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Last active June 3, 2016 19:35
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Why does VS Code not know what properties my SurveyQuestion type has?
// in projectroot/types/
interface MapConfig {
applicationName: string;
schoolName: string;
introText : {
title: string;
body: string;
redirectURL: string;
mapbox: {
/** @see to create style */
styleUrl: string;
/** @see */
accessToken: string;
/** @see */
bounds: MapConfigBounds;
types : Array<MapConfigFeature>;
interface MapConfigBounds {
southWest : ({ lat: number; lng: number });
northEast : ({ lat: number; lng: number });
interface MapConfigFeature {
/** "bike path", "park" etc. */
name : string;
type : 'path' | 'point';
/** hex color */
lineColor: string;
description: string;
/** Name of icon.png file */
icon: string;
// in projectroot/types/
interface SurveyQuestion {
/** Unique key used to identify the survey question (like an ID) */
key: string;
/** Question text */
question: string;
options : Array<SurveyOption>;
showIf? : SurveyQuestionCondition;
interface SurveyOption {
/** Value to be saved / used as key for this answer
* Try not to change these!! They are referenced from ShowIf.question properties
value : string;
/** Label user will see */
label : string;
interface SurveyQuestionCondition {
/** Corresponds to a LOWER INDEX (earlier) SurveyQuestion.key */
question : string;
/** list of {SurveyOption.value}s for SurveyQuestion specified in this.question
* if the answer to the question specified by this.question matches one of the
* strings in, the quest this is attached to will be shown
in : string[];
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