post request fail serversid cooki seem not to work when use custom resourc handler clientsid cooki creat in javascript on the other hand are work finetest with the script that is distribut along with the linux issu report on by czarekton jul at
fix http cach problem on page with certif error see issu report on by czarekton may at
uniqu cooki manag per browser session browser pass to the callback is the first browser that visit the origin in which a cooki wa access thi wa fix in cef revis see relat cef isu the wiki page when thi bug is issu report on by czarekton jul at block on
featur request add public key to resourc output it would be nice if the provid also allow you to get the public key associ with the newli creat privat key
add user who must login to use the websit these peopl are those who have access to the librari as an admin not member who book are check out to
i have an applic in marathon that doesnt have ani port assign to it i have an applic specifi in marathon that shouldnt have ani port assign to it in fact i dont assign ani port to it period i omit the portmap and network direct in my applic still port inform still make it in to the haproxi the contain fail to work properli becaus it creat a that tri to make haproxi listen on interfac which is not validth impli that by set haproxyhttp to fals will skip support for haproxi in the applic but thi doe not appear to be the case
when i author twitter to use public on a stage site i get redirect to prod site ive a stage site which i mark as stage i activ public and im tri to connect to twitter after i author the app on twitter i get redirect to the prod site not to the stage sitedirti fix when you get redirect chang the http address of the prod site with the address of the stage site in the browser bar and press return
gener object id from hash object content problemther ha been a few peopl who have mention that they would like to creat object id from a hash of the object content the argument is that thi would help dure of cybox object as the content would be the same if multipl object were detect and duplic would be easi to detect potenti list consensu seem to be that thi should be permit as a way of gener the id but that thi shouldnt be mandat as the onli way that it is gener it wa posit that some lower power devic may not have enough process power to be abl to gener a hash and therefor mandat hash gener of the data would exclud themi believ that thi should be mandat as it provid a quick way of determin if the content wa modifi dure transit as the hash is not a hmac it doe not provid malici tamper detect although thi chang would allow it to be support in the futur
travers functor accuraci of bullet point explan p in p after exercis first bullet point optionlista a call to option as the applic return none if ani of the input list is it return the origin list wrap in somea more accur explan would be a list of the same size is return with unwrap option valu so it is not realli the origin list becaus the origin list contain valu wrap in an optionsam is true for the second bullet point
add oauth login for facebook googl log in with oauth should return an email address profil pic the token and pic url should be store in an account object nest in the user document sinc thi is pure jwt it may be easier to do thi without use passportj if someon ha experi with oauth jwt let me know
persist caus notif spam in the databas and onto the desktop persist are constantli creat yet never remov as the android servic will remov a notif from the databas if it receiv a notif remov event from the devic thi is an issu that could be address on both the chrome extens and the android
cbcd cbcddecemb at am
diff hash is broken relat to reload a diff page eg then click one of the entri in the toc the url chang to fix itself after scroll
except in libc after load password protect file what step will reproduc the problem tri to open a password protect file come back and open the normal file onc againwhat is the expect output what do you see to see pdf file but app is throw some libc error which we are unabl to catch use java codelog alibc fatal signal sigsegv at x code thread version of the product are you use on what oper system android product version did not rememb exactli but download in decemb pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by anukureon jun at
gpl licens violat by rd parti an app in the app store is use your gpllicenc code without provid sourc upon request issu report on by eionrobb on jul at
open password protect pdf what step will reproduc the problem pass a password to synchron privat nativ int filenam int boxstr passwordfrom the pdf class constructor if the password is incorrect a fail to authent error appearsbut when the password is correct it render blank page after a while the activ is is the expect output what do you see insteadif the password is correct the pdf should render fineif the pdf is not password protect it is render finewhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemth so file are from the all version android the activ and code are from your sampl provid ani addit inform issu report on by napieralon jul at
add comment and password i want improv thi project i think thi sourc is good for me and i want to improv thi project both for me and for all of as i think thi softwar should add the function of add comment im new to thi project can ani one give me some advis or we can togeth implement that function and share thi sourc further more can thi project add the function of set the issu report on by hzjon jun at
tri to decod base string to pdf file what step will reproduc the problemapv not load blank pdf page deod from base string it show a dialog call could not render page i tri the same content on adob reader it correctli open the blank pdf pageswhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by georgemion jan at
ad custom encrypt to pdf file halo apv pdf team i want to ask about encrypt or other pdf secur method are there ani protect method to secur pdf file except the pdf file with passwordwhat step will reproduc the problem user view in apv viewer and then user copi the pdf from the storag and crack bruteforc the password and share with otherswhat is the expect output what do you see instead user can read use apv viewer even the user can copi the pdf file but they need more than just crack the password is there ani solut for secur pdf file or is there ani way to custom how the pdf engin load the pdf file so we can add out custom version of the product are you use on what oper systemw use apv dev and android issu report on by limhongon jan at
open encrypt pdf and inner attach what step will reproduc the problem encrypt pdf with a password tri to open itwhat is the expect output pdf open and let me access inner do you see instead just the folder list againwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemth august version i can download from the market right nowpleas provid ani addit inform belowpl cc hauseron ani issu report on by ralfhauon dec at
make error messag for invalid result backend connect url less cryptic current invalid connect can result in pretti hard to deciph stack trace here an exampl of what i saw today when use instead of most recent call last file line in bootstrap selfrun file line in run file line in afterfork file line in appapp file line in buildtrac backend taskbackend file line in backend return file line in get valu selfgetobj file line in backend return file line in getbackend return modul object is not callablei think that pass the connect string through a valid function and rais some type of error could make feedback to user much more link relat issu on a project that use celeri relat question
alberta children hospit privaci breach lead to charg
featur request open password protect pdf file just tri to open a password protect pdf file and the pdf viewer justcrash forc close error it would be great if thi support or at the veri least it shouldnt crash when attempt to openon great program otherwis issu report on by maciel on apr at
remov workaround for ndtssl fqdn long term we plan to migrat all of our slice name to have mlab host use dash instead of dot for part of the hostnam befor that will be use thi name scheme first so we temporarili have to special case ndtsslin the long term we should remov thi specialcas workaround thi bug track the work item to remov the workaround for ndtssl
persist caus notif spam in the databas and onto the desktop persist are constantli creat yet never remov as the android servic will remov a notif from the databas if it receiv a notif remov event from the devic thi is an issu that could be address on both the chrome extens and the android app
make exampl convers less profan can still be a bar scene but no swear or offens languag
onli allow key on request that doesnt requir password
sever the could not be map to a respons rethrow to the http contain unauthor when i use myprofil after i got tokeni go an the could not be map to a respons rethrow to the http unauthor litoken new factori client profil am i do issu report on by chhipapon may at
with the servic provid fail what step will reproduc the problem tri launch the activ linkedin will fail to return request token webview will be blanki am tri to retriev user profil from linkedin but while retriev request token from linkedin im get follow with the servic provid fail at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at method caus by with the servic provid fail at at at morecaus by at at at at at moreth code im use wa work befor it ha stop few day back unexpectedli attach is my code pleas repli as soon as issu report on by mishuon dec at
how to avoid repeat from linkedin to same applic final oauthservic requesttoken authurl return new authurli am use the abov code block to make user grant permiss to my applic from linkedin the screen is appear everytim when i redirect user to authurl with the same default scope not abl to figur out if i am miss anyth hereorigin issu report on by nvinodon oct at
after open url of connect in webview it ask for login again helloi authent success but after when i enter into my app i have a webview to display connect profil i success get connect profil url but when i open thi url in my webview it ask me to login to view full profil i have log in alreadi when then whi it doe not show me full profil in my issu report on by khawarjaon oct at
assumpt about the classload make it difficult to use linkedinj in an osgi environ what step will reproduc the problem use linkedinj in an osgi environmenti get an except doesnt contain or jaxbindex even though the class is thereth problem and my solut are outlin in detail suggest make the in your codebas as outlin in my blogentri it should be consid to make the linkedinj jar osgi compliant by use the attach manifest fileal the issu report on by martinton jul at attach
ssl can not get pass to gevent befor upgrad to x version i wa abl to use socketio with ssl after upgrad and chang noth on my side i am get the follow error output expect get method most recent call last file line in emit msgencodeutf file line in decod return error utf codec cant decod byte x in posit invalid start bytelog from file handlerpi line my code is similar to thi pythonapp socketioapp some other name main socketiorun app host port investig a littl bit and came across that ssl keyword argument were not pass to gevent side python host port app loglogwhen i chang the statement like the follow it work host port app loglog kwargsif you confirm the problem and the offer solut i can send a quick pull request
support encrypt with passphras gitcrypt should support encrypt with a passphras it would work much like gpg mode the intern symmetr key would be encrypt with a key and store in gitcryptkey
blob tracker forget the previou frame the blob tracker forget the previou frame of blob which caus it to lose track of current blob and creat new one instead thi is becaus it fail to gener valid permut becaus of a too low numchecksit should be possibl to somehow predict the least valu of numcheck which caus at least one valid permut to issu report on by sebastiaon jul at
login error to deni what step will reproduc the problem attempt login from bit chrome in linux check javascript consol to display in a frame becaus it set to deni origin issu report on by markstaon nov at
i cant login my account what step will reproduc the problem is the expect output what do you see insteadwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by heson oct at
login not work what step will reproduc the problem type login press enter the expect output is a login screen i get not foundth request url ahconflogin wa not found on thi serverapach debian dav svn phpdotdeb with suhosinpatch modssl opensslg modchroot server at gooshorg port i am use chrome on window issu report on by gukovson mar at
consenssepi ploidi bug line elif look like it want to be but want to check befor i chang it
acc violat when pass a procedur as paramet in helloworld sampl chang of a compiletim error thi result in an avorigin issu report on by zaron nov at
access violat when compil ackermann function compil the follow code result in an access violat in ackermannn x y integ integerbegin if n then result x els if y then begin if n then result x els if n then result els if n then result els if n then result end els result ackermannn ackermannn x y xendfunct finput integ integerbegin result input issu report on by zaron nov at
univers pleas cross post the final version otherthan to android market a number of entiti disallow gmail use on siteorigin issu report on by droidragon oct at
it is not nice to store password in db instead you should store api key or access token the app shouldnt password at all
add option to allow sudo without password for the sshuser user by default to run ani sudo command the sshuser must enter the password thi might be undesir for some use case so would be nice to have the option chang thi when run the contain andor via need to updat the follow from the bootstrap scriptwheel allal alltowheel allal nopasswd all
check all ag file on virustot and report fals posit there are a few fals posit right
reason for the hash in the url hey love the project but wa wonder whi you chose to have url scheme like as oppos to a pretti simpl chang but i wa wonder if you had ani thought around itanybodi want to make the chang go to indexj and chang the line import from from histori
redo the login flow right now you first enter you person info then you sign in with persona then both of those get sent to the server thi break if a user leav the flow to verifi their email if it is their first time use mozilla persona instead if a login is attempt on a nonexist user put their email in some sort of verifi cooki then have them be redirect to a page to complet the info then have them be sign up with all that info and registeredw could also think about if email is enough and we dont need usernam or name but email might be consid privat info especi for kid so it would be better to id them with usernam publicli
remov unnecessari and other page
add firewal except rule to the server instal thi is document in the wix doc we just need to add port origin issu report on by djshultzon aug at
root password is not valid poisonivi sudo i password for poisonivi v pid start at fri jan type ctrlc to quitpassword fatal psql error psql fatal password fail for user rootpassword is inde correct whi am i ask a second time for the root fresh build from git and cant rememb such issu befor
industri weld tool is list twice in hack autolath
devicingacom icinga director overview caus syntax error or access violat with mysql thi issu ha been migrat from redmin by snooozer on assigne tgelfstatu resolv close on target version last updat in syntax error or access violat function doe not exist check the function name pars and resolut section in the refer manual queri wa select host as icingatyp sumcas when objecttyp object then els end as by tgelf db alia object tabl for stat queri ref
not abl to add custom host to a ssl enabl rancher server with self sign certif server version vrcdeploy a ssl enabl rancher server with self sign certif use the follow stepsdock run d v cacrt run d p p v v start success and abl to accesss ui host node place the ca cert in pem format in the directori with the file name cacrttri to add a custom host by use the command present in the fail to start and log show the follow errorgrep no such file or directorycp miss destin file operand after cp help for more inform
ssh publickey and password combin not allow if you use askpass with ansibl appear to tri and be clever by assum that you do not want to use publickey and add o to the ssh command lineat best thi is mislead at worst it is wrong and prevent specif edg use casesit is perfectli valid for an ssh server to requir that the client provid a publickey and a password or more commonli that the client provid a publickey and a factor otp via the sshdconfig present the abov ssh is not support by ansibl establish connect for user testus remotemodul setup exec sshpass d ssh c tt vvv o o port o o o test binsh c mkdir p chmod arx echo
usersapprov of usersapprov endpoint issu report on by anttileon may at block
oauth no valu for respons the json respons for is not the same as normal api no valu for respons at by no valu for respons at at at to respons will be json accesstoken accesstoken your pars it as if it should be respons accesstoken token simpl fix sinc is onli call from and doapirequest chang to simpli return and chang doapirequest toreturn issu report on by tmnichon apr at
add a section about public key system usag in practic encrypt chapter thi is essenti to support the ncea merit excel rsa guideit will explain how public key is use to safe share a symmetr key which is then use for further
failur while instal modul it give me thi error failur fail while origin issu report on by kakhagioon nov at
pycrypto give bad magic number error what step will reproduc the problemth current pycrypto egg in the current releas of die withbad magic number error on load at least de de and ae what version of the product are you use on what oper version as abov phone is lgp run android origin issu report on by drboon sep at
http error unauthor python twitter the below code doe not work import android twittermsg test twittt from droiddroid oauth on issu report on by hemanthon aug at
need to add rsa interact to the encrypt chapter i rememb one of the guy did the program for them awhil ago but we still need to add them to the chapter
import ssl error im use when i import the modul ssli get the error messag belowpython r feb gcc on linuxarmvl type help copyright credit or licens for more inform import ssl traceback most recent call last file line in file line in importerror no modul name ssl origin issu report on by yangjunyon feb at
new port suggest ssldump issu report on by rudamouraon aug at
how to get wp pin if you know the password of wifi how to get wp pin if you know the password of wifi origin issu report on by usmaniqbon jul at
i am tri to crack wifi password but someth went wrong everi time i am tri to crack wifi password with help of reaver but someth went wrong everi time i am use ubuntu and tri variou techniqu but all in vain and everi time i am get the same error wgich is mention below warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrak warn fail to associ with cabedf essid zamrakpleas help me outorigin issu report on by aliwarron nov at
need wp pin use password help help me help me help mei have got password of my neighbor but they chang it frequent i have to ask them all the time i want to crack the wp pin of the router but they have lock the router admin and admin doesnt work router is of tplink i have tri all the default password of router and doesnt seem to work i have also tri bruteforc i want to crack the wp pin with reaver but the issu is ap rate limit the router block me for a day then work anoth day but onli let me tri pin per day is there way to get wp pin use command like to get password we use pin option help me anyhow if possibl help would be in issu report on by rakeshmhon oct at
reaver stuck at st pin cant even spit out password even with given pin what version of reaver are you use onli defect against the will be from kali linux setup what oper system are you use linux is the onli support oskali linux is your wireless card in monitor mode yesnoy alfa awush what is the signal strength of the access point you are tri to crack it is within the same hous what is the manufactur and model of the devic you are tri tocrackl network lnr as provid by local isp what is the entir command line string you are suppli to reaverreav i mon b cdadde p s n vvreaver i mon b cdadde p vvreaver i mon b cdadde p s n w vv pleas describ what you think the issu isi am abl to crack wep use aircrack but not with reaver my ssid also appear in wash as wp not lock tri brute forc the pin at first it keep get stuck at the first pin aireplayng wlan inject test also show with my routerthen i tri put in the correct wp pin to see if it spit out the password but it is still the same past the output from reaver belowreav i mon b cdadde s n vvreaver v wifi protect setup attack c tactic network solut craig heffner wait for beacon from cdadde switch mon to channel switch mon to channel switch mon to channel associ with cdadde essid xxx tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin noth done noth to save complet secondspin max time remain at thi rate undetermin pin left to tri tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident responsethen i tri with the correct pin i mon b cdadde p s n vvreaver v wifi protect setup attack c tactic network solut craig heffner wait for beacon from cdadde switch mon to channel associ with cdadde essid xxx tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin noth done noth to save complet secondspin max time remain at thi rate undetermin pin left to tri tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident for look at thi issu report on by dizzydazon oct at
want to crack wp pin from password revers process of pin my question is is there ani way to gain wp pin with password it just for educ purpos onli i am not go to hack neighboar i am just tri to hack my router with reaver then it say after tri pin detect ap rate limit and show it about hour i know i can gain wp pin by use reaver i monx c b xxxxxxxxxxxx vv pin xxxxxxxx but i want to get pin from password just revers process if possibl then help me ani help would be appreci sorri for poor issu report on by applelapon sep at
when test usernam password support hi thank you for all your work current im tri to test out usernam and password support by creat my own opc client and server and im see the follow error when call on the clienterror is xthe opc server is set up with user like sovar usermanag isvalidus function usernam password if usernam user password password return true if usernam user password password return true return fals on the client side im creat a session like usernam user password password functionerr session if err creat callbackerr my code is highli base off of the simplecli and simpleserv do you have ani hint on what to tri thank
how to get wp pin if alreadi have wpa password can i find the wp pin code easili if i have alreadi the wpapsk password origin issu report on by ilyaspeon dec at
reaver is not hack my wp enabl router hi all hope my issu will be entertainedi am use btr with reavermi wifi adapt is alfa awush and driver ver rtlafter i boot btr live usb and launch reaver after all i search for wp enabl router and i found in which one wa mine and i start to tri on it by give command like thi reaver i wlan b xxxxxxxxxx c vv process start i success associ with the router and then reaver hang noth happen wait for beacon from ecaf associ with xxxxxxxxxx essid xxtri pin and here hang hang hang i dont know what is the issu report on by aamirtriond on dec at
found pin but bad password what version of reaver are you use onli defect against the will be consid what oper system are you use linux is the onli support osbacktrack r is your wireless card in monitor mode yesnoy what is the signal strength of the access point you are tri to crackgreat what is the manufactur and model of the devic you are tri what is the entir command line string you are suppli to reaverreav i mon b p vv pleas describ what you think the issu isi get the pin but password is not normal so how can i see normalusu password past the output from reaver belowreav v wifi protect setup attack c tactic network solut craig heffner wait for beacon from switch mon to channel associ with essid tplink tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv m messag send m messag receiv m messag send m messag receiv m messag send wsc nack send wsc nack pin crack in second wp pin wpa psk ap ssid origin issu report on by vandalison jun at
wp pin but no wpa password rootreav i mon c b eee p vv winreav v wifi protect setup attack c tactic network solut craig heffner switch mon to channel wait for beacon from eee associ with eee essid fiber net naser tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv m messag send wsc nack send wsc nack wp transact fail code x retri last pin tri pin send eapol start request receiv ident request send ident respons receiv m messag send m messag receiv m messag send m messag receiv m messag send m messag receiv m messag send wsc nack send wsc nack pin crack in second wp pin ap ssid fiber net naser noth done noth to savehelp no wpa password i tri with mani other code and also like thi ani one help issu report on by alikleiton jun at
support dnscrypt it would be pretti neat to have namebench support dnscryptthi requir retriev the current list of public dnscrypt server spawn a proxi for each of them and give the abil for namebench to test onli the dnscrypt issu report on by chrysaon aug at
pleas save selfsign cert after vagrant destroy there are a few way i might approach thismount etcpkitl to the host chang the ssl cert locat what i think ill do etc
is it possibl to retriev the wp pin with the password i wa wonder if it possibl to retriev the wp pin if you forgotten to write it down or lost it with the in the wifi issu report on by johnnnnnon may at
ascii codec cant decod byte xe in posit ordin not in rang what step will reproduc the error ascii codec cant decod byte xe in posit ordin not in rangewhat is the expect output what do you see instead im wait for the complet statu of the program but when it about to finish appear that messag and i havent result to improv my dn version of the product are you use on what oper system im use it on win ultim bit namebench provid ani addit inform belowon nameserv i wa place noth and thi error doesnt occour but i think that the final result just show the fastest dn that wa the same of my wifi issu report on by walkshon nov at attach namebench errorpng
in my safari prefer i have a secur issu mention secur googl navig is unavail sinc day what step will reproduc the problemi suppos that the use of namebench ha creat the problem what is the expect output there should be no mention at all in the topic fraudul site of the secur part of my safari do you see instead attent thi is a french version the mention is le servic de navig scuris googl indispon aucun mise jour depui jour translat the secur navig servic of googl is unavail no updat sinc day what version of the product are you use on what oper system i use both safari and chrome on a mac provid ani addit inform issu report on by jpdiepenon nov at
avast antiviru report file as what step will reproduc the problem download scan file wit avast is the expect output what do you see output safeactu output version of the product are you use on what oper pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by thegaminon sep at attach
ascii codec cant decod byte xe in posit what is the expect output what do you see insteadaft namebench save the report it get stuck and the webbrows dont open up instead it show the error messag ascii codec cant decod byte xe in posit ordin not in rangewhat version of the product are you use on what oper for window window bitpleas provid ani addit inform belowtri to make it run until it finish the whole process by start the applic as admin tri also clean the temp folder befor start but didnt make it work either system had recent been instal as long with all mandatori secur updat never been instal though if that make the issu report on by echomeon mar at
fail to use googlelocapi what step will reproduc the problem start the program from the command line in linux googl error for the geodata appear befor the gui loadswhat is the expect output what do you see insteadno errorswhat version of the product are you use on what oper ubuntu linux pleas provid ani addit inform below namebenchpi start tk interfac for namebench fail to use googlelocapi no json object could be decod line column char content error not found auto px px and norepeatonli screen and norepeat onli screen and that an error the request url wa not found on thi server that all we knowfail to get geodata time outorigin issu report on by georgepon apr at
utf codec cant decod byte in posit invalid data what step will reproduc the problemrun execut with standard is the expect output what do you see output expect instead get error utf codec cant decod byte in posit invalid data screenshot attachedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper fulli patch as of pleas provid ani addit inform is so paulo issu report on by gruon oct at attach namebench errorpng namebench main screen with main screen with errorpng
wpa supplic support for chang password use the pin as state in issu some router seem to return a random psk each time which is probabili happen due to ap ignor do not gener new keywould be nice to have support for chang the key when thi issu report on by thewickeon jan at
will reaver help recov the router hi just a question can reaver help you recov the router admin or is it just the wpawpa pass phrase origin issu report on by eliteheon jan at
mac address spoof doe not work properli pin attempt dont properli complet when spoof the wifi adapt mac address thi will hope be resolv onc reaver is integr into the aircrackng tool suit use their inject issu report on by cheffon jan at
reaver hang up after be terribl slow on ap what step will reproduc the problem run reaver for some time ie h reaver get timeout and from time to time it hang without ani output complet tri pin tri pin tri pin warn detect ap rate limit wait second befor retri tri pin tri pin complet tri pin tri pin warn receiv timeout occur tri pin warn receiv timeout occur tri pin tri pin warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag ive wait hour and it didnt strace on reaver ive seen as eventspollin fd eventspollin fd eventspollin fd eventspollin fd eventspollin to be restart sigint interrupt sendto dpd null itinterv itvalu null write xfffffb enoent no such file or fstat stmodesifreg stsize mmapnul xfdcbfwrite write write write write write write write write write write write write nanosleep null write close munmapxfdcbf write session save setsockopt solpacket packetrxr ebusi devic or resourc close close munmapxfdcc exitgroup process detachedwhat is the expect output what do you see continu tri pinswhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemreav built on from svno bt abg revpleas provid ani addit inform below good signal and onc restart reaver it simpli continu without ani problem up until next problem which might occur within or as last time reaver process is terribl slow tri pin tri pin tri pin tri pin tri pin complet warn detect ap rate limit wait second befor retryingap isbouygu issu report on by mojkoon jan at
blank password but have pin hey i got the pin but password show blank how can i use the to use the pin to chang the password to gain access ive been search for a while and cant figur out how to use the issu report on by akivakaton jan at
after test pin i am use latest svn codei wa abl to restor some pin with thi excel tool so it work realli wellhowev there is thi one ap that i associ to with a valid spoof mac address and after test pin it immedi kick me outani idea whi thi is happen and how to overcom thi pcap show relev datareav i wlan b vvv switch wlan to channel wait for beacon from switch wlan to channel associ with essid tri pin warn fail to associ with essid warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag tri pin warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag warn last messag not process properli revert state to previou messag warn out of order packet receiv last messag tri pin run it with e option chang output a bit but switch wlan to channel wait for beacon from switch wlan to channel associ with essid tri pin warn fail to associ with essid warn fail to associ with essid warn fail to associ with essid warn fail to associ with essid warn fail to associ with essid warn fail to associ with essid warn fail to associ with essid issu report on by jcdentoon jan at merg into attach
