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Last active December 18, 2015 13:59
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An extension for Sparrow 2.0 to render the stage background transparent and non-opaque, allowing interactions with UIKit elements behind the Sparrow view.
// SPStage+Transparency.h
// Created by Shilo White on 6/16/13.
#import <Sparrow/SPStage.h>
@interface SPStage (Transparency)
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL transparent;
// SPStage+Transparency.m
// Created by Shilo White on 6/16/13.
#import "SPStage+Transparency.h"
#import <Sparrow/SPViewController.h>
#import <Sparrow/SPStatsDisplay.h>
#import <GLKit/GLKit.h>
@interface SPViewController (Transparency)
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) SPStatsDisplay *statsDisplay;
@interface SPStatsDisplay ()
int _framesPerSecond;
int _numDrawCalls;
@implementation SPStage (Transparency)
- (void)setTransparent:(BOOL)transparent
if (transparent)
self.alpha = 0.0f;
Sparrow.currentController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
Sparrow.currentController.view.opaque = NO;
Sparrow.currentController.statsDisplay.blendMode = SP_BLEND_MODE_AUTO;
self.alpha = 1.0f;
Sparrow.currentController.view.backgroundColor = nil;
Sparrow.currentController.view.opaque = YES;
Sparrow.currentController.statsDisplay.blendMode = SP_BLEND_MODE_NONE;
- (BOOL)transparent
return (self.alpha == 0.0f &&
Sparrow.currentController.view.backgroundColor == [UIColor clearColor] &&
Sparrow.currentController.view.opaque == NO);
- (void)render:(SPRenderSupport *)support
[SPRenderSupport clearWithColor:self.color alpha:self.alpha];
[support setupOrthographicProjectionWithLeft:0 right:self.width top:0 bottom:self.height];
[super render:support];
- (SPDisplayObject*)hitTestPoint:(SPPoint*)localPoint
if (!self.visible || !self.touchable)
return nil;
SPDisplayObject *target = [super hitTestPoint:localPoint];
if (!target && !self.transparent) target = self;
return target;
@implementation GLKView (Transparency)
- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if (!Sparrow.stage.transparent)
return [super pointInside:point withEvent:event];
for (UIView *subview in [self subviews])
if ([subview pointInside:[subview convertPoint:point fromView:self] withEvent:event])
return YES;
if (Sparrow.currentController.doubleOnPad && ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad))
point.x /= 2;
point.y /= 2;
return ([Sparrow.stage hitTestPoint:[SPPoint pointWithX:point.x y:point.y]])?YES:NO;
@implementation SPViewController (Transparency)
- (SPStatsDisplay *)statsDisplay
return [self valueForKey:@"_statsDisplay"];
@implementation SPStatsDisplay (Transparency)
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init]))
SPQuad *background = [[SPQuad alloc] initWithWidth:45 height:17 color:0x0];
[self addChild:background];
self.blendMode = (Sparrow.stage.transparent)?SP_BLEND_MODE_AUTO:SP_BLEND_MODE_NONE;
[self addEventListener:@selector(onAddedToStage:) atObject:self
[self addEventListener:@selector(onEnterFrame:) atObject:self
return self;
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