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Sh-ui / have_conditionals.rb
Created April 9, 2019 16:48
testing custom syntax ideas for my own language that combines mostly stuff from ruby and python, with inspiration from coffeescript
'Joe', 'June', 'Harvey' have 'Joe' == TRUE
'Joe', 'June', 'Harvey' have 'J' == TRUE # without brackets it checks within items
'Joe', 'June', 'Harvey' have ['J'] == FALSE # with brackets to check for an item
'Joe', 'June', 'Harvey' have 1 'J' == FALSE
'Joe', 'June', 'Harvey' have 2 'J' == TRUE # these are
'Joe', 'June', 'Harvey' have 2 of 'J' == TRUE # equivalent
'Joe', 'June', 'Harvey' have 2 ('J') == TRUE # expressions
Sh-ui /
Last active March 31, 2019 17:13
small tool to compile python to an exec file
(PYCX) PYthon to Cython to eXec, a unix command line util
pycx FILES... [-o DIR --verbose --delete --run]
pycx --help
FILES one or more python files to compile
-o --output=DIR output directory
-v --verbose show output while exec compiles
Sh-ui / !
Last active May 20, 2021 12:53
My terminal config with hyper terminal oh-my-zsh, and antibody with static loading

Customizing my Terminal


I didn't know anything about shell scripts before I started working on this. I originally downloaded hyper.js and followed the setup guide for spaceship prompt without knowing why I use doing most of what I was doing.

Long story short I later revisted my setup hoping to customize it more and I went down the rabbit hole. I installed antigen, pure prompt, clean prompt; then I went back and switched back to spaceship prompt, and switched from antigen to antibody.

This is what I've settled on now, using zsh, oh-my-zsh, antibody, [spac

Sh-ui / !triangle_tool_collection
Last active March 25, 2019 16:31
a tool to solve and scale right triangles
3 versions of my triangle scalar tool
# some useful functions based on practice activities on codeacademy
Sh-ui /
Last active August 11, 2017 14:49
The Alchemist by Paul Coello. Translated by Alan R. Clarke. Published 1992. ISBN 0-7225-3293-8.