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Created October 22, 2013 18:50
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  • Save Sequoia/7106020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sequoia/7106020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
It looks to me like there are **nine lines**, not eight. What am I missing?
var fs = require('fs');
var filename = process.argv[2];
var fileBuffer = fs.readFileSync(filename);
//get # of lines in `contents` Buffer
var lines = fileBuffer.toString().split("\n");
lines.forEach(function(line,index){//remove \r's
lines[index] = line.replace(/\r/,'');
lines = lines.filter(function(elem){ //cast out empty lines
return elem.length > 0;
lines.forEach(function(line, index){
console.log(">>>>>>>line " + (index+1) + "<<<<<<<<");
console.log("^^^End line " + (index+1) + " ^^^");
D:\Users\smcdowell\learnyounode> learnyounode verify .\firstio.js
Verifying "MY FIRST I/O!"...
------ --------
">>>>>>>line 1<<<<<<<<" != "8"
"Stands out like a bog standard and get a dog up ya schooner. As stands out like daks mate he hasn't got a ace!. He's got a massive sanger how shazza got us some corker. Watch out for the dag flamin s
hazza got us some gobsmacked. Stands out like a bonza mate grab us a cut snake. We're going blow in the bag and mad as a veg out. It'll be not my bowl of rice when get a dog up ya bunyip. She'll be ri
ght quid no worries built like a tinny." != ""
"^^^End line 1 ^^^" != null
">>>>>>>line 2<<<<<<<<" != null
"He hasn't got a cut snake heaps flat out like a slab. Lets get some chunder no dramas we're going rapt. As cross as a battler flamin as cross as a back of bourke. Mad as a bities and watch out for th
e mickey mouse mate. Mad as a aussie rules footy how she'll be right big smoke. Stands out like a sickie no dramas you little ripper sheila. He hasn't got a battler no dramas gutful of booze bus." !=
"^^^End line 2 ^^^" != null
">>>>>>>line 3<<<<<<<<" != null
"Flat out like a cactus mate piece of piss trent from punchy g'day. Stands out like a brizzie piece of piss as dry as a fisho. You little ripper billy where we're going cockie. Trent from punchy cut l
unch no dramas as cunning as a hit the turps. Gutful of chuck a sickie to built like a wuss. Come a chewie heaps lets throw a bounce." != null
"^^^End line 3 ^^^" != null
">>>>>>>line 4<<<<<<<<" != null
"As cross as a mickey mouse mate also we're going his blood's worth bottling. Gutful of fairy floss heaps trent from punchy blue. As cross as a piker bloody as dry as a fly wire. Come a butcher mate h
e hasn't got a skite. As stands out like fairy floss when as busy as a fly wire. Get a dog up ya spag bol heaps as cunning as a ambo." != null
"^^^End line 4 ^^^" != null
">>>>>>>line 5<<<<<<<<" != null
"As busy as a dog's balls mate he hasn't got a snag. As stands out like brizzie heaps as busy as a dag. Come a your shout mate as dry as a dinky-di. Shazza got us some squizz with as cross as a dog's
balls. Lets throw a waratah piece of piss watch out for the yobbo. As dry as a compo flamin it'll be galah. Built like a maccas piece of piss built like a galah. As cunning as a durry no worries as cu
nning as a hooroo. Flat out like a turps no worries watch out for the yabber." != null
"^^^End line 5 ^^^" != null
">>>>>>>line 6<<<<<<<<" != null
"As cross as a rock up mate come a parma. Gutful of bounce bloody it'll be fair dinkum. Come a mickey mouse mate where flat out like a turps. As cross as a cark it mate lets get some servo. Watch out
for the bizzo where built like a dunny. As busy as a buck's night flamin come a slabs." != null
"^^^End line 6 ^^^" != null
">>>>>>>line 7<<<<<<<<" != null
"Gutful of fly wire where get a dog up ya brickie. Lets get some bush oyster where gutful of aussie salute. Lets get some ridgy-didge bloody lets get some dog's balls. Built like a pash piece of piss
as cross as a dipstick. Lets get some blowie heaps it'll be tinny. It'll be fair go and as cross as a rotten." != null
"^^^End line 7 ^^^" != null
">>>>>>>line 8<<<<<<<<" != null
"You little ripper paddock bloody he's got a massive wuss. As cunning as a fossicker with as busy as a bogan. Stands out like a blowie no worries mad as a bludger. We're going kelpie to he's got a mas
sive grundies. Trent from punchy sunnies mate trent from punchy sheila. She'll be right butcher also flat out like a good oil. It'll be dero also flat out like a cockie. We're going dill no dramas she
'll be right cut lunch commando." != null
"^^^End line 8 ^^^" != null
">>>>>>>line 9<<<<<<<<" != null
"It'll be bail up with get a dog up ya whinge. As stands out like yakka flamin stands out like a franger. It'll be spag bol also as cunning as a holy dooley!. As cross as a cobber to she'll be right o
p shop. As cunning as a bluey and get a dog up ya dog's balls. As cunning as a galah flamin lets get some chook. It'll be rotten and he's got a massive blowie. Built like a whinge when watch out for t
he swagger. Stands out like a dunny piece of piss come a banana bender." != null
"^^^End line 9 ^^^" != null
"9" != null
"" != null
Your solution to MY FIRST I/O! didn't pass. Try again!
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