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Last active September 11, 2022 22:20
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Plugin & Description (Hyperlink) Discord
Show Tone Indicators .tone <> to see what a tone means, like /j for Joke msg
No Insta Join When you click an invite LINK you get confirmation dialogue instead of insta-join msg
LastMessage Custom hotkey to put your last message in your text box msg
raw .raw <msg> or .toggleraw to escape all when you send a message msg
quickChatReply ctrl+arrowUp to reply to a message higher up and ctrl+arrowDown to switch the reply a message lower msg
bread .bread to get an image of bread, and --send to send it in chat msg
Collapsible UI Allows collapsing/various parts of discord through icons in the channel header msg
CPS Counter Adds a customizeable CPS counter at the top of the discord window preview
Hide Messages Adds an entry to the MessageContextMenu which allows you to completely hide a message msg
Better Invites Makes invites customizeable and more informative preview
Group DM Nuke Defender Upon being added to 5 groups in 30 seconds the proprietor is blocked and the groups automatically left (as well as notifies you that it happened) preview
Hint Changer Allows customizing the placeholder "Message <channel/user>" msg
Random Dog Images .dog to give yourself a random image of a dog msg
Haste Paste Bind text to buttons F2-F12 which pastes your chosen content into the message box msg
AFK on Exit Changes your status to a customizeable status (default Idle) upon minimizing and restores previous status upon reopen msg
Invisible Chat Hide encrypted messages inside your messages and decrypt them with password (while completely invisible to those without the plugin) preview
Do Not Slowmode Me Shows a confirm modal upon attempting to send a message in a channel with a slowmode higher than your set threshold msg
Powercord Sauce Read codes inside of discord preview
Alternative Blocking (Client Side) replaces every message a specified user sends wwith something of your choice preview
@Someone Mention someone random using .@/someone command as well as a @someone user mention list entry or you can just type @!someone msg
CSS Toggler For #css-snippets, enhances built in functionality by allowing you to also remove the Snippet through the messageQuickActions msg
PinDMs Pin users/groups in your DMs list, organize & customize categories, sort & search friends preview
Open-Folder .open to open a folder path in your computer, -bd for bdCompat BetterDiscord plugins -pc for Powercord plugins folder msg
Notey Note Browser to search for and edit notes (option to filter by friends), Icon displayed next to users with a note, you can use discord markdown inside notes preview
token .token to have Clyde give you your token in spoilered text preview
Quick JS A compilation of some snippets that dont have to be solo plugins msg
Background Player .bgplay [file] to play a audio/video file in the background, .pause, .loop, .vol [0.1] for volume, .src for the link of what is playing msg
PowerFiles Allows you to preview SVGs in discord msg
Better Settings Adds Quick Actions to plugin card: Settings, GitHub, Open Folder, Reload Plugin, Delete Plugin. Also allows you to hide settings from view and to give Plugins their own category preview
BOB Ross Phrases .ross to send a motivational BOB Ross phrase in chat preview
OsuType Plays osu typing sounds when you type, has volume settings msg
Report Messages Allows you to report messages like in mobile preview
Upload Commands .image to upload an image/gif from a set directory or .upload for other file types preview
Show Connections Shows Connections in User Popout preview
Industry Baby Plays Industry Baby in the background msg
Lofi Plays Lofi in the background msg
Roblox .roblox <username> to grab roblox information about a user msg
Osu Stats .osu <username> to search osu stats (Sends in chat) msg
Share Plugins .share_plugin <autocompletes> to send the github repo of an installed plugin msg
Show All Message Buttons Forces all message options (that you have access to) to show on hover preview
powercord-crypto coingecko API inside of discord with .crypto NOTE: RELAUNCHING ISSUE LOL msg
Edgecoding .edgecode <text> to encode it and .deedgecode <encoded text> to decode. BOT MIGHT GET ANGY FOR LOTS OF SPECIAL CHARACTERS msg
Show Sessions .sessions to show all active sessions using your account (Also viewable in My Account) preview
Get Fursona .fursona < random|code (number1-99999) > from preview
Time In .time-in <autocomplete> gets you the current time in a certain timezone/region msg
Quick Delete Hold backspace then click a message to delete it! msg
Embed Redirect Redirects various embeds to versions that dont track you preview
greentext >text displays as green but > text displays as the usual discord quote preview
powercord-cats .cat to send random pics/GIFs of cats from msg
