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Created May 6, 2011 23:48
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Koch snowflake code in Haskell. an exercise from Hudak's book The Haskell School of Expression
-- how to run: ghci -i Koch.hs Picture Region Draw Shape Animation SOE EnableGUI
module Koch where
-- infrastructure
import SOE hiding (Region)
import Picture
import Animation (turn)
import EnableGUI
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-- version just using Graphic
run1 :: (Int, Int) -> [Graphic] -> IO ()
run1 dim graphics =
let draw w g = drawInWindow w (withColor Blue g)
in runGraphics (
do enableGUI
w <- openWindow "" dim
sequence_ $ map (draw w) graphics
k <- getKey w
closeWindow w
main1 :: IO ()
main1 = run1 (600, 600) $ koch1 (300, 300) 250
koch1 :: (Float, Float) -> Float -> [Graphic]
koch1 (x, y) scale =
if (abs scale < 2) then []
else let fromPolar theta r =
let radians = theta * pi / 180
in (x + r * cos radians, y + r * sin radians)
triangle theta =
let roundxy (x, y) = (round x, round y)
side turn = fromPolar (theta + turn) scale
in polygon $ map (roundxy . side) [0, 120, 240]
recur theta = koch1 (fromPolar theta (scale / 1.5))
(scale / 3)
in triangle 0 : triangle 180 : (recur =<< [0, 60..300])
-- more sophisticated version using Picture
main2 :: IO ()
main2 = draw "Koch #2" $ Region Green $ Scale (2.5, 2.5) $ koch2 5
koch2 :: Int -> Region
koch2 depth =
if depth == 0 then Empty
else let fromPolar theta = (cos theta, sin theta)
triangle = map fromPolar $ [0, pi * 2 / 3, pi * 4 / 3]
scalePoint s (x, y) = (x * s, y * s)
points = (map (scalePoint ( 2 / 3)) triangle) ++
(map (scalePoint (-2 / 3)) triangle)
recur = Scale (1 / 3, 1 / 3) $ koch2 (depth - 1)
recurs = map (\p -> Translate p $ recur) points
star = (Shape $ Polygon triangle) `Union` (Shape $ turn pi $ Polygon triangle)
in foldl Union star recurs
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