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Created November 22, 2016 21:02
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the driver file for
/* */
/* PmodOLEDrgb.c -- OLEDrgb Display Driver for Microblaze/Zynq */
/* */
/* Author: Cristian Fatu, Thomas Kappenman */
/* Copyright 2015, Digilent Inc. */
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* Module Description: */
/* */
/* This module contains the implementation of the object class that */
/* forms the chipKIT interface to the graphics driver functions for */
/* the OLEDrgb display on the Digilent Basic I/O Shield. */
/* */
/* Revision History: */
/* */
/* 07/20/2015(CristianF): created */
/* 04/19/2015(TommyK): Adapted for use with Microblaze/Zynq .c designs */
/* 06/15/2016(AndrewH): fixed usleep delays */
/* 06/16/2016(AndrewH): fixed OLEDrgb_DrawRectangle() */
/* */
/***************************** Include Files *******************************/
#include "PmodOLEDrgb.h"
#include "ChrFont0.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/************************** Function Definitions ***************************/
u8 num_devices=0;
XSpi_Config XSpi_OLEDrgb =
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_begin(void)
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to start
** GPIO_Address - XPAR base address of OLEDrgb GPIO interface
** SPI_Address - XPAR base address of OLEDrgb SPI interface
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Initialize the OLED display controller and turn the display on.
void OLEDrgb_begin(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, u32 GPIO_Address, u32 SPI_Address)
int ib;
InstancePtr->dxcoOledrgbFontCur = OLEDRGB_CHARBYTES;
InstancePtr->dycoOledrgbFontCur = 8;
for (ib = 0; ib < OLEDRGB_CHARBYTES_USER; ib++) {
InstancePtr->rgbOledrgbFontUser[ib] = 0;
InstancePtr->xchOledrgbMax = OLEDRGB_WIDTH / InstancePtr->dxcoOledrgbFontCur;
InstancePtr->ychOledrgbMax = OLEDRGB_HEIGHT / InstancePtr->dycoOledrgbFontCur;
OLEDrgb_SetFontColor(InstancePtr, OLEDrgb_BuildRGB(0, 0xFF, 0)); // green
OLEDrgb_SetFontBkColor(InstancePtr, OLEDrgb_BuildRGB(0, 0, 0)); // black
OLEDrgb_SetCurrentFontTable(InstancePtr, (uint8_t*)rgbOledRgbFont0);
OLEDrgb_SetCurrentUserFontTable(InstancePtr, InstancePtr->rgbOledrgbFontUser);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_end(void)
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to stop
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Powers down the device, leaves pins floating, stops SPI controller
void OLEDrgb_end(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr){
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_DrawPixel
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to draw to
** c - column of pixel
** r - row of pixel
** pixelColor - color of the pixel (565 rgb value)
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Draws a pixel in the specified position using the specified color (565 rgb value)
void OLEDrgb_DrawPixel(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t c, uint8_t r, uint16_t pixelColor)
uint8_t cmds[6];
uint8_t data[2];
//set column start and end
cmds[1] = c; // Set the starting column coordinates
cmds[2] = OLEDRGB_WIDTH - 1; // Set the finishing column coordinates
//set row start and end
cmds[4] = r; // Set the starting row coordinates
cmds[5] = OLEDRGB_HEIGHT - 1; // Set the finishing row coordinates
data[0] = pixelColor >> 8;
data[1] = pixelColor;
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 6, data, 2);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_DrawLine
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to draw to
** c1 - column start address of line
** r1 - row start address of line
** c2 - column end address of line
** r2 - row end address of line
** lineColor - color of the line (565 rgb value)
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Draws a line from the specified start position to the specified
