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Last active March 1, 2017 06:28
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(Ryan Spink) - (M1/M2/M3/M4) Portfolio

Areas of Emphasis

  • I had one overarching goal this mod, the same as last mod: learn as much as I possibly can while working as hard as I can. I believe that for the most part I accomplished this goal. From the beginning of the mod until the end I threw myself at my work and was constantly trying to improve myself in every aspect of being a software dev. As I've mentioned to both instructors, I'm truly having a blast at this point in Turing. I think one of the biggest pieces of this is that my enjoyment for learning software development right now really validates my decision to drop a career to pursue this dream. It would seem I couldn't have made a better decision. Looking forward, I want to continue to sponge as much knowledge and gain as much development experience as I can while continuing to play a part in the Turing community.

Rubric Scores

  • A: End-of-Module Assessment: 3.5
  • B: Individual Work & Projects: 3
  • C: Group Work & Projects: 4
  • D: Professional Skills: 3.5
  • E: Feedback & Community Participation: 4

A: End of Module Assessment

  1. Conceptual Understanding
  • 4: Developer is able to describe concepts with a high degree of specificity and accuracy without assistance
  • 3: Developer is able to describe concepts with a moderately high degree of specificity and accuracy with some assistance/questioning
  • 2: Developer demonstrates some gaps in understanding when asked for additional detail
  • 1: Developer has fundamental misconceptions about Rails, MVCs, the web, or related topics
  1. Analytic/Algorithmic Thinking
  • 3.5: Developer breaks complex problems into small, digestible steps and executes them with little assistance
  1. Feature Completeness
  • 4: Developer is able to finish all prescribed functionality, refactor and have all passing tests
  1. ActiveRecord Syntax and Style
  • 3: Developer is able to establish and utilize ActiveRecord methods with minimal support and understands the relationship between models and the database
  1. Rails Style
  • 3: Developer generally writes clean Rails features that make smart use of Ruby, with some struggles in pushing logic down the stack
  1. Testing
  • 3.5: Developer uses tests at multiple layers of abstraction to drive development, but may need some assistance parsing errors or prioritizing next steps
  1. Collaboration
  • 3.5: Developer lays out their thinking before attacking a problem and integrates feedback through the process

My final assessment feedback included hammering in moving AR back to the model immediately as it was being rewritten. On a personal note, I worked to include shortcuts in my coding approach and I think that’s reflected in the speed at which I completed the final.

B: Individual Work & Projects

Mix Master:

  • This project is great. Really in-depth, lots of associations, lots of testing, a fair amount of stuff we hadn’t seen before…love it. I feel that I really learned a lot on this project. While it is lengthy, the tutorial is highly enjoyable from a learning standpoint. I don’t normally need someone to hold my hand, and while all the answers were available and it was a tutorial, it didn’t feel that way. I would definitely keep this project around and it’s probably one of the biggest catalysts for my growth in Rails this Mod.

Rails Mini Project:

  • I’m a little bit at a loss of what to say about this project. We were given easily twice amount of time needed to complete this project, yet mine still didn’t look that great. I felt uninspired on this project, and I think it shows. While the functionality is almost all there, I don’t feel proud of this work. I think I was pretty salty that so much time was taken away from in class learning to give us time to work on this. I used most of the in-class time that was given to us to complete this project to study instead, as I felt that it provided more of a challenge and greater benefit than this project. I really hate to sound snarky, but RMP was probably the worst I felt about any work I did this Mod. I always try to work hard, and I felt that I was really missing out on what could have been valuable in-class sessions. This is in no way a knock on the instructors. I think you guys have done a fantastic job this mod. My only real feedback would be to cut the time on this project and devote more time during the day to lessons. I might be in the minority there, but that’s just my perspective. Happy to flesh this out with either Sal or Andrew if they have any questions about it.

(Project Name)


(evaluation comments)

(evaluation scores)

C: Group Work & Projects



(Bike Share)


Evaluation Rubric

The project will be assessed with the following rubric:

  1. Functional Expectations

3: Application fulfills base expectations

  1. ActiveRecord

3: ActiveRecord methods generally live in the appropriate model, but some Ruby is used to organize data after database queries. A project at this level may have some queries that have not produced the correct results based on the expectations described, but in those cases the query was still generally on the right path and demonstrated some minor misunderstanding.

  1. User Experience and Conventions

3.5: Project still uses appropriate routes and HTTP verbs. User experience is pleasant, but may need additional improvement before truly being ready to be deployed to production for a client.