default for relay client
gate schemat request to make design easier hiiv had a look for my question but cant find ita there is an opamp symbol although noth in the drop down box and diod both as schemat and diod scale as compon part id like to request the gatesbuff invert or and not nand nor xor xnor etcand sinc most gate are found in chip such as the and seri etc the user can then use the diylc chip part a schemat of a chip pinout adjust the pin count and place the chip on the board and match up the leg to the schematici think that would be a veri use method of ad mani basic and use chip to a circuit without need to design an entir databas of hundr or even thousand of individu chip pinout ideali if the icon of the basic gate could be resiz then the user could even overlay the gate onto the chip in their design attach a logic probe from talk electron websit that im now use diylc to design print and build as well as the gate i would like to see in either a septer tab or in the drop down of the opamp within diylci read that you were tri to discov a way of design compon that made it easi and follow a set of rule such that user could design their own compon sadli as much as i would love to help build just some of the part databas im not abl to help program i could just about do bbc spectrum commodor style basic ive not even got my head around window let alon jdk is it im struggl with pic chip you like the idea and will implement it issu report on by maffyson mar at attach
text would be nice to be abl to add a block of textnic featur other than the regular text properti align horizont and vertic border ye no and color background ye no and issu report on by pertreon aug at
support dnscrypt it would be pretti neat to have namebench support dnscryptthi requir retriev the current list of public dnscrypt server spawn a proxi for each of them and give the abil for namebench to test onli the dnscrypt issu report on by chrysaon aug at
ascii codec cant decod byte xe in posit ordin not in rang what step will reproduc the error ascii codec cant decod byte xe in posit ordin not in rangewhat is the expect output what do you see instead im wait for the complet statu of the program but when it about to finish appear that messag and i havent result to improv my dn version of the product are you use on what oper system im use it on win ultim bit namebench provid ani addit inform belowon nameserv i wa place noth and thi error doesnt occour but i think that the final result just show the fastest dn that wa the same of my wifi issu report on by walkshon nov at attach namebench errorpng
in my safari prefer i have a secur issu mention secur googl navig is unavail sinc day what step will reproduc the problemi suppos that the use of namebench ha creat the problem what is the expect output there should be no mention at all in the topic fraudul site of the secur part of my safari do you see instead attent thi is a french version the mention is le servic de navig scuris googl indispon aucun mise jour depui jour translat the secur navig servic of googl is unavail no updat sinc day what version of the product are you use on what oper system i use both safari and chrome on a mac provid ani addit inform issu report on by jpdiepenon nov at
avast antiviru report file as what step will reproduc the problem download scan file wit avast is the expect output what do you see output safeactu output version of the product are you use on what oper pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by thegaminon sep at attach
fail to use googlelocapi what step will reproduc the problem start the program from the command line in linux googl error for the geodata appear befor the gui loadswhat is the expect output what do you see insteadno errorswhat version of the product are you use on what oper ubuntu linux pleas provid ani addit inform below namebenchpi start tk interfac for namebench fail to use googlelocapi no json object could be decod line column char content error not found auto px px and norepeatonli screen and norepeat onli screen and that an error the request url wa not found on thi server that all we knowfail to get geodata time outorigin issu report on by georgepon apr at
ascii codec cant decod byte xe in posit what is the expect output what do you see insteadaft namebench save the report it get stuck and the webbrows dont open up instead it show the error messag ascii codec cant decod byte xe in posit ordin not in rangewhat version of the product are you use on what oper for window window bitpleas provid ani addit inform belowtri to make it run until it finish the whole process by start the applic as admin tri also clean the temp folder befor start but didnt make it work either system had recent been instal as long with all mandatori secur updat never been instal though if that make the issu report on by echomeon mar at
utf codec cant decod byte in posit invalid data what step will reproduc the problemrun execut with standard is the expect output what do you see output expect instead get error utf codec cant decod byte in posit invalid data screenshot attachedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper fulli patch as of pleas provid ani addit inform is so paulo issu report on by gruon oct at attach namebench errorpng namebench main screen with main screen with errorpng
fail utf codec cant decod byte in posit unexpect end of data run app check for censorship and data display say file line in for chunk in chunk file line in yield encodervalu file line in s sdecodeutf file line in decod return error truewhat version of the product are you use on what oper os x origin issu report on by cobon jun at attach screen shot at jun shot at jun ampng screen shot at jun shot at jun ampng
namebench osx doe not encod url for wiki link what step will reproduc the problem run namebench view report sourc code observ that the link to the faq is as follow a observ the incorrectli escap doublequot charact in the urlwhat is the expect output what do you see result is to use the url encod for those charact which i believ is what version of the product are you use on what oper system osx pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by mdaniel on apr at
add dnssec health check what step will reproduc the problemwhat is the expect output what do you see use label and text to provid addit issu report on by helixblu on may at
namebench should requir dnspython x is not threadsaf upgrad builtin patch dnspython find a way to version check for peopl with a buggi version of dnspython issu report on by helixblu on mar at
fix forget command it not work mainli for two reason im not properli check if the user ha permiss usernam seem to be undefin
fail with string index out of rang dnspython threadsafeti bug what step will reproduc the fedora with latest patch as of just download and ran namebenchpi what is the expect output what do you see to see benchmark result instead i saw a lot of trace version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform below namebenchpi pythontk tkinter librari are miss fall back to weight on thread test run timeout server check queri intercept statu check connect qualiti congest level is x check durat ms appli x timeout multipli due to congest standard health check latest saniti refer check nameserv health build initi dn cach for nameserv thread check nameserv avail of name server are avail run initi health check on in thread most recent call last file line in selfrun in run in checkhealth isbroken warn durat functionarg in testansw respons durat errormsg timeout file in timedrequest request requesttyp file in return requesttyp returntyp file line inmakequeri m messag file line in init selfid file line in random return poolrandom file line in random return selfrandom selfrandom file line in random valu string index out of in thread most recent call last file line in selfrun in run in checkhealth isbroken warn durat functionarg in testansw respons durat errormsg timeout file in timedrequest request requesttyp file in return requesttyp returntyp file line inmakequeri m messag file line in init selfid file line in random return poolrandom file line in random return selfrandom selfrandom file line in random valu string index out of rangeand on and onorigin issu report on by billyroy on jan at
typeerror stat argument must be encod string without null byte not str what step will reproduc the on start is the expect output what do you see of benchmark result i get a window say file line in line in line in line in line in existswhat version of the product are you use on what oper on window xp sppleas provid ani addit inform say traceback most recent call last file line in run file line in file line in checkhealth file line in file line in file line in stat argument must be encod string without null byte not strorigin issu report on by woytaon jan at
allow to inject into cflag it is normal practiv for distribut packag to inject their own set of cflag for opensus build for exampl areo g m thi differ for other dist so it is not meant to add those to your buildbut allowind a distribut to easili extend them would be niceattach patch doe just thatit extend the distributor cflag variabl with the one need by youminor chang chaorigin issu report on by dominiquon aug at attach
namebenchex identifi as viru by norton internet secur norton internet secur identifi file as heurist viru and would not let me download and run itorigin issu report on by rmquintion dec at
crash in resolverpi ascii codec cant encod charact uxfc in posit what step will reproduc the problem doubl click on the download exewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi would expect the program to instal or load or someth along those line i get an error messag say see the version of the product are you use on what oper systemim tri to use namebenchex on window bitpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by kacembon dec at attach
window crash at startup fixtkpi ospi ascii codec cant encod charact uxc in posit ordin not in rang what step will reproduc the problem doubl click on the download exewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadan instal wizard of some sort but i get an error messag say see the logfil version of the product are you use on what oper on window vista provid ani addit inform belowth content of the error logtraceback most recent call last file namebenchpi line in file tkinterpyc line in file fixtkpyc line in file ospyc line in ascii codec cant encod charact uxc in posit ordin not in most recent call last file namebenchpi line in file tkinterpyc line in file fixtkpyc line in file ospyc line in ascii codec cant encod charact uxc in posit ordin not in issu report on by hanon dec at
crash in resolverpi ascii codec cant encod charact uxfc in posit ordin not in rang what step will reproduc the problem doubl click on the download exewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi would expect the program to instal or load or someth along those line i get an error messag say see the version of the product are you use on what oper systemim tri to use namebenchex on window bitpleas provid ani addit inform belowthi is what is in the file from the most recent call last file namebenchpi line in file line in execut file line in drawwindow file line in file line in init file line in readregistri file line in file line in ascii codec cant encod charact uxfc inposit ordin not in issu report on by alexwieon dec at
request equival for docker api when pull an imag i would like to do the equival of set when call the docker api and pull an imag ie when post to imagescr thi is the onli aspect of the cli that is not support in the api afaik
there is a good bug in the signatur calcul in crop function what step will reproduc the problem make the the crop array like so eg after the calcul is done signatur is so be for now now the bad thing come when we pass for the same textur a new crop array like eg baaam the signatur is the same but the crop ha anoth leftbottom valu and that is bad caus the crop is not appli at allso the normal flow should be like appli the new crop it seem like the signatur calcul method lack for now the neg number and is the bad partpleas share your thought on issu report on by cvalerion jul at
refactor cooki gener and valid into anoth modul
logstash jdbc input read password from extern file hi we start use logstash jdbc input in a few of our config and so far it ha been work realli great we do have some problem with the way the connect credenti are pass in we do not store password for ani of our app in our config file first of all it violat our secur guidelin second whenev we chang a password we do not want to chang the config for everi sinc servic that we we store our password in file on unix host and appli permiss use chmod to restrict access to the relev logstash current doe not offer ani other mechan to read password file could you pleas add a config in jdbcinput plugin to read password from an extern file instead of pass in a nake password
server error when sign up though user is creat and server error when log in as secretli creat useri thi the app for chapter
region is in the step initi i report it as a client
hack googl account what step will reproduc the problemy continu to give david dumetz access to my person datalet him have domain on my privat to devic now ruin with malwareh is a my person audio and video on hi websit that ha account with youadsens so u let him in and help ask for help for yrswhat is the expect output what do you see insteady kick him out my person dataand issu report on by ldumetz on jan at
be majorli hackedpleas fix asap what step will reproduc the unauthor charg to my overspend card twiceslow datajump to differ urlwhat is the expect output what do you see me counterfeit cashier issu report on by bfowon dec at
ascii codec cant encod charact what step will reproduc the problem run wikigfmpi with wiki input from what is the expect output what do you see insteadit is expect to end without error the follow error is shownwarn line of input filea summari pragma wa use for thi wiki move it to an introductori line of input filea tabl of content plugin wa use for thi wiki the gollum wiki system support tabl of content for more ha been most recent call last file line in mainsysargv file line in main outputstream file line in convert inputlin inputlin outputstream file line in processbodi outputstream file line in processlin outputstream file line in processmatch match outputstream file line in handlebold bold outputstream file line in handletag tag outputstream file line in closetag outputstream file line in outputstream bold file line in formatbuff ascii codec cant encod charact uu in posit ordin not in issu report on by danielnon mar at
plugin should ignor case in usernam when check admin or whitelist wed ad someon to our admin list a while back when her usernam wa mixedcas and she ha sinc chang her usernam to all lowercas the plugin seem to no longer recogn that she an admin even though github doesnt seem to care about case in usernam eg and both workxref
assign in regist callback in thi fluxifi you use the updat in action callback to mutat the store valueseg changenam function updat name store updat are onli made insid store action callback updaterset name name in facebook excerpt below you can mutat the store valu in the callback if cityupd so how do we updat store valu use just the store regist callback function
convers thread not updat on send or receiv but preview updat pleas note that thi is an issu trackerfor support go to the support email go to the commun ani section that arent relev x i have search open and close issu for duplic bug and receiv messag did not show up in the convers window but show up in the convers list messag preview imag avail in supportissu is opposit of platform system window browser chrome signal version link to debug desktop client
no crypto librari avail use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problemth py file work just fine on my pc until i tri to compil it into an exe filei have narrow the problem down to thi line of code credenti utf scopealso if i run the same program that work on my pc on a friend pc it throw the same no cryto librari availib is the expect output what do you see insteadth expect output is what version of the product are you use on what oper systemi am use oauthclient on window pleas provid ani addit inform belowthi is the error messag file line in credenti utf scope file line in file line in init file line in no crypto librari issu report on by loganpaon jul at
gem is not work with gem hi i am alreadi use gem i want to use gem but i get the follow error whenev user is wrong number of argument for block level in gem suppos to work well with gem
sslerror eof occur in violat of protocol what step will reproduc the problem i am use on python often i see the follow error while tri to build a drive servic object driveservic builddriv v httphttp thi is the stack trace driveservic builddriv v httphttpfile line in return wrappedarg kwarg file line in buildresp content file line in wrappedarg kwarg file line in file line in refresh file line in selftokenuri methodpost bodybodi line in content author uri requesturi method bodi header redirect cachekeyfil line in content requesturi method bodi header file line in connrequest line in file line in wrapsocket line in init errno sslc eof occur in violat of protocolwhat is the expect output what do you see output a driveservic objecterror sslerrorwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemi am use on python origin issu report on by haron apr at
oauthclient on gce throw no attribut redirecturi use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problem i am port an python script to a new gce the script run on local laptop and connect to bigqueri perfectli the script throw error when run on gce instancewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadwhen run on local laptop all is good but when run on a new gce which i build hour ago with the latest client api the script throw the follow error after the client creat the flowhaveflow truetest haveflow truehav storag next use it to retriev credenti from file credenti is nonerun oauth flow with default argument unexpect error nonetyp object ha no attribut most recent call last file line in credenti storag file line in return wrappedarg kwarg file line in runflow nonetyp object ha no attribut most recent call last file line in file line in credenti storag file line in return wrappedarg kwarg file line in runflow nonetyp object ha no attribut redirecturi what version of the product are you use on what oper systemth latest verion instal by pip the most recent cento version of gcepleas provid ani addit inform belowmor than like thi is a problem on the gce ive like miss ad some set requir on a gce instanc here the suspect method relat to the set up flow object to be use for the clientdef tri if print s secretfil if print secretfil s flow if not flownon print haveflow shaveflow els print haveflow shaveflow els print secretfil s doe not els print s doe not except except inst print unexpect error if print valueerror sinstmessag if print sinstmessag if print typeerror sinstmessag print pythonpath s print s print print print print rais def tri print connect to bigqueri servic api if haveflow print test haveflow shaveflow redirecturi get oauthclient storag storag if storag is none print storag is none error creat mean for retriev credenti from file els print have storag next use it to retriev credenti from file credenti storageget if credenti is none print error credenti is none if credenti is none or print run oauth flow with default argument run oauth flow with default argument credenti storag creat the http object to handl your request and author with your credenti http httplibhttp http creat the servic object for interact with bigqueri v httphttp print begin call to loadtabl tri print did not call loadtabl sourcecsv except httperror as err print httperror print httperror content s errcont print httperror uri loadtabl except print credenti have been revok or expir pleas rerun the applic to reauthor els print test haveflow shaveflow except except inst print unexpect error if print valueerror sinstmessag if print sinstmessag if print sinstmessag print pythonpath s print s print print print print rais thi is not like in my view a bug with the api but a matter of an omit set in the code or in the bashrc file the onli differ in the code that run on the laptop and the code that fail to run on the gce is the new addit of redirecturi when creat the flow objectani suggest to fix thi are issu report on by ccliffon may at
redirect to the server fail in calendar web server exampl attempt to run the author api for web applic exampl in get start lead to redirect error dure oauth to reproduc the problem set up a project exactli accord to the instruct of setup for exampl specif edit the redirect uri field to as instruct download the exampl code run the exampl exactli as run the exampl instruct with the command line python yourclientid expect output for the first run is redirect to the server when a url request to is enter from a an error page show up with error problem can be solv by remov the append slash in line of the python issu report on by hematton sep at
typeerror when use oauth store when i delet my analyticsdat file and tri again it work without an issu it onli when it tri to reus the credenti that im see most recent call last file line in import applic file line in from view import file line in from import servic file line in file line in refresh file line in refresh file line in bodi file line in assert file line in privatekey payload file line in fromstr pkey file line in loadpkc parseresult passphras pkey cert initi for ctype char must be a str or list or tupl not unicodethi is the main part of my codehttp share storagegetif credenti is none or f rb key fread fclose credenti key v httphttpthe crash happen on the is on python run on issu report on by numon feb at
error of respons key in the oauthpi with first mode what step will reproduc the problem i download the sampl from i creat my client id in consol i launch the script in the first mode the first mode is use to gener and author an oauth token the first step in log in via oauthwhat is the expect output what do you see of some correct output error is display traceback most recent call last file dtestoauthpi line in mainsysargv file dtestoauthpi line in main print refresh token s version of the product are you use on what oper from with pyon window after print the http respons i found the real respons is like uaccesstoken uya utokentyp ubear uexpiresin but on line you have a print refresh token s which is not a part of http respons origin issu report on by petitchon feb at
batch execut rais error when user revok credenti basic the execut method in wa throw an except when a singl user credenti were revok and there wa no way to identifi which user had bad credenti becaus it never got to the callback see my stack overflow post for further detail track thi down and fix for myself with thi patch im not sure if thi is the best way to do it but from model import jsonmodel from oauthclient import util from import import for requestid in selford resp content if respstatu request http request tri request http request except pass if redorequest redoord issu report on by blon jan at
no handler could be found for logger thi is a request to reopen issu which is appar not issu report on by techtonikon sep at
dont make argpars a requir import for what step will reproduc the problem use python argpars is built in to but is separ download for older version import if argpars hasnt been instal get an is the expect output what do you see insteadi use my own command line argument and format i dont want to forc my user to download argpars when it not realli necessari ideal would be agnost to the actual command line argument i can actual do that withclass def initself selfshorturl true fals error localhost and credenti httphttpbut the import of still throw error if it not instal even though my code doesnt use it for now i just comment the import and line out but ideal thi would be fix upstreamwhat version of the product are you use on what oper my applic run on window mac and issu report on by jayon aug at
dump and load oauth object in django fail use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problem setup django use the oauth object run python managepi dumpdata dumpjson run python managepi loaddata dumpjsonwhat is the expect output what do you see the fixtur to load but it fail becaus the object are not serial version of the product are you use on what oper b on ubuntu pleas provid ani addit inform belowth problem can be fix by ad the follow function to and flowfield def obj valu return follow the snippet in which is essenti what is be done in djangoorm btw the snippet comment also suggest that the way oauthclient doe the databas encod need to be modifi to use a deepcopi i dont know if that is a problem hereorigin issu report on by blaiseton sep at
appengin should allow argument to decor doesnt allow you to specifi argument to the http method patchdiff git addfbb class url return strurl def httpself def httpself arg kwarg return an author http instanc must onli be call from within an decor method or from within an decor method where return true return return kwarg def issu report on by aon sep at
problem revok nongoogl token oauthclient it appear that the credenti assum that revok a token is done by send to the revokeuri but for provid other than googl thi wont alway work dailymot for exampl against which the wiki page claim the librari ha been test requir that you send to the revokeuri twitter requir a post with basicauth from the that send there is no standardis way of handl revok or if there is but provid arent use it then have everi way support by the librari obvious isnt go to happen but could the class be made inject in place that creat so an extra init arg for so that stepexchang use it would be use id creat a class in my app that just overrid revokerevok pass it when creat my and then it all taken care of at creationtim rather than have to inspect credenti at to work out what to doorigin issu report on by gregjoon aug at
gae decor dont support a custom name for credenti in what step will reproduc the problem choos or appli it to your handler a will be creat with one properti name credenti which cannot be is the expect output what do you see insteadi have an app with user requir two differ level of access to api scope they all requir for login purpos onli a subset of them requir access to other scope let say want to be abl to have a properti and then a for drivei dont want to ask all user all scope it bad user experi request permiss i wont use i want to be abl to custom that field unless you can recommend a better approachwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemlatest version of the librari for gaepleas provid ani addit inform belowthi is probabl more of an enhanc than a bugorigin issu report on by silicalaon jun at
oauthclient lockedput should tri a getupd first the problem is that lockedput alway instanti a new class and write it thi make it imposs to store the credenti field in a model that ha more inform eg user profil set in addit to the credenti field as lockedput wipe all that out on the lockedput should do a lockedget and if that succe updat that object that should preserv anyth els in the modelfor exampleclass id credenti blanktru nulltru calendarid nulltru calendarnam and calendarnam will get wipe out on autorefresh of the token origin issu report on by mikesperon jun at
how should i directli redict to gmail for nd time with out ask usernam and password again how should i directli redict to gmail for nd time with out ask usernam and password againwhat step will reproduc the problemwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi want to directli redirect to googl account with out ask user name and password onc the user ha submit the usernam and password but am get same popup everi time onc i click to login via gmailwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemoauth version am use for gmailpleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by ravimaroon jun at
bad permiss in cd l drwxrx schwehr mar drwxrx schwehr mar rwr schwehr mar pkginforwr schwehr mar schwehr mar schwehr mar schwehr mar when oauthclient is instal as a system user rebuild packag like gflag will fail like thi when be built not as the oauthclient user which is usual root so thi kill the fink build process that use an untrust user to build packag for gflag in oauthclient is setuppi most recent call last file setuppi line in from setuptool import setup file line in from import extens librari file line in from import getunpatch file line in from import instal file line in from import file line in from pkgresourc import distribut pathmetadata file line in dist distactiv file line in subscrib callbackdist file line in dist distactiv file line in activ file line in inserton file line in for modnam in file line in getmetadata for line in file line in return file line in getmetadata return file line in get stream openpath rbioerror errno permiss deni l root admin may issu report on by schwon may at
gae return resourc object ha no attribut request what step will reproduc the problemi have an oauth decor decor and i sometim call a function that requir playlistid so i prepend it with decor def as expect when step into i go through then checkoauth then createflow where at line of appenginepi we have redirecturi usual is the expect output what do you see instead expect get a redirecturi instead gae throw except resourc object ha no attribut request and inde i can see in my variabl debug pane that the object ha no attribut request am i do someth wrong is it a bugwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system gae python ubuntu xpleas provid ani addit inform below im new to both gae and python sorri if the problem lie between my chair and my keyboard pleas point me thing im do aw wrong relat post issu report on by ronanjoon apr at
return header valu must be str got unicod with what step will reproduc the problem tri on a local gae the exampl below a simplifi pythonifi version of thi sampl open is the expect output what do you see instead expect hello instead intern server error the server ha either er or is incap of perform the request oper traceback most recent call last file line in call return file line in call file line in valu name header valu must be str got unicod for locationwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system gae python ubuntu xpleas provid ani addit inform below look similar to issu im new to both gae and python sorri if the problem lie between my chair and my keyboard and feel free to point me thing im do aw wrong appyaml applic yourapp version runtim python apivers threadsaf true handler url script yourappmain librari name webapp version latest yourapppi import webapp os httplib from import build from import from import memcach warn pleas configur oauth youtub v http youtub httphttp decor class def getself textplain main mainpag issu report on by ronanjoon mar at
your usernam and password didnt match use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problem login into i put usernam and passwordwhat is the expect output what do you see insteaderror your usernam and password didnt match pleas tri againful error all pleas enter a correct usernam and password note that both field may be version of the product are you use on what oper systempython and latest django on ubuntu after debug i think the problem is here if formisvalid becaus the result is alway falsecould also be thisif usernam and the project check the usernam and password into databas local and not by issu report on by dpaonon mar at
oauthclient bad recognit of pem file use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problem use pycrypto rather than pyopenssl specifi a p file gener by the googl api consol get an error messag with a command that convert the p file to a pem use the creat pem get the same messagewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth convert pem file should be acceptedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemlatest from pypi version say linux and macpleas provid ani addit inform belowth problem is that the check in demand that the file start with begin while the file gener by the suppli command includ a few line of metadata befor the begin line remov these metadata line solv the issu report on by maon mar at
oauthclient should depend on uritempl becaus gcepi reli on itorigin issu report on by proon mar at
