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Last active November 30, 2017 13:57
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# some useful functions based on practice activities on codeacademy
# censors the 'word' out of the 'text'
def censor(text, word):
words = text.split()
result = ''
stars = '*' * len(word)
count = 0
for i in words:
if i == word:
words[count] = stars
count += 1
result =' '.join(words)
return result
def remove_duplicates(inputlist):
if inputlist == []:
return []
# Sort the input list from low to high
inputlist = sorted(inputlist)
# Initialize the output list, and give it the first value of the now-sorted input list
outputlist = [inputlist[0]]
# Go through the values of the sorted list and append to the output list
# ...any values that are greater than the last value of the output list
for i in inputlist:
if i > outputlist[-1]:
return outputlist
# remove vowels from string
def anti_vowel(text):
text = text.translate(None,'eiouaEIOUA')
return text
def count(sequence, item):
count = 0
for i in sequence:
if i == item:
count += 1
return count
# factorial a number
def factorial(x):
total = 1
while x > 0:
total *= x
x -= 1
return total
def median(lst):
sorted_list = sorted(lst)
if len(sorted_list) % 2 != 0:
#odd number of elements
index = len(sorted_list)//2
return sorted_list[index]
elif len(sorted_list) % 2 == 0:
#even no. of elements
index_1 = len(sorted_list)/2 - 1
index_2 = len(sorted_list)/2
mean = (sorted_list[index_1] + sorted_list[index_2])/2.0
return mean
# is it even?
def is_even(x):
return x % 2 == 0
# is it an integer?
def is_int(x):
return abs(x) - round(abs(x)) == 0
# is a number prime?
def is_prime(x):
if x < 2:
return False
for n in range(2, x-1):
if x % n == 0:
return False
return True
def product(list):
total = 1
for num in list:
total = total * num
return total
def purify(lst):
res = []
for ele in lst:
if ele % 2 == 0:
return res
# reverse a string
def reverse(text):
word = ""
l = len(text) - 1
while l >= 0:
word = word + text[l]
l -= 1
return word
# get a score from a word
score = {
'a':1, 'c':3, 'b':3, 'e':1,
'd':2, 'g':2, 'f':4, 'i':1,
'h':4, 'k':5, 'j':8, 'm':3,
'l':1, 'o':1, 'n':1, 'q':10,
'p':3, 's':1, 'r':1, 'u':1,
't':1, 'w':4, 'v':4, 'y':4,
'x':8, 'z':10
def scrabble_score(word):
word = word.lower()
total = 0
for letter in word:
for leter in score:
if letter == leter:
total = total + score[leter]
return total
# turn a multidigit number into a summed number
def digit_sum(x):
total = 0
while x > 0:
total += x % 10
x = x // 10
return total
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