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Last active May 14, 2019 19:48
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This script goes on the canvas that holds the gameplay UI elements
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
//Because UI is a seperate package from Unity as a whole, we have to import using the using command.
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour {
//We create Text objects in our script. The text we created earlier will be dragged into this script through the editor.
public Text HealthText;
public Text WaterText;
public Text HungerText;
public Text AmmoText;
//Because we're displaying the different stats on the player, we need a source of information. We create a Player_Manager
//and Weapon_Parent object so we can drag them in through the editor and get the information
public Player_Manager Player_Stats_Source;
public Weapon_Parent Player_Weapon_Stats_Source;
void Update () {
//Every frame we get the numbers from the Player_Manager and Weapon_Parent and we set the text to the different numbers
//In this case, every frame we're setting the text to a prefix then the number, which has to use ToString() to make it text
HealthText.text = "Health:" + Player_Stats_Source.current_Health_Level.ToString();
WaterText.text = "Water:" + Player_Stats_Source.current_Water_Level.ToString();
HungerText.text = "Hunger:" + Player_Stats_Source.current_Hunger_Level.ToString();
AmmoText.text = "Ammo: " + Player_Weapon_Stats_Source.currentAmmo.ToString();
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