updat oauthclient clientpi to stop catch handl error what step will reproduc the problem submit a request to a googl api or ani other api that will return a error api return a forbidden error due to an invalid valu be submit oauth client libarari catch the think that it is an oauth access token expir error and then resubmit the request after refresh the token thi result in a loop as the target api continu to return the same error responsewhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth expect output is inde a error due to invalid data be submit howev the oauth librari should not be handl thi version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform belowth offend code is in clientpi on line if respstatu in older api gdata respond with if respstatu in due to a s return method bodi redirect els return resp thi toif respstatu in fix the problem as error are the onli one that the oauth lib should be catch fix it may also be worth surfac thi except to the outsid world in case the oauth lib isnt abl to handl itorigin issu report on by ecoon jan at
patch for the return valu in should be an instanc of cl not of thi make it a pain to subclass issu report on by dec at attach
no handler could be found for logger use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problem use is the expect output what do you see insteadwhen use oauthclient i often see the warn messageno handler could be found for logger think the issu is relat to the fact that thi modul actual get an instanc of the logger rather than simpli use the log modul to log error etclogg prevent thi issu use the log modul or specifi a handler for the issu report on by kbrison dec at
oauthclient bad handl of multipl scope what step will reproduc the problem instanti with a tupl of scope watch it caus from the auth server instanti with a list of scope watch it fail tri to refreshwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadin short everyth that accept multipl scope should accept tupl list and perhap even and explicitli check whether the scope paramet is a list and if pass a tupl will silent convert it to an string which break the auth request they work fine when pass a list or a also check the scope for be a list and join them into a string howev when it tri to refresh it call which accept list and tupl but not string for now i can work around thi by initi with a tupl but it clearli a bugorigin issu report on by maon nov at
from import importerror no modul name appengin use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problemjust tri to use for code is expect a hello dashboard messagebut i get an errorfrom import importerror no modul name appengineim use python on ver and origin issu report on by italespion nov at
doesnt work use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problem run a program contain run from use what is the expect output what do you see insteadit doesnt use rawinput to get the key the option doesnt affect anythingwhat version of the product are you use on what oper debian sid python origin issu report on by frapon oct at
merg into oauthclient hellothi request is relat to but i do consid thi a slightli differ ball of waxim the author of host current use thi code in my local environ and on product appengin thi code help advoc pycrypto support in appengineid love to see my code merg in for use in the core there a bit of duplic between my code and as that modul expect openssl to even success import there a lot of way to go about thi perhap prefer openssl and fall back to my modul doe not work on the develop sandbox server for appengin due to thi issu report on by richiefon aug at
client credenti should not be includ in the request bodi what step will reproduc the problem call the stepexchang method of the is the expect output what do you see insteadth librari should use the htp basic and append the client credenti in the the request includ the clientid and clientsecret paramet with the rest of the param in the bodi of the requestoauth draft v the client credenti in the request bodi use the two paramet is not recommend and should be limit to client unabl to directli util the http basic scheme or other http schemeswhat version of the product are you use on what oper systempleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by mohamedon aug at attach
redirecturi not set for stepexchang in use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problem instal the latest version avail through pip tri to do the document at when do step tri to exchang for token will be rais what is the expect output what do you see insteada valid access token instead is rais with version of the product are you use on what oper on mac os xpleas provid ani addit inform belowi notic that there had been chang made in how the redirecturi wa set in the repositori so i chang my local copi to set the redirecturi in the class constructor as well and after that i could continueso im guess a new releas would solv thi issu report on by bjon aug at
rais pickl error on empti string use thi form for both apicli and oauthclient issueswhat step will reproduc the problem creat django model with field of type eg class credenti creat new instanc of thi model with no paramet like instanc got most recent call last file line in getrespons respons callbackarg file line in wrappedview return arg kwarg file line in authreturn cred file line in init setattrself fieldattnam val file line in set file line in topython return file line in load return file line in load file line in loadeof rais is the expect output what do you see i expect that nonewhat version of the product are you use on what oper systemlinux django pleas provid ani addit inform belowthi is becaus for some reason empti valu mean empti string not none so you must check for exampledef topythonself valu if valu is none or valu return none or return issu report on by sergeypon jul at merg into
oauthclient lib refactor i might be jump the gun but would you guy be will to refactor oauthclient a littl bither my code isnt realli chang i simpli shuffl it into meaning peac like etc itll make it easier to test debug and maintain the lib imhoit should be backward compat with sampl with a deprec notic thoughal exist test passorigin issu report on by aon jul at
oauthclient support for urlencod format of exchang token respons eg facebook some oauth provid respond with a urlencod bodi instead of json eg facebook chang add support for urlencod bodi respons to a token exchang request stepexchang issu report on by aon jul at
empti index when use jsonencod argument heya darrenthank for thi plugin im current use thi plugin for an upcom project my applic is use the advanc fieldlevel index so basic jsonencod argument but do buildreindex result to an empti index file the problem is at the class extens line jsondecod should return an associ array instead of an object the fix is just set the second paramet assoc in jsondecod to true what is the expect output associ arraywhat do you see instead stdclass objectwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system im use the trunk issu report on by richardon may at
servic incorrectli encod none argument what step will reproduc the problem download the exampl app edit the request such that the option argument sourcenon targetfr is the expect output what do you see the request uri reveal that none is encod as the string none as oppos to exclud the relev argumentwhat version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform issu report on by yovaon jun at
support threadsaf true the packag doesnt support work with threadsaf true thi caus the entir app not be abl to work with multipl issu report on by erlichmen on may at
should use oauth scheme at least i think it should read the request header field is use by client to make token request the client use the oauth scheme to includ the access token in the requestim tri to use gapc to authent against a servic that is hand me access token use and it not work but it doe if i chang bearer to oauth in the issu report on by rtpon may at
url given by moderatorpi doesnt work helloi am tri to setup oauth for a devic but struggl to run the demo the url is not correctli process by the web serverwhat step will reproduc the problem run python moderatorpi go to the url given with your browserwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadth url given an error bad redirect uri in the request did not match a regist redirect urien savoir plusdtail de la requt fromlogin asbfdecc pli hlfrwhat version of the product are you use on what oper beta from in advanc best issu report on by philfon apr at
and flowfield attempt to encod none valu django orm what step will reproduc the problem creat an object with or flowfield as attribut assign none to thi attribut save the objectwhat is the expect output what do you see output noth should be written to that field in the dbactual output base encod of the string none is encodedwhat version of the product are you use on what oper provid ani addit inform fix for both field type def valu connect if valu is none return none return of note it appear with version of django wa refactor and getprepvalu is the appropri place for thi codeorigin issu report on by sason apr at
commandlin sampl do not proceed after what step will reproduc the problem run thi script with own access inform what is the expect output what do you see of print should be output what version of the product are you use on what oper betaurllib httplib python pleas provid ani addit inform belowconsol do not chang with like follow messag even if i give option to the script ie python latitudepi to the follow link in your your browser is on a differ machin then exit and rerun with the commandlin paramet think thi is due to a bug around gflag option that set as issu report on by yoshifon apr at
support for thread python im use the python app engin runtim and as my oauth callback handler id like to turn thread on in the app engin runtim but i cant becaus the handler code in is incompat it would be great to have a version of that work in a thread app engin python issu report on by jeon mar at
let oauthclient author custom httplibhttp object enhanc current youv got an oauth decor you can use it to obtain author http object via the http method but these are stock httplibhttp object desir the method to take an exist httplibhttp object and author that one patch issu report on by warlockcc on mar at attach
broken with what step will reproduc the runtim threadsaf yeshandl url script is the expect output what do you see valu must be str got most recent call last file line in call return file line in call headerlist file line in header valu must be str got issu report on by proon mar at
should accept and pass kwarg to decor method i realiz that the decor wa written specif with in mind but gae includ webapp which allow request handler to have kwarg that deriv from rout rule it would be nice if the decor would be kind to kwarg pass in from the abov applic down to the actual issu report on by rtpon mar at
permiss assign role to parent group of group within group doe not updat display and throw server log error though doe seem to add on page refresh creat a parent group child group assign user to child group grant parent group access to a file notic ui doe not updat with parent assign but appear on refresh also notic server log error belowthi also happen with remov the role assign thi exist in vt glassfish info tid threadid timemilli levelvalu noth to persistt glassfish warn asejb tid threadid timemilli levelvalu a system except occur dure an invoc on ejb method public javautillist glassfish warn tid threadid timemilli levelvalu at at at at at at at at at sourc at sourc at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at sourc at at at at at at at at sourc at at at at at at at at moret glassfish warn tid threadid timemilli levelvalu at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by at at at at at at at at at sourc at sourc at at method at at at at at at at at morecaus by at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at sourc at at at at at at at at sourc at at at at at at at at moret glassfish sever tid threadid timemilli levelvalu at at at at at at at at at sourc at sourc at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at sourc at at at at at at at at sourc at at at at at at at at more
patch for typoorigin issu report on by craigcitroon feb at attach
remov oauth base class from now that oauthclient is a full depen of apicli the base class that are duplic between and can be consolid into one copi in issu report on by jcgregorioon jan at
oauthclient open browser window hi i like thi i dont love go to the follow link in your browser can i help my user by use python to the open the url for them as well as print it how can i do issu report on by matthicon jan at
patch for fix issu report on by pschon dec at merg into attach
importerror cannot import name what step will reproduc the problem attempt to use run the programwhat is the expect output what do you see output is my websit but instead get an import error importerror cannot import name version of the product are you use on what oper issu report on by mdion nov at
oauthclient should accept accesstoken return in the fragment identifi it wa previous return in the queri paramet but is move to the issu report on by jcgregorioon oct at
design a serversid applic in net i am look for a sampl code in net that allow me to do server side integr so that my user doe not need to pass through the process i am look for someth that allow me authent the applic without requir my user to enter their credenti thank neeraj dev origin issu report on by neerajon sep at
oauth use optionpars which conflict with gflag use optionpars optpars is deprec as well most of the new api librari use gflag when oauth is invok from the program which use gflag optionaprs tri to pars the gflag and fail thi could be fix by use gflag in oauth issu report on by vibhoon may at
patch for eclips with pydev flag thi for me is thi realli broken or is there someth im issu report on by gabetruon may at attach
updat all sampl to use the default redirecturi path for oauth credenti creat in the api consol is all sampl should be updat to use that pathorigin issu report on by jcgregorioon apr at
client doesnt valid certif the httplib librari that reli upon doe not do certif valid for potenti solut see fancyurllib and issu report on by jcgregorioon mar at
allow applic name to be set on request the build method doe not have a userag properti so userag cannot be set on request the oauth client doe allow the userag to be set as part of the floworigin issu report on by monon mar at
oauth paramet is not pass properli i use in my applic to access googl latitud datafirst i must get the token i do thi by the follow linesflow api client exampl app locational i pass two paramet locat and granular to the class and it must send to the oauth url but noti think the problem happen in oauthpi line key queri for key in key if key in param querykey did not contain locat or granular neither the urlit seem that the file is issu report on by winon oct at
backdrop throw backdrop alreadi instal when databas credenti enter but databas doe not exist thi issu is veri similar to the alreadi close issu at download fresh backdrop edit settingsphp and enter a databas connect string for a databas that doe not exist yet visit the site you will get thi the directori in settingsphp is specifi as but thi directori is either empti or miss crucial file check that the variabl is correct in settingsphp in line of okay well i havent instal backdrop yet but it should have redirect me to visit it manual now give mebackdrop alreadi instal to start over you must empti your exist i creat the databas both the automat redirect and the instal work properli thi seem like an usual situat where a user would enter in databas credenti in settingsphp without actual have made the databas first but these thing happen
not get after finish hello after i finish the process or when i use a bank with no multi factor eg well fargo the respons is not a instanc as it say in the what could be happen mayb im do someth wrong
in adal on android x when tri to authent first time interact for an adal account the app crash with the follow except fatal except poolthread rawbyt at at at at at at at at at at at at happen on android x onli i test on a samsung galaxi s and a samsung note ii it work on ani other devic i test so far
in adal on android x when tri to authent first time interact for an adal account the app crash with the follow except fatal except poolthread rawbyt at at at at at at at at at at at at happen on android x onli i test on a samsung galaxi s and a samsung note ii it work on ani other devic i test so far
count of fail to limit systemabus we were talk with and that it would be nicetohav count of fail to limit systemabus most probabl not up until rtm but some time in the futur it would be realli help to have thisid there would be mechan diagnos the systemabus and when it think that there is one report it via event for the develop to act not sure yet how would that work but let discuss mayb we could make use of diagnost sourc stacklik doe it
creat is not idempot here is my call to the resourc window jnlp nodefqdn do descript nodeplatform remotef label test environ machineo win platform win executor user usernam password password usagemod made config chang to the node after the last success chefclient run howev ive notic that on subsequ run of the chefclient the node is recreat and overwritten with my config chang lost
fix secur config and review code
what provid do i need for a hisorri i know thi is not realli an issu but the onli ha info about googl just want a simpl email and password login where my user are store in a mongo db i dont want googl or ani social media exampl code ha a few differ provid and authus so im not realli sure which one i needthank
style login screen
fix control spec to deal w devis
enabl vagrant user to read root file or remov root password cant read some file and folder as vagrant user such as phpfpmlog
esp strncpi segfault on empti password in webrepl portconfigpi initi setup of webrepl would happili accept empti password which is fine and by design i suppos but then would segfault on strncpyher is ad diff static mpuintt selfin const void buf mpuintt size static mpobjt passwdin printfin const char passwd printfpasswd is s passwd printfpasswd is at xx unsign intvoid passwd passwd return return mpconstnon here is log of a fail test on the commit fdfe abov with w as f import webrepl is passwd is at xabfat except epcx epcx excvaddrxab depcx et jan rst caus boot modeload x len room same with nonempti password succe as expect with w as f import webrepl is passwd is at xfffstrncpi daemon start on wsstart webrepl in normal modelook at the passwd is at line abov it appear that normal password is store at xfff ie et system data ram section while empti password under a pointer to xab ie spi flash memori rang accord to exact same address is to be seen in excvaddr which i would guess impli that direct memori access to spi could sometim be deni artifact of espspecif data store on xab appear to be ie empti c string which sort of make sens d grep ababc ea b f keyerroabc b fc f ec d f rkqualnam cat grep ab rodata xaba x buildpyqstro fill xabd x xab x buildpyqstro xab enough access veri same data from python code work just fine mayb becaus interpret ha a special case for empti string constant that it compar by address without actual access it import webrepl with w as f import portconfig is passwd is at xabfat except epcx epcx excvaddrxab depcx et jan rst caus boot mode
disk back inhibit the abil to decod form field string as utf string call to getstr result in usag of a default charact setinstead of we should be use to support utf string decod
bug on creat convers add wrong profil pictur to wrong dude correct itself when you exit the app
convers show avatar imag thing
click on convers back button to white
poor distribut tri thi factor f timesa you can see there is a clear pattern in the number be gener the first digit are all the same it could lead to poorli distribut key in hash tabl which lead to poor perform it happen becaus the hashcod is deriv from the memori address of the objectsa better method would be to use a pseudo rng like thi one or we can borrow the method hotspot jvm or python use to calcul hashcod
unabl to login with uf token with uf there is no code to enter is thi a miss featur or is thi a pebcak error
pgpromis would you consid a pr or a differ branch to switch over to pgpromiseit would simplifi your code a lot while also make it more reliabl
gener server certif fingerprint directli use the fingerprint save in a text file is insecur whenev the certif is load the fingerprint should be calcul directli from the load data
forget all random choic in a blockscop to forget a random choic one requir the associ label that wa use dure observ it is conceiv to me that one ha a complex tag scheme where bulk forget on all the observ in a particular blockscop is desir is thi featur nonsens not sure what implic it would have wrt the trace structur etc
expressbrut ip whitelist amend expressbrut so that a dict of key eg ip or some other key can be pass to the constructor which are match against incom key eg ip if match the request is not check for excess request
mha ip failov firewal issu thi is not a bug with the code in particular but due to lack of forum that i wa abl to find im hope someon here might be abl to suggest someth to get around thi problemwhat step will reproduc the problem perform a failov that includ use of the script use a basic ssh command to bring up the new vip ie ssh usersudo sbinifconfig eth what is the expect output what do you see insteadwhen the failov occur it take the ip away from the origin host and popul it on the new host thi mean that the ip ha not chang so far as the network landscap is concern howev when you access that ip the mac address that respond is differ which is caus our firewal to panic and not allow connect to be establish we have tri use sbinarp via ssh from the mha manag but it hang so if we put thi in the script the whole script hang and the failov doe not completeha anyon els run into thi problemwhat version of the product are you use on what oper system on cento pleas provid ani addit inform issu report on by peterton dec at
plaintext password in output what step will reproduc the problem run look at output of mha when it run the or scriptwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadoth place in the code password are replac with xxx for log but thi is not the case here instead you see the actual passwordwhat version of the product are you usingthi is present in version pleas provid ani addit inform below attach two patch file one for and one for which fix the issu report on by jonahberon oct at attach
error when when i execut got some error like jun warn global file not found skippingfri jun info read applic default from jun info read server from jun info version fri jun ln get relay log directori or current relay logfil from replic tabl fail on fri jun ln error happend on check at line fri jun ln error happen on monitor serversfri jun info got exit code not master deadmysql replic health is not okmha version node managermysql version rellogo version cento x some paramet in mycnf on both master and slave mha appcnf server is the master while is the slave look thisuserroot time port db noneselect from relaylognam relaylogpo masterlogpo sqldelay id mysqlbin need your helpthank origin issu report on by freedomon jun at
error version node manger when mha version node managermysql version rellogo version cento x some paramet in mycnf on both master and slave mha appcnf server i execut got some error like jun warn global file not found skippingfri jun info read applic default from jun info read server from jun info version fri jun ln get relay log directori or current relay logfil from replic tabl fail on fri jun ln error happend on check at line fri jun ln error happen on monitor serversfri jun info got exit code not master deadmysql replic health is not okne your helpthank origin issu report on by freedomon jun at
ssh fail what step will reproduc the problem attempt to run the fail to authent have alreadi verifi that i can ssh between both machin in both direct without a password as public key alreadi set upwhat is the expect output what do you see insteadi would have expect the ssh session to succeedbut im see thistu feb debug connect via ssh from rootto rootdeni version of the product are you use on what oper systemth garret machin is run fedora and garret is run fedora pleas provid ani addit inform belowi have alreadi verifi that i can ssh between both machin use public key authbelow is a full tracerootbin feb warn global file not found skippingtu feb info read applic default from etcappcnftu feb info read server from etcappcnftu feb info start ssh connect teststu feb ln tue feb debug connect via ssh from rootto rootdeni feb ln ssh connect from rootto feb ln tue feb debug connect via ssh from rootto rootdeni feb ln ssh connect from rootto check fail at line origin issu report on by collinson feb at
test mysql connect and privilegessh mysql command not found server node manag thi is the configur fileroot cat get error test mysql connect and privilegessh mysql command not foundi past the full log messag hereroot nov warn global file not found skippingw nov info read applic default from nov info read server from nov info version wed nov debug connect to serversw nov debug connect to nov debug connect to nov debug connect to nov warn sql thread is stoppedno error on wed nov debug compar mysql versionsw nov debug compar mysql version donew nov debug connect to server donew nov info dead serversw nov info aliv serversw nov info wed nov info wed nov info wed nov info aliv slavesw nov info versionlog oldest major version between slave nov debug relay log info repositori tablew nov info replic from wed nov info primari candid for the new master is setw nov info versionlog oldest major version between slave nov debug relay log info repositori tablew nov info replic from wed nov info not candid for the new master nomast is setw nov info current aliv master wed nov info check slave nov info readonli is not set on slave wed nov warn is not set on slave wed nov info readonli is not set on slave wed nov info check replic filter settingsw nov info binlogdodb mysqltestw nov info replic filter check okw nov info start ssh connect testsw nov debugw nov debug connect via ssh from dbarootto dbarootnov debug okw nov debug connect via ssh from dbarootto dbarootnov debug okw nov debugw nov debug connect via ssh from dbarootto dbarootnov debug okw nov debug connect via ssh from dbarootto dbarootnov debug okw nov debugw nov debug connect via ssh from dbarootto dbarootnov debug okw nov debug connect via ssh from dbarootto dbarootnov debug okw nov info all ssh connect test pass nov info check mha node versionw nov info version check okw nov info check ssh publickey set on the current masterw nov debug ssh connect test to option o o o batchmodey o timeout wed nov info healthcheck ssh to is reachablew nov info master mha node version is wed nov info check recoveri script on the current masterw nov info execut command commandtest startpo debugw nov info connect to dbaroot creat if not exist ok check output directori is access or not ok binlog found at up to logbinw nov info master set check donew nov info check ssh publickey and check recoveri script on all aliv slave serversw nov info execut command commandtest slavehost slaveip slaveport debug nov info connect to dbaroot check slave recoveri environ set relay log found at up to temporari relay log file is test mysql connect and privilegessh mysql command not foundmysql command fail with rc at line maincheck call at line eval call at line mainmain call at line wed nov ln slave set check failedw nov ln slave failedw nov ln error happend on check at line wed nov ln error happen on monitor serversw nov info got exit code not master deadmysql replic health is not ok mysql connect between those mysql server run well replic run well also run echo export etcprofil for those mysql help me thanksbest issu report on by gboldgaon nov at
principl of least privileg thi is not a problem report rather a question or request for more you know the minimum requir privileg for the mysql user which will be use by mha to do the failov id rather not use a full dba account if possibleof cours im also chmode to the cnf file contain the issu report on by peterleon jan at
error about host attribut what step will reproduc the problem blank mysql password not sure thi is requir run see errortu dec info check ssh publickey and check recoveri script on all aliv slave serverstu dec info execut command commandtest slavehost slaveip slaveport slavepassxxx tue dec ln error happend on check use of valu in string ne at line tue dec ln error happen on monitor server tue dec info got exit code not master dead mysql replic health is not okwhat is the expect output what do you see health ok no error what version of the product are you use on what oper systemmha ubuntu oner thi vagrant instal provid ani addit inform belowif i replac everi instanc of in with password it work fine i could not see anywher in the code where wa actual setorigin issu report on by jayjanson dec at
wrong transfer password across paramet into other script need escap and quot helloi found a bug with work with config file of mhai have strong password in mysql that contain such symbol like and other not just letter and didgitsfor exampl i write in in mha cnf then i execut got messag about programm couldnt connect to mysqlw nov warn global file not found skippingw nov info read applic default from nov info read server from nov info version wed nov info dead serversw nov info aliv serversw nov info wed nov info wed nov info aliv slavesw nov info oldest major version between slave nov info replic from wed nov info current aliv master wed nov info check slave nov info check replic filter settingsw nov info binlogdodb testdb nov info replic filter check okw nov info start ssh connect testsw nov info all ssh connect test pass nov info check mha node versionw nov info version check okw nov info check ssh publickey set on the current masterw nov info healthcheck ssh to is reachablew nov info master mha node version is wed nov info check recoveri script on the current masterw nov info execut command commandtest startpo nov info connect to root creat if not exist ok check output directori is access or not ok binlog found at up to mysqlbinw nov info master set check donew nov info check ssh publickey and check recoveri script on all aliv slave serversw nov info connect to root check slave recoveri environ set open ok relay log found at up to temporari relay log file is test mysql connect and access deni for user rootus password yesmysql command fail with rc at line maincheck call at line eval call at line mainmain call at line wed nov ln slave set check failedw nov ln slave failedw nov ln error happend on check at line wed nov ln error happen on monitor serversw nov info got exit code not master deadwel and there is veri interest moment in the begin it could connect to mysql and it could get valu of global variablesbut then it couldntiv never written perl script i use c and bash usual but i tri find where is problemi found that problem in incorrect pass paramet without escapingin in line when construct command and concaten slavepass it should be escap and place in quot becaus the script look on symbol like on control charact and miss iti tri chang in thi waycommand but thi is not help mei tri manual run with paramet and found that sybmol in password should be escap for exampleit doesnt and it and if i remov quot slash it doesnt work so pleas fix thi bug or say how to work with such symbol in there is correct way to write it in cnf filei would have done patch for it if i had known perlorigin issu report on by obricon nov at
when do ssh check ssh avail should not be check from those host which have nomast set to what step will reproduc the problem creat a mha config with some node specifi with nomast run ssh check as follow when you check the output of you will see that it is tri to check ssh connect from those node as well which have nomasterwhat is the expect output what do you see to how mha work ssh connect origin from onli those host are need to work which ever have the possibl of becom a master becaus they need to transfer differenti relay log to other slave howev when a node is defin as nomast we are specif ask mha to make sure that thi particular node is never consid for a master role and henc we do not need to check if node if nomast can connect to other other host i suggest that when mha check ssh connect it should onli tri to test to make sure that the candid master node can connect to all the other nodeswhat version of the product are you use on what oper system rpm qa grep i unam relx cat cento releas issu report on by ovaistaon oct at