** end position using the specified color (565 rgb value).
void OLEDrgb_DrawLine(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t c1, uint8_t r1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t r2, uint16_t lineColor)
uint8_t cmds[8];
cmds[0] = CMD_DRAWLINE; //draw line
cmds[1] = c1; // start column
cmds[2] = r1; // start row
cmds[3] = c2; // end column
cmds[4] = r2; //end row
cmds[5] = OLEDrgb_ExtractRFromRGB(lineColor); //R
cmds[6] = OLEDrgb_ExtractGFromRGB(lineColor); //G
cmds[7] = OLEDrgb_ExtractBFromRGB(lineColor); //R
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 8, NULL, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_DrawRectangle
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to draw to
** c1 - column start address of rectangle
** r1 - row start address of rectangle
** c2 - column end address of rectangle
** r2 - row end address of rectangle
** lineColor - color of the rectangle line
** bFill - true if rectangle should be filled
** fillColor - color used to fill the rectangle (565 rgb value). This parameter can be missed, 0 value will be used
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Draws a rectangle from the specified start position to the specified
** end position using the specified line color (565 rgb value). According to the
** bFill parameter, the rectangle is filled using fillColor (565 rgb value).
void OLEDrgb_DrawRectangle(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t c1, uint8_t r1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t r2, uint16_t lineColor, bool bFill, uint16_t fillColor)
uint8_t cmds[13];
cmds[0] = CMD_FILLWINDOW; //fill window
cmds[1] = (bFill ? ENABLE_FILL: DISABLE_FILL);
cmds[2] = CMD_DRAWRECTANGLE; //draw rectangle
cmds[3] = c1; // start column
cmds[4] = r1; // start row
cmds[5] = c2; // end column
cmds[6] = r2; //end row
cmds[7] = OLEDrgb_ExtractRFromRGB(lineColor); //R
cmds[8] = OLEDrgb_ExtractGFromRGB(lineColor); //G
cmds[9] = OLEDrgb_ExtractBFromRGB(lineColor); //R
cmds[10] = OLEDrgb_ExtractRFromRGB(fillColor); //R
cmds[11] = OLEDrgb_ExtractGFromRGB(fillColor); //G
cmds[12] = OLEDrgb_ExtractBFromRGB(fillColor); //R
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 13, NULL, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_clear(void)
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to clear
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Clear the display. This clears the memory buffer and then
** updates the display.
void OLEDrgb_Clear(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr)
uint8_t cmds[5];
cmds[0] = CMD_CLEARWINDOW; // Enter the “clear mode”
cmds[1] = 0x00; // Set the starting column coordinates
cmds[2] = 0x00; // Set the starting row coordinates
cmds[3] = OLEDRGB_WIDTH - 1; // Set the finishing column coordinates;
cmds[4] = OLEDRGB_HEIGHT - 1; // Set the finishing row coordinates;
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 5, NULL, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_DrawBitmap
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to draw to
** c1 - column start address of bitmap
** r1 - row start address of bitmap
** c2 - column end address of bitmap
** r2 - row end address of bitmap
** pBmp - pointer to the 16 bit data array containing pixel colors (565 rgb values)
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Draws a bitmap in the specified rectangle using the array of pixel colors (565 rgb values).
** The number of pixels in the array should match the surrounding rectangle.
void OLEDrgb_DrawBitmap(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t c1, uint8_t r1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t r2, uint8_t *pBmp)
uint8_t cmds[6];
//set column start and end
cmds[1] = c1; // Set the starting column coordinates
cmds[2] = c2; // Set the finishing column coordinates
//set row start and end
cmds[4] = r1; // Set the starting row coordinates
cmds[5] = r2; // Set the finishing row coordinates
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 6, pBmp, (((c2 - c1 + 1) * (r2 - r1 + 1)) << 1));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_SetCursor
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to set
** xch - horizontal character position
** ych - vertical character position
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Sets the character cursor position to the specified location.
** If either the specified X or Y location is off the display, it
** is clamped to be on the display.
void OLEDrgb_SetCursor(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, int xch, int ych)
/* Clamp the specified location to the display surface
if (xch >= InstancePtr->xchOledrgbMax) {
xch = InstancePtr->xchOledrgbMax - 1;
if (ych >= InstancePtr->ychOledrgbMax) {
ych = InstancePtr->ychOledrgbMax - 1;
/* Save the given character location.
