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Created September 17, 2015 23:11
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  • Save SethTisue/c9551a4988a78c9c969d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SethTisue/c9551a4988a78c9c969d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ ANT_OPTS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParNewGC -Xmx2G -Xss1M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M" ../apache-ant-1.9.6/bin/ant.bat -Dstarr.version=2.11.7 -Dscalac.args.optimise=-optimise -Dlocker.skip=1 test
Buildfile: Y:\tisue\scala\build.xml
[copy] Copying 2 files to Y:\tisue\scala\build\deps\junit
[copy] Copying 28 files to Y:\tisue\scala\build\deps\pax.exam
[copy] Copying 1 file to Y:\tisue\scala\build\deps\asm
[copy] Copying 4 files to Y:\tisue\scala\build\deps\partest
[copy] Copying 1 file to Y:\tisue\scala\build\deps\repl
[copy] Copying 5 files to Y:\tisue\scala\build\deps\scaladoc
[echo] Using Scala 2.11.7 for STARR.
[copy] Copying 5 files to Y:\tisue\scala\build\deps\starr
[echo] build time: 17 September 2015, 21:24:18
[echo] java version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_45 (1.6)
[echo] java args: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParNewGC -Xmx2G -Xss1M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M
[echo] javac args:
[echo] scalac args: -feature -optimise
[echo] scalac quick args: -feature -optimise
[echo] git date: 20150916-040306
[echo] git hash: 5ac68c3c80
[echo] maven version: 2.11.8-SNAPSHOT
[echo] OSGi version: 2.11.8.v20150916-040306-5ac68c3c80
[echo] canonical version: 2.11.8-20150916-040306-5ac68c3c80
[echo] Using STARR to build the quick stage (skipping locker).
[jarjar] Building jar: Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-repl-jline-embedded.jar
[copy] Copying 1 resource to Y:\tisue\scala\build\quick\classes\repl
[jar] Building jar: Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-compiler.jar
[copy] Copying 1 file to Y:\tisue\scala\build\osgi
[bnd] # addAll 'Y:\tisue\scala/build/pack/lib/scala-library.jar' with ;,
[bnd] # addAll 'Y:\tisue\scala/build/osgi/scala-library.bnd' with ,
[bnd] Updating classpath after classpathref setting
[bnd] # org.scala-lang.scala-library (org.scala-lang.scala-library.jar) 3893
[copy] Copying 1 file to Y:\tisue\scala\build\osgi
[bnd] # addAll 'Y:\tisue\scala/build/pack/lib/scala-reflect.jar' with ;,
[bnd] # addAll 'Y:\tisue\scala/build/osgi/scala-reflect.bnd' with ,
[bnd] Updating classpath after classpathref setting
[bnd] # org.scala-lang.scala-reflect (org.scala-lang.scala-reflect.jar) 3050
[copy] Copying 1 file to Y:\tisue\scala\build\osgi
[bnd] # addAll 'Y:\tisue\scala/build/pack/lib/scala-compiler.jar' with ;,
[bnd] # addAll 'Y:\tisue\scala/build/osgi/scala-compiler.bnd' with ,
[bnd] Updating classpath after classpathref setting
[bnd] # org.scala-lang.scala-compiler (org.scala-lang.scala-compiler.jar) 10493
[stopwatch] [osgi.core.timer: 7.980 sec]
[echo] Running OSGi JUnit tests. Output in Y:\tisue\scala/build/osgi
[echo] Test pass 1 of 2 using Apache Felix 4.4.0
[echo] Test pass 2 of 2 using Eclipse Equinox 3.7.1
[stopwatch] [test.osgi.timer: 1:01.011 sec]
[scalacfork] Compiling 9 files to Y:\tisue\scala\build\sbt-interface\classes
[scalacfork] Y:\tisue\scala\build\sbt-interface\0.12.4\src\Analyzer.scala:151: warning: implicit conversion method symbolCompat should be enabled
[scalacfork] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
[scalacfork] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.implicitConversions'
[scalacfork] or by setting the compiler option -language:implicitConversions.
[scalacfork] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.implicitConversions for a discussion
[scalacfork] why the feature should be explicitly enabled.
[scalacfork] private[this] implicit def symbolCompat(sym: Symbol): SymbolCompat = new SymbolCompat(sym)
[scalacfork] ^
[scalacfork] Y:\tisue\scala\build\sbt-interface\0.12.4\src\Analyzer.scala:167: warning: implicit conversion method miscCompat should be enabled
[scalacfork] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
[scalacfork] private[this] final implicit def miscCompat(n: AnyRef): MiscCompat = new MiscCompat
[scalacfork] ^
[scalacfork] Y:\tisue\scala\build\sbt-interface\0.12.4\src\CompilerInterface.scala:104: warning: implicit conversion method compat should be enabled
[scalacfork] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
[scalacfork] implicit def compat(run: AnyRef): Compat = new Compat
[scalacfork] ^
[scalacfork] Y:\tisue\scala\build\sbt-interface\0.12.4\src\ConsoleInterface.scala:79: warning: implicit conversion method compat should be enabled
[scalacfork] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
[scalacfork] implicit def compat(s: Settings): Compat = new Compat
[scalacfork] ^
[scalacfork] Y:\tisue\scala\build\sbt-interface\0.12.4\src\DelegatingReporter.scala:72: warning: implicit conversion method withPoint should be enabled
[scalacfork] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
[scalacfork] implicit def withPoint(p: Position): WithPoint = new WithPoint(pos)
[scalacfork] ^
[scalacfork] warning: there were 34 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
[scalacfork] warning: there were three inliner warnings; re-run with -Yinline-warnings for details
[scalacfork] 7 warnings found
[stopwatch] [quick.sbt-interface.timer: 14.421 sec]
[echo] Checking backward binary compatibility for scala-library (against 2.11.0)
[mima] Found 0 binary incompatibiities (4 were filtered out)
[mima] =====================================================
[mima] Generated filter config definition
[mima] ==================================
[mima] filter {
[mima] problems=[]
[mima] }
[echo] Checking forward binary compatibility for scala-library (against 2.11.0)
[mima] Found 0 binary incompatibiities (18 were filtered out)
[mima] ======================================================
[mima] Generated filter config definition
[mima] ==================================
[mima] filter {
[mima] problems=[]
[mima] }
[echo] Checking backward binary compatibility for scala-reflect (against 2.11.0)
[mima] Found 0 binary incompatibiities (84 were filtered out)
[mima] ======================================================
[mima] Generated filter config definition
[mima] ==================================
[mima] filter {
[mima] problems=[]
[mima] }
[echo] Checking forward binary compatibility for scala-reflect (against 2.11.0)
[mima] Found 0 binary incompatibiities (145 were filtered out)
[mima] =======================================================
[mima] Generated filter config definition
[mima] ==================================
[mima] filter {
[mima] problems=[]
[mima] }
[scalacfork] Compiling 3 files to Y:\tisue\scala\build\junit\classes
[stopwatch] [test.junit.compiler.timer: 7.241 sec]
[echo] Note: details of failed tests will be output to Y:\tisue\scala/build/junit
[junit] Running scala.StringContextTest
[junit] Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.133 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimizedTest
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.119 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.IterableViewLikeTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.127 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.IteratorTest
[junit] Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.334 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.SetMapConsistencyTest
[junit] Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.131 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.TraversableOnceTest
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.121 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.convert.MapWrapperTest
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.119 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.immutable.ListTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.119 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.immutable.PagedSeqTest
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.136 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.immutable.ParallelConsistencyTest
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.147 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.immutable.QueueTest
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.119 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.immutable.RangeConsistencyTest
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.078 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.immutable.StringLikeTest
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.158 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.immutable.TreeMapTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.13 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.immutable.TreeSetTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.12 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBufferTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.132 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.ArraySortingTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.132 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.BitSetTest
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.129 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMapTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.122 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSetTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.119 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.MutableListTest
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.141 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueueTest
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.166 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.UnrolledBufferTestTest
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.125 sec
[junit] Running scala.collection.mutable.VectorTest
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.166 sec
[junit] Running scala.concurrent.duration.SerializationTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.171 sec
[junit] Running scala.concurrent.impl.DefaultPromiseTest
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.791 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.143 sec
[junit] Running scala.math.BigDecimalTest
[junit] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.908 sec
[junit] Running scala.math.NumericTest
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.118 sec
[junit] Running scala.math.OrderingTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.145 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.ClassTagTest
[junit] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.071 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.QTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.323 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.MirrorsTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.273 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.NamesTest
[junit] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.535 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.PrintersTest
[junit] Tests run: 183, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 6.748 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.ScopeTest
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.478 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.TypesTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.837 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoaderTest
[junit] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.158 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.util.SourceFileTest
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.144 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOpsTest
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.125 sec
[junit] Running scala.reflect.internal.util.WeakHashSetTest
[junit] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.153 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.137 sec
[junit] Running scala.runtime.ScalaRunTimeTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.087 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.012 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 7.681 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.553 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.154 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.348 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.23 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.287 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.482 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.327 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.264 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.207 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.541 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.206 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.706 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.152 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 35, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 7.344 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.481 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.194 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.989 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.508 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.172 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.871 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.126 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.212 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.139 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.521 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 2, Time elapsed: 0.492 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.514 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.501 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.489 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.535 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.751 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.184 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.115 sec
[junit] Running
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.131 sec
[junit] Running scala.util.RandomTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.263 sec
[junit] Running scala.util.SortingTest
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.438 sec
[junit] Running scala.util.SpecVersionTest
[junit] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.125 sec
[junit] Running scala.util.TryTest
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.119 sec
[junit] Running scala.util.matching.CharRegexTest
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.123 sec
[junit] Running scala.util.matching.RegexTest
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.142 sec
[stopwatch] [test.junit.timer: 2:08.240 sec]
[propertyfile] Updating property file: Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\
[partest] Partest version:
[partest] Compiler under test: $baseDir\scala-compiler.jar
[partest] Scala version is: Scala compiler version 2.11.8-20150916-040306-5ac68c3c80 -- Copyright 2002-2015, LAMP/EPFL
[partest] Scalac options are: ${partest.scalac_opts} -optimise
[partest] Compilation Path: $baseDir\scala-library.jar;$baseDir\scala-reflect.jar;$baseDir\scala-compiler.jar;$baseDir\scalap.jar;$baseDir\scala-actors.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-partest_2.11\1.0.7\scala-partest_2.11-1.0.7.jar;C:\.m2\repository\com\googlecode\java-diff-utils\diffutils\1.3.0\diffutils-1.3.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-sbt\test-interface\1.0\test-interface-1.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-xml_2.11\1.0.4\scala-xml_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-parser-combinators_2.11\1.0.4\scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scalacheck\scalacheck_2.11\1.11.6\scalacheck_2.11-1.11.6.jar;$baseDir\scala-partest-extras.jar;$baseDir\scala-partest-javaagent.jar;$sourceDir\lib\annotations.jar;$sourceDir\lib\enums.jar;$sourceDir\lib\genericNest.jar;$sourceDir\lib\jsoup-1.3.1.jar;$sourceDir\lib\macro210.jar;$sourceDir\lib\methvsfield.jar;$sourceDir\lib\nest.jar
[partest] Java binaries in: C:\java\jdk-1.6\jre\bin
[partest] Java runtime is: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)
[partest] Java options are: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParNewGC -Xmx2G -Xss1M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M
[partest] baseDir: Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib
[partest] sourceDir: Y:\tisue\scala\test\files
[partest] Running 45 tests in 'presentation' at Thu Sep 17 21:28:22 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - presentation/completion-implicit-chained
[partest] ok 2 - presentation/forgotten-ask.scala
[partest] ok 3 - presentation/callcc-interpreter
[partest] ok 4 - presentation/hyperlinks-macro
[partest] ok 5 - presentation/hyperlinks
[partest] ok 6 - presentation/doc
[partest] ok 7 - presentation/ide-bug-1000349
[partest] ok 8 - presentation/ide-bug-1000469
[partest] ok 9 - presentation/ide-bug-1000475
[partest] ok 10 - presentation/ide-t1000567
[partest] ok 11 - presentation/ide-bug-1000531
[partest] ok 12 - presentation/ide-t1000609
[partest] ok 13 - presentation/implicit-member
[partest] ok 14 - presentation/ide-t1000976
[partest] ok 15 - presentation/ide-t1001388
[partest] ok 16 - presentation/infix-completion
[partest] ok 17 - presentation/infix-completion2
[partest] ok 18 - presentation/partial-fun
[partest] ok 19 - presentation/parse-invariants
[partest] ok 20 - presentation/ping-pong
[partest] ok 21 - presentation/private-case-class-members
[partest] ok 22 - presentation/random
[partest] ok 23 - presentation/recursive-ask
[partest] ok 24 - presentation/scope-completion-1
[partest] ok 25 - presentation/scope-completion-2
[partest] ok 26 - presentation/scope-completion-3
[partest] ok 27 - presentation/t1207
[partest] ok 28 - presentation/scope-completion-import
[partest] ok 29 - presentation/scope-completion-4
[partest] ok 30 - presentation/t4287b
[partest] ok 31 - presentation/t4287
[partest] ok 32 - presentation/t4287c
[partest] ok 33 - presentation/t7548
[partest] ok 34 - presentation/t5708
[partest] ok 35 - presentation/t7548b
[partest] ok 36 - presentation/t7678
[partest] ok 37 - presentation/t7915
[partest] ok 38 - presentation/t8085
[partest] ok 39 - presentation/t8459
[partest] ok 40 - presentation/t8085b
[partest] ok 41 - presentation/t8941
[partest] ok 42 - presentation/t8941b
[partest] ok 43 - presentation/t8934
[partest] ok 44 - presentation/visibility
[partest] ok 45 - presentation/memory-leaks
[partest] Test suite finished with no failures.
[partest] Partest version:
[partest] Compiler under test: $baseDir\scala-compiler.jar
[partest] Scala version is: Scala compiler version 2.11.8-20150916-040306-5ac68c3c80 -- Copyright 2002-2015, LAMP/EPFL
[partest] Scalac options are: ${partest.scalac_opts} -optimise
[partest] Compilation Path: $baseDir\scala-library.jar;$baseDir\scala-reflect.jar;$baseDir\scala-compiler.jar;$baseDir\scalap.jar;$baseDir\scala-actors.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-partest_2.11\1.0.7\scala-partest_2.11-1.0.7.jar;C:\.m2\repository\com\googlecode\java-diff-utils\diffutils\1.3.0\diffutils-1.3.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-sbt\test-interface\1.0\test-interface-1.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-xml_2.11\1.0.4\scala-xml_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-parser-combinators_2.11\1.0.4\scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scalacheck\scalacheck_2.11\1.11.6\scalacheck_2.11-1.11.6.jar;$baseDir\scala-partest-extras.jar;$baseDir\scala-partest-javaagent.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\annotations.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\enums.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\genericNest.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\jsoup-1.3.1.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\macro210.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\methvsfield.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\nest.jar
[partest] Java binaries in: C:\java\jdk-1.6\jre\bin
[partest] Java runtime is: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)
[partest] Java options are: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParNewGC -Xmx2G -Xss1M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M
[partest] baseDir: Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib
[partest] sourceDir: Y:\tisue\scala\test\scaladoc
[partest] Running 56 tests in 'run' at Thu Sep 17 21:31:10 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - run/diagrams-inherited-nodes.scala
[partest] ok 2 - run/diagrams-base.scala
[partest] ok 3 - run/diagrams-filtering.scala
[partest] ok 4 - run/diagrams-determinism.scala
[partest] ok 5 - run/groups.scala
[partest] ok 6 - run/implicits-ambiguating.scala
[partest] ok 7 - run/implicits-base.scala
[partest] ok 8 - run/implicits-chaining.scala
[partest] ok 9 - run/implicits-known-type-classes.scala
[partest] ok 10 - run/implicits-scopes.scala
[partest] ok 11 - run/implicits-var-exp.scala
[partest] ok 12 - run/implicits-shadowing.scala
[partest] ok 13 - run/links.scala
[partest] ok 14 - run/package-object.scala
[partest] ok 15 - run/SI-191.scala
[partest] ok 16 - run/SI-3314-diagrams.scala
[partest] ok 17 - run/SI-3448.scala
[partest] ok 18 - run/SI-3314.scala
[partest] ok 19 - run/SI-3484.scala
[partest] ok 20 - run/SI-4324.scala
[partest] ok 21 - run/SI-4676.scala
[partest] ok 22 - run/SI-4360.scala
[partest] ok 23 - run/SI-4887.scala
[partest] ok 24 - run/SI-5373.scala
[partest] ok 25 - run/SI-5235.scala
[partest] ok 26 - run/SI-5533.scala
[partest] ok 27 - run/SI-5780.scala
[partest] ok 28 - run/SI-5933.scala
[partest] ok 29 - run/SI-5784.scala
[partest] ok 30 - run/SI-5965.scala
[partest] ok 31 - run/SI-6017.scala
[partest] ok 32 - run/SI-6140.scala
[partest] ok 33 - run/SI-6511.scala
[partest] ok 34 - run/SI-6509.scala
[partest] ok 35 - run/SI-6715.scala
[partest] ok 36 - run/SI-6580.scala
[partest] ok 37 - run/SI-6812.scala
[partest] ok 38 - run/SI-6812b.scala
[partest] ok 39 - run/SI-7367.scala
[partest] ok 40 - run/SI-8210.scala
[partest] ok 41 - run/SI-8479.scala
[partest] ok 42 - run/t4922.scala
[partest] ok 43 - run/t5527.scala
[partest] ok 44 - run/t5730.scala
[partest] ok 45 - run/t5795.scala
[partest] ok 46 - run/t6626.scala
[partest] ok 47 - run/t7124.scala
[partest] ok 48 - run/t7767.scala
[partest] ok 49 - run/t7876.scala
[partest] ok 50 - run/t7876b.scala
[partest] ok 51 - run/t8113.scala
[partest] ok 52 - run/t8314.scala
[partest] ok 53 - run/t8407.scala
[partest] ok 54 - run/t8557.scala
[partest] ok 55 - run/t8672.scala
[partest] ok 56 - run/usecase-var-expansion.scala
[partest] Running 5 tests in 'scalacheck' at Thu Sep 17 21:32:44 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - scalacheck/DeprecatedIndexTest.scala
[partest] ok 2 - scalacheck/CommentFactoryTest.scala
[partest] ok 3 - scalacheck/IndexScriptTest.scala
[partest] ok 4 - scalacheck/IndexTest.scala
[partest] test\scaladoc\resources\explicit-inheritance-override.scala:47: The "@param arg3" annotation of the method function comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.
[partest] override def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 1.0d
[partest] ^
[partest] test\scaladoc\resources\explicit-inheritance-override.scala:47: The "@tparam ShouldWarn" annotation of the method function comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.
[partest] override def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 1.0d
[partest] ^
[partest] test\scaladoc\resources\explicit-inheritance-override.scala:47: The "@throws SomeOtherException" annotation of the method function comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.
[partest] override def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 1.0d
[partest] ^
[partest] test\scaladoc\resources\explicit-inheritance-usecase.scala:45: The "@param arg3" annotation of the method function comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.
[partest] def function[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 0.0d
[partest] ^
[partest] test\scaladoc\resources\explicit-inheritance-usecase.scala:45: The "@tparam ShouldWarn" annotation of the method function comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.
[partest] def function[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 0.0d
[partest] ^
[partest] test\scaladoc\resources\explicit-inheritance-usecase.scala:45: The "@throws SomeOtherException" annotation of the method function comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.
[partest] def function[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 0.0d
[partest] ^
[partest] test\scaladoc\resources\inheritdoc-corner-cases.scala:67: The "@throws HelloException" annotation of the method hello1 comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.
[partest] override def hello1 = 15
[partest] ^
[partest] test\scaladoc\resources\inheritdoc-corner-cases.scala:67: The "@todo" annotation of the method hello1 comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.
[partest] override def hello1 = 15
[partest] ^
[partest] ok 5 - scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala
[partest] Test suite finished with no failures.
[partest] Partest version:
[partest] Compiler under test: $baseDir\scala-compiler.jar
[partest] Scala version is: Scala compiler version 2.11.8-20150916-040306-5ac68c3c80 -- Copyright 2002-2015, LAMP/EPFL
[partest] Scalac options are: ${partest.scalac_opts} -optimise
[partest] Compilation Path: $baseDir\scala-library.jar;$baseDir\scala-reflect.jar;$baseDir\scala-compiler.jar;$baseDir\scalap.jar;$baseDir\scala-actors.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-partest_2.11\1.0.7\scala-partest_2.11-1.0.7.jar;C:\.m2\repository\com\googlecode\java-diff-utils\diffutils\1.3.0\diffutils-1.3.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-sbt\test-interface\1.0\test-interface-1.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-xml_2.11\1.0.4\scala-xml_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-parser-combinators_2.11\1.0.4\scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scalacheck\scalacheck_2.11\1.11.6\scalacheck_2.11-1.11.6.jar;$baseDir\scala-partest-extras.jar;$baseDir\scala-partest-javaagent.jar;$sourceDir\lib\annotations.jar;$sourceDir\lib\enums.jar;$sourceDir\lib\genericNest.jar;$sourceDir\lib\jsoup-1.3.1.jar;$sourceDir\lib\macro210.jar;$sourceDir\lib\methvsfield.jar;$sourceDir\lib\nest.jar
[partest] Java binaries in: C:\java\jdk-1.6\jre\bin
[partest] Java runtime is: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)
[partest] Java options are: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParNewGC -Xmx2G -Xss1M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M
[partest] baseDir: Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib
[partest] sourceDir: Y:\tisue\scala\test\files
[partest] Running 1326 tests in 'pos' at Thu Sep 17 21:32:59 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - pos/A.scala
[partest] ok 2 - pos/aliases.scala
[partest] ok 3 - pos/abstract.scala
[partest] ok 4 - pos/annot-inner.scala
[partest] ok 5 - pos/annotations2.scala
[partest] ok 6 - pos/annotated-original
[partest] ok 7 - pos/array-interfaces.scala
[partest] ok 8 - pos/annotDepMethType.scala
[partest] ok 9 - pos/annotations.scala
[partest] ok 10 - pos/arrays3.scala
[partest] ok 11 - pos/arrays2.scala
[partest] ok 12 - pos/attributes.scala
[partest] ok 13 - pos/bcode_throw_null
[partest] ok 14 - pos/attachments-typed-another-ident
[partest] ok 15 - pos/attachments-typed-ident
[partest] ok 16 - pos/bounds.scala
[partest] ok 17 - pos/caseClassInMethod.scala
[partest] ok 18 - pos/builders.scala
[partest] ok 19 - pos/caseaccs.scala
[partest] ok 20 - pos/cfcrash.scala
[partest] ok 21 - pos/annotated-treecopy
[partest] ok 22 - pos/classtag-pos.scala
[partest] ok 23 - pos/cls.scala
[partest] ok 24 - pos/cls1.scala
[partest] ok 25 - pos/channels.scala
[partest] ok 26 - pos/clsrefine.scala
[partest] ok 27 - pos/collectGenericCC.scala
[partest] ok 28 - pos/chang
[partest] ok 29 - pos/comp-rec-test.scala
