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Beackjoon Node.js quick-tester script
const fs = require("fs");
const HJSON = require("hjson");
const path = require("path");
const childProcess = require("child_process");
const rl = require("readline");
const rlI = rl.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout);
const options = (() => {
const defaults = {
codePath: process.argv[2],
testCaseMode: "",
const flagType = [
(value) => (defaults.testCaseMode = value || "./testcase.hjson"),
for (const param of process.argv.slice(3)) {
for (const [long, short, setter] of flagType) {
const [key, value] = param.split(":");
if (
key.start == `--${long}` ||
key.toUpperCase() == `-${short.toUpperCase()}`
) {
return defaults;
const cachedTestcasePath = options.testCaseMode;
const asyncQuestion = async (query) =>
new Promise((res) => rlI.question(query, res));
async function forkProcess(line) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
const stack = [];
const childPros = childProcess
.fork(options.codePath, { stdio: "pipe" })
.on("error", rej)
.on("exit", res);
.on("data", (data) => stack.push(data))
.on("close", () => {
const lineHandler = (line) => {
stack.push(line + "\n-----------\n");
if (options.testCaseMode) lineHandler(line);
else rlI.once("line", lineHandler);
async function runCode() {
return new Promise(async (res, rej) => {
if (!options.testCaseMode) forkProcess().then(res).catch(rej);
else {
const testCases = await new Promise((res) =>
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, options.testCaseMode), {}, (e, d) =>
).then((buffer) => Array.from(HJSON.parse(buffer.toString())));
`${testCases.length}개의 테스트 케이스 발견! 모두 동시에 실행됩니다...`
for (const line of testCases) await forkProcess(line).catch(rej);
const start = async () => {
" Node.js 백준 문제 테스터 " + "\n================================="
while (true) {
await runCode().catch((e) => console.log("실패!, ", e));
if (options.testCaseMode) {
await asyncQuestion(
"테스트 케이스를 계속 진행할까요? [Y,y / N,n] (기본 Y)"
).then((res) => {
if (res.toUpperCase() == "N") options.testCaseMode = "";
} else
await asyncQuestion(
"아무 키를 누르세요... (테스트 케이스 계속하기: [T])"
).then((res) => {
if (res.toUpperCase() == "T") options.testCaseMode = cachedTestcasePath;
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Sharlottes commented Jan 29, 2023

Baekjoon.js quick tester script

very simple non-stop node.js I/O tester

typing node [scriptname] every time testing is very tired and wasteful for me. i thought i need more faster and comfortable test-case tester for who don't know debugger some pained developers.

How To Start

create package.json

first of all, you need to create package.json for better quick testing.

  "scripts": {
    "qt": "clear&&bash qt.bash"
  "license": "MIT",
  "dependencies": {
    "hjson": "^3.2.2"

you need to import hjson package for testcase parsing
and also you need to create qt.bash and its code is below

node tester ./src/$1 $2

init packages

simple. just run yarn or npm i

run test

npm run qt <target script> [-tc | -TC | --testCase[:path = ./testcase.json]]
yarn qt <target script> [-tc | -TC | --testCase[:path = ./testcase.json]]

yarn qt 1000 -tc

at least project directory is this.

yeah.... project setting is very complex and lazyness sometimes. i will make generator module as possible as soon :3

stop test

there isn't special keycode to exit in the script. juse use node.js' exit code - Ctrl + C

Options - testcase.hjson

i'm also tired at typing same test inputs every time testing.
tester.js will automatically test codes with given testcases.json data.
testcase format is also very simple,


check hjson syntex more in tryout

why HJSON?

because it's very good when typing multiple-line testcases.

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