InstancePtr->xchOledCur = xch;
InstancePtr->ychOledCur = ych;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_GetCursor
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to get from
** pxch - pointer to variable to receive horizontal position
** pych - pointer to variable to receive vertical position
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Fetch the current cursor position
void OLEDrgb_GetCursor(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, int *pxch, int* pych)
*pxch = InstancePtr->xchOledCur;
*pych = InstancePtr->ychOledCur;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_DefUserChar
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to define
** ch - character code to define
** pbDef - definition for the character
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
** Description:
** Give a definition for the glyph for the specified user
** character code. User definable character codes are in
** the range 0x00 - 0x1F. If the code specified by ch is
** outside this range, the function returns false.
** A character is defined as a sequence of 8 bytes. Each byte describes a vertical slice through the character,
** having the first byte corresponding to the left side and most significant bit for each byte corresponding to the lower side.
int OLEDrgb_DefUserChar(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, char ch, uint8_t * pbDef)
uint8_t * pb;
int ib;
pb = InstancePtr->pbOledrgbFontUser + ch * OLEDRGB_CHARBYTES;
for (ib = 0; ib < OLEDRGB_CHARBYTES; ib++)
*pb++ = *pbDef++;
return 1;
return 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_DrawGlyph
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to draw to
** ch - character code of character to draw
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Renders the specified character into the display buffer
** at the current character cursor location. This does not
** affect the current character cursor location or the
** current drawing position in the display buffer.
** It uses the font color at the background colors.
void OLEDrgb_DrawGlyph(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, char ch)
uint8_t * pbFont;
int ibx, iby, iw, x, y;
uint16_t rgwCharBmp[OLEDRGB_CHARBYTES << 4];
if ((ch & 0x80) != 0) {
pbFont = InstancePtr->pbOledrgbFontUser + ch*OLEDRGB_CHARBYTES;
else if ((ch & 0x80) == 0) {
pbFont = InstancePtr->pbOledrgbFontCur + (ch - OLEDRGB_USERCHAR_MAX) * OLEDRGB_CHARBYTES;
iw = 0;
for(iby = 0; iby < InstancePtr->dycoOledrgbFontCur; iby++)
for (ibx = 0; ibx < InstancePtr->dxcoOledrgbFontCur; ibx++) {
if(pbFont[ibx] & (1 << iby))
// point in glyph
rgwCharBmp[iw] = InstancePtr->m_FontColor;
// background
rgwCharBmp[iw] = InstancePtr->m_FontBkColor;
x = InstancePtr->xchOledCur*InstancePtr->dxcoOledrgbFontCur;
y = InstancePtr->ychOledCur*InstancePtr->dycoOledrgbFontCur;
OLEDrgb_DrawBitmap(InstancePtr, x, y, x + OLEDRGB_CHARBYTES - 1, y + 7, (u8*)rgwCharBmp);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_PutChar
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to draw to
** ch - character to write to display
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Write the specified character to the display at the current
** cursor position and advance the cursor.
void OLEDrgb_PutChar(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, char ch)
OLEDrgb_DrawGlyph(InstancePtr, ch);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_PutString
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to draw to
** sz - pointer to the null terminated string
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Write the specified null terminated character string to the
** display and advance the cursor.
void OLEDrgb_PutString(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, char * sz)
while (*sz != '\0') {
OLEDrgb_DrawGlyph(InstancePtr, *sz);
sz += 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_SetFontColor
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to set
** fontColor - color to be used as font color when printing characters(565 rgb value)
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Set the color to be used as font color when printing characters (565 rgb value)
void OLEDrgb_SetFontColor(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint16_t fontColor)
InstancePtr->m_FontColor = fontColor;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_SetFontBkColor
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to set
** fontBkColor - color to be used as font background color when printing characters(565 rgb value)
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Set the color to be used as font background color when printing characters (565 rgb value)
void OLEDrgb_SetFontBkColor(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint16_t fontBkColor)
InstancePtr->m_FontBkColor = fontBkColor;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_SetCurrentFontTable
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to set
** pbFont - pointer to a font table.
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Define a new font table. The table must contain 8 bytes for each character. The characters correspond to codes 0x20 - 0x7F (96 characters).