[partest] ok 30 - pos/compile.scala
[partest] ok 31 - pos/compile1.scala
[partest] ok 32 - pos/collections.scala
[partest] ok 33 - pos/compound.scala
[partest] ok 34 - pos/context.scala
[partest] ok 35 - pos/contextbounds-implicits-new.scala
[partest] ok 36 - pos/constfold.scala
[partest] ok 37 - pos/contextbounds-implicits-old.scala
[partest] ok 38 - pos/contrib701.scala
[partest] ok 39 - pos/contrib467.scala
[partest] ok 40 - pos/cycle-jsoup.scala
[partest] ok 41 - pos/cyclics-pos.scala
[partest] ok 42 - pos/delambdafy-lambdalift.scala
[partest] ok 43 - pos/cycle
[partest] ok 44 - pos/delambdafy-patterns.scala
[partest] ok 45 - pos/debug-reset-local-attrs.scala
[partest] ok 46 - pos/depexists.scala
[partest] ok 47 - pos/depmet_1_pos.scala
[partest] ok 48 - pos/depmet_implicit_norm_ret.scala
[partest] ok 49 - pos/CustomGlobal.scala
[partest] ok 50 - pos/delambdafy_t6260_method.scala
[partest] ok 51 - pos/depmet_implicit_chaining_zw.scala
[partest] ok 52 - pos/depmet_implicit_oopsla_session.scala
[partest] ok 53 - pos/depmet_implicit_tpbetareduce.scala
[partest] ok 54 - pos/depmet_implicit_oopsla_session_2.scala
[partest] ok 55 - pos/depmet_implicit_oopsla_session_simpler.scala
[partest] ok 56 - pos/elidable-tparams.scala
[partest] ok 57 - pos/escapes2.scala
[partest] ok 58 - pos/erasure-nsquared.scala
[partest] ok 59 - pos/depmet_implicit_oopsla_zipwith.scala
[partest] ok 60 - pos/dotless-targs.scala
[partest] ok 61 - pos/exbound.scala
[partest] ok 62 - pos/eta.scala
[partest] ok 63 - pos/exhaustive_heuristics.scala
[partest] ok 64 - pos/exhaust_2.scala
[partest] ok 65 - pos/exhaust_alternatives.scala
[partest] ok 66 - pos/existentials-harmful.scala
[partest] ok 67 - pos/existentials.scala
[partest] ok 68 - pos/exponential-spec.scala
[partest] ok 69 - pos/extractor-types.scala
[partest] ok 70 - pos/five-dot-f.scala
[partest] ok 71 - pos/FPTest.scala
[partest] ok 72 - pos/functions.scala
[partest] ok 73 - pos/existential-java-case-class
[partest] ok 74 - pos/gadt-gilles.scala
[partest] ok 75 - pos/getClassType.scala
[partest] ok 76 - pos/generic-sigs.scala
[partest] ok 77 - pos/gen-traversable-methods.scala
[partest] ok 78 - pos/gosh.scala
[partest] ok 79 - pos/gadts2.scala
[partest] ok 80 - pos/hashhash-overloads.scala
[partest] ok 81 - pos/hk-match
[partest] ok 82 - pos/gui.scala
[partest] ok 83 - pos/hkarray.scala
[partest] ok 84 - pos/homonym.scala
[partest] ok 85 - pos/hkrange.scala
[partest] ok 86 - pos/hklub0.scala
[partest] ok 87 - pos/imp2-pos.scala
[partest] ok 88 - pos/hk-infer.scala
[partest] ok 89 - pos/ilya2
[partest] ok 90 - pos/implicit-anyval-2.10.scala
[partest] ok 91 - pos/ilya
[partest] ok 92 - pos/implicit-infix-ops.scala
[partest] ok 93 - pos/implicit-unwrap-tc.scala
[partest] ok 94 - pos/imports-pos.scala
[partest] ok 95 - pos/infer.scala
[partest] ok 96 - pos/implicits-old.scala
[partest] ok 97 - pos/implicits-new.scala
[partest] ok 98 - pos/infer2-pos.scala
[partest] ok 99 - pos/inferbroadtype.scala
[partest] ok 100 - pos/infersingle.scala
[partest] ok 101 - pos/inliner2.scala
[partest] ok 102 - pos/init.scala
[partest] ok 103 - pos/inline-access-levels
[partest] ok 104 - pos/itay.scala
[partest] ok 105 - pos/isApplicableSafe.scala
[partest] ok 106 - pos/irrefutable.scala
[partest] ok 107 - pos/javaConversions-2.10-ambiguity.scala
[partest] ok 108 - pos/javaConversions-2.10-regression.scala
[partest] ok 109 - pos/iterator-traversable-mix.scala
[partest] ok 110 - pos/java-access-pos
[partest] ok 111 - pos/kinds.scala
[partest] ok 112 - pos/kinzer.scala
[partest] ok 113 - pos/javaReadsSigs
[partest] ok 114 - pos/ksbug1.scala
[partest] ok 115 - pos/jesper.scala
[partest] ok 116 - pos/lambda.scala
[partest] ok 117 - pos/lambdalift.scala
[partest] ok 118 - pos/lambdalift1.scala
[partest] ok 119 - pos/largecasetest.scala
[partest] ok 120 - pos/lexical.scala
[partest] ok 121 - pos/list-extractor.scala
[partest] ok 122 - pos/liftcode_polymorphic.scala
[partest] ok 123 - pos/List1.scala
[partest] ok 124 - pos/list-optim-check.scala
[partest] ok 125 - pos/local-objects.scala
[partest] ok 126 - pos/localmodules.scala
[partest] ok 127 - pos/lookupswitch.scala
[partest] ok 128 - pos/listpattern.scala
[partest] ok 129 - pos/looping-jsig.scala
[partest] ok 130 - pos/lub-dealias-widen.scala
[partest] ok 131 - pos/macro-attachments
[partest] ok 132 - pos/macro-bundle-disambiguate-bundle.scala
[partest] ok 133 - pos/lubs.scala
[partest] ok 134 - pos/macro-qmarkqmarkqmark.scala
[partest] ok 135 - pos/macro-bundle-disambiguate-nonbundle.scala
[partest] ok 136 - pos/macro-deprecate-dont-touch-backquotedidents.scala
[partest] ok 137 - pos/MailBox.scala
[partest] ok 138 - pos/macro-implicit-invalidate-on-error.scala
[partest] ok 139 - pos/matthias1.scala
[partest] ok 140 - pos/manifest1-old.scala
[partest] ok 141 - pos/matthias3.scala
[partest] ok 142 - pos/matthias4.scala
[partest] ok 143 - pos/matthias5.scala
[partest] ok 144 - pos/manifest1-new.scala
[partest] ok 145 - pos/maxim1.scala
[partest] ok 146 - pos/michel1.scala
[partest] ok 147 - pos/michel2.scala
[partest] ok 148 - pos/michel3.scala
[partest] ok 149 - pos/michel4.scala
[partest] ok 150 - pos/michel5.scala
[partest] ok 151 - pos/michel6.scala
[partest] ok 152 - pos/mixins.scala
[partest] ok 153 - pos/modules.scala
[partest] ok 154 - pos/modules1.scala
[partest] ok 155 - pos/misc-unapply_pos.scala
[partest] ok 156 - pos/moduletrans.scala
[partest] ok 157 - pos/native-warning.scala
[partest] ok 158 - pos/needstypeearly.scala
[partest] ok 159 - pos/nested2.scala
[partest] ok 160 - pos/nested.scala
[partest] ok 161 - pos/NoCyclicReference.scala
[partest] ok 162 - pos/null.scala
[partest] ok 163 - pos/nonlocal-unchecked.scala
[partest] ok 164 - pos/nothing_manifest_disambig-new.scala
[partest] ok 165 - pos/nothing_manifest_disambig-old.scala
[partest] ok 166 - pos/nullary.scala
[partest] ok 167 - pos/nullary_poly.scala
[partest] ok 168 - pos/optmatch.scala
[partest] ok 169 - pos/override-object-yes.scala
[partest] ok 170 - pos/override.scala
[partest] ok 171 - pos/overloaded-unapply.scala
[partest] ok 172 - pos/overloaded_extractor_and_regular_def.scala
[partest] ok 173 - pos/overzealous-assert-genbcode.scala
[partest] ok 174 - pos/package-implicit
[partest] ok 175 - pos/packageobjs.scala
[partest] ok 176 - pos/package-case.scala
[partest] ok 177 - pos/partialfun.scala
[partest] ok 178 - pos/patmat-extract-tparam.scala
[partest] ok 179 - pos/package-ob-case
[partest] ok 180 - pos/patmat.scala
[partest] ok 181 - pos/patmat-suppress.scala
[partest] ok 182 - pos/patterns.scala
[partest] ok 183 - pos/patterns1.scala
[partest] ok 184 - pos/patterns1213.scala
[partest] ok 185 - pos/patterns3.scala
[partest] ok 186 - pos/philippe1.scala
[partest] ok 187 - pos/patterns2.scala
[partest] ok 188 - pos/pat_gilles.scala
[partest] ok 189 - pos/philippe2.scala
[partest] ok 190 - pos/pat_iuli.scala
[partest] ok 191 - pos/philippe4.scala
[partest] ok 192 - pos/pmbug.scala
[partest] ok 193 - pos/pos-bug1210.scala
[partest] ok 194 - pos/philippe3.scala
[partest] ok 195 - pos/polymorphic-case-class.scala
[partest] ok 196 - pos/presuperContext.scala
[partest] ok 197 - pos/private-types-after-typer.scala
[partest] ok 198 - pos/proj-rec-test.scala
[partest] ok 199 - pos/propagate.scala
[partest] ok 200 - pos/pos-bug1241.scala
[partest] ok 201 - pos/protected-t1010.scala
[partest] ok 202 - pos/rangepos-anonapply.scala
[partest] ok 203 - pos/rangepos-patmat.scala
[partest] ok 204 - pos/rangepos.scala
[partest] ok 205 - pos/protected-static
[partest] ok 206 - pos/rebind.scala
[partest] ok 207 - pos/raw-map
[partest] ok 208 - pos/reflection-compat-api-universe.scala
[partest] ok 209 - pos/reflection-compat-c.scala
[partest] ok 210 - pos/return_thistype.scala
[partest] ok 211 - pos/reflection-compat-macro-universe.scala
[partest] ok 212 - pos/relax_implicit_divergence.scala
[partest] ok 213 - pos/reflection-compat-ru.scala
[partest] ok 214 - pos/S1.scala
[partest] ok 215 - pos/S3.scala
[partest] ok 216 - pos/S5.scala
[partest] ok 217 - pos/S8.scala
[partest] ok 218 - pos/sammy_exist.scala
[partest] ok 219 - pos/sammy_override.scala
[partest] ok 220 - pos/sammy_scope.scala
[partest] ok 221 - pos/sammy_overload.scala
[partest] ok 222 - pos/sammy_poly.scala
[partest] ok 223 - pos/sammy_single.scala
[partest] ok 224 - pos/scala-singleton.scala
[partest] ok 225 - pos/sammy_twice.scala
[partest] ok 226 - pos/scoping2.scala
[partest] ok 227 - pos/scoping1.scala
[partest] ok 228 - pos/scoping3.scala
[partest] ok 229 - pos/self-type-override.scala
[partest] ok 230 - pos/sealed-final.scala
[partest] ok 231 - pos/selftails.scala
[partest] ok 232 - pos/setter-not-implicit.scala
[partest] ok 233 - pos/seq-ordering.scala
[partest] ok 234 - pos/seqtest2.scala
[partest] ok 235 - pos/SI-4012-b.scala
[partest] ok 236 - pos/SI-4012-a.scala
[partest] ok 237 - pos/SI-7060.scala
[partest] ok 238 - pos/SI-5788.scala
[partest] ok 239 - pos/SI-7100.scala
[partest] ok 240 - pos/simple-exceptions.scala
[partest] ok 241 - pos/SI-7638.scala
[partest] ok 242 - pos/simplelists.scala
[partest] ok 243 - pos/spec-annotations.scala
[partest] ok 244 - pos/spec-asseenfrom.scala
[partest] ok 245 - pos/signatures
[partest] ok 246 - pos/spec-constr-new.scala
[partest] ok 247 - pos/spec-constr-old.scala
[partest] ok 248 - pos/spec-arrays.scala
[partest] ok 249 - pos/spec-cyclic.scala
[partest] ok 250 - pos/spec-doubledef-old.scala
[partest] ok 251 - pos/spec-doubledef-new.scala
[partest] ok 252 - pos/spec-example1.scala
[partest] ok 253 - pos/spec-fields-new.scala
[partest] ok 254 - pos/spec-foo.scala
[partest] ok 255 - pos/spec-fields-old.scala
[partest] ok 256 - pos/spec-lists.scala
[partest] ok 257 - pos/spec-localdefs.scala
[partest] ok 258 - pos/spec-funs.scala
[partest] ok 259 - pos/spec-multiplectors.scala
[partest] ok 260 - pos/spec-Function1.scala
[partest] ok 261 - pos/spec-maps.scala
[partest] ok 262 - pos/spec-partially.scala
[partest] ok 263 - pos/spec-params-new.scala
[partest] ok 264 - pos/spec-polymeth.scala
[partest] ok 265 - pos/spec-private.scala
[partest] ok 266 - pos/spec-params-old.scala
[partest] ok 267 - pos/spec-sealed.scala
[partest] ok 268 - pos/spec-short.scala
[partest] ok 269 - pos/spec-partialmap.scala
[partest] ok 270 - pos/spec-simple.scala
[partest] ok 271 - pos/spec-sparsearray-new.scala
[partest] ok 272 - pos/spec-super.scala
[partest] ok 273 - pos/spec-sparsearray-old.scala
[partest] ok 274 - pos/spec-t3497.scala
[partest] ok 275 - pos/spec-t6286.scala
[partest] ok 276 - pos/spec-tailcall.scala
[partest] ok 277 - pos/spec-thistype.scala
[partest] ok 278 - pos/spec-vector.scala
[partest] ok 279 - pos/specialize10.scala
[partest] ok 280 - pos/spec-groups.scala
[partest] ok 281 - pos/spec.scala
[partest] ok 282 - pos/spec-traits.scala
[partest] ok 283 - pos/stable.scala
[partest] ok 284 - pos/specializes-sym-crash.scala
[partest] ok 285 - pos/spurious-overload.scala
[partest] ok 286 - pos/strings.scala
[partest] ok 287 - pos/switchUnbox.scala
[partest] ok 288 - pos/strip-tvars-for-lubbasetypes.scala
[partest] ok 289 - pos/t0002.scala
[partest] ok 290 - pos/super
[partest] ok 291 - pos/t0017.scala
[partest] ok 292 - pos/sudoku.scala
[partest] ok 293 - pos/t0020.scala
[partest] ok 294 - pos/t0030.scala
[partest] ok 295 - pos/t0032.scala
[partest] ok 296 - pos/t0029.scala
[partest] ok 297 - pos/t0039.scala
[partest] ok 298 - pos/t0031.scala
[partest] ok 299 - pos/t0049.scala
[partest] ok 300 - pos/t0053.scala
[partest] ok 301 - pos/t0036.scala
[partest] ok 302 - pos/t0055.scala
[partest] ok 303 - pos/t0064.scala
[partest] ok 304 - pos/t0054.scala
[partest] ok 305 - pos/t0061.scala
[partest] ok 306 - pos/t0066.scala
[partest] ok 307 - pos/t0076.scala
[partest] ok 308 - pos/t0068.scala
[partest] ok 309 - pos/t0081.scala
[partest] ok 310 - pos/t0069.scala
[partest] ok 311 - pos/t0082.scala
[partest] ok 312 - pos/t0093.scala
[partest] ok 313 - pos/t0085.scala
[partest] ok 314 - pos/t0091.scala
[partest] ok 315 - pos/t0123.scala
[partest] ok 316 - pos/t0204.scala
[partest] ok 317 - pos/t0095.scala
[partest] ok 318 - pos/t0154.scala
[partest] ok 319 - pos/t0165.scala
[partest] ok 320 - pos/t0227.scala
[partest] ok 321 - pos/t0273.scala
[partest] ok 322 - pos/t0231.scala
[partest] ok 323 - pos/t0304.scala
[partest] ok 324 - pos/t0301.scala
[partest] ok 325 - pos/t0438.scala
[partest] ok 326 - pos/t0288
[partest] ok 327 - pos/t0305.scala
[partest] ok 328 - pos/t0453.scala
[partest] ok 329 - pos/t0504.scala
[partest] ok 330 - pos/t0591.scala
[partest] ok 331 - pos/t0599.scala
[partest] ok 332 - pos/t0612
[partest] ok 333 - pos/t0586.scala
[partest] ok 334 - pos/t0644.scala
[partest] ok 335 - pos/t0654.scala
[partest] ok 336 - pos/t0625.scala
[partest] ok 337 - pos/t0710.scala
[partest] ok 338 - pos/t0770.scala
[partest] ok 339 - pos/t0774
[partest] ok 340 - pos/t0786.scala
[partest] ok 341 - pos/t0695
[partest] ok 342 - pos/t0872.scala
[partest] ok 343 - pos/t0851.scala
[partest] ok 344 - pos/t0904.scala
[partest] ok 345 - pos/t0905.scala
[partest] ok 346 - pos/t1000.scala
[partest] ok 347 - pos/t1001.scala
[partest] ok 348 - pos/t1006.scala
[partest] ok 349 - pos/t1014.scala
[partest] ok 350 - pos/t1027.scala
[partest] ok 351 - pos/t1029
[partest] ok 352 - pos/t1034.scala
[partest] ok 353 - pos/t1048.scala
[partest] ok 354 - pos/t1049.scala
[partest] ok 355 - pos/t1050.scala
[partest] ok 356 - pos/t1035.scala
[partest] ok 357 - pos/t1053.scala
[partest] ok 358 - pos/t1070.scala
[partest] ok 359 - pos/t1056.scala
[partest] ok 360 - pos/t1071.scala
[partest] ok 361 - pos/t1085.scala
[partest] ok 362 - pos/t1090.scala
[partest] ok 363 - pos/t1075.scala
[partest] ok 364 - pos/t1107a.scala
[partest] ok 365 - pos/t1107b
[partest] ok 366 - pos/t1119.scala
[partest] ok 367 - pos/t1123.scala
[partest] ok 368 - pos/t1101
[partest] ok 369 - pos/t112606A.scala
[partest] ok 370 - pos/t1102
[partest] ok 371 - pos/t1131.scala
[partest] ok 372 - pos/t1136.scala
[partest] ok 373 - pos/t1146.scala
[partest] ok 374 - pos/t1133.scala
[partest] ok 375 - pos/t1147.scala
[partest] ok 376 - pos/t115.scala
[partest] ok 377 - pos/t1150
[partest] ok 378 - pos/t116.scala
[partest] ok 379 - pos/t1159.scala
[partest] ok 380 - pos/t1164.scala
[partest] ok 381 - pos/t1168.scala
[partest] ok 382 - pos/t1152
[partest] ok 383 - pos/t0674.scala
[partest] ok 384 - pos/t1185.scala
[partest] ok 385 - pos/t119.scala
[partest] ok 386 - pos/t1176
[partest] ok 387 - pos/t1186
[partest] ok 388 - pos/t1196
[partest] ok 389 - pos/t1208.scala
[partest] ok 390 - pos/t121.scala
[partest] ok 391 - pos/t1203a.scala
[partest] ok 392 - pos/t1210a.scala
[partest] ok 393 - pos/t1197
[partest] ok 394 - pos/t1226.scala
[partest] ok 395 - pos/t122.scala
[partest] ok 396 - pos/t1203b
[partest] ok 397 - pos/t1235
[partest] ok 398 - pos/t1230
[partest] ok 399 - pos/t1236.scala
[partest] ok 400 - pos/t1232
[partest] ok 401 - pos/t1237.scala
[partest] ok 402 - pos/t124.scala
[partest] ok 403 - pos/t1231
[partest] ok 404 - pos/t1272.scala
[partest] ok 405 - pos/t1260.scala
[partest] ok 406 - pos/t1279a.scala
[partest] ok 407 - pos/t1254
[partest] ok 408 - pos/t1280.scala
[partest] ok 409 - pos/t1357.scala
[partest] ok 410 - pos/t1292.scala
[partest] ok 411 - pos/t1381-new.scala
[partest] ok 412 - pos/t1318.scala
[partest] ok 413 - pos/t1381-old.scala
[partest] ok 414 - pos/t1385.scala
[partest] ok 415 - pos/t1263
[partest] ok 416 - pos/t1438.scala
[partest] ok 417 - pos/t1391.scala
[partest] ok 418 - pos/t1422_pos.scala
[partest] ok 419 - pos/t1439.scala
[partest] ok 420 - pos/t151.scala
[partest] ok 421 - pos/t1480.scala
[partest] ok 422 - pos/t1409
[partest] ok 423 - pos/t1560.scala
[partest] ok 424 - pos/t1569.scala
[partest] ok 425 - pos/t159.scala
[partest] ok 426 - pos/t1565.scala
[partest] ok 427 - pos/t1591_pos.scala
[partest] ok 428 - pos/t1459
[partest] ok 429 - pos/t160.scala
[partest] ok 430 - pos/t1591b.scala
[partest] ok 431 - pos/t1642
[partest] ok 432 - pos/t1614
[partest] ok 433 - pos/t1659.scala
[partest] ok 434 - pos/t1642b.scala
[partest] ok 435 - pos/t1672.scala
[partest] ok 436 - pos/t1693.scala
[partest] ok 437 - pos/t1722
[partest] ok 438 - pos/t1722-A.scala
[partest] ok 439 - pos/t1675.scala
[partest] ok 440 - pos/t175.scala
[partest] ok 441 - pos/t1711
[partest] ok 442 - pos/t1756.scala
[partest] ok 443 - pos/t177.scala
[partest] ok 444 - pos/t1751
[partest] ok 445 - pos/t1785.scala
[partest] ok 446 - pos/t1786-cycle.scala
[partest] ok 447 - pos/t1782
[partest] ok 448 - pos/t1789.scala
[partest] ok 449 - pos/t1786-counter.scala
[partest] ok 450 - pos/t1798.scala
[partest] ok 451 - pos/t1745
[partest] ok 452 - pos/t1803.scala
[partest] ok 453 - pos/t183.scala
[partest] ok 454 - pos/t1832.scala
[partest] ok 455 - pos/t1843.scala
[partest] ok 456 - pos/t1896
[partest] ok 457 - pos/t1858.scala
[partest] ok 458 - pos/t1840
[partest] ok 459 - pos/t1836
[partest] ok 460 - pos/t1957.scala
[partest] ok 461 - pos/t1937
[partest] ok 462 - pos/t1974.scala
[partest] ok 463 - pos/t1942
[partest] ok 464 - pos/t1987a.scala
[partest] ok 465 - pos/t1987b
[partest] ok 466 - pos/t201.scala
[partest] ok 467 - pos/t2018.scala
[partest] ok 468 - pos/t2023.scala
[partest] ok 469 - pos/t1996.scala
[partest] ok 470 - pos/t2060.scala
[partest] ok 471 - pos/t2066-2.10-compat.scala
[partest] ok 472 - pos/t2066.scala
[partest] ok 473 - pos/t2038.scala
[partest] ok 474 - pos/t2081.scala
[partest] ok 475 - pos/t210.scala
[partest] ok 476 - pos/t211.scala
[partest] ok 477 - pos/t2082.scala
[partest] ok 478 - pos/t2119.scala
[partest] ok 479 - pos/t2127.scala
[partest] ok 480 - pos/t2094.scala
[partest] ok 481 - pos/t2133.scala
[partest] ok 482 - pos/t2130-1.scala
[partest] ok 483 - pos/t2168.scala
[partest] ok 484 - pos/t2130-2.scala
[partest] ok 485 - pos/t2171.scala
[partest] ok 486 - pos/t2179.scala
[partest] ok 487 - pos/t2187-2.scala
[partest] ok 488 - pos/t2183.scala
[partest] ok 489 - pos/t2194.scala
[partest] ok 490 - pos/t2187.scala
[partest] ok 491 - pos/t2208_pos.scala
[partest] ok 492 - pos/t229.scala
[partest] ok 493 - pos/t2234.scala
[partest] ok 494 - pos/t2261.scala
[partest] ok 495 - pos/t2260.scala
[partest] ok 496 - pos/t2305.scala
[partest] ok 497 - pos/t2331.scala
[partest] ok 498 - pos/t2310.scala
[partest] ok 499 - pos/t2293.scala
[partest] ok 500 - pos/t2399.scala
[partest] ok 501 - pos/t2405.scala
[partest] ok 502 - pos/t2421.scala
[partest] ok 503 - pos/t2377
[partest] ok 504 - pos/t2421b_pos.scala
[partest] ok 505 - pos/t2409
[partest] ok 506 - pos/t2421c.scala
[partest] ok 507 - pos/t2421_delitedsl.scala
[partest] ok 508 - pos/t2413
[partest] ok 509 - pos/t2429.scala
[partest] ok 510 - pos/t2425.scala
[partest] ok 511 - pos/t2444.scala
[partest] ok 512 - pos/t2441pos.scala
[partest] ok 513 - pos/t2435.scala
[partest] ok 514 - pos/t245.scala
[partest] ok 515 - pos/t2433
[partest] ok 516 - pos/t2454.scala
[partest] ok 517 - pos/t2486.scala
[partest] ok 518 - pos/t247.scala
[partest] ok 519 - pos/t2464
[partest] ok 520 - pos/t2484.scala
[partest] ok 521 - pos/t2545.scala
[partest] ok 522 - pos/t2500.scala
[partest] ok 523 - pos/t2504.scala
[partest] ok 524 - pos/t252.scala
[partest] ok 525 - pos/t2591.scala
[partest] ok 526 - pos/t2610.scala
[partest] ok 527 - pos/t2613.scala
[partest] ok 528 - pos/t262.scala
[partest] ok 529 - pos/t2635.scala
[partest] ok 530 - pos/t2624.scala
[partest] ok 531 - pos/t2619.scala
[partest] ok 532 - pos/t2569
[partest] ok 533 - pos/t2660.scala
[partest] ok 534 - pos/t2664.scala
[partest] ok 535 - pos/t2665.scala
[partest] ok 536 - pos/t2667.scala
[partest] ok 537 - pos/t2669.scala
[partest] ok 538 - pos/t267.scala
[partest] ok 539 - pos/t2683.scala
[partest] ok 540 - pos/t2693.scala
[partest] ok 541 - pos/t2708.scala
[partest] ok 542 - pos/t2691.scala
[partest] ok 543 - pos/t2698.scala
[partest] ok 544 - pos/t2726
[partest] ok 545 - pos/t2794.scala
[partest] ok 546 - pos/t2741
[partest] ok 547 - pos/t2795-old.scala
[partest] ok 548 - pos/t2782.scala
[partest] ok 549 - pos/t2795-new.scala
[partest] ok 550 - pos/t2797.scala
[partest] ok 551 - pos/t2764
[partest] ok 552 - pos/t2809.scala
[partest] ok 553 - pos/t284-pos.scala
[partest] ok 554 - pos/t287.scala
[partest] ok 555 - pos/t2799.scala
[partest] ok 556 - pos/t289.scala
[partest] ok 557 - pos/t2810.scala
[partest] ok 558 - pos/t2910.scala
[partest] ok 559 - pos/t2913.scala
[partest] ok 560 - pos/t2940
[partest] ok 561 - pos/t294
[partest] ok 562 - pos/t2945.scala
[partest] ok 563 - pos/t295.scala
[partest] ok 564 - pos/t2939.scala
[partest] ok 565 - pos/t296.scala
[partest] ok 566 - pos/t2973.scala
[partest] ok 567 - pos/t2994a.scala
[partest] ok 568 - pos/t2994b.scala
[partest] ok 569 - pos/t3020.scala
[partest] ok 570 - pos/t304.scala
[partest] ok 571 - pos/t3048.scala
[partest] ok 572 - pos/t3037.scala
[partest] ok 573 - pos/t3071.scala
[partest] ok 574 - pos/t2956
[partest] ok 575 - pos/t3076
[partest] ok 576 - pos/t3079.scala
[partest] ok 577 - pos/t3106.scala
[partest] ok 578 - pos/t3152.scala
[partest] ok 579 - pos/t3137.scala
[partest] ok 580 - pos/t3136.scala
[partest] ok 581 - pos/t3160.scala
[partest] ok 582 - pos/t3174.scala
[partest] ok 583 - pos/t3174b.scala
[partest] ok 584 - pos/t3120
[partest] ok 585 - pos/t3177.scala
[partest] ok 586 - pos/t318.scala
[partest] ok 587 - pos/t319.scala
[partest] ok 588 - pos/t3175-pos.scala
[partest] ok 589 - pos/t3240.scala
[partest] ok 590 - pos/t3272.scala
[partest] ok 591 - pos/t3252.scala
[partest] ok 592 - pos/t3274.scala
[partest] ok 593 - pos/t3312.scala
[partest] ok 594 - pos/t3278.scala
[partest] ok 595 - pos/t3343.scala
[partest] ok 596 - pos/t3249
[partest] ok 597 - pos/t3368.scala
[partest] ok 598 - pos/t3363-new.scala
[partest] ok 599 - pos/t3363-old.scala
[partest] ok 600 - pos/t3371.scala
[partest] ok 601 - pos/t3349
[partest] ok 602 - pos/t3373.scala
[partest] ok 603 - pos/t3374.scala
[partest] ok 604 - pos/t3384.scala
[partest] ok 605 - pos/t3419
[partest] ok 606 - pos/t3411.scala
[partest] ok 607 - pos/t3420.scala
[partest] ok 608 - pos/t3430.scala
[partest] ok 609 - pos/t3404
[partest] ok 610 - pos/t3429
[partest] ok 611 - pos/t3439.scala
[partest] ok 612 - pos/t344.scala
[partest] ok 613 - pos/t3452f.scala
[partest] ok 614 - pos/t3440.scala
[partest] ok 615 - pos/t3477.scala
[partest] ok 616 - pos/t3494.scala
[partest] ok 617 - pos/t3480.scala
[partest] ok 618 - pos/t348plus.scala
[partest] ok 619 - pos/t3495.scala
[partest] ok 620 - pos/t3498-new.scala
[partest] ok 621 - pos/t3486
[partest] ok 622 - pos/t3498-old.scala
[partest] ok 623 - pos/t3560.scala
[partest] ok 624 - pos/t3534.scala
[partest] ok 625 - pos/t3528.scala
[partest] ok 626 - pos/t3521
[partest] ok 627 - pos/t3570.scala
[partest] ok 628 - pos/t3568.scala
[partest] ok 629 - pos/t3577.scala
[partest] ok 630 - pos/t3582b.scala
[partest] ok 631 - pos/t3567
[partest] ok 632 - pos/t3578.scala
[partest] ok 633 - pos/t3582.scala
[partest] ok 634 - pos/t359.scala
[partest] ok 635 - pos/t360.scala
[partest] ok 636 - pos/t3612.scala
[partest] ok 637 - pos/t361.scala
[partest] ok 638 - pos/t3636.scala
[partest] ok 639 - pos/t3631.scala
[partest] ok 640 - pos/t3642
[partest] ok 641 - pos/t3622
[partest] ok 642 - pos/t3676.scala
[partest] ok 643 - pos/t3670.scala
[partest] ok 644 - pos/t3672.scala
[partest] ok 645 - pos/t3671.scala
[partest] ok 646 - pos/t372.scala
[partest] ok 647 - pos/t3731.scala
[partest] ok 648 - pos/t3688.scala
[partest] ok 649 - pos/t374.scala
[partest] ok 650 - pos/t3800.scala
[partest] ok 651 - pos/t3777.scala
[partest] ok 652 - pos/t3792.scala
[partest] ok 653 - pos/t3808.scala
[partest] ok 654 - pos/t3836.scala
[partest] ok 655 - pos/t3833.scala
[partest] ok 656 - pos/t3837.scala
[partest] ok 657 - pos/t3861.scala
[partest] ok 658 - pos/t3859.scala
[partest] ok 659 - pos/t3856.scala
[partest] ok 660 - pos/t3862.scala
[partest] ok 661 - pos/t3774.scala
[partest] ok 662 - pos/t3869.scala
[partest] ok 663 - pos/t3866.scala
[partest] ok 664 - pos/t3880.scala
[partest] ok 665 - pos/t389.scala
[partest] ok 666 - pos/t3883.scala
[partest] ok 667 - pos/t3890.scala
[partest] ok 668 - pos/t3898.scala
[partest] ok 669 - pos/t3924.scala
[partest] ok 670 - pos/t3927.scala
[partest] ok 671 - pos/t3936
[partest] ok 672 - pos/t3864
[partest] ok 673 - pos/t3938
[partest] ok 674 - pos/t3943
[partest] ok 675 - pos/t397.scala
[partest] ok 676 - pos/t3960.scala
[partest] ok 677 - pos/t3951
[partest] ok 678 - pos/t3986.scala
[partest] ok 679 - pos/t3972.scala
[partest] ok 680 - pos/t3946
[partest] ok 681 - pos/t4018.scala
[partest] ok 682 - pos/t3999
[partest] ok 683 - pos/t402.scala
[partest] ok 684 - pos/t3999b.scala
[partest] ok 685 - pos/t404.scala
[partest] ok 686 - pos/t4052.scala
[partest] ok 687 - pos/t4020.scala
[partest] ok 688 - pos/t4070.scala
[partest] ok 689 - pos/t4063.scala
[partest] ok 690 - pos/t4036.scala
[partest] ok 691 - pos/t4070b.scala
[partest] ok 692 - pos/t415.scala
[partest] ok 693 - pos/t4173.scala
[partest] ok 694 - pos/t4114.scala
[partest] ok 695 - pos/t4112.scala
[partest] ok 696 - pos/t4176.scala
[partest] ok 697 - pos/t4188.scala
[partest] ok 698 - pos/t4176b.scala
[partest] ok 699 - pos/t419.scala
[partest] ok 700 - pos/t4202.scala
[partest] ok 701 - pos/t4205
[partest] ok 702 - pos/t4220.scala
[partest] ok 703 - pos/t4237.scala
[partest] ok 704 - pos/t4243.scala
[partest] ok 705 - pos/t4266.scala
[partest] ok 706 - pos/t4257.scala
[partest] ok 707 - pos/t4273.scala
[partest] ok 708 - pos/t4269.scala
[partest] ok 709 - pos/t4305.scala
[partest] ok 710 - pos/t4275.scala
[partest] ok 711 - pos/t430.scala
[partest] ok 712 - pos/t430-feb09.scala
[partest] ok 713 - pos/t4336.scala
[partest] ok 714 - pos/t4345.scala
[partest] ok 715 - pos/t4363.scala
[partest] ok 716 - pos/t432.scala
[partest] ok 717 - pos/t439.scala
[partest] ok 718 - pos/t443.scala
[partest] ok 719 - pos/t4430.scala
[partest] ok 720 - pos/t4457_1.scala
[partest] ok 721 - pos/t4432.scala
[partest] ok 722 - pos/t4365
[partest] ok 723 - pos/t4502.scala
[partest] ok 724 - pos/t4494.scala
[partest] ok 725 - pos/t4501.scala
[partest] ok 726 - pos/t4402
[partest] ok 727 - pos/t4524.scala
[partest] ok 728 - pos/t4545.scala
[partest] ok 729 - pos/t4553.scala
[partest] ok 730 - pos/t4547.scala
[partest] ok 731 - pos/t460.scala
[partest] ok 732 - pos/t4593.scala
[partest] ok 733 - pos/t464.scala
[partest] ok 734 - pos/t4649.scala
[partest] ok 735 - pos/t4692.scala
[partest] ok 736 - pos/t4651.scala
[partest] ok 737 - pos/t4603
[partest] ok 738 - pos/t4716.scala
[partest] ok 739 - pos/t4731.scala
[partest] ok 740 - pos/t4717.scala
[partest] ok 741 - pos/t4737
[partest] ok 742 - pos/t4757
[partest] ok 743 - pos/t4744
[partest] ok 744 - pos/t4758.scala
[partest] ok 745 - pos/t4760.scala
[partest] ok 746 - pos/t4579.scala
[partest] ok 747 - pos/t4812.scala
[partest] ok 748 - pos/t4786.scala
[partest] ok 749 - pos/t4840.scala
[partest] ok 750 - pos/t4853.scala
[partest] ok 751 - pos/t4831.scala
[partest] ok 752 - pos/t4842.scala
[partest] ok 753 - pos/t4910.scala
[partest] ok 754 - pos/t4859.scala
[partest] ok 755 - pos/t4869.scala
[partest] ok 756 - pos/t4911.scala
[partest] ok 757 - pos/t4970.scala
[partest] ok 758 - pos/t4957.scala
[partest] ok 759 - pos/t4970b.scala
[partest] ok 760 - pos/t4938.scala
[partest] ok 761 - pos/t5012.scala
[partest] ok 762 - pos/t5020.scala
[partest] ok 763 - pos/t4975.scala
[partest] ok 764 - pos/t5031
[partest] ok 765 - pos/t5029.scala
[partest] ok 766 - pos/t5013
[partest] ok 767 - pos/t5031_2.scala
[partest] ok 768 - pos/t5022.scala
[partest] ok 769 - pos/t5033.scala
[partest] ok 770 - pos/t5071.scala
[partest] ok 771 - pos/t5041.scala
[partest] ok 772 - pos/t5082.scala
[partest] ok 773 - pos/t5031_3
[partest] ok 774 - pos/t5084.scala
[partest] ok 775 - pos/t5099.scala
[partest] ok 776 - pos/t5119.scala
[partest] ok 777 - pos/t5127.scala
[partest] ok 778 - pos/t5120.scala
[partest] ok 779 - pos/t5130.scala
[partest] ok 780 - pos/t514.scala
[partest] ok 781 - pos/t5154.scala
[partest] ok 782 - pos/t5137.scala
[partest] ok 783 - pos/t516.scala
[partest] ok 784 - pos/t5175.scala
[partest] ok 785 - pos/t5156.scala
[partest] ok 786 - pos/t5178.scala
[partest] ok 787 - pos/t5198.scala
[partest] ok 788 - pos/t5217.scala
[partest] ok 789 - pos/t5210.scala
[partest] ok 790 - pos/t5165
[partest] ok 791 - pos/t522.scala
[partest] ok 792 - pos/t5165b
[partest] ok 793 - pos/t5240.scala
[partest] ok 794 - pos/t5245.scala
[partest] ok 795 - pos/t5305.scala
[partest] ok 796 - pos/t5223.scala
[partest] ok 797 - pos/t530.scala