petpet .petpet <@user/link/file> to generate a pet gif and add it to the file upload tray preview
pat-cynthia-powercord .pat-cynthia to pat cynthia msg
Grammar Nazi Capitalize first letter of every sentence, add proper punctuation at end of every sentence, customizable dictionary through chat commands, button in channal area container to toggle msg
remount .track [plugin] to track and remount upon changes or .remount [plugin] to remount manually msg
NSFW Tags Adds a NSFW tag to NSFW channels to make them more visible preview
Blur NSFW Blur images/videos in NSFW channels preview
Upload to Cloud Use + in message bar to upload a file to the cloud then link it preview
Reload From Tray Adds option to Reload or Relaunch discord from tray preview
Unindent Trim unnecesarry indentation when pasting code into discord msg
Among us Sus music ( in background (Volume settings too) preview
PowerAliases Settings so upon sending a message certain text will be replaced with something else msg
Pending Default Makes pending tab (friends menu) default when first opening discord msg
Custom Apps Allows you to replace [activity] with any iframe-able content, like preview
Quick Mention Quickly mention someone by clicking the @ button on message (does same as shift clicking user name) preview
Github in Discord View github repos inside of Discord! preview
ModuleFinder Adds commands to find discord modules, components or constants by keyword. For plugin devs preview
TopicGen .topic --send generates a topic from and optionally sends it in chat preview
TwemojiEverywhere Renders the unicode emojis in channel list & username as Twemoji preview
Voice User Count Shows number of members in a voice channel preview
Animals .animal by default gets a random fact, --image to instead get an image, --fox --dog --cat --bird --panda --koala to specify preview
User Notifs Shows a notification when a specified user sends a message msg
VCTimer Shows how much time has passed since you joined a Voice Channel preview
Custom Volume Range Allows you to increase the maximum User Volume in settings preview
Mute New Guild Automatically mutes newly joined guilds preview
Texter A lot of commands for text stylization msg
Mute and Unmute Folders Adds 2 buttons to folderContextMenu to mute/unmute the folder preview
Hide Channels Hide text & voice channels using their right click ContextMenu preview
InspiroBot .Inspirobot sends an "inspirational" quote image from InspiroBot msg
Quick Status Quickly update your status saved in a list using .status or .status.manage msg
Remind Me .remind <time> message to set a reminder preview
Smooth Scrolling Allows smooth scrolling for everything msg
Powerclock Unfortunately spelled with an l and supports 12 & 24 hour time format preview
Brainfuck .tobrainfuck TEXT to convert to brainfuck and .brainfuck BRAINFUCK to convert back to text preview
Channel Locker Client-side allows you to prevent yourself from sending messages in a specified channel/dm preview
Shicki Codeblocks Renders codeblocks with shiki, has custom theming support preview
Copy raw message Adds Copy raw message button to message quick actions preview
Remove Invite From User Context Menu msg
Chuck Norris Joke .ChuckNorris gets a random chuck norris joke msg
Better Connections Adds GitLab, osu! and Minecraft Java support preview
Motivation .motivation to send a random quote msg
googleit .googleit google it msg
Stallman Copypasta .stallman <optional-word> Send the GNU/Linux copypasta, optionally replacing "Linux" with any word msg
LaTeX-Cord .latex {...} msg
Quick XkCD .xkcd <number> to send that xkcd comic. You can save your favorites to aliases with .xkcd.manage msg
Cutecord Allow notifications from specific ("cute") users to bypass DND, Block "meanie" users from notifications entirely, no notifs while invis msg
Who Reacted Shows avatars of users that reacted preview
Tray Status Picker Pick status from system tray right click menu INCOMPATIBLE WITH RELOAD FROM TRAY preview
Stonks Turn stock symbols prefixed by a $ into a hyperlink to the CNBC page for that stock preview
Power Bottom Translate bottom to english preview
Webhook Tag Webhooks are marked with WEBHOOK tag instead of BOT tag preview
DM Typing Indicator Adds an indicator below the top-left Discord icon to show if someone is typing in your DMs list preview
Better Status Indicators Makes status indicators betters in a lot of ways I too lazy to list, it really good, check the original message preview
Snowflake Info Look up snowflake ID information using .snowflake <id> msg
Fix user popouts Prevents user popouts from going offscreen msg
Send Message With Webhook Adds icon to top right header to open modal to send a message through a webhook preview
PronounDB for Powercord Show's other peopel's pronouns in chat msg
bored Adds .bored to use when you're feeling bored preview
Rejoin VC When you leave/move VC a icon to rejoin VC shows up to the left of the Mute button for 10 seconds msg