** A character is defined as a sequence of 8 bytes. Each byte describes a vertical slice through the character,
** having the first byte corresponding to the left side and most significant bit for each byte corresponding to the lower side.
void OLEDrgb_SetCurrentFontTable(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t *pbFont)
InstancePtr->pbOledrgbFontCur = pbFont;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_SetCurrentUserFontTable
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to set
** pbUserFont - pointer to a font table.
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Define a new user font table. The table must contain 8 bytes for each character. The characters correspond to codes 0x00 - 0x1F (32 characters).
** The table can define fewer than 32 characters, if there is no need for more user characters.
** A character is defined as a sequence of 8 bytes. Each byte describes a vertical slice through the character,
** having the first byte corresponding to the left side and most significant bit for each byte corresponding to the lower side.
void OLEDrgb_SetCurrentUserFontTable(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t *pbUserFont)
InstancePtr->pbOledrgbFontUser = pbUserFont;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_AdvanceCursor
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to advance
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Advance the character cursor by one character location,
** wrapping at the end of line and back to the top at the
** end of the display.
void OLEDrgb_AdvanceCursor(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr)
InstancePtr->xchOledCur += 1;
if (InstancePtr->xchOledCur >= InstancePtr->xchOledrgbMax) {
InstancePtr->xchOledCur = 0;
InstancePtr->ychOledCur += 1;
if (InstancePtr->ychOledCur >= InstancePtr->ychOledrgbMax) {
InstancePtr->ychOledCur = 0;
OLEDrgb_SetCursor(InstancePtr, InstancePtr->xchOledCur, InstancePtr->ychOledCur);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_SetScrolling
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to set
** scrollH - number of column as horizontal scroll offset
** scrollV - number of row as vertical scroll offset
** rowAddr - start row address
** rowNum - number of rows to be scrolled
** timeInterval - time interval between each scroll step
** 00b 6 frames
** 01b 10 frames
** 10b 100 frames
** 11b 200 frames
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Configures scrolling (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), according to the specified parameters for horizontal and/or vertical scrolling.
** In the end enables scrolling.
void OLEDrgb_SetScrolling(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t scrollH, uint8_t scrollV, uint8_t rowAddr, uint8_t rowNum, uint8_t timeInterval)
u8 cmds[7];
cmds[1] = scrollH; // Horizontal scroll
cmds[2] = rowAddr; // start row address
cmds[3] = rowNum; // Number of scrolling rows
cmds[4] = scrollV; // Vertical scroll
cmds[5] = timeInterval; // time interval
cmds[6] = CMD_ACTIVESCROLLING; // Set the starting row coordinates
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 7, NULL, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_EnableScrolling
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to set
** fEnable - the desired action to be taken
fEnable = true - the intended operation is Enable Scrolling
fEnable = false - the intended operation is Disable Scrolling
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Enables / Disables scrolling. Scrolling configuration can be set using the SetScrolling function.
void OLEDrgb_EnableScrolling(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, bool fEnable)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_EnablePmod
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to enable
** fEnable - the desired action to be taken
fEnable = true - the intended operation is Enable PmodOLEDRgb
fEnable = false - the intended operation is Disable PmodOLEDRgb
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Enables / Disables the PmodOLEDrgb, according to the provided parameter.
** When disabled, the device is put in a low power mode by setting low voltage on PmodEn pin and by putting setting all other Pmod pins to float (high impedance).
** When enabled, the PmodEn pin si set to HIGH, olther Pmod pins are declared as output and all the initialization sequence is run again
** so that all the settings previously made to the device are lost.
void OLEDrgb_EnablePmod(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, bool fEnable)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_EnableBackLight
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to configure
** fEnable - the desired action to be taken
fEnable = true - the intended operation is Enable backlight
fEnable = false - the intended operation is Disable backlight
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Enable / Disable the Backlight by setting the VCCRef pin to HIGH or LOW and executing Display on / off command
