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Last active May 8, 2019 01:34
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Save SenpaiRar/0bdce9177f01d51af6575d9bca2e32fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This populator places the zombies in the game world.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Zombie_Populator : MonoBehaviour {
//This determines how many packs of zombies will be spawned IE; how many clusters around the map, not how many zombie gameobjects
public int PackNumber;
//This determines how many zombie gameobjects are in each pack of zombies
public int PackSize;
//The number of zombie gameobjects in each pack can be given a random variance to give variety
public int PackSizeVariance;
//When the random positions for the packs are generated, this number determines how far a zombie could be spawned from the pack center
public float PackSizeDistance;
//This is the lower bound of the spawn area for zombies. If the spawn area is a square, this can be thought as the position of the bottom left corner
public Vector3 StartVector;
//This is the lower bound of the spawn area for zombies. If the spawn area is a square, this can be thought as the position of the upper right corner
public Vector3 End;
//Because there's only one zombie gameobject, we don't need to make a list of gameobjects. We just need to make a gameobject for us to drag in our zombie prefab.
public GameObject ZombieGameObject;
//This is the list of the objects we have spawned already
private List<GameObject> SpawnedGameObjects = new List<GameObject>();
//We define a function that gives us a list of random positions in the spawn area defined by the upper/lower bounds. Every position represents the center of a zombie pack.
public List<Vector3> GetSpawnVectors(){
List<Vector3> returnList = new List<Vector3>();
//We create a loop with the number of packs so we can generate that number of pack centers
for (int i = 0; i < PackNumber; i++)
//We generate a random number between the x and z components of the upper/lower bounds, effectively giving us the x and z components of a random position in those bounds
float x = Random.Range(StartVector.x, End.x);
float z = Random.Range(StartVector.z, End.z);
//We then use those numbers to create a new Vector3 and add it to our list which we return below
returnList.Add(new Vector3(x, 0, z));
return (returnList);
//We define a function that gives us the positions of the individual zombie gameobjects in the packs. This is the function we'll be using
//to actually spawn our gameobjects
//It takes in a Vector3 position and gives a list of randomly generated positions around that position
public List<Vector3> GeneratePack(Vector3 Location){
List<Vector3> PackSpawns = new List<Vector3>();
//We create a loop with the number of zombies in a pack + an additional random amount between 0 and PackSizeVariance
for (int i = 0; i < PackSize + Random.Range(0, PackSizeVariance); i++)
//We create a new Vector3 that has the x and z components of the inputed Vector3 Location modified by adding on a
//random number between -PacksizeDistance and Packsize distance. This let the zombies spawn around the location in a circle
//We then add it to the list we return below
PackSpawns.Add(new Vector3(Location.x + Random.Range(-PackSizeDistance, PackSizeDistance), 0, Location.z + Random.Range(-PackSizeDistance, PackSizeDistance)));
return (PackSpawns);
//This function actually places the zombie gameobjects in the gameworld. The function takes in a list of positions to generate packs around.
public void PopulateWorld(List<Vector3> SpawnVectors){
//We go through the list the function takes in, calling the entry we're on x
foreach (Vector3 x in SpawnVectors)
//We then go through the list generated by GeneratePack() when we pass in Vector3 x.
//We are essentially going through the list above, generating the random positions around each entry,
//And then spawning the game objects
foreach (Vector3 y in GeneratePack(x))
GameObject z = Instantiate(ZombieGameObject, y, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
public void DestroyAllSpawnedObjects(){
foreach (GameObject x in SpawnedGameObjects){
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