Server Count .servercount to see how many servers you're in msg
Better Replies Allows you to customize the look of replies as well as their functionality both for sending and receiving replies msg
Better Folders Shows server folders on a dedicated sidebar and adds more customizations/improvements msg
Block Messages Allows you to block a single message msg
Total Members Adds a Members count and Online count to the top of the members list msg
Message Translate Google Translate built into the discord client. Translate outgoing messages into one language or incoming languages into another, configure through icon in the MessageBar msg
Disconnect From Voice Disconnect from Voice Channel using a specified keybind, F3 by default msg
base64encoder .encode and .decode to encode into base64 or decode base64 msg
Copy Avatar URL Add a "Copy Avatar URL" button to user context menu preview
Permissions Viewer Adds expandable item to the UserContextMenu to see all their permissions and what roles give it preview
Quick Channel Mute Adds a Channel Icon to quick mute/unmute the channel preview
World Filter Use Settings to set Filters to automatically delete or blur a message containing specified word(s) msg
Reddit Mentions Renders u/ and r/ as hyperlinks that will open up in browser. Settings for including subreddit icon & nsfw tags preview
Hypesquad House Swap .swap to swap your Hypesquad House preview
UserID-Info .userid <userid> to get info about a user-id, similar to preview
E621 Posts .e621 to search e621 posts. Has tag searching, anti-NSFW, and tag blocking msg
Smart Typers Configure the Typing Users element in settings. Make usernames colored, customize the tooltip, customize number of users displayed, and more preview
Statistics Counter Online friends count inbetween Home Icon & Servers List. Click it to cycle between Total Friends, Pending Requests, Blocked Users, & Total Servers preview
Scrollable Autocomplete Add a scrollbar to the emoji autocomplete to see all results and use UpArrow/DownArrow to scroll with keyboard preview
Collapse All Cats Adds a item to ChanelContextMenu to collapse all categories msg
Image to Clickboard If Discord does not natively allow you to copy the image, this plugin allows you to copy it anyways preview
Top Role Everywhere Shows users' highest role(s) in chat & member list, very customizeable msg
Quick Mark as Read Adds a Mark as Read icon to channels & categories msg
Staff Tags Shows a bot like badge in chat & members list for Owner, Admin (administrator perm), Mod (kick/ban/manage messages), Staff (manage server/manage channels/manage roles). Configure to change to crowns or set custom colors preview
In App Notifications Pops out a toast whenever you get a notification preview
Custom Timestamps Set customt timestamp format on the messages you see preview
Message Tooltips Displays useful info in message tooltips? preview
OwO-ify Evewyffing ;;w;; owoify ewewyffing in Discowd (cwient side) preview
Send to Channel Adds a context menu entry that allows you to send your current selection into the active channel preview
Mention Count Like in old mobile app. 3 options for display preview
Default Mute Duration Chooser Adds a settings page to specify default applied amout of time when clicked on mute button msg
Role Color Everywhere Adds role color to your bottom left account box, Voice users, Mentions, Typing indicator, Members list, User statuses (in members list), Message contents and User popouts. Configurable msg
Quickstar Adds a button to Message Quick Actions to quickly react with ⭐ msg
Badges Everywhere Adds a user's badges next to their name in messages & members list. Configurable and allows you to disable badges/locations msg
Urban .urban <query> to quickly retrieve top result from Urban dictionary as well as a link to the search query msg
Channel Typing Shows a animated Typing indicator to the right of channels/groupDMs where people are typing (even if you're not looking) msg
Twemoji but Good Displays 👀:eyes as the old one (circles not ovals) and the 🔫:gun: as a actual gun instead of a watergun (Also an easter egg?) msg
Wallpaper Changer Changes your wallpaper periodically, using either a list of wallpapers or a random from Requires a theme that makes Discord window transparent for it to function msg
SenkoCord .heysenko (temporarily client-side) replaces every on-screen icon with a picture/gif of Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san (the fox) msg
Text2Binary .t2b for text to binary. -s flag to send the output and -p to put spaces between each "letter" msg
PowerPGP .box and .sign to do stuff. It's a PGP Signing Tool, if you know what that is msg
Calculator .calc <math> msg
Morse .morse and .demorse msg
PowerRep Display a users DiscordRep profile in user popout under Note msg Powercord Plugin Downloader Adds a Download Plugin button to messageQuickActions | preview

