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Raycasting 1.6.4 [Bedrock Edition] [Most efficient] [Very accurate] Looping:

# Summons raycast entity when an entity holds the correct item, dirt named 'raycast pp 69 420'
execute if entity @e run execute as @e run execute at @e run execute if entity @s[distance=..1] run execute if entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:dirt",count:42b,tag:{display:{Name:'{"text":"raycast pp 69 420"}'}}} run summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:'{"text":"Raycast"}',Invisible:1b,NoGravity:1b}


# Detects if there's a block here and kills itself if there's not
execute if entity @e run execute as @e run execute at @e run execute if entity @s[distance=..1] run execute if entity @s[type=armor_stand] run execute if entity @s[name=Raycast] run execute if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air run kill @s
# Detects if itself exists and if it doesn't exist summon a new armor_satnd
execute if entity @e run execute unless entity @s run execute positioned ^ ^ ^0.1 run summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:'{"text":"Raycast"}',Invisible:1b,NoGravity:1b}
# Detects if itself exists and if it does it does something
execute if entity @e run execute if entity @s run function namespace:hit


# Put what you want it to do when raycast hits something in here

# Cleans up
execute if entity @e run execute at @e run execute as @e run execute if entity @s[type=armor_stand] run execute if entity @s[name=Raycast] run kill @s

📝Special Note: ||Incase you're fricking retarded slow, this will work but it is really bad please do not. Also this is intentionally incorrectly labled. This is Java commands for 1.13+|| 🔗Link:

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QmelZ commented Dec 18, 2020

did you test this on 1.6.3 i didnt updated in 1.6.4 now

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Not sure

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