[partest] ok 798 - pos/t5259.scala
[partest] ok 799 - pos/t5313.scala
[partest] ok 800 - pos/t531.scala
[partest] ok 801 - pos/t5317.scala
[partest] ok 802 - pos/t532.scala
[partest] ok 803 - pos/t5330b.scala
[partest] ok 804 - pos/t533.scala
[partest] ok 805 - pos/t5384.scala
[partest] ok 806 - pos/t5330.scala
[partest] ok 807 - pos/t5330c.scala
[partest] ok 808 - pos/t5359.scala
[partest] ok 809 - pos/t5390.scala
[partest] ok 810 - pos/t5406.scala
[partest] ok 811 - pos/t5399a.scala
[partest] ok 812 - pos/t5399.scala
[partest] ok 813 - pos/t5413.scala
[partest] ok 814 - pos/t5454.scala
[partest] ok 815 - pos/t5508-min-okay.scala
[partest] ok 816 - pos/t5444.scala
[partest] ok 817 - pos/t5508-min-okay2.scala
[partest] ok 818 - pos/t5508-min.scala
[partest] ok 819 - pos/t5542.scala
[partest] ok 820 - pos/t5504
[partest] ok 821 - pos/t5546.scala
[partest] ok 822 - pos/t5508.scala
[partest] ok 823 - pos/t5541.scala
[partest] ok 824 - pos/t5545
[partest] ok 825 - pos/t5604b
[partest] ok 826 - pos/t5604
[partest] ok 827 - pos/t5606.scala
[partest] ok 828 - pos/t5626.scala
[partest] ok 829 - pos/t566.scala
[partest] ok 830 - pos/t5654.scala
[partest] ok 831 - pos/t5639
[partest] ok 832 - pos/t5667.scala
[partest] ok 833 - pos/t5692c.scala
[partest] ok 834 - pos/t5692a
[partest] ok 835 - pos/t5692b
[partest] ok 836 - pos/t5644
[partest] ok 837 - pos/t5706.scala
[partest] ok 838 - pos/t5702-pos-infix-star.scala
[partest] ok 839 - pos/t5727.scala
[partest] ok 840 - pos/t5726.scala
[partest] ok 841 - pos/t5703
[partest] ok 842 - pos/t5720-ownerous.scala
[partest] ok 843 - pos/t5729.scala
[partest] ok 844 - pos/t573.scala
[partest] ok 845 - pos/t5742.scala
[partest] ok 846 - pos/t5738.scala
[partest] ok 847 - pos/t5756.scala
[partest] ok 848 - pos/t577.scala
[partest] ok 849 - pos/t5744
[partest] ok 850 - pos/t5769.scala
[partest] ok 851 - pos/t5760-pkgobj-warn
[partest] ok 852 - pos/t578.scala
[partest] ok 853 - pos/t5796.scala
[partest] ok 854 - pos/t5777.scala
[partest] ok 855 - pos/t5779-numeq-warn.scala
[partest] ok 856 - pos/t5809.scala
[partest] ok 857 - pos/t5846.scala
[partest] ok 858 - pos/t5845.scala
[partest] ok 859 - pos/t5829.scala
[partest] ok 860 - pos/t5877.scala
[partest] ok 861 - pos/t5859.scala
[partest] ok 862 - pos/t5853.scala
[partest] ok 863 - pos/t5877b.scala
[partest] ok 864 - pos/t5886.scala
[partest] ok 865 - pos/t5892.scala
[partest] ok 866 - pos/t5897.scala
[partest] ok 867 - pos/t5862.scala
[partest] ok 868 - pos/t592.scala
[partest] ok 869 - pos/t5900a.scala
[partest] ok 870 - pos/t5930.scala
[partest] ok 871 - pos/t5899.scala
[partest] ok 872 - pos/t5932.scala
[partest] ok 873 - pos/t5953.scala
[partest] ok 874 - pos/t5954a
[partest] ok 875 - pos/t595.scala
[partest] ok 876 - pos/t5954d
[partest] ok 877 - pos/t5954b
[partest] ok 878 - pos/t5957
[partest] ok 879 - pos/t596.scala
[partest] ok 880 - pos/t5958.scala
[partest] ok 881 - pos/t5954c
[partest] ok 882 - pos/t5967.scala
[partest] ok 883 - pos/t5968.scala
[partest] ok 884 - pos/t599.scala
[partest] ok 885 - pos/t6008.scala
[partest] ok 886 - pos/t6022.scala
[partest] ok 887 - pos/t6014.scala
[partest] ok 888 - pos/t602.scala
[partest] ok 889 - pos/t6022b.scala
[partest] ok 890 - pos/t6028
[partest] ok 891 - pos/t6033.scala
[partest] ok 892 - pos/t604.scala
[partest] ok 893 - pos/t6029.scala
[partest] ok 894 - pos/t6040.scala
[partest] ok 895 - pos/t6034.scala
[partest] ok 896 - pos/t6051.scala
[partest] ok 897 - pos/t607.scala
[partest] ok 898 - pos/t6072.scala
[partest] ok 899 - pos/t6084.scala
[partest] ok 900 - pos/t6047.scala
[partest] ok 901 - pos/t6091.scala
[partest] ok 902 - pos/t6089b.scala
[partest] ok 903 - pos/t6117.scala
[partest] ok 904 - pos/t611.scala
[partest] ok 905 - pos/t6123-explaintypes-implicits.scala
[partest] ok 906 - pos/t6145.scala
[partest] ok 907 - pos/t615.scala
[partest] ok 908 - pos/t613.scala
[partest] ok 909 - pos/t6157.scala
[partest] ok 910 - pos/t616.scala
[partest] ok 911 - pos/t6162-inheritance.scala
[partest] ok 912 - pos/t6146.scala
[partest] ok 913 - pos/t6201.scala
[partest] ok 914 - pos/t6184.scala
[partest] ok 915 - pos/t6204-a.scala
[partest] ok 916 - pos/t6208.scala
[partest] ok 917 - pos/t6169
[partest] ok 918 - pos/t6204-b.scala
[partest] ok 919 - pos/t6215.scala
[partest] ok 920 - pos/t6205.scala
[partest] ok 921 - pos/t6221.scala
[partest] ok 922 - pos/t6231.scala
[partest] ok 923 - pos/t6210.scala
[partest] ok 924 - pos/t6225.scala
[partest] ok 925 - pos/t6231b.scala
[partest] ok 926 - pos/t6260.scala
[partest] ok 927 - pos/t6260a.scala
[partest] ok 928 - pos/t6274.scala
[partest] ok 929 - pos/t6275.scala
[partest] ok 930 - pos/t6260b.scala
[partest] ok 931 - pos/t6245
[partest] ok 932 - pos/t6278-synth-def.scala
[partest] ok 933 - pos/t6301.scala
[partest] ok 934 - pos/t628.scala
[partest] ok 935 - pos/t6311.scala
[partest] ok 936 - pos/t6335.scala
[partest] ok 937 - pos/t6358.scala
[partest] ok 938 - pos/t6355pos.scala
[partest] ok 939 - pos/t6358_2.scala
[partest] ok 940 - pos/t640.scala
[partest] ok 941 - pos/t6386.scala
[partest] ok 942 - pos/t6447.scala
[partest] ok 943 - pos/t6479.scala
[partest] ok 944 - pos/t6482.scala
[partest] ok 945 - pos/t6499.scala
[partest] ok 946 - pos/t6485b
[partest] ok 947 - pos/t6485a
[partest] ok 948 - pos/t651.scala
[partest] ok 949 - pos/t6514.scala
[partest] ok 950 - pos/t6537.scala
[partest] ok 951 - pos/t6547.scala
[partest] ok 952 - pos/t6516.scala
[partest] ok 953 - pos/t6552.scala
[partest] ok 954 - pos/t6551.scala
[partest] ok 955 - pos/t6562.scala
[partest] ok 956 - pos/t6556.scala
[partest] ok 957 - pos/t6574.scala
[partest] ok 958 - pos/t6575a.scala
[partest] ok 959 - pos/t6575b.scala
[partest] ok 960 - pos/t6595.scala
[partest] ok 961 - pos/t6600.scala
[partest] ok 962 - pos/t661.scala
[partest] ok 963 - pos/t6582_exhaust_big.scala
[partest] ok 964 - pos/t6624.scala
[partest] ok 965 - pos/t6648.scala
[partest] ok 966 - pos/t6601
[partest] ok 967 - pos/t6651.scala
[partest] ok 968 - pos/t6664.scala
[partest] ok 969 - pos/t6367.scala
[partest] ok 970 - pos/t6675.scala
[partest] ok 971 - pos/t6664b.scala
[partest] ok 972 - pos/t6712.scala
[partest] ok 973 - pos/t6745.scala
[partest] ok 974 - pos/t6722.scala
[partest] ok 975 - pos/t675.scala
[partest] ok 976 - pos/t6771.scala
[partest] ok 977 - pos/t6797.scala
[partest] ok 978 - pos/t6780.scala
[partest] ok 979 - pos/t6815.scala
[partest] ok 980 - pos/t6815_import.scala
[partest] ok 981 - pos/t684.scala
[partest] ok 982 - pos/t6846.scala
[partest] ok 983 - pos/t690.scala
[partest] ok 984 - pos/t6891.scala
[partest] ok 985 - pos/t6921.scala
[partest] ok 986 - pos/t6896.scala
[partest] ok 987 - pos/t6925b.scala
[partest] ok 988 - pos/t694.scala
[partest] ok 989 - pos/t6925.scala
[partest] ok 990 - pos/t6966.scala
[partest] ok 991 - pos/t6948.scala
[partest] ok 992 - pos/t697.scala
[partest] ok 993 - pos/t6963c.scala
[partest] ok 994 - pos/t6942
[partest] ok 995 - pos/t698.scala
[partest] ok 996 - pos/t6994.scala
[partest] ok 997 - pos/t7011.scala
[partest] ok 998 - pos/t703.scala
[partest] ok 999 - pos/t7022.scala
[partest] ok 1000 - pos/t7033.scala
[partest] ok 1001 - pos/t6976
[partest] ok 1002 - pos/t704.scala
[partest] ok 1003 - pos/t7014
[partest] ok 1004 - pos/t7035.scala
[partest] ok 1005 - pos/t7091.scala
[partest] ok 1006 - pos/t7126.scala
[partest] ok 1007 - pos/t7180.scala
[partest] ok 1008 - pos/t711.scala
[partest] ok 1009 - pos/t7183.scala
[partest] ok 1010 - pos/t720.scala
[partest] ok 1011 - pos/t7200b.scala
[partest] ok 1012 - pos/t7190.scala
[partest] ok 1013 - pos/t7226.scala
[partest] ok 1014 - pos/t7228.scala
[partest] ok 1015 - pos/t7232
[partest] ok 1016 - pos/t7232b
[partest] ok 1017 - pos/t7232c
[partest] ok 1018 - pos/t7233.scala
[partest] ok 1019 - pos/t7233b.scala
[partest] ok 1020 - pos/t7232d
[partest] ok 1021 - pos/t7239.scala
[partest] ok 1022 - pos/t7294.scala
[partest] ok 1023 - pos/t7264
[partest] ok 1024 - pos/t7285a.scala
[partest] ok 1025 - pos/t7315.scala
[partest] ok 1026 - pos/t7296.scala
[partest] ok 1027 - pos/t7322.scala
[partest] ok 1028 - pos/t7329.scala
[partest] ok 1029 - pos/t7369.scala
[partest] ok 1030 - pos/t7364b
[partest] ok 1031 - pos/t7426.scala
[partest] ok 1032 - pos/t7364
[partest] ok 1033 - pos/t7377b.scala
[partest] ok 1034 - pos/t7427.scala
[partest] ok 1035 - pos/t7377
[partest] ok 1036 - pos/t7459b.scala
[partest] ok 1037 - pos/t7459a.scala
[partest] ok 1038 - pos/t7433.scala
[partest] ok 1039 - pos/t7459c.scala
[partest] ok 1040 - pos/t7475a.scala
[partest] ok 1041 - pos/t7475b.scala
[partest] ok 1042 - pos/t7459d.scala
[partest] ok 1043 - pos/t7461
[partest] ok 1044 - pos/t7475d.scala
[partest] ok 1045 - pos/t7486.scala
[partest] ok 1046 - pos/t7475e.scala
[partest] ok 1047 - pos/t7486-named.scala
[partest] ok 1048 - pos/t7505.scala
[partest] ok 1049 - pos/t7520.scala
[partest] ok 1050 - pos/t7517.scala
[partest] ok 1051 - pos/t756.scala
[partest] ok 1052 - pos/t7532b
[partest] ok 1053 - pos/t757a.scala
[partest] ok 1054 - pos/t7516
[partest] ok 1055 - pos/t757.scala
[partest] ok 1056 - pos/t758.scala
[partest] ok 1057 - pos/t7532
[partest] ok 1058 - pos/t759.scala
[partest] ok 1059 - pos/t7596b
[partest] ok 1060 - pos/t762.scala
[partest] ok 1061 - pos/t7591
[partest] ok 1062 - pos/t7596
[partest] ok 1063 - pos/t7596c
[partest] ok 1064 - pos/t7668.scala
[partest] ok 1065 - pos/t767.scala
[partest] ok 1066 - pos/t7688.scala
[partest] ok 1067 - pos/t7649.scala
[partest] ok 1068 - pos/t7689.scala
[partest] ok 1069 - pos/t7694.scala
[partest] ok 1070 - pos/t7704.scala
[partest] ok 1071 - pos/t7690.scala
[partest] ok 1072 - pos/t7750.scala
[partest] ok 1073 - pos/t7716.scala
[partest] ok 1074 - pos/t7683-stop-after-parser
[partest] ok 1075 - pos/t7753.scala
[partest] ok 1076 - pos/t7782.scala
[partest] ok 1077 - pos/t7782b.scala
[partest] ok 1078 - pos/t7776.scala
[partest] ok 1079 - pos/t7785.scala
[partest] ok 1080 - pos/t780.scala
[partest] ok 1081 - pos/t7788.scala
[partest] ok 1082 - pos/t7834.scala
[partest] ok 1083 - pos/t7818.scala
[partest] ok 1084 - pos/t7815.scala
[partest] ok 1085 - pos/t7853.scala
[partest] ok 1086 - pos/t7864.scala
[partest] ok 1087 - pos/t7853-partial-function.scala
[partest] ok 1088 - pos/t788.scala
[partest] ok 1089 - pos/t789.scala
[partest] ok 1090 - pos/t7919.scala
[partest] ok 1091 - pos/t7902.scala
[partest] ok 1092 - pos/t7928.scala
[partest] ok 1093 - pos/t7944.scala
[partest] ok 1094 - pos/t796.scala
[partest] ok 1095 - pos/t7987
[partest] ok 1096 - pos/t7983.scala
[partest] ok 1097 - pos/t7847
[partest] ok 1098 - pos/t8002-nested-scope.scala
[partest] ok 1099 - pos/t8001
[partest] ok 1100 - pos/t8011.scala
[partest] ok 1101 - pos/t802.scala
[partest] ok 1102 - pos/t8023b.scala
[partest] ok 1103 - pos/t8023.scala
[partest] ok 1104 - pos/t803.scala
[partest] ok 1105 - pos/t8013
[partest] ok 1106 - pos/t8046b.scala
[partest] ok 1107 - pos/t8046.scala
[partest] ok 1108 - pos/t8046c.scala
[partest] ok 1109 - pos/t805.scala
[partest] ok 1110 - pos/t8045.scala
[partest] ok 1111 - pos/t8060.scala
[partest] ok 1112 - pos/t8054.scala
[partest] ok 1113 - pos/t8062
[partest] ok 1114 - pos/t807.scala
[partest] ok 1115 - pos/t8111.scala
[partest] ok 1116 - pos/t8064
[partest] ok 1117 - pos/t812.scala
[partest] ok 1118 - pos/t8064b
[partest] ok 1119 - pos/t8120.scala
[partest] ok 1120 - pos/t8128.scala
[partest] ok 1121 - pos/t8132.scala
[partest] ok 1122 - pos/t8146a.scala
[partest] ok 1123 - pos/t8138.scala
[partest] ok 1124 - pos/t8157-2.10.scala
[partest] ok 1125 - pos/t8134
[partest] ok 1126 - pos/t8170.scala
[partest] ok 1127 - pos/t8177.scala
[partest] ok 1128 - pos/t8170b.scala
[partest] ok 1129 - pos/t8177b.scala
[partest] ok 1130 - pos/t8177a.scala
[partest] ok 1131 - pos/t8177d.scala
[partest] ok 1132 - pos/t8146b.scala
[partest] ok 1133 - pos/t8177h.scala
[partest] ok 1134 - pos/t8177e.scala
[partest] ok 1135 - pos/t8177g.scala
[partest] ok 1136 - pos/t8187.scala
[partest] ok 1137 - pos/t8207.scala
[partest] ok 1138 - pos/t8219.scala
[partest] ok 1139 - pos/t8219b.scala
[partest] ok 1140 - pos/t8209a
[partest] ok 1141 - pos/t8209b
[partest] ok 1142 - pos/t8223.scala
[partest] ok 1143 - pos/t8224.scala
[partest] ok 1144 - pos/t8237.scala
[partest] ok 1145 - pos/t8237b.scala
[partest] ok 1146 - pos/t8267.scala
[partest] ok 1147 - pos/t8300-conversions-a.scala
[partest] ok 1148 - pos/t8300-conversions-b.scala
[partest] ok 1149 - pos/t8300-overloading.scala
[partest] ok 1150 - pos/t8244d
[partest] ok 1151 - pos/t8300-patmat-a.scala
[partest] ok 1152 - pos/t8300-patmat-b.scala
[partest] ok 1153 - pos/t8306.scala
[partest] ok 1154 - pos/t8301.scala
[partest] ok 1155 - pos/t8310.scala
[partest] ok 1156 - pos/t8315b.scala
[partest] ok 1157 - pos/t8315.scala
[partest] ok 1158 - pos/t8301b.scala
[partest] ok 1159 - pos/t8324.scala
[partest] ok 1160 - pos/t8325.scala
[partest] ok 1161 - pos/t8359-closelim-crash.scala
[partest] ok 1162 - pos/t8329.scala
[partest] ok 1163 - pos/t8363.scala
[partest] ok 1164 - pos/t8352
[partest] ok 1165 - pos/t8367.scala
[partest] ok 1166 - pos/t8369a.scala
[partest] ok 1167 - pos/t8364.scala
[partest] ok 1168 - pos/t8369b.scala
[partest] ok 1169 - pos/t839.scala
[partest] ok 1170 - pos/t8403.scala
[partest] ok 1171 - pos/t8410.scala
[partest] ok 1172 - pos/t845.scala
[partest] ok 1173 - pos/t8460.scala
[partest] ok 1174 - pos/t8376
[partest] ok 1175 - pos/t8411
[partest] ok 1176 - pos/t8497
[partest] ok 1177 - pos/t851.scala
[partest] ok 1178 - pos/t8498.scala
[partest] ok 1179 - pos/t8523.scala
[partest] ok 1180 - pos/t8578.scala
[partest] ok 1181 - pos/t8596.scala
[partest] ok 1182 - pos/t8546.scala
[partest] ok 1183 - pos/t8625.scala
[partest] ok 1184 - pos/t8617.scala
[partest] ok 1185 - pos/t8708
[partest] ok 1186 - pos/t873.scala
[partest] ok 1187 - pos/t8736-b.scala
[partest] ok 1188 - pos/t8736.scala
[partest] ok 1189 - pos/t8743.scala
[partest] ok 1190 - pos/t8719
[partest] ok 1191 - pos/t8531
[partest] ok 1192 - pos/t8801.scala
[partest] ok 1193 - pos/t8793.scala
[partest] ok 1194 - pos/t8781
[partest] ok 1195 - pos/t8828.scala
[partest] ok 1196 - pos/t8844.scala
[partest] ok 1197 - pos/t8861.scala
[partest] ok 1198 - pos/t8868a
[partest] ok 1199 - pos/t8868b
[partest] ok 1200 - pos/t8868c
[partest] ok 1201 - pos/t8894.scala
[partest] ok 1202 - pos/t892.scala
[partest] ok 1203 - pos/t8893.scala
[partest] ok 1204 - pos/t8900.scala
[partest] ok 1205 - pos/t8934a
[partest] ok 1206 - pos/t8954
[partest] ok 1207 - pos/t8962.scala
[partest] ok 1208 - pos/t8965.scala
[partest] ok 1209 - pos/t8947
[partest] ok 1210 - pos/t9008.scala
[partest] ok 1211 - pos/t9018.scala
[partest] ok 1212 - pos/t9020.scala
[partest] ok 1213 - pos/t9050.scala
[partest] ok 1214 - pos/t9086.scala
[partest] ok 1215 - pos/t911.scala
[partest] ok 1216 - pos/t9116.scala
[partest] ok 1217 - pos/t9123.scala
[partest] ok 1218 - pos/t9157.scala
[partest] ok 1219 - pos/t9135.scala
[partest] ok 1220 - pos/t9111-inliner-workaround
[partest] ok 1221 - pos/t9239
[partest] ok 1222 - pos/t927.scala
[partest] ok 1223 - pos/t9321.scala
[partest] ok 1224 - pos/t9285.scala
[partest] ok 1225 - pos/t9369.scala
[partest] ok 1226 - pos/t9356
[partest] !! 1227 - pos/t9370 [compilation failed]
[partest] ok 1228 - pos/t8999.scala
[partest] ok 1229 - pos/t9392
[partest] ok 1230 - pos/t9442.scala
[partest] ok 1231 - pos/t946.scala
[partest] ok 1232 - pos/t942
[partest] ok 1233 - pos/t9393
[partest] ok 1234 - pos/tcpoly_boundedmonad.scala
[partest] ok 1235 - pos/tcpoly_checkkinds_mix.scala
[partest] ok 1236 - pos/tcpoly_bounds1.scala
[partest] ok 1237 - pos/tcpoly_higherorder_bound_method.scala
[partest] ok 1238 - pos/tcpoly_gm.scala
[partest] ok 1239 - pos/tcpoly_infer_easy.scala
[partest] ok 1240 - pos/tcpoly_infer_explicit_tuple_wrapper.scala
[partest] ok 1241 - pos/tcpoly_infer_implicit_tuple_wrapper.scala
[partest] ok 1242 - pos/tcpoly_infer_ticket474.scala
[partest] ok 1243 - pos/tcpoly_late_method_params.scala
[partest] ok 1244 - pos/tcpoly_infer_ticket1864.scala
[partest] ok 1245 - pos/tcpoly_method.scala
[partest] ok 1246 - pos/tcpoly_overloaded.scala
[partest] ok 1247 - pos/tcpoly_infer_ticket716.scala
[partest] ok 1248 - pos/tcpoly_param_scoping.scala
[partest] ok 1249 - pos/tcpoly_return_overriding.scala
[partest] ok 1250 - pos/tcpoly_poly.scala
[partest] ok 1251 - pos/tcpoly_subst.scala
[partest] ok 1252 - pos/tcpoly_seq.scala
[partest] ok 1253 - pos/tcpoly_typeapp.scala
[partest] ok 1254 - pos/tcpoly_seq_typealias.scala
[partest] ok 1255 - pos/tcpoly_typesub.scala
[partest] ok 1256 - pos/tcpoly_variance_pos.scala
[partest] ok 1257 - pos/tcpoly_ticket2096.scala
[partest] ok 1258 - pos/tcpoly_wildcards.scala
[partest] ok 1259 - pos/ted.scala
[partest] ok 1260 - pos/test1.scala
[partest] ok 1261 - pos/test4.scala
[partest] ok 1262 - pos/test4a.scala
[partest] ok 1263 - pos/test4refine.scala
[partest] ok 1264 - pos/test5.scala
[partest] ok 1265 - pos/test5refine.scala
[partest] ok 1266 - pos/testCoercionThis.scala
[partest] ok 1267 - pos/thistype.scala
[partest] ok 1268 - pos/testcast.scala
[partest] ok 1269 - pos/thistypes.scala
[partest] ok 1270 - pos/ticket0137.scala
[partest] ok 1271 - pos/ticket2197.scala
[partest] ok 1272 - pos/ticket2201.scala
[partest] ok 1273 - pos/tinondefcons.scala
[partest] ok 1274 - pos/ticket2251.scala
[partest] ok 1275 - pos/trait-parents.scala
[partest] ok 1276 - pos/traits.scala
[partest] ok 1277 - pos/trait-force-info.scala
[partest] ok 1278 - pos/Transactions.scala
[partest] ok 1279 - pos/tryexpr.scala
[partest] ok 1280 - pos/typealiases.scala
[partest] ok 1281 - pos/typealias_dubious.scala
[partest] ok 1282 - pos/typerep-stephane.scala
[partest] ok 1283 - pos/typesafecons.scala
[partest] ok 1284 - pos/typerep_pos.scala
[partest] ok 1285 - pos/typetags.scala
[partest] ok 1286 - pos/unapplyContexts2.scala
[partest] ok 1287 - pos/unapplyComplex.scala
[partest] ok 1288 - pos/unapplyGeneric.scala
[partest] ok 1289 - pos/unapplySeq.scala
[partest] ok 1290 - pos/unapplyNeedsMemberType.scala
[partest] ok 1291 - pos/unapplyVal.scala
[partest] ok 1292 - pos/unicode-decode.scala
[partest] ok 1293 - pos/unchecked-a.scala
[partest] ok 1294 - pos/value-class-override-no-spec.scala
[partest] ok 1295 - pos/valdefs.scala
[partest] ok 1296 - pos/value-class-override-spec.scala
[partest] ok 1297 - pos/variances-local.scala
[partest] ok 1298 - pos/variances_pos.scala
[partest] ok 1299 - pos/variances-flip.scala
[partest] ok 1300 - pos/virtpatmat_alts_subst.scala
[partest] ok 1301 - pos/viewtest1.scala
[partest] ok 1302 - pos/viewtest2.scala
[partest] ok 1303 - pos/virtpatmat_binding_opt.scala
[partest] ok 1304 - pos/virtpatmat_anonfun_for.scala
[partest] ok 1305 - pos/virtpatmat_castbinder.scala
[partest] ok 1306 - pos/virtpatmat_exhaust.scala
[partest] ok 1307 - pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala
[partest] ok 1308 - pos/virtpatmat_exist1.scala
[partest] ok 1309 - pos/virtpatmat_exist2.scala
[partest] ok 1310 - pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_unchecked.scala
[partest] ok 1311 - pos/virtpatmat_exist3.scala
[partest] ok 1312 - pos/virtpatmat_exist_uncurry.scala
[partest] ok 1313 - pos/virtpatmat_gadt_array.scala
[partest] ok 1314 - pos/virtpatmat_exist4.scala
[partest] ok 1315 - pos/virtpatmat_obj_in_case.scala
[partest] ok 1316 - pos/virtpatmat_infer_single_1.scala
[partest] ok 1317 - pos/virtpatmat_instof_valuetype.scala
[partest] ok 1318 - pos/virtpatmat_partialfun_nsdnho.scala
[partest] ok 1319 - pos/virtpatmat_reach_const.scala
[partest] ok 1320 - pos/X.scala
[partest] ok 1321 - pos/widen-existential.scala
[partest] ok 1322 - pos/Z.scala
[partest] ok 1323 - pos/xlint1.scala
[partest] ok 1324 - pos/z1720.scala
[partest] ok 1325 - pos/z1730.scala
[partest] ok 1326 - pos/t9181.scala
[partest] Running 897 tests in 'neg' at Thu Sep 17 21:38:32 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - neg/abstract-class-error
[partest] ok 2 - neg/abstract-concrete-methods.scala
[partest] ok 3 - neg/abstract-class-2.scala
[partest] ok 4 - neg/abstract-explaintypes.scala
[partest] ok 5 - neg/abstract-inaccessible.scala
[partest] ok 6 - neg/abstract-report.scala
[partest] ok 7 - neg/abstract-report2.scala
[partest] ok 8 - neg/abstract-vars.scala
[partest] ok 9 - neg/abstract.scala
[partest] ok 10 - neg/abstraction-from-volatile-type-error.scala
[partest] ok 11 - neg/accesses.scala
[partest] ok 12 - neg/accesses2.scala
[partest] ok 13 - neg/ambiguous-float-dots2.scala
[partest] ok 14 - neg/annot-nonconst.scala
[partest] ok 15 - neg/any-vs-anyref.scala
[partest] ok 16 - neg/anytrait.scala
[partest] ok 17 - neg/anyval-anyref-parent.scala
[partest] ok 18 - neg/bad-advice.scala
[partest] ok 19 - neg/aladdin1055
[partest] ok 20 - neg/applydynamic_sip.scala
[partest] ok 21 - neg/badtok-1.scala
[partest] ok 22 - neg/badtok-2.scala
[partest] ok 23 - neg/badtok-3.scala
[partest] ok 24 - neg/caseinherit.scala
[partest] ok 25 - neg/case-collision2.scala
[partest] ok 26 - neg/catch-all.scala
[partest] ok 27 - neg/case-collision.scala
[partest] ok 28 - neg/choices.scala
[partest] ok 29 - neg/check-dead.scala
[partest] ok 30 - neg/checksensibleUnit.scala
[partest] ok 31 - neg/class-of-double-targs.scala
[partest] ok 32 - neg/classtags_contextbound_a.scala
[partest] ok 33 - neg/classtags_contextbound_b.scala
[partest] ok 34 - neg/classtags_contextbound_c.scala
[partest] ok 35 - neg/classmanifests_new_deprecations.scala
[partest] ok 36 - neg/classtags_dont_use_typetags.scala
[partest] ok 37 - neg/checksensible.scala
[partest] ok 38 - neg/compile-time-only-b.scala
[partest] ok 39 - neg/compile-time-only-a.scala
[partest] ok 40 - neg/constrs.scala
[partest] ok 41 - neg/constructor-init-order.scala
[partest] ok 42 - neg/constructor-prefix-error.scala
[partest] ok 43 - neg/cycle-bounds.scala
[partest] ok 44 - neg/cyclics.scala
[partest] ok 45 - neg/cyclics-import.scala
[partest] ok 46 - neg/dbldef.scala
[partest] ok 47 - neg/deadline-inf-illegal.scala
[partest] ok 48 - neg/depmet_1.scala
[partest] ok 49 - neg/dotless-targs.scala
[partest] ok 50 - neg/divergent-implicit.scala
[partest] ok 51 - neg/error_dependentMethodTpeConversionToFunction.scala
[partest] ok 52 - neg/error_tooManyArgsPattern.scala
[partest] ok 53 - neg/delayed-init-ref.scala
[partest] ok 54 - neg/double-def-top-level
[partest] ok 55 - neg/eta-expand-star.scala
[partest] ok 56 - neg/eta-expand-star-deprecation.scala
[partest] ok 57 - neg/faculty.scala
[partest] ok 58 - neg/finitary-error.scala
[partest] ok 59 - neg/for-comprehension-old.scala
[partest] ok 60 - neg/forward.scala
[partest] ok 61 - neg/exhausting.scala
[partest] ok 62 - neg/found-req-variance.scala
[partest] ok 63 - neg/gadts1.scala
[partest] ok 64 - neg/gadts2-strict.scala
[partest] ok 65 - neg/forgot-interpolator.scala
[partest] ok 66 - neg/gadts2.scala
[partest] ok 67 - neg/illegal-stmt-start.scala
[partest] ok 68 - neg/higherkind_novalue.scala
[partest] ok 69 - neg/imp2.scala
[partest] ok 70 - neg/hk-bad-bounds.scala
[partest] ok 71 - neg/implicit-shadow.scala
[partest] ok 72 - neg/import-precedence.scala
[partest] ok 73 - neg/infix-op-positions.scala
[partest] ok 74 - neg/implicits.scala
[partest] ok 75 - neg/interop_abstypetags_arenot_classmanifests.scala
[partest] ok 76 - neg/interop_abstypetags_arenot_classtags.scala
[partest] ok 77 - neg/interop_abstypetags_arenot_manifests.scala
[partest] ok 78 - neg/interop_classmanifests_arenot_typetags.scala
[partest] ok 79 - neg/interop_classtags_arenot_manifests.scala
[partest] ok 80 - neg/interop_typetags_arenot_classmanifests.scala
[partest] ok 81 - neg/java-access-neg
[partest] ok 82 - neg/interop_typetags_without_classtags_arenot_manifests.scala
[partest] ok 83 - neg/interop_typetags_arenot_classtags.scala
[partest] ok 84 - neg/lazy-override.scala
[partest] ok 85 - neg/lazyvals.scala
[partest] ok 86 - neg/inlineMaxSize.scala
[partest] ok 87 - neg/literals.scala
[partest] ok 88 - neg/logImplicits.scala
[partest] ok 89 - neg/lubs.scala
[partest] ok 90 - neg/literate_existentials.scala
[partest] ok 91 - neg/macro-abort
[partest] ok 92 - neg/macro-basic-mamdmi
[partest] ok 93 - neg/macro-blackbox-dynamic-materialization
[partest] ok 94 - neg/macro-blackbox-extractor
[partest] ok 95 - neg/macro-blackbox-structural
[partest] ok 96 - neg/macro-bundle-abstract.scala
[partest] ok 97 - neg/macro-bundle-ambiguous.scala
[partest] ok 98 - neg/macro-bundle-noncontext.scala
[partest] ok 99 - neg/macro-bundle-need-qualifier.scala
[partest] ok 100 - neg/macro-bundle-nonpublic-c.scala
[partest] ok 101 - neg/macro-bundle-nonpublic-impl.scala
[partest] ok 102 - neg/macro-bundle-nonstatic.scala
[partest] ok 103 - neg/macro-blackbox-fundep-materialization
[partest] ok 104 - neg/macro-bundle-object.scala
[partest] ok 105 - neg/macro-bundle-overloaded.scala
[partest] ok 106 - neg/macro-bundle-polymorphic.scala
[partest] ok 107 - neg/macro-bundle-trait.scala
[partest] ok 108 - neg/macro-bundle-priority-bundle.scala
[partest] ok 109 - neg/macro-bundle-priority-nonbundle.scala
[partest] ok 110 - neg/macro-bundle-wrongcontext-a.scala
[partest] ok 111 - neg/macro-bundle-wrongcontext-b.scala
[partest] ok 112 - neg/macro-deprecate-idents.scala
[partest] ok 113 - neg/macro-cyclic
[partest] ok 114 - neg/macro-exception
[partest] ok 115 - neg/macro-false-deprecation-warning
[partest] ok 116 - neg/macro-bundle-whitebox-use-raw
[partest] ok 117 - neg/macro-bundle-whitebox-use-refined
[partest] ok 118 - neg/macro-divergence-controlled
[partest] ok 119 - neg/macro-incompatible-macro-engine-c.scala
[partest] ok 120 - neg/macro-invalidret
[partest] ok 121 - neg/macro-invalidimpl
[partest] ok 122 - neg/macro-incompatible-macro-engine-b
[partest] ok 123 - neg/macro-invalidshape
[partest] ok 124 - neg/macro-incompatible-macro-engine-a
[partest] ok 125 - neg/macro-invalidsig-params-badtype
[partest] ok 126 - neg/macro-invalidusage-badargs
[partest] ok 127 - neg/macro-invalidusage-badtargs
[partest] ok 128 - neg/macro-invalidusage-badbounds
[partest] ok 129 - neg/macro-invalidsig
[partest] ok 130 - neg/macro-invalidusage-methodvaluesyntax
[partest] ok 131 - neg/macro-invalidusage-presuper
[partest] ok 132 - neg/macro-invalidusage-nontypeable
[partest] ok 133 - neg/macro-override-macro-overrides-abstract-method-a
[partest] ok 134 - neg/macro-noexpand
[partest] ok 135 - neg/macro-qmarkqmarkqmark.scala
[partest] ok 136 - neg/macro-override-macro-overrides-abstract-method-b
[partest] ok 137 - neg/macro-nontypeablebody
[partest] ok 138 - neg/macro-quasiquotes
[partest] ok 139 - neg/macro-reify-splice-splice
[partest] ok 140 - neg/macro-reify-typetag-hktypeparams-notags
[partest] ok 141 - neg/macro-reify-typetag-typeparams-notags
[partest] ok 142 - neg/macro-override-method-overrides-macro
[partest] ok 143 - neg/macro-reify-typetag-useabstypetag
[partest] ok 144 - neg/main1.scala
[partest] ok 145 - neg/missing-arg-list.scala
[partest] ok 146 - neg/migration28.scala
[partest] ok 147 - neg/macro-without-xmacros-a
[partest] ok 148 - neg/macro-without-xmacros-b
[partest] ok 149 - neg/missing-param-type-tuple.scala
[partest] ok 150 - neg/mixins.scala
[partest] ok 151 - neg/multi-array.scala
[partest] ok 152 - neg/name-lookup-stable.scala
[partest] ok 153 - neg/names-defaults-neg-ref.scala
[partest] ok 154 - neg/nested-annotation.scala
[partest] ok 155 - neg/nested-fn-print.scala
[partest] ok 156 - neg/names-defaults-neg-warn.scala
[partest] ok 157 - neg/names-defaults-neg.scala
[partest] ok 158 - neg/no-predef.scala
[partest] ok 159 - neg/noMember1.scala
[partest] ok 160 - neg/no-implicit-to-anyref-any-val.scala
[partest] ok 161 - neg/noMember2.scala
[partest] ok 162 - neg/not-a-legal-formal-parameter-tuple.scala
[partest] ok 163 - neg/nopredefs.scala
[partest] ok 164 - neg/newpat_unreachable.scala
[partest] ok 165 - neg/not-possible-cause.scala
[partest] ok 166 - neg/null-unsoundness.scala
[partest] ok 167 - neg/object-not-a-value.scala
[partest] ok 168 - neg/nullary-override.scala
[partest] ok 169 - neg/overload-msg.scala
[partest] ok 170 - neg/overload.scala
[partest] ok 171 - neg/nonlocal-warning.scala
[partest] ok 172 - neg/overloaded-unapply.scala
[partest] ok 173 - neg/override-object-flag.scala
[partest] ok 174 - neg/override-object-no.scala
[partest] ok 175 - neg/overloaded-implicit.scala
[partest] ok 176 - neg/override.scala
[partest] ok 177 - neg/parstar.scala
[partest] ok 178 - neg/parent-inherited-twice-error.scala
[partest] ok 179 - neg/patmat-type-check.scala
[partest] ok 180 - neg/patmat-classtag-compound.scala
[partest] ok 181 - neg/patternalts.scala