Might work (can't/dont feel like testing)

Plugin & Description (Hyperlink) Discord
BeatRPC Display your BeatSaber beat map in Rich Prescense msg
YouTube Search .yt [query], --send to search youtube msg
Eth-Miner If you want to mine crypto in discord... nvidia only and potentially damaging... use at own risk... preview
Simple Eval Adds a command to evaluate javascript locally USE AT OWN RISK, DONT RUN CODE YOU DONT UNDERSTAND msg
Discord Theme Helper Exposes more attributes such as user information and mouse position to the DOM for themes to use msg Adds commands to get info from preview
PRadio: Stream radio in Discord Play a direct audio stream link like in PRadio's settings msg
No Double Back Fixes Linux bug that causes back button to go back twice msg
PersistSettings Back up keybinds, voice & video and acessibility settings and restores them if they're lost msg
Play on Spotify Adds Play/Queue button to messages with spotify urls to play inside of Spotify instead of embed preview
Virus Checker Adds button to file uploads which scans it with Hybrid-Analysis preview
PreMiD Powercord Use premid when you launch discord without installing and running the external bloated electron tray process for an overweight IPC-Websocket bridge msg
XSOverlay Discord Notifications Send discord notifications to XSOverlay (VR overlay on Steam) preview
Spotify No-Pause Prevents Spotify from auto-pausing when you speak in a VC for 15+ secs msg
Fix stream popouts Fixes streams that infinitely load msg
Custom Window Buttons Adds minimize, maximize, & close buttons to the toolbar, for Linux distributions. Check as it requires modification to an internal Powercord file preview
Open in Spotify lorencerri is no longer providing updates to his plugins msg