  1. Code Organization/Quality

3: Some logic not related specifically to HTTP requests/resesponses remains in the main application file. Some methods may be slightly long, or follow unexpected patterns. Limited logic may leak into the views.

  1. Testing

4: Application is broken into components which are well tested in both isolation and integration using appropriate data

  1. Working Collaboratively

3: Good use of branches, pull requests, and a project-management tool.

(feedback to me)

D: Professional Skills


Gear Up

(Session Name)

(takeaways from session)


(Session Name)

Professional Development Workshops

(Session Name)

(takeaways from session)

E: Feedback and Community Participation

Giving Feedback

  • Feedback to Charlotte Moore:

  • Charlotte, I really enjoyed working with you on Bike Share. I feel like you greatly contributed to our cohesive, efficient team dynamic. Your insights were valuable and pairing with you was equally valuable as a learning experience for me. Honestly, I’m not sure what constructive feedback to give you. I feel like a cop-out answer to this might be “be more assertive” about some of your ideas, but thinking about that…it’s really not the case. When any of us had differences of opinion on a route to follow, we hashed it out logically and like adults. One thing that’s worth mentioning is that I think that some of your pre-planning and looking down the line at potential effects current actions in coding might have rubbed off on me. I’m very thankful for that, as it has been very useful in all of my coding since. It was a pleasure to work with you and learn from you on this project and I wish you nothing but good fortune on future endeavors!

  • Feedback to Ashley Schauer:

  • Ashley, working with you on JT was a pleasure. I feel that our team was a well-oiled machine and have you leading the way as our project manager played no small part in that. You are hard working, insightful, and self-aware as a project partner. I have a hard time coming up with constructive feedback for you. While you and Charlotte occasionally butted heads on which avenue to pursue in our project, we hashed out each others ideas like logical adults and always came to a group consensus quickly so we could move forward together. Furthermore, while others might say that your more intense nature can be intimidating (and I in no way mean this in a bad way), I found it refreshing to have someone as hard working and passionate about the task at hand as you on the team. Finally, I feel that I was able to learn a fair amount from you on best practices in coding. You have a knack for visualizing the ramifications that current code will have on future functionality and you are able to implement it before it’s needed (when you know it will be necessary). I think this foresight and though process is invaluable, and I’ve worked to implement it in all of my coding since. It was great to work with you and I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors!

Being a Community Member

(need to get feedback)

Playing a Part


  • The two main things that I did in my posse this Mod were working with an Arduino Microcontroller and circuit bending children’s toys. With the arduino, I progressed to incorporating a button to change multiple flashing lights. Circuit bending was enjoyable. We short-circuited audio paths within children’s toys to produce strange sounds and loops. I think it’s hard to really delve deep into this posse with so little time devoted to sessions. Even a two-hour session is hard to make substantial progress with. In the future. I hope to use my experience in Turing Lab to help me with a potential Mod3 personal project idea that I have. I think that TL has helped me grow professionally by bridging the gap between coding for an app vs coding for hardware which a topic I’m very interested in.


  • This mod was my first as a member of the Student Advisory Board at Turing. I really enjoyed this experience, and I'm glad that I was afforded the opportunity to represent our cohort to the school. The main duties that we undertook this mod were providing support to students, passing on their feedback to the school and to facilities, representing their interests once a week at the SAB meeting, and working with other SAB members, Allison, and Ellen Mary to try and solve various issues surrounding our community at Turing. Within SAB, extra "responsibility" that I have taken on include researching and reaching out to potential stress management speakers and co-working-on the "Stay at school and watch movies" option for Final Friday. I can't wait to continue my role in SAB as a reprentative for our cohort next mod!


  • I feel that I've played my part in the Turing community by trying to be as helpful as I can to anyone that asks. I always keep myself open to questions on slack, in class, and during work time and rarely hesitate to offer my help if someone is struggling or asks for assistance. I feel that I have taken to rails very well this mod and it's truly my pleasure to help anyone that doesn't understand a concept or is having trouble implementing an idea (as I'd expect anyone else in my mod to help me, everyone is great!). It's also a great learning experience for me too, as I can practice teaching and reciting back knowledge that I've accumultated...further reinforcing it in my mind! Finally, I feel that I bring a positive, calm, and reassuring demeanor to the table. Inside and out of SAB duties, I try to always provide reinforcement to my cohort members and truly like and wish nothing but the best for each of them.

Final Review


( Leave blanks for reviewers )


( Leave blanks for reviewers )

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