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Created January 14, 2022 15:21
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Unreal Engine - Move property category in details panel
// Copyright XYZ. All Rights Reserved.
#include "YourActorDetailsCustomization.h"
#include "DetailLayoutBuilder.h"
void FYourActorClassDetailsCustomization::CustomizeDetails(IDetailLayoutBuilder& DetailLayout)
// Category Name is display name of Category you want to move
// ECategoryPriority is "how high" it should be.
DetailLayout.EditCategory("Category Name", FText::GetEmpty(), ECategoryPriority::Important);
TSharedRef<IDetailCustomization> FYourActorClassDetailsCustomization::MakeInstance()
return MakeShareable(new FYourActorClassDetailsCustomization);
// Copyright XYZ. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "IDetailCustomization.h"
class FYourActorClassDetailsCustomization : public IDetailCustomization
// Makes a new instance of this detail layout class
static TSharedRef<IDetailCustomization> MakeInstance();
// IDetailCustomization interface
virtual void CustomizeDetails(IDetailLayoutBuilder& DetailLayout) override;
// End of IDetailCustomization interface
#include "YourEditorModule.h"
// .... your code
#include "YourActorClassDetailsCustomization.h"
#include "YourActor.h"
// .... your code
void FYourEditorModule::StartupModule()
// .... your code
// Register the details customizations
FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPropertyEditorModule>("PropertyEditor");
PropertyModule.RegisterCustomClassLayout( AYourActor::StaticClass()->GetFName(), FOnGetDetailCustomizationInstance::CreateStatic( &FYourActorClassDetailsCustomization::MakeInstance ) );
// .... your code
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