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SheepCommander SheepCommander

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Officially supports winget: (Or i dont care if it doesnt)

  1. git;
  2. ytdlp;
  3. other supported apps;
  4. possibly not supported, dont care;

winget install -h -e --id=Git.Git; winget install -h -e --id=JesseDuffield.lazygit; winget install -h -e --id=GitHub.cli;

1.17.1 Client-Side Fabric Modlist

  • Ambient indicates the mod adds audio ambience.
  • Optimization simply optimizes the game so it runs better. Just throw all of these mods into the mod folder without thinking about it
  • Visual means that it's purely a visual change, usually some form of tweak.
  • Tweak without the Visual tag means that it modifies existing behavior/functionality. Feature means it adds new functionality/other.
  • OF-Alt means that it's an Optifine Alternate

APIs & Dependencies

Over the course of Discord history there have been various methods to crash discord, some that have been patched out include special unicode characters, a special image I couldn't get a hold of myself, and a special gif that used to crash IOS users.

NOT patched out are videos that abuse -going in with a RGBY color editor and changing to an invalid color -editing sound above the sound barrier -using (I believe) FFMPEG to stitch together videos of different resolutions together.

Now about the last one; chromium does not account for the possibility of a video changing resolution mid-way through, so the video player "throws up an error, shits itself, and takes down discord with it--in some cases even your operating system too" - paraphrased.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Hololive combo
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Spread the love of HOLLOW LIFE
// @author oralekin
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

Definition of a vtuber

A virtual YouTuber is an online entertainer who uses a virtual avatar generated using computer graphics. A growing trend that originated in Japan in the mid-2010s, a majority of VTubers are Japanese-speaking YouTubers or live streamers who use anime-inspired avatar designs. - Wikipedia

A Virtual Youtuber (usually called as VTuber) is a Content Creator, usually on Youtube and Twitch that uses a virtual persona (e.g. a Virtual Avatar) as their main, but not exclusive, presence in their content. For example, Phia, from the Virtual Reality Show, was seen various times with a webcam on both her youtube channel and her twitch, whilst being widely regarded as a VTuber.

A VTuber does not necessarily need to play a character, although that is a common choice. The afformentioned Phia plays herself or, in other words, does not play a character. The same goes for me, JK. Some VTubers play a character with next to no description so that it's ambiguous enough for it to not be

  1. Open Discord
  2. Press ctrl + shift + i to open dev tools
  3. Click on Console at the top bar
  4. Paste the following into it
const DI = window.DiscordInternals;
const hasLib = !!(DI && DI.versionCompare && DI.versionCompare(DI.version || "", "1.9") >= 0);
    const WebpackModules = hasLib && DI.WebpackModules || (() => {
        const req = typeof(webpackJsonp) == "function" ? webpackJsonp([], {