** All the settings and visual content are preserved when backlight is enabled after it was disabled.
void OLEDrgb_EnableBackLight(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, bool fEnable)
if (fEnable)
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr+4, Xil_In32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr+4)&0b1011);
//pinMode(m_VCCEnPin, OUTPUT);
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr, Xil_In32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr)|0b0100);
//digitalWrite(m_VCCEnPin, HIGH);
OLEDrgb_WriteSPICommand(InstancePtr, CMD_DISPLAYON);
OLEDrgb_WriteSPICommand(InstancePtr, CMD_DISPLAYOFF);
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr, Xil_In32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr)&0b1011);
//digitalWrite(m_VCCEnPin, LOW);
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr+4, Xil_In32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr+4)|0b0100);
//pinMode(m_VCCEnPin, INPUT);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_Copy
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to copy
** c1 - column start address of rectangle to be copied
** r1 - row start address of rectangle to be copied
** c2 - column end address of rectangle to be copied
** r2 - row end address of rectangle to be copied
** c3 - column start address of new location
** r3 - row start address of new location
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Copy the specified rectangle to the new location.
void OLEDrgb_Copy(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t c1, uint8_t r1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t r2, uint8_t c3, uint8_t r3)
u8 cmds[7];
cmds[1] = c1; // Set the starting column coordinates
cmds[2] = r1; // Set the starting row coordinates
cmds[3] = c2; // Set the finishing column coordinates
cmds[4] = r2; // Set the finishing row coordinates
cmds[5] = c3; // Set the new starting column coordinates
cmds[6] = r3; // Set the new starting row coordinates
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 7, NULL, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_Dim
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to dim
** c1 - column start address of rectangle to be dimmed
** r1 - row start address of of rectangle to be dimmed
** c2 - column end address of of rectangle to be dimmed
** r2 - row end address of of rectangle to be dimmed
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Dim the content inside the specified rectangle.
void OLEDrgb_Dim(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t c1, uint8_t r1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t r2)
u8 cmds[5];
cmds[0] = CMD_DIMWINDOW;
cmds[1] = c1; // Set the starting column coordinates
cmds[2] = r1; // Set the starting row coordinates
cmds[3] = c2; // Set the finishing column coordinates
cmds[4] = r2; // Set the finishing row coordinates
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 5, NULL, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_HostInit
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to initialize
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Perform FPGA device initialization to prepare for use
** of the OLEDrgb display.
void OLEDrgb_HostInit(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr)
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr+4, 0x0000);
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr, 0xA);
//Start the SPI driver so that the device is enabled.
//Disable Global interrupt to use polled mode operation
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_HostTerm
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to terminate
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Releases processor resources used by the library
void OLEDrgb_HostTerm(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr)
// Make signal pins and power control pins be inputs.
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr, 0b0011);
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr+4, 0b1111);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_DevInit
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to initialize
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Initializes the OLEDrgb display controller and turn the display on.
void OLEDrgb_DevInit(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr)
u8 cmds[39];
/*Bring PmodEn HIGH*/
usleep(20000);//Delay for 20us
/*Assert Reset*/
/* command un-lock*/
/* 5. Univision Initialization Steps*/
// 5a) Set Display Off
// 5b) Set Remap and Data Format
// 5c) Set Display Start Line
cmds[6]=0x00;//start line is set at upper left corner
// 5d) Set Display Offset
cmds[8]=0x00;//no offset
// 5e)
// 5f) Set Multiplex Ratio
// 5g)Set Master Configuration
// 5h)Set Power Saving Mode
// 5i) Set Phase Length
cmds[17]=0x31;//phase 2 = 14 DCLKs, phase 1 = 15 DCLKS
// 5j) Send Clock Divide Ratio and Oscillator Frequency
cmds[19]=0xF0;//mid high oscillator frequency, DCLK = FpbCllk/2
// 5k) Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color A
// 5l) Set Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color B
// 5m) Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color C
// 5n) Set Pre-Charge Voltage
cmds[27]=0x3A;// Pre-charge voltage =...Vcc
// 50) Set VCOMH Deselect Level
cmds[29]=0x3E;// Vcomh = ...*Vcc
// 5p) Set Master Current
// 5q) Set Contrast for Color A
// 5r) Set Contrast for Color B
// 5s) Set Contrast for Color C
//disable scrolling
OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(InstancePtr, cmds, 39, NULL, 0);
// 5u) Clear Screen
/* Turn on VCC and wait for it to become stable*/
/* Send Display On command*/
OLEDrgb_WriteSPICommand(InstancePtr, CMD_DISPLAYON);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_DevTerm
** Parameters:
** none
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Shuts down the OLEDrgb display hardware
void OLEDrgb_DevTerm(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr)
OLEDrgb_WriteSPICommand(InstancePtr, CMD_DISPLAYOFF);
Xil_Out32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr, Xil_In32(InstancePtr->GPIO_addr)&0b1011);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_SPIInit
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - SPI object to initialize
** Return Value:
** 0 if success
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Configures the XSpi object for use with the PmodOLEDrgb
int OLEDrgb_SPIInit(XSpi *SpiInstancePtr){
int Status;
Status = XSpi_CfgInitialize(SpiInstancePtr, &XSpi_OLEDrgb, XSpi_OLEDrgb.BaseAddress);
if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
* Set the Spi device as a master and in loopback mode.