test mysql connect and privilegessh mysql command not found tri start get thi errorroot thu may info read default from may info read applic default from may info read server from may info version thu may info dead serversthu may info aliv serversthu may info masterthu may info slavethu may info slavethu may info aliv slavesthu may info slave versionlog oldest major version between slave may info replic from thu may info slave versionlog oldest major version between slave may info replic from thu may info current aliv master masterthu may info check slave may warn readonli is not set on slave slavethu may warn is not set on slave slavethu may warn readonli is not set on slave slavethu may warn is not set on slave slavethu may info check replic filter settingsthu may info binlogdodb ecommercedb may info replic filter check okthu may info start ssh connect teststhu may info all ssh connect test pass may info check mha node versionthu may info version check okthu may info check ssh publickey and check recoveri script on the current masterthu may info execut command commandtest startpo thu may info connect to root creat if not exist ok check output directori is access or not ok binlog found at up to may info master set check donethu may info check ssh publickey and check recoveri script on all aliv slave serversthu may info execut command commandtest slaveip slaveport may info connect to root check slave recoveri environ set open ok relay log found at up to temporari relay log file is test mysql connect and privilegessh mysql command not foundmysql command fail with rc at line maincheck call at line eval call at line mainmain call at line thu may ln slave set check failedthu may ln slave failedthu may ln error happend on check at line thu may ln error happen on monitor serversthu may info got exit code not master deadmysql replic health is not ok thi is my help me explain whi doe thi error happeno cento releas mysql build from sourc basedir help me check and give me an advic as soon as report on by dbatruyon may at
make test work with hash seed turn on as discuss in python will eventu start use a random hash seed which affect the iter order of thing like dict and set admittedli thi wont be enabl by default until python but the can be turn on select all the way back to python when it is turn on it break a number of unit test in the transitfe librari that make assumpt about the order of valid except the order of the except can be a function of underli dictionari iter order so the test end up be happen to run the transitfe librari in a environ where random hash seed ha been enabl by default so id like to get these test fix to do so i will introduc a strict order of valid except in unit test that will be even if the origin order of the except is notorigin issu report on by bdferon nov at block
questionss d are you the person who contribut to thi project with just the bot could the bot in the futur do stuff their selv such as or raid or even like raid a major citi in a group or someth anyway to make bot like hang around major citi without be teleport or make them duel each other how to make bot not sit their idl i have like level bot i see in the who list just not level and just stand their anyway for bot to have a convers a bit crazi but d i just want the bot to act more like real player just to add more of a better player experi d thank for your time
reset drop connect spam with ha rancher behind elb rancher version docker version os and where are the host locat cloud bare metal etc ubuntu aw bare metalsetup detail singl node rancher vs ha rancher intern db vs extern db rancher ha elb ssl termin at the elb environ type cattlestep to reproduc setup ha rancher setup elb with proxi protocol valid ssl cert point on the instanc proxi protol add a host use public url for the elbresult agent on the host regist and otherwis work fine but fill the log with thi info reset drop connect elb to rancher url info reset drop connect elb to rancher url info reset drop connect elb to rancher url info reset drop connect elb to rancher url info reset drop connect elb to rancher url info reset drop connect elb to rancher url info reset drop connect elb to rancher url info reset drop connect elb to rancher urldur time of activ it continu to resetnot sure which log to look at on the server side but take a look at cattl contain log i see no issu relat to drop what my elb look like json subnet redact redact redact redact listen instanceport redact protocol ssl tcp policynam listen instanceport protocol tcp tcp policynam healthcheck interv target httpping timeout vpcid redact instanceport policynam instanc instanceid redact dnsname redact redact polici rancherlb createdtim tz uswesta uswestb scheme owneralia redact groupnam polici config json true policynam to not be drop
fail if credenti file ha a profil with an assum role i have a credenti file that ha the follow use the command line and specifi profil it allow me to assum a role into anoth aw account to perform action allow by fakerol in that other account in thi case im use it to sync to a particular s think poor man when im run my applic i want to use profil and assum a differ role to write file into sthe issu is with the when i attempt to load a credenti file with the follow setup i get an by unabl to load credenti into profil profil aw access key id is not specifi at at the assum role setup describ abov is support in the cli sure if it a you want to support in the sdk my onli thought is sinc the valu are valid the file should pars correctli howev the profil that assum anoth role should not be select coupl of note version test there are workaround in term of specifi the specif credenti file that exclud the assum role profil to use for the thi is just an issu im run into on my develop machin dure featur develop we use the in a deploy set
os x el capitan and tl error after updat openssl hi i have follow your instruct in the readm for the tl abandon after check that my python version is and upgrad openssl to version g i am still receiv a tl connect error on also tri the fix detail here but it did not affect anythingani help is appreci
readapt virus dont work player are unabl to extract the vr reagent it is produc in the blood stream but is not extract by ani mean one player comment he think it might react as soon as it madealso we dont have the jihad viru or the scarab viru
further detail for oper we may wish to add to the oper descript some for roll back state counter key etc
student drawer should show which assign train a student ha not complet
snapshot key trust data unavail ha a notari repositori been initi i am tri to test the docker content featur with the help of instruct at when i tri last time everyth work well so i made almost everyth work but stumbl upon a new issu now i ran the contain link with notari server etc exactli as per the instruct on the abov given link when i am tri to push the imag it is give me the error of error trust data miss for remot repositori or remot repositori not found snapshot key trust data unavail ha a notari repositori been initi my notari server is initi screenshot attach can someon help me in solv thi issu i did not do ani chang in the notari and it is exactli as per the instruct on the websit i saw thi post but i still could not resolv it
abl to creat a confer with an endsat befor startsat i wa abl to creat a confer that had an end date befor the start datea well the cpfendsat date can be befor the cpfstartsat fieldi can put togeth a pr for thi but wa curiou about the rule in the ha each valid rule as an array and if i tri someth like thi endsat get match expect except messag wa method doe not existhowev thi work just fine endsat there a reason for each rule valu be an array like that mayb i am miss someth obviou confus
simpl http system
return error when doesnt have a password when im connect on a public wifi and execut the wifipassword return basherror your network doesnt have a password at at emittwo eventsj at eventsj at maybeclos at socket at emiton eventsj at socketemit eventsj at pipeonclos netjsi believ thi is not a error and it should return to the screen thi is normal behavior what do you think about thi mayb we can predict the behavior insid the code and send a report with a better way
attest unment in oper attest should be mention in the when thi oper is invok parag of
saskatchewan govern breach privaci befor launch first home plan
main page view befor login style
assign type to role build on allow type to be assign to the role it is not current possibl to add a properti control term to describ the relationship between field and element to their enclos element the model support thi but the front end doe not it should be rel easi to add by extend the control term modal to support properti search and select howev will like requir api extens to bioport to search for properti what about creat properti on the fli
indian railway websit wa hack by a pakistani
crashreport input spawn at at at at at bdclass at lmclass at lmclass at ieclass at ieclass at at nexu va
after the site is sign and publish peer still use the old contentjson i chang sign and publish the siteth peer then print the error file size doe not match hash falsewhen i look at the peer it still ha the old contentjson the new contentjson on the sourc doesnt get to the peer for some reasonlog on the sourc onli say sitexxxxxxxx contentjson verifi quick true bad option no contentjson is transfer which is wrong becaus it should be transfer
fail with invalid express importj in vim fail with error detect while process function e unknown function jsondecode invalid express e undefin variabl result invalid express e undefin variabl result invalid argument for function invalid express am run vim
http error when invok secur endpoint from sequenc to address thi we just need to add a headercurl v x post h h authhead
drupal turn registr facebook login back on theyr no longer on login page screenshot from
add abil to inject promo into list if tast done of relat item or instor promo can be veri benefici but oh pleas dont use it to forc offsit ad onto criteria establish criteria for where the inject rowcel is to appear th row or th product etc decid on a system for manag the promo content ideal a dedic bannergroup would suit best sinc thi allow leverag the exist instead of write complet new promo modul rewrit to allow inject of the promo more thing need than list here
field duplic in miketh field stopid is in the select statement twice three other field were not includ in the statement although i dont see where they would use in your code so their inclus would have no effect also delet the duplic field would affect i dont know if you would want a chang made so im not submit a pull request just an fyi
grusessl not use by nginx the grusessl paramet is onli use by grep r usessl grusessl
bad site in whitelist but cant delet or add to blacklist dear andrewi have a bad site in my whitelist that i cannot delet nor add to the blacklist the x doesnt workbad site is onet ive blacklist o but that ha not affect the whitelist entrywhat should i doeg can i export the whitelist clear it edit the export list import it or doe import overwrit all entri
hashcat look in binari folder for resourc compil and instal master from sourc use make instal and then tri to run end up with hashcat m a abcdef hashestxt hashcat vgcfe no such file or directori
close fullscreen video scroll to the end of convers thi is a bug report templat by follow the instruct below and fill out the section with your inform you will help the develop to get all the necessari data to fix your issuey can also preview your report befor submit it you may remov section that arent relev to your particular casebefor we begin pleas note that thi tracker is onli for issu not question or commentsif you are look for support pleas see our support center email supportbegin with a checklist pleas replac the empti checkbox below with a check one x if you have search for exist issu x i have search open and close issu for duplic step to reproduc scroll up to a video go fullscreen close result convers window should look like befor step expect result convers window wa scroll down
swap item facil enhanc dear andryb a klutz im sure i have row in the whitelist that ought to be in the blacklist mayb even the revers toocould you pleas consid the abil to move a specif row from one list to the other a bit like the ftp util move file up and down im sure thi is not essenti
unknown complet load unknown complet load xbce xb xa xd xa xba xae xbadf xe xed xcab xc xfb xed as xc xfa xdf x xbdb rusttryfram xbd xab xbee xfffbc xfffb pthreadstart
maxwidth for login field mobil design button are now shorter than fullsiz
new featur option to allow login and destroy other session an option featur which allow valid user to take away the activ login and continu login by destroy other old session
problem inject a new camera and keep the default one descript in the editor i inject a new camera entiti that will be use as the perspect camera for the viewport but i want to keep the default camera ad in the scene like most of the exampl havebut the problem is that the default camera will be delet as soon as a new activ camera appear in the test it just open one exampl and run the follow code will chang the new activ camera and delet the default one far fov near activ should be abl to keep the default camera somehow idea
nolead text output probabl textpi kintsugi headkintsugi japanes golden joineryokay with l lead option textpi kintsugi l headkintsugi japanes golden joineri
troubleshoot with leagu api
instal letsencrypt and autom certif we want to turn on mandatori http on servoorg with hst see to do thi all servoorg subdomain must have valid tl cert were mostli readi save for thing need a cert see in day the cert in use by cloudfront for download will expir and need to be renew salt state for pip instal letsencrypt on buildmast everi day run the follow in an environ with and set from the pillar letsencrypt agreeto a servobuild uswest i emjpgjppl d agreeto a servobuild uswest i emjpgjppl d use letsencrypt to creat and renew cert for buildbot after all of the abov are definit work correctli flip the hst switch in so that browser will refus to ever load servoorg page over http
defin a quad encrypt method user need to input four key and just one string the string will go through the encrypt process as follow first shift cipher then affin cipher then vigner cipher and then bifid cipher the output should be a string that ha been encrypt four time use four cipher machin est pt
allow encrypt file to be includ in report for evid upload
unauthor hello ive start to use thi plugin today and im current have thi issu when i tri to use ani command from thi plugin look like someth from googl but ive follow the get start step and everyth went as describ the onli issu wa that current the permiss page look a bit differ but the iten are the same ive also tri to authent with both json and p file but neither seem to workeven with stacktrac or debug i couldt find ani relev anyon know what might be caus it or mayb ani way to check where might be the in advanc
add keychain for auth user with save credenti if custom regist or login in applic we need store him credenti in privat devic storag and encrypt befor next use thi data in our mobil applic we need use best encrypt cocoapod pod for store credenti in safe place
put check in place for password and password confirm field
libcrypto and libssl on fedora do not contain the right stuff first problem wa there were not symbol link for the requir symbol link the content of libssl and libcrypto do not satisfi the requir of servothi is on fedora plahmanservo ldd servoservo version openssl not found requir by servoservo not found requir by servoservo liblibsslso version openssl not found requir by servo linuxvdsoso xffc libstdcso liblibstdcso xfcd libzso liblibzso xfb libdbusso liblibdbusso xf libeglso liblibeglso xf libglso liblibglso xffc xfd libexpatso xfae libxso liblibxso xfa libxmuso liblibxmuso xfe libdlso liblibdlso xfa libsslso liblibsslso xf libcryptoso xfcb libpthreadso xfab libgccsso liblibgccsso xf libcso liblibcso xfc xcaca libmso liblibmso xfb libsystemdso xfd libselinuxso xff libxxcbso liblibxxcbso xfd libxcbdriso xfafe libxcbdriso xffa xff xfe xfe xfd xfed libxcbsyncso xfcca libxcbso liblibxcbso xfaa xfa libgbmso liblibgbmso xf xf xf libdrmso liblibdrmso xf libglapiso xfe libxextso liblibxextso xfc libxdamageso xfa libxfixesso xfa libxcbglxso xf libxxfvmso xffa libbzso liblibbzso xfea libpngso liblibpngso xffb libxtso liblibxtso xfde xfb libkrbso liblibkrbso xfb libcomerrso xf libkcryptoso xfe libcapso liblibcapso xfdf librtso liblibrtso xffd libresolvso xfdbd liblzmaso libliblzmaso xfb liblzso libliblzso xf libgcryptso xfe xf libpcreso liblibpcreso xf libxauso liblibxauso xff libffiso liblibffiso xffe libsmso liblibsmso xffbff libiceso liblibiceso xffe xffd xffcf libattrso liblibattrso xffc libuuidso liblibuuidso xffc
build log get spam with save lambda class messag we use the maven plugin and are find that the log output is a bit muchwould love for thi to be control but seem that is use systemout instead of a log mechan
incorpor ae encrypt into the main ae file current there is a work ae pr i would like it to be incorpor into pyrtl but it to be togeth with the decrypt togeth in one file
orgauth for mode multi vs orgoauth for mode singl is there ani particular reason for the differ name convent depend on which mode you are usingit would conveni if it wa one or the other for either mode i wa access the instanceurl properti in the orgauth object but i switch from multi mode to singl mode which threw an error in my code
display better login error messag it shouldnt be updat the titl instead display someth below the password text box someth like the follow your login attempt wa not success the user credenti you enter were not valid pleas tri again taken from jama
set up ssl certif monitor use rd parti servic to monitor cedar certif and warn of immin expir
updat secur there is some valuabl secur at which should also be present in the open sourc
investig http certif
reload magnitud page on hash chang when the hash chang trigger a page reload to ensur that the correct data is be display
bugfix in mggetcooki mggetcooki doe not work correctli tri const char cooki char buf int rc session buf sizeofbuf cooki bufit should return testsess but it is phpstormth problem is s varnam it find the substr but it ignor xdebugi redesign the function it is not perfect but it work for meit is onli test on window vs char cookiehead const char varnam char dst sizet dstsize const char s p end int namelen len if dst null dstsize return if varnam null s cookiehead null dst return dst namelen end s strlen ignor start space while s s search it not allow in cooki name i hope so while p strchr null if sizetp s namelen if strnicmp varnam namelen varnam found s p s point to valu cooki must be namevalu namevalu not allow in valu scanner will not work todo veri simpl scan if valu with exist it doe not work but in the moment much better then search onli p strstr if p null p end if s p p s s p len p s if len intdstsiz mgstrlcpydst s sizetlen return len return name not found seek to next s strstr p if s null break no more valu s return
password text prompt on boot is not more highlight cryptsetup submiss type x bug report request for enhanc rfenot do not submit anyth other than bug report or rfe via the issu tracker systemd version the issu ha been seen with vnote do not submit bug report about anyth but the two most recent releas systemd version upstream use distribut arch linux xnow the text is mix with the other messag sinc share the same color is not white anymor cryptsetup
suggest login use googl api for googl account use googl object to login in the appher is the would be more secur and transpar access
no rule to make target ich bekomm diesen fehler wenn ich versuch da paket mit zu bauenmak vsich hab auch schon probiert da makefil und den file folder in einen weiteren unterordn zu legen aber selber fehler der selb fehler kommt auch wenn ich da makefil ganz lschewa mach ich falschod funktioniert da so nicht unter
pars error with gpg pgp public key includ some of my contact have a public pgp key which i store in my vcard after some research i found out thi is exactli the same as but with the baseencod key hackfix the local instal code by patch in a line similar to the photo ignor line directli in the method if appendlin and researchkey line reignorecas appendlin falsewhich solv the problem probabl one could also filter for encodingb more gener to wipe out everyth the upstream bug get fix soon though so that thi wont be neccessari im mainli post thi so that search for issu with khard about key and pgp will return a result for other wink
terminolog in minor editori issu seem to be use content encod and content code and synonym mayb settl on one of those term content code might be best becaus that what rfc use
error unabl to find vcvarsallbat i realiz that thi is similar to other question but im still have issu when i tri to instal wordcloud im on window with an anaconda distribut of python ive instal visual studio which is the most common answer to thi sort of problem it didnt seem to have ani effect here the full window version c microsoft corpor all right instal wordcloud use cach wheel for collect packag wordcloud run setuppi bdistwheel for wordcloud error complet output from command u c import setuptool open file exec bdistwheel d pythontag cp run bdistwheel run build run buildpi creat build creat creat copi copi copi copi copi copi run buildext build extens error unabl to find vcvarsallbat fail build wheel for wordcloud run setuppi clean for to build collect packag wordcloud run setuppi instal for wordcloud error complet output from command u c import setuptool open file exec instal record compil run instal run build run buildpi creat build creat creat copi copi copi copi copi copi run buildext build extens error unabl to find vcvarsallbat command u c import setuptool open file exec instal record compil fail with error code in you have ani suggest thank in advanc
disabl root login and creat a dedic ssh user instead
clean up salt gener function
no handler could be found for logger helloim have some issu run your script im use ubuntu im get about half my folder and file convert and i get an incomplet error messag is below is there ani cleanup of the mendeley data requir to help thi run eg remov special charact from author name or titl or shorten titl my next step is to go folder by folder in my librari to see if i can isol the issuealso note that the date ad field doe not updat as well on import in to zotero so a request for futur run if thi could be includ thank for the work you have put into export metadata and annot to bibfileno handler could be found for logger export metadata and annot to most recent call last file line in file line in main file line in file line in exportdocri file line in parsemeta s ascii codec cant encod charact uxad in posit ordin not in rang
ignor not respect bot modsadmin after a unknown chang in the bot code or discordppi bot do not respect user of ignor server who are bot modsadmin
use nonc to avoid stale client code
zest script requir field even if not neededus step to reproduc the issu run zap creat an zest script and remov the paramet loginurl eg a script that use an hardcod login url configur a context to use it and note that the loginurl is still requir as well the field the script should onli requir the paramet defin except usernam and password which are obtain from the configur userzap version older version are also affect
tlscipher for openssl on freebsd the openssl is use instead of gnutl the syntax is differ and not compat i manag to find a work combin that use secur if receivedport defaultsslv highbecaus of the select of cipher on the system there are onli cipher with tlsv left im not sure about older freebsd version and other reli on openssl would be great if someon could test thi
requir field not work on unassign ticket enter a comment and check the close ticket checkbox doe not trigger requir field valid on ticket that are not assign to anyon
sha hash of the to ha chang urgent i get the follow error when run dokku letsencrypt myapp im on dokku look like it is relat to sha hash of the to ha letsencrypt product let encrypt product updat letsencrypt docker imagelatest pull from alreadi exist eaae alreadi exist cacdc alreadi exist digest imag is up to date for done enabl acm proxi for product get letsencrypt certif for product domain domain resendio domain wsresendio domain copyright c emil on http infomain gener new account key start new http connect start new http connect start new http connect start new http connect hash mismatch found tip v improv output verbos help is avail under help certif retriev fail disabl acm proxi for product done
hack for allow option inject in profilesclj thi should be done more elegantli it current read for some reason leiningen tri to resolv everi unquot symbol in the inject code even the one that wouldnt be resolv normal eg the symbol insid the when form so to prevent it from choke on the potenti nonexist symbol insid the when block we have to use thi hilari ridicul eval hack when resolv eval symbol alembicstil distil lein
the handl ha an unsign int underflow bug thank for catch cconst uint ngrowdesir ngrowdesir if is greater than ngrowdesir will becom a huge number becaus it unsign
use byte instead of base encod str for now we use baseencod str object in the py sens to send file to the contain howev as we now use msgpack for everyth it would be cool to use onli byte and to avoid baseencod idea is to drop the ugli fix in to stop store all the submiss in gridf but onli the byte object and to use msgpack in the contain instead of json to store everyth
give a better error messag when deploy encrypt key not found right now it just fall back to use a token but it should onli do that if token wa use
cant build sign apk of variant slide version need to get a stacktrac will report back when i have the chanc to get one
allow to be sort by ob count asc to show rariti within search param
clear profil info and reset user password by custom admin via api per javier home app develop request
support v session cooki manag v wa ad to support set previous possibl in minphp xthe bridg should take advantag of v to implement behavior with minphp x
bug terraform attempt to delet secur group befor depend ec instanc i have a of ec instanc belong to secur group in awsresourc awsinst foo some config foo some config vpcid varvpcidwhen run terraform destroy terraform attempt to destroy the secur group until timeout minut at which point it print the follow error resourc sgfd ha a depend object statu code request id the instanc which terraform ha not yet attempt to destroy are depend on the secur group given that the for these resourc is maintain complet in terraform it seem to be some bug with the depend resolut i wonder if thi may have anyth to do with the vpc
setup user
oauth registr correctli regist the bot with discord use oauth so can we elev permiss
autom letsencrypt renew through bash creat bashscript to autom letsencrypt renew current one last for integr with docker
how to set custom tl certif on dashboard control i know letsencrypt integr is in the pipelin but in the meantim im do it semimanu use terraform and acmei have the certif and have run the follow command to set up the default certflynn a router env set tlscertcat certchainpem tlskeycat work fine and when visit my app use http it show the letsencrypt when i access dashboard control or git it still use the self certifi certif i also tri updat the rout for dashboard and control app as follow but still no joyflynn a dashboard rout updat tlscert certchainpem tlskey a control rout updat tlscert certchainpem tlskey search through the doc and issu queue for similar question but cant find ani thing that work am i miss thank for all your work on thi project it great
session max per user login id im submit a bug report x featur request question support request pleas do not open a github issu support it be possibl to extend the quota system to allow a max session count per user login id the use case is prevent share login where the underli dataset are licens on a perus basi
treat invalid utf encod path string correctli for case where the escap path is not valid utf encod weblisten behavior is not ideal in some case it return badrequest for exampl overlong string fffbf in other case it return ok but decod the path incorrectli for exampl incorrect overlong ascii ca the behavior should be kept inlin with kestrel
user can login and regist usernam screen shot at
use a room function librari it should auto handl the dev environ
is there a way to clear the signatur pad im use the form version of the signatur pad and it doesnt seem to have a way to hide the clear label and clear the signatur pad in code like anyway thi could be done
add gener secur guidelin add some gener secur guidelin for relay oper keyless ssh firewal etc
tl server doe not honor tl extens accord to the tl spec the server should reject a connect if the extens doe not contain appropri algorithm if the client ha offer the extens the signatur algorithm and hash algorithm must be a pair list in that extens note that there is a possibl for here for instanc the client might offer dhedss key exchang but omit ani dsa pair from it extens in order to negoti correctli the server must check ani candid cipher suit against the extens befor select them thi is somewhat ineleg but is a compromis design to minim chang to the origin cipher suit design botan tl server doe not honor the list of algorithm offer in thi extens if the extens contain for exampl anonymoussha it is still possibl to execut a correct tl handshak with the cipher suiteto reproduc thi issu gener an rsa key pair and start the botan server withopenssl genpkey algorithm rsa out rsapem pkeyopt req key rsapem new x day out rsacrtbotan tlsserver rsacrt rsapem portdownload tlsattack and start it with the follow commandjava jar client connect the follow handshak you will see the botan server ignor the extens with anonymoussha and use rsasha for to the the server should reject the note that thi is rather a issu note also that with tl and the server should behav also the wireshark trace where the clienthello and messag content are
misfortun cooki mr chow restaur websit hack to distribut ransomwar
npc trade exploit steal from vend machin found in version npc next to a vend machin and choos to trade with a follow npc let you take thing from the vend machin freeli and give it to the npc where you can then take it back without use a cash cardprob pretti minor at the moment and inconveni to do sinc most item from machin will onli trade one at a time but it could be a problem if someon implement vend machin with more valuabl thing insid
post apiuserlogin
textphoto input appear at top of convers view hide intro text issuein version of io below were see that the textphoto input in the chat window is pin to the top of the view when the view initi load the messag histori is still visibl but thi hide the intro text for new chat session with no previou histori and it seem the onli way to bring it back down to the bottom of the view when it isnt activeset as the first respond is to begin upload a photo and then cancel thi issu is not reproduc in io as far as we can see thi is present even in smooch and version prior weve seen it in version as old as str open a new smooch convers window we instanti with smooch in a project with io as the minimum deploy target note that the input window is at the top of the view attempt to input either text or a photo and then cancel note that the input window should now be close and pin to the bottom of the viewexpect result the view open and the input window is pin to the bottom of the view until tap to input text or upload a photoactu result as in the screenshot below the input window is pin to the top of the view until tap to input text or upload a photo the intro text for with littl or no histori is hidden from view when the input window is correctli pin to the bottom of the screen shot sep
theme pamunixso make the login screen blank bug report for on webmin on cento when webmin is configur not to use pamunixso in and instead use the system sssd via includ systemauth for all entri the login screen is blankth follow error show up in the consol log for both firefox and chrome syntaxerror jsonpars unexpect charact at line column of the json datasuccess jqueryminjsz jqueryminj nprogress is not defin parentminj is use
habilitar la opcin login en app io