[partest] ok 182 - neg/permanent-blindness.scala
[partest] ok 183 - neg/predef-masking.scala
[partest] ok 184 - neg/primitive-sigs-1
[partest] ok 185 - neg/pat_unreachable.scala
[partest] ok 186 - neg/protected-constructors.scala
[partest] ok 187 - neg/patmatexhaust.scala
[partest] ok 188 - neg/protected-static-fail
[partest] ok 189 - neg/qualifying-class-error-1.scala
[partest] ok 190 - neg/qualifying-class-error-2.scala
[partest] ok 191 - neg/quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.scala
[partest] ok 192 - neg/quasiquotes-unliftable-not-found.scala
[partest] ok 193 - neg/reassignment.scala
[partest] ok 194 - neg/reify_metalevel_breach_+0_refers_to_1.scala
[partest] ok 195 - neg/reify_ann2b.scala
[partest] ok 196 - neg/reify_metalevel_breach_-1_refers_to_0_b.scala
[partest] ok 197 - neg/reify_metalevel_breach_-1_refers_to_0_a.scala
[partest] ok 198 - neg/reify_nested_inner_refers_to_local.scala
[partest] ok 199 - neg/reify_metalevel_breach_-1_refers_to_1.scala
[partest] ok 200 - neg/raw-types-stubs
[partest] ok 201 - neg/run-gadts-strict.scala
[partest] ok 202 - neg/sabin2.scala
[partest] ok 203 - neg/saito.scala
[partest] ok 204 - neg/sammy_error_exist_no_crash.scala
[partest] ok 205 - neg/saferJavaConversions.scala
[partest] ok 206 - neg/sammy_restrictions.scala
[partest] ok 207 - neg/scopes.scala
[partest] ok 208 - neg/sammy_wrong_arity.scala
[partest] ok 209 - neg/sealed-final-neg.scala
[partest] ok 210 - neg/sealed-java-enums.scala
[partest] ok 211 - neg/sensitive.scala
[partest] ok 212 - neg/sensitive2.scala
[partest] ok 213 - neg/serialversionuid-not-const.scala
[partest] ok 214 - neg/spec-overrides.scala
[partest] ok 215 - neg/stmt-expr-discard.scala
[partest] ok 216 - neg/specification-scopes
[partest] ok 217 - neg/structural.scala
[partest] ok 218 - neg/suggest-similar.scala
[partest] ok 219 - neg/super-cast-or-test.scala
[partest] ok 220 - neg/stringinterpolation_macro-neg.scala
[partest] ok 221 - neg/switch.scala
[partest] ok 222 - neg/t0003.scala
[partest] ok 223 - neg/t0015.scala
[partest] ok 224 - neg/t0152.scala
[partest] ok 225 - neg/t0204.scala
[partest] ok 226 - neg/t0117.scala
[partest] ok 227 - neg/t0207.scala
[partest] ok 228 - neg/t0214.scala
[partest] ok 229 - neg/t0209.scala
[partest] ok 230 - neg/t0218.scala
[partest] ok 231 - neg/t0345.scala
[partest] ok 232 - neg/t0226.scala
[partest] ok 233 - neg/t0259.scala
[partest] ok 234 - neg/t0351.scala
[partest] ok 235 - neg/t0503.scala
[partest] ok 236 - neg/t0418.scala
[partest] ok 237 - neg/t0513.scala
[partest] ok 238 - neg/t0528neg.scala
[partest] ok 239 - neg/t0565.scala
[partest] ok 240 - neg/t0590.scala
[partest] ok 241 - neg/t0606.scala
[partest] ok 242 - neg/t0673
[partest] ok 243 - neg/t0699
[partest] ok 244 - neg/t0816.scala
[partest] ok 245 - neg/t0764.scala
[partest] ok 246 - neg/t0764b.scala
[partest] ok 247 - neg/t0842.scala
[partest] ok 248 - neg/t0899.scala
[partest] ok 249 - neg/t1009.scala
[partest] ok 250 - neg/t0903.scala
[partest] ok 251 - neg/t1010.scala
[partest] ok 252 - neg/t1033.scala
[partest] ok 253 - neg/t1041.scala
[partest] ok 254 - neg/t1038.scala
[partest] ok 255 - neg/t1049.scala
[partest] ok 256 - neg/t1106.scala
[partest] ok 257 - neg/t112706A.scala
[partest] ok 258 - neg/t1112.scala
[partest] ok 259 - neg/t1163.scala
[partest] ok 260 - neg/t1168.scala
[partest] ok 261 - neg/t1183.scala
[partest] ok 262 - neg/t1181.scala
[partest] ok 263 - neg/t1215.scala
[partest] ok 264 - neg/t1224.scala
[partest] ok 265 - neg/t1241.scala
[partest] ok 266 - neg/t1286
[partest] ok 267 - neg/t1275.scala
[partest] ok 268 - neg/t1355.scala
[partest] ok 269 - neg/t1364.scala
[partest] ok 270 - neg/t1371.scala
[partest] ok 271 - neg/t1431.scala
[partest] ok 272 - neg/t1422.scala
[partest] ok 273 - neg/t1432.scala
[partest] ok 274 - neg/t1477.scala
[partest] ok 275 - neg/t1503.scala
[partest] ok 276 - neg/t1523.scala
[partest] ok 277 - neg/t1548
[partest] ok 278 - neg/t1623.scala
[partest] ok 279 - neg/t1701.scala
[partest] ok 280 - neg/t1672b.scala
[partest] ok 281 - neg/t1705.scala
[partest] ok 282 - neg/t1838.scala
[partest] ok 283 - neg/t1845.scala
[partest] ok 284 - neg/t1878.scala
[partest] ok 285 - neg/t1872.scala
[partest] ok 286 - neg/t1909b.scala
[partest] ok 287 - neg/t1909-object.scala
[partest] ok 288 - neg/t1960.scala
[partest] ok 289 - neg/t1980.scala
[partest] ok 290 - neg/t200.scala
[partest] ok 291 - neg/t2066b.scala
[partest] ok 292 - neg/t2066.scala
[partest] ok 293 - neg/t2070.scala
[partest] ok 294 - neg/t2078.scala
[partest] ok 295 - neg/t2031.scala
[partest] ok 296 - neg/t2102.scala
[partest] ok 297 - neg/t2139.scala
[partest] ok 298 - neg/t2144.scala
[partest] ok 299 - neg/t2148.scala
[partest] ok 300 - neg/t2208.scala
[partest] ok 301 - neg/t2180.scala
[partest] ok 302 - neg/t2275a.scala
[partest] ok 303 - neg/t2206.scala
[partest] ok 304 - neg/t2213.scala
[partest] ok 305 - neg/t2275b.scala
[partest] ok 306 - neg/t2296a
[partest] ok 307 - neg/t2316.scala
[partest] ok 308 - neg/t2336.scala
[partest] ok 309 - neg/t2388.scala
[partest] ok 310 - neg/t2416.scala
[partest] ok 311 - neg/t2405.scala
[partest] ok 312 - neg/t2441.scala
[partest] ok 313 - neg/t2296b
[partest] ok 314 - neg/t2421b.scala
[partest] ok 315 - neg/t2462b.scala
[partest] ok 316 - neg/t2462a.scala
[partest] ok 317 - neg/t2462c.scala
[partest] ok 318 - neg/t2488.scala
[partest] ok 319 - neg/t2494.scala
[partest] ok 320 - neg/t276.scala
[partest] ok 321 - neg/t2641.scala
[partest] ok 322 - neg/t2773.scala
[partest] ok 323 - neg/t2775.scala
[partest] ok 324 - neg/t2779.scala
[partest] ok 325 - neg/t278.scala
[partest] ok 326 - neg/t2801.scala
[partest] ok 327 - neg/t284.scala
[partest] ok 328 - neg/t2796.scala
[partest] ok 329 - neg/t2442
[partest] ok 330 - neg/t2870.scala
[partest] ok 331 - neg/t2866.scala
[partest] ok 332 - neg/t2918.scala
[partest] ok 333 - neg/t2910.scala
[partest] ok 334 - neg/t2968.scala
[partest] ok 335 - neg/t2968b.scala
[partest] ok 336 - neg/t2973.scala
[partest] ok 337 - neg/t3006.scala
[partest] ok 338 - neg/t3015.scala
[partest] ok 339 - neg/t3160ambiguous.scala
[partest] ok 340 - neg/t3118.scala
[partest] ok 341 - neg/t3098
[partest] ok 342 - neg/t3189.scala
[partest] ok 343 - neg/t3209.scala
[partest] ok 344 - neg/t3222.scala
[partest] ok 345 - neg/t3275.scala
[partest] ok 346 - neg/t3224.scala
[partest] ok 347 - neg/t3346b.scala
[partest] ok 348 - neg/t3234.scala
[partest] ok 349 - neg/t3346c.scala
[partest] ok 350 - neg/t3392.scala
[partest] ok 351 - neg/t3346i.scala
[partest] ok 352 - neg/t3403.scala
[partest] ok 353 - neg/t3399.scala
[partest] ok 354 - neg/t343.scala
[partest] ok 355 - neg/t3453.scala
[partest] ok 356 - neg/t3507-old.scala
[partest] ok 357 - neg/t3481.scala
[partest] ok 358 - neg/t3604.scala
[partest] ok 359 - neg/t3614.scala
[partest] ok 360 - neg/t3649.scala
[partest] ok 361 - neg/t3653.scala
[partest] ok 362 - neg/t3663
[partest] ok 363 - neg/t3691.scala
[partest] ok 364 - neg/t3683b.scala
[partest] ok 365 - neg/t3714-neg.scala
[partest] ok 366 - neg/t3683a.scala
[partest] ok 367 - neg/t3736.scala
[partest] ok 368 - neg/t3757
[partest] ok 369 - neg/t3761-overload-byname.scala
[partest] ok 370 - neg/t3769.scala
[partest] ok 371 - neg/t3692-new.scala
[partest] ok 372 - neg/t3776.scala
[partest] ok 373 - neg/t3836.scala
[partest] ok 374 - neg/t3816.scala
[partest] ok 375 - neg/t3854.scala
[partest] ok 376 - neg/t3871.scala
[partest] ok 377 - neg/t3871b.scala
[partest] ok 378 - neg/t3873.scala
[partest] ok 379 - neg/t391.scala
[partest] ok 380 - neg/t3909.scala
[partest] ok 381 - neg/t3913.scala
[partest] ok 382 - neg/t3971.scala
[partest] ok 383 - neg/t3934.scala
[partest] ok 384 - neg/t3977.scala
[partest] ok 385 - neg/t3995.scala
[partest] ok 386 - neg/t4044.scala
[partest] ok 387 - neg/t3987.scala
[partest] ok 388 - neg/t4069.scala
[partest] ok 389 - neg/t4064.scala
[partest] ok 390 - neg/t4091.scala
[partest] ok 391 - neg/t409.scala
[partest] ok 392 - neg/t4098.scala
[partest] ok 393 - neg/t412.scala
[partest] ok 394 - neg/t4134.scala
[partest] ok 395 - neg/t4137.scala
[partest] ok 396 - neg/t4158.scala
[partest] ok 397 - neg/t414.scala
[partest] ok 398 - neg/t4079
[partest] ok 399 - neg/t4163.scala
[partest] ok 400 - neg/t4166.scala
[partest] ok 401 - neg/t4174.scala
[partest] ok 402 - neg/t418.scala
[partest] ok 403 - neg/t4196.scala
[partest] ok 404 - neg/t4217.scala
[partest] ok 405 - neg/t421.scala
[partest] ok 406 - neg/t4221.scala
[partest] ok 407 - neg/t425.scala
[partest] ok 408 - neg/t4270.scala
[partest] ok 409 - neg/t4271.scala
[partest] ok 410 - neg/t4302.scala
[partest] ok 411 - neg/t4283b
[partest] ok 412 - neg/t4419.scala
[partest] ok 413 - neg/t4417.scala
[partest] ok 414 - neg/t4425.scala
[partest] ok 415 - neg/t4425b.scala
[partest] ok 416 - neg/t4431.scala
[partest] ok 417 - neg/t4457_1.scala
[partest] ok 418 - neg/t4457_2.scala
[partest] ok 419 - neg/t4460a.scala
[partest] ok 420 - neg/t4440.scala
[partest] ok 421 - neg/t4460b.scala
[partest] ok 422 - neg/t4460c.scala
[partest] ok 423 - neg/t4515.scala
[partest] ok 424 - neg/t452.scala
[partest] ok 425 - neg/t4541.scala
[partest] ok 426 - neg/t4541b.scala
[partest] ok 427 - neg/t4584.scala
[partest] ok 428 - neg/t4568.scala
[partest] ok 429 - neg/t464-neg.scala
[partest] ok 430 - neg/t4691_exhaust_extractor.scala
[partest] ok 431 - neg/t4727.scala
[partest] ok 432 - neg/t4728.scala
[partest] ok 433 - neg/t473.scala
[partest] ok 434 - neg/t4749.scala
[partest] ok 435 - neg/t4818.scala
[partest] ok 436 - neg/t4831.scala
[partest] ok 437 - neg/t4842.scala
[partest] ok 438 - neg/t4877.scala
[partest] ok 439 - neg/t4762.scala
[partest] ok 440 - neg/t4851
[partest] ok 441 - neg/t4879.scala
[partest] ok 442 - neg/t4882.scala
[partest] ok 443 - neg/t4928.scala
[partest] ok 444 - neg/t4987.scala
[partest] ok 445 - neg/t4989.scala
[partest] ok 446 - neg/t500.scala
[partest] ok 447 - neg/t5031
[partest] ok 448 - neg/t501.scala
[partest] ok 449 - neg/t5031b
[partest] ok 450 - neg/t5044.scala
[partest] ok 451 - neg/t5063.scala
[partest] ok 452 - neg/t5060.scala
[partest] ok 453 - neg/t5067.scala
[partest] ok 454 - neg/t5091.scala
[partest] ok 455 - neg/t5078.scala
[partest] ok 456 - neg/t5093.scala
[partest] ok 457 - neg/t510.scala
[partest] ok 458 - neg/t5106.scala
[partest] ok 459 - neg/t512.scala
[partest] ok 460 - neg/t5120.scala
[partest] ok 461 - neg/t515.scala
[partest] ok 462 - neg/t5152.scala
[partest] ok 463 - neg/t5182.scala
[partest] ok 464 - neg/t5148.scala
[partest] ok 465 - neg/t5189.scala
[partest] ok 466 - neg/t5189b.scala
[partest] ok 467 - neg/t520.scala
[partest] ok 468 - neg/t521.scala
[partest] ok 469 - neg/t5189_inferred.scala
[partest] ok 470 - neg/t5318.scala
[partest] ok 471 - neg/t5318b.scala
[partest] ok 472 - neg/t5318c.scala
[partest] ok 473 - neg/t5340.scala
[partest] ok 474 - neg/t5352.scala
[partest] ok 475 - neg/t5357.scala
[partest] ok 476 - neg/t5358.scala
[partest] ok 477 - neg/t5354.scala
[partest] ok 478 - neg/t5361.scala
[partest] ok 479 - neg/t5376.scala
[partest] ok 480 - neg/t5390.scala
[partest] ok 481 - neg/t5378.scala
[partest] ok 482 - neg/t5390b.scala
[partest] ok 483 - neg/t5390c.scala
[partest] ok 484 - neg/t5390d.scala
[partest] ok 485 - neg/t5426.scala
[partest] ok 486 - neg/t5429.scala
[partest] ok 487 - neg/t545.scala
[partest] ok 488 - neg/t5440.scala
[partest] ok 489 - neg/t5452-new.scala
[partest] ok 490 - neg/t5452-old.scala
[partest] ok 491 - neg/t5455.scala
[partest] ok 492 - neg/t5493.scala
[partest] ok 493 - neg/t5497.scala
[partest] ok 494 - neg/t5510.scala
[partest] ok 495 - neg/t5529.scala
[partest] ok 496 - neg/t550.scala
[partest] ok 497 - neg/t5543.scala
[partest] ok 498 - neg/t5553_1.scala
[partest] ok 499 - neg/t5553_2.scala
[partest] ok 500 - neg/t5554.scala
[partest] ok 501 - neg/t556.scala
[partest] ok 502 - neg/t5544
[partest] ok 503 - neg/t5564.scala
[partest] ok 504 - neg/t5572.scala
[partest] ok 505 - neg/t5578.scala
[partest] ok 506 - neg/t558.scala
[partest] ok 507 - neg/t5580a.scala
[partest] ok 508 - neg/t5617.scala
[partest] ok 509 - neg/t5580b.scala
[partest] ok 510 - neg/t562.scala
[partest] ok 511 - neg/t563.scala
[partest] ok 512 - neg/t565.scala
[partest] ok 513 - neg/t5666.scala
[partest] ok 514 - neg/t5639b
[partest] ok 515 - neg/t5683.scala
[partest] ok 516 - neg/t5663-badwarneq.scala
[partest] ok 517 - neg/t5675.scala
[partest] ok 518 - neg/t5687.scala
[partest] ok 519 - neg/t5689.scala
[partest] ok 520 - neg/t5696.scala
[partest] ok 521 - neg/t5702-neg-bad-and-wild.scala
[partest] ok 522 - neg/t5702-neg-bad-brace.scala
[partest] ok 523 - neg/t5691.scala
[partest] ok 524 - neg/t5702-neg-bad-xbrace.scala
[partest] ok 525 - neg/t5702-neg-ugly-xbrace.scala
[partest] ok 526 - neg/t5728.scala
[partest] ok 527 - neg/t576.scala
[partest] ok 528 - neg/t5735.scala
[partest] ok 529 - neg/t5762.scala
[partest] ok 530 - neg/t5753
[partest] ok 531 - neg/t5761.scala
[partest] ok 532 - neg/t5801.scala
[partest] ok 533 - neg/t5803.scala
[partest] ok 534 - neg/t5799.scala
[partest] ok 535 - neg/t5821.scala
[partest] ok 536 - neg/t585.scala
[partest] ok 537 - neg/t5839.scala
[partest] ok 538 - neg/t5856.scala
[partest] ok 539 - neg/t5830.scala
[partest] ok 540 - neg/t5878.scala
[partest] ok 541 - neg/t588.scala
[partest] ok 542 - neg/t5882.scala
[partest] ok 543 - neg/t5892.scala
[partest] ok 544 - neg/t5903b
[partest] ok 545 - neg/t5903a
[partest] ok 546 - neg/t5903c
[partest] ok 547 - neg/t591.scala
[partest] ok 548 - neg/t593.scala
[partest] ok 549 - neg/t5956.scala
[partest] ok 550 - neg/t5903d
[partest] ok 551 - neg/t5903e
[partest] ok 552 - neg/t5969.scala
[partest] ok 553 - neg/t6011.scala
[partest] ok 554 - neg/t6013
[partest] ok 555 - neg/t6042.scala
[partest] ok 556 - neg/t6040.scala
[partest] ok 557 - neg/t6048.scala
[partest] ok 558 - neg/t6074.scala
[partest] ok 559 - neg/t6082.scala
[partest] ok 560 - neg/t608.scala
[partest] ok 561 - neg/t6083.scala
[partest] ok 562 - neg/t6120.scala
[partest] ok 563 - neg/t6138.scala
[partest] ok 564 - neg/t6162-inheritance
[partest] ok 565 - neg/t6162-overriding.scala
[partest] ok 566 - neg/t6214.scala
[partest] ok 567 - neg/t6227.scala
[partest] ok 568 - neg/t6258.scala
[partest] ok 569 - neg/t6123-explaintypes-macros
[partest] ok 570 - neg/t6263.scala
[partest] ok 571 - neg/t6260c.scala
[partest] ok 572 - neg/t6260-named.scala
[partest] ok 573 - neg/t6283.scala
[partest] ok 574 - neg/t6264.scala
[partest] ok 575 - neg/t630.scala
[partest] ok 576 - neg/t6276.scala
[partest] ok 577 - neg/t631.scala
[partest] ok 578 - neg/t633.scala
[partest] ok 579 - neg/t6323a.scala
[partest] ok 580 - neg/t6289
[partest] ok 581 - neg/t6335.scala
[partest] ok 582 - neg/t6336.scala
[partest] ok 583 - neg/t6337.scala
[partest] ok 584 - neg/t6340.scala
[partest] ok 585 - neg/t6355a.scala
[partest] ok 586 - neg/t6357.scala
[partest] ok 587 - neg/t6355b.scala
[partest] ok 588 - neg/t6359.scala
[partest] ok 589 - neg/t639.scala
[partest] ok 590 - neg/t6436.scala
[partest] ok 591 - neg/t6436b.scala
[partest] ok 592 - neg/t6375.scala
[partest] ok 593 - neg/t6406-regextract.scala
[partest] ok 594 - neg/t6443c.scala
[partest] ok 595 - neg/patmatexhaust-huge.scala
[partest] ok 596 - neg/t6446-missing
[partest] ok 597 - neg/t6446-show-phases.scala
[partest] ok 598 - neg/t6455.scala
[partest] ok 599 - neg/t6483.scala
[partest] ok 600 - neg/t6446-list
[partest] ok 601 - neg/t649.scala
[partest] ok 602 - neg/t6446-additional
[partest] ok 603 - neg/t650.scala
[partest] ok 604 - neg/t6526.scala
[partest] ok 605 - neg/t6535.scala
[partest] ok 606 - neg/t6534.scala
[partest] ok 607 - neg/t6558.scala
[partest] ok 608 - neg/t6558b.scala
[partest] ok 609 - neg/t6563.scala
[partest] ok 610 - neg/t6566a.scala
[partest] ok 611 - neg/t6566b.scala
[partest] ok 612 - neg/t6574.scala
[partest] ok 613 - neg/t6567.scala
[partest] ok 614 - neg/t6539
[partest] ok 615 - neg/t6597.scala
[partest] ok 616 - neg/t664.scala
[partest] ok 617 - neg/t6601
[partest] ok 618 - neg/t663.scala
[partest] ok 619 - neg/t6582_exhaust_big.scala
[partest] ok 620 - neg/t6663.scala
[partest] ok 621 - neg/t6666.scala
[partest] ok 622 - neg/t6666c.scala
[partest] ok 623 - neg/t6666b.scala
[partest] ok 624 - neg/t6666d.scala
[partest] ok 625 - neg/t6667.scala
[partest] ok 626 - neg/t6667b.scala
[partest] ok 627 - neg/t667.scala
[partest] ok 628 - neg/t6666e.scala
[partest] ok 629 - neg/t6675.scala
[partest] ok 630 - neg/t668.scala
[partest] ok 631 - neg/t6728.scala
[partest] ok 632 - neg/t6680a.scala
[partest] ok 633 - neg/t6675b.scala
[partest] ok 634 - neg/t6758.scala
[partest] ok 635 - neg/t6771b.scala
[partest] ok 636 - neg/t677.scala
[partest] ok 637 - neg/t6795.scala
[partest] ok 638 - neg/t6788.scala
[partest] ok 639 - neg/t6815.scala
[partest] ok 640 - neg/t6889.scala
[partest] ok 641 - neg/t6844.scala
[partest] ok 642 - neg/t6895.scala
[partest] ok 643 - neg/t6829.scala
[partest] ok 644 - neg/t6895b.scala
[partest] ok 645 - neg/t6912.scala
[partest] ok 646 - neg/t691.scala
[partest] ok 647 - neg/t6902.scala
[partest] ok 648 - neg/t692.scala
[partest] ok 649 - neg/t6928.scala
[partest] ok 650 - neg/t6920.scala
[partest] ok 651 - neg/t693.scala
[partest] ok 652 - neg/t6952.scala
[partest] ok 653 - neg/t696.scala
[partest] ok 654 - neg/t6988.scala
[partest] ok 655 - neg/t6963a.scala
[partest] ok 656 - neg/t700.scala
[partest] ok 657 - neg/t7007.scala
[partest] ok 658 - neg/t708.scala
[partest] ok 659 - neg/t712.scala
[partest] ok 660 - neg/t6931
[partest] ok 661 - neg/t7110.scala
[partest] ok 662 - neg/t7020.scala
[partest] ok 663 - neg/t715.scala
[partest] ok 664 - neg/t7214neg.scala
[partest] ok 665 - neg/t7171.scala
[partest] ok 666 - neg/t7171b.scala
[partest] ok 667 - neg/t7235.scala
[partest] ok 668 - neg/t7157
[partest] ok 669 - neg/t7238.scala
[partest] ok 670 - neg/t7239.scala
[partest] ok 671 - neg/t7259.scala
[partest] ok 672 - neg/t7251
[partest] ok 673 - neg/t7289.scala
[partest] ok 674 - neg/t729.scala
[partest] ok 675 - neg/t7289_status_quo.scala
[partest] ok 676 - neg/t7292-removal.scala
[partest] ok 677 - neg/t7292-deprecation.scala
[partest] ok 678 - neg/t7285.scala
[partest] ok 679 - neg/t7299.scala
[partest] ok 680 - neg/t7290.scala
[partest] ok 681 - neg/t7294b.scala
[partest] ok 682 - neg/t7294.scala
[partest] ok 683 - neg/t7325.scala
[partest] ok 684 - neg/t7330.scala
[partest] ok 685 - neg/t7385.scala
[partest] ok 686 - neg/t7388.scala
[partest] ok 687 - neg/t742.scala
[partest] ok 688 - neg/t7473.scala
[partest] ok 689 - neg/t7324.scala
[partest] ok 690 - neg/t7369.scala
[partest] ok 691 - neg/t7475e.scala
[partest] ok 692 - neg/t7475f.scala
[partest] ok 693 - neg/t7475c.scala
[partest] ok 694 - neg/t7494-after-terminal
[partest] ok 695 - neg/t7494-before-parser
[partest] ok 696 - neg/t7494-no-options
[partest] ok 697 - neg/t7494-multi-right-after
[partest] ok 698 - neg/t7494-right-after-before
[partest] ok 699 - neg/t7501
[partest] ok 700 - neg/t7507.scala
[partest] ok 701 - neg/t7509.scala
[partest] ok 702 - neg/t7494-right-after-terminal
[partest] ok 703 - neg/t750b
[partest] ok 704 - neg/t750
[partest] ok 705 - neg/t7519.scala
[partest] ok 706 - neg/t752.scala
[partest] ok 707 - neg/t7602.scala
[partest] ok 708 - neg/t7605-deprecation.scala
[partest] ok 709 - neg/t7519-b
[partest] ok 710 - neg/t7622-missing-required.scala
[partest] ok 711 - neg/t7622-cyclic-dependency
[partest] ok 712 - neg/t7622-missing-dependency
[partest] ok 713 - neg/t7629-view-bounds-deprecation.scala
[partest] ok 714 - neg/t7622-multi-followers
[partest] ok 715 - neg/t7636.scala
[partest] ok 716 - neg/t7623.scala
[partest] ok 717 - neg/t765.scala
[partest] ok 718 - neg/t766.scala
[partest] ok 719 - neg/t7715.scala
[partest] ok 720 - neg/t771.scala
[partest] ok 721 - neg/t7756a.scala
[partest] ok 722 - neg/t7669.scala
[partest] ok 723 - neg/t7756b.scala
[partest] ok 724 - neg/t7757a.scala
[partest] ok 725 - neg/t7757b.scala
[partest] ok 726 - neg/t779.scala
[partest] ok 727 - neg/t783.scala
[partest] ok 728 - neg/t7783.scala
[partest] ok 729 - neg/t7752.scala
[partest] ok 730 - neg/t7834neg.scala
[partest] ok 731 - neg/t7721.scala
[partest] ok 732 - neg/t7850.scala
[partest] ok 733 - neg/t7870.scala
[partest] ok 734 - neg/t7848-interp-warn.scala
[partest] ok 735 - neg/t7872.scala
[partest] ok 736 - neg/t7872b.scala
[partest] ok 737 - neg/t7877.scala
[partest] ok 738 - neg/t7872c.scala
[partest] ok 739 - neg/t7895.scala
[partest] ok 740 - neg/t7895b.scala
[partest] ok 741 - neg/t7859
[partest] ok 742 - neg/t7895c.scala
[partest] ok 743 - neg/t7967.scala
[partest] ok 744 - neg/t7899.scala
[partest] ok 745 - neg/t7897.scala
[partest] ok 746 - neg/t798.scala
[partest] ok 747 - neg/t7980.scala
[partest] ok 748 - neg/t800.scala
[partest] ok 749 - neg/t8006.scala
[partest] ok 750 - neg/t8015-ffa.scala
[partest] ok 751 - neg/t8015-ffb.scala
[partest] ok 752 - neg/t7984.scala
[partest] ok 753 - neg/t8024.scala
[partest] ok 754 - neg/t8024b.scala
[partest] ok 755 - neg/t8035-no-adapted-args.scala
[partest] ok 756 - neg/t8035-deprecated.scala
[partest] ok 757 - neg/t8072.scala
[partest] ok 758 - neg/t8035-removed.scala
[partest] ok 759 - neg/t8143a.scala
[partest] ok 760 - neg/t8157.scala
[partest] ok 761 - neg/t8146-non-finitary-2.scala
[partest] ok 762 - neg/t8146-non-finitary.scala
[partest] ok 763 - neg/t8182.scala
[partest] ok 764 - neg/t8207.scala
[partest] ok 765 - neg/t8177a.scala
[partest] ok 766 - neg/t8104
[partest] ok 767 - neg/t8217-local-alias-requires-rhs.scala
[partest] ok 768 - neg/t8219-any-any-ref-equals.scala
[partest] ok 769 - neg/t8228.scala
[partest] ok 770 - neg/t8229.scala
[partest] ok 771 - neg/t8158
[partest] ok 772 - neg/t8237-default.scala
[partest] ok 773 - neg/t8244b.scala
[partest] ok 774 - neg/t8244c.scala
[partest] ok 775 - neg/t8265.scala
[partest] ok 776 - neg/t8266-invalid-interp.scala
[partest] ok 777 - neg/t8244e
[partest] ok 778 - neg/t8244
[partest] ok 779 - neg/t8291.scala
[partest] ok 780 - neg/t8325-c.scala
[partest] ok 781 - neg/t8325-b.scala
[partest] ok 782 - neg/t8300-overloading.scala
[partest] ok 783 - neg/t8325.scala
[partest] ok 784 - neg/t835.scala
[partest] ok 785 - neg/t836.scala
[partest] ok 786 - neg/t8376
[partest] ok 787 - neg/t8372.scala
[partest] ok 788 - neg/t8431.scala
[partest] ok 789 - neg/t846.scala
[partest] ok 790 - neg/t8450.scala
[partest] ok 791 - neg/t8463.scala
[partest] ok 792 - neg/t8534.scala
[partest] ok 793 - neg/t8525.scala
[partest] ok 794 - neg/t8534b.scala
[partest] ok 795 - neg/t856.scala
[partest] ok 796 - neg/t8430.scala
[partest] ok 797 - neg/t8597b.scala
[partest] ok 798 - neg/t8610-arg.scala
[partest] ok 799 - neg/t8610.scala
[partest] ok 800 - neg/t8630.scala
[partest] ok 801 - neg/t8597.scala
[partest] ok 802 - neg/t8675.scala
[partest] ok 803 - neg/t8675b.scala
[partest] ok 804 - neg/t8731.scala
[partest] ok 805 - neg/t875.scala
[partest] ok 806 - neg/t8736-c.scala
[partest] ok 807 - neg/t876.scala
[partest] ok 808 - neg/t877.scala
[partest] ok 809 - neg/t8764.scala
[partest] ok 810 - neg/t8841.scala
[partest] ok 811 - neg/t882.scala
[partest] ok 812 - neg/t8777.scala
[partest] ok 813 - neg/t8869.scala
[partest] ok 814 - neg/t8890.scala
[partest] ok 815 - neg/t900.scala
[partest] ok 816 - neg/t8892.scala
[partest] ok 817 - neg/t9008.scala
[partest] ok 818 - neg/t9008b.scala
[partest] ok 819 - neg/t9041.scala
[partest] ok 820 - neg/t908.scala
[partest] ok 821 - neg/t909.scala
[partest] ok 822 - neg/t9093.scala
[partest] ok 823 - neg/t9231.scala
[partest] ok 824 - neg/t910.scala
[partest] ok 825 - neg/t9127.scala
[partest] ok 826 - neg/t9273.scala
[partest] ok 827 - neg/t9286a.scala
[partest] ok 828 - neg/t9286b.scala
[partest] ok 829 - neg/t935.scala
[partest] ok 830 - neg/t9286c.scala
[partest] ok 831 - neg/t9401.scala
[partest] ok 832 - neg/t944.scala
[partest] ok 833 - neg/t961.scala
[partest] ok 834 - neg/t997.scala
[partest] ok 835 - neg/t987.scala
[partest] ok 836 - neg/t963.scala
[partest] ok 837 - neg/t963b.scala
[partest] ok 838 - neg/tailrec-2.scala
[partest] ok 839 - neg/tcpoly_bounds.scala
[partest] ok 840 - neg/tailrec-4.scala
[partest] ok 841 - neg/tailrec-3.scala
[partest] ok 842 - neg/tailrec.scala
[partest] ok 843 - neg/tcpoly_infer_ticket1162.scala
[partest] ok 844 - neg/tcpoly_override.scala
[partest] ok 845 - neg/tcpoly_typealias.scala
[partest] ok 846 - neg/tcpoly_ticket2101.scala
[partest] ok 847 - neg/tcpoly_variance.scala
[partest] ok 848 - neg/tcpoly_variance_enforce.scala
[partest] ok 849 - neg/ticket513.scala
[partest] ok 850 - neg/typeerror.scala
[partest] ok 851 - neg/unchecked-impossible.scala
[partest] ok 852 - neg/type-diagnostics.scala
[partest] ok 853 - neg/unchecked-knowable.scala
[partest] ok 854 - neg/unchecked-abstract.scala
[partest] ok 855 - neg/unchecked-suppress.scala
[partest] ok 856 - neg/unchecked-refinement.scala
[partest] ok 857 - neg/unicode-unterminated-quote.scala
[partest] ok 858 - neg/unchecked2.scala
[partest] ok 859 - neg/unchecked.scala
[partest] ok 860 - neg/unit2anyref.scala
[partest] ok 861 - neg/unchecked3.scala
[partest] ok 862 - neg/valueclasses-doubledefs.scala
[partest] ok 863 - neg/unit-returns-value.scala
[partest] ok 864 - neg/unreachablechar.scala
[partest] ok 865 - neg/valueclasses-impl-restrictions.scala
[partest] ok 866 - neg/valueclasses-pavlov.scala
[partest] ok 867 - neg/valueclasses.scala
[partest] ok 868 - neg/varargs.scala
[partest] ok 869 - neg/variances-refinement.scala
[partest] ok 870 - neg/variances.scala
[partest] ok 871 - neg/variances2.scala
[partest] ok 872 - neg/viewtest.scala
[partest] ok 873 - neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_compound.scala
[partest] ok 874 - neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala
[partest] ok 875 - neg/virtpatmat_reach_null.scala
[partest] ok 876 - neg/virtpatmat_unreach_select.scala
[partest] ok 877 - neg/virtpatmat_reach_sealed_unsealed.scala
[partest] ok 878 - neg/volatile.scala
[partest] ok 879 - neg/volatile_no_override.scala
[partest] ok 880 - neg/volatile-intersection.scala
[partest] ok 881 - neg/wellkinded_app.scala
[partest] ok 882 - neg/wellkinded_app2.scala
[partest] ok 883 - neg/warn-unused-privates.scala
[partest] ok 884 - neg/wellkinded_bounds.scala
[partest] ok 885 - neg/warn-unused-imports.scala
[partest] ok 886 - neg/wellkinded_wrongarity.scala
[partest] ok 887 - neg/wellkinded_wrongarity2.scala
[partest] ok 888 - neg/xmlcorner.scala
[partest] ok 889 - neg/wrong-args-for-none.scala
[partest] ok 890 - neg/warn-inferred-any.scala
[partest] ok 891 - neg/xmltruncated1.scala
[partest] ok 892 - neg/xmltruncated2.scala
[partest] ok 893 - neg/xmltruncated3.scala
[partest] ok 894 - neg/xmltruncated4.scala
[partest] ok 895 - neg/xmltruncated5.scala
[partest] ok 896 - neg/xmltruncated6.scala
[partest] ok 897 - neg/xmltruncated7.scala
[partest] Running 1706 tests in 'run' at Thu Sep 17 21:40:44 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - run/absoverride.scala
[partest] ok 2 - run/adding-growing-set.scala
[partest] ok 3 - run/amp.scala
[partest] ok 4 - run/abstypetags_core.scala
[partest] ok 5 - run/abstypetags_serialize.scala
[partest] ok 6 - run/all-overridden.scala
[partest] ok 7 - run/applydynamic_sip.scala
[partest] ok 8 - run/array-addition.scala
[partest] ok 9 - run/array-charSeq.scala
[partest] ok 10 - run/array-existential-bound.scala
[partest] ok 11 - run/arrayclone-new.scala
[partest] ok 12 - run/analyzerPlugins.scala
[partest] ok 13 - run/arrayclone-old.scala
[partest] ok 14 - run/arraycopy.scala
[partest] ok 15 - run/annotatedRetyping.scala
[partest] ok 16 - run/arrayview.scala
[partest] ok 17 - run/arybufgrow.scala
[partest] ok 18 - run/backreferences.scala
[partest] ok 19 - run/arrays.scala
[partest] ok 20 - run/bigDecimalCache.scala
[partest] ok 21 - run/bigDecimalTest.scala
[partest] ok 22 - run/bcodeInlinerMixed
[partest] ok 23 - run/blame_eye_triple_eee-double.scala
[partest] ok 24 - run/blame_eye_triple_eee-float.scala
[partest] ok 25 - run/bitsets.scala
[partest] ok 26 - run/boolexprs.scala
[partest] ok 27 - run/boolord.scala
[partest] ok 28 - run/breakout.scala
[partest] ok 29 - run/buffer-slice.scala
[partest] ok 30 - run/bugs.scala
[partest] ok 31 - run/byname.scala
[partest] ok 32 - run/case-class-23.scala
[partest] ok 33 - run/bytecodecs.scala
[partest] ok 34 - run/caseClassEquality.scala
[partest] ok 35 - run/caseclasses.scala
[partest] ok 36 - run/caseClassHash.scala
[partest] ok 37 - run/castsingleton.scala
[partest] ok 38 - run/checked.scala
