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Forked from jdhitsolutions/Get-ProcessMemory.ps1
Created December 29, 2018 11:55
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A PowerShell function to display a snapshot of process memory usage based on the workingset value. The file includes a format.ps1xml file.
Function Get-ProcessMemory {
Get a snapshot of a process' memory usage.
Get a snapshot of a process' memory usage based on its workingset value. You can get the same information using Get-Process or by querying the Win32_Process WMI class with Get-CimInstance. This command uses Invoke-Command to gather the information remotely. Many of the parameters are from that cmdlet.
Technically you can use wildcards with process names, but because of how the function aggregates data, you might not see the results you expect.
PS C:\> get-processmemory code,powershell,powershell_ise
Name Count Threads AvgMB SumMB Computername
---- ----- ------- ----- ----- ------------
Code 7 137 121.87 853.0898 BOVINE320
powershell 3 72 169.168 507.5039 BOVINE320
powershell_ise 1 34 319.0078 319.0078 BOVINE320
The default output displays the process name, the total process count, the total number of threads, the average workingset value per process in MB and the total workingset size of all processes also formatted in MB.
PS C:\> get-processmemory -computername srv1,srv2,dom1 -Name lsass -cred company\artd
Name Count Threads AvgMB SumMB Computername
---- ----- ------- ----- ----- ------------
lsass 1 30 59.1992 59.1992 DOM1
lsass 1 7 10.6602 10.6602 SRV1
lsass 1 7 9.4648 9.4648 SRV2
PS C:\> get-processmemory *ActiveDirectory* -Computername dom1 | select-object *
Name : Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices
Count : 1
Threads : 10
Average : 46940160
Sum : 46940160
Computername : DOM1
This example uses a wildcard for the process name because the domain controller only has one related process. The output shows the raw values.
PS C:\> Get-ProcessMemory brave,chrome,firefox | Sort-object Sum -Descending
Name Count Threads AvgMB SumMB Computername
---- ----- ------- ----- ----- ------------
firefox 6 209 170.959 1025.7539 BOVINE320
brave 11 192 58.1861 640.0469 BOVINE320
chrome 9 153 62.3095 560.7852 BOVINE320
Get browser processes and sort on the underlying SUM property in descending order.
Learn more about PowerShell:
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)]
[string[]]$Computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
[ValidateSet('Default', 'Basic', 'Credssp', 'Digest', 'Kerberos', 'Negotiate', 'NegotiateWithImplicitCredential')]
[string]$Authentication = "default"
Begin {
Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
$sb = {
# a process might have multiple instances so get each one by name
foreach ($item in $ProcessName) {
Get-Process -Name $item -PipelineVariable pv -OutVariable ov |
Measure-Object -Property WorkingSet -Sum -Average |
Select-Object -Property @{Name = "Name"; Expression = {$}},
@{Name = "Threads"; Expression = {$ov.threads.count}},
Average, Sum,
@{Name = "Computername"; Expression = {$env:computername}}
} #close ScriptBlock
#update PSBoundparamters so it can be splatted to Invoke-Command
$PSBoundParameters.Add("ScriptBlock", $sb) | Out-Null
$PSBoundParameters.add("HideComputername", $True) | Out-Null
} #begin
Process {
$PSBoundParameters.Remove("Name") | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Querying processes $($name -join ',') on $($Computername -join ',')"
#need to make sure argument is treated as an array
$PSBoundParameters.ArgumentList = , @($Name)
if (-Not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Computername")) {
#add the default value if nothing was specified
$PSBoundParameters.Add("Computername", $Computername) | Out-Null
$PSBoundParameters | Out-String | Write-Verbose
Invoke-Command @PSBoundParameters | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty RunspaceID,PS* |
ForEach-Object {
#insert a custom type name for the format directive
$_.psobject.typenames.insert(0, "myProcessMemory") | Out-Null
} #process
End {
Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
} #end
} #close function
#region formatting directives for the custom object
[xml]$format = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- ################ TABLE DEFINITIONS ################ -->
Update-FormatData -AppendPath $env:temp\myProcessMemory.format.ps1xml
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