letsencrypt on redhat cento hithank for your great work here a littl issu with path to opensslcnf on redhat cento redhat keep openssl paramet in while etcssl contain onli a symlink on to opensslcnf is hard code in generatecsr self domain config brochard
cannot encrypt and copi to b helloim tri to copi a directori tree to an encrypt folder on b and it fail miserablyi know it not the encrypt part becaus i can upload small file given the trace i guess it could have to do with big file my tree ha both small and larg around m fileslet me know if you need more infomi config is as followbtyp baccount xxxkey cryptremot yyyyyyyi what is your rclone version eg output from rclone vvgadus that one to go around thi bug which os you are use and how mani bit eg window bitfedora x bit which cloud storag system are you use eg googl b the command you were tri to run eg rclone copi tmp v copi bencrypt a log from the command with the v flag eg output from rclone v copi tmp remotetmpi upload the trace as a gist
add credenti into the profil would you accept a pr that allow store the credenti in a file in the user config dir i know that you dont intend to maintain it but we cant fork the pypi name id be happi to maintain it for you though if you want
disabl saltminion servic on linux host by default watchmak instal of the salt packag instal the saltminion servic thi servic should be stop and disabl el chkconfig saltminion off servic saltminion stop el systemctl stop saltminion systemctl disabl saltminion systemctl mask saltminion
develop account implement initi via googl signin api progress x set up googl signin x integr into signup and databas x integr into signin
scplugin and sourceforg the sourceforg is still up and the project doesnt have ani link to the github repo anyon want to fix
subdomain to test for variou type of compress issu eg crime a test subdomain offer encrypt one for deflat and one for lz each would be nice accept ani compress except null offer accept onli if deflat offer accept onli if lz should be accept when the client offer the indic compress method in it clienthello
encod map but no decod wrote the encod for mapstr but no decod what what also should allow for set
creat login view
oauthtoken i wasnt abl to see the oauthtoken endpoint workingi have a singl app that doe the pathcontext is i have a for my jdbc user store it work greati struggl to get a proper http secur sinc i ad oauthi can see that the endpoint oauthtoken is regist in the logi cant get a proper respons i keep have to oauthtokenin some other tri i had messag comm befor the other whi is it so hard to get a token is there a good articl to read on how to configur http secur with i am tire to tri random some about these error and when they happen will be a great help
la redireccin no funciona tra login en al hacer login debera volver a la pgina del canto pero no logintwig macro redirect
nameerror in after i restart the rail server and tri to creat a new book i get the error below did i miss copi someth or get a namespac wrong in constant sourc around line class def
as a user i want to chang password
unabl to chang icon after updat to win anniversari edit version v xo version access to the path is deni at errorcod string at path filemod mode fileaccess access int right boolean useright fileshar share int buffers fileopt option secattr string msgpath boolean bfromproxi boolean uselongpath boolean checkhost at path filemod mode fileaccess access fileshar share int buffers fileopt option string msgpath boolean bfromproxi at path filemod mode fileaccess access fileshar share int buffers boolean useasync at at filenam saveopt option at in at in at sender eventarg e at e at e at mevent at m mousebutton button int click at m at m at m at hwnd int msg intptr wparam intptr lparam at msg at int reason int pvloopdata at reason context at reason context at
question i dont have an exist defin in my app should i ls ls bundl show fileactorrb baseactorrb make it clearer your look at a file from the gem directori sinc everyth els ha been within ccsampl
error run decrypt i go to safari to text and when i send a messag i get a text on my phone that send error run decept pleas view thi messag on your phoneim run safari on maco sierra
move user email into encrypt vault
use sword to craft pumpkin face bypass protect anyon can hit ani pumpkin on someon land and turn it into a pumpkin face
typo miss an n it should
how to check client certif thank for wonder project is there a way to setup explicit client typic nginx config if we do self sign certif we usual have clientcrti there an api to do thisthank
hard return the slide viewer put a hard return in the line cp bundl show noth to fix but just be awar that some peopl like me might get an error when they tri to cut and bundl show miss destin file operand after cp help for more
get rubi test to run on maco with system integr protect activ
pleas is it possibl to updat exampl with new salt method would it be possibl to updat with the new safer method of do the pleas leav etc address for donat if somebodi can do thi
fail sinc julia when tri to start new proc on the slurm cluster via i get the follow error messag thi work with juliajulia use job queu and wait for job ha been alloc unhandl task failur version read fail connect close by peer in bool at multijl in tcpsocket bool at multijl in tcpsocket bool at multijl in at eventjlsrun error worker task exit with exit code enter ctrlc after noth happen after the error messag crash julia at at libuvjlwait at at function ip at at at at at function ip
secur updat to announc cve cve cve
expand on not do a threat model is not think about endtoend secur design where we need to open an risk ticket say thi appfeatur ha not done a threat model and consid it secur implic as michael mention
and give cooki error i just use the provid file to setup a sharelatex instanc the onli modif i made wa to trueto the environ part of sharelatex as the docker is run behind a nginx with ssltl onthen i use docker exec sharelatex binbash c cd grunt email joeto creat the admin account when i copi the shown url to my browser it show me the reset password field where i enter the same mail addressthen i got the error error pleas check you have cooki enabl if the problem persist tri clear your cach and cookiesin firefox and chromium also after clean cach and cookiesedit with the default file it work but then the cooki direct secur is not set onli httponli is set
defin server respons for login
column design use simpl column grid defin in column websit should be websit might allow us to make the websit not onli more organ but also more beauti for index page
remov second two step from cd gener alreadi done on vmrake dbmigrat
loopback intern error when null is pass in url paramet eg step to reproduc creat a loopback app add person deriv from user model and convers model add relat person hasmani convers from person to say that there is no model with such id howeverpost intern error
implement prc audit see email from susan content below thi will becom a higher prioriti onc we have all netbuild compon success run in unidataprc will do an immens number of thing includ check the particular file or compon the account you are in the user clearanc the type of project the correct modul ton of stuff it can be code for special behavior that must happen to the item like compil or bring along the defnit will also let the user know if the item they are attempt to edit is check out to someon els anoth project and can offer to make a separ branch copi or variou other option in order for prc to offer some of the more option it ha to be abl to interact with the user if there is a way to display dialog box choic let me know otherwis prc can send back code for whether the procedur can continu and a messag that can be display on your end thi is a much more limit way to use prc so we will want to evolv thi howev we must to give the user the abil to respond and make choic but we can keep it pretti simpl the design tool ha read the softwar compon in call prcprelogb with argument filenam the file where the softwar compon is store such as the process file itemnam the name of the screen field program whatev it is ptype thi can be ed a lot or all the time the advantag of have differ ptype is if there is addit behavior that need to happen such as prc know that an fd type field definit in sb ha two item the field item and the dotinfront field item same with sd screen definit item prc know that these have txt and gui and more item so if we are go to use differ ptype i need to set up the special behavior ed item can be compil or not that is set up by file in a differ place gono prc send back a if all is well and the read is allow other thing it might send back are all is well but display the messag in pmsg and are variou degre of fatal and at least initi should display the messag in pmsg and disallow the read inact sb design for a new item for a modifi item and for a delet inrecord the item that is read in the program or paragraph process or field item pmsg a messag that prc send back that you can display passiv or with a requir we can get more elabor but thi for nowbefor the design tool write out the item call prclogb with argument filenam the file where the softwar compon is store such as the process file itemnam the name of the screen field program whatev it is ptype thi can be ed a lot or all the time the advantag of have differ ptype is if there is addit behavior that need to happen such as prc know that an fd type field definit in sb ha two item the field item and the dotinfront field item same with sd screen definit item prc know that these have txt and gui and more item so if we are go to use differ ptype i need to set up the special behavior ed item can be compil or not that is set up by file in a differ place gono prc send back a if all is well and the write is allow other thing it might send back are all is well but display the messag in pmsg and are variou degre of fatal and at least initi should display the messag in pmsg and disallow the write inact sb design for a new item for a modifi item and for a delet inrecord the item that is read in the program or paragraph process or field item befor the chang wa made origrec currecord the item as it is after the chang what will be written your program will still write it pmsg a messag that prc send back that you can display passiv or with a requir we can get more elabor but thi for
copensess fail with compress certif on devic after i fix it fail at the next hurdl too sudo ptool listtoken opensc pkc spi debug ykcsc indebug ykcsc outload return ckrok ciniti in pinitarg xfecd flag ykcsc ciniti intri to connect to reader yubico yubikey neo otpccid debug ykcsc ciniti found slot of which ykcsc ciniti outreturn ckrok cgetinfo debug ykcsc cgetinfo indebug ykcsc cgetinfo outout pinfo yubico wwwyubicocom flag pkc piv librari sp return ckrok cgetslotlist in tokenpres xdebug ykcsc cgetslotlist indebug ykcsc cgetslotlist token present is debug ykcsc cgetslotlist number of slot is debug ykcsc cgetslotlist outout pslotlist slot out pulcount xreturn ckrok in slotid xdebug ykcsc indebug ykcsc outout pinfo label yubikey piv yubico model yubikey neo serialnumb ulmaxpinlen ulminpinlen time flag d ckfrng return ckrok cgetslotinfo in slotid xdebug ykcsc cgetslotinfo indebug ykcsc cgetslotinfo outout pinfo yubico yubikey neo otpccid yubico flag ckfhwslot return ckrok copensess in slotid xin flag ykcsc copensess intri to connect to reader yubico yubikey neo otpccid debug yubicotokenc getobject found auth cert adebug yubicotokenc getobject found card auth cert edebug yubicotokenc getobject found signatur cert cdebug yubicotokenc getobject found kmk cert ddebug yubicotokenc getobject the total number of object for thi token is debug yubicotokenc getobject found auth cert adebug yubicotokenc getobject found card auth cert edebug yubicotokenc getobject found signatur cert cdebug yubicotokenc getobject found kmk cert ddebug yubicotokenc getobject the total number of object for thi token is debug ykcsc copensess unabl to store certif dataout phsession xreturn cfinal debug ykcsc cfinal indebug ykcsc cfinal outreturn ckrok
fail on new linux build ethereumj version os ubuntu ltsjava version openjdk runtim environ icedtea uopenjdk bit server vm build b mix mode test complet fail skippedi thi due to lack of proprietari provid i guess in that case the build should skip the test or otherwis fail grace if it missingstack trace java debug start debug debug fail debug miss provid debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at method debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at sourc debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at sourc debug at debug at sourc debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at debug at
bot credenti should not be commit in git in tokenspi these are sensit credenti it would be better to use place holder and keep the actual credenti secret to avoid ani possibl exampl appkey prawoauth repo exampl hide it credenti as not be a problem for now but it would be good practic
ykc doesnt instal pkit modul file when i use opensc with my yubikey piv the distribut packag of opensc instal a modul file which ensur that openscpkcsso is load into ani wellbehav applic i can use the pkc with ani applic in place of a filenam for a certkey and expect it to workthat doe requir that the pkc modul be instal correctli with a pkit modul file though
initi a convers base on bot object receiv from interact messag i am tri to initi a convers after receiv a button press from an interact messag i use the use the bot receiv from the howev i keep get typeerror cannot read properti send of from thi line of code in corebotj workersay cb messag functionerr worker messag cb
onthefli decrypt imo and in my experi so far encrypt the entir book all at onc lead to unaccept delay on mani devic and isnt go to scale imagin onc we have embed media per mayb we could just decrypt the current and nextprevi section
moment depend need to be updat due to secur advisori moment should be updat to at least
hashtag should be treat like todotxt tag todo hashtag should be treat like todotxt tag id featur creatorbot get todobot to do your work at
zliberror error while data incorrect header check when tri to run the exe which is encrypt with pyinstal im packag the exe use pyinstal and im also provid a key to encrypt it but on tri to run the exe i get the follow most recent call last file line in file line in loadmodul ispkg bytecod file line in extract obj error while data incorrect header return i dont get thi error when i packag it without a key
hashtag should be treat like todotxt tag todo hashtag should be treat like todotxt tag id featur creatorbot get todobot to do your work at
port to antiforgeri filter is in wrong order rel to author see x patch bug here to ensur we bring the fix to as well
can not compar sync a hash password hey im tri to compar a hash password from a woltlab forum databas with the input from my login page the woltlab forum use hi own encrypt but it look a bit similar here is there php class want to get that work in a mean project what went wrongbcrypt doe not compar the hash with the password from the input right what did you expect to happena comparison which version of nodej and osnodej vo mac os b sierra if you find a bug pleas write a fail testi think thi is no bug it just that wcf is use a char long and bcrypt use someth els for comparisonim total new to encrypt thing if thi doe not explain it at all ill post the code hash plain test
cryptox mac os x version requir what version of go are you use go to compil go use go as bootstrap what oper system and processor architectur are you use go envrun on linux but compil for darwin what did you doexport go ccfortarget onli allow a command name not a command with argument binsh exec cc isysroot stdgnu x goarchcd cc cflag ldflag makebash what did you expect to seeinstal go for darwin in command in what did you see instead in function error is unavail declar at error is unavail declar at littl background thi came up while tri to crosscompil go from debian wheezi to mac as part of the build process of tor browser we previous were use go built against the mac os x sdk becaus go now use some sdk function we start build against thi copi of the we need the go upgrad becaus go ha some fix for maco sierra that arent in go awar that mac os x isnt a support platform per which ha the same error messag as thi ticket but a tini chang to the sourc code make thi build work for me ha the cflag build cflag i just delet the part then the build succe for mea written the build constraint doesnt seem to make sens mean and mean the intersect of which is just that cant be what intend mayb the author meant instead but even that cant be right becaus the function use in and are document to be maco the code that use these function first appear in go error messag error is unavail come from macro that interact with and for exampl is annot iphonena i dont know whi the build doesnt fail when build nativ with an sdk mayb the the get overridden somehowa macport ran into the same issu thi issu seem to be caus by line of file which appear as cgo cflag the valu of for repres osx which conflict with compil it on lion remov thi restrict allow success compil i didnt research beyond just get it to build on my box but from the look of it i dont understand how it could be compil anywheremi main question on thi issu are am i right that the cflag build constraint is strang or is there a reason for it be the way it is is the workaround of delet safe if thi is the onli impedi doe becom a support platform again or should we begin migrat to a sdk go would be the onli compon of tor browser that requir
antiforgeri filter is in wrong order rel to author see origin issu w discuss and analysi here pend pr here
hashtag should be treat like todotxt tag todo hashtag should be treat like todotxt tag id featur creatorbot get todobot to do your work at
add secur flag in cooki
enabl enter key when enter when enter one need to use to click on the button it is more common to use the enter key thi would be a nice enhanc for regard
dispatchrz slug voter convers ha xss from voter name dispatch page ha an xss from the voter name from a separ area than issu dispatchrz slug voter convers ha xss from voter namenot thi pose a secur risk becaus an user can creat a script that can be execut by an name assesign upsavelog in as to on convers for recent creat voter rideactu resultsth messag is not properli encod and allow for xss and arbitrari html resultsth string would be properli encod to prevent xss and arbitrari html inject
disabl db auto hash
dont keep around extra encrypt copi of data it doesnt help to leav them encrypt when the same data is avail unencrypt instead encrypt right befor upload and decrypt right after download
fail to run with theano but work fine with tensorflow fail to run with theano but work fine with tensorflowi have the latest version also it wa not work on older versionin in my pc which ha quadro gpu i am get errortrain on sampl valid on samplesepoch traceback most recent call last file line in xtest file line in fit file line in fitloop out finsbatch file line in call return file line in call storagemap none file line in raisewithop excvalu exctrac file line in call selffn if outputsubset is none error get worksiz node that caus the error subsampl convmodeconv constant index input type d d d scalarfloat shape no shape input stride no stride input valu not shown not shown not shown input name kernel grad output descriptor alpha betaoutput client rerun with most theano optim disabl could give you a backtrac of when thi node wa creat thi can be done with by set the theano flag if that doe not work theano can be disabl with use the theano flag for a debugprint and storag map footprint of thi appli nodeon our cluster which ha tesla gpu i am get errortrain on sampl valid on samplesepoch traceback most recent call last file line in xtest file line in fit file line in fitloop out finsbatch file line in call return file line in call storagemap none file line in raisewithop excvalu exctrac file line in call output gpucorrmm shape bottom shape weight shape top shape expect appli node that caus the error index input type d d scalar scalarinput shape input stride input valu not shown not shown array arrayoutput client hint rerun with most theano optim disabl could give you a backtrac of when thi node wa creat thi can be done with by set the theano flag if that doe not work theano can be disabl with use the theano flag for a debugprint and storag map footprint of thi appli is not quiet work on our cluster and i need to fall back on theano which ha thi problem note exampl is work fine with theano indic the problem is with convolut or
ignor certif my compani fiddl with certif so minishift startresult in minishift local openshift iso startgo error start host get x certif sign by unknown author iso startgo error start host get x certif sign by unknown author iso startgo error start host get x certif sign by unknown author retrying startgo error start host get x certif sign by unknown authorityget x certif sign by unknown authorityget x certif sign by unknown authorityani way to tell minishift to ignor certif error
so about secur what are some step that can be taken to make thi a bit more secur use capdropal break a lot of the contain sinc it assum user will want to stuff document how to creat a docker group so we can avoid run as root document how to forward port dockopotamu port to avoid run as root the main attack vector seem to be the docker daemon what do we do about that
chang bitcoin signatur handl current the ricardian contract structur call for all object to be sign with both the ident key and bitcoin key the reason for the bitcoin signatur is that there is a possibl attack that goe like vendor receiv a moder order vendor gener a new openbazaar ident key vendor creat a new ricardian contract ident to the order he just receiv but swap out the buyer ident for the new fake ident and proce to sign the contract with the fake ident key and hi own ident key the vendor file a disput with the moder say he sent the good and the buyer went awol befor releas the fund the malici ricardian contract is sent along to the moder the moder check the signatur on the contract and note everyth valid he attemp to contact the buyer to see what up but the messag is sent to the fake ident and not to the buyer real ident so the moder either never get a respons or the vendor respond on the fake ident and say fu moder releas the fund to the vendora similar attack can be craft by the buyer as wellbi sign the list and order with the key each parti use as part of the multisig thi attack is thwartedth fund were sent to an address which use buyerkey vendorkey moderatorkey if the vendor were to tri the abov attack he would need the buyerkey in order to creat a fake ricardian contract if he tri to fake it by chang the buyer public key in the order and sign with thi new key then the moder will calcul that buyerkey vendorkey moderatorkey the psh escrow address the vendor want the fund releas fromwhat we need to consid is if we can simplifi the contract sign right now the signatur field look likemessag signatur section section byte guid byte bitcoin but as far as i know onli the list and order need the bitcoin signatur can anyon think of an attack where the other contract section would also need a bitcoin signatureif it onli those two section that need the bitcoin signatur and obvious onli moder order need it can we refactor the contract to put the bitcoin signatur elsewher so that we dont bloat the contract with unnecessari signatur what the cleanest way to do thatthi would obvious supersed
open at login should be option i know that prefer are the devil but i find it odd that nowapp is in my menu bar on everi restart and there no obviou way to disabl that behavior
direct user to gett start page first login
voobli inject chat messag are read incorrectli the thi match wa play on voobli messag are cut off incorrectli thi happen becaus the chat parser assum that the usernam in the chat messag will be the same as the usernam of the player that sent the chat messag ie the player number that is store in the chat messag howev voobli messag are sent from player number but with the usernam voobli
permitindo o cadastro do usuario sem o campo login grupo eiderson souza luca fornero pablo zambaldi rafael augusto a tela est permitindo cadastrar um usurio sem o campo login
problema na hora de efetuar o login grupo eiderson souza luca fornero pablo zambaldi rafael augusto o login usando admin no est acessando mesmo estando cadastrado no banco de dado
for encrypt voic record app for journalist dear give us your insight and feedback on the app idea below which is a request directli from a journalist we the cypherpunk write code meetup will be work on thi app for our first the ideaher is the idea to date the latest version of which doe encrypt audio record as well as video record plu option upload that audio or video somewher so even if your phone is seiz the audio footag is
rfe investig move to a more gener audit buffer cach we keep a cach of audit buffer that is implement as a simpl list maintain by the audit subsystem we realli should look into leverag the exist kernel mechan and not use our own cach solut includ a straight remov of the cach and relianc on the slub cach as well as the creation of an audit buffer specif kmemcach
apt whitelist request for dhvirtualenv in trusti
apt whitelist request for devscript in trusti
disaster perform on ff on room with larg encrypt imag in a room with sever encrypt mb imag silwol report that ff complet grind to a halt until you move to a differ room paus for s on end attach is a js profil and a screenshot of what it do it seem to be spend multipl block of s in and then over s actual paint
mode debug dsactiv flask est toujour en mode debugen prod a peut tre une faill de scuritdan initatla il faut just enlev le debugtru
multipl user login when a new user visit the app multipl firebaseauth chang are fire
updat faq how do i chang the super user password when password recoveri email are not sent our faq how do i chang the super user password when password recoveri email are not need to be updat with a new procedur for piwik sinc we do not use hash md up
constraint violat on student and employe due to bean copi wa taken out fix to these are either put back apach common util to copi bean and make sure to updat everi time person is updat as well make new entiti to share between student and employe but take person out of the pictur to avoid redund on tabl
remov from region link in nav bar if you click a region such as california from the nav bar it prompt for a password
writabl output numpi array hash to the same memmap im use parallel to run job that all write to larg output numpi array i alloc these in advanc as zero then pass into the function that are execut in parallel to be populatedin my case these are distinct array of zero of the same shape and dtype for that reason they are all hash to the same valu by the joblib hasher and so end up share the memori map object joblib creat as a consequ my job instead of produc distinct output end up write over each otherthi behaviour is perfectli fine when the memmap mode is readonli but is wrong when the memmap mode allow writingon solut is to includ the object ident in the hash whenev the memmap mode allow write
remov hash after load page thi is our number one prioriti swapnil
tmux runphp seem to be make a direct call to mysql without use the configur usernam and password a larg number of note access deni for user rootus password no mysql event where trace back to runphpher the offend line from runphp if exectmux newwindow t tmuxsess n printf watch n mysql e select time state info from where command sleep and time order by time desc gshow process list wa enabl in the tmux set which is what wa send the code through that code pathrootz version alllook up git tag versionshash version vvgit version vlook up sql patch versionsxml version db version
support n paramet in jsonwebkey the jwa say the n modulu paramet contain the modulu valu for the rsa public key it is repres as a valuehowev n paramet cannot be unmarshal into in gojoseher is what im tri to dogovar d err d err nil return errwhen the n paramet in the json bodi is baseurl encod instead of base encod i get the error illeg base data at input byte i think thi is becaus encodingjson packag expect a baseencod string when decod to sure if im miss can be solv by chang the type of in to string if im right let me know ill gladli submit a pr
rfe gener audit record when connect and to the multicast socket log inform about program connect and to the audit netlink multicast socket thi is need so that dure a secur offic can tell who or what had access to the audit trail thi help to meet the fausar requir for common criteriathi issu will requir the addit of a new test in the as well as a new rfe page in the audit kernel wiki
and issu im have a problem where subsequ sessionstart is alway the session id i narrow it down to it appar not read from phpsessid when is fals even if is true im guess there wa a chang sinc you wrote the articl back in april and or you were on a differ version on version use the built in server for test do you know if thi is a limit of the built in server chang with later version can you confirm it actual use to work in the past
mixpanel event is account creat even if it wa a login vs a creation
featur request a companion servic to the that would creat certif would be great someth
otp app hack
mqtt name password secur connect pleas provid an exampl in indexhtml with name and password for connect to mqtt broker and also a flag to enforc secur tl encrypt connect thank
use event deleg for tooltip mous over
travi config osxlinux nodej multipl version multipl env var also secur i ask to travi ci commun thisi want a config file to do these build linux nodej env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec linux nodej latest env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec linux nodej env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec linux nodej latest env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec osx nodej env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec osx nodej latest env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec osx nodej env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and sec osx nodej latest env var blabla blabla blabla and secur var sec and secp everi build use env var at the same time i dont want to multipli build onli buildsalso note that blabla is the same for all linux build but could be differ for the other osx buildshow can i write a travisyml for thi made mani test without successmi actual travisyml islanguag nodejsmatrix includ os linux nodej env global secur securevar secur securevar matrix blablavalu blablav blablav os osx nodej env global secur securevar secur securevar matrix blablav firefox latest apt sourc packag gscript bash apt true bundler true directori thi travisyml with the offici travisci valid onlin tool i getin addon section unexpect key apt droppingin section doe not support multipl valu drop in section doe not support multipl valu drop in section doe not support multipl valu drop in section drop env section unexpect pair unexpect pair
cant login sinc today i am not abl to login
you can manag to get the stream hash of preordergold earli access track you can the stream hash from without be log inexampl nerd by natur speed of light talk about it go berserk chipland
omit numberpart of signatur lead to collis ive just ran into a problem with a signatur collis in pathfind sig tracker caus by the omiss of the numberpart of sig idsdemo you can see on the screenshot abov there is current two signatur with the same letterpart of the sig id but differ numberpart sinc pathfind complet ignor the number in a sig id thi lead to a collis in the signatur tabl and thu doesnt allow for track of both signatur actual quit surpris to see thi as ive never encount thi befor i do prefer the shorter version of sig id be display but have all sig on the tracker is even more use i guess you could just track the numberpart intern for and onli display the letter in the list or add a toggl for show both if need
refresh fb oauth token when it expir
autologin after signup login user after signingup
whi doe the twitter login button now need hard code posit on phone screen eg it use to obey they button contain associ whi not now
understand reenabl the async prefetch of credenti in watch right now the async prefetch is disabl understand how thi can be reenabl
investig zip decod state for oper we want to retain paus so it ha to be abl to paus and resum the zip format isnt realli friendli for that but we can make it work by serial the state of the zip decod huffman realli
fix secur hole notcak