[partest] ok 39 - run/classfile-format-52.scala
[partest] ok 40 - run/classfile-format-51.scala
[partest] ok 41 - run/classmanifests_new_alias.scala
[partest] ok 42 - run/classmanifests_new_core.scala
[partest] ok 43 - run/classof.scala
[partest] ok 44 - run/classtags_contextbound.scala
[partest] ok 45 - run/classtags_core.scala
[partest] ok 46 - run/classtags_multi.scala
[partest] ok 47 - run/collection-conversions.scala
[partest] ok 48 - run/collection-stacks.scala
[partest] ok 49 - run/collections-toSelf.scala
[partest] ok 50 - run/colltest.scala
[partest] ok 51 - run/collections.scala
[partest] ok 52 - run/bridges.scala
[partest] ok 53 - run/comparable-comparator.scala
[partest] ok 54 - run/colltest1.scala
[partest] ok 55 - run/complicatedmatch.scala
[partest] ok 56 - run/class-symbol-contravariant.scala
[partest] ok 57 - run/concat-two-strings.scala
[partest] ok 58 - run/concurrent-map-conversions.scala
[partest] ok 59 - run/constant-optimization.scala
[partest] ok 60 - run/concurrent-stream.scala
[partest] ok 61 - run/constructors.scala
[partest] ok 62 - run/contrib674.scala
[partest] ok 63 - run/Course-2002-01.scala
[partest] ok 64 - run/compiler-asSeenFrom.scala
[partest] ok 65 - run/Course-2002-03.scala
[partest] ok 66 - run/Course-2002-02.scala
[partest] ok 67 - run/Course-2002-05.scala
[partest] ok 68 - run/Course-2002-04.scala
[partest] ok 69 - run/Course-2002-06.scala
[partest] ok 70 - run/constrained-types.scala
[partest] ok 71 - run/Course-2002-09.scala
[partest] ok 72 - run/Course-2002-08.scala
[partest] ok 73 - run/Course-2002-07.scala
[partest] ok 74 - run/constant-type.scala
[partest] ok 75 - run/Course-2002-10.scala
[partest] ok 76 - run/ctor-order.scala
[partest] ok 77 - run/Course-2002-13.scala
[partest] ok 78 - run/dead-code-elimination.scala
[partest] ok 79 - run/deeps.scala
[partest] ok 80 - run/delambdafy-dependent-on-param-subst-2.scala
[partest] ok 81 - run/delambdafy-dependent-on-param-subst.scala
[partest] ok 82 - run/delambdafy-nested-by-name.scala
[partest] ok 83 - run/delambdafy-specialized.scala
[partest] ok 84 - run/delambdafy-two-lambdas.scala
[partest] ok 85 - run/delambdafyLambdaClassNames
[partest] ok 86 - run/delambdafy_t6555.scala
[partest] ok 87 - run/delambdafy_t6028.scala
[partest] ok 88 - run/delambdafy_uncurry_byname_method.scala
[partest] ok 89 - run/delambdafy_uncurry_byname_inline.scala
[partest] ok 90 - run/delambdafy_uncurry_inline.scala
[partest] ok 91 - run/delambdafy_uncurry_method.scala
[partest] ok 92 - run/delay-bad.scala
[partest] ok 93 - run/delay-good.scala
[partest] ok 94 - run/deprecate-early-type-defs.scala
[partest] ok 95 - run/disable-assertions.scala
[partest] ok 96 - run/distinct.scala
[partest] ok 97 - run/duplicate-meth.scala
[partest] ok 98 - run/dynamic-anyval.scala
[partest] ok 99 - run/duration-coarsest.scala
[partest] ok 100 - run/dynamic-applyDynamic.scala
[partest] ok 101 - run/dynamic-applyDynamicNamed.scala
[partest] ok 102 - run/dynamic-updateDynamic.scala
[partest] ok 103 - run/dynamic-selectDynamic.scala
[partest] ok 104 - run/elidable-noflags.scala
[partest] ok 105 - run/elidable-opt.scala
[partest] ok 106 - run/elidable.scala
[partest] ok 107 - run/empty-array.scala
[partest] ok 108 - run/emptypf.scala
[partest] ok 109 - run/enrich-gentraversable.scala
[partest] ok 110 - run/enums.scala
[partest] ok 111 - run/equality.scala
[partest] ok 112 - run/eta-expand-star.scala
[partest] ok 113 - run/eta-expand-star2.scala
[partest] ok 114 - run/exc.scala
[partest] ok 115 - run/exc1.scala
[partest] ok 116 - run/exc2.scala
[partest] ok 117 - run/exceptions-2.scala
[partest] ok 118 - run/exceptions-nest.scala
[partest] ok 119 - run/exceptions.scala
[partest] ok 120 - run/existential-rangepos.scala
[partest] ok 121 - run/existentials.scala
[partest] ok 122 - run/existentials-in-compiler.scala
[partest] ok 123 - run/existentials3-old.scala
[partest] ok 124 - run/exoticnames.scala
[partest] ok 125 - run/existentials3-new.scala
[partest] ok 126 - run/exprs_serialize.scala
[partest] ok 127 - run/fail-non-value-types.scala
[partest] ok 128 - run/finally.scala
[partest] ok 129 - run/finalvar.scala
[partest] ok 130 - run/flat-flat-flat.scala
[partest] ok 131 - run/fors.scala
[partest] ok 132 - run/forvaleq.scala
[partest] ok 133 - run/freetypes_false_alarm2.scala
[partest] ok 134 - run/function-null-unbox.scala
[partest] ok 135 - run/future-flatmap-exec-count.scala
[partest] ok 136 - run/gadts.scala
[partest] ok 137 - run/genericValueClass.scala
[partest] ok 138 - run/freetypes_false_alarm1.scala
[partest] ok 139 - run/ctries-new
[partest] ok 140 - run/getClassTest-new.scala
[partest] ok 141 - run/getClassTest-old.scala
[partest] ok 142 - run/getClassTest-valueClass.scala
[partest] ok 143 - run/groupby.scala
[partest] ok 144 - run/hashCodeBoxesRunTime.scala
[partest] ok 145 - run/hashCodeDistribution.scala
[partest] ok 146 - run/hashhash.scala
[partest] ok 147 - run/global-showdef.scala
[partest] ok 148 - run/hashset.scala
[partest] ok 149 - run/hashsetremove.scala
[partest] ok 150 - run/icode-reader-dead-code.scala
[partest] ok 151 - run/ctries-old
[partest] ok 152 - run/idempotency-extractors.scala
[partest] ok 153 - run/idempotency-case-classes.scala
[partest] ok 154 - run/idempotency-labels.scala
[partest] ok 155 - run/impconvtimes.scala
[partest] ok 156 - run/imain.scala
[partest] ok 157 - run/implicitclasses.scala
[partest] ok 158 - run/implicits.scala
[partest] ok 159 - run/imports.scala
[partest] ok 160 - run/idempotency-lazy-vals.scala
[partest] ok 161 - run/indexedSeq-apply.scala
[partest] ok 162 - run/indexedSeq.scala
[partest] ok 163 - run/indylambda-boxing
[partest] ok 164 - run/infiniteloop.scala
[partest] ok 165 - run/infix.scala
[partest] ok 166 - run/idempotency-this.scala
[partest] ok 167 - run/inliner-infer.scala
[partest] ok 168 - run/inferred-type-constructors.scala
[partest] ok 169 - run/interop_classtags_are_classmanifests.scala
[partest] ok 170 - run/interop_manifests_are_classtags.scala
[partest] ok 171 - run/interop_manifests_are_abstypetags.scala
[partest] ok 172 - run/inner-obj-auto.scala
[partest] ok 173 - run/interop_manifests_are_typetags.scala
[partest] ok 174 - run/interpolation.scala
[partest] ok 175 - run/interop_typetags_are_manifests.scala
[partest] ok 176 - run/interpolationArgs.scala
[partest] ok 177 - run/interpolationMultiline1.scala
[partest] ok 178 - run/interpolationMultiline2.scala
[partest] ok 179 - run/intmap.scala
[partest] ok 180 - run/iq.scala
[partest] ok 181 - run/issue192.scala
[partest] ok 182 - run/iterables.scala
[partest] ok 183 - run/is-valid-num.scala
[partest] ok 184 - run/iterator3444.scala
[partest] ok 185 - run/java-erasure.scala
[partest] ok 186 - run/iterator-from.scala
[partest] ok 187 - run/lambda-serialization-gc.scala
[partest] !! 188 - run/inline-ex-handlers.scala [output differs]
[partest] ok 189 - run/kmpSliceSearch.scala
[partest] ok 190 - run/lambda-serialization.scala
[partest] ok 191 - run/lazy-concurrent.scala
[partest] ok 192 - run/kind-repl-command.scala
[partest] ok 193 - run/lazy-exprs.scala
[partest] ok 194 - run/lazy-locals.scala
[partest] ok 195 - run/lazy-leaks.scala
[partest] ok 196 - run/large_code.scala
[partest] ok 197 - run/lazy-override-run.scala
[partest] ok 198 - run/lazy-traits.scala
[partest] ok 199 - run/lift-and-unlift.scala
[partest] ok 200 - run/list_map.scala
[partest] ok 201 - run/literals.scala
[partest] ok 202 - run/lists-run.scala
[partest] ok 203 - run/longmap.scala
[partest] ok 204 - run/large_class.scala
[partest] ok 205 - run/macro-auto-duplicate
[partest] ok 206 - run/macro-basic-ma-md-mi
[partest] ok 207 - run/macro-basic-ma-mdmi
[partest] ok 208 - run/macro-basic-mamd-mi
[partest] ok 209 - run/macro-blackbox-materialization
[partest] ok 210 - run/macro-bodyexpandstoimpl
[partest] ok 211 - run/macro-abort-fresh
[partest] ok 212 - run/macro-bundle-context-alias
[partest] ok 213 - run/lub-visibility.scala
[partest] ok 214 - run/macro-bundle-context-refinement
[partest] ok 215 - run/macro-bundle-static
[partest] ok 216 - run/macro-bundle-toplevel
[partest] ok 217 - run/macro-bundle-whitebox-decl
[partest] ok 218 - run/macro-bundle-whitebox-use-raw
[partest] ok 219 - run/macro-bundle-whitebox-use-refined
[partest] ok 220 - run/macro-default-params
[partest] ok 221 - run/macro-def-path-dependent
[partest] ok 222 - run/macro-divergence-spurious
[partest] ok 223 - run/macro-duplicate
[partest] ok 224 - run/macro-enclosingowner-detectvar
[partest] ok 225 - run/macro-enclosingowner-sbt
[partest] ok 226 - run/macro-enclosures
[partest] ok 227 - run/macro-bundle-repl.scala
[partest] ok 228 - run/macro-expand-implicit-macro-has-implicit
[partest] ok 229 - run/macro-expand-implicit-argument
[partest] ok 230 - run/macro-expand-implicit-macro-is-implicit
[partest] ok 231 - run/macro-expand-implicit-macro-is-val
[partest] ok 232 - run/macro-expand-implicit-macro-is-view
[partest] ok 233 - run/macro-expand-multiple-arglists
[partest] ok 234 - run/macro-expand-nullary-generic
[partest] ok 235 - run/macro-expand-nullary-nongeneric
[partest] ok 236 - run/macro-expand-overload
[partest] ok 238 - run/macro-expand-override
[partest] ok 237 - run/macro-expand-recursive
[partest] ok 239 - run/macro-expand-tparams-bounds
[partest] ok 240 - run/macro-expand-tparams-explicit
[partest] ok 241 - run/macro-expand-tparams-implicit
[partest] ok 242 - run/macro-expand-tparams-prefix
[partest] ok 243 - run/macro-expand-unapply-a
[partest] ok 244 - run/macro-expand-varargs-explicit-over-varargs
[partest] ok 245 - run/macro-expand-varargs-explicit-over-nonvarargs-good
[partest] ok 246 - run/macro-expand-varargs-implicit-over-nonvarargs
[partest] ok 247 - run/macro-expand-varargs-implicit-over-varargs
[partest] ok 248 - run/macro-impl-default-params
[partest] ok 249 - run/macro-impl-relaxed
[partest] ok 250 - run/macro-impl-rename-context
[partest] ok 251 - run/macro-impl-tparam-only-in-impl
[partest] ok 252 - run/macro-impl-tparam-typetag-is-optional
[partest] ok 253 - run/macro-expand-varargs-explicit-over-nonvarargs-bad
[partest] ok 254 - run/macro-invalidret-doesnt-conform-to-def-rettype
[partest] ok 255 - run/macro-invalidret-nontypeable
[partest] ok 256 - run/macro-invalidusage-badret
[partest] ok 257 - run/macro-openmacros
[partest] ok 258 - run/macro-invalidusage-partialapplication
[partest] ok 259 - run/macro-parse-position
[partest] ok 260 - run/macro-quasiinvalidbody-c
[partest] ok 261 - run/macro-parse-position-malformed
[partest] ok 262 - run/macro-quasiquotes
[partest] ok 263 - run/macro-rangepos-args
[partest] ok 264 - run/macro-rangepos-subpatterns
[partest] ok 265 - run/macro-range
[partest] ok 266 - run/macro-invalidusage-partialapplication-with-tparams
[partest] ok 267 - run/macro-reify-abstypetag-notypeparams
[partest] ok 268 - run/macro-reify-abstypetag-typeparams-notags
[partest] ok 269 - run/macro-reify-abstypetag-typeparams-tags
[partest] ok 270 - run/macro-reify-abstypetag-usetypetag
[partest] ok 271 - run/macro-reify-basic
[partest] ok 272 - run/macro-reflective-ma-normal-mdmi
[partest] ok 273 - run/macro-reflective-mamd-normal-mi
[partest] ok 274 - run/macro-reify-chained1
[partest] ok 275 - run/macro-reify-chained2
[partest] ok 276 - run/macro-reify-nested-a1
[partest] ok 277 - run/macro-reify-nested-a2
[partest] ok 278 - run/macro-reify-nested-b1
[partest] ok 279 - run/macro-reify-ref-to-packageless
[partest] ok 280 - run/macro-reify-nested-b2
[partest] ok 281 - run/macro-reify-freevars
[partest] ok 282 - run/macro-reify-staticXXX
[partest] ok 283 - run/macro-reify-tagful-a
[partest] ok 284 - run/macro-reify-type
[partest] ok 285 - run/macro-reify-typetag-notypeparams
[partest] ok 286 - run/macro-reify-typetag-typeparams-tags
[partest] ok 287 - run/macro-reify-splice-outside-reify
[partest] ok 288 - run/macro-reify-unreify
[partest] ok 289 - run/macro-reify-tagless-a
[partest] ok 290 - run/macro-settings
[partest] ok 291 - run/macro-sip19
[partest] ok 292 - run/macro-subpatterns
[partest] ok 293 - run/macro-sip19-revised
[partest] ok 294 - run/macro-repl-dontexpand.scala
[partest] ok 295 - run/macro-repl-basic.scala
[partest] ok 296 - run/macro-term-declared-in-annotation
[partest] ok 297 - run/macro-term-declared-in-block
[partest] ok 298 - run/macro-term-declared-in-anonymous
[partest] ok 299 - run/macro-term-declared-in-class
[partest] ok 300 - run/macro-term-declared-in-class-class
[partest] ok 301 - run/macro-term-declared-in-default-param
[partest] ok 302 - run/macro-term-declared-in-class-object
[partest] ok 303 - run/macro-term-declared-in-method
[partest] ok 304 - run/macro-term-declared-in-implicit-class
[partest] ok 305 - run/macro-term-declared-in-object
[partest] ok 306 - run/macro-term-declared-in-object-class
[partest] ok 307 - run/macro-term-declared-in-object-object
[partest] ok 308 - run/macro-term-declared-in-package-object
[partest] ok 309 - run/macro-system-properties.scala
[partest] ok 310 - run/macro-term-declared-in-trait
[partest] ok 311 - run/macro-typecheck-implicitsdisabled
[partest] ok 312 - run/macro-term-declared-in-refinement
[partest] ok 313 - run/macro-typecheck-macrosdisabled
[partest] ok 314 - run/macro-typecheck-macrosdisabled2
[partest] ok 315 - run/macro-undetparams-consfromsls
[partest] ok 316 - run/macro-undetparams-macroitself
[partest] ok 317 - run/macro-undetparams-implicitval
[partest] ok 318 - run/macro-whitebox-dynamic-materialization
[partest] ok 319 - run/macro-whitebox-extractor
[partest] ok 320 - run/macro-vampire-false-warning
[partest] ok 321 - run/macro-whitebox-fundep-materialization
[partest] ok 322 - run/macro-whitebox-structural
[partest] ok 323 - run/macroPlugins-isBlackbox
[partest] ok 324 - run/macroPlugins-macroArgs
[partest] ok 325 - run/macroPlugins-macroExpand
[partest] ok 326 - run/macroPlugins-enterStats.scala
[partest] ok 327 - run/macroPlugins-macroRuntime
[partest] ok 328 - run/macroPlugins-typedMacroBody
[partest] ok 329 - run/manifests-old.scala
[partest] ok 330 - run/manifests-undeprecated-in-2.10.0.scala
[partest] ok 331 - run/manifests-new.scala
[partest] ok 332 - run/macroPlugins-namerHooks.scala
[partest] ok 333 - run/mapValues.scala
[partest] ok 334 - run/mapConserve.scala
[partest] ok 335 - run/map_java_conversions.scala
[partest] ok 336 - run/matcharraytail.scala
[partest] ok 337 - run/map_test.scala
[partest] ok 338 - run/matchbytes.scala
[partest] ok 339 - run/matchemptyarray.scala
[partest] ok 340 - run/matchnull.scala
[partest] ok 341 - run/matchonseq.scala
[partest] ok 342 - run/matchintasany.scala
[partest] ok 343 - run/matchonstream.scala
[partest] ok 344 - run/MeterCaseClass.scala
[partest] ok 345 - run/Meter.scala
[partest] ok 346 - run/memberpos.scala
[partest] ok 347 - run/missingparams.scala
[partest] ok 348 - run/mirror_symbolof_x.scala
[partest] ok 349 - run/misc.scala
[partest] ok 350 - run/mixin-bridge-methods.scala
[partest] ok 351 - run/mixins.scala
[partest] ok 352 - run/mixin-signatures.scala
[partest] ok 353 - run/multi-array.scala
[partest] ok 354 - run/mutable-treeset.scala
[partest] ok 355 - run/MutableListTest.scala
[partest] ok 357 - run/NestedClasses.scala
[partest] ok 356 - run/name-based-patmat.scala
[partest] ok 358 - run/nonlocalreturn.scala
[partest] ok 359 - run/names-defaults.scala
[partest] ok 360 - run/nothingTypeDce.scala
[partest] ok 361 - run/newTags.scala
[partest] ok 362 - run/nothingTypeNoFramesNoDce.scala
[partest] ok 363 - run/nothingTypeNoOpt.scala
[partest] ok 364 - run/no-pickle-skolems
[partest] ok 365 - run/null-and-intersect.scala
[partest] ok 366 - run/null-hash.scala
[partest] ok 367 - run/nullable-lazyvals.scala
[partest] ok 368 - run/number-parsing.scala
[partest] ok 369 - run/numeric-range.scala
[partest] ok 370 - run/optimizer-array-load.scala
[partest] ok 371 - run/numbereq.scala
[partest] ok 372 - run/option-fold.scala
[partest] ok 373 - run/OrderingTest.scala
[partest] ok 374 - run/origins.scala
[partest] ok 375 - run/outertest.scala
[partest] ok 376 - run/overloads.scala
[partest] ok 377 - run/partialfun.scala
[partest] ok 378 - run/patch-boundary.scala
[partest] ok 379 - run/parmap-ops.scala
[partest] ok 380 - run/patmat-behavior-2.scala
[partest] ok 381 - run/patmat-bind-typed.scala
[partest] ok 382 - run/patmat-finally.scala
[partest] ok 383 - run/patmat-behavior.scala
[partest] ok 384 - run/patmat-seqs.scala
[partest] ok 385 - run/patmat-mix-case-extractor.scala
[partest] ok 386 - run/patmat_unapp_abstype-new.scala
[partest] ok 387 - run/patmatnew.scala
[partest] ok 388 - run/pf-catch.scala
[partest] ok 389 - run/pc-conversions.scala
[partest] ok 390 - run/phantomValueClass.scala
[partest] ok 391 - run/predef-cycle.scala
[partest] ok 392 - run/Predef.readLine.scala
[partest] ok 393 - run/preinits.scala
[partest] ok 394 - run/position-val-def.scala
[partest] ok 395 - run/patmat-exprs.scala
[partest] ok 396 - run/primitive-sigs-2-new.scala
[partest] ok 397 - run/promotion.scala
[partest] ok 398 - run/primitive-sigs-2-old.scala
[partest] ok 399 - run/private-inline.scala
[partest] ok 400 - run/programmatic-main.scala
[partest] ok 401 - run/proxy.scala
[partest] ok 402 - run/pure-args-byname-noinline.scala
[partest] ok 403 - run/rawstrings.scala
[partest] ok 404 - run/range-unit.scala
[partest] ok 405 - run/range.scala
[partest] ok 406 - run/records.scala
[partest] ok 407 - run/QueueTest.scala
[partest] ok 408 - run/reflect-priv-ctor.scala
[partest] ok 409 - run/reflection-companion.scala
[partest] ok 410 - run/reflection-allmirrors-tostring.scala
[partest] ok 411 - run/reflection-companiontype.scala
[partest] ok 412 - run/reflection-constructormirror-inner-badpath.scala
[partest] ok 413 - run/reflection-constructormirror-inner-good.scala
[partest] ok 414 - run/reflection-constructormirror-nested-badpath.scala
[partest] ok 415 - run/reflection-constructormirror-nested-good.scala
[partest] ok 416 - run/reflection-constructormirror-toplevel-badpath.scala
[partest] ok 417 - run/reflection-enclosed-basic.scala
[partest] ok 418 - run/reflection-constructormirror-toplevel-good.scala
[partest] ok 419 - run/reflection-enclosed-inner-inner-basic.scala
[partest] ok 420 - run/reflection-enclosed-inner-basic.scala
[partest] ok 421 - run/reflection-enclosed-inner-nested-basic.scala
[partest] ok 422 - run/reflection-enclosed-nested-basic.scala
[partest] ok 423 - run/reflection-enclosed-nested-inner-basic.scala
[partest] ok 424 - run/reflection-enclosed-nested-nested-basic.scala
[partest] ok 425 - run/reflection-fancy-java-classes
[partest] ok 426 - run/reflection-fieldmirror-accessorsareokay.scala
[partest] ok 427 - run/reflection-fieldmirror-ctorparam.scala
[partest] ok 428 - run/reflection-fieldmirror-getsetval.scala
[partest] ok 429 - run/reflection-fieldmirror-getsetvar.scala
[partest] ok 430 - run/reflection-fieldmirror-nmelocalsuffixstring.scala
[partest] ok 431 - run/reflection-fieldmirror-privatethis.scala
[partest] ok 432 - run/reflection-equality.scala
[partest] ok 433 - run/reflection-fieldsymbol-navigation.scala
[partest] ok 434 - run/reflection-implClass.scala
[partest] ok 435 - run/reflection-idtc.scala
[partest] ok 436 - run/reflection-implicit.scala
[partest] ok 437 - run/reflection-java-annotations
[partest] ok 438 - run/reflection-java-crtp
[partest] ok 439 - run/reflection-magicsymbols-invoke.scala
[partest] ok 440 - run/reflection-magicsymbols-vanilla.scala
[partest] ok 441 - run/reflection-magicsymbols-repl.scala
[partest] ok 442 - run/reflection-methodsymbol-params.scala
[partest] ok 443 - run/reflection-mem-glbs.scala
[partest] ok 444 - run/reflection-methodsymbol-returntype.scala
[partest] ok 445 - run/reflection-methodsymbol-typeparams.scala
[partest] ok 446 - run/reflection-modulemirror-inner-badpath.scala
[partest] ok 447 - run/reflection-modulemirror-inner-good.scala
[partest] ok 448 - run/reflection-modulemirror-nested-badpath.scala
[partest] ok 449 - run/reflection-modulemirror-nested-good.scala
[partest] ok 450 - run/reflection-mem-tags.scala
[partest] ok 451 - run/reflection-modulemirror-toplevel-badpath.scala
[partest] ok 452 - run/reflection-modulemirror-toplevel-good.scala
[partest] ok 453 - run/reflection-names.scala
[partest] ok 454 - run/reflection-sanitychecks.scala
[partest] ok 455 - run/reflection-scala-annotations.scala
[partest] ok 456 - run/reflection-repl-elementary.scala
[partest] ok 457 - run/reflection-repl-classes.scala
[partest] ok 458 - run/reflection-sorted-decls.scala
[partest] ok 459 - run/reflection-sorted-members.scala
[partest] ok 460 - run/reflection-sync-potpourri.scala
[partest] ok 461 - run/reflection-tags.scala
[partest] ok 462 - run/reflection-mem-typecheck.scala
[partest] ok 463 - run/reflection-valueclasses-derived.scala
[partest] ok 464 - run/reflection-sync-subtypes.scala
[partest] ok 465 - run/reflection-valueclasses-standard.scala
[partest] ok 466 - run/reflinit.scala
[partest] ok 467 - run/reify-aliases.scala
[partest] ok 468 - run/reflection-valueclasses-magic.scala
[partest] ok 469 - run/reify-each-node-type.scala
[partest] ok 470 - run/reify-repl-fail-gracefully.scala
[partest] ok 471 - run/reify_ann1a.scala
[partest] ok 472 - run/reify_ann1b.scala
[partest] ok 473 - run/reify-staticXXX.scala
[partest] ok 474 - run/reify_ann2a.scala
[partest] ok 475 - run/reify_ann3.scala
[partest] ok 476 - run/reify_ann4.scala
[partest] ok 477 - run/reify_ann5.scala
[partest] ok 478 - run/reify_anonymous.scala
[partest] ok 479 - run/reify_classfileann_a.scala
[partest] ok 480 - run/reify_classfileann_b.scala
[partest] ok 481 - run/reify_closure1.scala
[partest] ok 482 - run/reify_closure2a.scala
[partest] ok 483 - run/reify_closure3a.scala
[partest] ok 484 - run/reify_closure4a.scala
[partest] ok 485 - run/reify_closure5a.scala
[partest] ok 486 - run/reify_closure6.scala
[partest] ok 487 - run/reify_closure8a.scala
[partest] ok 488 - run/reify_closure7.scala
[partest] ok 489 - run/reify_closure8b.scala
[partest] ok 490 - run/reify_copypaste2.scala
[partest] ok 491 - run/reify_closures10.scala
[partest] ok 492 - run/reify_complex.scala
[partest] ok 493 - run/reify_copypaste1.scala
[partest] ok 494 - run/reify_extendbuiltins.scala
[partest] ok 495 - run/reify_csv.scala
[partest] ok 496 - run/reify_for1.scala
[partest] ok 497 - run/reify_fors_newpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 498 - run/reify_generic.scala
[partest] ok 499 - run/reify_generic2.scala
[partest] ok 500 - run/reify_fors_oldpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 501 - run/reify_getter.scala
[partest] ok 502 - run/reify_inheritance.scala
[partest] ok 503 - run/reify_implicits-new.scala
[partest] ok 504 - run/reify_implicits-old.scala
[partest] ok 505 - run/reify_inner1.scala
[partest] ok 506 - run/reify_inner2.scala
[partest] ok 507 - run/reify_inner3.scala
[partest] ok 508 - run/reify_magicsymbols.scala
[partest] ok 509 - run/reify_inner4.scala
[partest] ok 510 - run/reify_lazyevaluation.scala
[partest] ok 511 - run/reify_lazyunit.scala
[partest] ok 512 - run/reify_maps_newpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 513 - run/reify_maps_oldpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 514 - run/reify_metalevel_breach_+0_refers_to_1.scala
[partest] ok 515 - run/reify_metalevel_breach_-1_refers_to_0_a.scala
[partest] ok 516 - run/reify_nested_inner_refers_to_global.scala
[partest] ok 517 - run/reify_metalevel_breach_-1_refers_to_1.scala
[partest] ok 518 - run/reify_metalevel_breach_-1_refers_to_0_b.scala
[partest] ok 519 - run/reify_nested_inner_refers_to_local.scala
[partest] ok 520 - run/reify_nested_outer_refers_to_global.scala
[partest] ok 521 - run/reify_newimpl_01.scala
[partest] ok 522 - run/reify_nested_outer_refers_to_local.scala
[partest] ok 523 - run/reify_newimpl_02.scala
[partest] ok 524 - run/reify_newimpl_03.scala
[partest] ok 525 - run/reify_newimpl_11.scala
[partest] ok 526 - run/reify_newimpl_04.scala
[partest] ok 527 - run/reify_newimpl_05.scala
[partest] ok 528 - run/reify_newimpl_06.scala
[partest] ok 529 - run/reify_newimpl_13.scala
[partest] ok 530 - run/reify_newimpl_12.scala
[partest] ok 531 - run/reify_newimpl_14.scala
[partest] ok 532 - run/reify_newimpl_19.scala
[partest] ok 533 - run/reify_newimpl_15.scala
[partest] ok 534 - run/reify_newimpl_18.scala
[partest] ok 535 - run/reify_newimpl_20.scala
[partest] ok 536 - run/reify_newimpl_23.scala
[partest] ok 537 - run/reify_newimpl_21.scala
[partest] ok 538 - run/reify_newimpl_22.scala
[partest] ok 539 - run/reify_newimpl_25.scala
[partest] ok 540 - run/reify_newimpl_30.scala
[partest] ok 541 - run/reify_newimpl_26.scala
[partest] ok 542 - run/reify_newimpl_27.scala
[partest] ok 543 - run/reify_newimpl_29.scala
[partest] ok 544 - run/reify_newimpl_33.scala
[partest] ok 545 - run/reify_newimpl_31.scala
[partest] ok 546 - run/reify_newimpl_35.scala
[partest] ok 547 - run/reify_newimpl_36.scala
[partest] ok 548 - run/reify_newimpl_37.scala
[partest] ok 549 - run/reify_newimpl_38.scala
[partest] ok 550 - run/reify_newimpl_39.scala
[partest] ok 551 - run/reify_newimpl_40.scala
[partest] ok 552 - run/reify_newimpl_42.scala
[partest] ok 553 - run/reify_newimpl_41.scala
[partest] ok 554 - run/reify_newimpl_43.scala
[partest] ok 555 - run/reify_newimpl_44.scala
[partest] ok 556 - run/reify_newimpl_47.scala
[partest] ok 557 - run/reify_newimpl_45.scala
[partest] ok 558 - run/reify_newimpl_48.scala
[partest] ok 559 - run/reify_newimpl_49.scala
[partest] ok 560 - run/reify_newimpl_50.scala
[partest] ok 561 - run/reify_newimpl_51.scala
[partest] ok 562 - run/reify_printf.scala
[partest] ok 563 - run/reify_newimpl_52.scala
[partest] ok 564 - run/reify_properties.scala
[partest] ok 565 - run/reify_renamed_term_basic.scala
[partest] ok 566 - run/reify_renamed_term_overloaded_method.scala
[partest] ok 567 - run/reify_renamed_term_local_to_reifee.scala
[partest] ok 568 - run/reify_renamed_term_t5841.scala
[partest] ok 569 - run/reify_renamed_type_basic.scala
[partest] ok 570 - run/reify_renamed_type_local_to_reifee.scala
[partest] ok 571 - run/reify_renamed_type_spliceable.scala
[partest] ok 572 - run/reify_sort.scala
[partest] ok 573 - run/reify_sort1.scala
[partest] ok 574 - run/reify_timeofday.scala
[partest] ok 575 - run/reify_this.scala
[partest] ok 576 - run/reify_typerefs_1a.scala
[partest] ok 577 - run/reify_typerefs_1b.scala
[partest] ok 578 - run/reify_typerefs_2a.scala
[partest] ok 579 - run/reify_typerefs_2b.scala
[partest] ok 580 - run/reify_typerefs_3a.scala
[partest] ok 581 - run/reify_typerefs_3b.scala
[partest] ok 582 - run/reify_varargs.scala
[partest] ok 583 - run/repl-assign.scala
[partest] ok 584 - run/repl-backticks.scala
[partest] ok 585 - run/repl-bare-expr.scala
[partest] ok 586 - run/repl-empty-package
[partest] ok 587 - run/repl-javap-app.scala
[partest] ok 588 - run/repl-colon-type.scala
[partest] ok 589 - run/repl-javap-def.scala
[partest] ok 590 - run/repl-javap-fun.scala
[partest] ok 591 - run/repl-javap-lambdas.scala
[partest] ok 592 - run/repl-javap-mem.scala
[partest] ok 593 - run/repl-javap-memfun.scala
[partest] ok 594 - run/repl-javap-outdir
[partest] ok 595 - run/repl-javap-more-fun.scala
[partest] ok 596 - run/repl-javap-outdir-funs
[partest] ok 597 - run/repl-javap.scala
[partest] ok 598 - run/repl-out-dir.scala
[partest] ok 599 - run/repl-parens.scala
[partest] ok 600 - run/repl-paste-2.scala
[partest] ok 601 - run/repl-paste-3.scala
[partest] ok 602 - run/repl-paste-4.scala
[partest] ok 603 - run/repl-paste-raw.scala
[partest] ok 604 - run/repl-paste.scala
[partest] ok 605 - run/repl-save.scala
[partest] ok 606 - run/repl-serialization.scala
[partest] ok 607 - run/repl-reset.scala
[partest] ok 608 - run/repl-power.scala
[partest] ok 609 - run/repl-transcript.scala
[partest] ok 610 - run/repl-trim-stack-trace.scala
[partest] ok 611 - run/ReplacementMatching.scala
[partest] ok 612 - run/retclosure.scala
[partest] ok 613 - run/retsynch.scala
[partest] ok 614 - run/repl-term-macros.scala
[partest] ok 615 - run/ReverseSeqView.scala
[partest] ok 616 - run/repl-type-verbose.scala
[partest] ok 617 - run/richs.scala
[partest] ok 618 - run/richWrapperEquals.scala
[partest] ok 619 - run/run-bug4840.scala
[partest] ok 620 - run/runtime-richChar.scala
[partest] ok 621 - run/runtime.scala
[partest] ok 622 - run/resetattrs-this.scala
[partest] ok 623 - run/sammy_repeated.scala
[partest] ok 624 - run/sammy_java8.scala
[partest] ok 625 - run/scalapInvokedynamic.scala
[partest] ok 626 - run/scan.scala
[partest] ok 627 - run/runtimeEval1.scala
[partest] ok 628 - run/runtimeEval2.scala
