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Ryanspink1 /
Last active December 19, 2017 22:55
Ruby Flatten

RubyFlatten README

This program is a clone of the Ruby method "Flatten".
It may be cloned from the source repository at


This application uses Minitest for testing, please make sure it's installed.
To test from root directory, type "ruby test/flatten_test.rb" into terminal

Will output 12 runs, 20 assertions

This module (4) our cohort was tasked with contributing to an open source project. My contribution was two new Fakers for the Faker Gem. The main one was the Venture Bros faker. It consisted of characters, vehicles, organizations, and quotes from the show The Venture Bros. I created a readme, added a toooon of characters (every single one I could Boggles the Clue Clown!), and tested it. Apparently, typing out a zillion characters by hand is not advised because I was rejected by Travis twice due to syntax errors in my character list. The other Faker I created was the Umphrey's McGee faker. They're my favorite band and have over 280 original songs so I figued it'd be a good one to add due to variety. Travis also hated me on this, finding the errors in close to 300 entries was...tedious. The issue that I tried to replicate was a guy having trouble getting the coffee faker to work. I was able to get it to work without issue and mentioned that in a comment....which I promptly deleted after a guy posted

Ryanspink1 /
Created June 6, 2017 02:41

Documentation of Practice/Actual Interview Participation

During this module we participated in a few different interview prep sessions to get us ready for the job hunt. One of the things I liked best was just mock-interviewing with another person switching roles. It was also helpful to go over the salary negotiations talk to. Another exercise that's always helpful is coding exercises, as we did in the session Jeff taught. During practice I belive that I excelled at both the coding challenge and the 1 on 1s. I feel comfortable and ready for actual interviews.

Ryanspink1 /
Last active June 6, 2017 01:39

Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan Template

#1: Job Search Plan: Create a schedule & goals

  1. Design a 40-hour "work week" that provides time for:
    • Code At least 2 hours a day, hopefully closer to 3
    • Outreach 2 hours a day
    • Research 1-2 hours a day, maybe more depending on how invested in a new tech I get.
    • Network 4 hours a week
    • Any other areas where you'd like to grow

Contributing to will_paginate

  • Why: I use this gem on occasion.
  • What: Documentation request for “modify css and link renderer”
  • I Need: to step by step write out the process for modifying the css and link renderer.
  • When I'm Done: Docs are skinny, so hopefully they’ll accept my addition.

Contributing to gruff

M4 Reflection

Fork this gist and answer these questions to reflect on your learning experiences.

  • What brought you to Turing?

    I was originally an accountant, felt that I wasn't helping anyone and that I didn't want it to be my lifes work so I started my own tech service biz. Ran that successfully for a few years, but wasn't intellectually stimulated so I moved on to programming to be able to help people while being challenged.

  • Where do you see yourself after Turing?

Water Quality Monitor


Form-factor autonomous water quality collection and analysis suite.


People are not aware of how the quality of natural bodies of smaller natural bodies of water compare to statewide statistics.

Asset Pipeline Scavenger Hunt

Start a gist with these questions:

What does it mean to concatenate files? Find an image of an example concatenated file. Why would we want to concatenate files?

  • Concatenation condenses all of the files into one file.

What does it mean to precompile files? What does this have to do with coffeescript and sass files?

(Ryan Spink) - (M1/M2/M3/M4) Portfolio

Areas of Emphasis

  • I had one overarching goal this mod, the same as last mod: learn as much as I possibly can while working as hard as I can. I believe that for the most part I accomplished this goal. From the beginning of the mod until the end I threw myself at my work and was constantly trying to improve myself in every aspect of being a software dev. As I've mentioned to both instructors, I'm truly having a blast at this point in Turing. I think one of the biggest pieces of this is that my enjoyment for learning software development right now really validates my decision to drop a career to pursue this dream. It would seem I couldn't have made a better decision. Looking forward, I want to continue to sponge as much knowledge and gain as much development experience as I can while continuing to play a part in the Turing community.

Rubric Scores

  • A: End-of-Module Assessment: 3.5
  • B: Individual Work & Projects: 3
Ryanspink1 / dtr_expectations.markdown
Last active January 28, 2017 22:40 — forked from case-eee/dtr_expectations.markdown
Group Work Expectations

Group Expectations

Group Member Names: Ryan Spink, Ashley Schauer, Charlotte Moore

Project Manager:Ashley Schauer

Defining the Relationship (DTR) Questions:

  1. When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed? ###Charlotte