chang the aw login map through the provid not a direct dictionari the direct manipul of the login dictionari is deprec use the new provid interfac mention in the build warn
option valid sign request and block nonsign
fetch usernam from basic auth login if possibl thi would save have to enter the call sign for set up cooki
univers xml scraper fatal error get thi error when i tri to launch the scraper befor go to bed last night i select to scrape all system when i got up it stop after onli about of my system i exit the program and when tri to restart got that error so i thought someth on my retropi sd card wa mess up i decid to format the sd card and reimag again with retropi i even delet my copi of univers xml scraper and redownload latest build and i still get the error when i launch the program i cant even get into the program someon pleas
fail to import after hi i have configur the maven depend and been with the cloud sdk but when i am write the quickstart code in intellij it show me that the bigqueri symbol cannot be resolv for some reason in the import line as below did i miss someth or did anyth improperli could anyon help me out thank a lotscreen shot at
problem with the code flow hii have a problem with use in javascript librari if i use idtoken then itll fail with respons code unauthor clientjson scope openid all redirecturi wtaauth granttyp implicit refreshtoken code token idtoken
manifest chunk hash not updat if a separ manifest chunk is built with webpack it import that the manifest file chunk hash chang when other content is updat if one doe not reli on inlin the manifest howev as it is now the manifest chunk isnt updat when use sinc the hash isnt updat a user manifest will refer old chunksto reproduc it pull the follow checkout the branch npm run build manifest chunk result in updat indexj and remov ie npm run build manifest chunk hash still ddcdfbein step and the content of differ but the file hash is the samestep the chunk are referenc like thi in the manifest chunkid devjsin step refer arescriptsrc chunkid devj
see except couldnt resolv the follow domain to an ipv record when creat domain certif see same issu as but with just domain reduc list to and all is well run version under window server and php in a virtual environ use a yml file error come thru as someth auto ttl issuanc for the follow domain fail lodesyscom redbrunchorg unexpect exit code for cphpphpex issu server letsencrypt storag domain path couldnt resolv the follow domain to an ipv nor ipv record redbrunchorg in in trace intern function letsencrypt apacheconf null it ha problem resolv just redbrunchorg domain the part of the yml file is path lodesyscom redbrunchorg one of the domain and all is well use the letsencrypt stage server produc the same result seem to be some sort of time or timeout issu but have not been abl to narrow it down
do not author unbound label
forgot password link verif
onli return first charact present on the inputstream what i wanti want to get all of the data present on the inputstream after secondsthi is arbitrari data that is later pars so i cant use ani particular regex to match itproblem i am run intoassum we have a fulli built expect object expect new buildnow i want to get all the data the devic output in the second after i send a keyword me data threadsleep data problem is that data onli contain charact not all of the data that is realli on the fromdevic inputstreami have trace the problem to where there is an intern buffer of so data is chunk into chunk of and each one is compar against the matcher the problem is that anystr matcher match straight awayi would expect that the correct behaviour in thi case is not to return the first charact but the entir content present on the comment on thi behaviour or how to achiev what i want to do herethank
ha an invalid certif the arrayfir ssl certif wa valid fromw dec utc to fri dec utc which ha sinc passedi wa attempt to regist with your websit when i notic thisi could recreat infirefox x window pro xchrome m x window pro xedg mobil safari on iosssl lab report the same issu
client sign is not secur the sign scheme is vulner to replay attacksw can either chang to a better sign scheme or make it could be made interact by request an iv from the server and then use thi in the signatur and then replay attack should be mitig
featur messag should be more hello georg my name is hal how are you today georg
add processor to beat config file the processor is miss from the
should we use wgcna sign or unsign take a look at thi line are use sign wgcna
secur issu encrypt doesnt authent ciphertext encrypt is use ae in cbc mode which must be eg via an hmac in etmfashion but isnt thi is a huge secur issu and should be fix asapif your read thi pleas consid use anoth librari
dev hub after sign out of dev hub take user to signedout view of dev hub when you sign out of dev hub you are redirect to the amo outcom you are redirect back to the dev hub land but in the signedout state
dev hub space between latest news and tool on sign out page should be larger when sign out of the dev hub land page the space between the latest news and tool column should be space from mockup shot from product
edit page forc user to chang password to chang other properti we should have a separ password chang pageand we should onli let the user chang their usernam and password not much els thi is not for thi first evolut
airbrak product fail server messag error client is unauthor to retriev access token use thi method airbrak error project drfvoteerror type messag fail server messag error client is unauthor to retriev access token use thi method where at feb utcfirst seen at feb sinc last deploy on feb utcurl file appli
ld librari not found lgfortran dure pkg instal forg control in octav indic step taken x ran brew updat and retri your prior step x ran brew doctor fix as mani issu as possibl and retri your prior step x check that a similar issu hasnt alreadi been file x look up the softwar bug tracker if report a build error if your see permiss error tri run sudo chown r whoami brew prefix bug report build errorsoctav and gcc have been instal with no error brew is updat and upgrad in octav octav pkg instal forg control some warn about deprec octav declar warn warn argument unus dure compil pthreadld warn directori not found for option warn directori not found for option librari not found for error linker command fail with exit code use v to see error tar xzf sltmpmv slicotsrcf sltmpmv sltmpcp tgbxfortran sltmptgbxfcp tbzdfortran sltmptbzdfcd sltmp c far rc sltmporm rf sltmp lveclibfort lreadlin lmeti lgfortran lquadmath lm commoncc error run make for the control packageerror call from instal at line column pkg at line column brief summari of issuecan not instal control packag in octav the complet command that you issuedse abov gist with output of brew doctoryour system is readi to brew link output by brew gistlog brew gistlog octav error no logsbrew gistlog output of brew origin commit day agocor tap origin tap head tap last commit hour quadcor bit rubi pclang build git usrbinrubi namaco xxcode clt nax optx formula requeststh quickest way to get a new formula into homebrew is to file a pull will consid your request but it may be close if it someth were not activ plan to work on
binari data get corrupt after inject with thank for open an issu a few thing to keep in mind the issu tracker is onli for bug and featur request befor report a bug pleas tri reproduc your issu against the latest version of electron if you need gener advic join our slack electron version oper system linux debian x gnulinux expect data pass through callback get upload asi actual data get corrupt how to reproduc clone npm instal npm startit creat simpl web server on port serv simpl web formupon click on submit button electron intercept post http request inject binari data into uploaddata and send it server side pars the request via compar each byte of receiv data with origin and respond with result either corrupt or ok
bug with vmsslinuxnat templat messag from admin delet befor to hear you had a bad experi with one of the templat worri but in case your just ask a question were happi to help you can also check if the question might alreadi have been ask here creat an outlin of recommend section to fill out that will help make thi pull request from admin delet befor templat issu variabl use naminginfix variabl which come from the vmss namethi is a problem becaus if i choos a vmss with a name that ha a charact the deploy fail becaus the charact will be inherit by the naminginfix and then end up in the the variabl cannot have a becaus storag account creation will fail with messag xxxxxxxx is not a valid storag account name storag account name must be between and charact in length and use number and lowercas letter onlyto reproduc tri deploy thi templat and have a vmss name that ha a charact in it name
csslintrc not work when it in a directori eslint allow a custom locat for the config fileyml eslint enabl true config config seem csslint doesnt support thisyml csslint enabl true config config onli work when the csslintrc is in the root directorydo i need to chang it or is it just not support
unabl to connect to let encrypt in is report difficulti connect to let encrypt despit similar error the caus is like veri differ than the httpsproxi environ variabl so we should track it in a separ issueif your still have problem can you run the follow on your c import request print
extrem slow or unsuccess login sinc our latest upgrad we observ login time of up to second or the browser time out complet onli three dot run but not at each attempt no special load on mongodb or cpu observ though gb ram is plenti onli few concurr usersanybodi els have thi observ thi behaviour with meteor and could resolv the issu when downgrad to but i guess thi is not an optionw are on latest rocketchat version observ on two separ instanc test product continuo upgrad done sinc and had a long period of quick respons
doesnt crosslink requir properti from on octob when a properti such as requir anoth properti to be set in thi case textfield the html display the properti unlink the requir properti should be crosslink for easier navigationcc from origin issu
signatur stringtosign should be base on the scope sent by the client for v signatur calcul stringtosign should be base on the scope that client send in the credenti of it calcul from xamzdat extract date if not present throw error var date string if date date if date date return pars date header t e date if e nil return queri string querystr get canon request querystr requrlpath reqmethod reqhost get string to sign from canon request stringtosign t region
error in signtarget pe file is alreadi strongnam sign git clone msbuild cibuild cibuild error pe file is alreadi strongnam sign error pe file is alreadi strongnam sign machin vs updat
sdlcabal on hackg differ from version on github can you pleas put the github version ov sdlcabal on hackag i depend on and would like to use standard cabal
nonport shell code in type run in a busybox environ it look like i will be hit few of theseus thi ticket to group them and then submit a pull request later oneg use mktemp tmpdir should be mktemp p instead
migrat and connect modul account and authent
make a gener util highlow pass can be use for mani algorithm right now repet and repetsim have a highpass frequenc mask not time domain extract that and gener
how to handl spam problemat use bad bot behaviour if a malici user or bot interact with in way that contraven the civicrm code of conduct are annoy or harm to individu commun what could we do disabl i am happi to do thi on request of civicrm core team and could also be lock out by a password chang by the core team im open to other request but i want thi to be a concret statement rather than someth weas like by reason request help me improv thi word submit a fix over in to make a configur method to ignor user by name so we have that featur now
add log messag direct user to see our secur guid add a snippet to the copyright notic text so that it appear in both the logfil and zcashcli help for exampl with thi text in order to ensur you are adequ protect your privaci when use zcash pleas see page need to be updat with suffici user educ includ what is necessari to describ about ip address privaci which thi ticket origin focus on old ticket content follow warn zcash by itself onli protect ledger inform privaci without also use strong ip address privaci protect such as tor or ip you are at a highrisk of be identifi or locat base on your zcash behavior pleas visit for a basic privaci overviewthi is becaus network observ without too much can narrow down the origin ip address of a newli gener transact by combin thi with other metadata privaci can be quickli scenario citizen in a repress regim wish to donat fund to a democraci activ organ which is be persecut by local author the organ advertis the total donat they have receiv the local author observ the network traffic of zcash and correl everi emit transact to an ip address when they see the donat total increas on the websit they infer the donat use one of the ip which recent emit a transact and they discov the physic address of the donat
bump to cooki some peopl just cant stop updat crate that i just on
postgr secur default on ubuntu linux prevent databas access by default on ubuntu linux the default postgr secur set most access mode to md or someth els rather than trust in all case like osx which current prevent use of the databas until manual fix the fix might wither involv instruct to fix these set dure instal of dalling or adopt a more secur access mode for all platform perhap specifi a password for the databaseus in the config
oauthclient is swallow googleapi error var functionerr bodi resp var statuscod resp retri and respons if err is set and is unrel to respons then get credenti fail and retri wont help if retri statuscod statuscod err errcod statuscod it onli make sens to retri onc becaus the retri is intend to handl failur if refresh the token doe not fix the failur then refresh again probabl wont help retri fals forc token refresh authcb els bodi resp callback thi is the error were get upon use googleapi api error error domain reason messag apk specifi a version code that ha alreadi been use code messag apk specifi a version code that ha alreadi been use were get a statu code but the oauthclient assum that it a retryabl error and doe a request rather than invok our callback with the errorin the end due to thi behavior that result in a complet differ error from what we want error domain reason messag invalid apk file to be honest im not sure who best to discuss thi issu with either googleapi or
add blacklist of request made to specif host would be nice to stop request made to other domain than my own for exampl scriptscss load from other cdn
consid redesign the socket provid event format to move servic and method into the payload when you call from the feather client a nonexist servic or a nonexist method on an exist servic over the socket provid you end up wait for the socket timeoutthi is becaus there is no crosslibrari way to figur out if an event is listenedto or not other than a timeout you cant listen to all eventsth socket provid event current have the format emit if the format wa chang to someth like method then the server could determin if the servic and method exist and if not callback with an error
better handl of wrong password present doesnt tell you first time let you tri again and then print key to stdout apicr e prodent your passphras enter your passphras incorrect passphras pleas tri again bad password or corrupt modifi dataexport
folder ha gone miss the folder ha gone miss sinc api manag look like the folder ha gone miss in the master branch but still exist in the x branch pleas merg it back into master
window with driver signatur enforc the driver of px can not work in win
make envis more univers account for addit reactrout compon such as link indexlink search for jsx element insid of constant and build tree hierarchi from there
error when bind privatekey accessrul usernam to a variabl in import certif step bind the usernam to a variabl in the import certif step where the usernam contain a result in a json error iether wa an error import the certif into the store bad json escap sequenc s path ident line posit is becaus the variabl valu is not be report by
agregar botn para agregar auditora requier que en la pantalla princip se agregu botn con la intencin de que el usuario pueda solicitar auditora el botn debe estar present en la seccin y
exampl in section hash the licens document section of the lcp show a canon lcp licens document your email it sha puzzl me is that when i calcul thi hash either with an onlin or use openssl directli openssl dgst sha licenselcpl i get a differ sure im miss someth obviou but im run into similar issu when work with the lcp server where im unabl to for exampl correctli gener the keycheck from my passphras and the licens id are there perhap assumpt about how the function are use that are not yet document in the spec
potenti isyfit i see you face in thing
refactor constructor to reduc signatur to minimum reduc constructor to fit other languag and keep simpl creat getter and setter for all instanc variabl
support with usernam i had recent had to chang from with password to usernam password becaus of other tool i useso now thi plugin doe not work anymor becaus it doe not support with usernameani chang to implement thisi think doe support thi
add develop environ login system current there is no way to log into the websit when in the develop environ becaus of the ca depend
refactor constructor to reduc signatur to minimum reduc constructor to fit other languag and keep simpl creat getter and setter for all instanc variabl
dumpl travers test build should onli run dumpl instal onc right now we are run the instal script multipl time in our travers build thi add a lot of unnecessari spew in the output log and just isnt necessari we should be abl to just run it one time befor the test travers and we can continu to run it perproject if you are build individu project
cant do game on password host nightwatch you can onli do thi on custom password hostswhen in a password host
add ssl certif thi is a nice to have request but id suggest ad ssl to your site let encrypt offer free certif and i use them for most of my
shouldnt request locat privileg access if is pass fals the veri first time is ever call it will request locat and do all the necessari setup for show the current locat for the user thi shouldnt happen if shouldshow is fals
associ some data with a googl login account and access it later we need to figur out how to save data and associ it with a user somehow we should figur out what we need to do to access anoth user data while log in as a differ user probabl via email id somehow
error dure admin login rout not defin rout not defin view view view get thi error dure admin login after upload it to live server it work fine on local server but it doe not on product i am use a window dev machin and ubuntu live server thank
beta hire more employe than can hire more employe than max to fire and other employe to fire all other employe with no
get unauthor when contact ks api after etcd restor rancher if applic versiono and where are the host locat cloud bare metal etcubuntu on awssetup detail singl node rancher vs ha rancher intern db vs extern dbsingl node with extern type to a separ resili plane ks setup with etcd server and at least comput server restor from an etcd get thi in one of our daemonset after the restor wa complet invalid kubernet api v endpoint httpsapi ks dashboard doesnt work and is also crash with an errorfail to creat client error with apiserv the server ha ask for the client to provid rest of pod start fine but they also arent tri to commun with api server i imagin ani pod that want to talk to api server would have similar problemsapi print over and over the follow error pme handlersgo unabl to authent the request due to an error cryptorsa verif error pme handlersgo unabl to authent the request due to an error cryptorsa verif error pme handlersgo unabl to authent the request due to an error cryptorsa verif error pme handlersgo unabl to authent the request due to an error cryptorsa verif error pme handlersgo unabl to authent the request due to an error cryptorsa verif error pme handlersgo unabl to authent the request due to an error cryptorsa verif error pme handlersgo unabl to authent the request due to an error cryptorsa verif error pme handlersgo unabl to authent the request due to an error cryptorsa verif error
add a rout to login
ldap fail if user filter doesnt contain s gog version or commit ref git version oper system gentoo databas use x postgresql mysql mssql x sqlite can you reproduc the bug at ye provid exampl url no not relev log gist usual found in loggogslog trace ldap will bind directli via userdn templat trace bind with userdn stringtest trace ldap fail for stringtest ldap result code invalid credenti descript problemwhen use ldap the fail if the user filter doesnt contain a filter with the s string for exampl objectclass will becaus gog alway add the valu for s extra stringtest when set the user filter valu to a filter with s the work for exampl expect provid a user filter without a s string gog shouldnt append the variabl data
implement an audit featur thi featur quickli scan the asset that you have gather for threat eg vulner webserv version previous compromis email and social media account etcw might be abl to use to check if the email and social media account that we have gather have been compromis befor
add firebas googl facebook biggest need featur we need to make the app userspecif to save to a user object in firebas user need to be prior to see their list if not show login compon otherwis show notelist
fix login after changeov to redesign db
redirect on unauthor state not work i follow the to protect some page from be access if the user doesnt have a valid jwt token the behavior i wa expect is that the user will be redirect to login page when he tri to access a protect page but noth actual happen and even after login inget a valid jwt the protect page remain is my statelogin url login control templateurl statehom url control templateurl data true url schoolform control templateurl data true url student control templateurl data true authprefix tokengett function return localhost login
gtk checkbox hard to deciph first off i love oomox i am so happi that youv creat thi been want someth like thi forev serious it awesom thank youthat be said i do find it difficult to determin whether or not a checkbox is check becaus the checkbox is a greyedout check instead of box it can be difficult if the activ color isnt veri color or is similar to gray a good exampl would be to right click in the tray on an instanc pulseaudio applet to chang the audio output paapplet in archmanjaro repo on my system there is about choic with some of the theme it is veri hard to see which select is check for exampl can you pleas chang the grayedout check into empti box or give the option to do such thank youoomox from aur
offici facebook client is interf to login annot login use facebook when tri to login it show error invalid hash key and show wrong hash key in that error messag app is abl to login onli through browser web login if offici facebook client is remov from devic demoapk with fb ane v work finecan you creat a new version of the applic with ane vi want to tri to understand where problem is
ethfilt json header from newhead sub should includ hash system version version unstableo version window commit hash cdbdebcefab expect subscript return block with hash size transact and uncl properti actual subscript return block that are miss those properti step to reproduc the behaviour launch geth with geth testnet rpc rpcport ws wsport wsorigin wsapi ethnet open a websocket connect subscrib to new head with method ethsubscrib param newhead wait for new block notic that the block receiv over the subscript is miss the mention properti
nuit du hack ctf qual slumdog millionair team hackandb on titl to read at ctftimeorg
when user chang their ident map or other credenti we should warn all their known contact detail when user chang their password or chang pid map etc we should probabl send a warn thi chang just happen to your account email and sm to the pid we know of and perhap by matrix too
less hacki singletonish design i sort of like the singletonish design for alfredo thi is mainli use with thing like scene where if your on the menu you can do someth like thi is the import line it realli easi to manag global game statebut the problem is that thi is realllllli hacki just look at how keylisten are set static final keylisten listen new keylisten mean that there is a whole bunch of publicli expos state that also reli specif on the awt api and thi bother me becaus it doesnt realli feel like it as disconnect as it should bei suppos the problem is im tri to modular and separ thing that are inher tie togeth becaus i am for exampl tri to tie the key name to all the keyrel stuff when it reli on awt input from what is right now the game classso the question is if there is a nice way to separ these compon without ugli hacksther is also a secondari motiv to do thi what if in the futur i would like to make it easi to switch out the game platform to android android wouldnt support the mous stuff probabl so it wouldnt make sens to have that tie to the game stuff
show password broken i think i broke the show password featur while refactor the view would you be abl to look into it when you have time i guess it should be an easi fix
make onli match a column if index spec also match thi might help deal with thing like rstanarm reus the same name b with a differ effect number of indic when do group
error access violat access xb if i run the follow scriptimport frida sysimport data if messagetyp send print els var fileobserv function boolean functionuri observ packag sysargvtri shell am forcestop packag shell monkey p packag c process script onmessag print run scriptload shell am forcestop packageth follow error occursev inject network stat elaps timem ms mobil ms wifi ms not connect udescript uerror access violat access xb ufilenam ulinenumb utyp uerror ustack uerror access violat access xb at at appli nativ at at at at call nativ at input at appli nativ at r logcat output iart lateen xcheckjni wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu wart fail runtimearg classpath runtimearg runtimearg xreloc runtimearg xmsm runtimearg xmxm non exit statu handl aart fail to find dex offset for pc offset xddffdpc x current in eart unexpect time out dure dump checkpoint wart attempt to destroy barrier with non zero count aart thread suspend timeout aart mutat lock level owner state aart dalvik thread aart jdwp prio tid runnabl aart group scount dscount objxcda selfxabad aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexbec aart stater schedstat utm stm core hz aart stackxbdxbd stacksizekb aart held mutex mutat lockshar held aart nativ pc caf aart nativ pc dab aart nativ pc d aart nativ pc bb aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc aart nativ pc aart nativ pc aaf aart nativ pc ad aart nativ pc ea aart nativ pc dcf aart at method aart at aart at aart at aart aart signal catcher prio tid aart group scount dscount objxcda selfxaf aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexbfb aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stackxbefxb stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc ce sigwait aart nativ pc f aart nativ pc f aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc a startthread aart no manag stack frame aart aart prio tid wait aart group scount dscount objxccce selfxaba aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexbd aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stackxbcxbc stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc syscal aart nativ pc f aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc bcc aart nativ pc cb aart nativ pc aart at method aart wait on a aart at aart lock a aart at aart aart prio tid wait aart group scount dscount objxcccf selfxabae aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexbcf aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc syscal aart nativ pc f aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc bcc aart nativ pc cb aart nativ pc aart at method aart wait on a aart at aart at aart lock a aart at aart at aart at aart aart prio tid wait aart group scount dscount objxcccfa selfxabaf aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexbb aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stackxbaxba stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc syscal aart nativ pc f aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc bcc aart nativ pc cb aart nativ pc aart at method aart wait on a aart at aart lock a aart at aart at aart aart prio tid block aart group scount dscount objxcda selfxabaf aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexaf aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stackxadxaf stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc syscal aart nativ pc f aart nativ pc cdf aart nativ pc cda aart nativ pc aart at method aart wait to lock an unknown object aart at aart at aart aart binder prio tid nativ aart group scount dscount objxcdea selfxaff aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexac aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stackxaxa stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc ee ioctl aart nativ pc ioctl aart nativ pc ed aart nativ pc ecc aart nativ pc ed aart nativ pc bb aart nativ pc aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc a startthread aart no manag stack frame aart aart binder prio tid nativ aart group scount dscount objxcea selfxabafd aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexad aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stackxaxa stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc ee ioctl aart nativ pc ioctl aart nativ pc ed aart nativ pc ecc aart nativ pc ed aart nativ pc bb aart nativ pc aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc a startthread aart no manag stack frame aart aart binder prio tid nativ aart group scount dscount objxdba selfxaf aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexab aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc ee ioctl aart nativ pc ioctl aart nativ pc ed aart nativ pc ecc aart nativ pc ed aart nativ pc bb aart nativ pc aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc a startthread aart no manag stack frame aart aart binder prio tid nativ aart group scount dscount objxdfa selfxabb aart systid nice cgrpdefault sched handlexaa aart state schedstat utm stm core hz aart stacksizekb aart held mutex aart nativ pc ee ioctl aart nativ pc ioctl aart nativ pc ed aart nativ pc ecc aart nativ pc ed aart nativ pc bb aart nativ pc aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc b aart nativ pc a startthread aart no manag stack frame aart aart
login from logout redirect to logout and log the user out
cryptic error when wrong function definit in signatur hello folksanoth error messag that can be improv is when you are in a signatur declar tri in reason and you think you are not and provid an or use actual paramet name and typesmodul type type document a type event e all the follow produc the same error below let hydrat docdocu document let hydrat document event document let hydrat docdocu evev document file srcenginer line charact error file srcenginer line i also observ that the column report in the error are actual correcta a side question in my editor the column where the error is are actual never shown emac what is the editor that at the moment correctli display the column where the error isthank
trump roll back of michel obama signatur initi roll back of michel obama signatur initi nprnprtrump roll back of michel obama signatur first ladi michel obama might find some of the latest action by the trump pretti difficult to stomach on monday newli mint agricultur secretari sonni perdu announc a rollback of school lunch standard champion by thetrump offici freez michel obama plan to fight childhood obes washington posttrump eat away at michel obama school lunch legaci politicoal news articlesmon may
design a system team eightshap medium design a system team ndash eightshap ndash design a system team model and lesson learn to scale a team for an enterpris most are come to understand system and whi they arehellip
connect weibotwitt account crash with duplic credenti replic activ connect twitter account button click connect the twitter account and sign in credenti creat success reclick the connect twitter account button again error happen expect with credenti alreadi exist actur reasonth simpli duplic credenti check wont allow the duplic credenti need reconsid to implement to check the duplic credenti with updat vieworigin issu