Doesn't work Jan 9th 2022

Plugin & Description (Hyperlink) Discord
User Birthdays Per-user birthday system, Easy access to birthdays through a toolbar icon and right click context menus, Customizable notifications preview
Better Media Player Adds Loop, Picture in Picture button and option to automatically loop vids preview
Reverse Image Search Adds option to imageContextMenu to Reverse Image Search preview
Send Timestamps .timestamp or button in the message bar to open a modal to allow you to make a timestamp msg
Copy Server Icon URL Adds option to serverContextMenu to Copy Server Icon URL msg
Prefix Adds a user-supplied prefix & suffix to sent messages preview
Custom Ban GIF Customize the GIF in the ban dialogue, supports audio msg
Link Channel Adds a button to channels so you can copy them (<#channelId>) which allows you to mention them somewhere else preview
TnyLnk-Powercord .tnylnk [link] to shorten urls using TnyLnk API preview
Link shortener .Shirnk URLs <link> to shrink URLs using preview Shows profile in a new tab in user modal, as well as pronouns msg
Streamer Mode on Go Live Turn on Streamer Mode when you start a Go Live msg
Discord Embedify Make safe embeds inside of discord msg
Copy Member Color Option to copy a member's display color (CHECK OUT COPY ROLE COLOR PLUGIN FIRST) preview
ActivityBackgrounds Sets activity icon as user popout background, or pfp if there is none preview
Custom RPC Custom rich prescense via settings preview
Jacskon whole bunch of stuff preview
Text Styler:MarkHAM .emojify .fancy .mock .pirate .reverse .tiny .upsidedown .vapor preview
Reacter .react <MESSAGE_ID> <EMOJI | CUSTOM_EMOTE | EMOTE_NAME> preview
F8 Fix Fixes F8 but adds way to change the keybind msg
Zencord Archived, no longer maintained, and broken preview
Tile Channels Displays channels in tiles with names compacted by a set of filters. Adjustable number of columns. preview
Scalable discord Make discord smaller than usual, even use like a phone preview
Privacy Tab F6 to blur discord preview
Hide Nicks Hides nickname and displays username instead msg
Copy Mentions Easy copying of pastable mentions for users & channels preview
Safe Embed Generator Generate custom embeds that just use links preview
Copy Msg URL Adds button to copy standard Message URL instead of Canary msg
Guild List Order Shortcuts Adds context menu buttons to move servers around msg
Password System Set a password in order to access folders/discord preview
Quick Toggler Adds F6 & F7 to toggle plugins/themes msg
Wolfram .wolfram to query Wolfram Alpha's API preview
Shake .shake <seconds> to shake your screen for that many seconds preview
Invite Inspecter Adds item to MessageContextMenu to inspect a discord invite with the Guild ID, Member Count, Channel, and Inviter preview
Preview-Hider Adds a button to message quick actions to hide/unhide all embeds (image,link,file,vid) [preview]
Quick Bot Invite Adds option to quickly invite/attempt to invite a bot to your discord preview
Random Joke .joke [--send] to get a random dad joke preview
Copy Role Color Adds a Copy Role Color button next to the Copy ID button, requires Developer Mode preview
DevCommands .github [--page <page num>] <search query> for searching GitHub repositories, .npm [--page <page num>] <search query> for querying the npm registry msg
Multitask Watch multiple channels & accounts at the same time msg
Mutuals QuickBan Lets you kick & ban people through the Mutual Servers tab on a user's profile
Kaomoji .kaomoji <autocomplete> <message> to append a kaomoji to the end of your message msg
Lyrics .lyrics to get lyrics msg


Click to Reveal
Plugin & Why obsolete (Hyperlink) Discord
Better Threads Change default notification settings is already native and plugin also crashes the client upon creating a thread lol msg
Make Twitter Embeds Great Again Allows videos to be watched in twitter embeds... except that was already added back preview
Rich Quotes preview
Send Button Already built into powercord as an option in message box context menu preview
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alexanderdavidj commented Aug 11, 2022

absolute gigachad: makes a gist about powercord posts comments containing entry point stats refuses to elaborate


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I feel so faqin embarassed I never knew that the watermark is right there on my pfp ;-;

thanks for the comments tho, over the next week I'll be looking into Replugged (the successor to Powercord's end-of-life) as well as other client mods (except for betterdiscord)

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