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Created October 4, 2021 10:19
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Major\Minor Hidden Ending Raw Script
[Map 261]
[Event 1]
[Page 0]
CMD_START ("TH.setSaveTitle("CH10: The Terminus")")
DLG_ICON ("", 0, 1, 1)
DLG ("While Nagi is confused -- Reiyo makes his move.\!")
DLG ("He dashes toward me, and pulls out one of the swords.\!")
DLG ("Then he returns to the center of the bridge, smirking.\!")
DLG ("He points the blade at Nagi, completely determined.")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Actor2", 7, 0, 2)
DLG ("Reiyo:")
DLG ("So -- we finally meet.\!")
DLG ("Velasquez's creations, together at last.\!")
DLG ("He sure screwed up the first time around.")
DLG_ICON ("Terra", 4, 0, 2)
DLG ("Nagi:")
DLG ("You're the other one, then?\!")
DLG ("You foiled my plans in the ballroom.\!")
DLG ("Brother -- do you have a death wish?")
DLG_MOVEPIC (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, True)
DLG_ICON ("", 0, 1, 1)
DLG ("He turns and pulls the other sword from my body.\!")
DLG ("I fall to the ground in a puddle of my own blood.\!")
DLG ("They meet at the center, both armed and ready.\!")
DLG ("But I notice a look of confusion on Reiyo's face.")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Actor2", 7, 0, 2)
DLG ("Reiyo:")
DLG ("Acheron -- where are you!?\!")
DLG ("This isn't what we planned!")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("", 0, 1, 1)
DLG ("Nagi lunges forward, attacking Reiyo.\!")
DLG ("He has no choice but to fight back.")
DLG_PIC (3, "AcheronRight", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0)
DLG_MOVEPIC (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, True)
DLG_ICON ("Actor1", 2, 0, 2)
DLG ("Acheron:")
DLG ("Sorry, Reiyo -- change of plans.\!")
DLG ("Things are going to be a little different.\!")
DLG ("Nagi, I trust you'll make quick work of him.")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Actor2", 7, 0, 2)
DLG ("Reiyo:")
DLG ("What!?")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("", 0, 1, 1)
DLG ("In a moment of confusion, Nagi skewers Reiyo.\!")
DLG ("He screams in pain, and squirms wildly.")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Actor2", 7, 0, 2)
DLG ("Reiyo:")
DLG ("Ngh...!")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Actor1", 2, 0, 2)
DLG ("Acheron:")
DLG ("What a pitiful man.")
DLG_MOVEPIC (2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 60, True)
DLG_ICON ("", 0, 1, 1)
DLG ("Nagi throws Reiyo across the room.\!")
DLG ("He lands on the opposite side, curled up in a ball.\!")
DLG ("Blood spills from his wound, and he cries softly.\!")
DLG ("It was only a matter of time until he bled out.")
DLG_PIC (2, "NagiLeft", 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0)
DLG_MOVEPIC (2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 255, 0, 60, True)
DLG_ICON ("", 0, 1, 1)
DLG ("Nagi and Acheron turn and face me.\!")
DLG ("They display chaotic smirks as they laugh.\!")
DLG ("Wait -- what is going on right now!?")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Terra", 4, 0, 2)
DLG ("Nagi:")
DLG ("I can't believe he fell for that.")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Actor1", 2, 0, 2)
DLG ("Acheron:")
DLG ("He'll believe anything you tell him.\!")
DLG ("He trusts quite easily for a liar.")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Actor1", 2, 0, 2)
DLG ("Acheron:")
DLG ("\n[1], please don't be alarmed.\!")
DLG ("My alliance with Nagi is very recent.\!")
DLG ("But I realized he's better than Reiyo.")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("", 0, 1, 1)
DLG ("How could he say something like that!?")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("Actor1", 2, 0, 2)
DLG ("Acheron:")
DLG ("Why should I stop at The Ark?\!")
DLG ("I could rule infinite Universes.\!")
DLG ("Earth and Terra are insignificant.")
DLY (60)
DLG_ICON ("", 0, 1, 1)
DLG ("I look on in shock, unable to do anything.\!")
DLG ("Acheron quickly retrieves the second blade from Reiyo.\!")
DLG ("In his current state, he was also unable to fight back.")
DLY (60)
BRK ()
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