[partest] ok 629 - run/sbt-icode-interface.scala
[partest] ok 630 - run/search.scala
[partest] ok 631 - run/seqlike-kmp.scala
[partest] ok 632 - run/serialize-stream.scala
[partest] ok 633 - run/shortClass.scala
[partest] ok 634 - run/sequenceComparisons.scala
[partest] ok 635 - run/settings-parse.scala
[partest] ok 636 - run/showdecl
[partest] ok 637 - run/showraw_mods.scala
[partest] ok 638 - run/showraw_nosymbol.scala
[partest] ok 639 - run/showraw_aliases.scala
[partest] ok 640 - run/showraw_tree.scala
[partest] ok 641 - run/showraw_tree_ids.scala
[partest] ok 642 - run/showraw_tree_kinds.scala
[partest] ok 643 - run/showraw_tree_types_ids.scala
[partest] ok 644 - run/showraw_tree_types_untyped.scala
[partest] ok 645 - run/showraw_tree_types_typed.scala
[partest] ok 646 - run/shutdownhooks.scala
[partest] ok 647 - run/slice-strings.scala
[partest] ok 648 - run/slices.scala
[partest] ok 649 - run/showraw_tree_ultimate.scala
[partest] ok 650 - run/sm-interpolator.scala
[partest] ok 651 - run/spec-nlreturn.scala
[partest] ok 652 - run/sort.scala
[partest] ok 653 - run/spec-self.scala
[partest] ok 654 - run/static-module-method.scala
[partest] ok 655 - run/stream-stack-overflow-filter-map.scala
[partest] ok 656 - run/streamWithFilter.scala
[partest] ok 657 - run/stream_flatmap_odds.scala
[partest] ok 658 - run/stringbuilder-drop.scala
[partest] ok 659 - run/string-extractor.scala
[partest] ok 660 - run/stream_length.scala
[partest] ok 661 - run/stringbuilder.scala
[partest] ok 662 - run/streams.scala
[partest] ok 663 - run/stringinterpolation_macro-run.scala
[partest] ok 664 - run/structural.scala
[partest] ok 665 - run/sysprops.scala
[partest] ok 666 - run/SymbolsTest.scala
[partest] ok 667 - run/synchronized.scala
[partest] ok 668 - run/t0005.scala
[partest] ok 669 - run/t0017.scala
[partest] ok 670 - run/t0042.scala
[partest] ok 671 - run/t0048.scala
[partest] ok 672 - run/t0091.scala
[partest] ok 673 - run/t0325.scala
[partest] ok 674 - run/t0412.scala
[partest] ok 675 - run/t0421-new.scala
[partest] ok 676 - run/t0421-old.scala
[partest] ok 677 - run/t0432.scala
[partest] ok 678 - run/t0508.scala
[partest] ok 679 - run/t0528.scala
[partest] ok 680 - run/t0607.scala
[partest] ok 681 - run/t0631.scala
[partest] ok 682 - run/t0677-old.scala
[partest] ok 683 - run/t0677-new.scala
[partest] ok 684 - run/t0668.scala
[partest] ok 685 - run/t0807.scala
[partest] ok 686 - run/t0911.scala
[partest] ok 687 - run/t0936.scala
[partest] ok 688 - run/t0883.scala
[partest] ok 689 - run/t1005.scala
[partest] ok 690 - run/t102.scala
[partest] ok 691 - run/t1042.scala
[partest] ok 692 - run/t1044.scala
[partest] ok 693 - run/t107.scala
[partest] ok 694 - run/t1048.scala
[partest] ok 695 - run/t1074.scala
[partest] ok 696 - run/t1110.scala
[partest] ok 697 - run/t1141.scala
[partest] ok 698 - run/t1167.scala
[partest] ok 699 - run/t1192.scala
[partest] ok 700 - run/t1220.scala
[partest] ok 701 - run/t1195-old.scala
[partest] ok 702 - run/t1247.scala
[partest] ok 703 - run/t1195-new.scala
[partest] ok 704 - run/t1300.scala
[partest] ok 705 - run/t1309.scala
[partest] ok 706 - run/t1323.scala
[partest] ok 707 - run/t1368.scala
[partest] ok 708 - run/t1333.scala
[partest] ok 709 - run/t1360.scala
[partest] ok 710 - run/t1423.scala
[partest] ok 711 - run/t1373.scala
[partest] ok 712 - run/t1427.scala
[partest] ok 713 - run/t1430
[partest] ok 714 - run/t1434.scala
[partest] ok 715 - run/t1466.scala
[partest] ok 716 - run/t1503.scala
[partest] ok 717 - run/t1503_future.scala
[partest] ok 718 - run/t1505.scala
[partest] ok 719 - run/t1524.scala
[partest] ok 720 - run/t1500.scala
[partest] ok 721 - run/t153.scala
[partest] ok 722 - run/t1535.scala
[partest] ok 723 - run/t1501.scala
[partest] ok 724 - run/t1591.scala
[partest] ok 725 - run/t1537.scala
[partest] ok 726 - run/t1618.scala
[partest] ok 727 - run/t1747.scala
[partest] ok 728 - run/t1672.scala
[partest] ok 729 - run/t1718.scala
[partest] ok 730 - run/t1697.scala
[partest] ok 731 - run/t1909.scala
[partest] ok 732 - run/t1766.scala
[partest] ok 733 - run/t1909b.scala
[partest] ok 734 - run/t1829.scala
[partest] ok 735 - run/t1909c.scala
[partest] ok 736 - run/t1987.scala
[partest] ok 737 - run/t1939.scala
[partest] ok 738 - run/t1987b
[partest] ok 739 - run/t2005.scala
[partest] ok 740 - run/t1994.scala
[partest] ok 741 - run/t2027.scala
[partest] ok 742 - run/t2029.scala
[partest] ok 743 - run/t2030.scala
[partest] ok 744 - run/t2074_2.scala
[partest] ok 745 - run/t2075.scala
[partest] ok 746 - run/t2087-and-2400.scala
[partest] ok 747 - run/t2106.scala
[partest] ok 748 - run/t2111.scala
[partest] ok 749 - run/t2127.scala
[partest] ok 750 - run/t2147.scala
[partest] ok 751 - run/t216.scala
[partest] ok 752 - run/t2162.scala
[partest] ok 753 - run/t1931.scala
[partest] ok 754 - run/t2175.scala
[partest] ok 755 - run/t2176.scala
[partest] ok 756 - run/t2177.scala
[partest] ok 757 - run/t2212.scala
[partest] ok 758 - run/t2236-old.scala
[partest] ok 759 - run/t2241.scala
[partest] ok 760 - run/t2250.scala
[partest] ok 761 - run/t2236-new.scala
[partest] ok 762 - run/t2255.scala
[partest] ok 763 - run/t2251.scala
[partest] ok 764 - run/t2308a.scala
[partest] ok 765 - run/t2316_run.scala
[partest] ok 766 - run/t2296c
[partest] ok 767 - run/t2333.scala
[partest] ok 768 - run/t2318.scala
[partest] ok 769 - run/t2337.scala
[partest] ok 770 - run/t2251b.scala
[partest] ok 771 - run/t2378.scala
[partest] ok 772 - run/t2386-new.scala
[partest] ok 773 - run/t2418.scala
[partest] ok 774 - run/t2446.scala
[partest] ok 775 - run/t2488.scala
[partest] ok 776 - run/t2503.scala
[partest] ok 777 - run/t2417.scala
[partest] ok 778 - run/t2512.scala
[partest] ok 779 - run/t2514.scala
[partest] ok 780 - run/t2524.scala
[partest] ok 781 - run/t2526.scala
[partest] ok 782 - run/t2544.scala
[partest] ok 783 - run/t2552.scala
[partest] ok 784 - run/t2464
[partest] ok 785 - run/t2594_tcpoly.scala
[partest] ok 786 - run/t261.scala
[partest] ok 787 - run/t2636.scala
[partest] ok 788 - run/t2577.scala
[partest] ok 789 - run/t266.scala
[partest] ok 790 - run/t2754.scala
[partest] ok 791 - run/t2788.scala
[partest] ok 792 - run/t2755.scala
[partest] ok 793 - run/t2800.scala
[partest] ok 794 - run/t2813.2.scala
[partest] ok 795 - run/t2849.scala
[partest] ok 796 - run/t2818.scala
[partest] ok 797 - run/t2857.scala
[partest] ok 798 - run/t2866.scala
[partest] ok 799 - run/t2867.scala
[partest] ok 800 - run/t2873.scala
[partest] ok 801 - run/t2876.scala
[partest] ok 802 - run/t3004.scala
[partest] ok 803 - run/t2958.scala
[partest] ok 804 - run/t2886.scala
[partest] ok 805 - run/t298.scala
[partest] ok 806 - run/t3038b.scala
[partest] ok 807 - run/t3026.scala
[partest] ok 808 - run/t3038.scala
[partest] ok 809 - run/t3088.scala
[partest] ok 810 - run/t3038c
[partest] ok 811 - run/t3050.scala
[partest] ok 812 - run/t3038d.scala
[partest] ok 813 - run/t3097.scala
[partest] ok 814 - run/t3112.scala
[partest] ok 815 - run/t3126.scala
[partest] ok 816 - run/t3150.scala
[partest] ok 817 - run/t3158.scala
[partest] ok 818 - run/t3186.scala
[partest] ok 819 - run/t3175.scala
[partest] ok 820 - run/t3199b.scala
[partest] ok 821 - run/t3235-minimal.scala
[partest] ok 822 - run/t3232.scala
[partest] ok 823 - run/t3241.scala
[partest] ok 824 - run/t3242.scala
[partest] ok 825 - run/t3269.scala
[partest] ok 826 - run/t3242b.scala
[partest] ok 827 - run/t3273.scala
[partest] ok 828 - run/t3327.scala
[partest] ok 829 - run/t3326.scala
[partest] ok 830 - run/t3346d.scala
[partest] ok 831 - run/t3346a.scala
[partest] ok 832 - run/t3346f.scala
[partest] ok 833 - run/t3346g.scala
[partest] ok 834 - run/t3346h.scala
[partest] ok 835 - run/t3346e.scala
[partest] ok 836 - run/t3353.scala
[partest] ok 837 - run/t3361.scala
[partest] ok 838 - run/t3346j.scala
[partest] ok 839 - run/t3368-b.scala
[partest] ok 840 - run/t3368-c.scala
[partest] ok 841 - run/t3368-d.scala
[partest] ok 842 - run/t3368.scala
[partest] ok 843 - run/t3395.scala
[partest] ok 844 - run/t3397.scala
[partest] ok 845 - run/t3425.scala
[partest] ok 846 - run/t3452.scala
[partest] ok 847 - run/t3452a
[partest] ok 848 - run/t3452b
[partest] ok 849 - run/t3376.scala
[partest] ok 850 - run/t3452b-bcode
[partest] ok 851 - run/t3452c.scala
[partest] ok 852 - run/t3452d
[partest] ok 853 - run/t3452f.scala
[partest] ok 854 - run/t3452e
[partest] ok 855 - run/t3452h.scala
[partest] ok 856 - run/t3452g
[partest] ok 857 - run/t3487.scala
[partest] ok 858 - run/t3493.scala
[partest] ok 859 - run/t3488.scala
[partest] ok 860 - run/t3496.scala
[partest] ok 861 - run/t3502.scala
[partest] ok 862 - run/t3508.scala
[partest] ok 863 - run/t3509.scala
[partest] ok 864 - run/t3507-new.scala
[partest] ok 865 - run/t3518.scala
[partest] ok 866 - run/t3529.scala
[partest] ok 867 - run/t3511.scala
[partest] ok 868 - run/t3530.scala
[partest] ok 869 - run/t3540.scala
[partest] ok 870 - run/t3563.scala
[partest] ok 871 - run/t3425b
[partest] ok 872 - run/t3569.scala
[partest] ok 873 - run/t3580.scala
[partest] ok 874 - run/t3603.scala
[partest] ok 875 - run/t3613.scala
[partest] ok 876 - run/t3619.scala
[partest] ok 877 - run/t3616.scala
[partest] ok 878 - run/t363.scala
[partest] ok 879 - run/t3651.scala
[partest] ok 880 - run/t3645.scala
[partest] ok 881 - run/t3647.scala
[partest] ok 882 - run/t3667.scala
[partest] ok 883 - run/t3670.scala
[partest] ok 884 - run/t3687.scala
[partest] ok 885 - run/t3575.scala
[partest] ok 886 - run/t3699.scala
[partest] ok 887 - run/t3714.scala
[partest] ok 888 - run/t3702.scala
[partest] ok 889 - run/t3726.scala
[partest] ok 890 - run/t3719.scala
[partest] ok 891 - run/t3758-old.scala
[partest] ok 892 - run/t3760.scala
[partest] ok 893 - run/t3761-overload-byname.scala
[partest] ok 894 - run/t3763.scala
[partest] ok 895 - run/t3798.scala
[partest] ok 896 - run/t3822.scala
[partest] ok 897 - run/t3832.scala
[partest] ok 898 - run/t3829.scala
[partest] ok 899 - run/t3855.scala
[partest] ok 900 - run/t3835.scala
[partest] ok 901 - run/t3877.scala
[partest] ok 902 - run/t3888.scala
[partest] ok 903 - run/t3887.scala
[partest] ok 904 - run/t3895.scala
[partest] ok 905 - run/t3923.scala
[partest] ok 906 - run/t3932.scala
[partest] ok 907 - run/t3935.scala
[partest] ok 908 - run/t3950.scala
[partest] ok 909 - run/t3895b.scala
[partest] ok 910 - run/t3964.scala
[partest] ok 911 - run/t3980.scala
[partest] ok 912 - run/t3970.scala
[partest] ok 913 - run/t3897
[partest] ok 914 - run/t3994.scala
[partest] ok 915 - run/t3984.scala
[partest] ok 916 - run/t3996.scala
[partest] ok 917 - run/t4013b.scala
[partest] ok 918 - run/t4013.scala
[partest] ok 919 - run/t4013c.scala
[partest] ok 920 - run/t4023.scala
[partest] ok 921 - run/t4024.scala
[partest] ok 922 - run/t4027.scala
[partest] ok 923 - run/t4047.scala
[partest] ok 924 - run/t405.scala
[partest] ok 925 - run/t4054.scala
[partest] ok 926 - run/t4062.scala
[partest] ok 927 - run/t4072.scala
[partest] ok 928 - run/t408.scala
[partest] ok 929 - run/t4025.scala
[partest] ok 930 - run/t4080.scala
[partest] ok 931 - run/t4110-new.scala
[partest] ok 932 - run/t4110-old.scala
[partest] ok 933 - run/t4119
[partest] ok 934 - run/t4124.scala
[partest] ok 935 - run/t4122.scala
[partest] ok 936 - run/t4147.scala
[partest] ok 937 - run/t4171.scala
[partest] ok 938 - run/t4148.scala
[partest] ok 939 - run/t4201.scala
[partest] ok 940 - run/t4190.scala
[partest] ok 941 - run/t3989.scala
[partest] ok 942 - run/t4238
[partest] ok 943 - run/t4172.scala
[partest] ok 944 - run/t4283
[partest] ok 945 - run/t4288.scala
[partest] ok 946 - run/t4287inferredMethodTypes.scala
[partest] ok 947 - run/t429.scala
[partest] ok 948 - run/t4216.scala
[partest] ok 949 - run/t4297.scala
[partest] ok 950 - run/t4294.scala
[partest] ok 951 - run/t4285.scala
[partest] ok 952 - run/t4300.scala
[partest] ok 953 - run/t4317
[partest] ok 954 - run/t4351.scala
[partest] ok 955 - run/t4332b.scala
[partest] ok 956 - run/t4398.scala
[partest] ok 957 - run/t4396.scala
[partest] ok 958 - run/t4415.scala
[partest] ok 959 - run/t4332.scala
[partest] ok 960 - run/t4461.scala
[partest] ok 961 - run/t4482.scala
[partest] ok 962 - run/t4426.scala
[partest] ok 963 - run/t4535.scala
[partest] ok 964 - run/t4536.scala
[partest] ok 965 - run/t4537
[partest] ok 966 - run/t4459.scala
[partest] ok 967 - run/t4558.scala
[partest] ok 968 - run/t4560b.scala
[partest] ok 969 - run/t4560.scala
[partest] ok 970 - run/t4565_1.scala
[partest] ok 971 - run/t4570.scala
[partest] ok 972 - run/t4582.scala
[partest] ok 973 - run/t4577.scala
[partest] ok 974 - run/t4592.scala
[partest] ok 975 - run/t4601.scala
[partest] ok 976 - run/t4617.scala
[partest] ok 977 - run/t4542.scala
[partest] ok 978 - run/t4608.scala
[partest] ok 979 - run/t4656.scala
[partest] ok 980 - run/t4660.scala
[partest] ok 981 - run/t4658.scala
[partest] ok 982 - run/t4680.scala
[partest] ok 983 - run/t4709.scala
[partest] ok 984 - run/t4697.scala
[partest] ok 985 - run/t4594-repl-settings.scala
[partest] ok 986 - run/t4723.scala
[partest] ok 987 - run/t4729
[partest] ok 988 - run/t4742.scala
[partest] ok 989 - run/t4671.scala
[partest] ok 990 - run/t4750.scala
[partest] ok 991 - run/t4753.scala
[partest] ok 992 - run/t4752.scala
[partest] ok 993 - run/t4710.scala
[partest] ok 994 - run/t4766.scala
[partest] ok 995 - run/t4770.scala
[partest] ok 996 - run/t4761.scala
[partest] ok 997 - run/t4777.scala
[partest] ok 998 - run/t4794.scala
[partest] ok 999 - run/t4809.scala
[partest] ok 1000 - run/t4788
[partest] ok 1001 - run/t4788-separate-compilation
[partest] ok 1002 - run/t4827.scala
[partest] ok 1003 - run/t4813.scala
[partest] ok 1004 - run/t4827b.scala
[partest] ok 1005 - run/t4835.scala
[partest] ok 1006 - run/t4859.scala
[partest] ok 1007 - run/t4871.scala
[partest] ok 1008 - run/t4891
[partest] ok 1009 - run/t4894.scala
[partest] ok 1010 - run/t4841-no-plugin.scala
[partest] ok 1011 - run/t4897.scala
[partest] ok 1012 - run/t493.scala
[partest] ok 1013 - run/t4895.scala
[partest] ok 1014 - run/t4841-isolate-plugins
[partest] ok 1015 - run/t4930.scala
[partest] ok 1016 - run/t4935.scala
[partest] ok 1017 - run/t4996.scala
[partest] ok 1018 - run/t4954.scala
[partest] ok 1019 - run/t498.scala
[partest] ok 1020 - run/t5037.scala
[partest] ok 1021 - run/t5009.scala
[partest] ok 1022 - run/t5018.scala
[partest] ok 1023 - run/t5040.scala
[partest] ok 1024 - run/t5045.scala
[partest] ok 1025 - run/t5053.scala
[partest] ok 1026 - run/t5080.scala
[partest] ok 1027 - run/t4950.scala
[partest] ok 1028 - run/t5105.scala
[partest] ok 1029 - run/t5125.scala
[partest] ok 1030 - run/t5064.scala
[partest] ok 1031 - run/t5125b.scala
[partest] ok 1032 - run/t5134.scala
[partest] ok 1033 - run/t5158.scala
[partest] ok 1034 - run/t5162.scala
[partest] ok 1035 - run/t5171.scala
[partest] ok 1036 - run/t5072.scala
[partest] ok 1037 - run/t5201.scala
[partest] ok 1038 - run/t5224.scala
[partest] ok 1039 - run/t5225_1.scala
[partest] ok 1040 - run/t5225_2.scala
[partest] ok 1041 - run/t5256a.scala
[partest] ok 1042 - run/t5256b.scala
[partest] ok 1043 - run/t5229_1.scala
[partest] ok 1044 - run/t5256c.scala
[partest] ok 1045 - run/t5229_2.scala
[partest] ok 1046 - run/t5230.scala
[partest] ok 1047 - run/t5256e.scala
[partest] ok 1048 - run/t5256f.scala
[partest] ok 1049 - run/t5256g.scala
[partest] ok 1050 - run/t5256h.scala
[partest] ok 1051 - run/t5256d.scala
[partest] ok 1052 - run/t5262.scala
[partest] ok 1053 - run/t5258a.scala
[partest] ok 1055 - run/t5266_1.scala
[partest] ok 1054 - run/t5266_2.scala
[partest] ok 1056 - run/t5269.scala
[partest] ok 1057 - run/t5270.scala
[partest] ok 1058 - run/t5271_2.scala
[partest] ok 1059 - run/t5271_1.scala
[partest] ok 1060 - run/t5271_3.scala
[partest] ok 1061 - run/t5271_4.scala
[partest] ok 1062 - run/t5272_1_newpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1063 - run/t5272_2_newpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1064 - run/t5272_1_oldpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1065 - run/t5272_2_oldpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1066 - run/t5273_1_newpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1067 - run/t5273_1_oldpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1068 - run/t5273_2a_newpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1069 - run/t5273_2a_oldpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1070 - run/t5273_2b_newpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1071 - run/t5274_1.scala
[partest] ok 1072 - run/t5273_2b_oldpatmat.scala
[partest] ok 1073 - run/t5274_2.scala
[partest] ok 1074 - run/t5275.scala
[partest] ok 1075 - run/t5276_1a.scala
[partest] ok 1076 - run/t5276_1b.scala
[partest] ok 1077 - run/t5276_2a.scala
[partest] ok 1078 - run/t5276_2b.scala
[partest] ok 1079 - run/t5284.scala
[partest] ok 1080 - run/t5284b.scala
[partest] ok 1081 - run/t5277_1.scala
[partest] ok 1082 - run/t5284c.scala
[partest] ok 1083 - run/t5277_2.scala
[partest] ok 1084 - run/t5300.scala
[partest] ok 1085 - run/t5293-map.scala
[partest] ok 1086 - run/t5279.scala
[partest] ok 1087 - run/t5328.scala
[partest] ok 1088 - run/t5293.scala
[partest] ok 1089 - run/t5313.scala
[partest] ok 1090 - run/t5356.scala
[partest] ok 1091 - run/t5375.scala
[partest] ok 1092 - run/t5334_1.scala
[partest] ok 1093 - run/t5377.scala
[partest] ok 1094 - run/t5380.scala
[partest] ok 1095 - run/t5387.scala
[partest] ok 1096 - run/t5335.scala
[partest] ok 1097 - run/t5394.scala
[partest] ok 1098 - run/t5407.scala
[partest] ok 1099 - run/t5334_2.scala
[partest] ok 1100 - run/t5385.scala
[partest] ok 1101 - run/t5415.scala
[partest] ok 1102 - run/t5418a.scala
[partest] ok 1103 - run/t5418b.scala
[partest] ok 1104 - run/t5428.scala
[partest] ok 1105 - run/t5419.scala
[partest] ok 1106 - run/t5423.scala
[partest] ok 1107 - run/t5488-fn.scala
[partest] ok 1108 - run/t5488.scala
[partest] ok 1109 - run/t5500.scala
[partest] ok 1110 - run/t5418.scala
[partest] ok 1111 - run/t5500b.scala
[partest] ok 1112 - run/t5530.scala
[partest] ok 1113 - run/t5532.scala
[partest] ok 1114 - run/t5543.scala
[partest] ok 1115 - run/t5544
[partest] ok 1116 - run/t5552.scala
[partest] ok 1117 - run/t5565.scala
[partest] ok 1118 - run/t5568.scala
[partest] ok 1119 - run/t5545.scala
[partest] ok 1120 - run/t5577.scala
[partest] ok 1121 - run/t5535.scala
[partest] ok 1122 - run/t5588.scala
[partest] ok 1123 - run/t5537.scala
[partest] ok 1124 - run/t5590.scala
[partest] ok 1125 - run/t5608.scala
[partest] ok 1126 - run/t5604.scala
[partest] ok 1127 - run/t5603.scala
[partest] ok 1128 - run/t5610a.scala
[partest] ok 1129 - run/t5610.scala
[partest] ok 1130 - run/t5612.scala
[partest] ok 1131 - run/t5629.scala
[partest] ok 1132 - run/t5614.scala
[partest] ok 1133 - run/t5629b.scala
[partest] ok 1134 - run/t5648.scala
[partest] ok 1135 - run/t5583.scala
[partest] ok 1136 - run/t5652b
[partest] ok 1137 - run/t5652
[partest] ok 1138 - run/t5652c
[partest] ok 1139 - run/t5676.scala
[partest] ok 1140 - run/t5656.scala
[partest] ok 1141 - run/t5665.scala
[partest] ok 1142 - run/t5680.scala
[partest] ok 1143 - run/t5688.scala
[partest] ok 1144 - run/t5699.scala
[partest] ok 1145 - run/t5655.scala
[partest] ok 1146 - run/t5704.scala
[partest] ok 1147 - run/t5713
[partest] ok 1148 - run/t5733.scala
[partest] ok 1149 - run/t5717.scala
[partest] ok 1150 - run/t5710-1.scala
[partest] ok 1151 - run/t5753_2
[partest] ok 1152 - run/t5753_1
[partest] ok 1153 - run/t5710-2.scala
[partest] ok 1154 - run/t576.scala
[partest] ok 1155 - run/t5804.scala
[partest] ok 1156 - run/t5816.scala
[partest] ok 1157 - run/t5830.scala
[partest] ok 1158 - run/t5789.scala
[partest] ok 1159 - run/t5840.scala
[partest] ok 1160 - run/t5856.scala
[partest] ok 1161 - run/t5770.scala
[partest] ok 1162 - run/t5857.scala
[partest] ok 1163 - run/t5866.scala
[partest] ok 1164 - run/t5867.scala
[partest] ok 1165 - run/t5824.scala
[partest] ok 1166 - run/t5879.scala
[partest] ok 1167 - run/t5880.scala
[partest] ok 1168 - run/t5894.scala
[partest] ok 1169 - run/t5881.scala
[partest] ok 1170 - run/t5903c
[partest] ok 1171 - run/t5903b
[partest] ok 1172 - run/t5903d
[partest] ok 1173 - run/t5903a
[partest] ok 1174 - run/t5907.scala
[partest] ok 1175 - run/t5914.scala
[partest] ok 1176 - run/t5912.scala
[partest] ok 1177 - run/t5905b-features.scala
[partest] ok 1178 - run/t5923c.scala
[partest] ok 1179 - run/t5905-features.scala
[partest] ok 1180 - run/t5923b
[partest] ok 1181 - run/t5923a
[partest] ok 1182 - run/t5937.scala
[partest] ok 1183 - run/t594.scala
[partest] ok 1184 - run/t5923d
[partest] ok 1185 - run/t5938.scala
[partest] ok 1186 - run/t5942.scala
[partest] ok 1187 - run/t5943a1.scala
[partest] ok 1188 - run/t5966.scala
[partest] ok 1189 - run/t5971.scala
[partest] ok 1190 - run/t5974.scala
[partest] ok 1191 - run/t5986.scala
[partest] ok 1192 - run/t601.scala
[partest] ok 1193 - run/t6011b.scala
[partest] ok 1194 - run/t6011c.scala
[partest] ok 1195 - run/t5940.scala
[partest] ok 1196 - run/t603.scala
[partest] ok 1197 - run/t6028.scala
[partest] ok 1198 - run/t6052.scala
[partest] ok 1199 - run/t5943a2.scala
[partest] ok 1200 - run/t6064.scala
[partest] ok 1201 - run/t6063
[partest] ok 1202 - run/t6070.scala
[partest] ok 1203 - run/t6077_patmat_cse_irrefutable.scala
[partest] ok 1204 - run/t6023.scala
[partest] ok 1205 - run/t6089.scala
[partest] ok 1206 - run/t6086-vanilla.scala
[partest] ok 1207 - run/t6090.scala
[partest] ok 1208 - run/t6102.scala
[partest] ok 1209 - run/t6104.scala
[partest] ok 1210 - run/t6111.scala
[partest] ok 1211 - run/t6114.scala
[partest] ok 1212 - run/t6113.scala
[partest] ok 1213 - run/t6126.scala
[partest] ok 1214 - run/t6135.scala
[partest] ok 1215 - run/t6086-repl.scala
[partest] ok 1216 - run/t6154.scala
[partest] ok 1217 - run/t6150.scala
[partest] ok 1218 - run/t6168
[partest] ok 1219 - run/t6168b
[partest] ok 1220 - run/t6175.scala
[partest] ok 1221 - run/t6178.scala
[partest] ok 1222 - run/t6181.scala
[partest] ok 1223 - run/t6187b.scala
[partest] ok 1224 - run/t6188.scala
[partest] ok 1225 - run/t6194.scala
[partest] ok 1226 - run/t6196.scala
[partest] ok 1227 - run/t6197.scala
[partest] ok 1228 - run/t6198.scala
[partest] ok 1229 - run/t6199-mirror.scala
[partest] ok 1230 - run/t6146b.scala
[partest] ok 1231 - run/t6187.scala
[partest] ok 1232 - run/t6206.scala
[partest] ok 1233 - run/t6200.scala
[partest] ok 1234 - run/t6220.scala
[partest] ok 1235 - run/t6223.scala
[partest] ok 1236 - run/t6199-toolbox.scala
[partest] ok 1237 - run/t6221
[partest] ok 1238 - run/t6240-universe-code-gen.scala
[partest] ok 1239 - run/t6246.scala
[partest] ok 1240 - run/t6253a.scala
[partest] ok 1241 - run/t6253b.scala
[partest] ok 1242 - run/t6240b
[partest] ok 1243 - run/t6240a
[partest] ok 1244 - run/t6260.scala
[partest] ok 1245 - run/t6259.scala
[partest] ok 1246 - run/t6260-delambdafy.scala
[partest] ok 1247 - run/t6260b.scala
[partest] ok 1248 - run/t6260c.scala
[partest] ok 1249 - run/t6261.scala
[partest] ok 1250 - run/t627.scala
[partest] ok 1251 - run/t6253c.scala
[partest] ok 1252 - run/t6271.scala
[partest] ok 1253 - run/t6272.scala
[partest] ok 1254 - run/t6277.scala
[partest] ok 1255 - run/t6288.scala
[partest] ok 1256 - run/t629.scala
[partest] ok 1257 - run/t6273.scala
[partest] ok 1258 - run/t6288b-jump-position.scala
[partest] ok 1259 - run/t6290.scala
[partest] ok 1260 - run/t6292.scala
[partest] ok 1261 - run/t6308.scala
[partest] ok 1262 - run/t6309.scala
[partest] ok 1263 - run/t6318_primitives.scala
[partest] ok 1264 - run/t6318_derived.scala
[partest] ok 1265 - run/t6287.scala
[partest] ok 1266 - run/t6327.scala
[partest] ok 1267 - run/t6323b.scala
[partest] ok 1268 - run/t6329_vanilla.scala
[partest] ok 1269 - run/t6329_vanilla_bug.scala
[partest] ok 1270 - run/t6320.scala
[partest] ok 1271 - run/t6331b.scala
[partest] ok 1272 - run/t6331.scala
[partest] ok 1273 - run/t6333.scala
[partest] ok 1274 - run/t6337a.scala
[partest] ok 1275 - run/t6329_repl_bug.scala
[partest] ok 1276 - run/t6329_repl.scala
[partest] ok 1277 - run/t6353.scala
[partest] ok 1278 - run/t6355.scala
[partest] ok 1279 - run/t6344.scala
[partest] ok 1280 - run/t6370.scala
[partest] ok 1281 - run/t6385.scala
[partest] ok 1282 - run/t6380.scala
[partest] ok 1283 - run/t6379
[partest] ok 1284 - run/t6392b.scala
[partest] ok 1285 - run/t6394a
[partest] ok 1286 - run/t6394b
[partest] ok 1287 - run/t6406-regextract.scala
[partest] ok 1288 - run/t6381.scala
[partest] ok 1289 - run/t6410.scala
[partest] ok 1290 - run/t6392a.scala
[partest] ok 1291 - run/t6411a.scala
[partest] ok 1292 - run/t6411b.scala
[partest] ok 1293 - run/t6434.scala
[partest] ok 1294 - run/t6440.scala
[partest] ok 1295 - run/t6443-by-name.scala
[partest] ok 1296 - run/t6443-varargs.scala
[partest] ok 1297 - run/t6440b.scala
[partest] ok 1298 - run/t6443.scala
[partest] ok 1299 - run/t6443b.scala
[partest] ok 1300 - run/t6467.scala
[partest] ok 1301 - run/t6448.scala
[partest] ok 1302 - run/t6481.scala
[partest] ok 1303 - run/t6500.scala
[partest] ok 1304 - run/t6488.scala
[partest] ok 1305 - run/t6439.scala
[partest] ok 1306 - run/t6506.scala
[partest] ok 1307 - run/t6534.scala
[partest] ok 1308 - run/t6541.scala
[partest] ok 1309 - run/t6546
[partest] ok 1310 - run/t6507.scala
[partest] ok 1311 - run/t6541-option.scala
[partest] ok 1312 - run/t6554.scala
[partest] ok 1313 - run/t6548
[partest] ok 1314 - run/t6559.scala
[partest] ok 1315 - run/t657.scala
[partest] ok 1316 - run/t6502.scala
[partest] ok 1317 - run/t6555.scala
[partest] ok 1318 - run/t6574b.scala
[partest] ok 1319 - run/t6584.scala
[partest] ok 1320 - run/t6549.scala
[partest] ok 1321 - run/t6591_1.scala
[partest] ok 1322 - run/t6591_2.scala
[partest] ok 1323 - run/t6591_3.scala
[partest] ok 1324 - run/t6591_5.scala
[partest] ok 1325 - run/t6591_7.scala
[partest] ok 1326 - run/t6614.scala
[partest] ok 1327 - run/t6611.scala
[partest] ok 1328 - run/t6608.scala
[partest] ok 1329 - run/t6628.scala
[partest] ok 1330 - run/t6632.scala
[partest] ok 1331 - run/t6622.scala
[partest] ok 1332 - run/t6633.scala
[partest] ok 1333 - run/t6634.scala
[partest] ok 1334 - run/t6637.scala
[partest] ok 1335 - run/t6644.scala
[partest] ok 1336 - run/t6591_6.scala
[partest] ok 1337 - run/t6646.scala
[partest] ok 1338 - run/t6662
[partest] ok 1339 - run/t6666a.scala
[partest] ok 1340 - run/t6663.scala
[partest] ok 1341 - run/t6669.scala
[partest] ok 1342 - run/t6673.scala
[partest] ok 1343 - run/t6677b.scala
[partest] ok 1344 - run/t6677.scala
[partest] ok 1345 - run/t6690.scala
[partest] ok 1346 - run/t6695.scala
[partest] ok 1347 - run/t6706.scala
[partest] ok 1348 - run/t6687.scala
[partest] ok 1349 - run/t6725-2.scala
[partest] ok 1350 - run/t6725-1.scala
[partest] ok 1351 - run/t6715.scala
[partest] ok 1352 - run/t6731.scala
[partest] ok 1353 - run/t6732.scala
[partest] ok 1354 - run/t6793.scala
[partest] ok 1355 - run/t6733.scala
[partest] ok 1356 - run/t6793b.scala
[partest] ok 1357 - run/t6793c.scala
[partest] ok 1358 - run/t6745-2.scala
[partest] ok 1359 - run/t6719.scala
[partest] ok 1360 - run/t6827.scala
[partest] ok 1361 - run/t6814
[partest] ok 1362 - run/t6863.scala
[partest] ok 1363 - run/t6888.scala
[partest] ok 1364 - run/t6860.scala
[partest] ok 1365 - run/t6900.scala
[partest] ok 1366 - run/t6908.scala
[partest] ok 1367 - run/t6911.scala
[partest] ok 1368 - run/t6928-run.scala
[partest] ok 1369 - run/t6935.scala
[partest] ok 1370 - run/t6956.scala
[partest] ok 1371 - run/t6957.scala
[partest] ok 1372 - run/t6955.scala
[partest] ok 1373 - run/t6937.scala
[partest] ok 1374 - run/t6968.scala
[partest] ok 1375 - run/t6988.scala
[partest] ok 1376 - run/t6989
[partest] ok 1377 - run/t6992
[partest] ok 1378 - run/t6969.scala
[partest] ok 1379 - run/t7015.scala
[partest] ok 1380 - run/t7008
[partest] ok 1381 - run/t7008-scala-defined
[partest] ok 1382 - run/t7019.scala
[partest] ok 1383 - run/t7039.scala
[partest] ok 1384 - run/t7045.scala
[partest] ok 1385 - run/t7044
[partest] ok 1386 - run/t7046.scala
[partest] ok 1387 - run/t7047
[partest] ok 1388 - run/t7088.scala
[partest] ok 1389 - run/t7106
[partest] ok 1390 - run/t7120b.scala
[partest] ok 1391 - run/t7120
[partest] ok 1392 - run/t7151.scala
[partest] ok 1393 - run/t7157
[partest] ok 1394 - run/t7096.scala
[partest] ok 1395 - run/t7171.scala
[partest] ok 1396 - run/t7181.scala
[partest] ok 1397 - run/t7198.scala
[partest] ok 1398 - run/t720.scala
[partest] ok 1399 - run/t7200.scala
[partest] ok 1400 - run/t7214.scala
[partest] ok 1401 - run/t7215.scala
[partest] ok 1402 - run/t7223.scala
