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Created April 1, 2022 07:43
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$sample = @(
From = [datetime]::Parse("01.01.2022 00:00:00")
To = [datetime]::Parse("10.01.2022 23:59:59")
From = [datetime]::Parse("05.01.2022 00:00:00")
To = [datetime]::Parse("15.01.2022 23:59:59")
From = [datetime]::Parse("08.01.2022 00:00:00")
To = [datetime]::Parse("09.01.2022 23:59:59")
From = [datetime]::Parse("20.01.2022 00:00:00")
To = [datetime]::Parse("25.01.2022 23:59:59")
From = [datetime]::Parse("24.01.2022 00:00:00")
To = [datetime]::Parse("31.01.2022 23:59:59")
$main = {
function getOverlapsFrom($List) {
process {
$sorted = $List | Sort-Object -Property From
$head = $sorted | Select-Object -First 1
$tail = $sorted | Select-Object -Skip 1
$tail | getOverlapsStartingWith $head
function getOverlapsStartingWith($init) {
begin {
$last = $init
$result = @()
process {
if(-not ($_ | isOverlapping $last)) {
$last = $_
$result += [PSCustomObject]@{
From = if($last.From -lt $_.From ) { $_.From } else { $last.From }
To = if($_.To -lt $last.To) { $_.To } else { $last.To }
if($_.To -lt $last.To) {
$last = $_
end {
function isOverlapping($that) {
process {
return $that.From -lt $_.To -and $_.From -le $that.To
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