move into buildtool we should move most of the common logic for travers project into buildtool thing in and for exampl
crash upon enter password after enter email and password a coupl of second delay is follow by a crash of rubyex the error read just use rubi latest httparti and rubyzip also tri instal the version number from the gemfil and uninstal the old one same dealthen i notic the rubi version number in the gemfil went back to that couldnt instal httparti there caus it requir json which it refus to instal sinc it nativ and it also requir updat of multixml to then i went up to rubi where i just had to updat multixml to instal httparti then rubyzip and were off with a new error a longer one more stack on the bonepassword connect sslconnect return errno statesslv read server certif b certif verifi fail from block in connect from timeout from connect from dostart from start from request from perform from from post from from initi from new from final i got stubborn and instal again and it devkit so json could get instal instal json multixml then httparti and rubyzip and got roughli the same error stack as but here a copypassword connect sslconnect returnedl errno statesslv read server certif b certif verifi fail from block in connect from timeout from connect from dostartfrom start from request from perform from from post from initi from new from i might be do someth wrong thi is the first time im rubi normal i work with game i attach some crash gif if for some reason that helpsim realli hope to get your tool or the other one downod work sinc owsla and mad decent have both pull out itd be nice to get those file out befor close the account or drip shut down thank in
fail to produc x signatur consol openssl dgst engin pkc keyform engin sign sha sigopt sigopt digestsha out tdatsig tdatengin pkc setent pkc token pin for piv card holder pin piviient pkc key pin for sign keyerror sign not spi in hsession xfbecbin hobject xfbedein ptemplat fbd out ptemplat truereturn ckrok csigninit in hsession hkey the problem is either with libp tri to offload the pad to the card or with opensslk tri to do the same the expect result would be openssl appli the pad and pass the raw rsa oper to the tokenp pkc and pss pad work fine openssl dgst engin pkc keyform engin sign sha sigopt out tdatsig tdatengin pkc setent pkc token pin for piv card holder pin piviient pkc key pin for sign key
szdiy http get szdiyorg certc url againtop of loop free heap connect to szdiyorg ok perform the ssltl handshak ok verifi peer x certif ok write to server byte writtenget httphost szdiyorg read from serverfail return last error wa ssl an invalid ssl record wa receiv an invalid ssl record wa receiv
real world secur http blacklist or similar there are certain thing you may not want your server user abl to poke around with for exampl most router are run on i realli dont want peopl on my server abl to poke around and access my router admin consol i have a password but let be honest here how mani peopl actual chang the default passwordmani peopl run server probabl arent use a host servic and have the comput craft http modul enabl current give player full access to the server intern will dump the html of most server router web a simpl bit of code to go from here to tinker with the server hoster router
anon user label should be group by ip when audit speed is analyz thi probabl isnt caus a huge issu onc the anon user are group togeth audit are split into group base on session start time and there are probabl few case of multipl anon user start a session at the exact same secondshould still by done though shouldnt take too long
thing we should probabl remov from our code when gener the sign apk feel free to add on to thi list or chang thing on it btw the radio button for select difficulti level in the the code that send thing to googl sheet when the intent receiv is anyth that isnt trial that one copi of at the top of our project that doesnt seem to be do anyth the line in that read
hashcat sha mismatch while tri to upgrad hashcat to homebrew throw a sha erroroth packag upgrad okth i tri brew cleanup delet check gistlog verbos output brew upgrad hashcat verbos load upgrad outdat packag with load upgrad hashcat rm use the f nice w i verbos load load download download from remotetim locat userag homebrew macintosh intel mac os x curl fail c o total receiv xferd averag speed time time time current dload upload total spent left speed verifi hashcattargz checksumln s hashcatln s hashcatln s hashcaterror sha retri an incomplet download remov the file config brew origin commit hour agocor tap origin tap head tap last commit hour quadcor bit rubi pclang build git usrbinrubi namaco xxcode clt nax optx doctor brew doctorpleas note that these warn are just use to help the homebrew debug if you file an issu if everyth you use homebrew for iswork fine pleas dont worri and just ignor them your homebrew prefix is not usrlocaly can instal homebrew anywher you want but some bottl binari packagescan onli be use with a usrloc prefix and some formula packagesmay not build correctli with a nonusrloc prefix
fix crash in version stacktrac reason link to hockeyapp
vsphere have opsman gener self sign cert doe not work if you leav ssl cert blank in the param file it attempt to use a nonexist paramet to gener self sign certsthi fail as it not defin in the paramet
melhorar imagem da pgina de login no mdulo web
osmosi failshang without cooki set im have an issu where when tri to use osmosi on a specif site it just fail and hang without the akamai akbmsc cooki set howev when i hardcod one in from a browser it work fine ani ive tri out just run needl alon and it seem to work fine standalon
creat blacklist config i would like to onli watch for a specif pattern to trigger an event allow a blacklist of pattern to ignor
abil to overrid method type signatur it would be nice to have a tag like or that would let you write complet custom type map mapfn a b someb function
fdsa asdf
instal of v on a freshli instal debian jessi x server no password set in rais thi issu i confirm the follow pleas check box eg x failur to fill the templat will close your issu x the issu i am report can be replic x i have read and understood the contributor x the issu i am report isnt a duplic see close and open familiar are you with the codebas i know php but im sure my issu isnt relat the the php relat side of the projectaft v fresh instal on debian remot server i could access to admin interfac without password ive been use pihol for month with my local setup so im not a newbi here about usag of the use debian jessi as my remot vp onli wa alreadi instal but it shouldnt affect thi instal fail becaus my vp didnt have dialog app instal so i instal itaft that i rerun the instal onelin then i got rtnetlink answer file exist issu dure setup but thi wa an issu i also got on my orang pi zero which also run armbian debian distro so ive assum it a bug in debian and rerun the instal thi time it work it possibl it not remot relat but im mention anywaysal step of the setup went smoothli after thi the dialog screen provid me with the auto gener passwordbug issu expect should ask password for critic section after fresh issu actual is run without admin password even though dialog provid me with one interfac wa open to public i had to pihol a p to set a new passwordi have anoth pihol run on my local network on orang pi zero if that would matter mayb cooki somehow mess upbug issu step to reproduc instal pihol v to a freshli vp im use on hostu if that would matter debian jessi after it panel password is not setopt debug token gener by pihol dwell everyth is run nice for now after set a password so i guess it not need wont be usablethank in advanc and thank again for develop such a great softwar
australian taxat offic worker lose job for privaci breach
ee autom tenanc test case updat default tenant access privileg verifi volum creation by updat access privileg for default tenantpleas refer to issu and
encrypt is insuffici error when passivemod is disabl seem that with my newest transmitt everi request that get sent to the transmitt result in the error encrypt is insuffici had to modifi xdripg to get the error inform specif the error handl at the end of in on the stock main branch it just show up as a timeout
curl error set certif verifi locat i got linuxbrew instal for quit some time now but today i got these error with brew upgrad everi packagecurl error set certif verifi locat cafil capath fail to download resourcei have seen the insecur but isnt there a better secur way origin commit day agocor tap origin tap head tap last commit hour quadcor bit rubi build git usrbinrubi openjdk version kernel linux gener x gnulinuxo linux mint serena serenahost glibc usrbingcc glibc nagcc naxorg
regexp empti check fail for filter call exampl for alia should be regexp and not regexp the regexp call fail below becaus i pass in and then i cant search for all alias same thing with ha thi if regexp null regexp undefin check which can be remov becaus it check for undefin right under it
nginx more clearli separ the sso and let encrypt config i found the mixtur of sso and let encrypt config made it hard to tell what set i need to use to put orangefactor behind sso i had no need to enabl let encrypt sinc ssl wa alreadi set upi think reorder the config use more includ and ad some more to separ out the part would make them easier to followin addit mani of the ssl relat direct will work in the http block too so could be move from their current locat in the server block to keep them separ from the more ssorel part that need to be in the server block
will the key class be extend to handl public key format as in the link data koblitz the key class allow pemencod public key exampl from at the end do we envis thi class be extend to handl public key format as in the link data koblitz eg creator key creat t revok t owner publickeypem begin privat privat key
runtim in securitydm cannot read nullfield runtim at securitydm on in securitydm cannot read nullfield proc name ui interact usr guzman mendoza xa the floor usrloc the floor xe src the secur record consol srcloc the floor call stack the secur record consol ui mendoza the secur record consol attack handguzman mendoza guzman mendoza secur record consol guzman mendoza clickonth secur record consol onclickth secur record consol the secur record consol clickth floor mapwindowmap client clickth secur record consol the floor mapwindowmap
close encrypt object look at the code and the exampl for it is clear that thi method return an ioread object howev the exampl doesnt show the reader be close doe it not need close or is the exampl just miss itthank
nginx move set to nginx config current load a config file which contain the option and thi is perform on everi request so not great from a perform point of view by the nginx worker process rather than the master process and so read by the unprivileg nginx user rather than mean that thi config file which contain secret like ha to be set as wide readabl rather than be own by root and set to rw also there doesnt appear to be a way to work around sinc lua doesnt appear to have a compil time includ system onli a runtim requireboth of these issu could be fix by move the set to the nginx config which would then be access from via etc ideal the secret clientid and clientsecret would also be ad in via an nginx includ so as to make the rest of the nginx config someth that can be disclos freeli via sourc control etc
librari with autoupd without restart im go to go with a small c librari that facilit unpack record into a binari format in prepar for use a simpl perthread alloc in share memori the librari is respons for start and monitor an extern process implement in go that consum that share memori and implement all of the actual logic for the collectorgo network librari and support is second to none and it ha a realli rich ecosystem of librari includ for cloud servic plu the languag is safer veri product and especi attract for opensourc projectsth updat logic will be implement in go it will download the new binari and then shut itself down the librari will then detect thi and start it again which will run the new binari if a problem is detect it will shut it down and replac it with the old binari again and log that to the server
constant reconnect with reenter password i am use linux mint and it seem from time i need to reconnect especi after short period of idl thi goe togeth with the input field for the password pop up and i have no clue whi the plugin doe not rememb the password when it actual doe so when i start pidgin
add signatur to model object descript of expect behavior and the observ behaviorthi illustr the valu of provid function signatur when develop in the notebook the experi at the moment reli on the the pydata doc or to expos a glyph model paramet provid function signatur or argspec option would enhanc an interact develop experi with bokeh especi for new usersth screenshot below forc illustr thi use case in the notebook the benefit extend to other develop tool major complic with thi featur request is that multipl version support requir some logic fortun all of these are well document in a few pep
pumpkin seed cannot be plant also some exist pumpkin plant turn to seed issu plant cannot be result plant pumpkin seed and you should see green young pumpkin plantactu result seed immedi appear when you attempt to plant pumpkin step to reproduc the issu use a hoe to hoe land attempt to plant pumpkin seed see that pumpkin seed were not plant and are instead float in front of you os and version pocketminemp master branch as of commit ecd php server os ubuntu server lt game version android io win crashdump backtrac or other filesupd melon seed have the same issu
handl the declin in the current state on encount the declin a buyer would see the follow ideal path forward would be to redirect the custom back to the cartcheckout page with an error messag that notifi the user to choos a differ payment method
restrict password chang to certain ou hi therei there ani way to configur thi tool to onli allow password chang for user in a certain ou for exampl onli account and nobodi elsethank
univers of alaska thousand affect by data breach includ name social secur number
behavior is incorrect and prevent some of the test from execut on certain platform see for a potenti fix in the follow test fail on both net framework on my machin as well as on net core for detail and a possibl fix see and comment within that pr after the fix propos in some of the test variat are expect to fail due to a behavior differ in when connect to localhost serversfor more inform also see
invalid usernam or password messag attempt to log in after upgrad to v rev invalid usernam or password messag attempt to log in after upgrad to v revi wa at v and went through the process of db updat to v v then v no error on ani of the updat the user account still exist in the user tabl no addit messag in the httpd log or even with debug set to true tri an admin account i creat as well as the default admin user but no luck
ck pull request for usernam and password i tri to pull a repo by ck pull and the follow messag show up cd git clone into for if i input my own github usernam and password the follow messag show upremot repositori not foundfat repositori not found warn repositori updat like fail or in a differ git exit code would you like to continu yn yck error repo problem write text errno no such file or directori
deactiv user cannot relogin
aw default credenti welcom to the postman issu tracker ani featur request bug report can be post hereani bug should be report directli to postman version app chrome app or mac app window app os detail window is the interceptor on and enabl in the app did you encount thi recent or ha thi bug alway been there alway been there from what i can tell expect behaviour abil to read credenti file consol log for the chrome app viewtoggl dev tool for the mac app screenshot if to reproduc the secretkey and session token are regener onc an hour would like the abil to read aw credenti file to retriv these valu i have sever profil that are auto updat dure thi regener i would like the abil to suppli a profil name and have postman grab the correct inform so i dont need to constantli cut and past thi if thi is doabl via a prerequest script pleas point me to where i can find itsom guidelin pleas file issu at if it a cloudrel issu or you want to includ person inform like your usernam collect name mail us at helpif it a question anyth along the line of how do i in postman the answer might lie in our
pbm nettoyag de password de account si tent pa russi on neffac pa le mot de pass si la tent nest pa reussi parcontr quand je lai effac un retour la lign se rajout parmagi
az login in the last exercis handson with registri you may want to cover the az login firstyou have all the detail in that may need to be pull into thi exercisealso the az cli is not option if you ask them to tri thi exercis i think you list it as option in the instruct elsewher
html not sanit properli somehow we arent sanit the html correctli
regist and changepw password minimum length add check for password length on regist and password chang
research nat travers upnp and librari develop a for open a upnp port public face
error after run pip instal command u c import setuptool open file exec instal record compil fail with error code in
util session cooki util session cooki to determin when the user wa last log in then we can display number of new post sinc last login and such
subtleti instead of assign a class to h use id see line sinc your onli use the class on one item it would make more sens to use an id
show recent group on the login page the login form could be chang so that the save group are shown there
not assign key to state class or function thi issu is about a bug in phaser v apiphas alway assign default as the state key when pass the desir key and state class or test extend phaserst creat should output thi state key is test state key is thisstatekey const game new phasergam parent width height test
support for encrypt privat key support option privat key especi use when store everyth on the extern storag the app will show a passphras prompt if those key are found to be protect x privkey x ui dialog x suppli decrypt key to the underli daemon x doc updatenot from irc guu you can just do o and pass a key to tincd that way then you have full control over it and you dont have to write it to rsakeypriv first guu thi work cat edkeypriv rsakeypriv tincd o o guu a rh a is the privkey youll notic that there byte worth of data in edkeypriv after decod the base part so it a of what nacl privkey and pubkey
add api to result for header and cooki manipul as titl
send hash md password for hiiv notic that we are hash to md the password befor send them for then compar the sent hash password w the store hash passwordi there ani reason for thisi think the good side of thi is that at least if the site doesnt have http the password wont be sent over plaintextth bad side of thi is that if our databas get compromis the attack can manipul the request bodi and use the leak md password to the latter is wors sinc the former can we fix with ssl and ssl is wide avail nowadaysi guess we could also just salt the store password but that would be a break changethank
unsign integ overflow dure build on debian with blead edg clang tri to build flatbuff on debian with blead edg clang and i get thi runtim errorlink cxx execut flathash built target flathash gener runtim error unsign integ overflow cannot be repres in type unsign longsummari recip for target failedmak error recip for target failedmak error makefil recip for target all failedmak all error clang vclang version trunk target model candid gcc instal candid gcc instal candid gcc instal candid gcc instal gcc instal multilib multilib flagso g
unclaim draft respons object miss the respons object is miss the paramet in the c request new truevar respons while thi issu is open use instead of thi sdk listen for the server side callback to get the
implement http certif the git version of the esp arduino core now support certif valid
iiab fail to warn that is a publish password good newsraspbian success warn that piraspberri is a publish password that need to be chang whenev you login on an attach lcdconsol or over sshbad newsraspbian no longer warn the oper that formerli is likewis a publish password that likewis need to be chang fyi thi wa on a clean instal of iiab master on the new raspbian lite from june earlier thi afternoon pixel veri like ha the same issu and i can assist with test on other oss too as neccontext secur threat exist both offlin as well as onlin there is a legit argument to be made that offlin secur threat are in fact possibl more pervas due to the divers of infect laptop usb stick phone etc that are so difficult to updat in the fieldthank everyon for help me document secur best practic
unrar a file with a password doe not prompt for a password the unrar process is perform but the unzip file is corrupt becaus the user ha not been prompt for the password thi issu can be reproduc when tri to extract the file use the context menu
style landinglogin page
requir admin privileg the app current requir admin privileg to start would it be possibl to remov that requir
depend should be option feingcor declar as runtim anim sniffer is use onli dure should ideal be declar option andor provid
mock up featur to pass histori of convers to dva in the contact dva dialogif you would like a dva staff member to review thi convers pleas quot thi numberg a random number
expos accesstoken in cooki issu is success class creat a cooki store a utf encod string contain user json data includ the salesforc accesstoken thi might as well be in plain text ani dumbo who can sniff the network and decod the string can hijack the user token add it as a cooki and make request on their behalf the cooki is onli use immedi after in and is never referenc again so it beg the question whi store thi is a cooki anyway when it just begin thrown into spring secur object dataal other sensit data is success encrypt via ssl as shown below step for replic bugsdownload wireshark and listen to the network while peopl log in cooki is visibl in plain sight and can be decod use java or visit screenshot if applic sampl login traffic and examin calib all other traffic is
prompt new password
nh breach it own secur again
pxlogin sign in word sign in are not center with icon safari word sign in are not center with the
demo vch instal creat command textbox is show password wa use the demo vch instal gui on port my password is mask in the login screen and the form howev is display in the creat command textbox password should mask use
no redirect to earni ha alreadi request that to speed thi up and reprovis termin so there no brand redirect
bind not find servic to bind to i tri to cf pushfix it by move it from manifestyml is that line necessari
latest fontforg segfault when run im get thi error when i tri to instal ricti today line segment fault script seem to be a bug in the latest fontforg so i manual revert to the previou version of with brew edit fontforg just copi and past the old formula it veri hacki and i dont know if it even possibl to add thi offici to the ricti formula but i just want to share the hacki solut here in case other peopl run into the same issu
document sign commit in tell me that commit to thi repositori are requir to be gpgsign i suggest document that requir in
endpoint are not lock down issu approach wa to use url prefix to defin which role can access endpoint for exampl rolevp can access vp and other role would be reject as in some of the iter thi standard wa not follow so mani of the endpoint are not correctli configur henc is disabledto fix thi we can have spring control configur as the role requir for exampl trainer qc and vp can add a batch so we may have add batch method declar as thi approach the angularj factori can call the endpoint base on the role of that factori while also enabl multipl role to call a method on the spring side valu add featuremuch more secur through tight scheme
implement api to rout im submit a check one with x bug report x featur request support request pleas do not submit support request here instead ask your queri in out gitter channel at the follow api sessiontyp track
replac the hack name in anotifi with the checknam name of featur replac the hack name in anotifi with the well joe youv done it but can you make the drag back in anotifi with the exact check name like etcsid note use scaffold tower for a veri long time doe not kick you but it alway drag you back which make no sens
featur request aw ssec encrypt support im interest in be abl to perform backup to s use awss server side encrypt with custom provid encrypt attempt thi here myself but have so far limit abil in python
float thi issu wa origin open by as it wa migrat here as a result of the provid the origin bodi of the issu is belowi ad two new certif with same chain and attach them to elb work fineaft that terraform plan show chang in chain that are fiction arn forc new resourc name mycert mycert path privatekey attribut changedbut noth in tf file chang sinc next terraform appli dont fix antyth but hang on remov cert that is attach to elbterraform v linux x aw s backend
error while tri to decrypt hash info recogn possibl password hash in column you want to store hash to a temporari file for eventu further other tool yn ndo you want to crack them via a attack ynq y info use hash method dictionari do you want to use default dictionari file press enter custom dictionari file file with list of dictionari file info use default dictionarydo you want to use common password suffix slow yn y info start crack info start most recent call last file line in file line in main file line in most recent call last file line in file line in mainfil pathnam etc dir file line in prepar file pathnam etc nno modul name so modul name s
support creat sign tag dulwich should support the equival of git tag as
alterst prop error spam the alertst is use name level time host and valu as the uniqu key for each alert the problem is we are not guarante uniqu even across all five variabl combin
websocket ssl is there ani way to get gun to wsupgrad a http socket that is use tlsssl thu pin the server to instead of what im guess is alpn select httpserver is cowboy so far it seem to just refus the upgrad if i pass the transport ssl option on gunopen
is needlessli verbos should just be vrsessionend
es trust polici format error the current elast search trust polici ha a format errorse
problem with fontforg in a os x im face a problem tri to get an exist project to work on my machin the problem seem to be on my fontforg when gruntwebfont doe the call to fontforg the problem happen i tri to reinstal fontforg in so mani way but still can get the task work my cowork instal in hi ubuntu and it work finei tri to execut manual the fail command and what i get is fontforg stuck in a process like thi fontforg script c by georg william see author for contributor licens gplv gnu gpl version or later with mani part bsd pleas read licens base on sourc from utc augd base on sourc from git with hash gruntwebfont version fontforg c by georg william see author for contributor licens gplv gnu gpl version or later with mani part bsd pleas read licens base on sourc from utc augd base on sourc from git with hash fontforg utc execut in verbos moderun webfont properti exist in fontcustom hashesfals properti exist in configoknew hash previou hash c by georg william see author for contributor licens gplv gnu gpl version or later with mani part bsd pleas read licens base on sourc from utc augd base on sourc from git with hash fontforg process ha unexpectedli close tri to run grunt in verbos mode to see fontforg output grunt verbos webfont if stderr maxbuff exceed tri to increas see warn command fail fontforg script c by georg william see author for contributor licens gplv gnu gpl version or later with mani part bsd pleas read licens base on sourc from utc augd base on sourc from git with hash use forc to due to time utcload task ms load gruntwebfont ms ms total ms
thi project isnt dead just be redesign i am current redesign thi softwar these issu will hope be resolv shortli my plan for the project is to strip the requir down to the bare minimum remov dead code and clean up half thought out idea updat the command use to match the new command from arkmanag set a plan into motion to enabl multipl instanc cluster ark server final get thi project back in motion sent from my oneplu a use
add a messag about token secur to authtoken display as a user i dont want to ever share my token with anyon or els they can imperson mew need a messag next to the auth token field that say someth like auth token is for api use onli never share it with anyon keep it secret treat it like your password
filemanag state fail in test mode if target doe not exist saltcal window descript of the target of filemanag doe not exist state execut fail in test mode with an error of unabl to manag file path not found note that an especi undesir sideeffect of thi is that in nontest mode prereqstyl depend will also fail setupexampl sl fileconfig filemanag name sourc salttesttxt makedir true step to reproduc issuecr an sl file with a simpl filemanag state ensur that the output path file doe not exist run the state in test mode eg local stateappli test l debug testtru expect a success state execut and a messag say that the file will be id config function filemanag name result fals comment unabl to manag file path not found start durat ms changesdebug output tail excerptdebug render data from file filemanag name sourc salttesttxt makedir truedebug lazyload result of yaml salttesttxt trueprofil time in second to render use yaml render debug lazyload cmdrundebug lazyload run state at time info execut state filemanag for lazyload lazyload lazyload could not lazyload rootsinit rootsinit is not unabl to manag file path not found complet state at time file doe not exist no need to cleanupdebug lazyload lazyload version report local version salt depend version cffi cherrypi dateutil dockerpi not instal gitdb gitpython ioflo not instal jinja libgit not instal libnacl not instal mcrypto not instal mako msgpackpur not instal mysqlpython not instal pycpars pycrypto pycryptodom not instal pygit not instal python vabafa dec msc v bit intel pythongnupg pyyaml pyzmq raet not instal smmap timelib tornado zmq system version dist local cp machin amd releas system window version sp free
bug textbox retriev focu map not travers with arrow key descriptioni am unsur if thi is a bug or intend but it is no longer possibl to move with arrow key might be relat to the textbox that ha alway the focu text marker is move with the arrow key
oauthlogout project apporv page for get code hi when gener an code by visit the endpoint at the approv page is miss though code wa gener same test appli to oauth project approv page is right see follow approv page on
disabl login button as well and creat user button when field are empti unless all field have stuff in them
