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Last active May 29, 2024 12:26
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Save Salakar/f4f8ec1ba44c3fa4776a56f264b33a56 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add Firebase Performance Monitoring HTTP Metrics to all Axios requests (RNFB v5). This is taken from a guide on the new React Native Firebase website (not yet ready for public use).
import axios from 'axios';
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';
axios.interceptors.request.use(async function (config) {
const httpMetric = firebase.perf().newHttpMetric(config.url, config.method);
config.metadata = { httpMetric };
// add any extra metric attributes if needed
// await httpMetric.putAttribute('userId', '12345678');
await httpMetric.start();
return config;
axios.interceptors.response.use(async function (response) {
const { httpMetric } = response.config.metadata;
// add any extra metric attributes if needed
// await httpMetric.putAttribute('userId', '12345678');
await httpMetric.setHttpResponseCode(response.status);
await httpMetric.setResponseContentType(response.headers['content-type']);
await httpMetric.stop();
return response;
}, async function (error) {
const { httpMetric } = error.config.metadata;
// add any extra metric attributes if needed
// await httpMetric.putAttribute('userId', '12345678');
await httpMetric.setHttpResponseCode(error.response.status);
await httpMetric.setResponseContentType(error.response.headers['content-type']);
await httpMetric.stop();
return Promise.reject(error);
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Salakar commented Feb 20, 2019

Note that in v6.0.0 of React Native Firebase; all methods except for start/stop become synchronous JS only methods. e.g. the above example becomes:

import axios from 'axios';
import { firebase } from '@react-native-firebase/perf';

axios.interceptors.request.use(async function (config) {
  const httpMetric = firebase.perf().newHttpMetric(config.url, config.method);
  config.metadata = { httpMetric };

  // add any extra metric attributes if needed
  // httpMetric.putAttribute('userId', '12345678');

  await httpMetric.start();
  return config;

axios.interceptors.response.use(async function (response) {
  const { httpMetric } = response.config.metadata;

  // add any extra metric attributes if needed
  // httpMetric.putAttribute('userId', '12345678');

  await httpMetric.stop();

  return response;
}, async function (error) {
  const { httpMetric } = error.config.metadata;

  // add any extra metric attributes if needed
  // httpMetric.putAttribute('userId', '12345678');

  await httpMetric.stop();

  return Promise.reject(error);

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Thyoity commented Jun 9, 2020

Ohh, great snippet, exactly what I needed!! Just an another note:
I was getting an error here config.method, so I put these inside a try catch block just for debug purpose:

const httpMetric = firebase.perf().newHttpMetric(config.url, config.method);
config.metadata = { httpMetric };
} catch(err){

Then I have found that my config.method was reaching there as "get", instead of "GET" (Performance Monitor checks sensitive).

So, just replace config.method to config.method.toUpperCase()

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I was getting an error here config.metadata as the AxiosRequestConfig doesnt have metadata property.
I'm using the latest axios v0.20

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how to watch these network metrics on firebase console ?

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Where are these data visible?

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Please update the documentation with image.
I am not able to see the metrics for each api call as done in the above snippets. @Salakar

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I need to record the performance by screen wise.

Home Screen >
A api called responseCode: 200, responseTime: 428.8650ms,
B api called responseCode: 200, responseTime: 118.8650ms

is this possible to track on the firebase. Currently api name passing through the headers
--header 'domain:''
--header 'product:''
--header 'business-flow: ''
--header 'exalt-api: USER_CREATE'
--header 'operation-flow: CREATE_FLOW'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json

currently im getting the api name. with below code.
const apiName = response.config.headers['exalt-api'].toLowerCase();

  1. Need to know how i can pass the apiName according to the screen wise
  2. How to show api name as a custom attribute on the firebase performance (Network).

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@SabarishChungath @matteodanelli
Any luck? can't seem to have each of the API calls logged

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