[partest] ok 1403 - run/t7231.scala
[partest] ok 1404 - run/t7235.scala
[partest] ok 1405 - run/t7185.scala
[partest] ok 1406 - run/t7240
[partest] ok 1407 - run/t7242.scala
[partest] ok 1408 - run/t7249.scala
[partest] ok 1409 - run/t7246
[partest] ok 1410 - run/t7246b
[partest] ok 1411 - run/t7269.scala
[partest] ok 1412 - run/t7290.scala
[partest] ok 1413 - run/t7291.scala
[partest] ok 1414 - run/t7300.scala
[partest] ok 1415 - run/t7271.scala
[partest] ok 1416 - run/t7325.scala
[partest] ok 1417 - run/t7326.scala
[partest] ok 1418 - run/t7328.scala
[partest] ok 1419 - run/t7331a.scala
[partest] ok 1420 - run/t7331b.scala
[partest] ok 1421 - run/t7319.scala
[partest] ok 1422 - run/t7336.scala
[partest] ok 1423 - run/t7341.scala
[partest] ok 1424 - run/t7337.scala
[partest] ok 1425 - run/t7331c.scala
[partest] ok 1426 - run/t7375a.scala
[partest] ok 1427 - run/t7374
[partest] ok 1428 - run/t7359
[partest] ok 1429 - run/t7375b
[partest] ok 1430 - run/t7406.scala
[partest] ok 1431 - run/t7407.scala
[partest] ok 1432 - run/t7398.scala
[partest] ok 1433 - run/t7407b.scala
[partest] ok 1434 - run/t7436.scala
[partest] ok 1435 - run/t744.scala
[partest] ok 1436 - run/t7445.scala
[partest] ok 1437 - run/t7459a.scala
[partest] ok 1438 - run/t6853.scala
[partest] ok 1439 - run/t7459b-optimize.scala
[partest] ok 1440 - run/t7439
[partest] ok 1441 - run/t7459b.scala
[partest] ok 1442 - run/t7459c.scala
[partest] ok 1443 - run/t7459d.scala
[partest] ok 1444 - run/t7455
[partest] ok 1445 - run/t7459f.scala
[partest] ok 1446 - run/t7475b.scala
[partest] ok 1447 - run/t751.scala
[partest] ok 1448 - run/t7507.scala
[partest] ok 1449 - run/t7498.scala
[partest] ok 1450 - run/t7533.scala
[partest] ok 1451 - run/t7556
[partest] ok 1452 - run/t7482a.scala
[partest] ok 1453 - run/t7569.scala
[partest] ok 1454 - run/t7510
[partest] ok 1455 - run/t7570b.scala
[partest] ok 1456 - run/t7558.scala
[partest] ok 1457 - run/t7571.scala
[partest] ok 1458 - run/t7570a.scala
[partest] ok 1459 - run/t7582
[partest] ok 1460 - run/t7584.scala
[partest] ok 1461 - run/t7582b
[partest] ok 1462 - run/t7584b.scala
[partest] ok 1463 - run/t7570c.scala
[partest] ok 1464 - run/t7617a
[partest] ok 1465 - run/t7582-private-within
[partest] ok 1466 - run/t7617b
[partest] ok 1467 - run/t7657
[partest] ok 1468 - run/t7700.scala
[partest] ok 1469 - run/t7715.scala
[partest] ok 1470 - run/t7711-script-args.scala
[partest] ok 1471 - run/t7634.scala
[partest] ok 1472 - run/t7741a
[partest] ok 1473 - run/t7763.scala
[partest] ok 1474 - run/t7741b
[partest] ok 1475 - run/t7777
[partest] ok 1476 - run/t7775.scala
[partest] ok 1477 - run/t7779.scala
[partest] ok 1478 - run/t7791-script-linenums.scala
[partest] ok 1479 - run/t7817-tree-gen.scala
[partest] ok 1480 - run/t7805-repl-i.scala
[partest] ok 1481 - run/t7801.scala
[partest] ok 1482 - run/t7817.scala
[partest] ok 1483 - run/t7852.scala
[partest] ok 1484 - run/t7859
[partest] ok 1485 - run/t7868.scala
[partest] ok 1486 - run/t7843-jsr223-service.scala
[partest] ok 1487 - run/t7747-repl.scala
[partest] ok 1488 - run/t7825.scala
[partest] ok 1489 - run/t7880.scala
[partest] ok 1490 - run/t7868b.scala
[partest] ok 1491 - run/t7871
[partest] ok 1492 - run/t7899-regression.scala
[partest] ok 1493 - run/t7899.scala
[partest] ok 1494 - run/t7912.scala
[partest] ok 1495 - run/t7932.scala
[partest] ok 1496 - run/t7876.scala
[partest] ok 1497 - run/t7965.scala
[partest] ok 1498 - run/t7985.scala
[partest] ok 1499 - run/t7985b.scala
[partest] ok 1500 - run/t7992.scala
[partest] ok 1501 - run/t7974
[partest] ok 1502 - run/t7992b.scala
[partest] ok 1503 - run/t8010.scala
[partest] ok 1504 - run/t8002.scala
[partest] ok 1505 - run/t8015-ffc.scala
[partest] ok 1506 - run/t8017
[partest] ok 1507 - run/t7933.scala
[partest] ok 1508 - run/t8047.scala
[partest] ok 1509 - run/t8029.scala
[partest] ok 1510 - run/t8048a
[partest] ok 1511 - run/t8046
[partest] ok 1512 - run/t8087.scala
[partest] ok 1513 - run/t8048b
[partest] ok 1514 - run/t8091.scala
[partest] ok 1515 - run/t8100.scala
[partest] ok 1516 - run/t8133b
[partest] ok 1517 - run/t8133
[partest] ok 1518 - run/t8153.scala
[partest] ok 1519 - run/t8177f.scala
[partest] ok 1520 - run/t8188.scala
[partest] ok 1521 - run/t8104
[partest] ok 1522 - run/t8197.scala
[partest] ok 1523 - run/t8196.scala
[partest] ok 1524 - run/t8197b.scala
[partest] ok 1525 - run/t8190.scala
[partest] ok 1526 - run/t8233-bcode.scala
[partest] ok 1527 - run/t8233.scala
[partest] ok 1528 - run/t8199.scala
[partest] ok 1529 - run/t8192
[partest] ok 1530 - run/t8245.scala
[partest] ok 1531 - run/t8266-octal-interp.scala
[partest] ok 1532 - run/t8280.scala
[partest] ok 1533 - run/t8321
[partest] ok 1534 - run/t8395.scala
[partest] ok 1535 - run/t8253.scala
[partest] ok 1536 - run/t8425
[partest] ok 1537 - run/t8428.scala
[partest] ok 1538 - run/t8437
[partest] ok 1539 - run/t8445.scala
[partest] ok 1540 - run/t8442
[partest] ok 1541 - run/t8549.scala
[partest] ok 1542 - run/t8570.scala
[partest] ok 1543 - run/t8549b.scala
[partest] ok 1544 - run/t8502b.scala
[partest] ok 1545 - run/t8502.scala
[partest] ok 1546 - run/t8570a.scala
[partest] ok 1547 - run/t8601.scala
[partest] ok 1548 - run/t8574.scala
[partest] ok 1549 - run/t8601b.scala
[partest] ok 1550 - run/t8601-closure-elim.scala
[partest] ok 1551 - run/t8601c.scala
[partest] ok 1552 - run/t8601d.scala
[partest] ok 1553 - run/t8607.scala
[partest] ok 1554 - run/t8601e
[partest] ok 1555 - run/t8611a.scala
[partest] ok 1556 - run/t8610.scala
[partest] ok 1557 - run/t8611b.scala
[partest] ok 1558 - run/t8611c.scala
[partest] ok 1559 - run/t8690.scala
[partest] ok 1560 - run/t8680.scala
[partest] ok 1561 - run/t8608-no-format.scala
[partest] ok 1562 - run/t8708_b
[partest] ok 1563 - run/t8738.scala
[partest] ok 1564 - run/t874.scala
[partest] ok 1565 - run/t8803.scala
[partest] ok 1566 - run/t8823.scala
[partest] ok 1567 - run/t8764.scala
[partest] ok 1568 - run/t8637.scala
[partest] ok 1569 - run/t8845.scala
[partest] ok 1570 - run/t8888.scala
[partest] ok 1571 - run/t889.scala
[partest] ok 1572 - run/t8893.scala
[partest] ok 1573 - run/t8893b.scala
[partest] ok 1574 - run/t8852a.scala
[partest] ok 1575 - run/t8925.scala
[partest] ok 1576 - run/t8931.scala
[partest] ok 1577 - run/t8933b
[partest] ok 1578 - run/t8907.scala
[partest] ok 1579 - run/t8933
[partest] ok 1580 - run/t8843-repl-xlat.scala
[partest] ok 1581 - run/t8933c.scala
[partest] ok 1582 - run/t8960.scala
[partest] ok 1583 - run/t9003.scala
[partest] ok 1584 - run/t9030.scala
[partest] ok 1585 - run/t9027.scala
[partest] ok 1586 - run/t9102.scala
[partest] ok 1587 - run/t920.scala
[partest] ok 1588 - run/t9182.scala
[partest] ok 1589 - run/t9219.scala
[partest] ok 1590 - run/t9097.scala
[partest] ok 1591 - run/t9223.scala
[partest] ok 1592 - run/t9223b.scala
[partest] ok 1593 - run/t9170.scala
[partest] ok 1594 - run/t9298
[partest] ok 1595 - run/t9252.scala
[partest] ok 1596 - run/t9206.scala
[partest] ok 1597 - run/t9365.scala
[partest] ok 1598 - run/t9298b
[partest] ok 1599 - run/t9387.scala
[partest] ok 1600 - run/t9387b.scala
[partest] ok 1601 - run/t9268
[partest] ok 1602 - run/t9403
[partest] ok 1603 - run/t9359
[partest] ok 1604 - run/t9422.scala
[partest] ok 1605 - run/t9425.scala
[partest] ok 1606 - run/t949.scala
[partest] ok 1607 - run/tcpoly_monads.scala
[partest] ok 1608 - run/t978.scala
[partest] ok 1609 - run/takeAndDrop.scala
[partest] ok 1610 - run/tailcalls.scala
[partest] ok 1611 - run/tcpoly_overriding.scala
[partest] ok 1612 - run/tcpoly_parseridioms.scala
[partest] !! 1613 - run/test-cpp.scala [output differs]
[partest] ok 1614 - run/toolbox_console_reporter.scala
[partest] ok 1615 - run/toolbox_current_run_compiles.scala
[partest] ok 1616 - run/toolbox-varargs
[partest] ok 1617 - run/toolbox_parse_package.scala
[partest] ok 1618 - run/toolbox_default_reporter_is_silent.scala
[partest] ok 1619 - run/toolbox_typecheck_implicitsdisabled.scala
[partest] ok 1620 - run/toolbox_typecheck_inferimplicitvalue.scala
[partest] ok 1621 - run/toolbox_silent_reporter.scala
[partest] ok 1622 - run/toolbox_expand_macro.scala
[partest] ok 1623 - run/toolbox_typecheck_macrosdisabled.scala
[partest] ok 1624 - run/toolbox_typecheck_macrosdisabled2.scala
[partest] ok 1625 - run/trait-renaming
[partest] ok 1626 - run/transform.scala
[partest] ok 1627 - run/transpose.scala
[partest] ok 1628 - run/triemap-hash.scala
[partest] ok 1629 - run/triple-quoted-expr.scala
[partest] ok 1630 - run/try-2.scala
[partest] ok 1631 - run/try-catch-unify.scala
[partest] ok 1632 - run/try.scala
[partest] ok 1633 - run/treePrint.scala
[partest] ok 1634 - run/tuple-match.scala
[partest] ok 1635 - run/tuples.scala
[partest] ok 1636 - run/tuple-zipped.scala
[partest] ok 1637 - run/type-currying.scala
[partest] ok 1638 - run/typealias_overriding.scala
[partest] ok 1639 - run/tpeCache-tyconCache.scala
[partest] ok 1640 - run/typed-annotated
[partest] ok 1641 - run/typetags_core.scala
[partest] ok 1642 - run/typetags_multi.scala
[partest] ok 1643 - run/typecheck
[partest] ok 1644 - run/typetags_serialize.scala
[partest] ok 1645 - run/typetags_symbolof_x.scala
[partest] ok 1646 - run/unapply.scala
[partest] ok 1647 - run/typetags_without_scala_reflect_typetag_lookup.scala
[partest] ok 1648 - run/typetags_without_scala_reflect_manifest_lookup.scala
[partest] ok 1649 - run/unapplyArray.scala
[partest] ok 1650 - run/unboxingBug.scala
[partest] ok 1651 - run/typetags_without_scala_reflect_typetag_manifest_interop.scala
[partest] ok 1652 - run/unittest_collection.scala
[partest] ok 1653 - run/unittest_iterator.scala
[partest] ok 1654 - run/unreachable.scala
[partest] ok 1655 - run/value-class-extractor-seq.scala
[partest] ok 1656 - run/value-class-extractor.scala
[partest] ok 1657 - run/value-class-extractor-2.scala
[partest] ok 1658 - run/UnrolledBuffer.scala
[partest] ok 1659 - run/value-class-partial-func-depmet.scala
[partest] ok 1660 - run/valueclasses-classmanifest-basic.scala
[partest] ok 1661 - run/valueclasses-classmanifest-existential.scala
[partest] ok 1662 - run/valueclasses-classmanifest-generic.scala
[partest] ok 1663 - run/valueclasses-classtag-basic.scala
[partest] ok 1664 - run/valueclasses-classtag-existential.scala
[partest] ok 1665 - run/valueclasses-classtag-generic.scala
[partest] ok 1666 - run/valueclasses-constr.scala
[partest] ok 1667 - run/valueclasses-manifest-basic.scala
[partest] ok 1668 - run/valueclasses-manifest-existential.scala
[partest] ok 1669 - run/valueclasses-pavlov.scala
[partest] ok 1670 - run/valueclasses-manifest-generic.scala
[partest] ok 1671 - run/valueclasses-typetag-basic.scala
[partest] ok 1672 - run/valueClassSelfType.scala
[partest] ok 1673 - run/valueclasses-typetag-existential.scala
[partest] ok 1674 - run/valueclasses-typetag-generic.scala
[partest] ok 1675 - run/var-arity-class-symbol.scala
[partest] ok 1676 - run/verify-ctor.scala
[partest] ok 1677 - run/view-headoption.scala
[partest] ok 1678 - run/vector1.scala
[partest] ok 1679 - run/view-iterator-stream.scala
[partest] ok 1680 - run/viewtest.scala
[partest] ok 1681 - run/virtpatmat_alts.scala
[partest] ok 1682 - run/virtpatmat_apply.scala
[partest] ok 1683 - run/virtpatmat_casting.scala
[partest] ok 1684 - run/virtpatmat_extends_product.scala
[partest] ok 1685 - run/virtpatmat_literal.scala
[partest] ok 1686 - run/virtpatmat_npe.scala
[partest] ok 1687 - run/virtpatmat_nested_lists.scala
[partest] ok 1688 - run/various-flat-classpath-types.scala
[partest] ok 1689 - run/virtpatmat_partial.scala
[partest] ok 1690 - run/virtpatmat_partial_backquoted.scala
[partest] ok 1691 - run/virtpatmat_staging.scala
[partest] ok 1692 - run/virtpatmat_opt_sharing.scala
[partest] ok 1693 - run/virtpatmat_tailcalls_verifyerror.scala
[partest] ok 1694 - run/virtpatmat_stringinterp.scala
[partest] ok 1695 - run/virtpatmat_switch.scala
[partest] ok 1696 - run/virtpatmat_try.scala
[partest] ok 1697 - run/virtpatmat_typed.scala
[partest] ok 1698 - run/virtpatmat_typetag.scala
[partest] ok 1699 - run/virtpatmat_unapply.scala
[partest] ok 1700 - run/virtpatmat_unapplyprod.scala
[partest] ok 1701 - run/virtpatmat_valdef.scala
[partest] ok 1702 - run/virtpatmat_unapplyseq.scala
[partest] ok 1703 - run/weakconform.scala
[partest] ok 1704 - run/withIndex.scala
[partest] ok 1705 - run/WeakHashSetTest.scala
[partest] ok 1706 - run/xMigration.scala
[partest] Running 117 tests in 'jvm' at Thu Sep 17 22:21:36 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - jvm/actor-executor.scala
[partest] ok 2 - jvm/actor-exceptions.scala
[partest] ok 3 - jvm/actor-executor3.scala
[partest] ok 4 - jvm/actor-executor2.scala
[partest] ok 5 - jvm/actor-link-getstate.scala
[partest] ok 6 - jvm/actor-looping.scala
[partest] ok 7 - jvm/actor-normal-exit.scala
[partest] ok 8 - jvm/actor-getstate.scala
[partest] ok 9 - jvm/actor-uncaught-exception.scala
[partest] ok 10 - jvm/actor-receivewithin.scala
[partest] ok 11 - jvm/actor-uncaught-exception2.scala
[partest] ok 12 - jvm/actor-sync-send-timeout.scala
[partest] ok 13 - jvm/annotations.scala
[partest] ok 14 - jvm/bigints.scala
[partest] ok 15 - jvm/beanInfo
[partest] ok 16 - jvm/bytecode-test-example
[partest] ok 17 - jvm/actor-termination.scala
[partest] ok 18 - jvm/console.scala
[partest] ok 19 - jvm/constant-optimization
[partest] ok 20 - jvm/daemon-actor-termination.scala
[partest] ok 21 - jvm/deprecation
[partest] ok 22 - jvm/duration-java
[partest] ok 23 - jvm/future-awaitall-zero.scala
[partest] ok 24 - jvm/future-termination.scala
[partest] ok 25 - jvm/future-alarm.scala
[partest] ok 26 - jvm/genericNest.scala
[partest] ok 27 - jvm/getGenericSuperclass.scala
[partest] ok 28 - jvm/duration-tck.scala
[partest] ok 29 - jvm/inner.scala
[partest] ok 30 - jvm/innerClassAttribute
[partest] ok 31 - jvm/innerClassEnclMethodJavaReflection.scala
[partest] ok 32 - jvm/javaReflection
[partest] ok 33 - jvm/manifests-old.scala
[partest] ok 34 - jvm/manifests-new.scala
[partest] ok 35 - jvm/methvsfield.scala
[partest] ok 36 - jvm/named-args-in-order
[partest] ok 37 - jvm/natives.scala
[partest] ok 38 - jvm/nest.scala
[partest] ok 39 - jvm/non-fatal-tests.scala
[partest] ok 40 - jvm/nooptimise
[partest] ok 41 - jvm/outerEnum.scala
[partest] ok 42 - jvm/opt_value_class
[partest] ok 43 - jvm/interpreter.scala
[partest] ok 44 - jvm/patmat_opt_no_nullcheck
[partest] ok 45 - jvm/patmat_opt_ignore_underscore
[partest] ok 46 - jvm/patmat_opt_primitive_typetest
[partest] ok 47 - jvm/protectedacc.scala
[partest] ok 48 - jvm/reactor-exceptionOnSend.scala
[partest] ok 49 - jvm/reactor-producer-consumer.scala
[partest] ok 50 - jvm/reactor.scala
[partest] ok 51 - jvm/replyablereactor.scala
[partest] ok 52 - jvm/replyablereactor2.scala
[partest] ok 53 - jvm/replyablereactor3.scala
[partest] ok 54 - jvm/replyreactor-react-sender.scala
[partest] ok 55 - jvm/future-spec
[partest] ok 56 - jvm/replyreactor.scala
[partest] ok 57 - jvm/scheduler-adapter.scala
[partest] ok 58 - jvm/serialization-new.scala
[partest] ok 59 - jvm/scala-concurrent-tck.scala
[partest] ok 60 - jvm/signum.scala
[partest] ok 61 - jvm/serialization.scala
[partest] ok 62 - jvm/stringbuilder.scala
[partest] ok 63 - jvm/t0014.scala
[partest] ok 64 - jvm/t1116.scala
[partest] ok 65 - jvm/sync-var.scala
[partest] ok 66 - jvm/replyablereactor4.scala
[partest] ok 67 - jvm/t1143.scala
[partest] ok 68 - jvm/t1449.scala
[partest] ok 69 - jvm/t1461.scala
[partest] ok 70 - jvm/t1143-2
[partest] ok 71 - jvm/t1342
[partest] ok 72 - jvm/t1464
[partest] ok 73 - jvm/t1600.scala
[partest] ok 74 - jvm/t1948.scala
[partest] ok 75 - jvm/t2214.scala
[partest] ok 76 - jvm/t2163
[partest] ok 77 - jvm/t2359.scala
[partest] ok 78 - jvm/t2511.scala
[partest] ok 79 - jvm/t2470
[partest] ok 80 - jvm/t2530.scala
[partest] ok 81 - jvm/t2104.scala
[partest] ok 82 - jvm/t2570
[partest] ok 83 - jvm/t2827.scala
[partest] ok 84 - jvm/t2585
[partest] ok 85 - jvm/t3102.scala
[partest] ok 86 - jvm/t3003
[partest] ok 87 - jvm/t3356.scala
[partest] ok 88 - jvm/t3407.scala
[partest] ok 89 - jvm/t3412-channel.scala
[partest] ok 90 - jvm/t3412.scala
[partest] ok 91 - jvm/t3365.scala
[partest] ok 92 - jvm/t3838.scala
[partest] ok 93 - jvm/t3415
[partest] ok 94 - jvm/t3470.scala
[partest] ok 95 - jvm/t676.scala
[partest] ok 96 - jvm/t4283
[partest] ok 97 - jvm/t5471.scala
[partest] ok 98 - jvm/t680.scala
[partest] ok 99 - jvm/t6941
[partest] ok 100 - jvm/t7006
[partest] ok 101 - jvm/t7146.scala
[partest] ok 102 - jvm/t6172.scala
[partest] ok 103 - jvm/t7181
[partest] ok 104 - jvm/t8582.scala
[partest] ok 105 - jvm/t7253
[partest] ok 106 - jvm/t9044.scala
[partest] ok 107 - jvm/t8689.scala
[partest] ok 108 - jvm/t9105.scala
[partest] ok 109 - jvm/throws-annot.scala
[partest] ok 110 - jvm/try-type-tests.scala
[partest] ok 111 - jvm/unittest_io_Jvm.scala
[partest] ok 112 - jvm/unreachable
[partest] ok 113 - jvm/typerep.scala
[partest] ok 114 - jvm/value-class-boxing
[partest] ok 115 - jvm/varargs
[partest] ok 116 - jvm/xml05.scala
[partest] ok 117 - jvm/throws-annot-from-java
[partest] Running 13 tests in 'res' at Thu Sep 17 22:23:51 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - res/t597.res
[partest] ok 2 - res/t5489.res
[partest] ok 3 - res/t6613.res
[partest] ok 4 - res/t5167.res
[partest] ok 5 - res/t687.res
[partest] ok 6 - res/t735.res
[partest] ok 7 - res/t722.res
[partest] ok 8 - res/t743.res
[partest] ok 9 - res/t831.res
[partest] ok 10 - res/t785.res
[partest] ok 11 - res/t9089.res
[partest] ok 12 - res/t8871.res
[partest] ok 13 - res/t9170.res
[partest] Running 21 tests in 'scalap' at Thu Sep 17 22:23:53 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - scalap/abstractMethod.scala
[partest] ok 2 - scalap/abstractClass.scala
[partest] ok 3 - scalap/caseClass.scala
[partest] ok 4 - scalap/caseObject.scala
[partest] ok 5 - scalap/classPrivate.scala
[partest] ok 6 - scalap/cbnParam.scala
[partest] ok 7 - scalap/classWithSelfAnnotation.scala
[partest] ok 8 - scalap/classWithExistential.scala
[partest] ok 9 - scalap/covariantParam.scala
[partest] ok 10 - scalap/defaultParameter.scala
[partest] ok 11 - scalap/implicitParam.scala
[partest] ok 12 - scalap/paramClauses.scala
[partest] ok 13 - scalap/packageObject.scala
[partest] ok 14 - scalap/paramNames.scala
[partest] ok 15 - scalap/sequenceParam.scala
[partest] ok 16 - scalap/simpleClass.scala
[partest] ok 17 - scalap/traitObject.scala
[partest] ok 18 - scalap/wildcardType.scala
[partest] ok 19 - scalap/valAndVar.scala
[partest] ok 20 - scalap/typeAnnotations.scala
[partest] ok 21 - scalap/t8679.scala
[partest] Running 24 tests in 'scalacheck' at Thu Sep 17 22:23:59 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - scalacheck/CheckCollections.scala
[partest] ok 2 - scalacheck/array-old.scala
[partest] ok 3 - scalacheck/array-new.scala
[partest] ok 4 - scalacheck/CheckEither.scala
[partest] ok 5 - scalacheck/duration.scala
[partest] ok 6 - scalacheck/list.scala
[partest] ok 7 - scalacheck/nan-ordering.scala
[partest] ok 8 - scalacheck/primitive-eqeq.scala
[partest] ok 9 - scalacheck/avl.scala
[partest] ok 10 - scalacheck/range.scala
[partest] ok 11 - scalacheck/redblacktree.scala
[partest] ok 12 - scalacheck/ReflectionExtractors.scala
[partest] ok 13 - scalacheck/scan.scala
[partest] ok 14 - scalacheck/substringTests.scala
[partest] ok 15 - scalacheck/t2460.scala
[partest] ok 16 - scalacheck/t4147.scala
[partest] ok 17 - scalacheck/test.scala
[partest] ok 18 - scalacheck/testdir
[partest] ok 19 - scalacheck/treemap.scala
[partest] ok 20 - scalacheck/treeset.scala
[partest] ok 21 - scalacheck/Unrolled.scala
[partest] ok 22 - scalacheck/Ctrie.scala
[partest] ok 23 - scalacheck/parallel-collections
[partest] ok 24 - scalacheck/quasiquotes
[partest] Running 23 tests in 'specialized' at Thu Sep 17 22:27:18 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - specialized/constant_lambda.scala
[partest] ok 2 - specialized/arrays-traits.scala
[partest] ok 3 - specialized/arrays.scala
[partest] ok 4 - specialized/fft.scala
[partest] ok 5 - specialized/SI-7343.scala
[partest] ok 6 - specialized/SI-7344.scala
[partest] ok 7 - specialized/spec-absfun.scala
[partest] ok 8 - specialized/spec-ame.scala
[partest] ok 9 - specialized/spec-constr.scala
[partest] ok 10 - specialized/spec-early.scala
[partest] ok 11 - specialized/spec-hlists.scala
[partest] ok 12 - specialized/spec-init.scala
[partest] ok 13 - specialized/spec-overrides.scala
[partest] ok 14 - specialized/spec-patmatch.scala
[partest] ok 15 - specialized/spec-matrix-new.scala
[partest] ok 16 - specialized/spec-super.scala
[partest] ok 17 - specialized/spec-matrix-old.scala
[partest] ok 18 - specialized/spec-t3896.scala
[partest] ok 19 - specialized/t6035
[partest] ok 20 - specialized/tb3651.scala
[partest] ok 21 - specialized/tc3651.scala
[partest] ok 22 - specialized/td3651.scala
[partest] ok 23 - specialized/test.scala
[partest] Running 3 tests in 'instrumented' at Thu Sep 17 22:27:32 UTC 2015
[partest] ok 1 - instrumented/t6611.scala
[partest] ok 2 - instrumented/InstrumentationTest.scala
[partest] ok 3 - instrumented/inline-in-constructors
Y:\tisue\scala\build.xml:1588: The following error occurred while executing this line:
Y:\tisue\scala\build-ant-macros.xml:769: Test suite finished with 3 cases failing:
fail - pos/t9370 [compilation failed]% scalac Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\pos\t9370\ThePlugin.scala
% scalac Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\pos\t9370\sample_2.scala
error: Missing required plugin: timebomb
one error found
fail - run/inline-ex-handlers.scala [output differs]% scalac Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\inline-ex-handlers.scala
% C:\java\jdk-1.6\jre\bin\java \
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
-server \
-XX:+AggressiveOpts \
-XX:+UseParNewGC \
-Xmx2G \
-Xss1M \
-XX:MaxPermSize=512M \
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M \
-classpath \
Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\inline-ex-handlers-run.obj;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-library.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-reflect.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-compiler.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scalap.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-actors.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-partest_2.11\1.0.7\scala-partest_2.11-1.0.7.jar;C:\.m2\repository\com\googlecode\java-diff-utils\diffutils\1.3.0\diffutils-1.3.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-sbt\test-interface\1.0\test-interface-1.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-xml_2.11\1.0.4\scala-xml_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-parser-combinators_2.11\1.0.4\scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scalacheck\scalacheck_2.11\1.11.6\scalacheck_2.11-1.11.6.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-partest-extras.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-partest-javaagent.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\annotations.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\enums.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\genericNest.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\jsoup-1.3.1.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\macro210.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\methvsfield.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\nest.jar \
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
-Djava.library.path=Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run \
-Dpartest.output=Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\inline-ex-handlers-run.obj \
-Dpartest.lib=Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-library.jar \
-Dpartest.reflect=Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-reflect.jar \
-Dpartest.comp=Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-compiler.jar \
-Dpartest.cwd=Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run \
-Dpartest.test-path=Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\inline-ex-handlers.scala \
-Dpartest.testname=inline-ex-handlers \
-Djavacmd=C:\java\jdk-1.6\jre\bin\java \
-Djavaccmd=javac \
-Duser.language=en \ \ \
-usejavacp \
Test \
jvm > inline-ex-handlers-run.log
% diff Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\inline-ex-handlers-run.log Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\inline-ex-handlers.checkdiff Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\inline-ex-handlers-run.log Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\inline-ex-handlers.check
--- inline-ex-handlers.check
+++ inline-ex-handlers-run.log
@@ -2,46 +2,428 @@
+++ b
-@@ -171,5 +171,5 @@
- def productElement(x$1: Int (INT)): Object {
-- locals: value x$1, value x1
+@@ -100,2 +100,102 @@
+ }
++object MyException extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1, Serializable {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def toString(): String {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 CONSTANT("MyException")
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class String))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def apply(message: String (REF(class String))): MyException {
++ locals: value message
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 92 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class MyException))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def unapply(x$0: MyException (REF(class MyException))): Option {
++ locals: value x$0
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1,2,3,4]
++ 1:
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$0)
++ 92 CZJUMP (REF(class Object))EQ ? 2 : 3
++ 2:
++ 92 LOAD_MODULE object None
++ 92 JUMP 4
++ 3:
++ 92 NEW REF(class Some)
++ 92 DUP(REF(class Some))
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$0)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD scala.Some.<init> (static-instance)
++ 92 JUMP 4
++ 4:
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class Option))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def readResolve(): Object {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 LOAD_MODULE object MyException
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class Object))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def apply(v1: Object (REF(class Object))): Object {
++ locals: value v1
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value v1)
++ 92 CHECK_CAST REF(class String)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.apply (dynamic)
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class Object))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): MyException.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ class MyException extends RuntimeException, Product, Serializable {
+@@ -354,2 +454,252 @@
+ }
++class MyException extends RuntimeException, Product, Serializable {
++ // fields:
++ val message: String
++ // methods
++ def message(): String {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 LOAD_FIELD value message
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class String))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def copy(message: String (REF(class String))): MyException {
++ locals: value message
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 92 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class MyException))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def copy$default$1(): String {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class String))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def productPrefix(): String {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 CONSTANT("MyException")
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class String))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def productArity(): Int {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 CONSTANT(1)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def productElement(x$1: Int (INT)): Object {
+ locals: value x$1, value x1, variable boxed1
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,4]
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,3,4]
-@@ -186,2 +186,4 @@
- 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$1)
++ 1:
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$1)
++ 92 STORE_LOCAL(value x1)
++ 92 SCOPE_ENTER value x1
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x1)
++ 92 SWITCH ...