Status = XSpi_SetOptions(SpiInstancePtr, (XSP_MASTER_OPTION) & ~XSP_MANUAL_SSELECT_OPTION); //Might need to be OR'ed with 0x4 for phase also
if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
Status = XSpi_SetSlaveSelect(SpiInstancePtr, 1);
if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_WriteSPICommand
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to initialize
** cmd - Command to send
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Writes a single byte over SPI
void OLEDrgb_WriteSPICommand(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t cmd)
XSpi_Transfer(&InstancePtr->OLEDSpi, &cmd, NULL, 1);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_WriteSPI
** Parameters:
** InstancePtr - PmodOLEDrgb object to initialize
** pCmd - Array of byte commands to send
** nCmd - Number of commands to send
** pData - Data values corresponding to the previous command
** nData - Number of data values
** Return Value:
** none
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Writes a series of commands followed by data over SPI
void OLEDrgb_WriteSPI(PmodOLEDrgb* InstancePtr, uint8_t *pCmd, int nCmd, uint8_t *pData, int nData)
XSpi_Transfer(&InstancePtr->OLEDSpi, pCmd, 0, nCmd);
if (nData!= 0){
XSpi_Transfer(&InstancePtr->OLEDSpi, pData, 0, nData);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_BuildHSV
** Parameters:
** hue - Hue of color
** sat - Saturation of color
** val - Value of color
** Return Value:
** RGB representation of input color in 16-bit (565) color format
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Converts an HSV value into a 565 RGB color used by the OLEDrgb
uint16_t OLEDrgb_BuildHSV(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val){
uint8_t region, remain, p, q, t;
uint8_t R,G,B;
region = hue/43;
remain = (hue - (region * 43))*6;
p = (val * (255-sat))>>8;
q = (val * (255 - ((sat * remain)>>8)))>>8;
t = (val * (255 - ((sat * (255 - remain))>>8)))>>8;
case 0:
R = val;
G = t;
B = p;
case 1:
R = q;
G = val;
B = p;
case 2:
R = p;
G = val;
B = t;
case 3:
R = p;
G = q;
B = val;
case 4:
R = t;
G = p;
B = val;
R = val;
G = p;
B = q;
return OLEDrgb_BuildRGB(R,G,B);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_BuildRGB
** Parameters:
** R - Red value
** G - Green Value
** B - Blue Value
** Return Value:
** RGB representation of input color in 16-bit (565) color format
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Converts separate RGB values into a 565 RGB value used by the OLEDrgb
uint16_t OLEDrgb_BuildRGB(uint8_t R,uint8_t G,uint8_t B){return ((R>>3)<<11) | ((G>>2)<<5) | (B>>3);};
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*** OLEDrgb_ExtractXFromRGB
** Parameters:
** wRGB - 565 color value
** Return Value:
** X color value
** Errors:
** none
** Description:
** Extracts the [Red,Green,Blue] value from the 565 color value
uint8_t OLEDrgb_ExtractRFromRGB(uint16_t wRGB){return (uint8_t)((wRGB>>11)&0x1F);};
uint8_t OLEDrgb_ExtractGFromRGB(uint16_t wRGB){return (uint8_t)((wRGB>>5)&0x3F);};
uint8_t OLEDrgb_ExtractBFromRGB(uint16_t wRGB){return (uint8_t)(wRGB&0x1F);};
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