instal fail if ampersand present in datacent path creat a standard vcenter instal and a datacent with an in it name run vicmachin creat creat target dc user password xxx name ianvch debug timeoutmsep info instal vch sep debug begin warn use user for vch oper use opsus to improv secur see x for advanc helpsep debug client network ip gateway dest sep debug public network ip gateway dest sep debug manag network ip gateway dest sep debug vch dn server sep debug begin debug begin debug end s sep info load server certif info load ca with default name from certif path ianvchsep debug begin debug end s sep info load client certif with default name from certif path ianvchsep debug end ms sep debug begin debug not gener server or client cert noth for to dosep debug end s sep debug end ms sep debug debug usersep debug passwordsep debug debug debug debug debug debug timeoutmssep debug debugsep debug begin debug begin debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug end s sep debug begin debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug end s sep debug end s sep debug begin debug creat vmomi session with thumbprint debug session environ info sep debug vsphere resourc cach debug cach dc vcqa dcsep debug cach cluster sep debug cach pool sep debug cach folder vcqa dcsep debug error count popul vsphere cach sep debug new valid failur find ds default datastor resolv to multipl instanc pleas specifysep debug end s sep debug begin info valid suppli debug begin debug set scratch imag size to kb in vchconfigsep debug end s sep debug begin debug begin debug end s sep debug end s sep debug begin debug begin debug use default resourc pool for comput resourc vcqa debug end s sep debug end s sep debug begin debug begin debug end ms debug no path element specifi for imag store will use defaultsep debug end ms sep debug begin debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug begin vm networksep debug begin vm networksep debug end ms vm networksep debug end ms vm networksep debug end ms sep debug begin debug begin vm networksep debug begin vm networksep debug end ms vm networksep debug end ms vm networksep debug end ms sep debug begin debug begin vm networksep debug begin vm networksep debug end ms vm networksep debug end ms vm networksep debug end ms sep debug begin bridgesep debug begin bridgesep debug end ms bridgesep debug end ms bridgesep debug network debug network bridg bridg true falsesep debug network public public fals falsesep debug network client client fals falsesep debug network manag fals falsesep debug begin debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep info vd ok on bridgesep debug end ms debug begin debug end s sep debug end s sep debug begin debug check firewal with manag network ip sep info firewal statu enabl on vcqa dchostclssep debug filter rule vspc vm serial port connect to vspc fals outbound dst tcp true xcsep debug filter ip network allip true rule vspcsep info firewal statu enabl on vcqa dchostclssep debug filter rule vspc vm serial port connect to vspc fals outbound dst tcp true xccsep debug filter ip network allip true rule vspcsep info firewal ok on hostssep info vcqa dchostclssep info vcqa dchostclssep debug end s sep info licens check ok on hostssep info vcqa dchostclssep info vcqa dchostclssep debug begin info dr check ok onsep info vcqa dchostclssep debug end ms sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug begin debug end s sep debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin debug end s sep debug end s sep debug begin debug datacent vcqa dc cluster resourc pool sep debug end s sep info sep debug begin debug begin debug end s sep debug end s sep debug begin ianvchsep debug begin debug begin ianvchsep debug end ms ianvchsep debug begin ianvchsep debug end ms ianvchsep debug end s sep debug begin debug begin info creat virtual app ianvchsep debug end ms sep debug end ms sep debug begin debug end s sep debug begin info creat applianc on targetsep debug begin debug gener new config secret keysep debug begin debug end ms sep debug begin debug end ms sep debug begin debug set public to slot sep info network role client is share nic with publicsep info network role manag is share nic with publicsep debug set bridg to slot sep debug end ms sep debug end ms sep debug op deltam newoper op deltam debug begin debug end s sep debug get vm properti of vm debug properti debug vm folder name ianvchsep debug vm inventori path vcqa debug begin debug begin debug end ms sep debug begin debug get vm properti of vm debug properti debug end s sep debug gener new config secret keysep debug end s sep debug op delta newoper op delta debug end s sep debug begin info upload imag for containersep info info debug begin debug begin warn fail an attempt to upload iso with err not found retri remainsep warn will tri again in s oper fail with detect errorsep warn fail an attempt to upload iso with err put write tcp write broken pipe retri remainsep warn will tri again in s oper fail with detect errorsep warn fail an attempt to upload iso with err not found retri remainsep warn will tri again in ms oper fail with detect errorsep warn fail an attempt to upload iso with err not found retri remainsep warn will tri again in s oper fail with detect to be a bug in govmomi from what i can tell or perhap on the vcenter side uploadimag call which take a url object the present in the name get urlescap properli by the standard librari eg in the abov output but then we get a from vsphere when we tri to put the iso
discuss bsip an uia against an extern distribut snapshot check out the thought relev of the bsip which requir develop input snapshot data inclus in bitshar how to includ snapshot genesi data in blockchain within mani transact or alongsid genesisjson when launch the fullwit node claim uia token via import extern privat current we can onli redeem bt core asset on the bt dex by import btsx privat key what dev is requir behind the scene to support mani type of privat key enabl uia claim via key import need to preregist sharedrop recipi do we need to preregist an account for a sharedrop recipi or can ani account claim the sharedrop if they import the appropri privat key todo proof of concept bitcoin base altcoin snapshot far less data to process than bitcoin detail step to produc a provabl bitshar snapshot get develop input on the abov and the bsip as a whole talk about thi dure the next bitshar hangout
merg updat pw to crypt pw
check if test for crypt is use main db
assert fail from a window ryujitarm run with failurepid xfa thread xc assert fail in clctorthi il size file line imag mani test hit thi
websit ssl certif expir in juli heyth ssl certif for expir in juli time to updat hope your web adminstr is
singl snapin cant be assign to group rcwhen you tri to assign a singl snapin to a group of comput the dropdownbar for select the snapin is missingwhen you do these step on a singl comput everyth look normalmust be a bug right
proof of openid im brows the certifi openid connect and i cant find thi librari list anywher yet thi librari is use the certifi by openid logocan you clarifi
list account on certbot certif the current output name yyyyyyexpiri date path key path bbbbbbit would be nice if thi wa augment with the renew andor issu account name yyyyyyexpiri date path key path bbbbbb account issu md account renew configur mdthe renew account is track in not sure if the issu account is track outsid of the it would be nice to keep the list of account clean and onli with one the renew account let us know what account are need for renew the issu account let us know what account are need for revoc
get vorder should be get api doc say that the api get an order by hash but doesnt show how
group reset encrypt data group reset encrypt data is not work properli
fail clippi castlossless error cast u to u may becom silent lossi if type chang srcder let mut re c b as u help tri ufromc band lot more like thi
the user get their avatar updat not the target user the intent is to updat someon avatar if you are allow to do
can we borrow the browser cooki the might be run on the same machin as a web browser that alreadi to the ui vcdcli ha a techniqu for locat the browser cooki jar and reus the exist cooki sessioncan do that
not login when i click on login with traktv it show a load wheel and doe nothingani helppd sorri for my bad english
doe not work on curl with winssl i did thisi have build of curl one with winssl and anoth with opensslon the build with openssl if i set these option as some random pin that doe not lit will properli fail the request and if i chang it to the actual pin codeth one that match it will pass and complet the requestwhen use the build with winssl it will simpl ignor those variabl and give you the complet request directlylet me know if addit inform is requir thank i expect the set those variabl will make the winssl request fail if the pin doe not match and pass if it match like it doe for openssl curllibcurl versioncurl ipcwin libcurl protocol dict file ftp ftp gopher http http imap imap ldap pop pop rtspsmb smb smtp smtp telnet tftpfeatur asynchdn largefil sspi kerbero spnego ntlm ssl oper sp
autocomplet login act funni from on juli when i type bryana my email it but then add the eitco to the end of the address after i complet finish our domain now login enter your email bryanth carrot is me push enter it visual pars to someth like thi bryanfrom origin issu zeitnow
ldap complet unauthor higot problem with ldapautha look with tcpdump and wireshark seem that with the ldapserv is i disabl the ldap suff everyth work as with clean consol with up i got with start post userssignin for at portu process by as htmlportu paramet utf buttonportu complet unauthor in ms activerecord msportu process by as htmlportu paramet utf buttonportu render msportu render msportu render msportu render within msportu complet ok in ms view ms activerecord msportu start post userssignin for at portu process by as htmlportu paramet utf buttonportu complet unauthor in ms activerecord msportu process by as htmlportu paramet utf buttonportu render msportu render msportu render msportu render within msportu complet ok in ms view ms activerecord mscrono i t info perform i t info finish catalogjob in secondscrono i t info perform i t info finish catalogjob in secondsher a screenshot from um a screenshot of http um out master branch to srvportu and configur everyth in with valid content of servic portu imag environ machinefqdn db the password for the databas should definit not be here you are probabl better off with docker swarm secret db secret it can possibl be handl better with swarm secret ssl nginx is serv the asset instead of puma if you want to chang thi uncom thi line true port link db volum crono imag environ machinefqdn db the password for the databas should definit not be here you are probabl better off with docker swarm secret db secret it can possibl be handl better with swarm secret we want to execut crono not portu bincrono link db volum content of enabl true hostnam xxxxxxxxxxxx port method plain base filter uid enabl true binddn password xxxxxxxxxxif i comment out the ldap stuff in and restart the everyth work as expect i can creat a user in the db login connect to registri etci delet all db and contain and tri it in a clean environ with and without ldap and everi time the same result without db it work but not with ldapbut if i sniff ldap traffic with tcpdump on the host extern interfac it seem to work fine so the fault should be insid the containerani suggest or further debug
how to compos and i could do sth likedescrib user do letus id name foo thread id titl bar it do expectuserto includ id thread thread endendbut rubocop complain about thread be use twice so i tri expectuserto includ id thread and then rspec complain about the know how i can compos these two matcher
depend inject in control doesnt work hi i have thi problemin my modul config have inject angularmask for exampl and still work no app use strict core the core modul is requir for special rout handl coreadmin file is readabl in browser but when inject in the control function use strict angular angularmaski got an error injectorunpr unknown provid same problem with cleavejswhat is wrong in old version thi work fine not nowsorri for my
referncia bibliogrfica reversa o esquema de referncia bibliogrfica reversa isto na lista de referncia ter link que indicam ond a referncia foi usada s funciona quando a referncia e a citao esto no mesmo arquivov o caso aqui
whi doesnt the microsoft graph client librari contain it own provid whi doe not support azur activ directori bc or merg with
support encrypt password in acmdrc file
cach gener certif for futur use it would be good to the api user have access to the gener certif html thi can be done by have a privat attribut on or return the list to the gener methodi dont know which approach is better but those seem good enough for now
newhbmenu hang on homebrew launch when inject in to hs on a new ds thi is not a support forum for support go here nintendo hack rosalina featur request go here also check the wiki befor make an issu for problem if your use an emurednand tri instal anyth on it to sysnand pleas make sure to read enabl game patch befor post ani issu about the enabl game patch option luma updat that dont support wont work thi is due to support for nonbssighax entrypoint be drop pleas fill in the modelnew ds xleg ds new ds old dssysnand version emurednand version if u sysnand j howwhat your use to boot etclumad eg stabl or if use specifi the commit like thi emunand screen bright splash offpin lock offnew ds cpu offautoboot emunand use emunand firm if boot with r enabl load extern firm and modul firmwar bin file are not requir by luma or ntr cfw anymor if your have issu with thi option enabl tri delet them from the luma folder on the root of the sd card or rwluma on ctrnand and disabl thi optionen game patch show nand or user string in system set xshow gba boot screen in patch agbfirm xpatch arm access set develop unitinfo disabl arm except handler explan of the hang on homebrew launch when inject in to hs on a new ds work fine on my old dsnewhbmenu blame rosalina to reproduc set rosalina to inject homebrew launcher into hs tri to start ani dsx filedump fileif the issu lead to a crash you must uncheck the disabl arm except handler option the error messag will tell you where the dump is zip the dmp file and drag drop it below
help need to support i am tri to add mt support to you can see my initi effort here basic i need to plug in in two place beforeaft beforeaft have tri to do that here i must have mess up my pipelin config dure both my beforeaft logic is execut befor ani pointer would be appreci
esi not work im get a xxstyle esi error when tri to addeditus esi ad esi some time ago and it appar been work fine within the past few day i got some error that made me think i need to do the process againgo to option account click the edit button next to one of my charact then click author i am redirect in a browser to the follow the clientid is blank onc i author i am given the follow messag by paramet are either miss or forward anyway and tri to fetch all new data updat updat i am perhap given esi error code under account and error code under structur
localmix fail to resolv filenam for unknown hash do you guy know what thi meansedit thi a crash i got while tri to mod the game
panic while attempt keychang if clone snapshot of an encrypt dataset are present system versionnam distribut name arch version nalinux kernel xzf version gffdspl version gef describ the problem your observingit appear to me that after an encrypt dataset is clone attempt to use zf changekey result in a panic describ how to reproduc the problempan l m ifdevurandom bs countecho cae zpool creat o encryptionon o o throwaway creat creat snapshot get t all r changekey o keyformatraw o l m cae zpool creat o encryptionon o o throwaway creat creat snapshot get t all r fbf zf changekey keyformatraw l m ifdevurandom bs countzpool creat o encryptionon o keyformatraw o o throwaway creat creat snapshot get t all r ifdevurandom bs countzf changekey o keyformatraw o changekey with no optionsim not sure if thi is the same as tri to switch from keyformatraw l m ifdevurandom bs countzpool creat o encryptionon o keyformatraw o o throwaway creat creat snapshot get t all r changekey includ ani from the system logsal of the command abov result in the same panic dmesg wverifi dd char func dck fail panic at stack for process cpu pid comm txgsync taint p o arch hardwar name hp proliant microserv gen bio j call trace dumpstackxxb spl splpanicxcx spl zf zf zf zf zaplookupxx zf zf dmubufrelexx zf dsldirrelexx zf zf zf zf spasyncxfxd zf zf txgdelayxbxb zf spl kthreadxx threadexitxx spl
rememb me featur doenst work when by ca rememb me doenst work when by casit seem that thi topic could help to fix our problem
add navig drawer for privaci polici and histori
keepass return unrel credenti over keepasshttp hello sinc the last aur updat when i go on a random unknown site with a logon field i get promot to grant chromeipass access to account is alway the same account but i see no pattern into whywhen on a site where i have credenti save it work as expect although account on the same domain with differ path are also shown nowdid someth in the from keepasshttp chang expect at all should happen it not the correct site for the credenti current open to grant access to unrel account debug infovers version revis qt libgcrypt oper system manjaro linuxcpu architectur xkernel linux extens keepasshttp autotyp yubikey
remov user that never play a game after n day of first login figur out how mani game a player ha doneselect fullnam countgameid as c from user left join hand group by userid have cmake deleteus func that remov user from all databas check which oneemail everyon by hand in the first place wait two week start in wiki origin creation date in redmin by arun persaud
close prevent user from chang their password to blank prevent user from chang their password to blank should have a minimum creation date in redmin by arun persaud
the text login in login page is too small and posit is too left
after upgrad of chamilo assign cours to class can not be delet from chamilo to chamilo upgrad from php to current behavior resultado actual rsultat actuel after upgrad of chamilo assign cours to class can not be delet after delet and new build of class thi is again possibl expect behavior resultado esperado rsultat attendu step to reproduc paso para reproducir tape pour reproduir chamilo version versin de chamilo version de chamilo
add ux for newsblur to client app thi item repres hook up web broker to the profil ux in newsblur it is depend on ad initi profil ux
hash a password is not accept tommd reddit comment hash a password is not an accept way to creat a crypto key from a password use someth like scrypt gener a random salt for the encrypt oper to use in scrypt and store it with the ciphertext along with the iv add thi in a reddit dont hash the password gener a random salt and use a proper add password hash webcrypto ha pbkdf which is more suitabl
from referr are not work botman version php version messag servic facebook cach driver redi start from botman bot are not work step to reproducein botmanphp react to facebook referr botman bot extend convers public function start question question addbutton function answer answer thissayy said public function run thisstart the question is ask but the method say is never fire no error are show in logsher the payload come from facebook with thi link object page entri id time messag recipi id timestamp sender id referr ref joinvoijcotq sourc shortlink type openthread
unassign player should not be abl to spawn logist truck we should stop obviou lonewolf troll by requir that a player ha to be in a suffici full squad in order to spawn a logist truck discuss in comment
reactjsorg websit display empti page when cooki are disabl in firefox when use a firefox with cooki plugin and enabl prevent cooki storag load flash the page content then remov all content in the bodi produc an empti white page with the follow content when load the page the content initi load flash and then a secur except is thrown in the consol and all content is remov from the the oper is insecurecod nsresult xlocat the cooki whitelist is set to allow temporari cooki the page load normal
add doc about phpid to the secur page we have some doc on phpid in the dev system should be awar of phpid as well itd be nice to mention it in somewher in the page it should mention what is phpid how to check the log file for phpid alert how to give trust user permiss to skip the phpid check
php rc stretch with argon password hash hello with php argon password hash wa ad with an addion flag how can i add thi flag dure compili without recompil the imag all over again i know that stretch ha the librari libargondev
remov provid doe not remov certif after remov provid the certif doesnt seem to be delet ad the provid again it reus the old certif
could not store cooki header alreadi sent after activ the plugin thi error appearsdb driver pdoselect optionnam optionvalu from where could not store cooki header alreadi sent in on line could not store cooki header alreadi sent in on line could not store cooki header alreadi sent in on line could not store cooki header alreadi sent in on line could not store cooki header alreadi sent in on line could not store cooki header alreadi sent in on line could not store cooki header alreadi sent in on line could not store cooki header alreadi sent in on line thank
invalid java signatur emit for intersect type involv type variabl accord to jl the type bound of a type variabl must either be a singl type variabl or an intersect of a class or interfac follow by zero or more interfac that is to say you cannot use type variabl in an intersect of a type boundsso the follow code will not compil in foo void barbecaus t a type variabl if it is to appear in the type bound of s must be there by itself it may not be intersect with anyth elsehowev scalac will emit the abov signatur if you implement thi in foot def bar t with serializ unitscalac shouldnt be emit invalid signatur so i believ thi is a buga it happen javac is quit happi to accept and understand the type signatur when it encount it in bytecod type check it usag as intend by the scala code howev other compil are not so permiss for exampl intellij doe not understand the type signatur and emit error and warn for code that depend on non spec conform infer of the type by the methoda real consequ of thi is thi in lagomin my opinion scalac behaviour in thi case should be to if the first type in the type bound is a type variabl drop the rest of the type bound in the java signatur or if a type variabl is found in the tail of the type bound intersect drop it thi approach would be similar to the jlss approach to how to decid on the type to emit in the binari signatur for intersect type
creat a tree for travers
still perform action im tri to use a custom intent parser when receiv the event my plan wa to perform custom action if the recogn text match someth in my intent parser and otherwis fallback on some respons from the googl cloud if i call in the event that the text match a custom intent the assist wont give a cloud respons howev it will still perform actionsin thi case i have a phillip hue account tie to my googl account so say turn on the light will still trigger the assist send a turn on command through hue even though i had call perhap thi is intend but it would be handi to have an option to stop ani googl action if is call at the right time
need to reimplement encrypt should merg network branch and includ encrypt in messag send
trainstag consist test failur for can chang primari email reset password and login error emailtimeout is there some chang that is need in stage also is it realli call timeout in second although probabl unlik whi thi is on ani platform set chang email msset chang email doe no show chang email option if queri not set sset chang email can chang primari email and login sset chang email can chang primari email chang password and login sset chang email can chang primari email reset password and login sstep wait for email at wait for email at wait for email at wait for email at wait for email at wait for email at wait for email at chang primari email reset password and login error emailtimeout at at command at command at command at command at command at command at command at command at testcan chang primari email reset password and login as test
web servic api public key check broken it doesnt actual matter what you use as the public key it wont ever be check to work the privat key onli need to be use to make the hash it still need to be valid
anyway to expect password prompt i have a project in which i need to evalu the password prompt dure an ssh connect i wa use pexpect to spawn ssh and evalu thi work howev my project need to be run from aw lambda and there is no avail ssh commandi there ani way to get to expect befor connect i have thisclient timeout displaytru as interact i your password passwordbut thi just get failedani help would be
reqsecur is fals on aw api gateway aw lambda with http i have a simpl express app on aw lambda api gateway and whenev i use reqsecur on http i get fals is there anyway to get reqsecur to truei can see the http be pass to the express server
fix download hack
enabl hst in rack ssl enforc it would like make sens to enabl for ad in
integr with ui use password string langus error
make loginsignup link a button as well issu when on the login page and use a machin with normal to better resolut the opposit item to the button on the login page can be hard to see it a blue near a background that is blue green similar on color wheel and can be realli hard to locat perhap move to a buttonlogin link hard to
someth went wrong when implement github login with authsess helloim tri to implement a github use authsess i alreadi ad the callback url to github set becaus is requir after i login in to github thi error imag at
select an item on a charact and then rotat to landscap and back forget where the item is normal when i rotat portrait to landscap to portrait ishtar just reset to top left and that fine and good but when im view a specif item in a specif bucketslot ishtar doesnt return to the bucketslot of the item be view leftright swipe still work correctli after rotat so it doe know where it at
pumpkin seed should be edibl
how to login in admin panel
valu requir in valu valu requir in valu file line in file line in file httpclientj line in new file httpj line in file httpsj line in addit frame were not valu requir in valu
error when sort paramet come at the begin of the hash hi everyon first of all thank for thi amaz worki ran into an issu i didnt find document yet the problem happen when i tri to search and sort at the same time but it onli happen if i sort first if i search and then sort it work fine it is possibl to be someth wrong with my scope and join my exampl look like thisrubi model deal hasmani dealev depend destroy belongsto dealprogress scope activ whereact true scope open wherestatu open def true and fals distinct endrubi control paramsfilt ha the sort key at the end everyth work fine for examplerubi paramsfilt s asc if the problem is within my code im sorri for the nois
use letsencrypt certif with ddwrt hi and thank for everyth your do and share on githubthi page discuss thi subject second instal opkg by run bootstrap but three year ago kong wrote on thi page that sinc bootstrap is unfinish and not maintain anymor we can close the ticket for nowmi question for you as author of is thi im run gener ddwrt vsp mini on a linksi wrtgsv and although i have complet your step first enabl jff from the first time you use it youll want to check the box to clean intern flash storag onc it run you may need to reboot use a termin to mkdir jffsopt and mount it to the opt directori use mount bind jffsopt opt thi line will also need to go into your startup script under im find that despit complet step and reboot there is no bootstrap execut on my ddwrt system and the bootstrap project seem as written by kong to have been discontinu year ago or i wonder if the bootstrap mention by kong is a differ bootstrap project than the one you mention in your howtoso do you have ani thought on how i can move forward with your instruct under these i have no bootstrap execut on my ddwrt bootstrap not foundrooty debug it is a bug report make sure you are abl to repro it on the latest releas version you can instal the latest version by acmesh upgrad search the exist issu refer to the debug info to logacmesh issu debug
click link to unsav question when log out take you to page after login have a link to an unsav question of the form question log out click the link or past into browser address bar log in you get redirect to pageof cours you would expect to be taken to the question rather than the page in step
add hash file when verifi download save hash to a filesha file then just check mtime timestamp to ensur that a larg file hasnt chang sinc the last time we verifi so that we arent constantli verifi multigb rootf imag in
lesson of parliament miss secur manual australian parliament
cant get index of assign qubit p programp cant get index of assign qubit
provid sanit db and file backup for dev to help dev on in we implement autom sanit backup of for dev to get the thing they need to help with prsperhap or someon with server access can implement an instanc of for so other dev can pitch in as well
fail to reset password on window gce instanc see attach is the text in the error messag boxfail to execut command gcloud comput aspnet quiet to execut command cmdex c gcloud comput aspnet quiet the requir properti account is not current setyou may set it for your current workspac by run gcloud config set account valueor it can be set temporarili by the environ variabl
feedback on incorrect password is not clear enough ive set a password for my account at first there wa no problem confirm the passworda coupl of day later i am not abl to confirm enter the password anywher i came across thi when want to set the inflat destin it ask me to sign use my password but after enter it the ok button stay grey out the same happen when i tri to disabl the passwordedit thi happen becaus i wa make a typo in the password i now understand that the ok button onli becom activ when the correct password is enter i would prefer more explicit feedback when ive not enter the correct password and tri to press the button anyway
add plotli graph for violat summari data add a builtin way to provid violat and other summari data
gitlab auth token is not appli when user credenti are not provid use nextflow i can no longer pull from a gitlab repo the same command work in version here the stacktrac with the repo name obscureddec main debug run resum hub gitlab r awschang latest paramsfil slurmdec main info n e x t f l o w version dec main debug repositori url project hub provid gitlabdec main info pull dec main debug request credenti main debug respons statu messag main debug request credenti main debug respons statu messag main debug oper not author check that the gitlab user name and password provid are correct at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at method at chang befor second ago
error in firewal check on second run on second run of playbookyml im get errortask ensur firewal rule for intern is present fatal localhost fail chang fals fail true msg unexpect respons not support between instanc of nonetyp and nonetyp detail traceback most recent call last file line in main if allowedlist and file line in return keylambda y ygetport not support between instanc of nonetyp and like it a bug of gcenet modul but workaround would be appreci
updat worker secur group for port and per concours architectur it appear that those two port are requir for the atc to be abl to commun with worker although our current work we should probabl look into thi
encodingasn unmarsh reject contain ampersand ampersand are not technic allow in an asn howev digicert ha recentlyfor exampl issu a number of intermedi certif to well fargo compani hand such ca cert includebegin certif
byte array to thi simpl code is not work on sign function in rsagoi write test for that and again not workfunc tstkey interfac rsakey ok is fals rsakey is nilmi test privat key is begin rsa privat rsa privat keyand read by signkey err
the amount to by should be explicit in a signatur right now the amount to incrdecr by is an option in the option list it would be better if it were in the function signatur itself option
integr aw certif manag the cert arn is alreadi configur insid the modul it just unus when build the alb ensur we pull in the cert and assign so that forward to depend on
some gatherrgba method signatur is inconsist with hlsl refer the hlsl refer for texturecub and includ member gathergreen gatherblu gatheralpha etcthey have a signatur such gather in samplerst s in float locat out uint the compil seem to expect the locat argument as a float in the case of texturecub and expect a float in the case of if the argument that i provid is just a float as shown in the refer there are vectorsplat inject in the ast to convert it to floatfloatim wonder which behavior is the correct one
fetch varcharmax as a stream result in fatal error with alway encrypt test in window with the latest sqlsrv preview connect with enabl creat a tabl with one column of type varcharmax with encrypt insert one row and retriev data from thi tabl as stream fatal error seemingli stuck in an infinit loop same problem with utf option connect or retrievalth repro creat tabl varcharmax collat encrypt with algorithm aecolumnkey invalu strrepeatzza insertsql insert into valu param insertsql paramsif stmt queri select from queryif stmt if to fetch row stream stream fals to read field els valu if stream num while feofstream valu freadstream infinit loop fclosestream if invalu compar the data to see if they match corrupt els in get stream
ui make it clear that the tx hash can be click right now there is no indic that by click the tx hash a block explor can be open with it either make it clear on the text or on a small button near it
crash updat spongeforg
add test for look like thi chang didnt break ani test some of the other messag chang did would be nice if those chang also broke someth
use checksum for ethereum address x output address with checksum enabl x valid input address x valid contract address in url
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