++ 4:
++ 92 NEW REF(class IndexOutOfBoundsException)
++ 92 DUP(REF(class IndexOutOfBoundsException))
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$1)
+ 92 STORE_LOCAL(variable boxed1)
+ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(variable boxed1)
- 92 BOX INT
-@@ -194,5 +196,2 @@
- 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
-- 92 JUMP 2
-- 2:
- 92 RETURN(REF(class Object))
-@@ -246,3 +245,3 @@
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]
++ 92 BOX INT
++ 92 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.toString (dynamic)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException.<init> (static-instance)
++ 92 THROW(IndexOutOfBoundsException)
++ 3:
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
++ 92 RETURN(REF(class Object))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def productIterator(): Iterator {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 LOAD_MODULE object ScalaRunTime
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.typedProductIterator (dynamic)
++ 92 RETURN(REF(trait Iterator))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def canEqual(x$1: Object (REF(class Object))): Boolean {
++ locals: value x$1
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$1)
++ 92 IS_INSTANCE REF(class MyException)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def hashCode(): Int {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 LOAD_MODULE object ScalaRunTime
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._hashCode (dynamic)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def equals(x$1: Object (REF(class Object))): Boolean {
++ locals: value x$1, value x1, value x, value MyException$1, variable eqEqTemp$1
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]
-@@ -257,5 +256,2 @@
- 92 SCOPE_ENTER value x1
-- 92 JUMP 7
-- 7:
- 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x1)
-@@ -390,5 +386,5 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, variable result, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value message, value x
++ 1:
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$1)
++ 92 CJUMP (REF(type AnyRef))EQ ? 2 : 5
++ 5:
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$1)
++ 92 STORE_LOCAL(value x1)
++ 92 SCOPE_ENTER value x1
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x1)
++ 92 IS_INSTANCE REF(class MyException)
++ 92 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 8 : 11
++ 8:
++ 92 CONSTANT(true)
++ 92 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
++ 92 JUMP 12
++ 11:
++ 92 CONSTANT(false)
++ 92 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
++ 92 JUMP 12
++ 12:
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x)
++ 92 SCOPE_EXIT value x1
++ 92 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 6 : 3
++ 6:
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value x$1)
++ 92 CHECK_CAST REF(class MyException)
++ 92 STORE_LOCAL(value MyException$1)
++ 92 SCOPE_ENTER value MyException$1
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value MyException$1)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
++ 92 STORE_LOCAL(variable eqEqTemp$1)
++ 92 DUP(REF(class Object))
++ 92 CZJUMP (REF(class Object))EQ ? 17 : 18
++ 17:
++ 92 DROP REF(class Object)
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(variable eqEqTemp$1)
++ 92 CZJUMP (REF(class Object))EQ ? 16 : 14
++ 18:
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(variable eqEqTemp$1)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.equals (dynamic)
++ 92 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 16 : 14
++ 16:
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value MyException$1)
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD MyException.canEqual (dynamic)
++ 92 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 13 : 14
++ 13:
++ 92 CONSTANT(true)
++ 92 JUMP 15
++ 14:
++ 92 CONSTANT(false)
++ 92 JUMP 15
++ 15:
++ ? CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 2 : 3
++ 2:
++ 92 CONSTANT(true)
++ 92 JUMP 4
++ 3:
++ 92 CONSTANT(false)
++ 92 JUMP 4
++ 4:
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(message: String (REF(class String))): MyException {
++ locals: value message
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 92 STORE_FIELD value message (dynamic)
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD java.lang.RuntimeException.<init> (super())
++ 92 THIS(MyException)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD scala.Product$class.$init$ (static-class)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object Test extends {
+@@ -385,2 +735,33 @@
+ }
++object Test extends {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def printIcodeAfterPhase(): String {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 4 CONSTANT("inlinehandlers")
++ 4 RETURN(REF(class String))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): Test.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 3 THIS(Test)
++ 3 CALL_METHOD<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersCaseClassExceptionInline extends Object {
+@@ -483,2 +864,103 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersCaseClassExceptionInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value args, variable result, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value x
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,8,10,11,13]
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,2,3,5,8,10,11,13,14]
-@@ -416,4 +412,13 @@
- 103 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 103 THROW(MyException)
++ 1:
++ 98 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 98 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersCaseClassExceptionInline")
++ 98 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 99 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 99 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 99 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 99 JUMP 10
++ 10:
++ 102 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 102 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 102 CONSTANT(2)
++ 102 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 102 CONSTANT(0)
++ 102 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 11 : 13
++ 11:
++ 103 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 103 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 103 CONSTANT("something")
++ 103 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? JUMP 14
+ 14:
@@ -54,30 +436,130 @@
- 13:
-@@ -429,5 +434,2 @@
- 101 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
-- 101 JUMP 4
-- 4:
- 106 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
-@@ -441,8 +443,5 @@
- 106 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
-- 106 LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
-- 106 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
-- 106 STORE_LOCAL(value message)
-- 106 SCOPE_ENTER value message
- 106 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 106 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 13:
++ 104 CONSTANT(1)
++ 104 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 104 JUMP 2
++ 3:
++ 101 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 101 STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 101 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 101 STORE_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 101 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
++ 106 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 106 IS_INSTANCE REF(class MyException)
++ 106 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 5 : 8
++ 5:
++ 106 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 106 CHECK_CAST REF(class MyException)
++ 106 STORE_LOCAL(value x5)
++ 106 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
++ 106 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ ? LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
+ 106 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
- 106 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-@@ -518,3 +517,3 @@
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10]
++ 106 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 106 LOAD_FIELD scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
++ 106 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
++ 106 JUMP 2
++ 2:
++ 109 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 109 DROP INT
++ 109 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ 8:
++ 101 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 101 THROW(Throwable)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(10, 11, 13) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(8, 7, 5, 4, 3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersCaseClassExceptionInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 115 THIS(TestInlineHandlersCaseClassExceptionInline)
++ 115 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal extends Object {
+@@ -611,2 +1093,151 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ val a1: String
++ val a2: String
++ // methods
++ def a1(): String {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 297 THIS(TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal)
++ 297 LOAD_FIELD value a1
++ 297 RETURN(REF(class String))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def a2(): String {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 298 THIS(TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal)
++ 298 LOAD_FIELD value a2
++ 298 RETURN(REF(class String))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
++ locals: value args, value t, variable monitor3, variable monitor4
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,13]
-@@ -547,4 +546,9 @@
- 306 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 306 THROW(MyException)
++ 1:
++ 301 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 301 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal")
++ 301 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 301 JUMP 4
++ 4:
++ 304 THIS(TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal)
++ 304 CALL_METHOD TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal.a1 (dynamic)
++ ? DUP(REF(class Object))
++ ? STORE_LOCAL(variable monitor3)
++ 304 JUMP 7
++ 7:
++ 305 THIS(TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal)
++ 305 CALL_METHOD TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal.a2 (dynamic)
++ ? DUP(REF(class Object))
++ ? STORE_LOCAL(variable monitor4)
++ 305 JUMP 10
++ 10:
++ 306 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 306 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 306 CONSTANT("crash")
++ 306 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? JUMP 11
+ 11:
@@ -87,14 +569,15 @@
- 9:
-@@ -553,3 +557,3 @@
-- ? THROW(Throwable)
++ 9:
++ 305 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ ? LOAD_LOCAL(variable monitor4)
+ ? JUMP 12
-@@ -559,4 +563,11 @@
-- ? THROW(Throwable)
++ 6:
++ 304 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ ? LOAD_LOCAL(variable monitor3)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value t)
+ ? JUMP 13
+ 12:
@@ -105,9 +588,16 @@
- 3:
-@@ -573,5 +584,14 @@
- 310 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-- 310 JUMP 2
++ 3:
++ 303 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 310 STORE_LOCAL(value t)
++ 310 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 310 CALL_PRIMITIVE(StartConcat)
++ 310 CONSTANT("Caught crash: ")
++ 310 CALL_PRIMITIVE(StringConcat(REF(class String)))
++ 310 LOAD_LOCAL(value t)
++ 310 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Throwable.toString (dynamic)
++ 310 CALL_PRIMITIVE(StringConcat(REF(class String)))
++ 310 CALL_PRIMITIVE(EndConcat)
++ 310 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-- 2:
+ 13:
@@ -122,23 +612,74 @@
+ 310 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-@@ -583,6 +603,6 @@
- with finalizer: null
-- catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(7, 9, 10) starting at: 6
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(10) starting at: 9
++ consisting of blocks: List(9)
++ with finalizer: null
+ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(7, 9, 10, 11) starting at: 6
- consisting of blocks: List(6)
- with finalizer: null
-- catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(4, 6, 7, 9, 10) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(6)
++ with finalizer: null
+ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12) starting at: 3
- consisting of blocks: List(3)
-@@ -618,3 +638,3 @@
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,3,4,5,6,8,9]
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 329 THIS(TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal)
++ 329 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ 297 THIS(TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal)
++ 297 CONSTANT("a")
++ 297 STORE_FIELD value a1 (dynamic)
++ 298 THIS(TestInlineHandlersDoubleNoLocal)
++ 298 CONSTANT("b")
++ 298 STORE_FIELD value a2 (dynamic)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersFinallyInline extends Object {
+@@ -709,2 +1340,120 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersFinallyInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
++ locals: value args, variable result, value e, variable exc1
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11]
-@@ -642,4 +662,10 @@
- 78 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 78 THROW(IllegalArgumentException)
++ 1:
++ 73 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 73 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersFinallyInline")
++ 73 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 74 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 74 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 74 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 74 JUMP 5
++ 5:
++ 77 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 77 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 77 CONSTANT(2)
++ 77 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 77 CONSTANT(0)
++ 77 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 6 : 8
++ 6:
++ 78 NEW REF(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 78 DUP(REF(class IllegalArgumentException))
++ 78 CONSTANT("something")
++ 78 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value e)
+ ? JUMP 10
+ 10:
@@ -148,11 +689,44 @@
- 8:
-@@ -668,3 +694,4 @@
- 81 LOAD_LOCAL(value e)
-- 81 THROW(Exception)
++ 8:
++ 79 CONSTANT(1)
++ 79 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 79 JUMP 9
++ 9:
++ 83 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 83 CONSTANT("finally")
++ 83 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 84 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 84 CONSTANT(1)
++ 84 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(SUB,INT))
++ 84 CONSTANT(2)
++ 84 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(DIV,INT))
++ 84 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 87 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 87 DROP INT
++ 87 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ 4:
++ 76 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Exception)
++ 81 STORE_LOCAL(value e)
++ 81 LOAD_LOCAL(value e)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(variable exc1)
+ ? JUMP 11
-@@ -685,2 +712,15 @@
++ 3:
++ 82 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 82 STORE_LOCAL(variable exc1)
++ 83 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 83 CONSTANT("finally")
++ 83 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 84 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 84 CONSTANT(1)
++ 84 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(SUB,INT))
++ 84 CONSTANT(2)
++ 84 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(DIV,INT))
++ 84 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 84 LOAD_LOCAL(variable exc1)
++ 84 THROW(Throwable)
+ 11:
@@ -170,22 +744,63 @@
- }
-@@ -690,3 +730,3 @@
- with finalizer: null
-- catch (<none>) in ArrayBuffer(4, 5, 6, 8) starting at: 3
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (Exception) in ArrayBuffer(5, 6, 8) starting at: 4
++ consisting of blocks: List(4)
++ with finalizer: null
+ catch (<none>) in ArrayBuffer(4, 5, 6, 8, 10) starting at: 3
- consisting of blocks: List(3)
-@@ -714,5 +754,5 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, variable result, value ex6, variable exc2, value x4, value x5, value message, value x, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value message, value x
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersFinallyInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 92 THIS(TestInlineHandlersFinallyInline)
++ 92 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerAllInline extends Object {
+@@ -874,2 +1623,193 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerAllInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value args, variable result, value ex6, variable exc2, value x4, value x5, value x, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value x
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,3,4,5,6,9,13,14,15,18,20,21,23,24]
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,3,4,5,6,9,13,14,15,18,20,21,23,24,25,26,27]
-@@ -740,4 +780,11 @@
- 172 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 172 THROW(MyException)
++ 1:
++ 166 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 166 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlersOuterInline")
++ 166 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 167 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 167 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 167 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 167 JUMP 20
++ 20:
++ 171 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 171 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 171 CONSTANT(2)
++ 171 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 171 CONSTANT(0)
++ 171 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 21 : 23
++ 21:
++ 172 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 172 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 172 CONSTANT("something")
++ 172 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? JUMP 25
+ 25:
@@ -196,32 +811,65 @@
- 23:
-@@ -780,8 +827,5 @@
- 175 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
-- 175 LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
-- 175 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
-- 175 STORE_LOCAL(value message)
-- 175 SCOPE_ENTER value message
- 176 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 176 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 23:
++ 173 CONSTANT(1)
++ 173 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 173 JUMP 24
++ 24:
++ 184 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 184 CONSTANT("finally")
++ 184 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 185 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 185 CONSTANT(1)
++ 185 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(SUB,INT))
++ 185 CONSTANT(2)
++ 185 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(DIV,INT))
++ 185 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 188 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 188 DROP INT
++ 188 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ 13:
++ 170 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 170 STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 170 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 170 STORE_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 170 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
++ 170 JUMP 14
++ 14:
++ 175 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 175 IS_INSTANCE REF(class MyException)
++ 175 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 15 : 18
++ 15:
++ 175 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 175 CHECK_CAST REF(class MyException)
++ 175 STORE_LOCAL(value x5)
++ 175 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
++ 176 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ ? LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
+ 176 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
- 176 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-@@ -789,5 +833,7 @@
- 177 DUP(REF(class MyException))
-- 177 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 176 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 177 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 177 DUP(REF(class MyException))
+ ? LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
+ 177 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
- 177 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 177 THROW(MyException)
++ 177 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? JUMP 26
-@@ -795,3 +841,4 @@
- 170 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
-- 170 THROW(Throwable)
++ 18:
++ 170 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? JUMP 26
-@@ -805,2 +852,8 @@
++ 4:
++ 169 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 169 STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 169 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 169 STORE_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 169 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
++ 169 JUMP 5
+ 26:
@@ -232,32 +880,44 @@
- 5:
-@@ -815,8 +868,5 @@
- 180 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
-- 180 LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
-- 180 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
-- 180 STORE_LOCAL(value message)
-- 180 SCOPE_ENTER value message
- 181 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 181 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 5:
++ 180 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 180 IS_INSTANCE REF(class MyException)
++ 180 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 6 : 9
++ 6:
++ 180 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 180 CHECK_CAST REF(class MyException)
++ 180 STORE_LOCAL(value x5)
++ 180 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
++ 181 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ ? LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
+ 181 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
- 181 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-@@ -824,5 +874,7 @@
- 182 DUP(REF(class MyException))
-- 182 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 181 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 182 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 182 DUP(REF(class MyException))
+ ? LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
+ 182 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
- 182 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 182 THROW(MyException)
++ 182 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(variable exc2)
+ ? JUMP 27
-@@ -830,3 +882,4 @@
- 169 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
-- 169 THROW(Throwable)
++ 9:
++ 169 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(variable exc2)
+ ? JUMP 27
-@@ -847,2 +900,15 @@
++ 3:
++ 183 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 183 STORE_LOCAL(variable exc2)
++ 184 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 184 CONSTANT("finally")
++ 184 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 185 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 185 CONSTANT(1)
++ 185 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(SUB,INT))
++ 185 CONSTANT(2)
++ 185 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(DIV,INT))
++ 185 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 185 LOAD_LOCAL(variable exc2)
++ 185 THROW(Throwable)
+ 27:
@@ -275,26 +935,66 @@
- }
-@@ -852,6 +918,6 @@
- with finalizer: null
-- catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23) starting at: 4
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(20, 21, 23) starting at: 13
++ consisting of blocks: List(18, 17, 15, 14, 13)
++ with finalizer: null
+ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25) starting at: 4
- consisting of blocks: List(9, 8, 6, 5, 4)
- with finalizer: null
-- catch (<none>) in ArrayBuffer(4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(9, 8, 6, 5, 4)
++ with finalizer: null
+ catch (<none>) in ArrayBuffer(4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26) starting at: 3
- consisting of blocks: List(3)
-@@ -879,5 +945,5 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, variable result, value e, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value message, value x
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerAllInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 194 THIS(TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerAllInline)
++ 194 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerInnerInline extends Object {
+@@ -983,2 +1923,115 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerInnerInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value args, variable result, value e, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value x
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,6,7,8,11,13,14,16]
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,2,3,6,7,8,11,13,14,16,17]
-@@ -905,4 +971,11 @@
- 124 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 124 THROW(MyException)
++ 1:
++ 118 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 118 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlersInnerInline")
++ 118 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 119 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 119 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 119 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 119 JUMP 13
++ 13:
++ 123 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 123 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 123 CONSTANT(2)
++ 123 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 123 CONSTANT(0)
++ 123 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 14 : 16
++ 14:
++ 124 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 124 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 124 CONSTANT("something")
++ 124 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? JUMP 17
+ 17:
@@ -305,33 +1005,112 @@
- 16:
-@@ -930,8 +1003,5 @@
- 127 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
-- 127 LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
-- 127 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
-- 127 STORE_LOCAL(value message)
-- 127 SCOPE_ENTER value message
- 127 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 127 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 16:
++ 125 CONSTANT(1)
++ 125 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 125 JUMP 2
++ 6:
++ 122 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 122 STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 122 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 122 STORE_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 122 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
++ 122 JUMP 7
++ 7:
++ 127 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 127 IS_INSTANCE REF(class MyException)
++ 127 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 8 : 11
++ 8:
++ 127 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 127 CHECK_CAST REF(class MyException)
++ 127 STORE_LOCAL(value x5)
++ 127 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
++ 127 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ ? LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
+ 127 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
- 127 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-@@ -964,3 +1034,3 @@
- with finalizer: null
-- catch (IllegalArgumentException) in ArrayBuffer(6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16) starting at: 3
++ 127 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 127 LOAD_FIELD scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
++ 127 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
++ 127 JUMP 2
++ 11:
++ 122 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 122 THROW(Throwable)
++ 3:
++ 121 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 130 STORE_LOCAL(value e)
++ 130 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 130 CONSTANT("IllegalArgumentException")
++ 130 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 130 JUMP 2
++ 2:
++ 133 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 133 DROP INT
++ 133 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(13, 14, 16) starting at: 6
++ consisting of blocks: List(11, 10, 8, 7, 6)
++ with finalizer: null
+ catch (IllegalArgumentException) in ArrayBuffer(6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17) starting at: 3
- consisting of blocks: List(3)
-@@ -988,5 +1058,5 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, variable result, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value message, value x, value e
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerInnerInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 139 THIS(TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerInnerInline)
++ 139 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerOuterInline extends Object {
+@@ -1092,2 +2145,114 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerOuterInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value args, variable result, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value x, value e
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,8,12,13,14,16]
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,2,3,5,8,12,13,14,16,17]
-@@ -1014,4 +1084,13 @@
- 148 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 148 THROW(MyException)
++ 1:
++ 142 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 142 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlersOuterInline")
++ 142 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 143 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 143 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 143 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 143 JUMP 13
++ 13:
++ 147 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 147 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 147 CONSTANT(2)
++ 147 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 147 CONSTANT(0)
++ 147 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 14 : 16
++ 14:
++ 148 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 148 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 148 CONSTANT("something")
++ 148 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? JUMP 17
+ 17:
@@ -344,31 +1123,285 @@
- 16:
-@@ -1035,5 +1114,2 @@
- 145 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
-- 145 JUMP 4
-- 4:
- 154 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
-@@ -1047,8 +1123,5 @@
- 154 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
-- 154 LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
-- 154 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
-- 154 STORE_LOCAL(value message)
-- 154 SCOPE_ENTER value message
- 154 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 154 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 16:
++ 149 CONSTANT(1)
++ 149 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 149 JUMP 2
++ 12:
++ 146 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 151 STORE_LOCAL(value e)
++ 151 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 151 CONSTANT("IllegalArgumentException")
++ 151 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 151 JUMP 2
++ 3:
++ 145 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 145 STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 145 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 145 STORE_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 145 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
++ 154 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 154 IS_INSTANCE REF(class MyException)
++ 154 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 5 : 8
++ 5:
++ 154 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 154 CHECK_CAST REF(class MyException)
++ 154 STORE_LOCAL(value x5)
++ 154 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
++ 154 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ ? LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
+ 154 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
- 154 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-@@ -1269,3 +1342,3 @@
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,7]
++ 154 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 154 LOAD_FIELD scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
++ 154 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
++ 154 JUMP 2
++ 8:
++ 145 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 145 THROW(Throwable)
++ 2:
++ 157 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 157 DROP INT
++ 157 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (IllegalArgumentException) in ArrayBuffer(13, 14, 16) starting at: 12
++ consisting of blocks: List(12)
++ with finalizer: null
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(12, 13, 14, 16) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(8, 7, 5, 4, 3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerOuterInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 163 THIS(TestInlineHandlersNestedHandlerOuterInline)
++ 163 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersNoInline extends Object {
+@@ -1165,2 +2330,75 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersNoInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
++ locals: value args, variable result, value e
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,7]
++ 1:
++ 13 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 13 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersNoInline")
++ 13 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 14 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 14 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 14 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 14 JUMP 4
++ 4:
++ 17 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 17 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 17 CONSTANT(2)
++ 17 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 17 CONSTANT(0)
++ 17 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 5 : 7
++ 5:
++ 18 NEW REF(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 18 DUP(REF(class IllegalArgumentException))
++ 18 CONSTANT("something")
++ 18 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> (static-instance)
++ 18 THROW(IllegalArgumentException)
++ 7:
++ 19 CONSTANT(1)
++ 19 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 19 JUMP 2
++ 3:
++ 16 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class StackOverflowError)
++ 21 STORE_LOCAL(value e)
++ 22 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 22 CONSTANT("Stack overflow")
++ 22 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 22 JUMP 2
++ 2:
++ 25 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 25 DROP INT
++ 25 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (StackOverflowError) in ArrayBuffer(4, 5, 7) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersNoInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 30 THIS(TestInlineHandlersNoInline)
++ 30 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersPreciseness extends Object {
+@@ -1262,2 +2500,99 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersPreciseness extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
++ locals: value args, value t, value e, value e, value exception
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
++ 1:
++ 274 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 274 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersCorrectHandler")
++ 274 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 274 JUMP 6
++ 6:
++ 278 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 278 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 278 CONSTANT(2)
++ 278 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 278 CONSTANT(0)
++ 278 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 7 : 8
++ 7:
++ 279 NEW REF(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 279 DUP(REF(class IllegalArgumentException))
++ 279 CONSTANT("even")
++ 279 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> (static-instance)
++ 279 JUMP 9
++ 8:
++ 281 NEW REF(class StackOverflowError)
++ 281 DUP(REF(class StackOverflowError))
++ 281 CONSTANT("odd")
++ 281 CALL_METHOD java.lang.StackOverflowError.<init> (static-instance)
++ 281 JUMP 9
++ 9:
++ 277 STORE_LOCAL(value exception)
++ 277 SCOPE_ENTER value exception
++ 282 LOAD_LOCAL(value exception)
++ 282 THROW(Throwable)
++ 3:
++ 276 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 288 STORE_LOCAL(value t)
++ 289 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 289 CONSTANT("WROOOONG, not Throwable!")
++ 289 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 289 JUMP 2
++ 4:
++ 276 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class StackOverflowError)
++ 286 STORE_LOCAL(value e)
++ 287 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 287 CONSTANT("Correct, StackOverflowException")
++ 287 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 287 JUMP 2
++ 5:
++ 276 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 284 STORE_LOCAL(value e)
++ 285 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 285 CONSTANT("Correct, IllegalArgumentException")
++ 285 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 285 JUMP 2
++ 2:
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (IllegalArgumentException) in ArrayBuffer(6, 7, 8, 9) starting at: 5
++ consisting of blocks: List(5)
++ with finalizer: null
++ catch (StackOverflowError) in ArrayBuffer(6, 7, 8, 9) starting at: 4
++ consisting of blocks: List(4)
++ with finalizer: null
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(6, 7, 8, 9) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersPreciseness.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 295 THIS(TestInlineHandlersPreciseness)
++ 295 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersSimpleInline extends Object {
+@@ -1335,2 +2670,82 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersSimpleInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
++ locals: value args, variable result, value e
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,7,8]
-@@ -1293,4 +1366,11 @@
- 38 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 38 THROW(IllegalArgumentException)
++ 1:
++ 33 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 33 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersSimpleInline")
++ 33 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 34 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 34 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 34 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 34 JUMP 4
++ 4:
++ 37 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 37 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 37 CONSTANT(2)
++ 37 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 37 CONSTANT(0)
++ 37 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 5 : 7
++ 5:
++ 38 NEW REF(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 38 DUP(REF(class IllegalArgumentException))
++ 38 CONSTANT("something")
++ 38 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value e)
+ ? JUMP 8
+ 8:
@@ -379,23 +1412,100 @@
- 7:
-@@ -1340,5 +1420,5 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, variable result, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value message, value x
++ 7:
++ 39 CONSTANT(1)
++ 39 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 39 JUMP 2
++ 3:
++ 36 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 41 STORE_LOCAL(value e)
++ 42 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 42 CONSTANT("IllegalArgumentException")
++ 42 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 42 JUMP 2
++ 2:
++ 45 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 45 DROP INT
++ 45 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (IllegalArgumentException) in ArrayBuffer(4, 5, 7) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersSimpleInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 50 THIS(TestInlineHandlersSimpleInline)
++ 50 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersSingleCopy extends Object {
+@@ -1453,2 +2868,124 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersSingleCopy extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value args, variable result, value ex6, value x4, value x5, value x
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,8,10,11,13,14,16]
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,2,3,5,8,10,11,13,14,16,17]
-@@ -1366,3 +1446,4 @@
- 203 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 203 THROW(MyException)
++ 1:
++ 197 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 197 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersSingleCopy")
++ 197 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 198 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 198 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 198 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 198 JUMP 10
++ 10:
++ 202 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 202 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 202 CONSTANT(2)
++ 202 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 202 CONSTANT(0)
++ 202 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 11 : 13
++ 11:
++ 203 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 203 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 203 CONSTANT("something")
++ 203 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? JUMP 17
-@@ -1386,4 +1467,13 @@
- 209 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 209 THROW(MyException)
++ 13:
++ 205 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 205 CONSTANT("A side effect in the middle")
++ 205 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 206 CONSTANT(3)
++ 206 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 208 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 208 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 208 CONSTANT(3)
++ 208 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 208 CONSTANT(2)
++ 208 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 14 : 16
++ 14:
++ 209 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 209 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 209 CONSTANT("something else")
++ 209 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
+ ? JUMP 17
+ 17:
@@ -408,31 +1518,98 @@
- 16:
-@@ -1399,5 +1489,2 @@
- 200 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
-- 200 JUMP 4
-- 4:
- 212 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
-@@ -1411,8 +1498,5 @@
- 212 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
-- 212 LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
-- 212 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
-- 212 STORE_LOCAL(value message)
-- 212 SCOPE_ENTER value message
- 213 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 213 LOAD_LOCAL(value message)
++ 16:
++ 210 CONSTANT(1)
++ 210 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 210 JUMP 2
++ 3:
++ 200 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ 200 STORE_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 200 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 200 STORE_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 200 SCOPE_ENTER value x4
++ 212 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 212 IS_INSTANCE REF(class MyException)
++ 212 CZJUMP (BOOL)NE ? 5 : 8
++ 5:
++ 212 LOAD_LOCAL(value x4)
++ 212 CHECK_CAST REF(class MyException)
++ 212 STORE_LOCAL(value x5)
++ 212 SCOPE_ENTER value x5
++ 213 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ ? LOAD_LOCAL(value x5)
+ 213 CALL_METHOD MyException.message (dynamic)
- 213 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-@@ -1460,3 +1544,3 @@
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,7]
++ 213 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 213 LOAD_FIELD scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
++ 213 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
++ 213 JUMP 2
++ 2:
++ 216 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 216 DROP INT
++ 216 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ 8:
++ 200 LOAD_LOCAL(value ex6)
++ 200 THROW(Throwable)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(10, 11, 13, 14, 16) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(8, 7, 5, 4, 3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersSingleCopy.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 221 THIS(TestInlineHandlersSingleCopy)
++ 221 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersSubclassInline extends Object {
+@@ -1526,2 +3063,82 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersSubclassInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
++ locals: value args, variable result, value e
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,2,3,4,5,7,8]
-@@ -1484,4 +1568,11 @@
- 58 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 58 THROW(IllegalArgumentException)
++ 1:
++ 53 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 53 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersSubclassInline")
++ 53 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 54 CONSTANT(-1)
++ 54 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 54 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 54 JUMP 4
++ 4:
++ 57 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 57 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 57 CONSTANT(2)
++ 57 CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(REM,INT))
++ 57 CONSTANT(0)
++ 57 CJUMP (INT)EQ ? 5 : 7
++ 5:
++ 58 NEW REF(class IllegalArgumentException)
++ 58 DUP(REF(class IllegalArgumentException))
++ 58 CONSTANT("something")
++ 58 CALL_METHOD java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value e)
+ ? JUMP 8
+ 8:
@@ -443,13 +1620,74 @@
- 7:
-@@ -1533,3 +1624,3 @@
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,3,4]
++ 7:
++ 59 CONSTANT(1)
++ 59 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 59 JUMP 2
++ 3:
++ 56 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class RuntimeException)
++ 61 STORE_LOCAL(value e)
++ 62 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 62 CONSTANT("RuntimeException")
++ 62 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 62 JUMP 2
++ 2:
++ 65 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 65 DROP INT
++ 65 SCOPE_EXIT variable result
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (RuntimeException) in ArrayBuffer(4, 5, 7) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersSubclassInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 70 THIS(TestInlineHandlersSubclassInline)
++ 70 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersSynchronized extends Object {
+@@ -1582,2 +3199,63 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersSynchronized extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
++ locals: value args, variable result, variable monitor1
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,3,4,5]
-@@ -1553,4 +1644,9 @@
- 229 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 229 THROW(MyException)
++ 1:
++ 224 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 224 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersSynchronized")
++ 224 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 225 CONSTANT("hello")
++ 225 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 225 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 228 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ ? DUP(REF(class Object))
++ ? STORE_LOCAL(variable monitor1)
++ 228 JUMP 4
++ 4:
++ 229 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 229 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 229 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 229 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? JUMP 5
+ 5:
@@ -459,19 +1697,62 @@
- 3:
-@@ -1559,3 +1655,3 @@
-- ? THROW(Throwable)
++ 3:
++ 228 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ ? LOAD_LOCAL(variable monitor1)
+ 228 THROW(Throwable)
-@@ -1587,5 +1683,5 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, variable result, variable monitor2, variable monitorResult1
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(4) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersSynchronized.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 237 THIS(TestInlineHandlersSynchronized)
++ 237 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestInlineHandlersSynchronizedWithStack extends Object {
+@@ -1641,1 +3319,68 @@
+ }
++object TestInlineHandlersSynchronizedWithStack extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value exception$1, value args, variable result, variable monitor2, variable monitorResult1
- startBlock: 1
-- blocks: [1,3,4]
++ startBlock: 1
+ blocks: [1,3,4,5]
-@@ -1612,4 +1708,12 @@
- 245 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
-- 245 THROW(MyException)
++ 1:
++ 240 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
++ 240 CONSTANT("TestInlineHandlersSynchronizedWithStack")
++ 240 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 241 CONSTANT("hello")
++ 241 STORE_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 241 SCOPE_ENTER variable result
++ 244 CALL_PRIMITIVE(StartConcat)
++ 244 CONSTANT("abc")
++ 244 CALL_PRIMITIVE(StringConcat(REF(class String)))
++ 244 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ ? DUP(REF(class Object))
++ ? STORE_LOCAL(variable monitor2)
++ 244 JUMP 4
++ 4:
++ 245 NEW REF(class MyException)
++ 245 DUP(REF(class MyException))
++ 245 LOAD_LOCAL(variable result)
++ 245 CALL_METHOD MyException.<init> (static-instance)
+ ? STORE_LOCAL(value exception$1)
@@ -480,3 +1761,3 @@
+ ? JUMP 5
+ 5:
@@ -486,7 +1767,28 @@
- 3:
-@@ -1618,3 +1722,3 @@
-- ? THROW(Throwable)
++ 3:
++ 244 LOAD_EXCEPTION(class Throwable)
++ ? LOAD_LOCAL(variable monitor2)
+ 244 THROW(Throwable)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ catch (Throwable) in ArrayBuffer(4) starting at: 3
++ consisting of blocks: List(3)
++ with finalizer: null
++ def <init>(): TestInlineHandlersSynchronizedWithStack.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 271 THIS(TestInlineHandlersSynchronizedWithStack)
++ 271 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
fail - run/test-cpp.scala [output differs]% scalac Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\test-cpp.scala
% C:\java\jdk-1.6\jre\bin\java \
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
-server \
-XX:+AggressiveOpts \
-XX:+UseParNewGC \
-Xmx2G \
-Xss1M \
-XX:MaxPermSize=512M \
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M \
-classpath \
Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\test-cpp-run.obj;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-library.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-reflect.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-compiler.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scalap.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-actors.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-partest_2.11\1.0.7\scala-partest_2.11-1.0.7.jar;C:\.m2\repository\com\googlecode\java-diff-utils\diffutils\1.3.0\diffutils-1.3.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-sbt\test-interface\1.0\test-interface-1.0.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-xml_2.11\1.0.4\scala-xml_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scala-lang\modules\scala-parser-combinators_2.11\1.0.4\scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.4.jar;C:\.m2\repository\org\scalacheck\scalacheck_2.11\1.11.6\scalacheck_2.11-1.11.6.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-partest-extras.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-partest-javaagent.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\annotations.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\enums.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\genericNest.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\jsoup-1.3.1.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\macro210.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\methvsfield.jar;Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\lib\nest.jar \
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
-Djava.library.path=Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run \
-Dpartest.output=Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\test-cpp-run.obj \
-Dpartest.lib=Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-library.jar \
-Dpartest.reflect=Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-reflect.jar \
-Dpartest.comp=Y:\tisue\scala\build\pack\lib\scala-compiler.jar \
-Dpartest.cwd=Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run \
-Dpartest.test-path=Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\test-cpp.scala \
-Dpartest.testname=test-cpp \
-Djavacmd=C:\java\jdk-1.6\jre\bin\java \
-Djavaccmd=javac \
-Duser.language=en \ \ \
-usejavacp \
Test \
jvm > test-cpp-run.log
% diff Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\test-cpp-run.log Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\test-cpp.checkdiff Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\test-cpp-run.log Y:\tisue\scala\test\files\run\test-cpp.check
--- test-cpp.check
+++ test-cpp-run.log
@@ -2,80 +2,381 @@
+++ b
-@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, value x, value y
+@@ -31,2 +31,33 @@
+ }
++object Test extends {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def printIcodeAfterPhase(): String {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 18 CONSTANT("dce")
++ 18 RETURN(REF(class String))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): Test.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 17 THIS(Test)
++ 17 CALL_METHOD<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestAliasChainConstant extends Object {
+@@ -73,2 +104,40 @@
+ }
++object TestAliasChainConstant extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value args
- startBlock: 1
-@@ -41,10 +41,6 @@
- 1:
-- 52 CONSTANT(2)
-- 52 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
- 52 SCOPE_ENTER value x
-- 53 LOAD_LOCAL(value x)
-- 53 STORE_LOCAL(value y)
- 53 SCOPE_ENTER value y
- 54 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 54 LOAD_LOCAL(value y)
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 52 SCOPE_ENTER value x
++ 53 SCOPE_ENTER value y
++ 54 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ 54 CONSTANT(2)
- 54 BOX INT
-@@ -91,3 +87,3 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, value x, value y
++ 54 BOX INT
++ 54 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 54 SCOPE_EXIT value x
++ 54 SCOPE_EXIT value y
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): TestAliasChainConstant.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 63 THIS(TestAliasChainConstant)
++ 63 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestAliasChainDerefField extends Object {
+@@ -129,2 +198,56 @@
+ }
++object TestAliasChainDerefField extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def f(): Int {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 78 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 78 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value args, value x
- startBlock: 1
-@@ -100,7 +96,5 @@
- 81 SCOPE_ENTER value x
-- 82 LOAD_LOCAL(value x)
-- 82 STORE_LOCAL(value y)
- 82 SCOPE_ENTER value y
- 83 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 83 LOAD_LOCAL(value y)
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 81 THIS(TestAliasChainDerefField)
++ 81 CALL_METHOD TestAliasChainDerefField.f (dynamic)
++ 81 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
++ 81 SCOPE_ENTER value x
++ 82 SCOPE_ENTER value y
++ 83 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ 83 LOAD_LOCAL(value x)
- 83 BOX INT
-@@ -134,3 +128,3 @@
- def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
-- locals: value args, value x, value y
++ 83 BOX INT
++ 83 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 83 SCOPE_EXIT value x
++ 83 SCOPE_EXIT value y
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): TestAliasChainDerefField.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 93 THIS(TestAliasChainDerefField)
++ 93 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ class TestAliasChainDerefThis extends Object {
+@@ -170,2 +293,39 @@
+ }
++class TestAliasChainDerefThis extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
+ locals: value args
- startBlock: 1
-@@ -139,10 +133,6 @@
- 1:
-- 66 THIS(TestAliasChainDerefThis)
-- 66 STORE_LOCAL(value x)
- 66 SCOPE_ENTER value x
-- 67 LOAD_LOCAL(value x)
-- 67 STORE_LOCAL(value y)
- 67 SCOPE_ENTER value y
- 68 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 68 LOAD_LOCAL(value y)
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 66 SCOPE_ENTER value x
++ 67 SCOPE_ENTER value y
++ 68 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ 68 THIS(Object)
- 68 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
-@@ -175,3 +165,3 @@
- def test(x: Int (INT)): Unit {
-- locals: value x, value y
++ 68 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 68 SCOPE_EXIT value x
++ 68 SCOPE_EXIT value y
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): TestAliasChainDerefThis {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 77 THIS(TestAliasChainDerefThis)
++ 77 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestBugReport extends Object {
+@@ -208,2 +368,38 @@
+ }
++object TestBugReport extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def test(x: Int (INT)): Unit {
+ locals: value x
- startBlock: 1
-@@ -180,7 +170,5 @@
- 1:
-- 29 LOAD_LOCAL(value x)
-- 29 STORE_LOCAL(value y)
- 29 SCOPE_ENTER value y
- 30 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 30 LOAD_LOCAL(value y)
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 29 SCOPE_ENTER value y
++ 30 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ 30 LOAD_LOCAL(value x)
- 30 BOX INT
-@@ -222,7 +210,5 @@
- 96 SCOPE_ENTER variable x
-- 97 LOAD_LOCAL(variable x)
-- 97 STORE_LOCAL(variable y)
- 97 SCOPE_ENTER variable y
- 98 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 98 LOAD_LOCAL(variable y)
++ 30 BOX INT
++ 30 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 30 SCOPE_EXIT value y
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): TestBugReport.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 39 THIS(TestBugReport)
++ 39 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestDifferentBindings extends Object {
+@@ -260,2 +456,50 @@
+ }
++object TestDifferentBindings extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def main(args: Array[String] (ARRAY[REF(class String)])): Unit {
++ locals: value args, variable x, variable y
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 96 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 96 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 96 STORE_LOCAL(variable x)
++ 96 SCOPE_ENTER variable x
++ 97 SCOPE_ENTER variable y
++ 98 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ 98 LOAD_LOCAL(variable x)
- 98 BOX INT
-@@ -232,6 +218,4 @@
- 100 STORE_LOCAL(variable y)
-- 101 LOAD_LOCAL(variable y)
-- 101 STORE_LOCAL(variable x)
- 102 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
-- 102 LOAD_LOCAL(variable x)
++ 98 BOX INT
++ 98 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 100 LOAD_MODULE object Random
++ 100 CALL_METHOD scala.util.Random.nextInt (dynamic)
++ 100 STORE_LOCAL(variable y)
++ 102 LOAD_MODULE object Predef
+ 102 LOAD_LOCAL(variable y)
- 102 BOX INT
++ 102 BOX INT
++ 102 CALL_METHOD scala.Predef.println (dynamic)
++ 102 SCOPE_EXIT variable x
++ 102 SCOPE_EXIT variable y
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): TestDifferentBindings.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 104 THIS(TestDifferentBindings)
++ 104 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ <$anon: Function1> extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1, Serializable {
+@@ -306,2 +550,48 @@
+ }
++<$anon: Function1> extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1, Serializable {
++ // fields:
++ // methods
++ def apply(x: TestSetterInline.type (REF(object TestSetterInline))): Unit {
++ locals: value x
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def apply(v1: Object (REF(class Object))): Object {
++ locals: value v1
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 40 THIS(TestSetterInline$$anonfun$1)
++ 40 LOAD_LOCAL(value v1)
++ 40 CHECK_CAST REF(object TestSetterInline)
++ 40 CALL_METHOD TestSetterInline$$anonfun$1.apply (dynamic)
++ 40 LOAD_FIELD scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
++ 40 RETURN(REF(class Object))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): anonfun$1 {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 40 THIS(TestSetterInline$$anonfun$1)
++ 40 CALL_METHOD scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1.<init> (super())
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
+ object TestSetterInline extends Object {
+@@ -373,1 +663,68 @@
+ }
++object TestSetterInline extends Object {
++ // fields:
++ var _postSetHook: Function1
++ // methods
++ def _postSetHook(): Function1 {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 40 THIS(TestSetterInline)
++ 40 LOAD_FIELD variable _postSetHook
++ 40 RETURN(REF(trait Function1))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def _postSetHook_$eq(x$1: Function1 (REF(trait Function1))): Unit {
++ locals: value _postSetHook_=
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 40 THIS(TestSetterInline)
++ 40 LOAD_LOCAL(value _postSetHook_=)
++ 40 STORE_FIELD variable _postSetHook (dynamic)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def withPostSetHook(f: Function1 (REF(trait Function1))): TestSetterInline.type {
++ locals: value f
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 41 THIS(TestSetterInline)
++ 41 LOAD_LOCAL(value f)
++ 41 CALL_METHOD TestSetterInline._postSetHook_$eq (static-instance)
++ 41 THIS(TestSetterInline)
++ 41 RETURN(REF(object TestSetterInline))
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
++ def <init>(): TestSetterInline.type {
++ locals:
++ startBlock: 1
++ blocks: [1]
++ 1:
++ 49 THIS(TestSetterInline)
++ 49 CALL_METHOD java.lang.Object.<init> (super())
++ 40 THIS(TestSetterInline)
++ 40 NEW REF(<$anon: Function1>)
++ 40 DUP(REF(<$anon: Function1>))
++ 40 CALL_METHOD TestSetterInline$$anonfun$1.<init> (static-instance)
++ 40 STORE_FIELD variable _postSetHook (dynamic)
++ }
++ Exception handlers:
Total time: 63 minutes 21 seconds
jenkins@WIN-B3L3RGFIR9T /home/tisue/scala
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